Regarded as Britain’s most versatile bike rider, Tom Pidcock joins presenter and former national road champion Matt Stephens for the Sigma Sports Cafe Ride.

    Setting off on a drizzly morning in late November, Matt and Tom rode an easy route to a local cafe near his winter residence in Belgium. There, they discussed Tom’s goals for a jam-packed racing season in 2024, with plenty of laughs about aerodynamic vegetables and the hierarchy of biscuits along the way.

    The ride concluded with a trip to the town of Boom to visit a cycling museum and to tackle a lap of the cyclocross circuit, where Tom won a World Cup race in 2022.

    For more information on this Cafe Ride episode, please visit:

    Shop the bike and kit Matt Stephens is using in this episode:

    Watch previous Cafe Ride episodes:

    With thanks to:

    Red Bull
    The INEOS Grenadiers Cycling Team
    Universal Colours

    Tom Pidcock
    Bethany Zajac
    Andrew McQuaid
    Trinity Sports Management
    Pippa Loveard
    Gwen Baynham
    Media Motos
    Wielermuseum De Velodroom


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    This might be the last scene or it could be a scene of one of us falling off the last copyright M EV us come on mat you being Chast wait what about a little fog came out here it Boys what you talking about If you weren’t a bike rider Tom what would you be you reckon be in prison right just a few hundred meters away from the home of the lead’s laser beam otherwise known as Tom pig coock I’m going to be bazingo MTB Champion that’s mountain bike has got to say for

    Himself you’re going to get attacked by my attack dogs now attack dogs oh they’re so cute see hey Tommy right good to see you bud you’re all right come on I can’t believe we’ve got the Sun out for the ride mate only you’re very lucky yeah it’s I’ve

    Been here for 3 weeks it’s rained every single day apart from yesterday do you like riding in the rain well the first week it’s all right second week get a little bit fed up yeah and the third week it’s uh yeah did I did over two

    Hours sft the other day my longest ever that’s me Fair ever ride oh I’m just gonna have to formally meet what’s the names of these little uh acorn acorn acorn come all I’ve just got to let me just Acorn is little one they’re a bit they’re a bit confused I haven’t seen so

    Many people in their house before Oh and and this one is called Chestnut oh my God that’s so cute this is going to be unusual for a cafe ride Tom cuz you haven’t picked the ride we’ve picked it well or Nile’s actually done it for you

    So it’s not that 35 34 not 30 35k 25 oh 25k 25k good first legs about 16k yeah um to a cafe which you picked yeah so that’s all good I won’t tell you the next B actually but we end up somewhere quite interesting but yeah it’s not

    Going to be an overly long ride and that’s because I I don’t really do uh Cafe rides when I’m here so no and you know when the weather’s bad just either go out come home or go on T so yeah that’s fair enough so we’re going to

    We’re going to go we’re going to go but it’s good cuz I want AAL Cafe so okay good stuff but we we had we’ve had this out before but for people that don’t know you don’t drink coffee do you so that that’s see you’re not not a c you

    Like cake which is good although you don’t drink coffee could you make me a coffee can I ask uh I actually can make a coffee this machine just especially for when you for when you come Matt what what sort of coffee do you want could I

    Have a just a what kind of milk have you got regular milk o milk we we’ve got normal milk and we’ got uh coconut milk I tell you what I’ll have a coconut milk flat white if that’s okay That’s all right that’s not bad it’s not super hot but it’s actually quite nice and coconut milk is naturally sweet do you know what yeah do you know what I’ll give him a strong six and a half seven that picture of I didn’t put that there actually who put that there Beth

    Put that on there yeah but that’s really lovely though isn’t it mate I mean that was a Bonkers ride wasn’t it yeah it was pretty cool I forgot how big the crowds were yeah that is like when you packed in mate you got kids or whatever you’re your granddad living in Belgium maybe

    Maybe you got your own Pub laed that on the wall in your Cafe wouldn’t you yeah that’s pretty cool but you want in so many different we’ll talk about it later about just winning in different environments but that is absolutely gorgeous isn’t it one of my favorite races maybe my favorite

