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    Bikepacking von München nach Paris. Sturm, Stürze und Pannen. Großartige Ausblicke und schmerzende Tiefpunkte. Über sich hinaus und als Freundinnen zusammenwachsen. Das ist die Geschichte der Bergfreundinnen auf ihrer Tour mit dem Rad von München nach Paris.

    00:00 Intro
    04:43 Folgenschwerer Sturz
    12:51 Community-Treffen
    14:12 Routenplanung
    20:01 Der erste Tag der Tour
    22:03 Das richtige Fahrrad und Equipment
    26:07 Die Tour geht weiter
    29:47 Ankunft auf dem Campingplatz
    32:20 Tag 2 beginnt
    33:55 Testlauf im Chiemgau
    40:52 Der zweite Tourtag geht weiter
    43:19 Outro & Ausblick auf Folge 2

    Der Start ihrer selbst geplanten Tour ist in München, führt über Lechbruck in Tonis Heimatstadt Kempten (im Allgäu), weiter über den Bodensee und den Schwarzwald in die Fahrradstadt Freiburg. Von dort aus geht es für die drei Bergfreundinnen über die Grenze nach Frankreich in die Vogesen, wo sie sich den legendären Tour-de-France-Pass „Planche Des Belles Filles“ vorgenommen haben. Im Wintersportort Le Markstein treffen die drei auf die “echte” Tour de France und lassen sich von den Profis für die weiteren Kilometer durch die Weinberge der Champagne bis nach Paris motivieren.

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    #München #Paris #ARDReisen #bergfreundinnen

    “Bergfreundinnen: Stürmischer Start mit Sturz · Bikepacking” ist ein Film von Katharina Kestler und Tobias Henkenhaf. Redaktion: Ulrike Ebenbeck. Dieser Film wurde 2023 im Auftrag des BR produziert. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert.

    Today’s ride. It’s not the fastest I have, but it’s the blackest. Subtitling: BR 2023 We are going to Paris in a total of 18 days. We’ll ride our bikes and sit our asses flat on the saddle. So, breakfast, check. Girls, I’m leaving in five minutes. I’m looking forward to it.

    I did some research again about camping. The tent is not a safe shelter in a thunderstorm. This could be exciting today. Otherwise we’ll seek shelter in a shower cubicle. On the toilet. (Report) “The thunderstorms continued during the night.” “Trees fell.” “In total, the emergency services had to be deployed more than 200 times.”

    Now it was blowing last night. (Report) “There are currently no trains running on the entire S-Bahn network.” We ride bikes. We don’t need the S-Bahn. Unfortunately , we have to lift our bike over 50 trees on the first day. Tomorrow we’ll have sore muscles in our arms. Do I have everything?

    My mood fluctuates a lot. I was very happy in between. Then the moment comes again when you think: “Shit, now it’s really starting. Can I really do this? I’m so tired.” It could still be exciting. Gosh. Right outside the front door you noticed: wow. You could immediately see, everywhere in the city,

    How bad this storm was yesterday. These are premium requirements again. Crazy, dude. OK. The plan is to pack a gravel bike… …a bikepacking tour from Munich to Paris. That’s over 1000 kilometers and more than 10,000 meters in altitude. Around 100 kilometers per day. On the way we always meet exciting people,

    Especially exciting women. I’m really excited to see if I can enjoy it. We are the three mountain friends. Kaddi, Cathi and me. MOUNTAIN FRIENDS, the podcast for your life with the mountains. Toni wears her heart on her sleeve. Cathi is very open and very curious. The Kaddi has oomph.

    Kaddi is someone who just gets things done. That’s how we started and very quickly built a large community that is really important to us. Women who like to connect, do mountain sports together and support and empower each other. First experience of success. – Thanks, Kaddi. I did it.

    If it’s just about riding a bike, the others have no idea. After 14 days at the latest, everyone’s masks come off. Drive over. Leave me behind. Hopefully no one has a bad fall. Ouch! Hopefully nothing happens. There were these stomach cramps. I didn’t know what to expect at the time.

    I felt really bad. Thanks. Gladly. I don’t think I’ve ever been out with two girls for so long. There will definitely be touches. I think three people in a three-person tent are sardines. That’s the exciting thing: you go in and don’t know what’s going to happen.

