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    Hello everyone today we talk about medieval Bulgaria and more specifically of the times of Boris I first Simeon the first and the spread of bism um until essentially the uh conquest of subjugation of Bulgaria by basil II um I’ve already made several videos about medieval Bulgaria at this point

    Especially about the first Bulgarian Empire that is standing in the centuries today we talk essentially about the uh the 9th and the 10th Century until fact the beginning of the 11th with some you know further considerations about bism karism until the 12th in a more International way but let’s say we have already

    Observed and laid the foundation to in this channel the sort of an good introduction to the first Bulgarian Empire not just from the Bulgarian side that I would like actually to talk about more and in fact this video is sort of a sort of recap but also looking at things that we

    Haven’t really uh consider at least from certain perspectives and so on also from the Byzantine point of view right which is crucial in this relation because as you know until basil II was this um throughout the DAT all the existence of the so-called first uh Bulgarian Empire

    Uh this alumin threat from this Northern force on the same Constantinople right very close uh geographically uh within the same Trace basically and so in this divide essentially between a sort of Greek um Mediterranean a and and um U Slavic um at this point especially fully under the bulgar of uh mainly turkic

    Origin um in the in the Balkan interland right and uh it’s a lot of stuff because Bulgaria uh especially through through the official christianization under uh Boris uh and the further expansion uh under his son Simon Simeon uh essentially affirmed itself as a major christian power that um produced

    Also um an incredible cultural output that would uh influence the entire Slavic world as far as the development in fact properly a Slavic script the old um U slavonic right ecclesiastical script for the evangelization in fact of many other peoples in the Balkans in the Central and Eastern Europe that uh were

    Still Pagan uh and that that would turn first in the uh glagolitic and then cilic the latter which had essentially emerged um after glagolitic existed in parel with that but essentially taking over as you know you know the script of um most in fact of uh this say we can

    Call broadly speaking the eastern half of Europe uh till to our days and there is so much uh about this world thing for for a number of reasons we U list now already made videos about the uh Byzantine evangelization all these various peoples including the bulgarians the connections existing with great

    Moravia with uh later exactly in this years that’s with Simon having having to fight against the the magers would settle um panonian bays and the um other populations as far as ke um in beyond that were influenced by this Bulgarian model that was very meaningfully for the

    First time posing itself as a true um counterpart um in a serious power capable even of uh threatening and possibly housting the same um uh Roman one in in Constantinople right and this is I think a very important change because uh we already witnessed other uh great powers

    Like the other one that at this point had been wiped out um by the carolingian after a substantial crisis of which also the bulgarians uh took advantage because basically at this point was really not even uh uh you know a true limit right out to the um the Bulgarian uh and Frankish

    Uh sphere of influence until they overlapped right in in that area that would be eventually filled um once again by another yet another step people there for mentioned MERS um we’re talking as we were saying before about a truly Slavic power at this point again the the

    Bulgar I will have to make some videos about this were mainly of turkic origin but were indo-europeans if you look at their Stell when they settle down um in Trace um in this broader area uh also across the Dan they um their power mostly based in the sou now we will

    Explain also obviously why um because that’s the only place where it could be sustained with those solid sanatary concentrated bases um but and we see both also this Iranian tongue Etc but the of course majority of the populations ruled were Slavic or slavici Zed plus all what had existed

    Historically um in these regions ethnically before to make up this uh in the video about the first Bulgarian Empire we’ve seen how after all fragile of course these political constructions really were I mean this was a new power that um as many others was strong threatening menacing uh as far as it

    Could combine tradition with modernity in this case tradition was the hisor ially tribal sort of um warlike and um even sematic to some extent um dimension of um the balans uh modernity was the Byzantine model uh in the form of urban civilization um uh bureaucracy race U Central bureaucracy um a professional

    Military right there was much in between because of course there was in this promixity especially between the byzantines and the bulgarians as far as now we will see it the cultural models that were shared because we’re so close after there all it doesn’t matter how substantially different this world were

    Given their background but they would obviously permeate one another uh indissolubly um to some extent uh but what is it’s just like the others right at the beginning they settle down they manage to concentrate power during the Heyday but after the decline uh the Bulgarian Empire is sort of more

    Resilient and even more threatening in part because it’s closer to Constantinople and so that’s the obvious uh goal right the bulgarians would have liked um to essentially literally conquer Constantinople like anyone but as far as their practical policy that they arri to to acquire especially at

    This time of Simeon for example was the first known the first titled uh s of the so the Caesar the the actual emperor of um of the bulgarians in fact a literal parallel to the Byzantine one and so historically um the literally putting himself at the same level of the

    Ecumenic Empire that was still recognized to an important extent we explained how um in spite of the important contraction that um the uh the Byzantine Empire had undergone in the previous Cur the Early Middle Ages of course everybody in Europe really um realized that this was the Roman Empire I mean it’s not

    Just like they saw it as an outer power among the many uh there is a lot of sort of national subjectivism when it comes to this thinking that in in the I Middle Ages you you had an option in considering W was the actual Universal

    Empire but you have at this point in the 10th Century the the title of not even of imperator but specifically of basileos um boasted by even some anglosaxon rulers right to say how strong actually the Byzantine influence really was uh when we look at Boris the first Simon the first we’re looking

    At actually still the existence of the carolingian Empire not even the I mean Simeon died before the ottonians had come to power and uh even decades before they would actually be crowned Roman Emperor uh in the orbs themselves so it’s a very fascinating um time but the spaces are

    Also crucial uh to understand in in the process and the bulgarians came close to represent themselves in that sort of alternative uh Imperial authority to the same Constantinople as a sort of twin Empire yet another very important aspect of this is the connection with Rome at

