Hey there skate fans it’s been a while I’m sure you missed this but Mitch Whitmore and I Victor H thorb we’re back with the latest edition of the GSN new show yep we’ve got some good stuff to cover we have the short track World Cup that just finished we still need to talk

    About the long track World Cup and there’s some other happenings going on in the speed skating World okay so to cover the short track World Cup we had some interesting things that happened um some of the same names have been winning but in the mixed gender relay something really

    Interesting happened so in years past if a team getss disqualified in the a final the winner of the bfal would move up and take their place which is what happened in 2018 at the Olympics it happened the Dutch women won the B final and they moved up and won yeah unbelievable how

    Do you feel about how that uh system works I I do think it’s better if the finalist is almost separate event like whoever gets first second third or in this case dced should get third I I think it motivates people to take a little more like take more chances not

    Play it as safe once you’re make it to the final knowing that you know Make It or Break It will still not ruin the entire race for you you don’t drop past the people that made it to the final I completely agree and now it seems like

    The ISU has changed their tune and are going with that method so two teams got disqualified in the ainal and instead of the binal winner moving past them they actually just share the bronze medal in the a final which again I really like if you didn’t make it to the final then

    You’re out you know I think they should do it for ranking but but you weren’t actually in the race so how can you win a medal in that race it you know something somebody you beat head-to-head in the semifinal right and then later on just because they get dced in a race

    That you weren’t in you should not move ahead of them so I think it’s a good move hopefully that is the rule that they stick with and at the next games that’s the same situation there was also another unusual result the two skaters two Dutch skaters Sandra vabor and Selma

    PMA they tied yes and psmo got out so fast she was in the third position off the line and she gapped the field by almost a quarter of a lap and I think she was just going so fast stumbling a bit as she went um but made it to the

    Line and I think it was a potential uh premature celebration she kicked out and kind of celebrated at the same time as velore was coming with the head of steam and they tied down to the thousandth maybe they planned it it’s the only way you can get two two gold medals to the

    Same hey they were pretty excited about that after it is really cool but uh still if that was RIS you know could have been the Thousand the other way and you don’t want to celebrate too early and actually uh coo the Korean also did the same thing a slightly premature celebration

    And he thought he had won he was given the double the smooth y classic Korean he’s flexing on him and then he got second yeah so that’s unfortunate but I we see that time and again in inlines uh um short track long track maybe not long

    Track time trial so much but uh in the mastar where people celebrate too early and then they lose yeah I just I don’t really understand the mentality and maybe they need to grow up doing just time trials to uh to know that like always go through the line um but maybe

    Just celebrate right after the line just make it that one one extra meter it costs so much less than the the disappointment will hurt your y it does look cool coming across the celebration but you better be sure that they’re 100 me behind you before you building yeah I

    Think actually I I remember from the first inline World Championships I ever like really watched something like this happened where Colombian was kavante was celebrating the entire straightaway like 100 meters and then got beat by a Korean right on the line and that thing went

    Viral uh I I think I actually have seen that race and uh Aaron Jackson did the same thing I don’t know if that was at Worlds or P slight celebration before the line luckily she got a go later on yep that would have been that would have

    Been tragic yeah um and actually Joey Mantia at one of our trials did a uh celebration a little early and then kicked towards the line debatably but pretty good video evidence to show but celebrates foots off the ice and if your foot’s off the ice as you go

    Across the lines at DQ um That’s a classic Joey win but luckily they reinstated him and he was able to go to world championships for it it’s also going to be really exciting seeing the rest of the women return we’re missing out on Ariana Fontana and also Natalia

    Mesa there was finally a decision and she will be able to race next year she missed out on three whereabouts so the doping test where you have to be at a certain address at a certain time of the year uh or a certain time of the day and

    She missed out on three of those which means you will be banned but they decided the total length of the ban will be 14 months however starting from when this whole thing happened so by now it’s already going to be good for next season she’ll be back in the field yeah but I

    Mean it’s it’s tough to make it to let it get to three Miss tests but um it’s good to see that she’ll be back you know it was not an actual yeah a big violation um so yeah I’m glad to see that she’ll be back next season and you

