Scary Photos Hiding Dark Secrets You NEVER Want To See
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    🔍 Dive into the chilling world of Scary Photos Hiding Dark Secrets You NEVER Want To See! 📸 This spine-tingling video unravels the most eerie and mysterious photos ever captured, each harboring a dark secret that will leave you speechless. From haunted locations to unexplained phenomena, we explore the hidden stories behind these images that will send shivers down your spine. 🌌👻 Whether you’re a fan of the paranormal, a lover of history’s mysteries, or simply crave a dose of adrenaline, this video is a must-watch! 🚫⚠️ Join us as we delve into the unknown and uncover the eerie truths hidden in plain sight. Don’t forget to hit the like button, subscribe for more thrilling content, and share if you dare! 🔄👥

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    Starting off in our number 10 spot we have the fire this is a photo that comes to us from 2003 at the station nightclub in Rhode Island and it shows the band great white as they perform while this seems like just a regular photo that someone took on their Motorola Razor

    What ensued shortly after this photo was taken is absolutely tragic basically as the band performed there were some pyrot Technics that were set off and while this was meant to be a spectacular display it only ended up in disaster the fireworks ended up setting all of the

    Flammable acoustic foam in the walls in ceiling on fire and within 1 minute everything that was combustible was Up in Flames within 2 minutes the entire Club was fully engulfed in black smoke and people were having trouble finding exits in the end this fire took the lives of a hundred people and another

    230 were injured as a result it has gone down in US history as one of the worst and most deadly nightclub fires in our number nine spot today we have the core this photo shows a physicist named haral new and while this looks like a relatively normal non-threatening photo

    What he has in his hand is truly devastating Harold is holding the nuclear core of what was nicknamed the fat man atomic bomb this means that Harold is holding the nuclear core of the atomic bomb that was later dropped on Nagasaki in 1945 the immediate Blast

    Of course took many lives but so did the long-term effects of the bomb like radiation illnesses and that sort of thing it’s crazy to look at a photo like this because it seems so perfectly normal when he literally has a life-changing world-ending device in the

    Palm of his hand also I don’t think I could ever hold something like that not only would I just not want to but I don’t think I could even get near it for fear of something going wrong in our number eightth spot today we have the

    Eruption this is a photo that is showing Mount Pinatubo which is located in the Philippines on June 15th 1991 that is the day that this volcano erupted into what would be the second largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century certainly impressive also extremely terrifying this photo shows the

    Pyroclastic flow full of hot gas and rock being flung into into the air eruptive activity in the volcano first started on April 2nd of that year which prompted researchers to set up seismographs in the area by June the volcano was having a group of progressively shallower eruptions before

    On June 12th the volcano had its first spectacular eruption which sent an ash column 19 km up into the atmosphere additional smaller explosions continued on June 13th which then led to some intense seismic activity after more highly gas charged magma reached the surface on June 15th the volcano once

    Again exploded this time sending the cloud of Ash 40 km up into the atmosphere volcanic ash and pmus blanketed the surrounding areas and pyroclastic flows filled what were once deep valleys with fresh volcanic deposits it is truly magnificent and extremely powerful and this photo shows just that number seven back seat driver

    This photo is from 1959 okay it was taken by a lady named mayel chinery and the photo at first glance is just a Classic 60s shot of a man in a car that man was Mabel’s husband now the man in the back seat however that back left

    Seat we have no idea who that was her husband apparently was the only guy in the car at the time and also that’s a pretty tough angle if you wanted to recreate this photo with your friends after work like try this this is a really hard shot even with phones now it

    Would be hard back in the day it’s like he’s appearing to us through the seat almost with that angle so either this is a lie which happens often people can lie and a man was sitting in the back left seat or like Mabel thinks maybe this is

    Her dead mother-in-law now if she had said father-in-law I think maybe it was his Spirit but this for sure looks like an older gentleman with a collar or something kind of looks like uh dare I say it the devil I don’t know I read a lot of comic books number six Coen tree

    Society demon you may be thinking some of these may not be demons Taylor maybe they’re just nice spirits who stuck around after they passed yeah while it’s nice to believe that photos like this convince me otherwise this is from the Coventry Freeman society and it shows everybody as at this event dressed to

    The nines but when you look at the top left corner over here you see a hooded figure somebody that clearly doesn’t belong with the vibe in this room at this event nobody else was seen also at any point at that night wearing a hood like this so of course many believe it

    Was a dark part of the afterlife photobombing this event honestly I totally believe that this is a weird one the hood it’s maybe I’m watching Harry Potter lately I don’t know maybe it’s a dementor we actually don’t know number five the ghost pilot oh this one gives

    Me the creeps I’m hoping it’s just a Friendly Ghost I included it CU it’s kind of nice but you never really know honestly this one I did some research it’s creepy any sort of spirit I don’t welcome yeah I don’t gamble on the afterlife I’m actually all set the ghost

    Pilot is a photograph that shows a spirit from 1987 a woman named Mrs S was visiting an Airfield in England so of course she did the classic tourist thing and got a photo in the cockpit we all do it at some point but do you ever think

    Of who may have died in that exact spot before after the age of 10 years old I was like you know what I understand ghosts I’m not going to sit in that tank I’m good thanks people swear the Titanic was a cursed ship and that Spirits were

    Responsible for the ship’s bad luck now next time you want to sit in the Pilot’s seat look around for Spirits cuz this image was developed and it appears that somebody or something was in the helicopter with M the whole time number four the Paris demon originally the

    Tunnels under Paris were built for stone mines but near the end of the 18th century it turned into something haunting cemetaries were starting to fill up and I mean that in a literal sense and humans didn’t figure out how to be clean so bodies would just be

    Laying on the sides of the roads they started to pile up over time so the solution was to use these catacombs they were no longer needed for those mines anymore so might as well use them as a mass graveyard and now we have the scariest basement in the world we have

    Walls of skulls that on one hand it’s cool as hell it’s natural history it’s Gothic yet beautiful but when Google Maps tried to give a user an up close look it seemed to have caught a shadowy demon figure with more than 6 million Souls laying down there doesn’t shock me

    To hear about something like this at all there’s a video of the street view and in it you can see this this figure check it out yourself number three demons are us for this next one we’ll be going down the Lego aisle yeah how fun haunted Toys

    R R Us can you imagine all those toys starting up at Night by themselves Bay areas haunted Toys R R Us is no longer a thing thankfully as of 2018 that location closed down but it’s Tales they live on forever the sunny Bale Toys R R Us demonic presence appeared in the

    Background of this photo but of course like others on this list the people present at the time of the photo swear that no nobody else was there it’s like everyone has bad memory everyone has good memory I can’t really tell right now it’s like could this be a spirit or

    A demon caught on tape that just happens to be at a Toys R Us I vote Yes employees talked about creepy things happening there at night all the time and the sunny Bell store is indeed haunted by more than one ghost that’s what people say the store stood where

    The Murphy Farm once stood so many think the spirit is the ghost of Johnny Johnson I don’t know the fact that Ouija boards are a toy a toy that is commonly used to I don’t know communicate with Spirits maybe closing these doors was the best call I don’t think we welcomed

    In any good spirits I don’t think any Spirits are clocking in for work you know what I mean now it’s closed so I’m like it didn’t work whatever we tried didn’t work number two ghost Boots These Boots Are Made for haunting and that’s just what they’ll do yeah I put a pair

    Of boots on this list that’s where we’re at now this photo of a young girl may look like a classic family trip but upon closer inspection it seems like somebody or something is standing behind her now of course her father said that nobody was behind her at the time that it was

    Taken and I agree that and like honestly and I believe him honestly that would be pretty weird if he was like Hey can you stand right here yeah are you behind my daughter don’t move but you stand right here in this open field thanks I don’t

    Believe it I don’t buy it it’s weird this shot was taken at Zushi zagawa Japan and you could see boots and what looks like clothing sticking out from behind the child’s elbow the kid’s father said I took a few photos and when I was looking through them at night I

    Noticed the boots behind her I took several photos in the same spot but only one of them had boots you always see that in movies right at night they’re going through and they see like it’s 2 a.m. it’s never at a Walmart while it’s being developed they don’t find these

    Photos in a bright busy area it’s always in like dark kitchen it’s creepy so he freaked out and then put it on Reddit and then now we’re here full circle and finally coming in at number one cave drawings I know these aren’t photos but come on there’s nothing more eerie than

    Humanity’s origin right let’s do it let’s go back let’s turn the clocks back and for archaeologists from around the world this cave system in France doubles as the world’s oldest Art Gallery these Paleolithic paintings are haunting to look at they were created from humans about 20,000 years ago and it’s now

    Considered a heritage site there’s many of these caves around the world so if you’re thinking about sneaking down there in the Las C caves and taking a look yourself well you better think again the cave was opened originally in 1948 but due to carbon dioxide levels from visitors it was closed in 1963

    Learning about our history is challenging when it’s slowly fading away that surely doesn’t help just got to hold your breath while you read this is crazy I’m currently reading a book called Supernatural by Graham Hancock and in it he tries to dig through history to find the origins of

    Spirituality and markings in caves like these ones from ages ago definitely help they resemble these demon looking creatures almost and this is long before religion these drawings were supposedly from hallucinations but many believe it’s one of the first accounts of a demon interacting with a human it’s just

    Drawn on a cave wall peek Merl is a cave in France that also has these strange drawings and some say they resemble aliens others of course voting demons looking up the list at number 10 motorized roller skates okay this first one they’ve been working on for a very

    Very long time motorized roller skates what a dream this would be this photo was taken at the sunico station in Hartford Connecticut context aside this is an odd one and it’s pretty dangerous a dude with a briefcase is filling up at a gas station and he’s wearing roller

    Skates that man is Mike dresler the year was 1956 and the motorized roller skate Company of Detroit really thought they were on to something here the roller skates only cost around $250 which today is around $2,400 and its Max Speed was 17 mph so it’s not

    Really a great deal at all now obviously this isn’t a good idea the image alone of the man pouring gasoline into Mike’s backpack no that’s we don’t do that the biggest problem here aside from the you know everything about it was that they couldn’t figure out breaks honestly I’ll

    Take Hees any day over these much more safe number nine the first photo of a black hole okay at first glance you may think this is a blurry photo of a distant star and compared to some shots we have today of nebulas this black hole doesn’t seem impressive at first but

    Back in 2019 around 200 scientists from 20 different countries all put their big brains together in order to get a photo of a black hole at the center of the Messier 87 Galaxy 55 million light years away but just how do you do this how do

    They get a photo of something that sucks in light and all of matter well the Event Horizon telescope shows us the dark Center here this hole that swallows all matter it looks like a ring that you can maybe look around but the light that we see in this photo these radio waves

