How to increase your cycling fitness, climb faster, produce more power on the bike and reach your 2024 cycling goals. This is a 4 week training program every cyclist can follow, with WorldTour performance coach and head of the Science 2 Sport laboratory, John Wakefield.

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    Please note: the training sessions discussed in this video are designed to improve your cycling ability when followed correctly. They should not be attempted without sufficient warm up. Please always ride safely, on roads with minimal traffic and pedestrians, and never go beyond your limit. The best fitness gains will come from following each session properly, maximising your rest periods, eating properly before, during, and after your rides, and consulting your coach or dietician if you have questions. This video is a guide only and does not constitute an a training plan written specifically for you.

    00:00 Intro
    01:15 Gym workouts
    04:11 28 Day Overview
    04:52 Power, heart rate or RPE
    06:03 Week One
    07:45 Fasted riding?
    10:15 Week Two
    14:00 Week Three
    17:48 Week Four
    22:58 Recovery week
    25:20 Additional advice

    This interview was filmed at the Science 2 Sport lab in Girona, Catalunya, Spain; a cycling mecca that has been home to many professional cyclists including Ben O’Connor, Jack Haig, Esteban Chaves, Ryan Mullen, George Bennett, James Knox, Dorian Godon, Jay Vine, and at one point George Hincappie, Lance Armstrong and Tyler Hamilton. Girona is used for training for races such as the Tour de France, Volta Catalunya, Vuelta Espana, Paris-Nice, Giro d’Italia and more. Teams such as Bora-Hansgrohe, INEOS-Grenadiers, Israel-Premier Tech Pro Cycling, Human Powered Health, Quick-Step Alpha Vinyl Team, UAE Team Emirates and others use Girona for team training camps and rider testing.

    In today’s video a 28-day cycling training plan to take your Fitness from where it is now to potentially being the fittest you’ve ever been with World Tour cycling coach John Wakefield John has been a performance cycling coach for the past 15 years notably helping T pogacha

    To his two Tour of France victories in 2020 and 2021 John now works with Team Bora hrow coaching writers at the top level of the sport while simultaneously running the science to sport lab here in the center of Jona science to sport is a performance cycling lab that deals with

    Bike fting writer testing and performance coaching and in this video he’s going to run us through 28 days of solid structured training to help you become the best cyclist that you can be this video follows on from a 7-Day training plan video that I did make a

    Few weeks ago you can see that up here but in this video we’re going to talk about more structure more hours more specific intervals and get you to a greater level of Fitness than you’ve ever been at before another thing to note if you have watched that video and

    You are basing your training on that video is that in this video rather than the session being the 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours in length that we discussed in that previous video they will now be between 1 and 1/2 and 2 hours in length

    As you’ll be able to see as we go through the video and discuss each session I do show a small graphic down the bottom for the key session so you can see exactly what the intervals look like a couple of other points I do want to make before we get into this training

    Session video is that I had a lot of comments and a lot of questions asking about gym workouts in the last video I’ve since spoken with John about gym workouts during this structured training plan and although we don’t discuss specific gym workouts within this plan if you are interested in going to the

    Gym and doing strength work we usually recommend doing those on the harder days of working out and not on your recovery days it’s really important when you do your gym sessions to do them on either the same days that you have a key session on the bike or an endurance day

    And keep your recovery days or your days off the bike to as little movement as possible the next point I want to make before we get into it is I want to say that this is my last video for 2023 but I want to say a massive thank you to you

    Guys for watching my videos commenting liking and subscribing throughout this year on January 1st it will be 3 years since I posted my first video on YouTube and in that time it has completely changed my life and my lifestyle and it’s all thanks to you guys when I

    Posted my first video I honestly never thought I would even crack a th000 subscribers so to have almost 37,000 people here on the day of filming is absolutely humbling and I really do need to say a massive thank you to you guys for anyone who has subscribed anyone

    Who’s ever clicked on a video it means the world to me and I really really appreciate it along on with this I also do want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has been in my videos this year from the procycling training camps I did in January through to going to

    Strat byan with chuda in March I want to say a massive thank you to Jon as well of course for all of his contributions he’s made this year not only for my own personal coaching but for all the wisdom that he shared with you guys hoping that we can help improve your cycling