    Race to be honest I think it’s becoming a lot of people’s like races favorite race and fans it is almost like well the sixth Monument really isn’t it I think it’s almost overtaking lomber maybe I don’t know in terms of popularity I’ve never watched lomy in my life haven’t

    You no don’t tell Tedy which what you riding today just my road bike just that one yeah cuz this it’s my world Champs cross bike from last year so I mean just going to keep hold of it aren’t you obviously no well this I was GNA do some training on that before

    I go uh to to mior on training camp It’s really because uh my new ones have just been built they’re ready now but yeah I wanted one not already what’s your first cross race going to be uh herent tiles okay 16th of December all right okay and

    Then this is a gravel gravel bike gravel bike can it yeah gravel world at some point me just to get the set um well maybe yeah are you cleaning your bike straight away kind of person or leave it till later to be honest what you like before I I never really cleaned my

    Bike but actually now this winter all right yesterday I didn’t it was sunny but actually still got pretty day yeah um now I come home and I give it a wash quickly straight away like we’re quite fortunate to just it’s a privilege is it it’s like that’s a 12 Grand bike and

    Yeah look at it yeah if you bought that no one would leave it like that so you no yeah we become um clean bike clean mind my dad always said if you look after your bike your bike will look after you so this is your little gymnasium

    Yeah it’s supposed to be but it just kind of end up being a dumping the ground that’s cool though is it it’s nice stuff I mean I know some like Fabian kelar a cono we’ve got like rooms like almost like a mini Museum just to

    Reflect back on the it is cool I have everything I every every Jersey I have a team I ever rode for that’s cool i’ I’ve got something similar yeah just kep one of each yeah and then you obious got what these ones in mud on are they

    Significant wins uh no they’re just from m one of them yeah they’re from the two M races I did at the end of the year in right so yeah the snowy one where I I punctured twice I was fifth but the other one is my only win as a world

    Champion of mountain bikes right and then the other one I think is from the tour this year very cool to have that something you can hold and remember it’s just massive important is it imagine in 20 years how like bikes from 20 years ago they just they look so old now they yeah

    Like imagine how old those bites are going to look in 20 years I know you might be still riding mate no you won’t be might be doing 2036 Olympic satire after after five yeah five Cycles that’s my plan blood although who knows maybe I go longer there and there’s the Strada

    Trophy yeah I RCS all the all the RCs Italian they do like their trophies don’t know the Italians yeah that’s Lovely isn’t it this is my medal from from Le just chilling on there just that’s so cool can I can I flip that trophy around yeah yeah yeah got be really careful

    Now oh it’s almost like a big steering wheel isn’t it see there you go the old Stato essentially falling on your head mate or your shoulders that’s a cool trophy that was Bonkers when he went on that descent I can’t even remember V did you you didn’t that wasn’t a winning mov

    Plann it’s like let’s just see what happens kind of move wasn’t it the first year I wrote that’s when the race kicked off so that’s what I just kind of assumed was going to happen and then as away with betol and boli yeah and and

    Bety all said to me at the top don’t attack me on The Descent otherwise I’m not going to work for you but I was like yeah but I need to you know push them a bit there free time so I just kind of sent it down to the scent and then they

    Never caught me up the next the other side and you must have carried so much momentum because you caught a motorbike and pass the motorbike didn’t you I don’t I didn’t think obviously that’s what happens when you’re in such a good day I didn’t think I was riding that

    Hard but they never caught me and then I kind of was like had to decide whether I just committed or waited what did they say in the team car were they like was there like a there must have been the moment where okay do we just wait or do

    We go and did you just give yourself the green think I don’t think there was fully knowing what was they were fully known what was going on yeah uh and I don’t know if I was out of signal I didn’t really hear that much in the radio I don’t remember hearing much so

    You just that decision was made bang and off you went nearly got caught 7 seconds with about 2k to go I was like oh my God and then you just managed to just find something else that was brilliant win what a great race though that is hold on

    A minute what’s this giant Duck sorry there’s so much Co there’s so much cool stuff in it from the cross cross races SED by XTO they they give Ducks as prizes oh got got two ducks so cool this so this is so cycling though isn’t it mate yeah there you

    Go this is our motor facing route okay this way so how what where does that take you then how how far would you typically do a motor placing session then I think it’s like 40 40 45k okay and uh yeah it’s like 45 minutes 45 right yeah it’s also