    And of course it could be that we are too different. Because we are definitely different. If you had wanted to write this story down and tell it as excitingly as possible, you would have written it down exactly like that. Then you fall headfirst and think to yourself, “Okay, fuck.” Completely different situation,

    But similar fall to the one after or during my accident. Last year in May I had a serious mountain bike accident. I was riding one of my favorite trails and had a stupid fall. I broke my larynx. This isn’t so funny from a medical point of view

    Because the larynx regulates the air supply to the lungs, which then no longer works. In the worst case scenario, you will suffocate. You definitely have to be intubated. That’s why I was in a coma for ten days afterwards. When I woke up from the coma, I wouldn’t have said,

    “I’m going to get on a bike. Let alone, I’m driving 1,500 kilometers and 14,000 meters of altitude to Paris on trails.” I have no idea. I wouldn’t have been able to answer that question 14 months ago. I probably would have even answered it with no. You can just go out the door,

    You’ll get caught The car overturns and you’re dead. That’s just how it is. I think I’m more aware of it than before. Something happened. It’s a terrible moment of shock because from now on you stop and fall. My first thought was of a doctor , who once said to me:

    “The way your larynx is now, you can run a marathon, but you shouldn’t fall on it anymore.” Hello! What’s going on? How are you? Yes, somehow… I’m in something I drove in and my tire locked up. Oh God, did you fall? – Yes, completely over your head.

    I’m fine, but the problem is this. I don’t understand why something like that… Look here. Shit. – Right Shit. What options do we have now? Are you okay? Yes, I’m okay. You’re a little hurt there. – I know. I know this from mountain rescue: When people fall or injure themselves

    And they know that I still have to function, then they are full of adrenaline and don’t even notice that I might have a more serious injury. That’s impossible. What’s wrong with my life? Yes. Hello, have you seen this awesome tree? Up ahead there is an uprooted tree across the entire bike path,

    Just like that. Did you notice? The Kaddi tore it apart. What? Hello. What happened? – No idea. Something blocked in my tire. It looked really shitty at first. Really as if the journey was over at that point. Oh shit, full in the face too… Yes, I went full over the handlebars. Great…

    Can you hold the bike? – I’m doing well. If you fell over your head… That doesn’t hurt you? No. Luckily we have one from the mountain rescue service with us. You say when it hurts, right? There’s nothing here either, right? – No. I really braked with my face.

    This seems to be my specialty. That does hurt. So just left, right is not that great. It’s fine, I think. With your teeth too? – Everyone there. I don’t understand because the tire is completely blocked. At first I thought: “Okay, everything’s broken.” Is there something wrong with the circuit? That’s primarily this part,

    The brake, because the handlebars are actually good. It’s a doomsday mood here right now. Wow. I drove up here and lightning came down the front. I was also thinking about whether it might be smart to wait out the storm if it needed repairs .

    That torpedoes the whole plan. – Then we’re two days late. But it doesn’t rain all day long. No, but there’s no thunderstorm now. There are now zero thunderstorms reported. Which thunderstorm do you want to wait out? The one whose flash I just saw. Maybe we can turn it back.

    Maybe it just got loose. Shall we try it? – We’ll do that now. Just by force? Ah yes, actually. Wait. Yes fits. Now I’ll see if it slows down and then we’ll see. Would someone mind rotating the front tire? And behind? Should be fine. Maybe adjust the circuit again,

    But that’s not urgent now. Why do I have to fly there now? What was that? Am I stupid? – Nope. What shit. What kind of karma is that? Hey, you’ve had your fall. I was just about to say it. Everyone has one. You already have yours gone.

    I’m also really glad that Toni and Cathi didn’t see that. I think it looked spectacular. It wasn’t pleasant for the first few meters. But hey, in between I thought to myself: I’ll just leave it. I only take tricycles now. So that another car doesn’t run over us right now.

    We haven’t accomplished that much yet. We haven’t done anything yet. Good morning – Good morning. And on the chin, my God. Totally blatant revival because I just went completely over the handlebars. Why me, what’s going on? Slow down. – I did it slowly. No, you never slow down. – Yes, I have nothing…

    Please don’t shit on me. I don’t need that at all. If you don’t do that now… No, please leave it. Can you take a quick look at the bike? Are you sure you didn’t do anything to yourself? If that’s nothing, then I haven’t done anything to myself. Are you sure? – Yes.

