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    Tap on each housemate and shop their looks from ep 1 here:

    We’re locking 10 Creators in a house, taking away the WiFi, and making them compete in daily challenges to see who takes the £10,000 cash prize.

    The best part is, your comments become their lives – you choose what they do next.

    10 creators living together, competing against each other – things are going to get messy.



    [Applause] Locked in is back and this year things are tougher than Ever brought to you by airup let’s meet the housemates first up Madame Joyce hello hey guys I am Madam Joyce presenta podcast host all around chaotic Queen wait am I actually going St in I’m okay okay I just need some princess my no I’m not ready I’m not ready oh my God hold

    On oh my God I’m overwhelmed what the hell what the hell wait hello am I the first one here say swear first one first one first one what’s goody what’s goody what’s whoever cleaned this place is giving mad Joy to the story room um okay store room cool yes ma’am I’m on my

    Way hello we made it y’all hello hello Madame Joyce welcome to Locked In do you know what I’m so I don’t know why I’m so excited to be in here with no phone for 2 weeks honestly like somebody basically said you’re going to prison and I’m

    Like no idea I’m happy I’m the first one in if anyone snoring face the wall if anyone’s fighting face the wall if anyone’s doing Hanky Panky face the wall I swear to God phylum if you knew that there was a snore in this house and you didn’t get

    Me some earbuds I will never forgive you I will never ever ever ever forgive you because my sleep is so important to me if somebody is there roaring like a lion next to me and y’all new beef chicken and ham oh my God this is so cute obviously do you know what I

    Love like I’m loving you care about our nutrition because I’m seeing fruit I’m seeing water I’m seeing Oh a hula oh my God there’s a hula ho here the house is sexy I’ll be honest there is space here like if I was someone that enjoyed like running or

    Track like this place would be like a dream there’s so much field are you are you dumb are you dumb wait are you what wow I didn’t know wow I feel like I’m most worried about my housemate the Synergy how they’re going to like gel and be friends is someone going to be

    Really irritating but I really really hope that we we come together and it’s a great time if not prepare for the chaos hello I am Danny aens best known for shouting a camera for a living if I had to describe my content in free words obvious one being loud I’m going to say

    Funny and energetic okay oh God okie dokie it’s good size bow please do not put me alone in there with a female okay okay well I think I might be first and what I will say is that we are yet to have anybody else in here so hopefully somebody will step

    Into the scene and you know relieve me of of this um loneliness hello how are you how are you what’s going on what’s going on with me um wait we the first two welcome welcome yes first two chicken or stew right first of all do you snore do you

    St allegedly wait have you picked your bed I’ve picked my beds I’m going to go here okay I’m going to go here that’s um that’s I love that that’s that’s good I love that is this has the voice spoken to you yet yes what’s it sound like it

    Sounds like this oh Danny to the story oh God that’s me gone isn’t it oh that was weird okay okay nice anything in the boxes no just for display of course okay oh hello hello Danny hey buddy welcome to Locked In thank you this is it feels robotic well I am a

    Robot what’s in here no cameras in the bathroom either respectable sorry I didn’t catch your name my name is Danny Danny it’s a pleasure it is an absolute honor to meet you look I going to be stuck together for however many I think we’re going to be best friends I love

    That how do you think you are going to cope without your phone friends family and followers for 14 days don’t care I I this is honestly maybe this might age badly but it’s 14 days M the human race is doomed if you can’t go two weeks about a little little device where you

    Can text your friends this this is like a a holiday I might as well be in grease this is lovely oh that’s fabulous oh it has your names on it I know it’s cool right where’s mine I didn’t actually see mine oh next to yours look at us best friends already

    Best friends already love how are you feeling about being in here a lovely two we holiday hey really lovely two weeks off what about you this feels like prison to me yeah no but honestly I think prison’s underrated okay I don’t know like robbed the sharp or something

