World Champion Mathieu van der Poel dominated the ninth round of the UCI Cyclocross World Cup in Antwerp, winning the race by 30 seconds ahead of his nearest rivals.

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    Less than 30 seconds 30 seconds to the start goes into today with 230 points as the leader of the UCI cycle across World Cup he’s wearing the white and red jersey of leader third from your left there the tape is drawn away s vandom we got Vander putter there in the blue

    Crouching down L Vall has that c posture as well ready to pounce we’re green and we are go we’re off from racing here in Anor round nine of the UCI Cy World Cup for the elite men Ryan cam gets a great start V Paul pulled his foot out or uh had an instant

    With another Rider and he’s gone right from the second row all the way back to halfway down through that field so issues early on for match Vander it means he’s going to have to find his way back through the field o p goes down so Tom pitcock goes down in the

    Sand and V is right behind that as well this is this is what happens when you go into a sand uh race and there’s only really a couple of lines and so you can’t see if you’re in the right Line in the Sand if you if your wheel moves out

    Of the rut it quite often causes you to crash and so two of our favorites are back halfway down the field already we’re going to watch that again have a replay so if we just watch Matthew vandero over the shoulder of Ellie isabet he gets a good start and then

    Something happens pull out pulls his foot out um and that PS him around to the side and then we’re going to watch pockock on the left of your screen as you look at it and he um collided one of the Kon Riders and that pushed him out of the

    Rock I feel oh oh he rode a bit too far there and then this is what happens when you’re in sand if you ride a little bit too far um you lose your momentum your wheel might crack and then wow R pole did ride even further but umow he jumped

    Off he knew that he was going to slow down he jumped off and he’s to taken a load of places doing that and maybe W knows that maybe W knows that V is super strong for today as he was yesterday and so you know why why risk the energy now

    When you could maybe follow his later in the race when he does attack you in the lap and it’s Yus noan house leading Pim ronard Al is Ryan Camp Neils Vander Michael V out W to vaneros then L vanar just outside the top 10 to vaneros in

    11th Tom pitock you can see for the inos grenadiers is in 12th spot Felipe or bergus B Spanish Champion just behind him Kevin K of circus R Tech is 15th T is in 16th spot in 14th he’s just moved up a couple of places Yen Adams corny van kessle G

    And co co Rook is your top 20 but really this whole pack still very much together Beyond here the the gaps are still relatively small between the Riders as you go through cor van kessle back up to the flank ronart Vander put up Van Vander Paul all hopping Camp

    There just has a glance back he’ll slot onto the wheel now of Matthew vaner just uses the flanks there the barriers just to move up CP more [Applause] Places a little replay Vall goes a little bit wider looked like Berard didn’t quite get us wasn’t quite as smooth there as van moves up onto the wheel of Matthew vano and Camp is not letting Riders through today he is Hing above his weight for

    Sure I think that I mean you know if you’re W out mat R Paul you probably want to command that respect that I was talking about but um Ry Ryan’s like hold up guys seriously I’m the Next Generation I’m just as good as you I’ve been a world champion in

    Genius the two Bala TR Lions Riders you got to say two of the Riders of the season so far in Ron har Nuen house Vander mred a consistent multiple podiums there’s T nce There’s Tom pidcock going through that Red Bull helmet you can see there for t uh for Tom

    Pidcock there’s gerin kers bitsy May wearing 19 L vanar this is where we’re looking down through the field for vandar third place rider in the world cup is L bander half these sand can really make a huge difference how a ride is able to ride and we heard pitock

    Say Thomas main there coming in pretty high up at this point um you you heard Tom pockock say in his interview that um you know this isn’t his favorite cause conditions and S is such a specialist I know we said it so many times but it’s

    Such an art to be able to do this to to not crash or to look like they’re going to crash but actually jump off and save it or to ride further than anyone else in these sections to you know like to slow down and then accelerate like they

    Just did around that corner that’s something that aan specialist knows how to do but a normal human being just does not have the capability of doing that he spit lost his pedals there it’s enough to make your eyes water but he got back up and back in there did alas a bit

    Might allow Matthew vandero to come through to the front Rod har is there Van’s going to have to be super careful now as we go onto the off camber and vanderpol control the front away now see it 5 M over isab isit has got to defend

    Here we’re going to watch it again isab obviously had to jump off and V slay down enough but as isabe jump back on he missed the saddle completely which is again in sand sand moves under your feet so even though you spring high enough you actually your bike doesn’t