    This point uh in spite of the contrasts that had been existing exactly in these years between um the pope and um the constantinopolis and patriarch falus um the church was not yet divided right was still one um it’s it’s technically always been that but of course at some

    Point there was a Schism that was intended by different tracks of it as of of course uh in in different ways um and the bulgarians had been playing this card together with other uh Balkan peoples such as the croatians that eventually would go of course to to be

    Um uh fully Catholic right differently from the Serbian for example to however accept the uh in fact the Papal Blessing right the idea was at this point there was a huge competition again made lots of videos about this if you go into medieval Christianity playlist if you

    Look at Medieval bulgar I already made something about this um for in fact the evangelization of these peoples in in the Balkans in Central and Eastern Europe um Rome actually won the race at least the byzantines were to to content themselves with sort of more peripheral peoples um uh that could be great

    Empires like the Bulgarian one or you know look at the uh the the Kean Russ or the caders but in an area of Europe that was definitely not destined to Blossom as much as the Western Central one uh and so um because also of different essentially what Byzantine

    Culture was really compared to the Latin Germanic one the which was actually much more driving already at this point um or and or at least had um a much greater um let’s say expansional uh capacity right the the Banes were doing great things at the same time you can basically put them

    In parallel but um I know that lots of people rightfully love the byzantines Byzantine history as much as I uh could I remember when I was at University I always chose Byzantine history classes whenever I could in the optional uh models of the curriculum because it’s just very

    Important and underrated but um you shouldn’t be blinded by that just in a sort of fistic fashion to pretend that whoever out there was a barbarian right there were actual Barbarians in a way but definitely the Latin Germanic word was not that and it already displayed certain very uh striking civilizational capacities

    That uh by the the 12th century at the latest had essentially already surpassed uh Constantinople right into a you know really significant degree um the bulgarians would end up in the so-called Orthodox sphere anyway because it was just more convenient for the proximity of Constantinople the the

    Influence of the Greek Church of you know just the the evangelization just the same missionaries I mean the people that um were in fact the famous cillus and methodus were emerging really from Tessy that was in this Frontier era between uh the the byzantines and the and Bulgaria

    Right what was controlled by Bulgaria that as you can see also from the map was actually a huge amount of land again it was not dramatically centralized by the core of it was fundamentally um south I mean on the right Bank of of the danub right um Simon the great extend at

    This point some control over Serbia Etc but in a decentralized fashion right also what was in in the north of the Dan you have the Carpathian Basin and in the East basically the stamp um was nominally under the bulgarians but never truly controlled right and the reason why it was that attractive after

    All was just the minary resources of that interland um the were skirmishes uh also between the bulgarians and the kingans uh in the in the panonian area uh the two empires were too far away to clash but there were interesting sort of policies right there were eror changing

    Uh depending on whichever thing you know whatever I don’t know faction was prevalent in Rome the one supporting say Western French as opposed to the Eastern one uh what the byzantines were doing um you know doctrinally what in fact was happening within Bulgaria uh Bulgaria that was um and know without mentioning

    The the virus semi nomatic peoples that arrived cyclically from the steps yet to create another problem in an incredibly inaccessibly messed up situation in the first place welcome to to high medieval uh history and especially the the danubian Val in that case um and lots of

    Wars needless to say um but as we were saying before doesn’t matter how sort of imitative the Bulgarian Empire was towards Constantinople uh with the for example The Splendid Capital press lab that was sort of the other Constantinople the other Rome the other AK right a a City

    Built in actual stone something that in most of Europe was not even like just you know the Roman ruins were about that and um but exemplifying that modal th was so seductive for of course the Bulgarian starts at this point to truly um aim also dynastically with marriages

    With the you know with the Byzantine princesses burn uh born in the power pole Etc uh that that legitimacy as actual Roman emperor that is basically what everybody was sort of coveting from themselves the byzantines were rightfully and extremely jealous of and very carefully and not right

    Conferring um many ways aside from all the mess up things that happened because of the internal issues within the same Empire um so this was the pretense especially of of Simon the first that was really the the strongest ruler uh in the say the first Bulgarian Empire he

    Was the son and successor of Boris um the first um Simeon is known also as the great for this reason uh between the 9th and the 10th Century not only he land um the Bulgarian domination to its greatest extent but he was also Highly Educated

    As he had been in fact brought up in Constantinople according the modeles of that very specific religious and literary tradition in fact that we call Byzantine uh that heavily affected um his um you know the let say the the transformation say of Bulgarian Society within the new

    Religious frame given by Boris with the with the conversion to Christianity uh but also to the multipli the literal multiplication of churches and monasteries that as you know were part of this massive unprecedented asset that was trying to be fact now uh put together concentrated for Imperial auor

    But also the local Bulgarian nobility as it was going on like if you look at what was happening Western Europe like at this day it’s the the Heyday of um of the actual um foundation and privatization especially of churches and monasteries with Bishops being extremely powerful the

    Monastic fabric being the one that kept in that case Western Europe together in this Balkan region things were going on in a different way it was much less sort of potential to concentrate um Power in that regard but the the power especially the military one boasted by Simeon doesn’t matter how temporary because

    There would be different dynastic crisises sort of again this further privatization Center systems that didn’t really work um to the the full calization of the Empire um would um would remain sort of um just in fact a centralistic attempt were still pagans actually within the the Bulgarian

    Nobility that didn’t quite like this or at least were simply countering this more powerful uh Imperial Dynasty trying to actually become the same and then convert into Christianity because that’s what would got would boil down to as elsewhere um and this work is is extraord I mean again for the times and

