The very popular Askenazi Jewish family name Shapiro (שפירא, old lat: Spira) comes from the Jews originated from the German city of Speyer (old lat: Spira) — the first of the three original “Ashkenazi” (אשכנזי, old heb. “German”) settlements constituting pre- and early Christian local period’s Jewish community of “ShUM” (of the Speyer, Worms, Mainz towns).

    A single Shapiro (of the SHAPIRAW YouTube channel) partook in intermittent cycling through Europe in the summer of 2022 and was sure to stop in Speyer, the city which gave his family its name, which it carelessly passed on to himself then.

    Well, let this be a reminder of the European Jews ancestry — which is older than some “proper” European nations.

    And now, you will have to watch about 40 minutes (sped up x1.25 already, but you choose your own playback speed) of what that Shapiro have seen while strolling, and well, GoPro technology have taken care of capping that length at that, otherwise, he might have gone for hours, the city was quite strollable indeed.

    So, here’s the nice original Lutheran city on the Rhine as it appears to a casual rambler when he walks around the town a little bit. Enjoy!

    p.s. You’re welcome to mute the sound and play your favourite *cheerful German classic* tune while you watch this with your friends and family — or just, you know, hang out with them, while this plays in the background, so your new TV won’t stop amazing your guests.

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