    The landscape here though isn’t it as well as like you talk about the people and how cycl is embedded in the culture there’s like there mud it’s kind of yeah mud that you’re getting your face yeah I’m getting absolutely covered here but that’s again call it Belgian toothpaste aren’t they

    Toothpaste you got your first cross race in a couple of weeks something you’re 16th you’re saying yeah how much specific stuff work are you going to do ahead of that will you have to get out and do something or are you now so we know we don’t really need to speak too

    Much about your versatility we know that mate but how how much personally do you have to invest in right okay I need do this amount of work or is it quite seamless for you no for cross I need to put in more work than than anything else

    Okay a time trial as well yeah so we’re working quite a lot on the time trial now yeah spending more time on that bike but the cross bike yeah I need to put in uh to work work to be competitive yeah okay um like I can quite quickly pick up you know

    The I I kind of refer to it like macro and micro skills macro skills like like a course like the mer where you just send it out some big descent yeah that I can do quite easily I do that tomorrow yeah I haven’t ridden my cross bike since January right okay wow but

    Um but then like the like the the cross like cross Corners sand all this sort of stuff this is all actually that’s difficult right I need to practice that you need to retune yourself to it yeah and that’ll take a few weeks like a few a few weeks but

    Also quite a few races I find right okay this isn’t normally the sort of chat I do on Cafe rid but I’m am going to ask you your crank length what what cranks you running 170 170 I didn’t so the time this goes out there’ll be another video out Tedy

    Pogach 165 yeah well that’s it we we’re probably going to be going that direction too that’s so interesting it’s so interesting cuz honestly it blew me away but then when you see him accelerate with that high Cadence accelerations yeah yeah it kind of and it’s more arrow is it a little

    Bit as well you get less exposed with the thigh in the wind exactly more Arrow and it also uh means you can kind of yeah get lower yeah and and do you know the old myth of longer crank give you more torque yeah it’s kind of well for

    My understanding false in that your Cadence just increases you go short or crank length yeah your Cadence just increases well I mean TT value already tested 160 so seriously yeah and how did that feel cuz you’re a smaller fellow anyway so you you could adapt to that I guess a

    Little bit more 160 bloody hell but now next year I want to go I want to go full gas I’m going to change my the yeah pre-tour a little bit yep and you know I’m not going to do as much mountain bike I’m going to add in another stage

    Race and you know I’m going to go full gas cuz I think yeah this year with a relatively you know not imperfect preparation yeah I was pretty good for the first half yeah I have confidence that next year I can do a good a good

    Tour a good tour fly me so full gas for the tour just see how you come out the other end of it is in in this team like if I’m it’s not like I can do what I want for 3 week we no like you have a responsibility either

    To work for your teammates or yeah to be a leader yeah it’s not like I can just do what I want and then oh yeah today I fancy going to the break kindy to win stage yeah sure well we’ve got some proper Belgium weather now mate really haven’t we yeah

    Unfortunately it’s not too cold uh well not many sugar are we no exactly there you go as long as you’re wearing the right clothes it’s all right of course it is it’s just that I’m really a big fan kind of the duv and just warmth but yeah but

    Then you enjoy it even more waterproof though I yeah that’s a no I should maybe I should change my tactic for what I wear out on the ride won’t be very Arrow either would it be all over the place mate wouldn’t it in the wrong Gear look this is a big cabbage field it’s like red cabbage what are we what are we doing a farming show what’s your favorite vegetable you have to choose one veg peas peas yeah good lad that’s a quality veg with a super Arrow as well one nice Arrow veg that by the

    AR well they’re just little aren’t they yeah but carrots look like rocket ship so surely carrots actually carrots are more RAR than Peas I Reckon that was a nice win in braans wasn’t it putting away out yeah and then I still I’m D and I’m still I was commentating on amst mate and I called I thought we time won it and then even when they showed the photo and if I know

    I know W is a big fan of the ca ride so sorry mate but I think Tom did roll you on that day mate no comment no Comment tell you what I’ve noticed that I don’t I no we’re only on a little steady ride to the Cathy mate having a Nat but I’ve noticed every single Corner you’re naturally gearing down and just accelerating out with real hot high Cadence rather like I I’ve got every