    That are represented that’s coming from all around the black hole behind it in front of it to the side it’s actually impossible to see but after the team made a virtual telescope the size of Earth yeah you heard me they were able to see the radiation surrounding the

    Black hole therefore get this image black holes are something we barely understand in the Science World alone the fact that we can see a blurry photo is more than we deserve really number eight the sun while it’s not recommended that we stare at it the sun is pretty

    Beautiful as of today we have one of the most crystal clear photos of the big red Fireball photographer Andrew McCarthy layered together 150,000 different photos of the sun to create this 300 megapixel image for us to awe at now we can look at this in our eyes don’t melt

    Out of our heads now of course there’s many steps that come into the picture pun intended in order to not go blind or light any fires Andre required a special telescope with numerous filters to do so so if you’re thinking of pointing your phone at a telescope and then pointing

    That at the sun just don’t do it it’s not going to work number seven time travelers ah yes we love these on most amazing it’s a common theme in movies Back to the Future Looper Avengers time travel plots are fun but of course they’re mainly nonsense so when we see a

    Case like the cape Scott story we can’t help but be intrigued time travel or not this is an interesting photo it comes from Ray Peterson’s book The Great Cape Scott story that book was from 1974 but the actual photo in there was taken over 100 years ago and in the photo we see

    This modern looking guy rocking shorts messy Surfer morning hair he doesn’t look like he’s from this time period at all and this has happened more than once like the time traveling hipster that was also a fun time that was a photograph from the’ 40s again seems to feature a

    Modern man now that one was debunked since but this first guy with the shorts in the hair like I’m pretty sure that’s my cousin this guy looks familiar what the hell that’s not an early 1900s man at all no chance time travel confirmed let us know in the comments number six

    Worldwide selfie the selfie Ellen took at the Oscars I’ll admit that’s up there that’s pretty good of course right next to astronaut Michael Collins’s photo of everybody in the world yeah your parents were in this photo how fun is that they didn’t even know it in this photo we

    Have everybody alive at the time photo bombing the main center of attention we have Buzz Aldren and Neil Armstrong returning after their successful Apollo 11 Miss back in 1969 when thinking of the astronauts who first went to the moon we often forget about Michael Collins but this photo He took is still

    So underrated I can’t even get four of my friends together for a single photo and Michael got everybody in the world in one shot kicking off the list at number 10 William Thomas dead born in 1849 William Thomas dead was the son of congregationalist Minister and at the

    Age of 22 he was appointed as editor of the northern Echo original newspaper in Darlington this British medium Richard borol featured a photo of WT St and a spirit or a demon one of the two both pretty terrifying while William was investigating a spiritual case he took

    This photo with what’s supposed to be the spirit of Pete boa now the reason many believe that maybe the spirit is evil is that stead later on died in the Titanic he boarded the ship to take part in a peace Congress at Carnegie Hall and survivors mentioned William Thomas dead

    A few times apparently at dinner he was chatting his way throughout the entire 11 course meal recounting exciting spooky times in his life even mentioning a cursed mummy that he encountered at the British museum once that’s a little odd for table talk he even gave his life jacket to another passenger that night

    Too St would often claimed that he would one day pass due to Hanging or to drowning and right before he was to be awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize he passed away due to the ladder was he cursed I believe so to be honest with you what do you guys think number nine

    The Demonic boy photograph it doesn’t matter where or when but odds are you’ve probably seen this photo at some point all those late nights when you’re scrolling through Reddit you’ve probably seen this at some point I know I have and every time I see it I’m kind of like

    It looks pretty real that’s pretty haunting you know when you see a photo sometimes you get bad vibes like it registers in your brain as something scary and real like you want to find something that looks fake about the photo but it’s tough this photo was taken inside the Amityville house in

    1976 it appears to be a young boy or Ghost spirit demon whatever with glowing white eyes it was taken with automatic cameras equipped with infrared and it makes it even creepier that the boy looks like he’s peeking around the corner like he knew something was coming almost he didn’t want to get caught

    That’s the creepiest part here a photographer named Jean Campbell took it and Jean was working with paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren at the time yeah the famous Duo now rocking the big screen Conjuring Universe this was a real thing they were on this case in real life this photo was revealed 3

    Years after it was taken and it was revealed on the Merv Griffin Show imagine seeing this on a show like Jimmy Kimmel whips us out it’s like hey we’re going to play Plinko check out this demon many believe this is the ghost of John defo one of the boys who lived

    There prior during the 1974 event now we’re still trying to cover this one but what do you guys think is this an elaborate hoax is this a young boy or is this one of the many demons that was said to haunt the house sound off down below number eight the SS Watertown this

    Picture here perhaps is one of the creepiest on this list I’m not sure what to think of this one it comes from 1924 and it shows what appears to be two older men or two older figures almost I don’t know it’s water it’s hard to tell some believe it’s James Courtney and

    Michael Mian in the water now the two had previously died and were buried at Sea hence that’s why their first thought was them as to who it was other crew members saw these strange faces in the water as well so when they turned back to get another look five out of the six

    Photos showed nothing this was the only photo that showed what they saw are these the two lost crewmen or is the vessel haunted by Sinister forces in our number seven spot today we have postwar this is a photo that is said to have been taken in 1946 just after the end of

    The second World War Story Goes that the person in this photo is a soldier who had just returned home from War which would already be difficult and challenging enough but as he returned home he came to hear the news that unfortunately despite his survival his family had lost their lives during the

    War there is no doubt about the impact that either World War had on the world and how the impact doesn’t stop once the war is over these wars changed the course of history and they changed people’s lives forever this is definitely a difficult photo to look at

    And it’s an eerie reminder of those dark times in number six spot today we have the disguise speaking of the second world war as it began to come to a close many of the Germans who were involved in all of the many many violations of human

    Rights began to flee or try and hide or disguise themselves for fear of being persecuted one of those was of course the worst of them all Hitler himself this photo or rather series of photos was created by the US government as an attempt to document the many ways that

    He could have disguised himself in order to escape being recognized and captured at the time the fear of him being able to escape responsibility and go on living his life abroad was very real I mean there have been others who actually did manage to do just that and that is

    Exactly the reason for these photos there’s also something kind of interesting and bizarre about what happens when we take away the features of his that we know him by in the end he didn’t escape and go on to live abroad but he did Escape being held responsible

    Before the world in our number five spot today we have the Titanic we all know the story of the Titanic I mean it’s one of the most famous in history and this photo comes from just before the historic Iceberg encounter on April 10th 1912 the Titanic set sail on its maiden

    Voyage heading from Southampton over to New York City the ship took a couple of stops along the way one in France one in Ireland before setting off for the United States officially and somewhere along the beginning part of its Journey someone was able to snap a photo of the

    Ship as it sailed it’s not clear exactly where this photo was taken but it is thought to be the last photo taken of the ship before its tragic end considering it was only 4 days after the ship set sail that it hit the iceberg it is likely that this photo came not too

    Long before the Terrible Day in our number four spot today we have the lipstick killer this is a photo that comes to us from December 10th 1945 if looking at this image gives you a shudder down your spine that absolutely makes sense as it was written by a

    Terrible person known as the lipstick killer this photo is an image of a note he left written on the wall at one of his crime scenes the photo comes from the apartment of Francis Brown as just before he wrote this message he took her life after this message was left he

    Ended up taking the life of one other person because he was finally caught by the police 6 months later the message scrolled in the photo reads For Heaven’s Sake catch me before I kill more I cannot control myself it is an absolutely chilling note with a horrific

    Backstory in our number three spot today we have bad politics this is a photo that shows the former first lady Rosalyn Carter and you may or may not be wondering who that man next to her is and to that I say my friends that is the horrible horrible monster that is John

    Wayne gasy AKA The Kill clown this photo was taken at a Polish Constitution Day celebration in Chicago in 1978 which is the same year that gasy was arrested for his crimes so at the point this photo was taken he had already taken the lives of at least 20 people the reason he was

    There and was able to meet the first lady is because he was not only the worst of the worst he also somehow became the Democratic Precinct captain in the Chicago suburbs in the 1970s and he was the Marshall of the Polish parade the picture is even signed quote to John

    Gasy best wishes Rosalyn Carter it’s terrible I hate it so much I feel very bad for anyone who had to meet him in our number two spot today we have the first day this is a photo that shows Dorothy count Scoggin as she joined her new school what should be a perfectly

    Normal activity was certainly anything but for Dorothy as she was the first black person to attend Harding High School in Charlotte North Carolina which was previously an all-white school after the passing of the pural plan in 1956 there were 40 students who applied for transfers and Dorothy was one of four

    Who was accepted this photo clearly shows that although small steps were being taken within the law to prevent segregation there were no steps being taken within the students as Dorothy just tries to get an education you can see her peers clearly trying to disturb her peace after 4 days of this kind of

    Treatment Dorothy’s parents ended up withdrawing her from the school over fears for her safety these images however were seen around the world this photo acts as quite the reminder for where we were really not all that long ago in our number one spot today we have

    The Challenger crew this is a photo that was taken of the clearly very excited Challenger crew as they walked down the ramp ready to head off on their mission the crew even included 37-year-old Christa mcauliff who was a high school social studies teacher she had won a

    Spot on this Mission through a program with NASA called the teacher in space program and she had trained diligently for months in order to be the first non-military person in space on January 28th 1986 the Challenger Mission proved to be fateful just 73 seconds after liftoff two rubber O-rings failed

    Because of the cold temperatures of the morning and on live television the world watched as the spacecraft broke apart and plunged into the ocean sadly taking the lives of everyone on board it is an absolutely tragic event made even more chilling by this final photo number five the first aerial photo with technology

    Today we can map out our long commute easily Google Street View is it’s honestly witchcraft the fact that I can float around virtually or see the top of any building with a click of a button like on Google Earth that’s a privilege even if it’s slow or glitchy it’s

    Amazing also drones that bowling alley drone video don’t even get me started that’s crazy the first aerial photograph that was back in 1860 James Wallace black took this one not by using drones but rather by using a hot air balloon this lovely landscape is the town of

    Boston and you’re looking at it from around 2,000 ft another milestone in aerial photography of course is the first photo from space this was much later in 1946 so next time you use a selfie stick in public um don’t take it for granted and also don’t use a selfie

    Stick in public number four the isolator this image might seem haunting at first definitely but it’s actually pretty ahead of its time the isolator came long before noise cancelling mode or low five beats to study and relax to this goofy looking helmet was intended to block out noise and finally concentrate on

