CRAZY Antique Weapon And Ammunition Found Magnet Fishing #338

    Another amazing day in Bedford. Can’t believe the things we found.

    Hope you enjoy

    Head over to our Facebook page also find us on Twitter and Instagram.

    If you want to contact us then our email address is NORTHANTSMAGNETFISHING@GMAIL.COM

    The magnets we always use are from Online Magnets. Link below

    We also have a discount code for them. Enter Northants10 at the checkout to receive 10% off.

    Also I have my own branded magnet Integrity. It Has a 1700kg pull force and comes complete with a carry case and Northants Blue Rope. Available at the link below.

    All The Equipment we use to create our videos.


    Evo 80 Small lightweight magnet that really packs a punch. Paired with 30 meters of rope giving you the ability to throw further to search those untouched places.

    Evolution Great magnet not weighing too much so the ability to throw great distances

    Evo Xtreme Not for the faint hearted. Big and heavy and really strong. Make sure you don’t go alone because if you get stuck on something big you’re gonna struggle.

    The Beast

    200kg double sided


    Wireless Microphone

    Dual Bracket

    Gopro memory card




    Camera Bracket

    Gopro Hero 11

    Gopro batteries and charger

    Editing software

    Good morning it’s Sunday it’s 0 degre it’s cold it’s 0 degrees and this car W start this morning side to pick him up but anyway we’ve come back to a spot that we did about a year ago y was about a year ago and um in all fairness it did

    P very well so what can we do we’ve got to come back and have another go because we don’t want to leave nothing behind cuz we Ain left nothing go over that side so if you want to have a go you’re welcome but anyway let’s get the

    Magnets in get on we got some great history around here had some amazing finds last time and let’s hope for a really good day I know what that is temp t l I think it’s one of them Road lamp signs stands cuz they were really big weren’t they those ones yeah and it’s

    Yellow so yeah so construction work of some description and a screwdriver I got a spring bik chain what you got scissors murder weapons there we go got me Halo scaffold clamp a lump oh well it’s not a bad start is it and I’ve just found the frame of a

    Gun it’s a bit bit strip down that is but excellent sa Street R alarm right that cup thing I with a lump on the back the FL from um cooker yeah I got another one and I still don’t know what they are it’s one of them tap it

    And then that look really suspicious when that come up it’s just a bit of P fair enough hey there’s not much of that left is there what a it was a bike I got a funny little brass n thing little BR bit so pp3 battery and a

    Bolt L chain right around a brick I thought that was a padlock some sequins and a bit of cloth that’s a nice bck is it I don’t know a boat that’s a chunky old boat look that is you know what that was from from Titanic no the Bedford Bell

    Oh that’s a sadd on has the insert in it is it you know the one we used we found like the hot block that’s what that is that’s a sad on yeah well that is a sadon that is one of those ones that has the little hot Stone

    Put in it but I’ve never actually seen one of them no well there the first time for every there’s another first first for us anyway I got me first KNE for the day you need handle for that um got like a nled handle yeah not as cool as my knife though but look

    Just a couple of randoms said for schools always what haps I think someone’s trying to tell you you need to grow a bit and look who do you remember this person it’s been a long time and AJ’s just found a an old tin opener oh is he doing

    Breakfast and then I found the handle off of something oh always a lot of handles magnet on the floor there you got a knife what AJ got a little knife he wants to tap it off want just to show it before he destroys it there we go he’s tapped it off it was

    Definitely a knife a fence pin a bik lock it’s that time again it’s Broly time [Laughter] look even works as well but it drips on you now if I remember rightly this was the spot where we had our knife challenge we did so so far

    AJ’s had a pen knife yeah you’ve had a North blade yeah and I’ve got a North so it’s one one each to me and a half to you there’s no ass when it comes to knives knife is a knife oet b b with a spike on it battery Car Park season ticket from

    Bristol that probably means somebody’s wallet or purse went in there what’s that Pottery called again ah the blue stuff I can’t remember remember stuck in a bit of pop anyway you got some pot I bit a threy bar and an old battery need up or something little off something [Laughter]

    Else that is I thought it was a ren out but then no I think that’s like Leland is it yeah from the old orinal ones yeah yeah it’s probably an old leand key back in the day and they used to make the engines blocks for those about 20 mi

    From here oh did they yes The Foundry was there where they used to make them all cuz the water tower is still there with a l badge on it oh okay there we go bit of local information look at that mate actually don’t know like a flange off or something broken bit big

    Alloe must be Weir what that class is rivers in Birmingham streams got some bar wire and today Phil’s going to break his River virginity cuz he hasn’t ever fished a river not a proper one he did a pond mermaid you remember mermaid yeah so I got a hob now boot