    Corner totally wrong and like on Club runs are going out nobody really thinks about accelerating out of a corner it’s just it’s a small detail that you probably aren’t even thinking about so every time you come out of a corner even actually I do think about it because

    It’s quite like you’re always stopping the starting yeah when you riding here yeah unless you ride on the canals so it’s actually good practice to yeah yeah you’re just getting yourself back up to speed yeah I’ve just noticed it cuz i’ every single scene out of the corner I’ve been

    Dropped we’re finally here after doing a like a 3K detour which was good cuz we did a 6K 6K detour and relatively high speed uh a couple of little cyc cross sections for me anyway and a couple of little chases we are finally at the cafe coffee and food that’s all we

    Need coffee and Food oh you’re just eating with a fork like a classic cake eater so I’ve looked at it like it’s a meal don’t really need to do you I but there’s so much going on got grapes um blueberries raspberries myrtles what are they what red red current Red current

    Probably Tom farming show now it’s a cooking show look if you’re riding by a field with loads of interesting veg in it you’re going to talk about interesting what they just classically Bel would really you know what I have grown to like after like going to America and also in Belgium brussel

    Sprouts brussel sprouts crispy they’re so nice I deep fried brussel sprouts in in America that was really nice deep fried brussel sprouts that was um I’m just trying to trying to process that this is turned into a cooking show now you should they be Tom poock goes around Belgian CAF

    Reviewing cakes I’d watch that show look this is good so this Cafe it’s going to go on my uh I have a list on my phone on Google Maps oh yeah want to go and then when I’m gone and it’s good then it goes in a new list that’s

    Good so you got two lists do you have a list like I need to go to this Cafe let’s have a look saved in Cafe’s list and then see look you go on the map so you’ve got loads of CA that you want to go to Paris then

    Pandora Barcelona Jona it says my car is parked in Jona is it no no okay and then you once you’ve been at the CAF you populate them across to and with to a list that like these these are good yeah 362 places in want to go and 122 in the best

    Places that’s quite an that’s amazing what what what what drip drove you to do that I guess because like when I’m training stuff I don’t really go out for food or anything so when I have time off I want to make the most of it and

    Just go to the best places it’s very good like curating you are plowing through that mate you’re I mean what what are you well I’m chatting well your chat I think the chat’s been about 50/50 but you’re eating very much like accelerate out of Corners you get in a habit like when you

    When you’re training you come home you’re hungry you just want to eat or you race you know you get back you want to eat quick so you go lie down or go for a massage or whatever just generally don’t have time to take do you I I still I I do eat too

    Quickly but it’s I think it’s left over from being B being a cyclist and wanted to get food down you smashing food down basically I used to be um like very simple food when I was younger so when I went to the cafe on Saturdays um my I always ordered toast

    And I used to Smash Up the sugar cubes and just put the sugar on the toast so I sugar toast sugar toast like French toast but from Yorkshire like Yorkshire toast yeah with butter I don’t know if maybe had a little bit of butter otherwise if you got if you just put it

    Falls off it just rolls off that’s I think that’s what I figured out after the first two weeks okay and then I um you need like a surface to to stick it to yeah was that because when you’re a kid as well when you go in the CAF quite

    Often you you don’t have a lot of money you run cakes expensive my dad was always there but right I didn’t like scon or coffee or anything so so he did not top your own so I just got some toast and then put some sug sugar on it I’ve eat toast

    Now I’ve still got quite a lot of mine to go I’ll help you finish there do you want no you can have a bit what if you don’t go go on have that all right you’re growing L not wait you need to have that all right

    That’s right go have that I’m I’m not going to say now cuz you’re you’re eating that big a bit on pressure I’ve never been half wheed in a cafe like this before half whe in a cafe yeah that’s see what you’re most looking forward to then 2024 mate and we talked about a

    Little bit about your intended program for I mean your words were full gas at the tour and then just adapt and see how the Olympic Games but what what are you particularly looking forward to pretty excited about next year to be honest cross this year

    Winter is just kind of you know doing it for the for one it is yeah when you say for what it is what do you mean by that 1 Hour full gas yeah you mean you can’t do that in training no so you’re replicating it a little bit out there