    Experience so I think that about wraps up the admin for the moment let’s jump into this last video for 2023 a 28-day cycling training plan I’m super excited for it I hope you guys are going to get something out of it let’s do It all righty welcome to today’s episode of trist and take video today we are back here in the studio at science of sport not actually back here we’ve followed on from the last video that I mentioned in that intro there today we’re talking through a 28-day training plan

    That every cyclist can follow now if you haven’t seen the 7-Day training plan video I do suggest you go and watch that first we talk through some key sessions in there and a few of the more basics of training if you’re new to the sport of cycling training but today we’re going

    To talk through a bit more of a a structure training plan for an entire month and we guarantee if you follow this plan from day 1 through to day 28 we guarantee you’ll be a better cyclist at the end of it I’m also going to ask John some questions about the structure

    Of the training about the intensity of the training and I want to start out with more the uh giving us a bit of a broad overview so we’ll launch straight into it can you tell us before we go into the specific sessions what have you got for us for an entire

    Month I’ve tried to sort of periodize it so you kind of follow a essentially a periodized training plan um it’s obviously not personalized to yourself but we’re going to do everything from sort of what you would do in a North season with neuromuscular work and metabolic work and then we start slowly

    Moving into some threshold stuff and then you start eventually moving into like your Peak phase and you know little bit of I’ve done it also a little bit backwards where your volume sort of has increased as your intensity increases where I I typically do it the other way

    But it just it works out well you know your uh your your introduction into the training and enter those first two weeks is good and then uh and then things start getting Real also just one quick question before we get into it this is going to be we’re sort of basing this 28-day training plan on someone who does have say a power meter but if someone doesn’t have a a power meter what other metrics can they use and what are the advantages or

    Disadvantages of those you can still always use heart rate you know standard uh standard training tool and Metric you can also use RP so your perceived exertion and that would be you would score if you had to say out of 10 a allout effort would be 9 and 1/2 10 out

    Of 10 and a super easy recovery day would be anything from 1 to three maybe four out of 10 so you would score it kind of uh based on that so RP is a very simple metric really the the lower the number the larger the volume of time you

    Can sustain that number for you get up to 10 it becomes very short period yeah correct you essentially have a have a pyramid I’m very good on the lowest okay so should we we get into week one week one you said before is going to we’re going to start a little

    Bit easy as I said if you haven’t seen a 7-Day training video go and watch that one first but I feel that week one of this session is not actually the same as week one of that 7-Day training plan what have you got for Us so for the first sort of week uh s of the first two weeks we’ll work on our neuromuscular Pathways which is more commonly your loow Cadance work and we’ll throw in some metabolic work working on utilizing lactate as a fuel source mitochondrial growth so we sort

    Of combined those two for the first sort of 2 weeks as we had planned on on on our previous model we had used Monday as our easy activation day being day one or Monday our activation session would would be the same so hour and a half 2

    Hours and during that you would just do 3 to 4 15sec activational Sprints we be sort of middle of the block uh at the back on the cassette start your Sprint and do not change down just keep on spr keep on spinning out you can do it

    Seated or standing um I prefer standing but just let’s just get those uh muscles working and and activating Tuesday or our day two again hour and a half 2 hours depending on if you have a slightly shorter or longer warmup and cool down after the session but you

    Always want to keep your intervals the same and for that session we have 6×4 minutes low Cadence that would be anything on 45 to 55 RPM the reason that range is sort of within 10 RPM is are you conditioned to doing low Cadence stuff if you’re not I would suggest

    Start off on that 50 55 if you have done some of that work before you can drop it to that sort of 45 range uh Wednesday for the first week we’ll have a faster dve so essentially wake up have coffee is fine and I essentially want that hour

    And a half or 2 hours of easy recovery sort of Zone one very low zone two in a fasted state if you also are new to that session you can have some protein beforehand so a boiled egg works well just to kind of have something in the

    Stomach but just no carbohydrates do the session low intensity and obviously when you get back you can eat as per normal so with the fasted ride because there’s a couple of these coming up in the next few weeks what’s the aim of the fasted ride is to get your body to use a