    And you get like what get a week just just a cheeky week off in Jael like why not I love that thank you oh great start can’t even shut his door cheers bus my name’s George bags you might have seen me on Goggle box Tik Tok do a podcast obviously and yeah just

    Make make myself like a tit on the internet where’s the front door is that the front door it’s like a front door on Viagra do I do it that’s a heavy front door hello oh someone’s here this would be sick on Airbnb put the on of Mr trick here this is huge you

    Going to hi am I on there there slow face that is sick oh my God how are you what is going on oh my God I can’t believe you’re here this is so weird I can’t believe you’re here no just me it’s just me oh my God this is sick wow I

    Got what’s going ony did I not what the I found it oh hello George hello welcome to the locked in house thank you this is so weird have we have we arranged beds already Yes do you snore yeah I’m F I’m but oh God everything really have you ever lived away from

    Home before Noah I mean I went to our beefa for 10 days with my brother but I had my phone I have my brother met me girlfriend out there no I haven’t really I’ve never really wanted to Mom does cooking cleaning ironing makes me bad actually I make it sometimes sometime

    Now this is a waste of food actually I will apologize for that I love that you know accountability is sexy well thank you very much that’s that’s very kind of you I hope the audience when they see me in here will be like oh my God he’s amazing and funny and great and

    Beautiful and really cool and stylish and funny and goodlook and his teeth are amazing and I’m my God he’s hilarious and we want to vote for him but will that happen probably not love one more one more go push push push one more push push push push push push push it’s a valiant Effort we bloody go my name is Shannon Langdon I am probably most well known for YouTube and having the most annoying comment section on the internet Jesus Christ who’s that hello hello hey I was like somebody’s going to jump out on me I know they are yeah they J

    They jump how are you love I’m Shannon Shannon hello good you yeah I’m good I’m good we yeah we’re trying to play this game hello hello Shannon welcome to loged in thanks how are you feeling I’m feeling okay I’m feeling nervous I’ve got the shake but we’re fine you look

    Beautiful a thanks do you snore no amazing you could take should I have this one if you would love sleep yeah I do um I do do like weird I said don’t snore but sometimes I like wake up sitting at the end of my bed don’t how I

    Got there to B this I said after snoring anything goes so if you want to sleepwalk as long as you don’t like fall on me or anything no we should be fine okay never happened before yay fabulous fabulous how do you feel about sharing a room with nine other housemates

    Um it’s not ideal it’s not it wouldn’t be my first choice but it is what I signed up for I where’s the L does anybody know need oh you ate that I told you gamer fingers are different give me that that’s said the gamer different Ro

    Yes guys I go the name of Fu Izzy and I’m best known for sketches on Instagram and Tik Tok and also you can find me on YouTube part the NS group where is everyone oh people are here what’s going on bro nice to meet man how are you hello I’m nice to meet

    You how are you all good good hello F iszy welcome to the locked in house I’m excited to be here sugar chat to me how are you feeling how are you feeling sugar is feeling fresh he does anyone want any noodles these are and we got up oh no they’re

    Sing us how do you make noodles put it in a pan with boiling water so confusing that’s it it’s so too hot it’s not rocket science oh my God I’m so nervous hey guys my name is Casey J however most people do come we Casey and

    I’m most mostly known for my YouTube and my social media everybody here everybody I just wait there’s already people in here hello hello hi I’m Shon nice to meet you I’m Jo how are you hello I did nearly got get lost I’m not going to lie and he walked into a

    Laundry room I think it was Casey J welcome to the locked in house thank you very much I’m happy to be here bro it’s still hard Phil well don’t fil but look into it that’s got a [Applause] crunch help how do you feel about being locked in for 14

    Days um I’m either going to absolutely have a mental breakdown because this is like so bizarre or I’m going to might treat it as like a mental detox like no phone for 2 weeks drink loads of water um maybe start eating healthy go to the gym maybe not

    I’ll probably take that back where’s the drinks at it wasn’t even oh no the fork sunk this guy we to grab the operation thing to get it out you’ve made such a mess I’ll eat that yeah sorry what’s upstairs s said I did my best we bathroom Girl bathroom by