    Just the head? Cathi has already looked at me completely. I didn’t do anything to myself. I have a big bruise here, but nothing else. Then I needed it first. I had to sit on the toilet and cry a little. Why is this happening to me now? You’re not serious, life.

    How much unhappiness can you have and how much luck at the same time? That could have turned out differently, completely differently. We want to use this a little bit now, this trip to meet people. I’m actually really looking forward to that. Because we always try to see people from our community

    And there are simply far too few opportunities. Photo! – Who wants everything in the photo? Do you take a selfie with everyone? – You just do it. Really cool! Are you up for it? – (all) Yes. It’s going ok. Take my package to the post office! Do the laundry! – Thank you, goodbye.

    We actually do triathlons. I haven’t told you that yet. Our goal is to make this bikepacking tour so that anyone who wants to do it can do it. We’re meeting now to plan our route. I’m very excited because Kaddi planned it herself, without us. And I’m not sure it’s good in this case.

    I usually like to put my fate in their hands. Why not this time? I don’t have any experience yet. Because Kaddi has a different limit than me. Ah, I think that’s good. It tends to be able to do a little more. If it’s just about riding a bike,

    I don’t think anyone else has a clue. Except for the few bike tours… What does bike tour mean? It is none at all. It’s just my commute. That’s maybe eight minutes. Let it be three kilometers. It’s really manageable. I drive down the mountain through the English Garden.

    She had let it be known that she wanted to do 120 kilometers a day. I would do 120 kilometers in one day. But whether I can do it the next day or the day after that is the question. I have already ridden my racing bike across the Alps four times on different routes.

    I’ve been mountain biking for 20 years. Of course, I’ve done bikepacking things for a long time, but never as long as what we’re planning on doing now. Everyone pushes their personal limits. You know, Cathi, the problem is that everyone’s personal boundaries are different. That’s why I’m excited to see whether we can manage

    To combine this into one route. Everyone I’ve told, “Now we’re going to Paris together,” everyone who’s into cycling has said, “Are you stupid? You can’t plan a route together with three such different levels that everyone can have fun on, where everyone is doing well, everyone is doing well.”

    Yes, we are a bit stupid. Come on, hop up, go up. Toni and I already know each other very well. That’s off to a good start. Cathi, Toni and I don’t know each other that well. And it will definitely be exciting to see how well we fit together on a tour like this.

    Because that’s when you notice when you don’t understand each other or when there are conflicts. You get to know people really well there. When you go through an adventure like this together and you’re physically, mentally and everything down on the ground and what’s going to happen in between,

    Then you know each other afterwards. Hop on! The primary goal was to plan it out roughly so that we know approximately how many days we will be on the road and roughly know the route. It says everywhere: heavy. This is due to the planning software. Look, it says twice up there: medium difficulty.

    We’re heading towards Allgäu first. And then it will be a little hillier, but also very nice with the mountain views and the three trillion lakes that are lying around in Bavaria that we drive past. But I think it only gets really tough in the Black Forest.

    Day four will be the most strenuous day yet. Yes? Because? There are fewer kilometers, namely “only” 109. But there are relatively many meters in altitude. But that’s intense. 1600. I believe that I have grown incredibly through Kaddi over the last three years because it helps me do things

    That I would not have dared to do myself or that I would not have thought of. Every time I did something like that with her, I walked out afterwards and thought to myself: “It’s a good thing I did that. I got something from that. I’ve grown from that.” Day 8:

    It already says: many meters in altitude. – I see it too. This will be the ultimate challenge. It does not load. Voltage arrow. – Yes, because the tour is too big. We ride a real Tour de France pass. The Planche des Belles Filles is relatively notorious in the Vosges

    Because it is very steep at the end, gravelly and technically demanding. You can see how steep the slope is down there. If it’s red, it’s steep. – Very bad. I recently happened to watch a Tour de France documentary.

    And I thought to myself: I didn’t look at the fact that it was so steep in my height profile as closely as I planned. Those around me who were enthusiastic about the Tour de France told me that it was crazy that we were doing this. How do you feel? – Good.

    Comment ca va? – Tres bien. I can’t assess it, as I said to Cathi earlier. I can’t estimate it. Kaddi said in advance that she believes it will be the first time that Toni Schlosser will reach her physical limits. And I believe that too.