    Finishing that paper do at midnight this was back in the early to mid 1900s when inventor Hugo G’s back worked hours and hours to create this study buddy to block out the distractions in life this is a powerful IM image because the things that distract us today like Instagram messenger dating apps phones

    Anything really none of those were even a concept back in 1925 when this device was needed when it was revealed to the public focusing is hard if you’re working in a loud office and you’re thinking it’s a you problem it’s not this guy had like three pencils at a

    Wooden desk and even so he’s like oh come on man Focus block these pieces of wood out like he had nothing and he was still distracted that’s crazy this device was useful but of course it wasn’t practical some light reading in the park uh yes let me just pull out the

    Isolator number three able holding cell prisoner transport is always a risky game when out in public in any way the odds that something goes wrong or they escape back into the real world go up significantly and we don’t want that depending who or what is in the back of

    That truck the movie Con Air is about this exact situation unfolding a Timeless classic if you ask me Nicholas Cage so good and Dave Chappelle yeah good one well back in the 1920s we didn’t have SWAT teams move around the worst of the worst we had bite cops with

    Cages this portable jail cell is an early version of our police car except doesn’t work the concept was perfect but the fact that this guy in the cell can just reach out and grab the officer driving the motorcycle at any time that’s not ideal the fact that he’s less

    Than a foot away that’s not relaxing in the slightest bit a motorcycle side car those are fun those are a great time if I had one of those I wouldn’t be here right now nor would Chris we’d be whipping around the town you know who I wouldn’t take around town this guy he’s

    Up to something he looks suspicious you can see on his face he wants to grab him off the bike number two ice mask today you can go to Amazon and get a therapeutic gel face mask for like $20 if you’re stressed or if you’re trying to avoid puffy eyes throw this in the

    Freezer for a hot minute and then you’re set you can make your own aloe vera Honey Gel mask if you feel like just click any vlogger that says the word Wellness in their bio and then you’re set back in the’ 40s Hollywood makeup artist Max Factor Jr created the first

    Face mask to reduce facial puffiness and it looked way cooler again pun intended they didn’t use freezer gels instead just a bunch of Ice Cube shaped containers that froze individually and then they were stuck onto your face it was an ice cube tray mask rather it was actually invented to fight hangovers

    That’s one of the main reasons how fun it’s a shame that this design never caught on because the ones today they’re no good they don’t work they’re not cold enough imagine busting this thing out during a lecture imagine having this underneath the isolator God you could do

    Anything you wanted number one the first photo of Machu Picchu it’s currently a wonder of the modern world and it’s kind of a big deal let’s talk about it Machu Picchu was built around 1450 ad it was first discovered in 1911 by archeologist Haram Bingham when he and a small team

    Were originally heading out to find the ancient city of VAB bambba but during their commute from zesco they found this Landmark instead and I bet they’re pretty jazzed about it yeah sitting at 2,430 m above sea level Machu Picchu is a 14th century inco Citadel built from thousands and thousands of stones with

    Many weighing over 50 tons and with Machu Picchu translating to Old Mountain well this seemed like an impossible build back then hence the fact that it’s a modern Wonder of our world we barely had animal power back then too all we had were llamas so I mean I we really

    Don’t know how we did this they designed a perfect City with their bare hands they slapped these giant rocks into each other without any problems at all I mean after 500 years of foul weather nothing has yet to destroy this ancient city I wonder if when heram Bingham took this

    Photo they knew over a 100 years later that we would still be blown away by it we know nothing about this still this photo coming in at number 10 we have tiny hole disease the bad people of Photoshop invented a horrible disease in order to trigger people with Trypophobia

    The fear of tiny holes I actually really don’t like a tiny hole this much I know so people with trophobia will be afraid of little ho holes and symmetrical patterns a lot of the time this is kind of the sickening symmetry that you can find in nature like in honeycomb or

    Certain plants for example meet the Lotus pod it actually makes my stomach turn remember the Lotus pod for just one moment obviously when it comes to tiny holes in the skin then that just hammers the fear home right the only way in real life you can get anything close to Holy

    Skin is by like kneeling on a bag of peas or is it my friends have a look at this lots of people have delighted in photo shopping grotesque holes onto people’s skin and that makes me feel absolutely not okay the humble Lotus pod has even been used to generate a

    Horrifying looking skin condition that thankfully doesn’t exist okay can we stop looking at this now please coming into number nine we have Voldemort could it be magic no no does anyone else here remember take that I feel like America never had the pleasure of the British

    Boy band but whatever I stand by the reference and I just like to sing in the middle of lists honestly it makes it whole dark Photoshop thing a lot easier to deal with so remember when Dobby the house elf was spotted on security camera in the middle of the night well I’m

    Thinking that there’s some kind of Hogwarts back from the dead Resurgence going on because this is something happening with Voldemort I think that there’s a poor soul with a Voldemort stuck on the back of his head I guess that actually this is a black and white photo so perhaps it predates the whole

    Professor quirrel and voddi era for those of you who forgotten it looked a lot like this bravery you parents heading too like what is going on with the evil on the head is this some kind of pre pre Voldemort is this a wizard thing I don’t

    Like it this is one of the first examples of horror Photoshop coming into number eight we have the 911 plane this picture went viral on the internet and purportedly captured the moment just before one of the hijacked planes hit the World Trade Center it shows a tourist unaware of his impending fate

    And the imminency of the moment that would change the world forever note the date on the picture this image was actually Unleashed to the world 2 weeks after the 9/11 attack and spread like wildfire over the internet at a time that people were still very much grieving so did this picture capture the

    Final moments of a man’s life well no there are some digital imperfections that are visible to the trained eye but beyond that the man is wearing a coat and I’m not sure if you’ve ever been to New York during the month of September but it just isn’t coat weather also the

    Observation deck doesn’t open until 9:30 a.m. so there wouldn’t have been anyone up there yet the plane also looks like it’s approaching from the north but the North Tower didn’t have an outdoor observation deck so it absolutely couldn’t have been there the plane isn’t the right model either so basically it

    Was fake and nasty and I have no idea who and would do this and why the image came from a Hungarian man called Peter who claimed that it was indeed him as the Taurus guy he created the viral image honestly for me I think that’s really sick why would someone want to do

    That things were getting a little heavy there for a second so let’s change up the tone a bit and talk about this at absolute poop leader at number seven I remember this image going viral it seems to show a cheerleader who experiences a nasty case of diara in the middle of a

    Game unfortunate especially when you’re being hked into the air can you even imagine a lot of people thought that this image was real the look of the shock on the cheerleaders on the right hand side certainly make it seem like it could be although I mean I’ve never seen

    Poop that liquidy it turns out thankfully this is fake but the scary thing is that this poor girl was shamed one commenter Tinker Min wrote you can ruin someone’s life with this sort of thing I actually saw this image and believed it and I felt deeply sorry for

    The girl imagine if this really happened and the whole world laughing about it and now she has to run around explaining that actually this isn’t real right okay even grosser still at number six we have blue waffle no I’m not actually going to show you these Photoshop images because

    Honestly internet people be nasty and trust me when I say you can live without it you’ll actually have a much better life let me tell you though a little bit about one of the original Photoshop troll Trends blue waffle became a thing in the early 2000s it is allegedly a

    Sexually transmitted disease that leaves both male and female nether regions looking pretty messed up messed up with a bluish tinge great so anyway a lot of photoshopping of body parts went on leading people to believe that it was legit many people especially kids were actually worried about the disease so

    Many that a doctor felt compelled to make a video about it blue waffle disease is not a thing okay what else we got ooh giant spider and Pals are coming into to number five I don’t like spiders but I am going to call BS on this

    Straight away this is scary to look at but honestly I take comfort in the fact that there is no way that this is real the image was clearly taken in a house of some kind the spider is on the ceiling the thing is though the biggest

    Spider in the world is the giant bird eating spider and one it isn’t even that big and two it lives in the rainforest of Northern South America so you’re very unlikely to see one ever I would say sleep easy but I think that the small spiders a real and that’s also gross

    Coming into number four we have this old ghost it’s an Old Chestnut it’s an old ghost I’ve seen it a lot of times have a look at this picture it’s usually accompanied by short stories like this back in the 1950s the Cooper family from Texas moved into their new home but

    Something was a Miss once there they took a family photo but when they got the picture developed there was an image of a body falling from the ceiling on further investigation the story has brought no plausible explanation there have been many speculations including one that argues that the shadow is the

    Ghost of the previous owner of the house the film was proved as authentic so what’s going on H for me it’s all very antiville horror right no prizes for guessing that of course this image turned out to be photoshopped the real images just of a nice family sitting

    Down sans’s ghost oh hey there slender man how you doing at number three I feel like you can’t get through a scary top 10 list without reference to Slender Man so here he is Slender Man is an internet urban legend that crawled forth from a creepy Pastor posted on a forum by Eric

    Nson in 2009 the to thin humanoid with no facial features piqued the interest of many internet users so it was only a matter of time before they started photoshopping him into pre-existing images and spreading scary news stories for example here is Slender Man scene lurking in the shadows at a back of a

    Group of kids here he is responsible for a chance abduction here he is having started a school fire Slender Man you get get everywhere okay we are heavily on the internet creepy Pastor wagon here coming in at number two we have Jeff the Killer I feel like most of you will

    Recognize this image ah Jeff Jeff the Killer emerged from the internet in 2008 and the story usually goes a little something like this there was a boy at school he was terribly bullied he mutilated his own face and went on a killing spree things escalated kind of

    Quickly he even murdered his own brother to whom he whispered the words just go to sleep horrifying stuff right sure creepy Pastor it was all over the Internet this is the image used to depict Jeff the Killer but actually the image is photoshopped from a picture of

    An innocent young girl here is the original it turns out that the reveal of the real image actually even sparked a new urban legend of its very own the story then went that the exaggerated and photoshopped image of the teenage girl upset her so much and she was bullied so

    Hard for being the face behind Jeff the killer that she herself actually took her own life now I’m actually pretty sure that that part of the story isn’t true either way turning a girl into a grotesque caricature just like that isn’t okay I honestly think that photoshop is scariest when the image is

    Given context given a story this Photoshop image at number one was so compelling that it made the story seem very believable and well I think it’s fake I certainly hope so coming into number one we have the Russian sleep experiment the Russian sleep experiment was according to internet law a hospital

    Experiment that was said to have taken place in Soviet Russia the Soviets were experimenting on political prisoners during World War I now we know that they did do this in some form in real life Russian doctors allegedly used sleep deprivation as torture and studied its effects now prisoners were told that

    They would be freed if they took place in a 30-day experiment to cut a long story short at the end of the experiment those still alive could no longer be described as human or even human looking when AR what they were one of the subjects reportedly smiled and said we