    Different fuel source I believe yeah correct so short version is you among other physiological changes you are teaching your body to use factors of fuel source and endurance athlete the longer you use factors of fuel source you know the more economical you are at the end of the day before you turning

    Over to to sugars or carbohydrates and I think it’s probably important to say to reiterate with the fasted ride the main point of it is to do it very easy you don’t need to do any so just have a black coffee in the morning a very easy

    Ride yeah yeah cool correct and then what have you got for us next the next day as for the the previous week’s uh session video Thursday is off so eat sleep do the dishes take your WiFi whatever the deal is so you can get on

    On back back on the bike for the next few days focus on recovery like you know some stretching if you do Call Etc get a massage something like that so Thursday always is day off yeah correct great Friday is again our key session and week one one we’ve got uh 2x 20 minute

    Metabolics so that would be as you said warm up either longer or shorter to get your hour and a half or 2 hours and then you do 2x 20 minutes which would be sort of if it’s a heart rate kind of high zone three low zone four if it’s an RP

    Scale you’d be typically around 7 7 and 1/2 and if you are looking at a percentage of threshold you would typically be on 80 to 85% yeah someone wanted to do a little bit of sort of a longer warm up and a longer warm down to add in some extra hours there that’s

    Okay as well yeah absolutely absolutely no problem at all great and then let’s launch into the first weekend what have you got the first weekend first uh first weekend is again our endurance so got down for 3 and 1/2 hours on the Saturday and then on Sunday is just an easy hour

    And a half 2 hours recovery obviously it is fine if you have engagement and that to switch those two days around just remember that then on that Monday forgo the activation if you do the endurance on the Sunday and just use that as an easy recovery day so we did discuss this

    In the 7-Day training plan video but basically before you do a key session we really want you to have either a day or four or a very easy day so if you do switch your weekend days around just make sure you’re giving yourself an easy day before you start that key session

    Which comes on the Tuesday Yeah all righty awesome so week one we’ve kind of got into it you’ve got some training under your belt there you’re going to be a little bit fued but not crazy fatigued hopefully the wife or the husband is not too annoyed with you going out riding your bike so much what

    Have you got for us for week two yeah so going into week two uh before we go into week two just remember that with the program your intensity does increase every week so just pay attention to that um and just understand that it is coming again the Monday or your day one would

    Either be a recovery or your activation ride depending on which day you did your your longer ride on the weekend day two or the Tuesday you would do 4X 4 minutes of the low Cadence 4 minutes on 4 minutes off recovery you would then have a 10-minute recovery at the end of that

    Of the end of the fourth one and you would go directly then into a 20 minute metabolic session complete the 20 minutes and then easy recovery and off the bike so that’s 4×4 minutes and metabolic in the same session yeah correct yeah great Wednesday or day

    Three you can just go ride your bike hour and a half 2 hours no structure no rules whatever just uh feel free to to go and ride it try not to find a group ride and smash it CU you obviously do in in two days time have a have another key

    Session coming up but just go ride your bike and have fun Thursday or day four would be off again we’re going to keep that uh kind of structure throughout the week so again make make good with your wife at home or your husband or your all

    Get on Tinder and then whatever and then uh on Friday we H kick off again and we start that with a 20-minute metabolic session 10-minute recovery after that and we go straight into a 10-minute threshold interval to finish that uh training session off and then obviously easy recovery Okay cool so that one

    Sounds again like your first key session in the week There’s a bit of metabolic a bit of intensity in there more structur to that one you’re definitely going to be starting to feel your legs after these yeah correct and it’s also sort of your like introduction into the following weeks coming up because

    Obviously our our intensity starts now yeah cool okay you said the intensity Starts Now yeah so this has just been warming yourself up that’s that’s warming up okay yeah cool all right that’s warming up according to what you ask for that’s what you ask for okay so that’s the that’s the Friday

    Of the week two what have you got for the weekend for that week two yeah very very similar to to the previous weekend so 3 and 1/2 hours on the Saturday however the Sunday’s ride would then be a fasted ride is what we’ introduced to

