Explore the prices in Tirana and then a Christmas Market on the square that is as good as any place in Europe

    Well good day good day a pleasant afternoon from Toronto thought we would roll back into the City and show a little bit more of the town that I started in several weeks ago my battery cut out so I didn’t get to show much of the city so I took a bus in

    The bus actually drops you off uh a pretty good distance outside of the main part of the uh City Center but with traffic being what it is barely moving uh it is actually quicker to just walk it rather than jump on a bus or think about a taxi or anything like that

    So I’m going to walk around Toronto a little bit hopefully show you the Grand Park of Toronto which is a Showcase in my opinion and then maybe look at some of the prices of what you could expect to pay on a trip to Toronto first stop going to be a cup of

    Coffee all right so we got a cappuccino coffee and a fit bar which is looks like a mucle granola sesame seed type little breakfast snack total was 310 Le 100 Le is equal to about $1 And1 Euro so a little bit over $3 three Euro not bad

    Now we have made it up to the Grand Park of toron this sits right at the edge of downtown you had this really really large artificial Lake I’m certain I don’t think this is naturally uh here but right Beyond it you have this real thick forest that’s got tons of walking

    And biking trails that run back through it matter of fact when I first came here uh the summer of 21 one I did uh I did a pretty much about a four to 5 mile walk all the way through so you know 7 or 8 km and ended up going

    All the way around this Lake here and uh came back through on the other side kind of looking back in the sun now but I came back I remember coming back across this bridge or this Causeway here and finishing up right next to the uh Lakeside Pub and Tavern it sits right

    Here so a little Christmas decoration on this tree so I’m going to go walk through uh not going to do the entire trip around the water today won’t be in near enough daytime to do that and I’ve already got a good 3 and 1 half miles in from the uh

    Where the bus dropped me off but we’ll go cruise around and see if there’s not something in the park that’s worth uh a quick video of so coming back from the grand Park of toron in toron Albania got a lot of folks out enjoying a uh coffee Coke or cocktail here this

    Afternoon and why not 16° 61 Fahrenheit all right coming back so how much are things here at the Lake View Bar remember 100 is equal to about a dollar and a Euro so coffee up top 110 a macchiato 120 cappuccino 180 uh you can get some different milk

    Drinks there uh milkshake smoothie $2.50 for $3 uh what we got down here and a beer poller from Germany that’s 400 hinek 3 and2 two gets 300 Peroni 2 and2 so a little bit more expensive than what you might pay in Town kind of climbing up to the top of

    The Grand Park of Toronto in Toronto still quite green on the grass especially in the hedges for December you got a lot lot of these uh pine tree looking things that don’t lose their leaves or turn colors of course but got a little Sports Park up here

    When I walked through here a couple weeks ago it looked like it was locked up for the season so nobody out playing any sports here on a afternoon in December as you walk through here though um I’ve already passed a couple stands that were selling uh like popcorn and things such

    As that so 1959 maybe when this was constructed 60e anniversary 60e Nostalgia yeah that’s pretty impressive wasn’t aware of that really like the uh stonework this goes all the way through the Parky free form cut papers here pretty unique so here’s the multi-ports complex and as I said not open must be

    Just closed down for the winter time now I don’t think it’s normally this warm in Toronto in December I think they normally average about 15 or 10 10° C this maybe 50° F but certainly happy to take advantage of it here on this walk through a much larger crowd down by the

    Lake at the at the little Pub down there you get up here just 10 minutes in kind of on our own I think as we cycle through here not bicycle through but just make our way through I think we run into a little Pub on the other side maybe we’ll stop there

    And since we’re making a video how much things cost we’ll see how much maybe a beer is inside the park a beautiful day here in the Grand Park of Toronto and not many people out in enjoying it at least not in this section more to come all right we stopped at the Hills