    Are you we are the madness that lurks within you all begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind we are what you hide from in your beds every night we are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal Haven where we cannot tread I

    Don’t know cool so what does the madness inside of your head look like good question something like this apparently horrifying right I almost almost believed the story when I saw this picture that was until I saw the original image it turns out that the famous Russian sleep experiment image

    Actually comes from a real horrifying movie prop called spasm that was photoshopped to look like it was a prisoner lovely great horrifying look well guys I think we’ve all learned a lesson today involving believing what we see on the internet not all scary images are fake but it does serve us to pay

    Better attention to what might be especially when we’re living in a world of deep fakes so guys which image do you think was the scariest let me know in the comment section down below and number 10 we have Lookout below the kid in this next photo is about to get a

    Shower he never asked for if there’s anything that this picture has taught me is that I am right in my quest to never have kids look at how gross this is oh it looks thick too like the stream of puke flowing out of that kid’s mouth is

    A fresh brew of whatever he ate for breakfast and all the midnight snacks he had that kid is getting puke all all over his head and he’s going to be picking chunks out of his hair but this is why kids going to be so gross for the

    Most part they’re pretty fun to hang around they have so much energy and they keep you updated about what’s going on in fortnite and all those other things but every now and again you will get one that will puke on your head without remorse if you feel like you’re going to

    Puke you should probably leave and go to the bathroom this picture can wait but at the same time I am so grateful that this kid has such poor puking etiquette because now we have this amazing photo on this list I just feel bad for that

    Kid who had to get puked on this looks like this picture was taken at the start of the season and his jersey is already ruined at number nine we have be aware of your surroundings if there’s anything that football has taught me is that you always need to have your head on a

    Swivel if you let your guard down for even a moment you might have the world come crashing down on top of you or you might end up doing an unexpected backplash oh Lord she coming this picture is so perfect Let’s ignore the dude’s and nipples for a moment and look

    At that lady who’s about to ruin her phone and everything on her person if you look closely you can see these small ripples that are coming off of her feet cuz they’re just touching the water that’s how you know she has reached the point of no return or who knows maybe

    This lady is The Reincarnation of Jesus Christ and she’s about to walk on water and everything will be fine probably not though I love how this is the exact moment before anyone has noticed and she is too far gone for anyone to save her the only thing that would make this

    Picture better was if it was a video I need to know how this plays out and number eight we have wear a helmet we all want to look cool there’s something deep in our souls that make us urge for human approval and that sometimes will cause us to make decisions that are

    Perhaps fashion forward but put your body at risk like what’s going on in this picture right here this guy is about to meet a world of hurt that he never knew was possible and to be fair it’s not really his fault I can’t knock him for his ability to ride the bike it

    Looks more like it was shoddy craftsmanship rather than poor driving skills that led to This Disaster but this dude is about to get some road rash on his face and maybe lose a few of his teeth the crazy thing is that all the dudes in the background have helmets on

    Why didn’t you join them in their quest for cranial safety at number seven we have you’re not licensed usually if you do a photo shoot on a heavy piece of Machinery you make sure that said piece of Machinery is turned off but I guess this time they didn’t really care and

    They underestimated the power of an ATV I love how every face in this picture has a different expression of Terror first you have the grandma who has her maternal Instinct kick in and feels the call to save that young boy then you have the kid falling uncontrolled fear a

    Quick realization that he has no control over the situation and his fate is no longer decided by himself then you have the kid driving his brain is trying to understand the power that he now possessed and his heart knows that he will never tame it also driving kid’s

    Face is so red it looks like it’s going to pop like a cherry tomato at number six we have hot rain what does someone have to do to try and get a little Sun without being disturbed if you live in the Northern parts of North America then

    Sunshine only comes around a few months a year so you want to try enjoy every last second that you can get of it and then something like this happens o that girl is in for a rude awakening the worst part is is she doesn’t see it

    Coming at all she’s going to have hot dog pea showered on her like she’s in a Super Soaker fight even worse than that it looks like she’s sunbathing in a park if she was on a beach and this happened at least she could get up run to the

    Water Rinse herself off and all the pee would be gone and she would only be left with the emotional scarring that comes with the social embarrassment that will never leave her but she doesn’t even have a towel there she’s going to have to get dressed walk home in the Sun and

    Have a bunch of people give her weird looks because she smells very strange at number five we have better up I’ve never been doing MLB game but I thought they had Nets to prevent this kind of thing from happening but I guess not and these ladies should not have been sitting in

    These seats because none of them are ready for what is about to happen if you’re going to sit in the hot seat then you better be ready to catch those Rogue balls because shutting your eyes is not going to help the situation all four of them have their eyes closed they’re like

    Ah no please don’t kill us it’s going to kill you it doesn’t care it’s a ball mind you I have to say if I was in that position I would be doing the exact same thing I’m not a ninja I’d be sitting there with a black eye and a cold beer

    Pressed against my eye socket at number four we have you didn’t even make it to the wedding you hope your wedding dress is going to look great on the day of your wedding but then this happens and you better hope that it is machine washable oh no that is not going to go

    Away anytime soon it’s done it’s the biggest day of her life and it’s over just like that might as well tell everyone that the wedding is canceled I bet the cameraman got fired after that why didn’t he warn them about the impending doom the real disaster is

    Going to be the bride who has the Unstoppable rage coursing through her veins at number three we have well that’s all this picture says just well I’ve never seen someone accept their fate better than this lady maybe the picture is photoshopped and that’s why she seems so accepting of the situation

    Maybe this is a camera trick to make the waves seem way closer than they actually are but I like to believe that this is actually a massive wave about to crash down on this lady I don’t want her to get hurt but I want her to lose her hat

    And her flip-flops and have a family member bring up the story about how Sherry got tossed in the wave in the Bahamas at every family get together maybe just a little water up the nose too at number two we have bad friends this is what happens when you hang out

    With bad people they will do stuff like this at any chance they get and I have to say I am one of these bad people I would have totally done the same thing in this situation this poor guys little Johnson is about to meet its end in the

    Worst way possible and he doesn’t even see it coming at all worst of all the dog doesn’t know that he’s doing anything wrong he’s just trying to solve the mystery of the Red Dot and for our number one spot we have it sucks to be a

    Duck as humans we have a pretty sweet spot on the food chain we don’t have to worry about creatures jumping out and trying to eat us at any moment we’ve managed to cage ourselves in some pretty nice cities that protect us from all the horrors of the world and I cannot say

    The same for this duck holy moly this guy is about to get chomped on by 300 teeth that is the last thing this feathered friend is ever going to see a cage of Dentistry tearing him apart at least it will be a quick death that bird

    Is going to be ripped in half before he’s able to process what is happening not the preferred way to die but at least a decent one I think that’s A Warrior’s death or something it’s at least a bird’s death all right everyone that is our list and as promised I’m

    Going to be doing some more pet shout outs remember if you want me to shout out your pet you can hit me up on Instagram I pick new pets every day so if you don’t get picked one day you can message back another day and if it takes

    Me a little while to get back to you I am very sorry I have a lot of these to do and without taking any longer let’s shout out some pets first off we have Kei who is the cutest little dude I have ever seen in my life I love him so much

    Look at those big blue eyes oh my God then we got snowy who is living up to his name with that cute Mane of white fur after that we have Bianca who’s a little dogger with a big toy next we got not one not two but three wiener dogs

    Hanging out on the top of stairs trying to figure out how to get down them that is the dramatic movie that I always wanted then there’s a big old orange snoozer Loki what a nice cat looks so cute and to top it off we have Misty with her big green beautiful eyes love

    This cat all right everyone that has been our list starting off this countdown we have experimental electrical stimulation taken in 1856 this photo shows a man undergoing an experiment with electrical stimulation and by the looks of it it was quite painful so back then they would use the

    Stimulation for a number of reasons one to manipulate and experiment on one’s nervous system and two to treat certain diseases and disorders nowadays this treatment is much safer they use it to help with injured muscles or manipulate nerves to reduce pain but back then they

    Were still trying to get it right so it makes you wonder how many people underwent these painful experiments and how many people were accidentally killed before they found the correct voltage to use in our ninth spot today we have the lipstick killer and if you’re liking

    This video so far then smash that like button cuz it really helps us out William George Harens was an American criminal and potential serial killer that can confessed to be the lipstick killer the lipstick killer was someone who took the lives of a number of women and would often leave a creepy message

    At the scene of the crime in lipstick that’s how he got the name lipstick killer the photo I’m about to share with you was a creepy message that he left at the scene of one of his crimes in 1945 he wrote For Heaven’s Sake catch me before I kill more I cannot control

    Myself now this message is creepy for a number of reasons first you got a man on the loose who can’t control his impulses and he just admitted it and second look how creepy it just looks with lipstick smeared everywhere and such it took the police 6 more months from the time this

    Message was written to finally catch William this photo is just a scary and dark reminder of the horrors this man committed moving on at number eight we have the poverty this photo from 1948 shows just how bad poverty was in the 1940s to 50s in America this is when the

    Poverty rate was at its highest in this photo Mr and Miss Ray shifo were facing eviction from their Chicago Apartment they were so desperate for money that they had to sell other kids now this photo was a stage photo but it still shows a heartbroken mother not knowing

    What else to do within 2 years all four kids were sold into different homes it also sheds the light on how different laws were back then nowadays that is very much illegal to do anyways this is a very heartbreaking photo like I can’t imagine what that family went through

    Moving on to number seven we have the nuclear Shadow on August 6th 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima the bomb was so powerful that people up to a mile of it were vaporized all that was left of them was their Shadows burnt into stone this is a

    Creepy image that shows one of the bomb’s victims it’s a silhouette of an elderly man or woman with a cane so the bombs light and heat were so powerful that it bleached any exposed surfaces in this case the person’s body shielded that part on the sidewalk and that’s why

    An imprint was left there all around Hiroshima there were multiple of these body outlines it’s very disturbing and sad it just shows their final moments alive in our sixth spot today we have the Stan for prison experiment the Stanford Prison Experiment set out to explore the psychological effects of

    Imprisonment it started on August 14th 1971 a University psychology Professor gathered a bunch of student volunteers and divided them into groups 11 were assigned the role of guards and 10 were assigned the role of prisoners it’s going to be a two-e experiment where the volunteers would play their part in a

    Make-believe prison but the experiment had to be ended after only 6 days the volunteers got way into character some guards turned sadistic they really exercised their power over the prisoners whereas many prisoners became depressed and showed signs of extreme stress the study and this creepy photo provide a

    Chilling look at what humans are capable of we are now at our fifth and halfway mark with the Wildman suit not only is this a dark photo from history but it’s also a very mysterious one this suit that you’re seeing is what historians named The Wild Man suit it consists of a