    Way that dry is actually really nice girls bathroom where’s our bathroom oh is that not the girl bathroom there only one it’s the girl bathroom upstairs I haven’t found our bathroom thank you kyj you may now leave the store room thank you very much I’ve already broken some ink cool

    Get me out of here where even was that was it here don’t know stop ruining the place I’m so sorry babe oh and I’ve hit my head on the mic God forbid get Out my name is tennessy thres I’m mostly known for my messy story times that’s for sure and also I feel like I’m more known recently for having a boxing fight wait oh build this up with water God you’re in it oh my God I’m Tennesse nice to meet

    You welcome to locked in Tennessee how are you feeling I’m feeling fine like I’m yeah I’m fine I’m just like over stimulated cuz it’s like a new environment and it’s like I didn’t really know what I was walking into so it was a bit over stimulating but I’m feeling good now I’m

    Just catching my breath back who’s this who’s top here oh it’s George he’s fabulous he doesn’t snore all right cool perfect F I’m here then wait what the I’ve been bottom bunked bottom bunked and you know what I just took the bottom bunk because I’m rather a bottom bunk

    Than a middle bed oh oh guys we got the discovery that’s what you put in the bottle oh there’s the PO oh Fab I’m so dumb I’m drinking have they got Apple flavor mine my favorite what is this Cola I’ve lost my water apple is this one one and I also I

    Can control snoring if I’m the bottom bunk cuz if I’ve got snore above me I can do things like that and tell them to stop but I just hope no one snores really loud but then I was thinking yesterday before I come in the snorers should wait for the non snorers to get

    To sleep first and then they should fall asleep after just so so we can get to sleep people are eating already hell yeah I’ve been in there for 4 hours man why did I put 4 hours I’ve been in there [ __ ] thing man actually think that

    You’ve been in here for 4 hours mhm that long been yeah it’s probably been a couple of hours there’s no clocks in here you’ve just arrived we’ve been here all night morning I left at 525 5:00 it’s 5:00 sugar wait fluffy tits where you at excuse me Danny that was that was

    Food oh [Applause] my name is foot Asylum or sugar lips that’s what I that’s what I said man what I said sugar do we have another toilet for the boys or are we all sharing it looks like you’re all sharing that’s a disgrace it’s a disgrace f f we

    Got have a time table that I’ve already P I think I [ __ ] around like four four what the hell we confirmed with sugar lip say one toilet one toilet and that it is that that’s it wait what that’s it sugar lips less talk right I just need to clarify something how many

    Bathrooms are in this house no comment there’s two she’s joking around with us listen you see me and you were friends in it we cool I love you you love me in it you get if there is only one toilet in this place we are going to have what what we we it

    Can’t run personally the boys are going to have to do everything outside they’re going to have to do everything out there they’re going to have to do Wildlife they’re going to have to we outside you’re going to have to schedule in when the rain comes it’s raining season so

    You know it’s raining season anytime it’s not raining they have to get out there then and get it all out and if they need to Bath they will bath in the rain guys are you complaining about to right let us put word in here we need to

    Be smart about this we’ll give you fo Asylum all an extra post after this if you get a PO outside if you want two po I’m going two po we need have I’m some stories as well oh my God a tunder that is awful who threw it do you

    Know what I put my money on Danny I was going to say it’s too quiet it’s way too quiet my god children whoever throw that cuz it hit my face I’m going to squeeze orange juice in your it wasn’t daddy daddy you it was George myge I’ve got contact I can’t

    See it no it hit me right there you why youing have you seen my George it was George it was George do you want Scrap yo I’m star player I’m known for SDS podcast is the best football podcast in the UK ah it’s that time that time to be inside the house foot side and locked in we here season 4 we got to turn this up man oh my days straight through