    Shoe rles County good BL me and I think that’ll make me knife number two it’s like two halfs now that’s not AB pen it’s got a pearl handle on it rles count rles County I remember them yeah best before date I think it’s well past that but that looks like a nice

    Ivory handle pen knife spanner time I’ve got a pizza slice or a cake slice H had a pizza cut from the other side now I’ve got a bit I don’t know cake slice or pizza slice that’s different murder weapon bit of pipe locking mechanism got a wing nut and a Wingnut yeah okay so I’ve got a belt that’s pretty and whatever that is go nice belt that look at that you it will I I definitely have them running away rucko sport umbrella not very [Applause] sporty what you got there I don’t know there’s some bird in the car look that strange triangle

    Thing you got a shield oh span first spanner first yeah oh go back a bit go back I’ve got an idea right hang on stay there there we go look there we go he’s armed and dangerous he’s got his shield and his piz are SL according to these isn’t

    Rusty holes these are bullet holes you didn’t have bullets with [Laughter] Shields it’s a little of Sunny can it around them AR it yeah cut out for something H not sure though yeah don’t know whether we shown that but it’s a um fence bracketing po went through there that went on down bit I think Aaron found that I’ve got a an old glasses case

    You’re going to have to tap it and unwrap it a’t you they’re still in there yeah and they’re still in there look he’s got himself nice set of glasses they’re children’s ones must be ajs piece of random and a bit of bar and bag shrap yeah and bag strap and fishing rod

    And that random thing so it goes in the corner somewhere it’s got like a corner bracket on it I a got a clue what that is probably an old ashtray or something spoon murder weapons number two now I got a fork you got a knife no Fork spoon in there now

    Look you got a f and what are you holding there Aaron 50 c TI cool things are looking up Phil’s had a really good find so if you a’t checked out his video going have a look cuz he’s just got something really cool spoon looks like a little purse

    Solid it’s a battery it’s been squashed oh it’s a squash battery that there looks like a little little handbag but it is actually a squash battery get the I got another knife number three that’s pretty out at that is but it’s a knife Aron will probably say half but it’s the

    Knife what you got then got some keys they’re old looks like reminds of a knife I got this thing some brackety thing one of them got some more chain he’s working on the Chain razor blade tub the clip and that strange thing which I’m going to

    Tap um so I’ve tapped it and it’s still I don’t know stick your finger up on my camera how rude rather cross Christ almighty it’s heavy really heavy might be military don’t no that’s what you call a kettle look at the size of that if Terry old in this I mean it’s

    Like a semi detach but that is one big old kettle brilliant cast iron one is it yeah good Nick as well it’s a big old it’s another one of these Grill things we keep finding them but we still don’t know what they are another draw locking mechanism chav cam which is quite rare

    Around here hang on just got that weird thing going to give it a tap right it’s going come to me now that is the remains of a boat hook should have another piece coming off there but it’s broke number four okay so I’m one beond give me a minute you squash your pipe

    Yeah what is it with you and Lids today English what Bea be a butcher shop you is yeah aon’s got him have some English beef take a look at your bridge now [Applause] so just pulled up that that’s different Terry’s had that big old chunky

    Key uh he got a new phone old nappy pin very old nappy and a nappy pin and unable told you what you got Aaron oh look at that that’s very similar to the one I got last a few weeks back now but look at

    That if I just put it end on you’ll see that the barrel twists moving fingers yeah so it’s tips to the side to load yeah unbelievable hexagonal Barrel this yours I can’t remember I couldn’t remember got collected didn’t it so I couldn’t tell you funny bit there but there we go that’s cool

    Excellent can’t believe it he’s got a crutch so we got a pair of old Keys screwdriver decorative piece of metal and a Duracell battery I got another key definitely the key spot this put a pipe and more keys another key more keys that’s unusual one’s got lot

    The skelington end on it but more keys another key I got a bag pair of tweezers absolutely disintegrated it’s an old knife yep oh this surprised I got a key I got a shotgun shell no worries Red Cap another another one you’re on the rad caps today ain’t you

    Look that shotgun shell yeah Paul missed that he was around I through that way as well that’s Roman that is that name look yeah got a bit of magnet oh T-Mobile T-Mobile Euro 2004 that’s been in the water like 19 years then yep and that’s the same shape

    As that one I found so mind you know Euro 2004 that’s been there a while tried to wrap up outside the hotel bit down there last week we couldn’t find nothing no oh I got a knife look really good handle grip on it and everything it’s still a brooming knife

    Four all there we go yours quite a nice one yeah if it got the handle on it uh even know some’s more nut um more keys now I’ve got a pair of big nuts now AJ’s got one as well so that’s three nuts so we got an old padlock an old