    Know some of the other names I know Ariana fantana is still dealing with um some issues with their Federation um hopefully that gets cleared up and then we’re still waiting on Kim botin and Suzanne schuling also missing Mung Kim from Korea like Mong Cho I said Kim cut that

    Part out all Nam Kim Mong Choy not Mong choy choy not Kim but I also said Mong from Korea M Jung Choy so we’ve got some big names that are missing and I feel like the women’s level is is increasing like we anticipated so when they come back at

    The same time it’s going to be a really good competition on short track definitely finally to the real sport of long track speed skating shifting over to the long track we need to still cover our results from the fourth world cup of the Season yep the rink was cold it was

    Cold and slow and slow yes and we did not have Team jumbo in attendance yeah how do you feel about um some teams skipping or countries skipping World Cups I mean obviously s we only have six World Cups per year uh if you compare that to basically any other sport it’s

    So few and I think that’s a thing that can make spe King super cool that every of these events you’re going to have the absolute best skaters not like cycling where they have different race schedules throughout the season uh but it’s not the case so I think that was a little

    Sad I do understand why like they have trials for the upcoming World Championship so if like if you prioritize well you’ll probably priortize World Championships buff the World Cups but for the sport itself it does suck yeah and it’s tough because the World Cups are so far removed from

    The world championships and so you would think and you know once we get our coaches panel Coaches Corner discussion out there Bart Shon had some interesting points that you know Yak Ori the coach of the jumbo team should be a good enough coach and he believes that he is

    A good enough coach to design his program to still go to all the World Cups yet still have the most optimal Peak for the World Championships um and I tend to agree I think maybe you can sit out of a race or two especially if there’s multiple 500s um and you’re

    Somebody that qualifies in a bunch of distances but just to not attend in general is really tough for viewership and the fans um I know in other sports leagues they lose the money from not attending some of those games at certain times but actually especially for the

    Dutch like you just said well if you’re qualifi for a lot of distances you can skip some but that’s not really the case they’re so specialized like most of these people the yumbo guys that didn’t go yard Burg specialized in the 5K 10K UDA only does to 500,000 yep know team

    Year no team Sprint no 1500s it’s not that many races that’s um but yeah the coaches panel which will post later on was very exciting it was basically debating whether this is the isu’s responsibility the Federate or the international skating Union to make it attractive or if it’s the responsibility

    Of the good skaters good coaches to make sure that they have skated through and we had a little debate on that point I thought it was I thought it was really good and by the way the coaches on that panel all four coaches have coached to Olympic gold medals um so really good

    Group of coaches to listen to if we take yumbo out of the equation it really a World Cup were the favorites that do well yeah Miho is just in a world of her own right now in that 1500 um she won by quite a bit in the Thousand this time

    But generally the Thousand has been a lot closer but man her 15 she’s won I believe all of them by a full second or more um so she’s so so dominant right now on the men’s side in the 1500 we had a wild card that surprising which was

    Great and honestly I think even all of the uh us team kind kind of was like happy for pet to beat Jordan stes in the 15 um obviously when Jordan is fully prepared I think he’s going to be the best, 1500 skater but it was still a

    Great win for pet and he threw down an awesome race he did that was really good Speaking of awesome races now Jordan did not win the 1500 but he won the Thousand meter by a larger margin in the men’s thousand than any other man since 1989

    Won by more than a second and I was debating with Jordan right after the race on whether or not that was the biggest win ever in the in the men’s thousand and he thought that Shaunie had done a bigger one but we had our trivia question and actually Jordan you’re uh

    Number one since 1989 impressing here I was born uh yeah so crazy crazy races there but all across the board the FES did well um we had Lauren de back on top um Patrick roast after a nut great 10K back in first position yep um for the 500

    Meter it was Kim Jackson like yep Usual Suspects in most of the distances I would say um but the team events I think this was didn’t look at the amount but this might have been the most attended team Pursuit competition ever we had multiple new teams on both the men’s and

    Women’s side um and it was really deep we had a full a full A and B group the men’s be group yeah that’s that’s a lot that’s a that’s big attendance and the winner of that was the Belgian team in second place was France Bart swings he

    Is not the only guy from Belgium turns out uh and then FR he was the only guy leading yeah he’s the only guy leading for sure not sure if they did a ton of pushing just yet but but just thing on it was yeah it’s not uh not an easy task