    Double layered set of armor covered in 1 in Long iron nail Nails what was it used for you may ask well no one knows for sure one popular theory is that it was used during bear hunting in the 1800s or it was used in bare baiting don’t know

    If that’s true but it looks very uncomfortable to wear maybe it was a twisted torture device the Executioner would wear it and then give the prisoner a nice big and tight hug I don’t know I’m just guessing but either way it’s messed up in our fourth spot today we

    Have the ruins of Hiroshima here is another very scary and sad photo taken after America Dropped a Bomb on Hiroshima the bomb had an explosive yield equal to 15,000 tons of TNT in fact it destroyed 5 square miles of the city this photo shows the ruins of the once beautiful city buildings and

    Wildlife were completely destroyed by this bomb in fact the US remains to be the only country to ever use an atomic bomb in war it had a huge lasting impact on the city that we should never forget about in our third spot today we have the Titanic on April 15th 1912 the

    Infamous ship the Titanic began to sink 1,500 passengers sank with the ship after a hdden Iceberg during its maiden voyage the few that did manage to survive fled on lifeboats this is a picture of the last Lifeboat approaching the rescue ship you can see it was crammed with passengers as all the

    Lifeboats were this photo serves as a reminder of this great tragedy in history and all the innocent individuals that were impacted by this disaster in our second spot today we have the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 in 1906 San Francisco was hit with a massive 7.9 magnitude earthquake it has gared the

    Title of the most powerful earthquake in Northern Californian history this earthquake not only caused homes to come crumbling down but also started a number of fires throughout the city hundreds of fires started as a result of the broken gas lines these fires went on for 3 Days engulfing 500 city blocks more than

    3,000 people passed away from the earthquake and fires 20,000 buildings were destroyed and 200,000 citizens were left homeless it was very sad and tragic this is a photo from this devastating time this was after all the damage was done people lined the streets and just stared at the destruction that the

    Earthquake caused and in our number one spot today we have the American buffalo now this photo is absolutely heartbreaking this was taken in 1892 Michigan and that is an actual mountain made up of Buffalo skulls that means thousands of buffalos were slaughtered no wonder why the buffalo population is

    Considered Near threatened and are at risk for extinction so these skulls were then ground down to be used used in making bone china or refining sugar and producing fertilizer it said that around the end of the 18th century there were between 30 to 60 million buffalo on the

    Continent when this photo was taken the population was at only 456 they literally slaughtered millions of Buffalo what makes it worse is that some of the Buffalo were killed purposely just so that the indigenous individuals were deprived of them all right guys that’s all for today’s video

    Let me know in the comments below which one of these pictures gave you the heie jeebies and now starting off this countdown we have the secret entrances just last year a man claimed to have found three hidden entrances that lead to Area 51 he discovered this after

    Using Google Earth he compared images of the base from different time periods in one particular area in 1998 there seems to be no roads or entrance satellite pictures of that same location in 2005 2010 and 2013 show a road and a dead end with what looks like an entrance and

    Tunnel carved into a mountain in fact at the dead end there appears to be cars parked there seems unusual for people to just park there because what is around for them to do wander the barren plane alone no they’re parking their cars there and then entering Area 51 through

    This secret entrance in our ninth spot we have the alien craft what I’m about to show you is a leaked video and some photos from Area 51 of an alien spacecraft test the video features a flying object hovering in the sky and moving in ways that other crafts

    Definitely don’t do this was recorded on May 15th 2017 and then was leaked years later if this isn’t actually a UFO then what could it be that’s what’s baffling people the way it just moves up and down and side to side that quickly is very strange especially because of its size

    What do you think though is this proof that area 51 has gotten their hands on an alien spacecraft moving on to number eight we have the transportation of a UFO when this next photo was leaked online it was met with a number of conspiracy theories so this is the image

    Of the CIA transporting a large part for one of their top secret projects in fact when this was getting transported the CIA sealed off the entire Highway and I’m sure you can see why this was met with a number of conspiracy theories like look at the shape of the thing that

    They’re transporting that is definitely a UFO or part of a UFO spaceship now this is where it gets even more interesting somehow a group of bikers made it onto the road when they were stopped by some soldiers they asked what they were transporting and the solders

    Said they found a UFO up in the mountains now apparently he said this jokingly but who knows in our seventh spot we have the Tic Tac UFO last year another UFO was spotted near Area 51 this one was given the name the Tic Tac UFO because of its Tic Tac shape and

    White or bright appearance so this spacecraft was caught on footage by a person driving along near Area 51 he was driving along the Extraterrestrial Highway that’s the name given to the highway in Nevada as a number of UFOs have been seen by drivers while on this route at first the driver thought that

    What he was seeing was just a cloud when he got closer to it he realized that it was definitely a craft of some kind later on alien Hunter Scott warring confirmed that the UFO was was in fact alien in origin also the area in which he was driving through had a number of

    Wind farms in the area turns out that in the past a lot of UFOs have been spotted around wind farms and one UFO even crashed into a windmill many years back some say this is because aliens are fascinated with human technology in our sixth spot we have Steven Baron in 2016

    UFO Hunter Steve Baron captured video and photographic evidence of another alien space craft close to Area 51 these were taken near his home in Las Vegas Nevada an hour drive from Area 51 using a night vision camera Steve head out to Red Rock Canyon to try and capture a UFO

    The first couple of hours there was nothing then he saw mysterious weird flashing lights appear over a mountain he said this in regards to the UFO and its lights and I quote first one then two then more and more they put on a spectacular show I am glad I was patient

    Because the show they put on kept getting better and better we are now at our fifth and halfway mark with the CIA spy plane in 2011 Los Angeles Times journalist Annie Jacobson published a book called Area 51 an uncensored history of America’s top secret military base in the book she included a number

    Of neverbe seen photos of the base the first one I want to show you is of a CIA spy plane this photo shows an a 12 Ox cart hidden behind a barrier at Area 51 this was a top secret plane that was created to reach high speeds in

    Altitudes during the first 3 years of testing this plane everything was kept Top Secret in fact the pilots weren’t even allowed to tell their wives what they were working on on May 24th 1963 during a test flight the plane crashed the pilot Ken Collins was fine but had

    To eject himself out of the plane but afterwards the CIA actually injected him with sodium pentathol AKA truth serum to then interrogate him after the crash that’s crazy in our fourth spot we have the rare photo so this photo was also featured in Annie Jacobson’s book Area 51 an uncensored history of America’s

    Top secret military base in fact this is a very rare photo that has never been published before it was published for the first time in Annie’s book and that’s it this photo is an aerial view of Area 51 taken in 1965 for I don’t know why it was kept a secret for so

    Long or how Annie got her hands on it but she did and decided to share it with the world moving on at number three we have the early U2 spy planes in the early 1950s at the peak of the Cold War the CIA began to develop planes that

    They wanted to reach an altitude of 70,000 ft to avoid detection against Soviet radar this gave birth to the U2 spy planes that you see here in this picture this photo was taken in area 5 won in 1956 and pictures a worker standing on the plane’s Wing sadly at least three

    Pilots lost their lives during test flights including two at Area 51 and one at an Air Force Base in Germany coming in at number two we have Boyd Bushman shortly before his death former Area 51 engineer Boyd Bushman revealed that he encountered aliens while working at Area

    51 in a video Bushman shows a number of mysterious photos to the camera including one of an alien and a number of photos of the alien’s appendages we have a total of at least 18 that exist and operate with our facility now many people believe that this man is

    Telling the truth why because he had nothing to gain or lose by sharing his story plus an interrogator with the police studied void’s movements and speech pattern during this interview and he said that it appears as if he’s telling the truth in the interview he

    Said that area 51 has at least 18 of these aliens in their facility he also claims that there are two groups of aliens one group are called the Wranglers the others are called the rustlers the aliens that are considered Wranglers are friendly and have a better relationship with humans wrestlers

    However have been known to steal cattle this is all insane and in our number one spot today we have Boyd Bushman and the UFO during his interview Boyd Bushman also revealed photos of real UFO spacecrafts that he saw while working at Area 51 up close and

    Personal this is a UFO which is ready to take off so that’s a close-up photo of a UFO spacecraft taking off then he also showed a different photo of a UFO spacecraft with its lights turned off what do you think though is boy telling the truth are those real photos of UFOs

    Let me know in the comments below all right guys that’s all for today’s video I’ve asked this question before but let me know in the comments comments do you believe in aliens have you ever had kicking off the list at number 10 Victorian memorials I’m a sucker for

    Dark history and when it comes to the Victorian era there is nothing more Grim honestly deadly dresses the great stink rats everywhere it’s a dangerous time the life expectancy was of course a lot shorter than it is today so you really had to hold on to those you loved right

    But this is a time where we don’t have iPhones we don’t have Facebook just randomly showing you memories remember this like no stop so how do you remember a loved one after they’ve passed away well Victorian morning jewelry that’s how in the 1750s it would be normal to

    Carry with you a gold locket with hair from your past lover it’s yeah a little locket of hair how cool is that creepy it’s a little bit creepy it was often braided or neatly folded it wasn’t just a ball of hair stuffed in a locket although it wasn’t not that either right

    It was pretty gross during Queen Victoria’s reign she would often wear morning jewelry she made the locket of hair cool dare I say she made popular after the death of albertt she went into a horrible depression she wore morning clothes for decades and decades afterwards that’s why you see the

    Victorian era and everyone’s wearing black everyone looks all Grim it’s cuz they just followed suit they just wore what the queen was wearing bracelets necklaces Rings the enamel of the Rings also depends on the type of death that came prior or the type of mourning that you’re doing white enamel represented

    Death of an unmarried woman pearls represented tears turquoise meant that you were thinking of them on that day and eventually pendants with hair became a Next Step I’m a fan of morning jewelry I like that idea I wish I knew this sooner I wish I knew this 10 years ago

    I’d be like oh my eyebrow piercing yeah it’s toor my mother that’s why I got it sad and rad there you go number nine Detroit ice Fountain located on Washington Boulevard the Detroit ice Fountain was quite the hazard a spectacle but a hazard nonetheless back in the early 1900s a fountain was the

    Talk of the Town during colder months believe it or not it’s how bored people were I guess the water jets would run all year long so in turn this Fountain would freeze and pile up and then freeze and pile up again and again eventually this thing reached up to 60 F feet tall

    Made of pure ice right on Washington Boulevard this was so dangerous yeah shifting ice dangling 60 ft above your head on the way to work literally tons of ice cracking above your head the tradition has now moved to Bell Island thankfully so now you can safely observe