    There that was the door that was the door yo yo yo yo yo oh my days what’s going on hello hello hello how you guys how you guys good thanks everyone’s in here nice to meet you nice to meet you hi nice to meet you you’re tall I’m I

    Know nice to meet you so my welcome we we’ve already had flying oranges we’ve had STS how you I’m Jo nice to meet you good to see you mate all good star player hello hello hello how’s everything good sugar lips is well how are you I’m good so excited guest guest

    Is the word just looking forward to the next two weeks see my see these people how they are just enjoy it we’re good too bad all right come come come come someone’s got to show me around now what’s going on so this is the bedroom yeah I’m not going to lie

    You’re don’t tell me I’m sleeping on top botom bottom still I’m bottom I’m bottom I’m bottom what are your first impressions of your fellow housemates um still yet to feel them out um couple of them bit shy but we we’ll get there we’ll gradually get there got

    My boy here as well F izy so you know I’ve got someone to lean on in there sugar I’m going to tell Stars the the story about Ilie how T is I I don’t know well I just happened so obviously I’m there trying to look after IL in it

    Like say everything good about him nice things about him cuz he’s WC W’s here yeah fact so I’m like oh do you remember do you know and she’s like oh I don’t know who he is s well oh she said something she don’t know who he is or I’ve never met him something

    Like that so I said if you’re watching this brother I’m not going to mess you name nothing done you’re done so what do we sleep in nothing you’re so weird I actually sleep naked genuinely you sleep naked I sleep bare naked do you know I’m not going be

    Able to sleep by the way I sleep naked in an air conditioned room with a fan it is so hot in here I’m finished you sleep naked I think so no no with pants I think no I’m going fully naked I’m going fully naked I can’t sleep otherwise czy BS

    That’s actually like if I’m but naked I and I wake up and I’m naked I have to wear clothes imagine if a burger came in your yard just that’s a secret secret weapon bro what secret weapon to do what it he’s crazy of course when I get here the weather starts to go

    [ __ ] what’s up guys it’s that’s Watson here I’m the guy that does the parodies of the music videos this random room yes I hear noise yay sorry oh fuing swearing already is a bad habit of mine oh hello [Applause] hello good to see you man how are you man how are

    You you okay how are you I’m really good how are you w one sugar lips what you saying hello Watson hi welcome to Locked In thank you thank you this is a bit mad that’s not break that’s post I’m not trying to get it through there by the way break something that’s [ __ ]

    Boring is it Danny it’s a good save man you’re crazy no daddy he’s M it like you doing around the world with this hell yeah easy nah no way if you can do the around well on that and not break your neck fair play d d

    Hey don’t step on that gard’s nice G’s kind of big you know he’s not even allowed round there but there were’re not allowed yeah he’s not even allowed around there get so where they F by the way he’s got no shoes on him it’s wet on the bit he’s nuts he’s crazy so

    Whoever’s next to him in the bed they’re yeah you he just that water is green it’s going to be who comes in last that’s not allowed back in the house that is green what the ball yeah leave you got leave down so we’re going to get on yeah going

    Get on hey hey it’s green how will you deal with people that annoy you uh I can’t punch him in the throat so I can’t do that but what I can do is just try and turn a negative into a positive so yeah or I just come here

    And vent to you that’s probably what I’m going to do I’m going to [ __ ] a lot so I don’t care I look forward to it I look forward to it two sugar lips let’s all say like one like like cool thing about ourselves wait no okay cool yeah no

    Actually wait no no no no no cuz that’s the second targeted thing just for me where did he just go who sorry sorry sorry so I’m recording in here I’m recording in here Oh what is it out and ride forgot what they said yeah okay no oh no thank you good friend hi guys my name is Ash and I’m probably most known for having a fat buy no I’m just joking I’m probably most known for being a full on

    Tik Tok where am I going I need a this way this way this way what what you mean through where that’s not a door that’s a door you’re lying I hear people oh my god well hello Jill no bear you here hi you hi