    That it is completely fine if you do the metabolic and that threshold session on Day five or or the or the Friday and then do the the fasted session before Sunday’s endurance ride just remember that to fuel correctly after that fasted ride on on the Saturday yeah so just a

    Refresher on the fasted ride that is a wake up in the morning don’t eat any carbs if you have a coffee a black coffee only don’t put milk in it go out and do a very very easy ride don’t push too hard come home fully refuel and if

    You are doing that fasted ride I guess we want to say don’t do it any later than midday no you know you want to be aiming to do it in the morning so that you’re not starving or if if you do ride some people do ride in in the afternoons

    If they get home from work or or school or whatever the case may be is try then not fuel so try water only for 3 hours before that session so like if you ride at 3 don’t eat anything but just purely water or whatever from sort of 12:00 so

    Again that weekend you’ve got one endurance ride one well easy faster ride same as the week before correct yeah cool all righty and then week three sounds like things are going to start hoing up things pick up now so again Monday very simple either recovery or our activation ride the

    Tuesday or day two is 3x 15 minutes at uh threshold simple standard standard threshold session really good 15 minutes on 10 minutes off warm up cool down either side of that and from a a value side you would be looking at anything from a percentage of FTP probably 95 to

    105% on a RP value you’d be on at 7 and 1/2 8 heart rate would be purely Zone full so that’s a a real stock standard threshold session standard at the bottom yeah but you are meant to feel it at the end of it I mean three you’re ending up

    With 45 minutes of threshold there yeah you’re going to know yeah especially after your first two weeks of warming up they’ll unlike yeah this video please don’t unlike the video actually I should drop that in here now if you’re enjoying this video please do like it you can

    Unlike it if you’re really angry and then like it again for me on the Wednesday yeah yeah come back and like it again later on uh but if you haven’t subscribed to the channel and you’re enjoying this kind of content please do subscribe before we launch into our next

    Day although the next day is an easy day right you definitely liking it yeah exactly you’ll forget about it 10 minutes after yeah the next day is our easy recovery day but this day is a faster day so just pay attention to that Thursday off nothing relax you’re going

    To be getting good at cooking by this stage and your wife or husband will love you either way this is a match made in heaven this program and then Friday or day five is our over under session so we’re going to do 3x 10 minute over unders also very standard session really

    Good so you’ll do 3 minutes on like steady and then you’ll do 2 minutes at a at a much higher power and then go straight down 3 minutes steady and then like a a 2 minute Spike and you’ll repeat again you want going to be sort of 90

    95% I personally like 90% of of fdp for the 3 minutes and if you do the 2 minutes I like it honestly like 110 115% if you can maintain that otherwise 105 to 110 is good for high rate users you would be on Zone 3 and zone five yeah

    Cool so the point of this is to go like a little bit below threshold and then you’re going much higher above recovering while still pushing some power correct and then repeat again yeah and so you’re saying there’s three by 10 minutes correct of those and then 10

    Minutes recovery in between okay so it’s 10 on 10 off 10 10 on 10 off great so that’s your second key session on that Friday and they’re leading into the weekend now people are going to be quite tired but they’ve got to keep pushing if they want to keep improving here what

    Have you got for us for the weekend um so on the weekend then you’d have 4 hours again Saturday Sunday whatever works for you and a super easy recovery day like really super easy recovery day on that uh on that second day of the weekend I feel like

    By this time people are going to be wanting that recovery day it’s very easy in the first couple of weeks of a training block to be like no I want I want to ride I’m my easy you know I enjoy riding I want to get out there and

    Ride but I can tell you from personal experience having been coached by John as well when those easy days roll around after a few weeks of the the periodization you really want them so so they like typically there you would you would get an email like a message or a

    Phone call and say oh I’m busy Saturday I can’t do this long ride but they just want the recovery day so if you need to throw that trump card throw it absolutely fine um so you can have the recovery day the Saturday absolutely but then we’re looking for 4 hours on the

    Other day of the weekend so a reasonable amount of time there uh and that’s what finishes us off on week three cool a well earned easy day on Monday then I guess week four super easy day mind Okay Monday is uh is definitely when you got to toughen up on on on week four so Monday again either easy recovery ey activation standard standard session that we running and the Tuesday or day two would be 5x 4 minutes and you would have typically 3 and 1/2 minutes rest in