    Said ice trees just you know maybe not in the middle of the street anymore number eight adhesive bras back in 194 9 Life Magazine released an article that caught everybody’s attention obviously May 16th 1948 the article read for 5,000 years clothes have been draped tied buttoned pinned and buckled on the human

    Form this year for the first time in history they will be glued on bam how how did they do it they changed the game could this be we’re gluing on shoes and pants now let’s do it inventor Charles L Langs changed the game or so we thought in 1949 he made

    Bra cups that would stick onto you with adhesive just a whole ring of just a ring of glue there you go the special glue this adhesive was promised to leave behind no residue and it was also supposed to be painless yet at the same time it was supposed to stay glued on

    Even if you were to jump into a pool from 10 ft High how what’s that’s that was the cell no way well Langs ended up selling the company to Textron because it didn’t work the product ultimately failed because the adhesive needed to be applied every single time you wore said

    Cups nobody wants to do that we’re not putting on toothpaste on our bras every morning and sticking them on and again they barely even worked so yeah none of these thank you I’m good glue on pants that would be sick till then we’re not trying that number seven mount oor mount

    Osor is not the name of Just One Singular Mountain but instead it’s an entire mountainous range translating to mount fear cool this area is known as the entrance to the afterlife because it features all the geographical elements that are similar to the Japanese Buddhist descriptions of paradise and

    Hell so not only is this area home to eight symbolic mountain tops but also a lake with acidic water that only one species of fish can survive in we got acid fish come on in grab a canoe there’s also nothing but bear pits full of vipers not an ideal spot to take your

    Family camping that’s for sure Beyond this mountain range there’s even a river that’s known as the border between Earth and hell this is where each and every soul must cross in order to reach the afterlife if I’m somehow selling you on this idea and you want to take a trip up

    To Viper Lane when you get there you’d find statues and offerings along the banks of this river which are intended to help the past Souls find their way during this journey because it’s definitely not good if the souls get lost cuz you don’t want to even know

    Where you end up getting lost in a journey to the afterlife no man I don’t keep me on track ways thank you every year from July 22nd to 24th those wanting to communicate with the dead will head to this Temple located here to speak with spirit spiritual mediums

    Known as the itaco so if you’re feeling like spicing up your weekend go gamble with Souls of the Dead have fun text us when you get there and back number six ghost city fangu is located in China and it’s often referred to as the City of

    Ghosts for a long time it was believed that this is where the dead stop by on their way to the afterlife and it is here where they must pass three tests in order to get there three tests it’s a lot of tests right after you die the

    First one is for the newly departed Souls who must cross over the bridge of helplessness sounds like a good Bridge better than the bridge to Terabithia which is meant to judge their virtue okay so there’s demons here who judge whether the soul is good or bad and the

    Ones who are good can pass while the bad ones are pushed into the water below imagine a demon pushing you into the water it’s worse than getting pushed in at a pool party the ones who pass that first test go on to the ghost torturing pass where they stand in front of the

    Ruler of the underworld if they pass that judgment test and the third and final trial takes place at the tianzi palace where they will stand on a certain stone for one minute also on one leg for 3 minutes they have to do this this is where Hot Yoga comes in handy only a

    Good Soul can do this apparently if you lose your balance like I just did back there maybe you’re not wearing your minimal Runners and you’re wearing Tims or maybe you’re just condemned to Hell either one fangu also has many temples and shrines which hold paintings and sculptures that represent people in the

    Underworld so go take a look at the oldest awfulest selfie on the planet that’s for sure go take a look at some old demon art have fun number five husa Castle located north of prag in the che Republic husa Castle is supposedly built over a bottomless hole that leads

    Directly to you guessed it hell Legend says the 13th century King Oar II offered a pardon to any prisoner who was willing to get lowered into this hole and live to talk about it what a deal the first prisoner when they were lowered into that pit they only lasted

    30 seconds before they started screaming Legend has it that when he was brought back up his hair turned white and he’ had aged a great amount that’s a lot of stress in 30 seconds what he saw however was also pretty intense and it kind of explains exps it he saw these half human

    Half demon type creatures flying around with scaly Wings awesome that’s terrifying the castle was built over the hole without a water source because it wasn’t initially meant to be used by humans instead it was only Built for demons should they rise from the mysterious hole that way they can get

    Out God Lov these demons you know you don’t want them trapped there for too long it’s a lot of noise a lot of complaints a lot of pollution number four Nia Island located in Hawaii this island has not yet turned into a resort either what do you know in fact the

    Population of this island is whopping 170 also referred to as the Forbidden Island it was bought back in 1864 by Elizabeth Sinclair and it’s been privately owned since hence the small population thing is in 1952 the polio epidemic hit these islands and a ban was then put in place so now you couldn’t

    Leave nor enter the island nobody got sick which is great but now if you want to enter this island you need to gain special access which is a lot harder than it may seem even if you’re rich even if you’re loaded you can’t just buy your way onto the island so for now

    We’ll just zoom in on Google Earth Birds ey for the win it’s a nice Island it’s like a moon shape it’s good number three Island Mo Scotland what better Island to visit than one with nobody on it it’s going to be pretty quiet in the early

    1900s a ship was heading to the Fannon Islands completely uninhabited but on the ship we had Captain James Harvey and Joseph Moore they were heading there to watch the lighthouse but upon arrival nobody greeted them he blew his horn waited still nobody that’s when you got

    To text them be like hey I’m here come down the thousands of steps thanks the replacement Lighthouse Keeper rode to Shore and started walking up the steep set of stairs towards the lighthouse but when he got there he realized the door was unlocked and two of the three Coats

    Were missing upon further investigation he saw the half eaten food a trair that had been tossed over and the kitchen clock had stopped no sign of the keepers H when checking the lighthouse log the previous days were odd December 12th the second assistant Thomas Marshall wrote

    Severe winds the likes of which I have never seen before in 20 years James was awfully quiet and William thei thiri lad was crying the whole time Sinister Vibes for sure that’s like the movie The Lighthouse in real life life that’s a hard no for me never going to this

    Island next number two piglia island Italy the small island of piglia has taken many many lives when the Bubonic plague arrived in 1348 the island became a quarantine Colony so if you had symptoms you were just sent to this island to die how horrible is that then

    Again in 1630 the Black Death crept in and then once again the center of this island became a mass graveyard in the 1800s the mentally ill were sent to this island because an asylum was built the rumor was that in the 19 30s this doctor tried crazy experiments on these

    Patients and then he himself went crazy and then jumped from the tall Bell Tower although the tower doesn’t stand anymore his screams apparently are still heard by locals the soil is 50% human remains as well so if you’re looking to plant some haunted aloe vera well there you go

    And finally number one Fort Knox located in Kentucky USA this place really is the jackpot the most heavily guarded place on the planet and it’s not an Egyptian pyramid odd the amount of gold in here might actually be a lot more than ancient pharaohs to be fair so listen up

    Fort Knox is home to a large amount of the United States gold reserves thing is even if you work here you’re still not getting into Harry Potter’s Vault of treasures each staff member Only Knows part of the combination to get in so you can’t just Heist your way out of lunch

    One day rumor has it there’s apparently no gold in here but instead they’re studying an extraterrestrial another rumor is that the United States actually sold off all the gold ages ago and they just don’t want anybody to know I weirdly vote the ladder number 10 CER

    Sea Island on part one of this list we mentioned the global seed vaults well for part two we need to mention the island where seeds are forbidden in fact any human activity is forbidden this island is also pretty new it was born from a volcanic eruption back in 1963

    And scientists are using the fresh face of land to study what it looks like to well not have a Starbucks they’re studying ecosystems without any human interference which I think is really creepy but also quite interesting scientists studying the land here have to just follow one rule that rule is no

    Seeds I mean that’s the whole point right like obviously one time a scientist had to go number two and in turn he accidentally grew a tomato plant he pooped a tomato plant out not really there’s a seed somewhere in there that would be painful they acted fast and got

    Rid of the plant in order to not interfere with their study but like what a weird job guy can’t even take a sh at work how stressful is that number nine the Forbidden City built all the way back in 1420 around the time of the Ming

    Dynasty the Forbidden City is said to be extremely haunted aside from being the largest ancient palatial structure on the planet located in Beijing China it’s one of the five most important palaces in the world it was the Imperial Palace of China from 1420 to 1912 more than 24

    Emperors lived here in this massive City that took 1 million workers 14 years to build inside the city there’s around 980 buildings and there’s roughly 8,000 rooms it’s a lot of rooms to haunt really ghost Paradise it was declared a world heritage site in 1987 but come

    2000 a Starbucks was built on the land yeah the classic look at how beautiful this Landmark is let’s open up a gift shop scenario by time 2007 came along there was enough outrage to get officials to close said Starbucks no more vente lattes for you Sarah sorry

    Number eight the gates of Guinea or he Gates of Guinea as I wrote The Souls of the Dead have to go somewhere and depending on your beliefs that’s somewhere could be either really beautiful and peaceful or absolutely terrifying in the world of voodoo that place is an underworld called the gates

    Of Guinea and here’s the front door come on in awesome take your shoes off located in Louisiana this tomb that of voodoo priestess Marie Lavo is apparently the entrance to these deep Waters this Twilight realm and some Voodoo followers try and open these gates to access the souls of the deep

    Don’t play Pokémon go here do not you don’t want to do that leave the Poliwag at home okay he’s a trap you don’t need him number seven German mascots German history is of course dark so dark that YouTube won’t even allow us to say certain words about certain people from

    That time but we do our best we like to rhyme that’s how we trick them for today’s list I thought we’d take a look at Germany’s fad of taking photos with polar bear mascots yeah apparently that was a thing here in Toronto we like to

    Pose up next to the Raptor or Jay the blue jay it’s always fun D them up it’s always a good time these photos are part of the teddy bar collection they Spann from the first world war to the early ’70s the German be mascot remained throughout history but the company

    Surrounding the polar bear mascot of course changed drastically throughout the years and it’s really Grim to look at you see photos of a smiling mascot next to yatsi soldiers and then the next page you see the same German mascot but 40 years ago you know what I mean it’s

    Odd you’re like it’s like seeing the blue jay guy back in the 1800s you’re like what were you doing man you believe this craze began after two polar bears arrived at the Berlin Zoo back in the 1920s that’s where it all kicked off because of course it was a major tourist

    Attraction but these suits we can’t forget were first worn of course by natives for ritual practices specifically the native people of Pacific Northwest Romania as well dancers would wear real bare skins as part of a pre-christian tradition it was meant to drive away the forces of evil

    Or just pose up next to yatsi soldiers that’s where we’re at recently number six reindeer games June 1941 the Germans were attacking the Soviet Union and it was one of the biggest attacks of course in history Britain and us had to send weapons supplies anything really just to