    Hammerhead and a Screwdriver that’s an old CB so AJ’s got himself an old CV radio back in the old days it’s that is a Scabbard possibly from a bing it is it yeah cuz you can see the the round end on it oh yeah well I’m pretty sure that is a Scabbard from properly

    Baying it or some sort of knife it is hollow you see like a little ball on the end um and I think there’s some brass on there so I would let that dry AJ I wouldn’t hit it look on there yeah looks like brass you got a little wait how long not

    Very not the size of that oh yeah look at that look at that what is it I don’t know mind language oh sorry feel the we of that that’s proper front heavy is it so I’ve just pulled out that I believe it’s probably a flat

    Round it does yeah I don’t know whe it’s just rotted away but I’ve just pulled out that which you can see the brass on it there we go but I’ve got myself around first Ren just here brilliant watch camera minute another one them big knuts how do you get four razor blades

    On one pole no clue unless they’ve come out of a packet look at the coin it’s all like decomposing I want to see how sharp they are really sharp yeah I know but I want to see what you going to cut uh my go no a little

    Bit no yeah show them on the camera that’s it right I’ve got another big nut I keep seem to get loads of these big nuts C on the head on AJ’s magnet all four standing U right right on one pole okay just look weird so my head come up

    And filmed them on the magnet but he got wilon sword yeah I’ve had one made in England look is how they were all stood like in the line in the middle of the mag that’s what they lasted they’re made in England yeah oh that’s really strange uh you got this bit it’s got

    Look a little glass window in it elements in there shaped I don’t know whether it’s probably the front off an old parking meter or something that’s got stinks that’s unusual that is but got a clue what it actually is that that’s prop shank he’s got a shank number five yeah and that

    Is a magazine that looks like it’s from lugas have them to Styler bits on the bottom but it is still loaded with 9 mil bullets you go you can get it Focus there we go you can see the bullets still in the end got the weird Bas I

    Know the lugas have that but it just looks a little bit long for one of them but could well be he needs a sticker there oh all right time and rather a lot of coffee cable what’s on my Bo there we go that’s us on

    YouTube so there we go you can have a look Luger a it got that base but do you want go take a no you carry on do you want to be on YouTube yeah they do right come around here then come around here it’s low H me

    Camera a bit it’s going to be a few weeks but we’ll put you on there right so who have we got here then come on then who have we got talk to the camera talk to the camera what’s your name hello guys if we out I got fishing

    And your name is my name is K right okay so as you can see he wants to have a go I think he needs to start with a smaller magnet though but there we go so in a few weeks you’ll see yourself on YouTube okay do you want to say hello to anyone

    Hello hello we come backa oh yeah some you can with sum of up things big things yes you know when you got it but little things not with this magnet now only the smaller magnets you tend to notice it but go got a large piece of wood with metal Spike on

    It oh pil comb there we go I’ve got a comb just need some air to go with it now they’re the ones now they don’t sell to under 18 year olds because well you suppose they do look a bit dangerous don’t they that is a remains of an Old Road Lantern

    There we go that’s the handle from it don’t make them like they used to 2023 Popp blowing me okay half an Bel a d six well if you’ve lost your range driver key I have found it don’t think it’s going to work now mind you thieves don’t

    Need keys for Range Rovers now cuz they go missing so much anyway got a Range Rover key got a land in that for fishing Duracell battery none of all them big nuts under that is a pen off that’s number five for me so that was another old key till I broke

    It now this is interesting now I believe this is probably an old brownie camera that is a proper old camera that is it’s Baker light construction you see the window lens on it but proper old camera only the remains so right I’ve got myself a surveillance camera um obviously somebody didn’t not

    Being kept their eye on but little surveillance [Applause] Camera oh


    1. Great video Nigel. Bring back fond memories of Bedford for us. It’s lovely to see Phil out with you guys again 🤗👍
      Merry Christmas to one and all 🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅

    2. That CB is an LCL Communicators NI-440 DX. They are a bit harder to align than most other CB's which made people think they weren't the best and is probably the reason it went for a swim. There's been some silly prices for cb's on Ebay since lockdown.


    4. Merry Merry Christmas 🤶 to all of you guys, I wondering if you have a used magnet around 3000lbs pull that you can send me? Because I haven't had the money 💵 to afford to buy one, I would love if you could send me one, hoping that you can ask around to see if you can get me one. And I haven't received any stickers from you hope you can send me some stickers. Be careful and stay safe and well and warm. Like your video 📹 John E.May from USA 🇺🇸. ❤❤❤💙💙💙💔💔💔

    5. This seemed to be a knife and key day for finds. Are any of those old silverware you find sterling? Ever look to see? Just curious. I know most are stainless steel. I used to have a CB radio in my car back in the 1970s just for fun. I also recognized the old camera you found.

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