    We’ve seen that in the Mast starts but really cool to see I love seeing these other countries taking it more and more serious um tough when sometimes that in the past there was only six teams that raced it um but now it’s becoming something and uh yeah that was just

    Super exciting I I also think it’s really cool when these nations that we think of smaller skating nationalities or small skating Nations when they overperform just because they prioritize the team shoot or because they get to trained so much together like we saw back in 2009 before the Vancouver

    Olympics the Swedish got second night World Champs and I would not be surprised if we see Belgium France medling in a few years yeah reminds me of the New Zealand Squad from the 2018 games too or leading into that that they you know by themselves Shane had already

    Retired and came back only for that um Peter was on the top of his game and Rion was you know TP was his thing that’s what they that’s what they did and um they almost won a gold/ silver medal like a 10 gol in Korea so um well

    Yeah really cool to see and speaking of the French just to move away from the World Cup for a second uh the French had their first Nationals you said in more than 30 years that’s not on not on French style it was held in insul together with the I think it was

    Romanian and also the Swiss national championships but there were so many skaters there now coming from inline skating I was familiar with basically all of these participants and there was a lot of them and I could not count the amount of European Champions world champions uh that attended that now

    Obviously I think this was their first time on they did have a training camp in insul after the competition um hopefully that’s the start of a really cool inline to ice movement there yeah it seems like whoever is running the ice Federation or if it’s maybe part of the in lines uh

    They’re doing an awesome job like they they got a team together they competed at a World Cup in a team Pursuit and they held their own they got second in the B group um and their time was actually solid for where they’re at um and then to have an actual Nationals I

    Think is super cool to see um and talking to some of the other inline guys they say France is by far the most untapped besides columia untapped potential uh from the inline world and so we’ll see what they do over the next quad and beyond that could be this

    Episode skater highlight is kind of a Bittersweet one Joy Boer from the Netherlands she finally medled at a World Cup she’s had five fourth places and this was her time to finally medal in the 15 oh 3K 1500 1500 yeah so Joy has been solid for a long time um she

    Won Junior worlds when it was in Salt Lake City I remember watching that against UDA the Battle of her and UDA um and joy was not just good in the 3K 1500 she was solid in the 500,000 as well um but I feel like she has I don’t want to

    Say underperformed as a senior but just you know she was better than UDA as a junior so it’s hard to see that but yeah gets on the podium in the 15 she’s super super consistent she’s always good and but she’s had some trouble in the team events definitely so for the team events

    She now for the second time managed to get a DQ sadly last year at the world championships the Dutch missed out on a gold medal because her angles were not completely protected by the there was basically Skin showing and that is against the IU regulations so they were

    Disqualified and this time she forgot her transponders so they finished the race fast as time across the board and they got a DQ I hate to say the the rules are rules so they know the rules and need to stick to them now should it lack of transponders be a DQ totally Up

    For Debate I know it at the US championships it is not a DQ your first one is a warning because it is the third backup system yeah first is the photo finish then you’ve got the cells or maybe it’s the second backup system and then the transponders and then hand

    Timing after that um so it’s it’s not a necessary thing your first warning for season but if they needed to use that for the times then maybe you’re DQ I don’t know that’s a tough one um the ankle showing is also tough because that’s something that you

    Would think the refs would see before the race and to cover they did change this lately where used to be when you enter the ice they check you and you’re either good to go or you’re not but since the beginning of this season it’s been if there is any Skin showing there

    During the race so like if it pulls up pulls down if you stretch the knee a little forward and you know know it’s just it’s really tough and maybe you got to get better ankle guards that are not going to slide down at all but yeah it’s

    A that’s a tough situation also we have had it at our trials um here in the US somebody was told that their ankles were showing on the starting line or just before the starting line but they didn’t tell them and DQ them anyways like well maybe the ref could have just

    Said to the skater hey why don’t you fix that real quick before the race starts hope for a little DQ that’s painful uh so yeah some things that need to be fixed but again we did want to mention just like how good of a skater she’s been yeah um in a tough system

    Because they get bounced around especially that women’s 15 and 3K for the Dutch is incredible so just making the team year after year is is a tall task since the end of the fourth world cup we’ve also had some time trial results that are pretty remarkable we