    Keep them afloat just to keep them in the fight now they sent these supplies through the Arctic Circle that was the only route but of course it was littered with OTS thankfully the British HMS Trident was there to watch the waters and in turn the Soviets were able to

    Fight on so as a gift as a thank you the Soviets sent the captain of the Trident the World War II submarine a live reindeer yep for the submarine you know just a reindeer for the sub doesn’t make any sense right I agree the British had to accept because it was ill-mannered if

    They didn’t so they had to keep a 6ft tall real life reindeer on a sub her name is was paulana they brought her on board through a torpedo tube imagine being in battle and then having to deal with this after you’re like guy we don’t need this right now please she was a

    Crew member for 6 weeks 6 weeks imagine the smell and she slept better than most she shared a room in the Captain’s Quarters horrible finally they tried and return home to Britain and our leading lady was donated immediately to the Regent Park Zoo yeah they didn’t keep

    Her on the sub weird right number five Alfred Hitchcock and the MGM lion we’re on part three now so things are going to get a little more bizarre I’ll Veer more into the weird gladly like this photo for example from 1958 taken by Clarence Sinclair bull the photo appears to be

    Well it doesn’t appear to be it’s Alfred Hitchcock serving tea to Leo the Lion the famous MGM lion that’s him that’s the guy I want an autograph right now he loves suspense and tea who would have thought North by Northwest was the only film Hitchcock did with MGM and there’s

    Actually a rumor that he directed The Lion’s Roar for the MGM intro but that of course is nonsense because you can’t direct a lion yeah just a little more lion likee awesome thanks Leo let’s take lunch we’re killing it no way this that didn’t happen there have been seven MGM

    Lions in total but Leo was known to be the most friendly he’s still on the logo today he’s an OG he’s made it but again back in the 1950s it’s hard to say what it really was like on set you know like it’s still a lion and it’s the ‘ 50s I

    Don’t think we have a lot of laws and stuff it was probably a really rough time for Leo number four the hobble skirt just from this 1910 headline alone I’m glad we don’t have hobble skirts anymore although maybe they might they might make a comeback we’ll see the

    Headline reads the hobble skirt is the latest freak in women’s Fashions skirts that are so tight around the angle that Locomotion is seriously impeded and speed is impossible what a pitch doesn’t that sound like a bad time already sounds like you’re going to be late for everything honestly French designer Paul

    Porier made these to free the bust while also shackling the legs to keep it a little you know keep it classy you know what’s what’s more classy than shuffling around all day long and being late nothing love the practicality on this one thanks Paul so despite how ridiculous and unsafe the hobble skirt

    Looks and acts only the wealthy could afford such a thing damn it we’re missing out we’ll get up next time guess I’ll just stick with my jeans like a fool middle and lower class women wore skirts with slits or buttons they could actually walk around imagine that eh

    What a weird what a weird concept hobble skirts luckily didn’t last but every now and then I sense a comeback you know with the Kardashians I’m like H that’s close that’s close to a hobble skirt Locomotion is seriously impeded what a sell number three glorious dyam back in

    1963 the Playboy Club in New York City was one of Hugh heer’s greatest accomplishments at the time of course the club was the Talk of the Town until Gloria steum came along see Gloria was a feminist writer she created Miss magazine back in 1972 but her career

    Began much earlier around the ‘ 60s see she got a job as one of these Playboy bunnies and worked at the club undercover secretly taking notes on how this keyh holders only establishment was actually operating you know behind the pages the staff were these young women

    The bunnies of course they had to wear black bodysuits the puffy white tails the whole getup and at age 28 Gloria worked undercover for 3 weeks the piece she released after appropriately titled a bunny’s tale got so much attention that it kickstarted her freelance career

    It made her a feminist icon to this day this photo of Gloria undercover shows you the comfortable workout fits that she had to endure that’s horrible it’s all dark too you can’t even see what’s going on people are smoking inside it’s like peaky blinders it’s horrible I

    Don’t think she had nons slips on you know what I mean in a collection of her writings Gloria reflects on the undercover piece saying how it is now outlived all the Playboy clubs both here and abroad that was before Hefner passed away in 2017 I’m sure she didn’t mean

    Outlive literally by the statement but she also did you know number two Stalin Photoshop deep fakes are are getting out of control it’s insane modern technology is really making it hard to tell what’s real and what’s not I’m falling for a lot of things online lately starting if

    Feel like an old man I’m not going to lie Photoshop is also an essential now for any project it’s probably why you collect this video you saw the thumb and you’re like what’s this Photoshop back in 1939 a photo of Stalin was published and he looks great guy looks amazing

    Some would say too good he was touching up photos as far back as 1939 to make himself look more powerful more healthy but even if you got photo with him there’s a chance you would be digitally removed later on like Nikolai yof yeah the leader of the nkvd he was in a photo

    With Stalin but around 1937 Nikolai was responsible for orders that had over 1 million people arrested and to make matters worse half of them were executed for crimes against the state so it wasn’t ideal of course to be in a photo with Nikolai he was denounced imprisoned

    And died in 1940 so Stalin had him erased and replaced digitally in that photo this man was ahead of his time even today we’re replacing actors in movies with different actors and you wouldn’t even know it and finally number one Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky ah yes we all remember hearing about this

    At one point even if you wanted to or not Bill Clinton talking about not having relations with that woman yeah back when we had to download music on Lime wire this would just pop up out of nowhere and blow your eardrums out this was a huge Scandal this was that Scandal

    It was 1998 Clinton White House intern Monica Linsky was 22 years old and they had a relation from 19 1995 to 1997 Lewinsky said she hooked up with Bill nine different times at the White House of course you have to count you’re at the White House obviously or keeping

    Note and apparently according to her schedule Hillary Clinton was also at the white house for at least seven of those days hey big yikes whenever I see this photo I wish I was alive to see this unfold in real time I mean I was alive

    But I was you know starting up this list in our number 10 spot today we have the Roth’s child surrealist ball the Roth’s child family is one of the weal wealthiest and most powerful families there has ever been and you know with money comes power and because of that

    There have for many years been rumors swirling about just how powerful and influential they really are that is why in 1972 when they threw what was called a surrealist ball people began to speculate what kind of things may have taken place at this elaborate Suare these photos could potentially be very

    Innocent but there’s just something about these elaborate masks coupled with the theories about what this family is really up to that just makes it feel very eerie this party is one of the most legendary there has ever been and whether or not they really are involved in Shady dealings that is still

    Impressive it’s like the Project X of the Rich and fancy I’ll take pools and kegs of beer over this weird mask party any day number nine wiota Ryder back in December 2001 woda Ryder was doing a little Christmas shopping at a Beverly Hills saak fth Avenue only she wasn’t

    Using her Beetle Juice paycheck at the counter instead she stole thousands of dollars worth of goods she had accessories a hand bag clothes her arms were literally full of good stuff she was then sent to The Slammer for a whole you know 4 hours then of course she was

    Released on a $2,000 bail she was charged with felony Grand Theft but she was also charged with possession of pharmaceutical drugs without a prescription that is a no no in Beetle juu land she had anti-depressant on her while she was being arrested she wasn’t intoxicated or anything she was actually

    Well-mannered even Lieutenant Gary Gilman of the Beverly Hills Police Department said she was a and I quote true lady that’s how you that’s a true lady that’s what you got to do just steal a bunch of [ __ ] and be in Beetlejuice security footage showed the actress cutting tags off in the store

    And when she left she was immediately detained it’s widely known at this point that Winona isn’t a horrible person by any means she was going through stuff at the time but this photo no matter the context it just looks bad honestly I think it’s the floppy hat she just looks

    Like she’s doing a diamond Heist I don’t know and on our number eight spot today we have John F Kennedy John F Kennedy is known for a multitude of reasons but discussions about his health often don’t take place this photo shows just an inch of the struggle kened went through every

    Day as it is said he suffered from some sort of painful intestinal problems apparently things were so bad that for a while it was thought his illness might have been terminal aside from the intestinal issues he also suffered from extreme back pain that stemmed from spinal problems he had as a child

    Apparently these back problems were so bad that they almost kept him from service in World War II after his election although the world saw him as a young handsome president he really was struggling with his health behind the scenes and it can definitely be seen in this photo however it is said that

    Whenever anyone asked him how he was feeling his only response was that he was in quote excellent shape number seven Stalin Photoshop deep figs are getting out of control modern technology is really making it hard to tell what’s real and what’s not I thought I knew

    What was up apparently my eyes fool me more often than not Photoshop is also an essential now for pretty much any project including your selfie you got to touch it up a little bit get rid of those blemishes well back in 1939 a photo of Stalin was published and he

    Looks great some would say too good well he retouched 1924 photo and then used that as his head shot when he became a leader later on even if you get a photo with Stalin you might not be there in the future yeah there’s a chance you would be digitally removed even back in

    The day like Nikolai yeto for example the leader of the nkvd was in a photo with Stalin he was but around 1937 Nikolai was responsible for orders that had over 1 million people arrested and to make matters worse half of them were executed for crimes against the state so

    It wasn’t ideal to be in a photo with Nikolai he was denounced imprisoned and he died later on in 1940 so Stalin had him erased and replaced digitally look at that if you look close you can actually see lizard getting punched by an invisible Spider-Man in the

    Background yeah we caught it the man was ahead of his time even today we’re replacing actors in movies with different actors and you wouldn’t even know in our number six spot today we have the secret Pacific Ocean Air Base also known as the Johnson at to this

    Secret Air Base is located right smack dab in the center of the Pacific Ocean said to be the location of numerous nuclear tests the United States government was sure to release little to no details surrounding this location or what exactly goes on there how comforting something about nuclear and

    Secret seems ominous aside from being a little secret base this place is also the home to a thriving community of nesting seabirds and since it’s literally in the middle of the ocean the marine life surrounding it is significantly diverse this has all led to there being teams that do environmental monitoring and maintenance

    To protect the wildlife like how weird is it that this is the place they use to store and dispose of Agent Orange but they’re also like we got to protect the birds I mean I’m glad they’re protecting the birds I just think it’s ironic to get into this place you either need to

    Be a part of the United States Air Force or have a special use permit from the US fish and wildlife service so random number five a Bunny’s tail back in 1963 the Playboy Club in New York was one of Hugh Hefner’s greatest accomplishments at the time the club was of course the

    Talk of the Town until Gloria stum came in Gloria was a feminist writer she created Miss magazine back in 1972 she’s a very big lady I know what was about to say she’s a big deal but her career began much earlier around the’ 60s see