    Out of all those Corners never just slightly no I I my um explosivity my top end is not really not there yet okay and that’s going back to what you’re talking about you’ve got a little bit of specifity to do in terms of that I’ve

    Got two weeks to to get I don’t need to be 100% but it would be nice to and for me and cross I need to be 100% to be competitive so if I’m not I’m not going to be racing at the front which is when

    I enjoy it yeah so there is that balance and I also want to come out mentally fresh that’s why I’m not racing the worlds because it’s World Champs is not free you can’t just turn up is that so the world Champs quite often you get Riders not not riding or deciding not to

    Ride a world champion it’s based on the course but it isn’t determined by the course it’s your program next year is determining you’re not going to ride the world this year is yeah I also don’t really like the course okay so it’s a a little bit of both okay but to do what

    You do this era you go to a race you’re not going to go to a race to train you’re going to go there and Target either a stage win the overall or winning the bik race or having a very specific role for a teammate so you must

    Look at a program think this is I need to be on it for this race and I want I want to give my everything to it is that the way you you look at it like of course now I have responsibilities for the team yeah of of course like at the

    End of the day it’s a job now and I have that responsibility but at the same time like in my head and my like team around me’s head that we’ve kind of yeah we made a plan of how to achieve everything that I want to achieve and also pardon

    Me being too fast what the team want to achieve like everything so far in my career that I thought yeah I can do that I can win that I have done but but I’m like realistic in it like at the moment I don’t feel that that about the tour but it doesn’t mean

    That you know in two years I won’t do you still feel when you come out of every year I mean obviously you you consistently done mountain biking Road and cross every year do you come out of every year and feel physically stronger I mean cuz a lot ofers sometimes after

    My first grand tour of the Welter I came out my resting heart rate dropped by like five my like base Watts that I would just ride at when I went out training increased by like 30 it was like bretty nuts then when you go to the

    Tour you just come out you’re a bit cooked yeah it’s it’s a bit different and yeah now I just kind of feel like nothing really getss easier but it just kind of you just go faster in the end of the yeah yeah it’s not a bad collection

    Of rainbow jersey there so far mate is it really can you off the top of your head how many have you got seven okay that’s that’s that’s I only know that because I was working out the other day cuz I want to get them all

    Framed and then put up in in Andora so that’ be cool yeah so seven that’s well six and then the ebike one oh yeah the electric ebike one yeah yeah I think yeah two Junior two and 23 two Elite and one ebike seven okay yeah

    Seven that’s not too bad is it and an Olympic gold as well that’s not bad is it no I just I mean on the day that you won um that must have been nuts mate all your a lot of your family your friends there as well um what was that like because it

    The lad who was second was it Sam glaze he was the the world the world the world yeah the worlds in up in up in Scotland yeah I mean the one you really wanted to win M obviously uh bitterly like more than bitterly disappointed last year yeah but

    That must have been nuts yeah it was it didn’t feel like a home worlds though do you think it did I think it was just I don’t know depends what we think of home because we’re not Scot we British but we’re not Scots maybe maybe have it

    Didn’t feel like uh the scale of it maybe was yeah it was it wasn’t like didn’t didn’t feel like the buildup didn’t feel maybe that’s cuz I was away out of it you know I was away from it when did you drop in when did you drop

    Into uh I think like six days before because I also did the short track of course yeah yeah it didn’t really feel like like a like a home worlds but in some ways that was good like I only knew I was going to win after like half a lap

    To go cuz yeah Sam was coming and I was blowing oh you were blowing with I was blowing because because I I think because like the few days before I started getting nervous and you start burning through calories and carvs like nothing else so I had like kind of my

    Normal pre-race routine like quite like clean food and not really anything else I don’t think I had enough to be honest even though it’s an hour and a half being a little bit in deficit before your normal fuel is in okay yeah yeah and then I finished and

    Like none of my family was there and I was just like I was like mad like where are they I wanted to go and find them cuz I’d you know I’ve been away i’ done a tour yeah I spent a few days afterwards with my my girlfriend with Beth and then then

