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    Hello all welcome back to the exposing Fighters Channel we have some news from Bobby K he got beat up yesterday if you can’t remember who Bobby K is he was on the first 3D Fight Club event where he fought Ben Hatchet let’s hear what he has to say about what Happened on the now I can barely understand what Bobby K says normally so it’s near impossible to understand him now with a swollen lip from what I can try to gather is he attacked by people in cars and they Ed knuckle dusters and I think a taxi man

    Saved him it’s basically impossible to understand what he’s saying here Bobby K has been putting loads of stuff on YouTube about Moto Danny Christie and the others could this be linked to that or a non-related incident Motorsport buggies replied and says he got done by a man in his 70s

    Boby uh has been beaten up uh by a a 75y old man uh OB be at the 75y old man was about a box on his day H but Bobby tried to get cheeky with the guy H and the old guy ravaged them about uh and punched them about the street uh

    What it was for I don’t know uh some are saying it was for a crack a crack uh some people were saying it was for a a crack de uh and the old guy took the hat out wasn’t a h as such but it was

    A get him call will you we’ll get a cut qu somoto says it was done by a 75-year-old man and possibly over some money out who knows on this corner people lie every day but Bobby is obvious not a fighting man or a fighter we saw how he reacted in the Ring versus

    Hatchet so I don’t think it’s fair he got battered like this but we don’t know the reason remember last year when Bobby K was smashing people’s windows in and like I said he’s been calling a lot of people out lately it’s wrong he got done this badly but we don’t know the actual

    Reason Bobby K responded and says Moto is lying it was four cars full of people with knuckle dusters according to Bobby 78 your mind what all that no chance let me know in the comments what you think on this situation I think it’s horrid he got done like this but we

    Don’t know the reason maybe the reason makes it Justified I don’t know anyway thank you all for watching please like comment and subscribe


    1. Morning champ. Hope you’re ok my friend and are having a good weekend. And yes…. Besides yourself “everyone lies in this side of YouTube” 😂

    2. my view is that this is a drug debt, can't see motor getting his hands dirty with him, christie is probably recovering from the latest bender after his defeat

    3. The damage to his face looks like the work of one man without knuckle dusters as if it was 4 car loads of lads with knuckle dusters his face would have been buthered beyond belief

    4. lol and that money laundering operation 3D allowed this bag head to fight…lucky he didnt die in the ring that evening…but the disclaimer the fighters sign apparently is 3D takes no responsibility if you die in the ring during the event hahahahaha

    5. Bobby shouldn't come on Youtube claiming he is a fighter, calling everyone out. A good gust of wind would take him down. It's prob not right he got a kicking cos of his addictions but he doesnt do himself any favours

    6. This was always gonna happen…moto found out quick like. Four carloads😂 every punch wi nuckledusters😂 Face stamped on & Crow bar used 😂 Bobby calls himself a "fighting man" in at least one of his own vids.

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