    Necessarily move in the place where it’s supposed to be whereas on harder ground it’s always where you leave it and nce is very young so he came into the season and Peak form with brilliant Fitness and he was able to capitalize on that very very early On and we said it right at the beginning of the year it’s important to watch how much pressure is on and they’re going to have a huge amount of pressure as Young Riders and and Spen said it himself early on it’s don’t expect it week in

    Week day in day out that that only comes with time and now he’s able to peek for the World Championships because people aren’t watching him in these individual races um and can he get podium in the elite men’s World Championships I don’t see why he

    Couldn’t um he was capable of it at the beginning of the season so if he’s capable of doing that form again I don’t see why he couldn’t was a lovely move by Michael vanon out there he shows how much speed they carry into the sand that

    He was able to dab a foot and still get out of the sand without much effort and uh used the the real sand section down by the side of the canal to move up and then launched his move and his Gap is is around the 52nd Mark over Al isabet and

    W vanard and the pride of the pure cross Rider is he said himself if he could take a Podium today that would be a big result for him and he is in a battle with W vanard at the moment for that second spot on the podium the World Cup

    Leader he went into the day with a decent advantage over second place Pim ronard 230 points to ronard 183 tibon there started today in 10th spot in the World Cup Van’s come around isabet now he’s decided okay is this time to do this um I mean isabet was going to try and

    Make a pull f imple move I think we’re just watching Ryan Camp pull out the race looks like it’s day done Ryan Camp unfortunately went down heavily right down by the canal look was looking for an exit point there not able to find one back on the bike he’ll ride around to

    Where he can call it a day hopefully he’s okay to take it looked like he went down pretty heavy on the really hard packed Sand by the side of the canal um however yeah these skills are the skills that transfer across they’re the skills that keep you in that front group in

    Those slippy slidy race conditions that we saw at the World Championships W vard is he heading towards a second but we know what this man here is like when El isabet is put on the ropes we know just the determination the red miss the sense but vanar is managing just to Corner after

    Corner here just push out that little Gap but a a bit just gets mad get angry always say it’s like a pitbull chewing a wasp sometimes when he’s in this position he just gets mad it’s he’s always doggedly determined is the p s big go Rider if can makes a mistake in

    That last sand Section 5 Seconds isn’t a lot but if everybody rides as fast as they can which they’re doing right now with no mistakes um it’s it’s impossible to close that kind of gap on such a Powerhouse when we’ve been waiting the whole race for out to put this lap in um

    And finally he has and finally he’s put a 721 which is probably the second fastest lap in the race on that last lap um and like why did he not do that earlier I don’t I’m not quite sure why he wasn’t trying to match Vander maybe you just again you just

    Sometimes I think in that position you just never know how someone’s feeling on a day as well you know in terms of way it may be that it just took until now doesn’t it to to get the feel and get the as we as we said already the the

    Rhythm finding you know those little mistakes that that were were just creeping in all over the place um but he’s made his move he’s in second but the day is going to belong to Matthew Vanderpool this race is very much his and what can you say he

    Comes through from well down the field on the back for earlier on but the result is the same his 34th career World Cup victory here in antp another incredible performance to take the victory today for alerson deck W vard it is second yet again today for the man from Yambo

    Visma comes in just under 30 seconds down on the winner and he said it at the beginning of the day if he could take a Podium today that would be a good result for him the World Cup leader extends his lead in the World Cup overall Lon swake comes in behind him

    Yis new house who started today in the World Cup and your top 10 looks like this Matthew vandero takes the victory head of white and Alit lonus house L vard Neils Vander a Tom Pitcock T and tone vaneros your top 10 master class doesn’t quite come close

    To the treat that you were treated to watching a master at work Today oh


    1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year of love for cycling competitions, even watching the replay my heart is running thousand beats a second, cycling is the most exciting adventure of life out there, big loving hug all riders, never stop believe in guys ❤🎉❤

    2. I hated this sand ,these way too many curves.Wout really was not in shape .i was very disappointed.
      I expected some fight.better than in Mol .
      Iserbyt ,Sweek, would have finished over 4 minutes.

    3. Eurosport… Thank you once again for spoiling the race.. Really??? Can you please stop spoiling races for those of us who haven't watch the race? If you just change the headline to something that does not mention the winner, I will actually watch your race reviews.

    4. MVDP really is in a league of his own like the title says. Absolutely incredible rider and what an amazing year he's had. Sorry WVA, but you're not even close.

    5. Average speed of around 26.5 km/h. Some beginner road cyclists find it hard to maintain this speed on slick road tyres and smooth tarmac…

    6. What happened? VDP was in 8th, the director left the camera on a empty rise and we cut back to see him in 1st and race over. I guess the race winning move is not that important to see.

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