    Between each 4 minute uh interval and those are full anerobic so you would be looking at sort of from a power meter user sort of 110 if you are able to push up and you are sort of above that level you can do 115% for each one but

    Typically Run 110 if it’s a hot rate user it would be typically very high zone four zone 5 by now also pay attention your heart rate may be a bit suppressed because of um fatigue so just pay attention to that and as a RP user

    You’d be really clear on on 8 and 1 half n even sometimes 9 and a half depending on how you feeling towards this week one thing that is interesting and I want to ask you about because you’ve worked with some writers many writers who have been

    To the tour to France who helped a rider win the Tour to France twice there’s this thing that comes about within the tour or within grand Tours I know where guys are getting stronger throughout a grand tour and they’re also getting more fatigued so while they might feel weaker

    They’re actually ending up Stronger Yeah would you say anything because we’re doing our own little Grand Tour here of four weeks of training would you say that by this stage that session there sounds very hard 5 by four minutes it’s super tough really hard people should have made some Fitness and strength

    Adaptations by the stage though I guess would you say that is correct no definitely and it’s not like you’ve gone from week one to which is essentially really low intensity um and medium intensity to kind of all up you know so when you do that that 4 minutes would

    Feel a lot worse than what it would typically feel now you know so that that over under session will give you a good Awakening for that but as a us as a company you know in our coaching library and and our methodology that 5×4 minutes really returns an incredible investment

    In terms of stimulus um all of us yeah like we we strong Believers in it like um as we said before everything that we do is it’s validated science on why we prescribe or what we do so it’s a it’s a super tough session um but it’s a really

    Good session and what I find personally not with every single person but with a lot of people is if you take the average of those 4 minutes so say you do five and it’s 300 310 3 whatever however you go and you are consistent you’ll typically get what your best 10 minute

    Is as an average interesting um and then you kind of know it’s it’s a good good session so it’s super tough but it’s it’s really really good return on investment yeah so that might be the key session of all of the key sessions yeah correct yeah cool okay so you’ll

    Definitely be feeling it by this stage where into sort of day two of week four what have you got for day three of week four relax like super easy recovery like uh I mean 15 km an hour just riding and spinning your leg super easy like try

    And keep it under 100 wats the entire way correct including on climbs yeah correct correct Don’t Go Near climbs yeah super easy recovery and then straight into Thursday which is a day off you know especially on this day by 4 weeks in make sure you’re eating right you’re fueling correctly and stuff like

    That it’s super important then we go into Friday um also another one of our key sessions or day five being Friday and that is a lot shorter but a lot more aggressive of a session so that is what I call 30 seconds and 1 minute alternating so you’ll do 4×4 so you’ll

    Do 30 seconds flat out Sprint then you’ll do 5 minute Rec recy you’ll do 1 minute all out effort 5 minute recovery and then you go back to the the 30 seconds so it’s 30 seconds 1 minute 30 seconds 1 minute four times for each so you get eight eight intervals in in

    Total 5 minute rest in between and those are they all out like your RP needs to be 110 not just 10 wow it’s super short super violent but you recover straight away and there’s no like it’s short enough that you don’t really have to pace yourself um because you do recover

    So that’s a very very high intensity that’s just full guess ni One to end that week almost end that week not quite end the week not quite end the week your key sessions your four four weeks of key sessions building into a big final weekend what have you got for us for our

    Big final weekend here of our 4-we training plan yeah so obviously both days you can swap as As Time allowance is fine so 4 hours and is is our long endurance R again and with regards to our recovery day you can do one of two sessions one being a fasted session the

    Other one being a fueled recovery day the reason I say this is you at the end of a 4-we block there will be fatigue possibly if you haven’t fueled well or recovered well there might be a little bit of compromised immune system and I don’t want you to to faster ride and

    Kind of send it over the edge you know so just pay attention to that in terms of how you’re feeling and and how your body has reacted to these last 4 weeks and just remember if you do do the fasted ride absolutely no problem but always fuel completely correctly and and

    Strongly after it yeah aome this is an amazing amount of training information I no doubt said at the start but one thing I want to reiterate is the fact that this is designed for people who have done some training before who have the hours to do it and who are dedicated to