    She got a job as one of these Playboy bunnies and worked at the club under cover how badass is that she was secretly taking note of how this keyh holders only establishment was operating and it was pretty sketchy I mean use your imagination it was horrible towards women they’re wearing high heels while

    Running drinks the staff were these young young women the bunnies they had to wear these black bodysuits the puffy white tails the whole getup and at age 28 Gloria worked undercover there for 3 weeks the piece she released after appropriate titled a bunny’s tale got so much attention that it kickstarted her

    Freelance career and made her a feminist icon this photo of Gloria undercover shows you the comfortable workoutfits she had to wear I sure hope she had her nons slips on it’s really dark establishment too say Corner a lot in a collection of her writings Gloria reflects on the undercover piece saying

    My expose of working in a Playboy club has outlived all the Playboy clubs both here and abroad that was before Hefner passed away in 2017 she didn’t mean to you know take a jaob at him but she also did outlive Hugh Hefner I’ll say it she

    Doesn’t have to take the smoke on this style I connected the dots for you in our number four spot today we have Sher Sher is often referred to as the goddess of pop and for good reason she’s an absolute Legend and an icon she’s never been afraid to push the limits or go

    Outside of the box so when we came across this photo we were both surprised and not so surprised at the same time this little photo comes to us from 1959 when Sher was just 13 years old as it turns out Sher was driving when she wasn’t supposed to in a 2013 appearance

    On The Tonight Show she explained that a friend of her had asked her to watch his car while he ran inside to do something Sher moved the car a couple of times to get out of the way of other people but then decided that he was simply just

    Taking too long and decided to drive herself over to the drivein theater luckily everyone was okay and once the police brought her to the station they simply just called her mom to come and pick her up apparently she didn’t even know she was being arrested at the time

    Which I totally think you can tell by her expression in the mug shot number three Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky of course we all remember this one at one point we heard about it be it on Lime wire in the middle of your song this would randomly Play Bill Clinton

    Talking about not having sexual relations with that woman back when we had to download music that was a classic so loud so out of nowhere and so loud but this was a huge presidential Scandal you know back when they weren’t every other week it was 1998 Clinton White

    House intern Monica Lewinsky was 22 years old and they had a sexual relationship from 1995 to 1997 they definitely did Linsky said she hooked up with Bill nine different times at the White House apparently according to your schedule Hillary Clinton was at the White House for at least seven of those

    Visits whatever I see this photo I wish I was alive to see this unfold in real time I mean I was alive but I was three you know what I mean I wasn’t like damn that’s crazy in our number two spot today we have an a12 spy plane this

    Photo is one that shows the remnants of a crashed a12 spy plane from 1963 as well as the subsequent cleanup and rescue mission this crash happened during a test flight when pilot Ken Collins was testing the plan’s subsonic engines at a low altitude Ken was then

    Flying under his Area 51 code name which was Ken Kar which is just the coolest thing I really want a secret agent code name anyway at 25,000 ft the plane basically inverted and somehow landed itself upside down so now Ken is flying upside down and he knew he wasn’t going

    To be able to recover so he ejected himself in the end Ken was okay but the same obviously couldn’t be said for the plane to make this cool story even cooler apparently us officials later made Ken undergo hypnosis and treatments of sodium pentool which is thought to be

    Like a truth serum in order to be sure he relat the details of the incident as fully and as truthfully as possible that’s serious business usually I just ask someone a couple times and then go with whatever they tell me and finally number one Charlie Chaplain and Co I’m

    Wearing a hat now and a sweater I’ll never tell you why when we think of chaplain we often think of the mustache the physical comedy the Hat the fact that he lost a Charlie Chaplain lookalike contest yada y y we know the rest we remember the performances that

    He would give us for the most part that’s how you want to be remembered as an artist ideally now when it comes to chaplain though those old timey photos of the communic genius also include his a number of different wives a lot of them being much much younger the first

    Two being 16 years old when they were married right his first marriage was with Mildred Harris in 1918 he was 29 she was 15 odd that marriage only lasted 2 years and then he married Lita gray in 1924 she was also 16 odd again that marriage ended with a messy 50-page

    Divorce where it was revealed chaplain was pretty abusive in all his manners as a husband still the biggest film star regardless of how he treated co-stars and also x-y he went on to marry Paul at Goddard 9 years later who was 22 a bit better but here’s the crappy part she

    Said she was when they met so a year older than his Ex-Wives and he was still pursuing her after she said that so odd again he moved into her Mansion shortly after they began talking 7 years later that relationship ended too and thus began his new relationship with una

    O’Neal chaplain in his 50s and una at age 18 he was the same age as her father makes the mustache a little less fun now doesn’t it they both remain together until chaplain’s passing in 1977 we’re talking about Pete Davidson when really we should be talking about Charlie

    Chaplain still uh starting off this countdown we have the Price Is Right earlier this year several doctors in Michigan were being investigated after doctors were posting photos of their patients organs on social media the doctors were then playing a Price’s right game being like how much does this

    Organ weigh take a guess very unprofessional plus one of the posts showed a patient right in the background other photos SP marked a competition with the caption the longest one wins apparently this is what a number of doctors were playing with each other they were caught obviously and the

    Photos were removed but that still is very unethical not only does it make doctors seem unprofessional but it’s also traumatizing for the patients who had their organs photoshopped and manhandled moving on to number nine we have the victim back in 2010 a 6-year-old stabbing victim was rushed

    Into St Mary Medical Center in LA sadly they passed away after the doctors were too busy taking photos of the man and posting them on Facebook instead of actually treating him he passed shortly after the photos were taken not only is this a breach of patient privacy but it

    Caused the patient his life that time spent taking the photo potentially could have saved him what’s worse is that the photos were shared all over Facebook and over texts so a man lost his life and they didn’t think sharing images of him right before his death was wrong how

    Sick in our eighth spot we have the skull saw take a look at this scary monstrous device aren’t you glad it’s from the 1800s and not now this is a picture of the skull saw it was used from the 1830s to 1860s during brain surgery the doctors would crank this saw

    To cut through the skull thank gosh times have changed but still I can’t help but to cringe at the thought of that imagine a doctor pulling out that big device and bringing it close to your face no thank you that’s bound to make anyone scared of doctors coming in at

    Number seven we have the corial transplant now I’m not even sure if I’m allowed to show this photo on YouTube so I’m just going to describe it in great detail just in case we might have to censor it anyways the photo I’m referring to is one of a corneal

    Transplant it features the patient’s eye stretched wide open after the surgery so you could see the damn stitches in the purse ‘s eye now I don’t know about you but anything to do with eyes gross me out like in horror movies like saw when people have to do stuff to their eyes it

    Makes me squirm and cringe so seeing this and knowing that there’s stitches in that sensitive area gives me the creeps now this photo is obviously meant for medical personnel obviously random people like us seeing it turns us off and might prevent someone from getting this important

    Surgery coming in at number six we have the smoke enema thank gosh doctors don’t practice this anymore so basically a smoke enema was given to Drowning victims because it was thought to help resuscitate them or warm them up if they were in icy waters so they’d insert it

    Into their bomb and force smoke up there this was practiced during the mid 1700s until the early 1800s it took them that long to figure it out that it wasn’t really working now what I want to know is who the hell invented this and thought it was actually a good idea all

    That would do is damage your colon or make you toot we’re now at our fifth and halfway mark with the dancing surgeon back in 2018 Dr Wendell Davis poute in Atlanta was facing several malpractice lawsuits as she was exposed for posting videos and photos of her dancing while

    Performing surgery one of the patients was Latoya arene she was horrified after seeing herself unconscious while her doctor danced around her in another clip her doctor is dancing while swinging her skin around after the surgery she realized that her flesh wasn’t even cut in a straight line she blames this on

    The dancing not only that but her whole procedure was botched another patient of boute was left with brain damage after a tummy tuck gone wrong in the end more than 20 videos were found on YouTube boute had to pay $190,000 in malpractice fees and 38 patients are entitled to refunds from

    Their watch surgeries and she got a 2 and 1/2 year suspension moving on to number four we have the disturbing photos of patients so it seems as if doctors love taking and sharing photos of their patients it happened to a 23-year-old model who was taken to a hospital in Chicago after binging on

    Alcohol while in the ER a doctor took photos of her looking very anxious and disheveled and then posted them on Facebook and Instagram another example would be a doctor who took a picture of an attracted patient in the ER and posted her image on Facebook he

    Captioned the photo I like what I like that’s disgusting in another case two nurses shared an x-ray of a patient that got a sexual toy stuck up his bomb a total violation of patient privacy in our third spot we have the storage of bodies this is a very depressing photo

    Taken at a Detroit Hospital earlier this year this hospital was so overwhelmed and overcome by death that they were running out of room to store the deceased bodies this photo shows the bodies in body bags piled up in random rooms at the hospital it’s very sad how

    Many millions of lives were lost because of this pandemic this photo serves as a scary reminder my heart goes out to any families who lost anyone moving on at number two we have the big leak back in February of this year hundreds of thousands of personal patient records

    Were leaked online and were accessible for anyone to view this included videos of patients photos body scans X-rays and pages of personal information this happened due to the fact that the information was being stored on an unprotected server 900,000 patient records were accessible online obviously the hospital was in a panic trying to

    Correct their mistake that information should have not been out there for just anyone to see in fact it could have allowed hackers to create a comprehensive profile of their victims these patients could have became victims of identity theft or fraud you name it and in our number one spot today we have

    The unconscious patient in 2013 a doctor from BC was suspended and fined after taking pictures of an unconscious and nude patient he then sent this photo to another staff member the photo was of the patients catheter site and not only that they were making fun of the patient

    And sent the photo alongside a joke in the end the doctor was fined $20,000 but that was to the College of Physicians and surgeons I don’t even know if the patient was compensated I hope they were though that is absolutely Traumatizing


    1. I have a prank you can do at airport bars. See, you hire a pilot costume, then you go to a bar and get totally wasted. Then, you tell anyone who'll listen that you are a passenger aircraft pilot and that you know short cuts. Watch them lose their minds. Just saying.

    2. I got to come in here ….really testomony by passengers who servived the titanic states life boats were launched half full an some with about 10 people in , this was due to class an the snobs on the life boats …an 2 ….the buffalo bones used for bone china jeeeeeeez what the heck man , bone china is just another name for Porslain a very fine clay is used 😂 nothing to do with actual bones , it was made in china hundreds of years ago way before the buffalo culling …you need to make sure what you post is fact not something you think ….🧐🧐🧐

    3. love how the photo of everyone in the world my parents would i not be it lol but it was taking in the 60s but mom parents were born almost 20 years later no hate, but my mom and dad wasn't even alive lol love the channel Tho huge fan.

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