    Saw Michelle D young skating a 300 me world record and Mar konut skate the fastest ever last lap in 1,000 meter on sea level ice for a woman 278 278 that’s a really really fast decent first lap it’s a little silly of a stat to be who has the fastest last lap of

    Something yeah she could have bagged the first lap or anybody in history could have done that she did do what didn’t and it was really fast but just the stat itself you know could be something also same thing in the 300 um if the 300 was

    A more raced event I think that would be crazy uh but the one thing with it is I believe Heather was in the ballpark yeah I and she still did a whole 1500 after that um I’m also pretty confident we’re going to see at least a few girls skate

    Faster than that at the next World Cup here in Salt Lake City in their 50 yeah I wouldn’t be surprised to see some low 24s um at that World Cup as well but yeah still a a good feat we just it’s exciting she’s never skated the Thousand

    Meter out of World Cup before so having one of the fastest in the whole world this season is pretty interesting I hope she manages to qualify into her trials so she gets to do this in Salt Lake yeah yeah with a 113 in Heron vanan I would

    Not be surprised if she does some Transfer News mid-season transfer news is that Ian blondon has signed a cycling Team contract for next summer a true Pro cycling contract pretty cool we covered her a lot uh earlier this season uh about just her cycling we spotted her first so we did Talent identification

    Right here uh but yeah she’s a really good cyclist competing in that she competed at the short track trials and yeah now she’s a legit cyclist she’s just really good at sports pretty cool she’s good sports they do a lot of biking on the Canadian distance team so

    Not surprised yeah who was the last man or the only man ever to do short track and long track at the same Olympic Games I know the answer do you guys okay that’s a good question that is a good question for our trivia question of the week who was the last man to

    Skate both short track and long track at the same Olympic games that’s a good question there’s only been one correct the first and last yes yeah probably prob not going to happen again but there’s only one I think there’s been a couple women that have done it urine toris toris for

    Sure but uh yeah let us know in the comment section below comment down you can win World Cup tickets and nothing else to answer our last trivia question forgot so to answer our trivia question from last episode which Havard lorensen was kind enough to ask when was the last

    Time that no Dutch men were on the 10 ,000 M Podium at a World Cup it happened in staver but before then but before that the right answer that Adrien F ferar you got that right was in 2006 in Moscow yeah it’s been a while it’s a

    Long time the Dutch are obviously pretty good at the 10K yeah so Adrian f are send us a DM and we’re going to give you your ticket for the Salt Lake City worlder Co you just have to come to Salt Lake City coming up next we have a bunch

    Of national qualification races here in the US and metaland or Canada yep I think I think everybody’s going to have right up the Norwegians I think some already did it in enzel though we saw the Swiss and among others but uh yeah some really exciting races coming up to

    Watch maybe we’ll try to live stream the Dutch trials to our Channel if possible um and I think that us beat skating and Canada will also have their trials live streamed on YouTube so be sure to check those out uh what are you looking forward to most out of those I mean it’s

    Always exciting seeing what Dutch skus makes it because uh I’m not going to say it’s random but it could you can put 10 names in every single distance that have a chance of making it so those are going to be really exciting which ones we’re

    Going to see not just at the World Cup but also the world championships and at European championships yeah big deal I think the Dutch trial are the most interesting because they’re the most random um you know who has trained the best over the past couple months could

    Be a different answer than who had trained the best prior to their first trials um so say looking at the other countries it’s more a matter of seeing how good the skaters are in terms of how good they can perform at these races not who is actually going to win the spot

    There we do know which skaters will actually make the team at least the best ones that we will see uh in the better end of the of the field later one yep so should be a fun little next couple weeks and then January is nuts we

    Have we have the four continents here in Lake City then the weekend after is World Cup 5 weekend after that is World Cup 6 in Quebec before all that we have the European championships but it’s really just every single weekend there’s going to be some action we’re going to

    Cover that give you predictions preview shows post view shows all the shows yeah so good stuff coming up up until then what we recommend you to do to get even more GSN content is to become it’s called a member become a member you got to hit join on the channel and join our

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    Uh some swag so we’re working on that okay well thanks for tuning in and uh be sure to comment and subscribe anything that you want tell a friend about the channel follow us on on Instagram YouTube you name it it’s fun having you guys right it was fun


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