    Places for example all the great cultural work of um U enormous by the way activity of translation right from the from U the the in fact Greek to to Old Church slavonic the elaboration even critically of Greek religious texts um was all carried out under the edges of this great P this

    Great ruler right who scor I mean Boris is is quite famous because of this sort of Step like into Christendom Simon is important for the the consolidation of that and especially his his great military victories I mean there were ups and downs depending on the situation uh

    Nothing was easy but again the greatest extent of Bulgarian power territorially UR uh under him right and then things went downhill basically I mean they they took a while before of course the this first Bulgarian Empire fully fragmented but we have seen in the uh dedicated video how um this internal process of

    Consolidation was just being attempted here right it had there never been fully sort of a Bulgarian state that you could uh truly um parallel uh to the one of Constantinople right uh and in fact this is uh what strikes you the most about um uh the simonian era right that this work

    Of a culturation especially through the foundation of churches and monasteries you know that the same uh the same Capital PR went eventually in in Decline I mean the you can admire sort of rise and fall this Bulgarian civilization because um of the it’s just like I don’t

    Know during the same Viking era you have very important centers that um were not as developed as Bulgaria by the way but just for the sake of example of trade markets just active because of Viking slave trade that were essentially the largest settlements uh in the in Scandinavia and that basically died out

    They didn’t have any Urban continuity in the following centuries um they remain there there here there is something similar there’s a a very Speedy uh growth and and equally a you know unstable foundations that reveal that that sort of insecurity it’s a bit like uh I mean the same Carol engines

    Had operated in a way like that to by again yet in another context made lots of videos about uh the carolingian Empire and the carolingian church there is a dedicated playlist um to that in the first place um but the result of it was a sort of sudden ecclesiastical

    Power in Bulgaria permeated of greekness essentially of Greek culture right just like in the west I don’t know the Germans had essentially began to to legislate to in Latin to eventually be ABS absorbed by the um by the romance majority here you have something actually more slightly more complex

    Meaning that Greek was again the the culture of this great great Byzantine civilization that however didn’t mingle because just like from classical times um the the the Greeks stayed in their coastal cities they couldn’t care less culturally speaking were completely alien to their culture mentally or cognitive means the idea that there was

    Another world outside of that um and the bulgarians were slaves um instead and so here we have a sort of um different cycle sort of different uh system of cultural absorption um the reason I was telling you before that why the Bulgarian Empire was mostly essentially based in the

    Balkans is that this area doesn’t matter how uh the populated had um become during the Early Middle Ages it had however hosted at some point in history an actual civilization I mean the area of Maia for example have historically been just where the Romans could sustain uh with enough agricultural resources of

    Full romanization the reason actually why um part of that Slavic world was actually closer to Latin Europe um uh than Greek one is is quite fascinating especially across the Balkan Mountains right uh you can find still in the local ideum today and say in Serbian Etc a distinct Latin influence that is not

    That is um sort of stronger in certain cases that the the Greek one because again they had the Latin and Greek had been spread in two completely different ways historically and not just in two completely different areas um hence the same connections with Rome that was

    Trying again to convert um this the the Western Balkans Al successfully speaking and even convincing at some point the bulgarians to cooperate and to even think to to obey Rome and not Constantinople uh ecclesiastically speaking but again the latter connection would uh eventually win right um but um

    The the interesting aspect of this ecclesiastical spread in Bulgaria um is the sort of political and social importance of the same because as we were indicating before uh in a way or another such um ecclesiastical and monastic foundations were fundamentally uh of say the apan and actual property right of the Bulgarian

    Nobility to some extent right the reason why the Church of course um the the christianization of Europe passes through the affirmation of Greater concentrated power in actual statehood is that of course um churches were provided with an ecclesiast with with ecclesiastical privileges in the first place um same goes for with the

    Monasteries they were permanent infrastructures that uh really serve the purpose of storing power for someone to concentrate further that hence you would see uh like I don’t know in Scandinavia some eventual State monarchy developed from there uh Bulgaria would eventually be destroyed in practice as a state by

    The byzantines so things would sort of generate historically sort of made a video about um videos about for example example the the second Bulgarian Empire um also especially after the the the destruction of the Byzantine one after The Fourth Crusade and so paradoxically even the westernization and feudal

    Isation of Bulgaria to some extent at least this happened also in the Greek lands but never to that fullest um the lack of a proper heraldry also the end of the Middle Ages made a bit about that in in the Balkans uh compared to say the

    The Serbian one was sort of much more um defined so it’s it’s very difficult to make a full history of the lineages even of the ethnicity right of the think the second Bulgarian Empire is sometimes described properly as a Bulgarian but also black and Kuman one right because

    Of all what was going on at the time naturally it never re achieved the same power and Prestige that the first one uh in the early and high Middle Ages uh had had um but the the meaning behind this uh christianization the foundation of these various institutions was the one of

    Establishing a an an aristocracy right an an oligarchy that could maintain power in the region and hopefully bringing this power to the next stage right now the interesting thing about this um as you can also understand from the title is that this espe actually the social implications of these uh partly

    Also the political but mainly the social one is that um this came to create a divide uh between the elite and the um the majority of the population I mean historically in uh these um uh non staled lands actually you you find it easier right um as in some parts of the

    West historically the decline of the Roman institutions Etc the affirmation of a sort of feudal aristocracy of some sort the the bulgarians paradoxically do not have a an orderly and concentrated power enough to even develop properly a feudal monarchy like the ones that were developing with all their time though in P carolan

    Europe um but they still of course were quite um stratified Society right by unequal ones right you had this historically the this nomadic people that had arrived with all that sort of in fact step autocratic model that was the most traumatically violent and brutal thing that you can’t imagine I mean literally