    I’ gone away training again for two weeks and gone straight to Scotland so I’m not seen them in like two months yeah that’s F just done now no it’s it’s a it’s going to be busy year for you mate isn’t it yeah so I like it though

    Isn’t it yeah a couple years ago when we chatted in Manchester um for those little little little shoots we did foros I asked you a question they did didn’t put it in the video and so I’m going to ask you again cuz we’re going to put it

    Out so you’re out on your bike you might remember this you might not um You probably blanked it out actually you’re out on your bike you get a call it’s Dave B on the other end yeah he’s like Tom you’re like yeah everything all

    Right he’s like well got a bit of a cash flow issue um it’s all good we’ll sort it but we can only pay you for the next couple of months in biscuits um what what biscuit do you choose to be paid in um I mean you can sell them as well you can

    It be like boxes and because obviously you’re well paid you know athlete but the equivalent in biscuits a lot of B probably C several lorries only only a few packets um well my favorite biscuits always been digestives plain right I used to smash them when I was a kid come home from

    School five digested biscuits the Fab ly a twirl and five oranges and maybe if I still hungry specific and maybe if I was still no roughly all right maybe three oranges or seven oranges or five you know right or 10 digestives or three could I think as a kid you just Whack

    Him Down don’t you you put in your mouth hole as well no a bit slower then so so digestives or hobnobs is what is what going to be your answer to Dave fair enough right let’s finish off the ride all right let’s go then Buffed up to the max he said he’s got Cafe legs Why Stop of the cafe it is like it’s Cafe legs and Cafe Bonk as well is it you get that little sugar Spike I get the I get that so bad the sugar the sugar knock he start floating like this

    If you weren’t a bike rider Tom what would you be you reckon be in prison you you still like early mid 20s are you still do you ever sit in a moment of contemplation and think what you might be doing in 15 or 20 years time does

    That ever cross your mind or are you you live live in the moment The Grass Is Always Green is it yeah totally oh if I want a cyclist I have some so much time for stuff yeah oh if I want a cyclist I I won’t be living in I don’t know if i’

    Be living in a nice house and you know get this opportunity to come around the world oh M I’m floating that banana bread is completely that banana bread is like I can’t feel my legs mate I can’t feel my head probably for the other no I’m I’m getting Dro I’m getting dropped

    Now I’m oh this is this is a we’re on a climb hold on we’re on a climb I better get out the shadow this is a slight drag this is the uh the last climb of the day the slot the slot clip the slot clip the last climb this is a climb or

    The v l clim clim if we have to come back over this bridge yeah this this we’re actually so this is a climb of about 0.4% Gradient Who’s that guy coming up to the cycl Museum of Boom it’s called The V room room called the theel room theel room oh look at this yeah hello hey here we go V room The Muse look hey thank you for waiting for us no problem we’re here

    Brilliant this is great first time you come here yeah yeah uh we have more than 1,500 signed um jerseys of course we don’t have the space here to put all of them on display and at this moment we have um um also a temporary collection

    Uh which team is the woman in cycle goes from um ion Anders to lot Ki really cool nice some warm on it in the winter it’s warm yeah it’s warm a Wonder pool you probably know y nice this is like a like something in an art gallery this is beautiful L yeah

    Yeah we have a few thing from L from the track cycling here as well and it goes on it goes on we have uh here uh this is lud but we also have uh the official from Luci I think oh for the tour from the tour this one here just quickly this one

    Here my my my father bought this this jersey as yeah from and we in the 1980s he used to ride it all the time okay and the the guy here he uh is a member of our cycling team cool he Liv in the area love yeah my dad’s loves that Jersey

    Yeah and and here the same world champion from Eddie MX you see still a cotton Jersey this one uh is the a bit later from tomon very nice you’re loving this design aren’t you mate oh yeah think you get something installed AR you who who who made

    This have to put you in touch no it’s um a company from gent that did the design uh for for the museum okay guys thank you very much take care it was good good that yeah I’m going to I’m going to uh inquire about those nice cabinets that really cool it

    Reminded me of going like a i Reon be well expensive you have all your jerseys mate oh I lovely oh no Nice you’re not riding this sh mate you want it in the rainbow bands we saw the post of you outside with this is the entrance to the Circuit boom maybe I should have brought my crossb so I could do some C go I’m really worried right boom cycle across course

