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    Disturbing video released depicts a man shooting a father and his stepson after a heated argument broke out in an NYC apartment complex. Authorities said 47-year-old Bladimy Mathurin and 27-year-old Chinwai Mode were shot by Jason Pass after Mathurin brandished a pair of scissors. Pass then proceeded to execute Mathurin after he fell to the ground. The Law&Crime Network’s Jesse Weber breaks down the shocking murder with New York criminal defense attorney Paul Townsend.

    Jesse Weber: https://twitter.com/jessecordweber

    Paul Townsend: https://twitter.com/PaulRTownsend

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    Numerous officers discharged their weapon the mail was removed to a local hospital the officers were all removed to a local hospital and the male eventually succumbed to his injuries the male was the male who was identified as our subject for the homicide on Sunday in East flatl there was a horrifying

    Shooting caught on surveillance video from a Brooklyn apartment building that has caught a lot of attention with police confirming the shooter is now dead there is still a question if his action were self-defense or murder New York criminal defense attorney Paul Townsen gives his take on this rapidly evolving story welcome to sidebar

    Presented by law on crime I’m Jesse Weber hey there everybody so first of all before we get started as you can tell we are in a different Studio we’re always trying things out we’re always changing things up the goal is to give you the best experience but I have to

    Ask what do you think seriously leave a comment let us know if you like the studio you hate it what do you like about it what do you don’t we could always go back to the other setup either way really really do appreciate your feedback we welcome it but now let’s get

    Back into the story that we want to talk about there is this story out of Brooklyn New York it is absolutely tragic it is a really really tough one to cover we are going to go to this apartment complex in East Flatbush and surveillance video shows a man who

    Police have identified as 47-year-old Jason pass getting into an argument with his upstairs neighbors apparently this was about a noise complaint there had been a persistent issue well the argument ends with pass pulling out a gun and shooting 47-year-old bladimir Maturin and his stepson 27-year-old chinu mood all in front of Marie deil

    The boy’s mother the wife of matern and her daughter and this ends both tragically with matern and mood dying now at this time police have confirmed that pass is dead yeah according to police officers had stopped stopped him while he was driving they ran the plates

    They saw that the car that he was driving was connected to the case he apparently jumps out of the car with a knife a standoff ensues for 15 minutes and he ends up charging at them with the weapon and officers shoot him he was taken to the hospital where he died of

    His injuries shot in the chest and the leg but just because the suspect is dead doesn’t mean that the investigation ends and by the way when this story first broke a woman who claimed to be pass’s sister said he was acting in selfdefense she said they tried to attack my sibling my

    Brother just didn’t go upstairs to kill them we are not problematic people let’s talk about this right now with New York criminal defense attorney Paul Townsen Paul thanks so much for coming back on the reason I said it in full transparency you and I had recorded this

    Podcast earlier before we found out that pass was killed um so things have changed but from my perspective I’m just shocked at how quickly this all escalated three people dead over the course course of a few days over a noise complaint have you ever seen anything like

    That Jesse thanks again for having me back on yeah um and yes I have obviously this is not a a terribly common occurrence however it is something that does occur uh especially in lower income housing complexes like what we see here sometimes these types of disputes between Neighbors whether

    It’s a noise complaint whatever it is they can escalate and what’s really unique about this particular escalation is that the whole entire thing is caught on camera so we get to see basically from what happens from the time that pass comes up the stairs to the altercation involving matan’s children

    At first and then matern himself coming out their interaction and then ultimately we see pass pull out a firearm and and really the only way to describe it is to execute theeran um and his sun moood it’s really chilling this is this is what makes this a very unique

    Occurrence yeah a couple of things there I mean it’s so many times when we cover shootings it’s not caught on tape it’s based on Witnesses accounts and trying to piece together what happen so the fact that this is all on tape now gives us a sense of what happened and we’ll

    Get into that in a minute I mean when you think about this uh this felt like a ticking Time Bomb right the NYPD was saying that pass had called 311 an emergency number six times on his neighbors over noise complaints um the chief of police chief of detectives I