    So I’m used to the things that I do, and I consciously just don’t do things because I know full well that I would reach my limits. But I’m used to things coming easy to me. I think what could and probably will be my biggest problem is getting through it over these days.

    Okay, let’s get going. Off to bike training. What are you doing next? Preparation-wise? So I’m buying a bike now. Our goal is to encourage people to get on a bike and give them tips so that they can do it safely and have fun.

    That you don’t have to have the 10,000 euro racing bike, but that it’s all about having fun. Cycling puts you in a good mood. Oh no, not again. Abnormal. Is everything good with everyone? – Yes. Lift up! – Do you have it? We’re getting pretty dirty! – Yes, is that okay?

    I think it’s cool that there was a thunderstorm yesterday, otherwise we wouldn’t have such exciting obstacles today. Wait a minute, I’ll go to the other side and help you. Someone wrote to me the day before yesterday, her name is Wei Ling: “I got my new gravel bike yesterday. I have no idea,

    No real shoes or clothes. But I have a helmet. Can I come with you?” We’re going to pick up my bike now. Then I check whether he has finished putting everything together and whether I can ride my bike home today. Hello. – Hi! Look, there’s the good thing. – Is it cute.

    A small bike for a small woman. That looks absolutely beautiful. But for big projects. – Yes, that’s right. I haven’t removed either the front wheel or the rear wheel. Then I’ll drag this down. – Exactly. Now I’ll do it, I’m your colleague now, I’ll hold the bike for you. – Oh great.

    It’ll fly out by itself, see? Yes cool. Yes, and now I can… …do whatever you want with the bike. We also ordered pedals, right? Say, do you already have cycling shoes? – No, I don’t have anything. Okay, here we go. Have you ever had click shoes? Nope.

    Then we have to practice it again. I’ve never driven longer than 30 km. Now I’m still happy. Maybe at kilometer 31 I’ll say: What crap. She approaches it with great optimism, which I find very admirable. She is incredibly determined, she is incredibly ambitious. And she is incredibly inquisitive.

    So, she’s like a sponge, no matter what it’s about. I like having new experiences, I like trying new things. And I also like learning new things. Do you know how a click system works in principle? – Nope. You haven’t seen it like that yet.

    This nose here at the front has to go in here, in the front. It has to be down here. Once you have found the position, press down on the back like a ski binding. Then it clicks and you’re in. That’s the challenge, to get to that point. OK.

    A little further forward, further forward, further forward. I’ll help you for a moment, attention. Exactly, now stand firm. – tact. No, wait a minute. I’ll hold on for a moment. Press, further back, a little forward. Am I already in? – No. Okay, guys, apparently I’m stupid. Haha, nope.

    My God, we have to practice this here too, in front of everyone. Now you’re in. Now you simply push your heel out to the side. Then you’re out again. Oh, no, now I have to go back inside. You can already see the sweat here. Just make sure you don’t run into anything now.

    Further forward, further forward. I am in. That’s how the professionals do it. Tour de France climb? I won’t push it. I won’t push at all. What a pain. I’ll push the bike so I can put it down and get some ice cream. But otherwise I won’t push. Is it still far?

    I’ll say that now. But it also moves well. At the end of April I started incorporating longer tours. I think I have a certain amount of basic stamina that I can use. So, the concern is: From day three, I don’t know what’s going to happen

    Because I’ve never ridden a bike three days in a row. I think she went through what Cathi went through. Cathi was able to give her tips. That was really nice. She was absolutely delighted. I thought it was really nice that we had a classic bikepacking experience.

    You meet people, you spend the night with people, you also drive with them for a while, and then you part ways again. The first 60 km were a reality check for me for the next 18 days, so I thought: Yep, it could continue like this. Things didn’t go as well

    As we would have hoped on the first day. Even though I knew that there were only 40 km left, in retrospect the 40 km seemed really long. I already noticed that. There were long passages where I thought: Nothing is going to work. the kilometers don’t go down at all.

    And we also saw in the distance that a storm could be imminent because the clouds or the sky was relatively dark. Oh, what an unexpectedly beautiful sight. Ah, the Lech. – Ah yes, we’ll keep going. Oh, that looks… – … very nice. The Lech, look here, we are in the Litzauer Loop.