    Baby good how can have not seen you a hi honey Ash nice to meet you okay hi honey nice to meet youfuck what are your first impressions of the locked in house well I haven’t had a full tour around the Gaff yet so I’m not 100% sure how it all works but

    The bedroom is giving War bunker I’m not sure about that and I also don’t know where I’m sleeping cuz I came in last and everyone dibs the bed is this everyone you’re lying oh my God is giving I literally thought there was going to I got told there was going to

    Be a boxing bag in here he said hey hey you’re going to like my luxury item what is it headband string bow shut up that’s your luy oh you two are going to get on so good oh my God great I yeah I BR gloves has anyone heard of the game

    Sardines excuse me anybody heard of the game sardines that fish yeah it is a fish it’s also a game it’s like it would be really good in this house and with the amount of people so like it’s like where one person goes and hides and then

    Everyone else counts hide and seat no he finished finish and then you have to go everyone goes and finds that person and if you find them you have to hide with them like in that space and then everyone has to hide like gradually like everyone hides with that person until there’s one

    Person left in that space that’s that you know what that sounds lit though I’m not going to Li to you I can’t what a weird content sound good you get it’s so fun she’s just trying she rot you no not at all she safe no she second time go

    Second time oh really if you going was she just Sweeting me up know she was really nice that time yeah yeah we’re bored as already sard I’m telling you right okay all right all right disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer all right I didn’t know you can bring a

    Picture and it didn’t have to count as a luxury item in it I know a luxury a picture is your luxury item that’s why sorry what what is happening here no [ __ ] available man what’s this one there’s a lot of space I’m not get Str I Str by Dan you go Tik Tok I go on everything like Twitter IG we got text message chall oh my God no take SE sorry Danny my makeup right take a seat Mr aons housemates welcome to the locked in house but don’t get too comfortable this series is going to to

    Be a little different I’ve tightened the rules and I’m going to be keeping a close eye on you all this is not a holiday this is locked in this year you’re going to be split into teams and competing for Prize or punishment what kind of I won punish oh

    Hell no hell no yeah vym believes that teamwork is essential and housemates that work together will be rewarded in the red team we have Joyce Danny Tennessee what are you doing that for star player and Watson are you crazy I can do with that that’s fine blue

    Team you have George Shannon Casey fuzy and [Applause] Ash if there’s anything The we got it here nervous here’s how it works the teams go head-to-head in a challenge that tests how well they know each other they will be shown a fact about a member of the opposing team they must then guess who they think the fact applies to the team

    That gets the most correct is the winner let’s get into it red team you’re up first Joyce which member of the blue team does this fact apply to first question when this person was younger they used to love shoving things up up their nose in particular peas and Stones

    I’m not going to lie when I said it Shannon did this smart that was like I remember those sh shanon show us your nostrils is p oh and she could do that thing with do that thing with this thing went Do It show us I think it’s Foo I think it’s f for

    Every single one no I actually think it’s George because cuz he was like that’s weird that is weird though are we are we all agreeing on CH hey I’m I’ll back here I’m back okay we the red team are saying Shannon turn that green please from now on I swear to God listen

    To me when I say something said it was this person found out their ex had cheated on them so they painted their car yellow I’m going to be let me be wrong the M over there and it’s even D doesn’t look like she’ll go to Wicks and get yellow

    Pink she don’t she won’t go to Wick and say let me get a yellow P we we said pick it up it’s done lock it in lock it in done sugar lips we think that this is Tennessee locking it in that Hasty come out all our [Applause] everyone

    Know this person describes their biggest fail as their love life knew it I knew you were coming for me I think it’s Shannon knew you coming locked in Shannon I knew you were coming for [Applause] me this person accidentally sent nudes to their manager to their manager their

    Manager yeah this one’s crazy I think I know who it is I think it’s Joyce I don’t think Joyce would have made that mistake you think still time limit I can’t imag the way he that I can imagine it stars that is a that is a DI pick taking