    Where Tom one last year in the rainbow bands a Fitting Place to end our Cafe ride um and we’re just going to see how far we can go but thanks Tom it’s been it’s been an absolute pleasure uh I’ll bump into you sort of next year at Point

    Even in the next couple of weeks but should we just give it a tiny bit of a nudge to see how far we can go go I need practice I’m racing soon we are roaded up aren’t we so we’re going to bid you farewell this might be the last scene or

    It could be a scene of one of us falling off the last the last C my ever do right lead the way so Thomas of Pitcock oh as if I actually made It right you ready yeah hold on let me just I’ll come down with you Right oh my oh look at the speed of him you ready Tom yeah [Applause] go on Tom [Applause] Go On the big ring s’s gone hard they got around there m You wait I little fog came out Oh I think I’m done hold on that the RO it’s actually quite grippy now oh mate that was Diamond it’s good fun cross is it yeah what a way to end it that was that was quite fun I might come training you tomorrow actually yeah

    G that be good ide yeah no no maybe not I just kept putting on the big ring unnecessarily right one last little photo brilliant Tom all right all the best mate thank you you Legend we got to get back on me yeah I I I fell off and a little fart came [Laughter] Out Right you missed a few pretty crisp CX skills there mate over the grass bnny Hoops over who’s that guy Tom spotted himself and he we said we got to stop we’re the only mamal on Earth that drinks milk after being a baby yeah I guess oh yeah good point we

    Just going to have to sack off the continuity cuz I’ve already walked to his house once now walking back with the actual things I need for the [Applause] Ride


    1. Councilor Calls on Investigations into the Source of Organs

      Kaohsiung City Councilor Zhang Boyang

      Kaohsiung City Councilor Zhang Boyang from the Taiwan Statebuilding Party said that legislation opposing organ harvesting is a global movement that spans political parties, nationalities and regions. He explained that it is an honor that the Kaohsiung City Council has caught the train to condemn organ harvesting, and uphold universal human rights. He calls on all counties and cities in Taiwan to join in this movement by passing legislation to punish those who participate in organ harvesting.

      He also said that people should be made aware of the risks of going to China for organ transplants. Some patients ignore the source of organs in order to quickly get an organ, thereby becoming accomplices to murder.

      Councilors Supports Legislation to Stop Live Organ Harvesting

      Kaohsiung City Councilor Tang Yongyu

      Kaohsiung City Councilor Tang Yongyu from the Democratic Progressive Party stated, “The objective of this resolution is to ensure that in the process of organ transplants, the source of organs comply with human rights standards. Although the council is not the law enforcer, we represent the people. Through this resolution, we convey our determination and attitude towards upholding human rights.”

      Ms. Tang said that currently there is a poster exhibition about the organ harvesting in Kaohsiung Girls Senior High. She welcomes residents to go and see the exhibition to gain a better understanding of the issue. She said everyone needs to uphold human rights.

      Kaohsiung City Councilor Cai Jinyan

      Kaohsiung City Councilor Cai Jinyan said, “Live organ harvesting is a severe oppression of life. It must be condemned and stopped. I support legislation to restrain such illegal acts.

      “I hope that there will be a comprehensive set of relevant laws and regulations in regards to organ transplants, enabling people to be aware of and have assurance that organs come from legal sources.

      “One should not sustain life through killing another healthy being. I hope such evil acts of organ harvesting will disappear among humans.”

    2. It's a good thing I watched this episode after Christmas and we had plenty of cakes left in the fridge otherwise I would go crazy….. seeing how Tom had the cake…it was almost like the German officer had the apple strudel in Inglorious Bastards

    3. Two great riders on the cafe ride in few weeks time, awesome! If Wout van Aert is a big fan of this show Matt, get him on next that would be something I would look forward to.

    4. I love how he has Pinarellos laying around his house like i have dog toys laying around mine.

      Pidcock is great for this show. We got a cycling show, farm show, and cooking show out of the deal.

    5. Oh Matt gold dust yet again 👍 just on train back from Gavere, I just needed a t shirt that said “I rode with Tom Pidcock’s Dad” …in the 1980’s 😂

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