Theo’s first national series race at Cyclopark, Gravesend with Honor on filming duties for Monument Cycling and BC

    Honor’s photos of the event can be freely downloaded for personal use here, with credit to her and @monument_hq

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    Hey going welcome back to the video as you find me here in the middle of my ramp up to Sweet Spot warmer head of my first ever National trophy round my first ever national series race and I’m terrified I’m so nervous we’re also here on a bit of like filming duties with

    Monument much like we did for the last round to Bay but this one I’m racing it so H is juggling two cameras and looking after me so might be a little bit disjointed I’ll turn my bars as much as I can if you’re new here we make videos

    About bikes a lot of Cy cross so you should subscribe if you like bikes and cyc cross next up on is going to show us some highlights of the earlier races some of the nice Clips we got and then we’ll smoothly transition into video racing biggest race in my Life H EXP He To Do I know I’m Going last queen never girl you lost it I just me and you were in struggle together w we I just kept making mistakes like it’s the only thing I kept doing I felt good but the mistakes man like work so hard to try catch you that was good fun

    Though please be so proud of yourself it’s just it’s it’s really hard life is quite hard at the moment and I I’ve never really tried that hard with cycling before and now I’m trying really hard and then it’s really hard to balance everything and then you just you

    Know you want more don’t you and it’s a home race it feels a bit silly when you’re like when you’re like it’s just a race mean Millie cousins is there and I’m crying because I didn’t do very well and this isn’t my job this is my hobby

    And I’m actually the thing I’m saddest about is that I didn’t have fun and that’s because this is what I do for fun and I didn’t have fun I think you’ll find that that’s incredibly relatable with work being quite stressful at the moment I’m not good at switching off and

    So I came into today T and I really wanted to have fun and then were bits that I did like there were some bits where I got better at riding it but then other bits I just was like what are you doing just like I like I CR a straight

    Line as I say completely relatable and it’s like tense especially it doesn’t matter how good of a bike Handler you are if you’re feeling tense that translates don’t beat yourself up over it it’s just disappointing and it’s a lot of feelings I know very valid but proud of

    Yourself yeah really really good course it’s quite hard course you Rod that really really well like better than like almost everyone else I rode that really really well it goes off over there and I was like this exists it’s a long course really long stairs seem a

    Bit cool tripped over on caught my studs all right cool I watch my bike car car it’s not like anything I’ve got the chance to ride before of course like so much effort has gone into building such a amazing course big Up Hugh Williams he’s responsible

    For a lot of the course building it is insane it’s so fun I really want to ride it big like proper deep ruts which are loads of fun to ride sketchy bits fast bits the one thing I’m getting out of this is like it’s a fun course so

    Regardless of how well I do I can like test myself and do well against the course Emma rather poignantly said her biggest regret was that she didn’t enjoy it so I think just enjoy and fun is fast [Applause] anyway we’ll find out should be fun the steps are horrible

    Yeah 47 steps did you stay on your bike on the open cord yeah yeah yeah I’m on 2021 PSI what tize limus of course I won’t be able to favorite you as I normally would when filming cuz I have to get good coverage of everyone but but hopefully you’ll be at the Front Sh sh We without the pain we without the paint we about to C out the P s Bad all right come On The we about the about to it’s the end of our day I very long and very stressful and very intense day how was your race I don’t know really to be honest like I I can’t really like I rode really badly right I fell off a lot it

    Was like it really reminded me of my first ever cross race do you know what I mean like this is my first ever cross race at this level it was a new experience first time doing it it you know like it was hard was like the hardest thing I’ve ever raced rode

    Really badly because I was just like completely gassed the heart rate was through the roof so I didn’t ride as well as I could have done I didn’t think I did the course Justice I didn’t ride it as well as I wanted to but it was the

    First time racing at this level the first time doing bike changes it was the first time doing everything so like how how can I be upset how can I be that mad I mean George did really well George did really well did he yeah sorry right and he only had one bike I

    Knew that I needed to be calmer and that would have meant that I could have ridden better but it’s whatever I’ve done the whole thing now it’s my first one and now and now it’s like cool that’s done that’s always going to be a

    Bit of a show it’s always going to be a bit rubbish because it’s the first time ever doing anything and then the more you do the more you get used to it I’ve got like lots of training to do to get faster and I need to run I need to run

    Yeah 47 steps as well yeah yeah that running was horrible steps weren’t so bad it was just like the slogging it off everything I wanted to ride off it was so bad watching you on the open course versus watching you in the race I was like who is that that’s not my boyfriend

    Completely different riding you’ve got to ride within your abilities and like I was getting so caught up in the moment that I was just pushing a little bit too far I I know it well it’s fine whatever other than that it was a good time we’re

    Not going to do a GoPro video cuz I’m so embarrassed about how it work make sure you subscribe to the channel if you want to see more from us let us know should we come back and do the entire series next year oh what cuz that one so Well


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