    Should say said that these were noise complaints basically people walking the apartment upstairs didn’t have carpeting so people were walking back and forth that generated a lot of these calls apparently pass would bang on the ceiling mat turn banged on the floor um the building’s management had said that

    There were so many complaints they had recommended Medi um but that was never done it seems like I wonder if this could have been avoided so it’s it’s hard to know if it could have been avoided I I think you’re you may be on to something with calling it a

    Ticking Time Bomb because the the signs were there this had been a longstanding dispute between the two parties uh certainly that number of 311 calls is indicative of the fact that this is not going to necessarily resolve itself and in those types of housing complexes walls can be thin ceilings and Floors

    Can be thin there was no carpeting or no rugs as it was said so a hardwood floor those types of noises are going to be Amplified under those circumstances and so nobody I think is arguing that pass didn’t have necessarily a legitimate gripe about it being loud but the way

    That he certainly went about dealing with it in this particular circumstance was I think understandably condemnable but yeah does that the this is such a a thing that happens in in anytime you get a bunch of people living in close quarters disputes are going to arise and

    It’s very difficult to parse out which ones are going to end in homicides and which ones can be legitimately just devised on their own you want to thank Morgan and Morgan for sponsoring this video now before you say oh great another Law Firm ad first of all how

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    Look at this video I know what the woman who’s claiming to be a sister said that this looked like self-defense I’ve I’ve kind of seen that online I don’t see it I I don’t see it I mean at one point maturan comes face to face with pass and

    Mat turn is a big guy muscular guy it appears he’s carrying scissors that are near P his neck even po You could argue directly pointed to them but then he’s moved away and there’s that moment between when he’s moved away uh and his back is turned to when pass removes his

    Weapon his handgun and fires upon him and um mood and it feels that that separation of time is Why th this just in my eyes doesn’t look like self-defense is there any way that could have been Justified as a form of self-defense so let me start the answer

    By saying that that fundamentally I agree with you I think self-defense is a difficult argument to make but let’s try and steal man it let’s see what we can do if we’re P his lawyers here so you have this long-standing dispute and we know from the woman who who says that

    She’s pass a sister uh that passid told her that he had been threatened by Matan in the past so he might have been coming to this situation ready for an altercation believing that he was going to be assaulted by matern so maturan comes out of the apartment when pass is

    Already there talking to the children and he’s got scissors in his hand and he’s a bodybuilder and the video shows that he is significantly bigger than pass is and we don’t have audio so we don’t know what’s said between the parties all we know is that maturan

    Comes out he is clearly holding scissors and he brandishes them in all fairness he brandishes them and he holds them close to pass’s neck so you have the beginnings of what could be formulating a self-defense argument but here’s where I think it really breaks down is that

    Matan then turns around and he talks to the two children he talks to mood he talks to his daughter he kind of they kind of actually move him away and then he moves away with them and that’s the point that pass PS a firearm which he hadn’t been holding at that point so

    Matan didn’t honestly it doesn’t appear that matern knew that he had it and that’s when he gets shot and and then a bunch of little things happen which I think really destroy the self-defense argument he doesn’t incapacity oh sorry go ahead yeah no I was gonna say look

    And we’re talking about this obviously there’s not going to be a trial I mean pass is dead but it is interesting because it you talked about how these kinds of things happen a lot it is important to understand what happened here and look I’ll let you jump back in

    Just for me the things that stand out are he seems to be right by the stairs so when mat turns us back he could have ran down um he fires so many times and you could say well you know he thought he was going to put down the threat uh

    Maybe mood was coming towards him he he fired upon him but the thing that changes it all for me is when he fires that last shot into Maturin as he’s lying on the ground a shot for good measure that looked like an execution absolutely all of those things

    Are really kind of indicative and detrimental to a self-defense argument as you say the positioning is the first thing that we really need to look at pass is right at the top of the stairs when when Maturin turns his back to him and is kind of coralled away and there’s