    It’s just like what happened in Eastern Europe after the Mongols right it’s not a European model anymore I mean I don’t know the sist aristocracy is a purely Mongol uh product and the the before the r was a completely different thing much more similar to Central Europe the bulgarians

    As the hungarians later um historically would maintain a bit of this against stamp autocracy but together with all the problems deriving from that sort of more priva and not really stalis um system um and um the idea is that already at this time between the

    0th century yes you don’t have a a a a a state really doesn’t matter how hard uh the SARS uh of Bulgaria tried to imitate to to copy to spread the the Byzantine model there was also not pure State at this point telling the truth um the word

    Was definitely going uh see the Latin Germanic one byzantines even the Arabs toward sort of Greater feudal privatization at Leist uh but of course the powerful Clans that had been ruling as conquerors doesn’t matter how also blanded with local population Maring to them Etc had maintain this sort of mentality right

    The the way this the state existed in some form was of course the also based on the um uh traditionally predatory um sort of character Spirit of the same bulgar of the early day I mean that every time there was a problem in the Byzantine Empire there was naturally

    Richer more developed populated was the uh Balan rulers to descend from the local valleys towards the aan raiding plundering taking uh slaves Etc and this was happened like all the freaking time regularly as soon as there was a crisis the first thing you imagine worries in the north this happened later on it

    Happened with with the a with the bulgarians with um with with the serbians with the hungarians freaking damn time um there was a raid right across this BS and there wasn’t quite also because it was carried out sometimes by um not just massive armies at some point there was an there were

    Attempts as you know to to conquer the same Constantinople by bision it the thelian Wolves uh making their uh their job until 1453 actually 1204 but in that case it wasn’t much the destruction of the Wolves rather the fact that the Cru Crusaders were LED in um the well also

    In 453 to some extent but let say let’s not digressing this um you would have different bands carrying this out very often also um say without a real permission from the greater Authority here we talking about the the Bulgarian Empire SS Etc very high sounding terms but the concrete political and social

    Reality of this system as dispersive and also devoid of a true Frontier to some extent aside from the ethnic corand of the bulgarians um was very unruly right it’s the same reason why eventually the system collapsed to some extent and privatized and sort of and trenched senur in all these various valleys and

    Areas were very difficult even to reach as you know right the byzantines were sort of helpless at some point that they could reach even the danu uh trying to uh Rec control air for fortresses like uh Belgrade and serman Nish uh vid Etc but the the actual deal was that you

    Couldn’t quite control all the the the nightmarish to say the least Balkan interland that is a place where you do not want to be in any way uh in any sort of military context um and by the way never commit the childish mistake of considering yourself more intelligent or

    More capable than a sth century bulgar Horsemen um the the idea uh is that um this system is um ruled by a ruthless military aristocracy that of course doesn’t give a dam about anyone these people are completely full with of you know the traditional notion even as the

    Tars of the of course tradition Imperial Catholic tradition as far as that sense of greatness of accomplishment of heroic Divine uh attainment um that um radically and racially discriminates between the elite and the Lesser people right especially also in this case considering that majority of the of the

    Commoners were slaves and there was this sense of uh again maybe it was not true biologically but it was important to trace your Origins back to the idea of the ancient bulgar Clans where it’s like a bit like the Polish slack claiming to be STI Iranians not not slaves or the same

    MERS also you know Hungary is yes it’s you know the language is ugrinic but the say a great part at least of the population was Slavic slavici sized origin so the foundation of ecclesiastical and monastic institution has institutions has a actually a very traumatic impact on this SL peasantry or

    The Bulgarian peasantry in the first place right um just like in the Byzantine Empire but things had changed a bit after the uh the iconoclasm monasteries and just like again in Latin Germanic Europe again were a power to be Recon with they had quas srial power of the rest of the

    Population I mean they literally own people working in the fields for Dam um and part this the the client Tales of this institutions maintain control especially when they were connected with in fact this L found Founders that were just by themselves the more powerful like alent enough to even found a

    Monastery that by these times and places was was a shocking amount of wealth that cannot even properly quantify in some circumstances um and so when we look at the spread of later bogomilism in the Balkans we actually realize um that far from being in fact sort of a national

    Character of the local um and this is how history unfortunately is inter interpreted in a way or another it was actually a deeply social implication meaning that uh in this case um bism and so the PO poian heresy um and uh so this at best hdox Christianity would not open

    Fact heresy because there is some we’ll talk about it now some of an ambiguity because I don’t know it’s not that we have a very good documentation about 19th century bulgar in the first place um but was spreading as essentially gnosticism agnostic heresy uh among the peasantry against these Bulgarian Elite

    Ecclesiastical institutions right now I made multiple videos on cism and literally described This was um in and um say without descending in theological details that literally it’s essentially a dualism right it’s a dualistic heresy that states that fundamentally everything is a scam that U you know the

    The say it becomes complex we don’t know fully even what these branches of narcissism technically believed uh because eventually the were unfortunately also wiped out by uh the Catholic Church meaning the true Catholic one even the Byzantine Orthodox one just to to make a to make a

    You know note the the the bills were the only ones who forced the byzantines into a crusade I mean for the byzantines the the very concept of crusade was absolutely totally alien to anything belonging to their culture but in the case of the bills they had to carry out

    One because of the problems that they pose and of course these people were massacred um and this entailed in part of course also a repression from the side of the elites but the point in fact being exactly this that while the elites were of course cultivating a healthy um a

    Transfiguration um um of course uh uh synthesis between this the spirit and the flesh so the capacity of redeeming the material part of the world rather than rejecting it right like the gnostics that just instead passively um let life dying without accomplishment basically thinking just that there will