    Doing it for the entire time but we do guarantee that if you follow this from day one through to day 28 you are going to end up a fit a cyclist I just wanted to ask you a couple of other questions now that we’re at the end of the four

    Weeks can you just give us a runr of typically with periodization you’d have a number of weeks building up and then you’d have an easy week to let all the training really sink in what would you suggest is just a roundabout way of saying what people should do in week

    Five yeah so say you had done as an example 12 hours this week on average I would tell you then to kind of cut it down to 8 hours so you can do hypothetically Monday off Tuesday Wednesday super easy recovery Thursday off again Friday kind of an activation

    Ride and then you can get going again on Saturday and Sunday as you feel you would have had more than enough time to recover you would have had a great adaptation and and can go and attack that group right now yeah what it’s all about yeah yeah yeah I mean one of the

    Interesting things I do always say to people as well is it’s okay to do all of these sessions by yourself and if you guys take a few weekends off your group ride you do this training and then you come back you’re going to absolutely tear some legs off so don’t be afraid of

    Riding by yourself on the weekends as well I love to ride by myself if you’ve seen any of my videos you’ll know that but I also find that riding by myself is often not only a really good way to concentrate on what I’m doing but also then to get the best adaptations because

    I’m always pushing into the wind I’m not doing anything on anyone else’s schedule I’m I’m always focused on my training and I’m always pushing Against the Wind on those endurance days and things like that you know 4 weeks in In fairness is it’s not a long it’s one month it’s one

    Month like it’s nothing you know you can even every alternate a group ride every second weekend as an example or something like that and and you know not be kind of totally isolated but just what you mustn’t do is use a group ride every time you go to one as a complete

    Smash face you know you’re kind of like a little bit ruining what your long plan long-term plan is here so just kind of have a bit of maturity and and understanding and rather do the training and then go back to the group ride and then Smash in yeah that sounds great I

    Mean I think this is a nice way to structure the year if you’re a social Rider that you want to improve as a cyclist throwing in a month like this every 3 months will mean that you definitely improve and your rate of what’s difficult becomes lower so you’re

    Able to push a little bit harder as you improve and so then another question I have uh before we sign off here do you have some overarch suggestions or overarching advice for this entire 4 weeks that people need to make sure they bear in mind for the entire time um yeah

    If you do need to miss a session because life gets in the way which which it does for for us normal folk you know try rather drop a you know either if it’s time crunched warm up and warm down shorter so you still get the duration of

    The intervals in which is important and then the pre and post writing afterwards or before just you can can shorten that try not to drop a full day of of a key session that’s that’s the first thing cuz that’s essentially what you want to improve on and then I would say probably

    One of the most important things for any training program especially when you’re now following structure and there’s a big workload and intensity is you need to fuel for your training you know anyone can give you any training and if you’re not finishing them correctly because you’re not fueled which is

    Typically what the problem is you’re wasting your own time and your own effort so make sure that that you have a breakfast or something before your your key sessions and during the key sessions you know if if it’s an hour and a half you want to be taking at least one

    Bottle of carbohydrate mix and a gel or a bar whichever one you kind of prefer so you kind of want to get in that sort of 60 80 g of carbohydrates an hour and for your longer endurance rides and it’s kind of medium low intensity you you’d

    Be looking at about 60 G an hour so just pay attention to that it also helps during the ride ride to keep consistent to have energy it also helps post ride in terms of recovery that you’re not completely depleted going forward and also post ride make sure that you

    Recover properly and eat them that it it’s super important yeah that’s actually it is as John just said it’s super important it’s critical if you’re finding that you’re really struggling with any of these sessions have a look at what you’ve got in your bottles as well because I often find I will feel

    Terrible and realize I’ve only got 40 G of carbohydrates not the required a at all trying to not make that mistake too much uh but yeah if you’re strling with any of the sessions make sure to focus on on eating the entire way through because you’ll get home you’ll feel

    Better for it start recovery process faster and also something to pay attention to is that you know if it’s you’re not having a great day but you’re able to to ride and you motivated enough to do the session but maybe the intensity is a bit too much just lower

