Semiconductor stock investors have major updates impacting Nvidia Stock, Intel Stock, and AMD stock. Nvidia stock is reportedly experiencing delays for its upcoming AI chip to China, AMD is increasing its AI software solutions, and Intel might be experiencing some pains for its Chip Manufacturing endeavors.

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    Hey guys welcome back to another episode today we’re going to take a closer look at the three popular semiconductor stocks Nvidia AMD and Intel take a closer look at some recent news that have happened in the past week or so we’re also going to take a closer look

    At things like forward PE ratios and some other informations impacting these three semiconductor Giants but before we go any further guys I do want to say Happy Thanksgiving to all that celebrated hope everybody spent great time with the family hopefully you enjoyed you got some rest and now back

    To the Grind here in the semiconductor space so let’s just start off now I want to take a closer look at some recent news impacting AMD and all these Tech Giants but first I want to kind of bring up to date some upcoming events coming for um investors of these of these

    Stocks so AMD on November 28th is having an event a UBS annual technology conference on Tuesday I will be covering it or I will be doing kind of a breakthrough later on so make sure to check check that out outside of that December 7th they also have another

    Technology conference event now if we take a closer look at Nvidia very similar we do have Nvidia showcasing uh on November 28th and then again on November 29th followed by December 7th uh so we can see again if you want to stay tuned make sure to hit that

    Subscribe button then we have Intel Intel is going to be participating on December 6 uh for another kind of event for the network and Edge group product so I want to thank the mle fo for sponsoring this video and check out hose for the 10 best stocks to

    Buy now with that link you get a promotional offer for their subscription service now let’s continue with today’s episode now I want to take a closer look at individual news impacting each company all right so we’re starting off with Intel and Intel um for those that

    Are not familiar are building a lot of manufacturing plants worldwide right they’re not just building it in the United States one of those places that they’re building is in Germany and Germany in the past few days have kind of talked about um some installment in Germany budget uh for government and for

    Government spending and a lot of reports are coming out that those uh the German State aids for Intel and other players that are planning on manufacturing or building manufacturing plants in Germany might be in ger in Jeopardy so we still haven’t heard much about it we’re just

    Kind of hearing a lot of reports from people um close to the Community or close to to to this Outlet it does seem like right now obviously semiconductor um is important for things like uh like uh National Defense and National Security so a lot of people are bullish

    Or expecting um Intel and all these other semiconductor companies that were promised some form of subsidies that they will still get it um but right now it’s still a lot of uncertainty here so I do believe that’s something that investors should kind of keep an eye out

    For now if we take a closer look at a AMD there wasn’t really much AMD news this week in my opinion the only thing that we are seeing is AMD is bringing a lot of their gaming gpus um capabilities with pytorch via their Rockham software to kind of increase their AI development

    Uh so right now we know Nvidia is the king in the GPU market for AI Solutions uh but AMD what they’re trying to do is they’re really trying to bring a lot of maybe the AI solutions to their gaming and consumer cards uh to some extent uh so that’s something that we’re seeing

    Pretty good here and obviously it can benefit AMD as we continue to see this AI workload at the moment now outside of that now before we take a closer look at Nvidia I do have more of like a global semiconductor news we do have this uh

    Report from IDC and they do mention that worldwide semiconductor Mar Market Outlook has been upgraded to growth um where they expect 20 uh 2020 20 2024 to see roughly a 20.2 2% growth in the semiconductor space uh obviously that’s going to come out a lot in thanks to um

    Smartphones thanks to the shift in the PC cycle and kind of this hurdle that we passed over the inventory correction that we saw in the past few quarters uh so that does p well for Semiconductor investors I do believe a lot of the semiconductor stocks though do believe

    Already knew this so kind of these news is kind is priced already to some extent um but but obviously there’s always some room uh for some bigger growth from here now I want to take a closer look at Nvidia but first if you are here and

    It’s the first time here this is the best place you’re going to find any semi conductor news make sure to hit the thumbs up the Subscribe button I do have a weekly membership program here just click join to learn more about it for my exclusive semiconductor videos a special

    Offer at hose and a lot more on the pin comment there were reports that Nvidia um their AI chips designed to comply with us regulations are seeing some form of of of delay uh the main reason is they’re having some problems with in integrating these chips into server products that’s was being

    Reported right now and I guess investors might be a little bit worried about that personally I I I wouldn’t kind of be fearful about that just because if there is any form of fitment issues that’s something that’s going to get solved uh solved eventually and right now there’s

    Such a huge demand for AI Market that even though we’ve heard it in their earning call uh they’re going to expect to a bit of a a nice decline in Mark International markets like China because of these regulations the company still gave us some crazy crazy guidance so

    Right now we do have some form of wiggle room in my opinion for NVIDIA to Kind of Perfect the chips that they are making another thing is the chips that they are making obviously they’re meant for they’re are going to be available for China but they’re going to also be

    Available for globally um to some extent right because AI is being used all over the world uh so we are going to continue to see these h100 and H20 and all the other chips that they are creating in my opinion see global dominance at the moment uh so that’s not something that I

    Would worry about maybe we will be keeping a closer eye on it um but I do believe right now with the huge demand in AI Solutions there’s still a nice amount of wiggle room for NVIDIA to kind of see some form of delays I I do have

    One more Nvidia news out here Nvidia uh recently announced uh that they’re launching a Cloud Server for medical imaging thanks to Medical Imaging AI they call it Nvidia Mo moan AI cloud and that is released right now and you can kind of get it in Early Access via

    Nvidia’s tgx clouding solution uh so we can continue to see how Nvidia continues to grow um their AI Solutions into different markets like now the medical field uh and obviously this improves their software Solutions more money from software it increases the kind of um Market opportunity for their infrastructure and their Hardware as

    Well so I do believe that boats well for investors now I wanted to take a closer look at PE ratios for these three Giants if we take a closer look at current PE ratio uh AMD is the most expensive right now with over a thousand we do have

    Nvidia sitting at 115 and we do have Intel sitting at roughly 16 uh so you would think Intel sitting pretty cheap but now if we take a closer look at forward which is the end of this fiscal year uh we can see all of them are

    Actually pretty tight and AMD is at 46 uh Intel is at 46 it is impressive to see that the cheapest is actually Nvidia at 39 now if we take a closer look at forward one year that’s the end of next fiscal year the most expensive is AMD at

    32 followed by Nvidia at 24 followed by Intel at 23 I do believe in my opinion Nvidia still is my favorite I have no intentions of selling but right now I I I would be a little bit mindful of of of buying at the these levels just because

    These PE ratios are expecting huge growth in the upcoming years and we have to see how theand kind of goes on from here so that’s something to keep in mind of but I also want to kind of showcase how this PE ratio um is different from some company like Microsoft right

    Microsoft’s forward one-year PE ratio is 29 so right now forward oneyear Nvidia and Intel are both s sitting at cheaper levels than Microsoft and I think that’s something investors should definitely think about so I hope you guys enjoyed today’s episode take care have a good day and see you next time


    1. Intel chips will be good enough for the mass war preparations all nations around the world are doing 😢 it sucks but all these companies will profit from the prospects of further war escalations

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