    This distance this separation between them has doesn’t go back to his apartment call the cops and say you won’t believe this guy just threaten me with a pair of scissors he’s a menace you know I went up there calmly to ask him to keep the noise down and I thought

    He was going to St dab me in the neck can you do something can you help me he pulls a gun out let’s not forget that pass is a former correction officer at s he’s former law enforcement you would expect to have some kind of training as a correction officer on how to

    Deescalate violent situations as opposed to resorting to violence full stop pulling a gun out and just shooting somebody and then you talk about this this final execution style shot you know that that is really a very very tell thing to do because that that to me comes across as personal that to me

    Comes across as you know kind of almost wrathful this you know you’re going to see what what you made me do here um if if this was self-defense you would have expected him to kind of just fire the gun neutralize what he considered the threat and kind of get away but you see

    In the video he waits 20 seconds for the elevator he doesn’t call for help and then he also kills mood which seems to be complete Overkill considering he’s a kid basically he has no weapon um he’s not a threat and he’s not in any way posturing himself as an

    Aggressor so for all those reasons I think self-defense in this particular situation would be a very hard cell yeah it maybe it would have been a different case if he obviously didn’t fire the way that he did but if he would have waited at the scene immediately called 911 sat

    Down explained to law enforcement that he was acting defense I I don’t think it would have worked but it would have been a situ a different situation and as we have been reporting he apparently is stopped by police lunges at them with a knife he is shot how does that change

    The analysis in any way so it’s it’s another kind of piece to the puzzle of what’s going on in this man’s mind so as you say he doesn’t call 911 he doesn’t sit there and wait uh for the authorities or for EMTs or an ambulance to come and and try and

    Explain to them what happened he flees I’ll be it slowly but he fle please and then he’s found the following day and the license plate comes back as kind of a beond the lookout this person might be associated with a potentially criminal act and he’s he’s wanted to be brought

    In and as you say this then evolves into a pretty elongated standoff where officers you know kind of have guns trained on it and he’s kind of holding himself out and he’s got a this knife he doesn’t have the gun on him he’s got a knife and instead of just saying okay

    You got me I’m going to turn myself in let’s end the the violence of this whole proceeding at this point according to the NYPD he charges them lunges at them and basically puts them in a position where they have to shoot him four times to to put him down so that their safety

    I was I was going to ask you that I mean do you think that shooting is going to be investigated to make sure everything was by the book because I mean based on that it seems like they did everything they were supposed to do absolutely every time there’s an officer involved

    Shooting is especially if it’s a fatality there will be an investigation I don’t think that this one is likely to to result in any sort of administrative finding against the officers it smells like a good shooting you know here obviously we don’t know that sitting here talking about it just after but um

    I I think the way that it’s been portrayed at least there’s not a lot that on the surface comes across as suspicious about this Paul you had mentioned that he was working as a corrections officer at sing ing prison uh relatively new there my understanding he didn’t have a licensed firearm and

    Right now police are collecting more evidence in the case they’re looking to get a warrant to process his car what are they looking for what do you think’s happening now at this point in the investigation well I would imagine one they’re looking for that gun that was

    Used to kill purn and mood uh because if if he’s not registered to have a firearm then who knows who that gun belongs to where it is has it been involved potentially in other criminal acts in the past uh is it now an unregistered gun that’s just cycling you know between

    Other people who shouldn’t have it so a big concern for the NYPD is going to be locating that firearm ascertaining you know whether there there is a legitimate owner and if not you know the confiscation and potentially destruction of it so that it’s not used in any further criminal uh Behavior you mean

    That someone else could be facing some legal liability if they helped him in any way supplied the weapon hid him for any period of time I mean that that that’s a second part of the investigation seeing if he had any connections or anybody helped him right absolutely that gun might have been you

    Know legally purchased by somebody who brought it to Brooklyn and started giving it to other people whenever they asked for a firearm you know that that’s a criminal act in and of itself I I want to finish this conversation with trying to explain the impact of this I