    Stars all right fine we’re locking in Danny imagine [Applause] [Applause] it me okay it’s two1 how how do you accidentally s it to manager so basically yeah I was looking I wanted to do my boobs yeah so like I was talking to like the correspondent person on

    WhatsApp cuz I was like they had to send p in it wasn’t a sexy it wasn’t a sexy one it was like profile and then I accidentally sent it to him cuz I tried to save my [ __ ] was like um question mark question markk this person won a hula hoop in

    Competition in cornall when they were 13 what kind of life well that’s the easy if anyone done their research on who’s coming in then we already know the answer to was you were like oh my God myy trick she it all right we’re locked in we’re locked [Applause]

    In as soon as you walk in went my Hips Don’t Lie this person spill a 4 lit bottle of milk over themselves at supermarket and cried all the way home now that’s giv give Danny to be fair this man’s playing us we’re saying Danny locked him this man’s playing us [ __ ] [Applause]

    Up that’s what I’m saying you know wor SP what two weeks ago two weeks this person’s cap was on James cordon’s Late Late Show that’s so easy by the way do you want me to ruin it or no let me know I’ll pick it up no trust

    Me and it by the way it’s not your cat it’s it’s hot it’s what’s it called what’s it called in court you know when you get like I took custody of the cat cust it’s split custody of the catd no we locked in take this person can do a handstand for 10 minutes

    Straight this one is it this one no no Danny heyar I’m locking in Danny that is the first thing he told me to why do I keep clapping um this person for user I know I I know used toce Ash Ash locked in I’m a bomba

    CL if it’s not Ash I’m a BM CL hit me every single time soror was e red team fact this person was once chased by a tiny dog and ended up jumping in a river to get away from it Watson my good oh you think let let me the science

    Behind star player he’s Lage he’s Heritage he’s Somalian okay they are scared of dogs doesn’t like dogs they hate dogs okay okay when correct my brother you’re itong about listen Linda listen Linda we’re locking in Stars you got one more chance right if you got this wrong I’m sorry

    Yeah yeah yeah cuz you adamant about that yeah that’s so C congratulations blue team you are the [Applause] winners get I blue team you will get first choice on what beds you would like to sleep in dibs no longer apply good night housemates h no hell no this is my bed

    Get up hell no hello winners won the first challenge challenge and we’ve won if I stay quiet they might just forget I’m here you know what I like about you sugar you put all that the people the slow thinkers in one team that’s why the way you’ve abbreviated

    Sugar I like about sugar first they all fell apart fell apart it’s a principal thing now you have to go there I have to yeah and I will and I will what do you mean or what you will no we’re not cuz we’re not set Danny wants to go there

    And he doesn’t make sense sh move Shannon you were called the biggest failure in your love life how did that feel right come on yeah that’s me come on sugar we were getting on so well hey we can strike a deal but I’m not going top bunk why not why not we

    Can strike a deal top bunk so fast hell no guys he’s a snor we should keep the SN as far away from us put me right here as possible me right here this is the whole team yeah it’s for the whole team it’s not I’m not being selfish this is

    For the whole team you mve into that bottom B that’s you problem to you’ve moved from no please I don’t want him to what I’ve got the biggest snor have you guys actually prob me the biggest snorer above Mees he’s going top he rises Shan really not my problem Denny right admit

    Your cat admit your cat split custody Shannon admit your cat is split custody okay where going go perod you Danny to the story please please hello foot Asylum hello Danny you okay how did you find your first challenge I had done well you know I showed the knowledge I

    Knew who CAD it was and I’m still sat here as a loser I’m very upset to be honest with you Shannon as just completely stole my bed which is lovely but you know the game’s the game has she uh has she played in front of 67,000

    People at the uh at the sidan charity match don’t think she has you know she’s looking pretty comfy in her new bed don’t care no that’s my bed it’s my bed you look like you care okay okay okay I liked our team I think our team’s got good morale