    Be a God that will save them anyway without them doing nothing completely and that’s of course a fourth estate ideology in fact the bills um were the the the usual again lesser people that are socially envious and don’t care anything about uh civilization reason human dignity intelligent mer

    Intelligence Merit um any form of disciplined accomplishment that has to elevate them from just being themselves without any Merit or value uh humanly speaking and so um in the in fact the most French sort of um you know isolated imperious areas of the Balkans these uh this virus um spread right and say

    Affirmed itself in in a dynamic that is also uh reminiscent what would happen later in fact with the same cism Etc that the poian heresy um was of Armenian origin but generally speaking gnosticism as you know had been around since ever everywhere I mean the same s Austine was

    Was actually um a a gnostic there was a um every time again the from a certain backround there is a a level of populistic degeneration you always find uh this un compromised um hypocritical uh self- sabotaging uh unaccomplished mentality that has to essentially go against Whoever has Merit power actually runs

    Things um and uh as a consequence again in this particularly underdeveloped areas of Europe um in the Balkan interland again uh the um this thing would spread right but not without some sort of previous wealth right this movement would have not had its um its um even its Mansion it’s

    Actual reactivation if it hadn’t been some degree of you know Fair balance among some farmer someone that thanks to the power maintained by the SARS at some point had managed to um to to spend time doing this stuff rather than just trying to survive right there had already been

    Some of these heresis in in the Byzantine world uh from quite a while and the idea is that uh bism spread um from the during the I Middle Ages from the Balkans bugia but then delmia Bosnia Croatia into eventually uh Western Europe and the most developed areas of

    That because there were lots of course of commoners that were gravitating parasitically around the largest centers like the richest areas uh richest cities especially in Lombardy in oania in the Rin land um they arrived up to Britain Etc I mean it was a um you know again a

    Essentially a populistic mov it’s the the complete rejection of Standards just like the one you see today right the fact that um essentially you want just to to hate even sexual differences um you you you want you turn vegan you have communistic this is all what cism was fundamentally about agnosticism was

    Fundamentally about um and um again I made videos explaining this uh again and um you can sort of check this out of course it was in part manipulated just like I don’t know a communist terroristic group can do today right leing in after misery in some peripherial area and trying to create

    Problems uh with uh gilia with resistance all this stuff which um the Balan interland was very well suited for uh and in fact brought this phenomenon to to remain alive to some extent for centuries uh before some other order uh came around this is sort of part of the

    High medieval uh Revival right the Byzantine world was re-expanding Bulgaria by as Moses was doing the same and so you have this well off uh sort of this greater wealth spreading for which again people start to think that they could even move themselves against the elite but eventually of course fail

    Because this area would never seen of course significant popular communal development whatsoever it wasn’t just like any political social precondition from for that but it arrived earlier right and the uh the ideology is the ideology involved is just the one seene in other similar forms of manism um the the exasperated opposition

    To the Evangelical morale right for which everything physical material any good any property any sexual uh difference think about I mean you know leftism today this is literally in Foundation the doctrinal hard core of a millonary ideology that has nothing to do with today’s invention um it’s always

    Been around it’s just a call to you know the dionan toric feminine um you know anti-al apollonian Uranian um cult right that was trying to reemerge from the the lower classes the ones that literally live in the dirt um and that in fact was looking at every sort of some any sort

    Of power possession including this major um Estates you know of the monasteries and the church as evil right so the idea that matter is purely demonic that we should hate our own bodies and destroying them um because um any form of that is evil there is essentially you

    Know the dualistic heresy stands in the fact that there is not like in the Imperial Catholic tradition um God and the absence of it right so life and nothing um but in fact the superstitious personification of a alter God uh that in fact would be the one of just the

    Material side of the story of the Earthly Dimension that would trick people um and this is again incredibly you know ignorant because of course the entire uh Elite The Establishment was all about the self-sacrifice in holy combat the exasperation of the spiritual Dimension as well but would never dream

    Of course of saying that matter is evil because their first purpose was to win matter to transfigure it and to elevate into the Divine standard instead of course those who cannot afford that will just spit on um any sort of Merit and capacity that that God gives you to to

    Actually re bring matter to all to one and so concentrated through wealth in that U Divine um Glory um control provided um and uh this denies lots of things including of course the Incarnation of Christ so it basically denies the human Merit whatsoever in Transfiguration basically it says that you alone cannot

    Do anything um it’s a sort of again it’s the usual anti- Catholic the mental illness it’s the the sense of um God will save you without you having to do anything but ding right or wishing for being saved right not accomplishing anything in the first place um and um living in atter

    Misery for that matter um and um again a world dominated by evil allegedly resigning within the same ecclesiastical institutions were in spite of the objective difficulties that we listed before making a sort of orderly uh State out of the Bulgarian establishment Act actually however trying I mean

    Succeeding to to some extent in actually bringing order within I don’t know provincial Dimension that in the Balkans by itself was already a huge deal right uh there was a sort of uh it’s obvious that um in all this there was also an an anti- Byzantine feeling because of course the

    Bulgarian Elite was trying to become a Roman as well so these people were trying again to buy Ever more in the Imperial Catholic tradition and uh there was here the usual Balan resistance against the more civilized uh um outer land that um of course was also devoid

    Of any particular ideology at some point I mean bism was not Universal among the commoners it was actually a sort of a obvious resistance that some communities would just oppose to uh to any kind of power reexpansion in the a so it’s always complex just to cut the stuff

    Sure I mean it’s like just was saying before about the pagans and the Christians right as long as it was convenient for you to uh I mean Christianity and uh Orthodox in the sense was um were the the Hallmark of the elite right until you were counter Elite you would back the opposite