    It a bit you know like as an example lower the RP by one point lower your heart rate by a few beats or 10 wats in terms of your power and just finish the session you still complete it you’re feeling good you’ve achieved it and then

    Fight fight another day but I will also say on the other end of that is if you start and it’s going pair shape from day one rather just call it don’t force something for for nothing yeah that’s actually also an advice I really like like try and get the session done to the

    Best of your ability even if you’re not hitting the numbers unless it’s an absolutely dire situation yeah give it up which is literally every time I write it’s always a dire situation yeah well do as he says not as he yeah not as I do

    Yeah perfect okay so one thing I want to say just before we do check out of this video it’s been a nice long one hopefully you guys have got something out of it this is a again a training plan that’s designed for a broad range

    Of people who have got 28 days to commit to cycling hard and wanting to improve but if you do want a more personalized training plan Jon and science to sport do do personalized coaching plans there’s a link down in the description down below so you can jump down there

    Click the link if you email John and you’re asking for coaching let him know you’ve come through myself and come through the channel and that also helps to support me in making more videos like this into the future it’s also just a really good tracking tool to know John’s

    Getting his clients from and uh yeah we hope to see you guys in another video very soon some more training advice uh we might do some more bike fitting stuff soon as well correct correct hope you’ve enjoyed the video and uh yeah take care cheers happy Training


    1. lol, m8 you have no real idea. 28 days is one training block(3weeks on+1week recovery/taper), and in one block you can get max 2 or 3ml/kg vo2max up. If that was the case than PROS wont start with Training camps in November 6 months from season.

    2. @tristantakevideo first off thanks so much for putting out these videos – for individuals like myself who aren't coached it provides a lot of great information. I wanted to ask if you could stack these 28 periods as blocks or would you see this more as a single 28 block. Would you structure this differently if your build period were longer?

    3. Awesome video again Tristan. Question is should you keep your training along the same route or mix it up?…especially for the training where the intervals are required I would say more flat terrain is better?

    4. 4:19 – It's incredible that we're getting this free 28-day training plan from an elite coach for free! Thanks John! 👏

      Also thanks Tristan for putting this helpful video together – I will definitely be following the training plan in the new year! 👍

    5. Absolutely love these. Can there be a video on all things nutrition. Like going over how many calories you need as a base + your life activity and then cycling. So many calicators on thr web but there is no consistency between then. Would be great to get a cycling coach take on calorie counting etc. Thx love these videos

    6. I cringe every time i hear the words fasted ride now. This is just me speaking from personal experience, i have tried the fasted and fuel'd rides. I don't see any benefit to fasted rides, fasted rides never end well, it wrecks your sleep, hormones, performance and recovery. It may benefit your ultra athletes or the pro's doing grand tours but for your average joe doing 10-15 hours a week i do not see the point. Watch your calories off the bike not prior or during. Thats just my 2 cents anyways.

    7. What a gem of a video! Legs will be hurting after this😅 Great to see how it's structured. The insight is much appreciated Tristan and John 👌🏼🙏🏼

    8. Last video in 2023? That‘s the time to say big thank you Tristan! You created absolute gems of cycling videos this year! Not only amazing storytellin with the adventures but also sharing so much valuable content for avid cyclists on training, tech and mindset. You‘re the man! Looking forward to 2024!

    9. it's great to have acces to such a plan. my question therefore is when is the right time to do the 28 day plan if for example i live in germany, actually not fare from Rosenheim ha, the base of the bora organisation. the time i usually have my atending events between Juni and August. and how to access the training plan

    10. Thanks guys. This looks great.
      Question: Week 1 day 2 low cadence. I’m confused. It says 80% ftp or 8/10 rpe. 8/10 is at least threshold for me. I can only surmise that the low cadence hurts like all hell?? 😅 doing it later today so I’ll find out soon enough..

    11. 2 questions: 1) other than the low cadence work, the cadence should be whats comfortable to hold or 85-95 rpm?

      2) i will be doing most of this indoors. Does using ERG mode on a trainer impact the effects especially on higher power efforts?

      Thanks much for the content. I will do a ramp test before and after to see hopefully good improvements.

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