    Mentioned uh Marie deil uh who husband and son were killed she said my husband had no gun no weapon why did you bring a gun to shoot my family why would you bring a gun to tear my family apart why why and then we hear from Brooklyn councilwoman Farah Lewis um who said

    That basically Matan was the breadwinner of the family father of four who’s working two jobs to support them as a bus driver and as an Uber driver and now that he’s gone she says they have nothing and it’s just a really sad set of circumstances here to think about how

    All of this unfolded um a senseless killing and uh senseless killings I should say and uh really wish this never happened um wishing the family all the best because this is an incredibly difficult situation for them and almost unimaginable Paul Townsen thanks for taking the time once again to talk about

    This case we uh really do appreciate it my pleasure thank you so much for having me all right everybody that’s all we have for you right now here on sidebar thank you so much for joining us please subscribe on Apple podcast Spotify YouTube wherever you get your podcast

    I’m Jesse Weber I’ll speak to you next time


    1. wait has anyone tried running from an athlete? so running down the stairs would have made the dude tired, the bigger dude then could have done whatever at that point.. Just cause there is the smallest of windows doesn't mean you have to take it or it will make things better…. just saying don't intimated people with scissors while being much bigger and in better shape!

    2. He had every chance to leave and go back to his apartment, he adjusted his weapon in his waste band proving he was going to pull it regardless, clearly not self defense.

    3. From the looks of it, I'm willing to bet the big fellow was not adverse to beating up his wife.
      What was the nature of the noise complaint – loud music? Arguments?

    4. The biggest takeaway out of this, is for the poor children who witnessed this. They are gonna be damaged and devastated for life from these events.

      I takeaway from this, never get into a fight like this, especially with kids present. On either side.

      I had my own experience years ago, when living in an apartment with my child and girlfriend, that we had a very problematic neighbor. Who had her drug dealer boyfriend over all the time. And they would run the stereo through the middle of the night, which came right through our child’s bedroom wall. And he would park in our parking space. So I confronted him about it after telling the neighbor to tell her boyfriend to stop doing it, multiple times. He decided to punch me in the back of the head, while I was holding and loading my child in to the car, strapped in her car seat. Needless to say, the fight escalated. After I set her down, I wiped the floor with him. Gave him a solid b down….

      Cops came. It was a mess. Point is, at least that was just a fist fight. Today, people don’t fist fight. They pull straps and take it to levels you can’t recover from…

      So just walk away. To live another day… It isn’t worth it. People have gone crazy today…

      This guy who shot may have had legitimate gripes about these neighbors. But what he did ruined his life, their lives and all of the family members and friends of both. Just walk away. Don’t let ego cost you or other people’s lives…

    5. She tried to save him from the hostile situation unfortunately since he thought he was bigger and so tough showing that knife and it cost him and others their life. Never show a weapon unless your about to use it.

    6. I'm a club owner…men have become the biggest wusses since gun culture has made them emotional sissies rather than men who fight with muscle. Look at that round little cherub…a gun is all he has…like so many of you today.

    7. 11:53 – And then what? Move? Hope he doesn't recover? Hope he never retaliates? There's a case in Vegas where that home owner chased while shooting. I don't know much of the details, and people are really buzzing that story with politics. That's an angle of insecurity. People, fearful as sin or not, need a way to overcome that thought "when he recovers, he's going to try to kill me back."

      (This is one question the court may have to entertain, I'm not claiming it to be an absolution of guilt).

    8. When being a tough guy goes wrong… The big guy shouldn’t have ran out with a pair of scissors. The man with the gun seemed to be pretty calm. They probably could have talked it out if the big guy didn’t threaten him with scissors and run up on him.

    9. Even when you have a permit, the law is not on your side. You can't really defend/protect yourself in this country. Building management does not care about permits, even if you draw your weapon in self defense.

    10. Its not self defense. Although, the victim shouldnt have threatened the shooter with scissors. They probably were annoying, noisy neighbors, but thats nothing to get killed over

    11. I will say that I lived in a complex that was more that color than my color and the noise nearly got to me too…they don't care who they drive crazy!!

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