    Paganism even heresy right uh as long as you came into Power you would buy fully Christianity to Orthodox that that’s how um of course it always worked of course there were still considerations from the old um Pagan uh background of of the bulgar Elite that had uh like in the

    Stamp world was um sort of yes was very oligarchic in the sense that um there was a very heavy certification for which nobody literally cares anything about um the the ler people but among oligarchs stresses this idea of egalitarianism for which no ruler has to emerge over the others it’s the same

    Reason why basically the entire East Al of Europe historically failed to develop national monarchy um because the the the nobl men uh basically aborted uh the state and basically BR to to the disintegration of any possibility of affirming itself um as a as an natural power I mean there weren’t local

    Resources this were less densely populated worse connected sort of just less agriculturally Prosper areas so everything was um more complicated but it’s really remarkable to observe the Bulgarian accomplishment as far as again this sort of alter Imperium um was was concerned and the rulers were quite smart and skilled Etc

    But they couldn’t uh at some point make Miracles um and um bism was in a way a counter movement to this it obviously mirrored a social protest against this nobility of firming itself in part it was fair like it could be a bog having some sort of actual you know Catholic

    Concerns unbeknown to you by finding under this Banner but really wanting greater standard from the same Elites not to destroy the just the bases that they had to rule on because of the Ferocious nature again of of Step authoritarianism that the local Elites had uh quite um quite much adopted it’s

    The same reason why I mean they had always Haden spread even among the the the Slavic ones at this point uh in charge in the area but um still it um it sort of um in this Theology of dualistic orientation was expressing a Malay right even some ethnic

    Tension uh the idea that yeah here we’re talking about bulgarians but there wasn’t a truly and fully sort of accepted reality for which Bulgaria was seen as a homogeneously uniform ethnic National reality and of course the fact that these Nomads AR right for God knows were had been imposing themselves

    Historically on the more peripheral Slavic Mountaineer communities had a role in the sort of uh resistance so um it it’s a blind of all this Factor um and this is in part also the reason why the prism of the bams was um remarkable also Beyond outside of the Bulgarian

    World uh both among the other Southern Slavs as we’ve seen before in Bosnia and in Croatia and in the Same Heart of the byzantin Empire right it had notoriously as manism by agnosticism um repercussions in the later Middle Ages in more parts of Europe you can’t quite see any you know

    This uh you can see this historically as a dualistic here is until to this day right the the attempt to any to to to to stem any kind of Imperial Catholic tradition for theological meaning of of the same words and the de theological one um in other words going in the

    Opposite sense that God Unity uh really U indicates because just you’re degenerating to to a degree you can’t quite recognize even what’s the the way to Salvation and the diretion you should follow for the leaders to to try even to regain that sort of divine standard um so this issue went on to

    Affect the same Byzantine Empire because as we were explaining before not just the um the the this bam Mills in Bulgaria were preventing uh this sort of um uh baniz of the same bulgar the bulgarians hope to to take over Constantinople but Constantinople was granting again this Imperial titles the

    Sort of uh lurgical sort of concessions prerogatives um ecclesiastical immunities in autonomies ETC um to the same bulgarians in order to absorb them because they sort of sow um still the bulgarians are yet and as always in the Imperial Catholic tradition is yet one people that has to be under the the

    Ecumenic universal Empire right um um so the the B Bulgaria this this area of the Balkans became a nest for these gnosticism to spill over back into the Byzantine Empire where we have seen this had fundamentally come from um and so going against within the same byzantin Empire

    The same maced Onan Dynasty made multiple videos about the the macons during this period in Byzantine Imperial Revival so basically creating tensions by even supporting rids again in the Byzantine Empire was telling before there were some again Bulgarian nobl men that albite um again being the same founders of of

    Churches and monasteries were against um the centralizing policy of the sarts and so they back they were backed by the same bam Mills to loan trades and to even try to at the same the bantin Empire but at at the same time to sort of tear apart the same uh tarist um uh

    System um and and this was of course troubling the same Byzantine Empire it had all a massive political and Military implication um strategically the Bulgarian problem was loaded with this constant agitations right because all the byzantines wanted at the end of the day was to C the the the the Bulgarian

    Aristocracy to throughout the aforementioned mechanism so that they could control them better and So eventually re bizantine and sort of take over the system which is actually what happens at least in part um under basil II between the end of the 10th in the beginning of the 11th century I made

    Actually a video multiple videos about basil the second but one especially talking about the cost of the uh expansion under him and especially in function of the Bulgarian theater that was uh so this Decades of prolonged Warfare with lots of um you know with a great cause in fact of reversals issues resistance

    Etc so that even if we know how basil the second that was Nick named lat later bulgar octus because of the um fatal blow inflicted to the the Bulgarian Empire and the um you know biblical bath of blood of Bulgarian enemies um did not quite succeed in taking over politically

    And territorially the entire Bulgaria I mean the Bulgarian Empire was destroyed and Bulgaria in this sense failed as a also as a national reality to rec compact on the basis that these early and very successful very fearsome and and authoritative rulers had managed to accomplish because basically again this movement’s self-

    Sabotaged of the plan from the within um but at Le right uh the empire was freed from um this looming threat of the bulgarians that came to be a problem only after 1204 when the banti empire was destroyed so the pans had to basically re C with eventually even when

    They reconquer Constantinople with the bulgarians is an actual you know uh Trent the same Latin were defeated by the bulgarians that’s how basically uh declined as well the problem with the land again is that you can’t quite centralize from there just like the bulgarians hadn’t succeeded the medieval

    Powers hadn’t quite the capacity to Simply rebuild um civilization into the Balkans out of scratch like this was a again a deeply different world uh just even a few tens of miles in the interland right compared to the Byzantine Coast uh um Coastal Dimension to actually even hope like in