    Cafe at the top of the Grand Park of Toronto 200 Albanian Le that’s that guy right there for one beer it’s a p which is a beer here in Albania 200 L about 2 $2 and a pretty nice setting to sit here and enjoy it in we’ll come back and continue on the

    Trail here in the Grand Park Well after going around a few more trails and paths I think we’re going to say so long to the Grand Park of toron the sun just now falling behind the hills that surround the city here which means that temperature has dropped quite significantly from uh

    Earlier in the afternoon I was in shorts I have now added the sweatpants to the attire so I think we’re going to head back down into the city um I have a destination in mine for a late lunch early ear early dinner and then maybe we’ll go check out and

    See what Toronto looks like here at Christmas time let’s go see how they decorate so coming back from the city center of Toronto I about to look at some holiday treats here I don’t know what it is but 150 left okay this for roadside Bakery here all looks pretty

    Delightful I stopped in the grocery and got a vitamin water 119 Albanian Le about a dollar 20 there’s a lot of little food stands along the way that you can uh you can opt for let see here okay salad 550 Tropical salad 750 a Caesar with grilled chicken 500 50 so

    $5.50 looking about5 to6 or EUR for a soup some main dishes here Seabass 800 Le it’s about $8 a mix of raw fish no thank you 1,600 you want to go chicken with cream cheese 780 lamb ribs 1,400 so you’re looking at a main dish for anywhere

    Between but $8 to $15 8 to 15 right here in the uh the main city not too Bad what is a rather festive mood here has evening has come to Toronto back up on scanderbeg Square which is the main city center area I have the GoPro it does not shoot very well and the low light so I’m going to take a chance with it and see what it looks like

    You can see toron is decked out in the holiday lights we’re on the other side of the square but we’ll get a little view back into the park here and take a look at this very nicely done so the actual uh City square is right behind uh these white and red

    Lights behind the blue Ferris wheel we got the Intercontinental Hotel right behind so we’ll take a walk over there and take a look at it from that angle here in toron City Center welcome to the Christmas festival here in Toronto set of rides it’s got the old Viking ship I don’t hear them yelling tastes great less feeling some of you may get that it’s quite a scene down here this I believe is what they were beginning to set up for back at the

    Beginning of the month got your candy floss or your cotton candy Turkish ice cream interesting maybe a concert series or something down this direction take a walk through and uh get a look at the Christmas tree that’s set up like here we got a uh a little beer

    Stand I may come back and take a closer look at that I was not expecting this there is our offer house there in the Forefront What a cool scene down Here get out of the path of traffic and give us a look at the tree oh this quite large back here this goes on for quite a while like different restaurants and coffee shops represented before I show you the Peaceful Christmas tree let’s take a look at where all these streams are

    Coming from on this ride this looks Terri aine swings you upside down and then leaves you suspended with your feet up in the air that’s a solid no thank you that looks like a larger version of the Viking ship that we saw on the other side wow very impressed and here is the

    Toronto Christmas tree that changes colors right on Q w what a cool atmosphere all right continue to walk around probably find a ice cold beverage come back with a little more here from the Christmas Market that looks awful as well people pay to do that all right coming back so what are the prices here on the Christmas Market wings for

    $6 hamburger five cheeseburger six you can get a couple of different wraps for about 8 A chicken wrap for about5 5 and a half for a donor wrap several different beers and if you’re interested in a cola or a 7 up about two not too bad for a uh Christmas festival coming back with more so I ran into a little hurdle at the Christmas

    Market I walked the entire circumference of the entire park down there the entire square and could not find the toilets the bathrooms so I said before I have a beer I need to locate that finally some guy told me oh they’re back on the other side you got to go

    Through the parking garage to get there so I opted instead to get off the square come up to a little Pub that I’ve been to before that tall draft beer right there pay off a local pser2 $2 200 l so on the way out of here we’ll walk

    Back through the uh Christmas festival one more time take a look at a few more sights and sounds but other than that good evening from Toronto [Applause] Ch bir


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