Mountain biking combined with caving! An underground adventure in a massive old mine in Mezica, Slovenia. We did this on the last day of a week’s riding holiday with @mountainbikenomad It was definitely a new and exciting experience. if you want to try it

    So guys any second thoughts otherwise i’m locking us in oh come on okay we are still walking okay so off the bikes everyone so um so so how’s everybody doing good and welcome to the latin think mind magic and now i can easily say to our quick adventure the black hole thread

    For the start of it just few technical details at the beginning now we are riding two and a half kilometers flat in uh first one and a half k we are riding in between these two rails okay so be careful we will be also crossing two cross the crossings like you can see

    There first one is here and the second one further in be careful over these crossings just put the leg down don’t try to ride it because it’s slippery it doesn’t make sense to okay here in the mind we are there are some different rules so we are all the

    Time riding as one group okay so there is no stopping without stopping the whole group so if you need to stop just for a second you shall stop everybody shall stop till the world reaches to me and we stop and do things together why is this so important

    Because there are more than 1 000 kilometers of tunnels here inside okay uh also we are riding always one behind another don’t try to pass each other because the tunnels are narrow and keep the safety distance uh here on the flat sections a bike or a half or a bike and

    A half or two bikes in between each other okay so there is also one rule in the mind that i like most so when i was guiding you outside i need to take care of you right but when i’m guiding insights you need to take care of me you know why

    Because i’m the only one who knows the way up yeah okay ready let’s hop on the mic and start so so yeah oh you got a good shadow it’s not on full ball No gaps it’s slippy it’s only because i think my tyres are a bit hard i’m losing my confidence bit slippy i think i need to let some air out i think i need to let some air out my toes better with softer tires so i think so yeah

    Now this one here i think made that look harder than it was [Laughter] it wasn’t in a cave you just ride straight down it you don’t even worry it’s weird messes with your head heart was beaten before he even starts yeah so so i’m a crazy uh [Applause] okay okay stop stop stop

    Definitely an adventure rather than a bike ride that’s good fun something different okay you’re holding it i am holding it nice and steady okay pulling up tv to the next when you come down sir now do you feel like you’re caving now there’s ladders neal good job i have a helmet yeah

    Left corner small drop and right corner be careful because it still grown okay Yes Going in so oh so foreign what suddenly got warmer [Applause] [Applause] Climb up definitely got to take a top off

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