    And again the Greek mentality was completely alien to the concept of trying to re reionize re romanize um the interland right it was they just wanted to preserve themselves into the world they had and everybody else had to be tamed but basically kept out right it’s the historical Atlantic xenophobic

    Approach like BR the Romans would literally uh ethnically engineer with severe uh demographic colonization the entire CH I mean entire Western Europe began to speak romance Latin as a consequence um these words instead had had historically an incredibly different um um view of what properly the uh the

    Imperial Catholic tradition had to be replicated like um and um and so um it’s fair however to uh observe that uh basil basil II at the beginning of the 11th century managed to overwhelm so radically Bulgarian power that um the bulgarians uh would return essentially to to have

    Independent political life only at the end of the 12 Century actually before 1204 because already the empire was U showing signs of the stabilization by that point and and so um this provinces began to sort of also because there was a broader European expansion so so the local Elites had become more

    Powerful and autonomous and dangerous to reactivate in this again Twisted game of raiding pillaging Etc after this gigantic uh data rents work on over Decades of massacres carried out by basil the second uh in the late 10 and beginning of the 11th century but as we’ve seen in that video about the

    Second Bulgarian Empire the actual um results um let’s say of this um literal eclipse of um of of a Bulgarian Empire had of course deeply undermined together with the the prevalent uh feudal or privatization at least of of Europe in a general sense in the meanwhile um with the the impossibility

    Of reconstructing a sound uh state of the uh of that model that was still available in the early in the high Middle Ages especially from Constantinople that still at that point was trying to salvage in fact up to Basil the second of the peasants soldiery the idea of a bureaucracy of a

    Sort of centralized system even though again this was not like in Antiquity anymore it was heavily degraded and already privatized and eroded and again decentralized but right had provided the bulgarians still with this model to imitate originally which uh was a truly civilization one that in which they had

    Even succeeded in establishing and one of the greatest powers um European powers of the of the high Middle Ages we’re talking in fact about the first Bulgarian Empire and in all this again I find it quite significative the to to assess the presence of the bill um heresy because this is not

    Merely again a you know sort of mechanic uh you know geographical proximity spilling from Outer ter neighboring territories Etc there is a very specific social trigger that brings the um again the the commoners to sort of buy into this anti-establishment um ideology as a form of resistance as a form of we will

    Basically um uh sabotage the Empire we will prevent this even the reason this is the point like if the Bulgarian Empire had been solid enough they could have taken over Constantinople but these locals didn’t want their own Elites to actually succeed even though they would have brought again the Balkans to have at

    Least the Bulgaria to to a much higher level um than U say giving up part of their um Freedom that would have lost anyway in the later centuries um with the same defeat of Bulgaria at the hand of byzantines so this is you see every time this

    Sort of populistic ideology kicks in it it’s always the same it’s pure self- sabotaging of your own system that has the full potential of making it so to make other enemies win and make you be worse um in spite of the fact that you are the one that is always complaining

    About ah I don’t have enough money ah you know I don’t want to pay taxes ah there is this corrupt least and then you destroy the thing and you leap even worse right this is what happened historically to AR again stupid country that um I’m not offending here bulgar

    Medieval Bulgarian in the first Bulgarian Empire in the first place but in generally speaking the EST states that Express this within it um against the nobility mostly um to eventually end up conquered by other countries and this is the point Bulgaria basically lost the aside from the the coming back in the

    13th century and 14th century it never required an actual dominance um it it had phases of again reactivation at best we can talk of some specific political territorial um control to arrays by making Nomads from the steps into the system sort of diluting messing up the thing while other concentrated powers

    Like Serbia for example were just you know growing better and or eventually the Ottomans to cover everything um so uh in a much more orderly way by the way and so a failed State this is the the horrifying history of match of humanity for how to make the Imperial Catholic Unity fail in

    The name of your own incapacity and then complaining the word uh goes wrong so you always have the the usual leftis whining about uh you know somebody exploiting you and not being you just like a a parasite fundamentally that is is incapable even of you know making something right and just whining

    Because you know somebody should give you something just because you breathe right this is the in many ways the history of the world unfortunately um and it passed through um through through so many we documented this in so many instances uh historically but I I think it’s particularly meaningful to

    To to observe this for Bulgaria otherwise you wouldn’t you see you wouldn’t understand why normally um on say medieval history manuals you have just a a page or so on the I don’t know the Bulgarian Empire they tell just oh look there was this big Empire it’s kind of a big deal

    They were like imitating the byzantines and treen it they were just kind of originally from the stats but they became Slavic but would the hell cares let’s turn page and let’s learn something else very often about structuralistic sort of socioeconomic materialistic marxistic bias um chapter about the Revival of the H all this

    Stuff without actually looking at the deps of it and then you have the chapter on the Cs where you will find written ah the Cs had connections with the bills in in the Balkans Etc but they don’t explain you why right uh and they also try to sell

    You the the uh the idea that you know the cats were just a different way of leaving Christianity it’s just this terrible church that oppressed everything and that this gu opposed it and so the brutal oxitan Crusade you know killed everybody and you know they also give you the normally not that you

    Don’t have in the manuals the story go killed them all God would recognize their own which actually was referred as to all these massacr people who had actually picked up arms against constituted Authority and so of course they would have been massacred right this is not just a a a istic evil Bishop

    That wants you to to prevent to leave your life freely in the 21st century because Christians are bigot whatever this is actual you know Imperial Authority um destroying heretical Rebels that are trying to sabotage like Civilization um and violently so and without any other purpose it’s not that

    The the pope would have launched a crusade for no reason whatsoever in the heart of Europe on a regular basis actually everybody had this this will not be told in the manels but if you look at what the papac did throughout all the middle age was trying to quell