    Now where did you read that? She has a cheater. – No you have not. Litzauer Loop, Schongau. Are you ready? – No, but I have no choice. There are still 10 km left. Yes, they can stretch quite a bit. Just now the three kilometers felt like 50. We can then

    Arrive at the campsite completely exhausted for the night and then set up the tent for the first time. That can also be fun sometimes. Especially when we get off the bike, I think this very, very close proximity happens because then we have to put up the tent together, even if it’s raining.

    Exactly when it rains and we put up the tent. It would be even hotter if it took us a really long time because it was dark, it was raining and then we had to put up the tent. Being in a three-person tent with people you’re not descended from

    Or with whom you don’t snog from time to time is new for me. I snore too. That’s why I’m afraid that I’ll be banned from the tent from day three. Hello Sarah. – Hello. I’m proud of myself that I finally found it. Everything looks the same here. Yes, we’ve been in every row.

    Do you live here all alone? – Yes, with my neighbors. Sarah, our host today, has a caravan that has a super cool little porch that is actually like a living room-kitchen. What annoys me is that we’ll have to leave the wet tent tomorrow… There’s enough space. Don’t feel like a wet sleeping bag.

    But you have to ask Sarah this very nicely: “Can we sleep in the kitchen, Sarah?” Hello. After we did a site inspection, we thought about whether we could put our sleeping pads in. Yes, that would have been my thought too. I can already see the joy in your eyes.

    Three sleeping mats and three mountain friends easily fit in there. I’m really looking forward to lying down in this warm, cozy caravan porch and falling soundly asleep. I think that if I lie down on my sleeping pad now, the lights will go out very quickly.

    I wouldn’t like to get on my bike now. I’m with you there. Yesterday, after long hours of investigative research, I found out that things get better around midday. Today we have about 85 km and 1000 meters of altitude. And we drive with a lot more asphalt today than yesterday.

    I think we are much quicker and could allow ourselves to wait a little longer. So I would say that she has the organizer hat on in this whole thing, and that also means she has the responsibility. But I also have the feeling that she is the one who has the most insight

    And knows what the smartest way is because she has the most experience. I have a first time every day. This is the second day today. And it’s my first time riding more than 50 kilometers and more than 400 meters of altitude two days in a row. I’ve never been this far.

    When I keep realizing that this woman hadn’t ridden a bike before this tour, not even in city traffic, I sometimes shake my head and think to myself: “This is going to be exciting.” Cathi once told me that it wasn’t easy for her to ask for help. I tend to worry about

    Whether she might say too late that something no longer works or doesn’t fit anymore. I don’t know from my sporting life or my other social life that I’ve always been last. That was difficult for me, that I then drive along and think to myself: okay.

    Because my big goal is: I want to go to Paris. And because I’ve never done a multi-day tour before, I don’t want to be the one who says on day three: Sorry, guys, I’m out. Today we’re going on our test tour, where Kaddi

    Would like to do a bit of driving technique training with us and see if we can even make it to Paris. We’ve never ridden a bike together before. My biggest worry was: “I hope I don’t stink and am always the last one. Then the others will have to wait for me.

    Then I’ll be a burden to someone. That would be unpleasant.” When you’ve been doing something for a long time, I think you often forget what kind of path you had to get to where you are now. That’s why I really can’t tell whether it will be cool for them today,

    Whether it will be a bit too strenuous, whether it might be a bit too technically challenging. I am excited. Does anyone have a sun label? Hey, he’s actually… wow. Is it with UV? – Yes, and with color. Style is everything. Yes, I was just about to say:

    If so, fail beautifully, beautifully and with pink lips. Bye. – Ciao. Today it’s going to be very nice, very relaxed and very flowy. Then it gets really steep. And you’re already above the tree line and you can already see the hut. I have to trick myself into not looking

    Because the distance is getting smaller too slowly. I’m fighting my way up there and I’m excited to see how the other two cope. I’m tense because I don’t know how my fitness and technique are going. Also drive up the steep sections to see if that works.

    And the Klickis, I’ve been there for two months. That could be funny. That’s okay from the slope, right? – Yes will work. It’s okay now. But then things get really steep again. I’m curious to see what you say then. I’m also curious as to whether I’ll say anything at all.

    Ouch! – Oh no! Now I don’t feel like it anymore. After half an hour, kilometer three. Everything okay? – Yes. Because I don’t have any experience, I thought to myself: “Hey, it’s a steep section, I’ll get up.” I got up and pedaled. Presto, the rear tire was pulled away from me.