    Actually we’re going to lose the battle but win the war all right who do you consider your friends in the house you I consider you as my only friend that’s sad okay never mind okay so I can’t there there’s no way of winning the bed back even if I am nice

    To you this is locked in not a holiday yeah that’s yep made it quite clear yeah you know what Shannon wants to take that bed cool I’ll be watching her like a hawk in a non weird like in a jokey way that sounded weird it did I know it did sorry I person

    Believe you you are part of the loser team okay he want there B Star I warmed everything up for you real your clothes you know you can get a bedtime story I kind of like up here see look at that the only thing is you have that camera on yeah that’s fine

    That’s all good I can see all of you who’s okay is she in she’s getting is she okay I actually don’t want it to be like I don’t want it to be down bad she’s crying she thinks you think not that deep Bo it’s just like top

    Like I’m so annoyed about this bed situation I said in my thing before I do not like snorers and they’re being so unfair out there putting two snorers on the side that we’re sleeping on at least can we do a snore that side and a snore

    This side to have both the snores it’s just unfair locked in isn’t fair I know but like come on has no one got a bit of heart in them that they’re going to think okay yeah fair enough you just don’t want him on a bed like on a bed with

    You it’s like done his the pl I want happening no I feel bad for him though no one wants him the orange at my face oh has been just she no listen I just got in the house and I’ve had an orange and now I’m sharing a bunk

    With with the person that threw the orange in my face the orange hit my face and then we were sitting outside and we’re just sitting there having a nice time outside I see the big blue bouncy ball come straight in my direction luckily I got saved but that was my two

    Traumatic things that happened to me already like I’ve literally have Trauma from just from being here already how can the orange actually Splat on my cheek like then I was sitting there the big blue ball he keeps doing that he keeps doing that why is he doing

    That wait so you just started crying cuz I snore you snore I’ve been told that apparently I [Applause] been no no no this is this is bull this is bull mate oh my God who am I living with but I’ve only ever been told usually when I’m like really drunk I’m

    So bit of a bit of a effort getting in but when once you’re in you are in you know what I mean oh Oh really loving obviously Casey and tennessy they’re like the girls girls I feel like I would love to see Casey come out of herself a bit cuz I feel like she’s at the moment Tennesse is given like comfort blanket which is cute but in the long run you’re going to need

    Other friends and other alliances so girl you need to kind of break out a bit like you don’t need to be stuck to her at the rib but she’s super super cute also I am loving the relationship between Danny and George it’s like a little bit of a bromance like I I feel

    Like it’s a bit one-sided like Danny is very much in love with George like he’s like all over him and stuff like that which is cute hey shanon you done no I ain’t done nothing legit I’m I’m very happy up there yeah do you like the top

    B now how good well the only issue is getting down is scary do you often need to wear in the M of night do you two three times don’t tell Tennesse don’t she can go herself she was she was crying cuz I snore and then she go she

    Snores yeah that was mad that was a mad relo reverse Danny he’s a great guy but I can see people getting irritated by him it started with throwing the tangerines like just really strange things like why are you throwing tangerines at people why are you throwing balls at people

    Like just some strange stuff so it’s either a people are just going to be like well this guy’s Weir we’ll just use him or it’s going to grind someone’s gears and I’m really really feeling that it’s going to be Tennessee especially after the ball hitting today and the

    Bunk bed situation if Danny snores the way he said Tennessee is going to hate him and to be honest I can’t wait for the tea next time un locked in first of all I think everyone is processing that we probably need to apologize to Danny I

    Woke up this morning and I kind of felt really bad of how I acted how we were acted yesterday to your it’s time to get CAU hang on a minute Suar [Applause]


    1. i fuckin hate Tennessee shes just dramatic abt everything and overreacts but she will make the season more entertaining and interesting i guess. but her crying about Danny snoring while she snores too is absolutely outrageous.

    2. I was trying to find where I could watch this for free so long before I even thought to think it was free on YouTube….🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I am however, so stoked to binge this with ease and no hentai ads😂😂

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