    Wars between Christians all the freaking time and redirecting the struggle against the enemies of Christianity were actually threatening the same boundaries of the same um so this narrative especially when people tell me that I have an IDE ology driving yes this is an ideology of course it is an ideology but

    If you’re not educated enough to understand that concept of ideology is neutral and that it must be backed with historical evidence uh and that it can still be valid and this is not a preconceived Doctrine going against evidence or reality well it’s your problem not mine right I earned my

    Titles um I don’t have anything to prove I’m just explaining these to people because they they were prevented from from developing the actual tools to understand what actually happened historically so I I challenge you to search on the entire YouTube anyone first of all talking about this specific

    Topic like something in connecting even just in conceptual complexity um the develop the rise and fall of of the first Bulgarian Empire through this phenomenal so the endowment of churches the development of the of the nobility the baniz of the Sint Etc with in fact the palan spread and the

    Bills and later cans right um but also that eventually explain you why this not a claim I I provided you with a cogent logical rational explanation why this thing happens politically so socially uh religiously I mean it’s all there you can’t factually check there’s not the

    Opposite of this in history that you can design um this is what happened in any you know evental history that you will find this is what phenomenon took the shape form of um and you know just here I am pointing it out to you pointing out even the obvious telling the truth that

    Initally something that uh is becoming difficult for so many people to do uh nowadays because they just think that it’s you know uh you have to be you can’t say certain things you you should you know you can’t really know because it’s complicated we don’t really you

    Don’t know you find it complicated it is complicated but let’s say it’s complex right reality is always simpler than it seems right just our own mental deficiency being scared of the unknown and so pretending that it’s all so complex if you actually make your job if

    You learn how to to to do something in your life you will find out the actual deal and after you read it it’s it’s it’s easy to to see the pattern um and appreciating it for for the juristic value that it has also morally scientifically and you know uh that’s

    Pretty much it and uh of course there is so much more to add just in general I mean how uh this you know the the various I don’t know the development of different libraries across the Byzantine Empire the Bulgarian one difference with the Latin Germanic ones for example the same differences in ecclesiastical

    Organization between the East and West the Roman influence I mean the Arab influences and so on so lots of stuff that we have to go forcely step by step in order to fully picture and you can’t really explain the stuff until you make videos of this L uh and scope right and

    Um this is essentially what I care about to provide the audience with um for the rest let’s see how many videos did I make about Bulgaria cuz again it’s one of those chapters that sadly come up rarely in um Bulgarian history 13 videos but I don’t see I have 13 videos about Bulgarian

    History but medeval Bulgaria has 12 well this are just internal problems like I’m not um well say this but again it’s it’s not too much not so much but we can definitely appreciate that we made our dozen videos on this which uh because yeah I understand why

    Because on in medieval Bulgaria I didn’t add uh vulga Bulgaria that I made a video on and so I made I differentiated between Bulgarian history and medieval bulgar it’s not a mistake it’s really wanted but I should make another video uh another playlist about um the vulgar bulgar and the

    Bulgar in general because this would wouldn’t be technically Bulgarian history should be bulgar history right in that degree so sort of complex here I have to adjust something but it’s just a couple of playlists I have at best to multiply the number and there is an antipathetic

    Thing that is to say I’ve made so many because you can make infinite playlists on YouTube but when um there is a space uh when you upload the new video that allows you to search um automatically like all the playlist you want this video to go in just by typing bulk say

    And it will show up immediately that all the the well if you make too many of these playlists um and you don’t up say refill them um frequently they end up in the bottom of the chronology YouTube won’t see some of the some of them so you will skip you actually will not

    Insert the video if you forget about the existence of those other playlist that you have to insert this video now manually in in order to make it come to the top and make again you will have um maybe forget about it and not having the chance to uh to actually distribute

    Properly this video in all the bar in the proper playlist so that’s always a fear of mine but I sort of remember what playlists are present or not so I can immediately guess also depending on how often I cover certain topic but I have gone under chronology uh chronological order whether they

    Um I may be missing them or not well for today however I stop it here I just hope that you enjoyed this video if you did please share it otherwise leave a like or subscribe to my channel if you’re interested in my upcoming content for today I thank you

    Heartly for listening to me I uh wish you a nice time and see you next time bye


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      🦅⚡The fall of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1241-1396) –
      🦅⚡The First Bulgarian Empire (680-1018) –
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      🦅⚡The Magyars and the origins of Hungary (IX-XI century) –
      🦅⚡The genesis of the Kyevan Rus': an overview –
      🦅⚡Byzantine missions in Great Moravia and Khazaria (IX-X century) –
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      🦅⚡Romanos II (959-963), Nikephoros II Phokas (963-969) and John I Tzimiskes (969-976) –
      🦅⚡Slavic warfare (VI-XI century): an introduction –
      🦅⚡Avars, Bulgars, Magyars and Slavs: Migration Era in Eastern Europe –
      🦅⚡The beginning of the Albigensian Crusade: Innocent III, the Cathars and Raymond VI of Toulouse –
      🦅⚡From Nikephoros II Phokas' murder to Basil II Porphyrogenitos' seizure of power (969-989) –

    2. What amazes me the most about your work is how easily you pass from an era, country and culture to another and effortlessly explain it as if it was your backyard. Other channels put an evident strain of work to polish 10 minutes script about themes they evidently wouldn't know anything about before their preparations and stopping that shallow level of analysis. It's as if you had browsed for ages every single Medieval context and were able to make the deepest and cogent political, military and social connections by having a cristalline as precise image in front of you and just speaking it out without support. It's somehow unbelievable

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