    If you stand up during something like that, it’s clear that the back of your wheel will slip because you no longer have any pressure on the rear wheel. And you’re really getting into it. That’s why I would stay put. You still have two courses left. Maybe move your upper body forward a little,

    Then the front doesn’t go up, then you can get up there too. I’ll try it again. When I fell for the first time on steep terrain, she was next to me and immediately stopped. I thought she kept going because she wanted to keep the momentum. But she made sure I was doing well

    And gave me tips on how I could do it better. I thought that was cool. To click in or not? – Always click in. I just can’t absorb it so quickly. You won’t fall again. Then I also noticed that my head was turning on. I had this on every steeper slope.

    I still have to work on it a bit. Butt on the saddle, upper body forward. Weight forward a little bit and just kick. Give it to him, yeah. Wow, I did it. A first sense of achievement of the day. It’s crazy when someone grows beyond themselves

    And realizes what they can do and goes one step further. I really enjoy watching people do it. I simply enjoy being able to help people move forward. Thanks, Kaddi. – Gladly. That’s also what I appreciate about Kaddi, that she has this… “I want to motivate, take along and empower other women.”

    She lives this thought fully. I was panting hard. I also noticed it in my thighs. Then I got into a tailspin. Then I really thought to myself: “Man, Cathi, what’s going on? Why can’t you get it?” I hit the gravel. Well, I’ll never go up there again now. What a pain.

    Is it still far? It’s obviously depressing when you see: “Great, they’re doing it so much better. Why can’t you do it so well yet? Why isn’t it working for you yet?” I just put pressure on myself. Shit, dude, it won’t stop. I thought the climb was shorter.

    I didn’t think it would take so long. I guess I’m not that bad at encouraging other people to push themselves beyond their limits. Which means that sometimes I’m asking people a bit too much. But I believe that you have to go beyond your limits

    If you want to get better. Otherwise it just doesn’t work. I don’t think they’ll make it to Paris if they just stay in their comfort zone. I can’t talk that much right now. And it’s rare that I can’t talk so much. Final spurt. I’ll make room, approach the finish line! Done. Cathi, Cathi!

    Done without another fall. -Yeah. Look, there. That’s right, I haven’t even looked at that yet. We made it. Tip top, Paris can come. We can pack up and go. It cannot be planned. Who knows what the weather will be like? Who knows who will get sick? Everything will be different anyway.

    What I would also like to emphasize are the green meadows, which are nowhere as green as in the Allgäu. Check them out! I am very happy. Our destination is Kempten. My parents also live there. That’s why we’ll stay overnight at Schlosser’s house. I’m a little excited about how it’s going to turn out.

    Of course I’m happy that we’re coming to Allgäu because I haven’t been there myself for a few weeks. This feels like coming home to me. That’s where the Allgäu “Sch” comes out. I can’t defend myself. What? The Allgäu “Sch”. Because we have fun. I can’t defend myself.

    Are you trying to get rid of the Allgäu “Sch”? – Yes. I’ve trained myself out of it. Because I wanted to become a TAGESSCHAU spokeswoman. You’re not allowed there. Look who’s coming. Did you sit on the stairs? This is a reception committee. Hello, you still feel very fresh. We took extra deodorant. Howdy!

    From Munich to Paris. That’s cool. I’m a little jealous. I would like to do something like that too. But that’s too late. The Kässpatzen. I’m just responsible. That is also important. Now comes the cook’s oath of revelation. Is the cheese pulling? Yes, he has to pull.

    All people with lactose intolerance have trouble sleeping tonight. Each family also claims that they make the best. We are not. I would say we are solid midfield. We are proud of you. You are cool girls. Crazy, good luck, Toni. Compared to yesterday, today was really nothing like that. The knot broke for me.

    Maybe it’s because I drove home and it felt like, “This whole thing is over. Let’s go home.” But today was much, much better. There were stomach cramps and I didn’t know what to expect. I felt really bad. I think I won’t be able to drive tomorrow.

    Toni, you also have to say when it no longer works. Yeah I know. Then everything I invested in it would have been for nothing. I thought about that again yesterday. It’s terribly important to me that I get to Paris. Subtitling: BR 2023


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