2023 UK driving theory test – The new Official DVSA Theory Test and Hazard Perception test 3

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    driving theory test uk 2022 – The Official DVSA Theory Test and Hazard Perception

    What should you do to correct a rear wheel skid not steer at all steer away from it steer into it apply your handbrake if your car skids and the rear wheels slide to the right you need to ster into the skid I.E to the right until the front and rear wheels are

    Brought into line don’t over steer or you’ll cause a skid in the opposite direction and this will make the situation worse what does this sign mean bus station on the right contraflow bus lane withf flow bus lane giveway to buses there will also be markings on the road

    Surface to indicate the bus lane you must use this Lane for parking or overtaking you’re on a road that’s only wide enough for one vehicle a car is coming towards you what should you do pull into a passing place on your right Force the other driver to

    Reverse pull into a passing place if your vehicle is wider pull into a passing place on your left pull into the nearest passing place on the left if you meet another vehicle on a narrow road if the nearest passing place is on the right wait opposite it

    There’s a bus lane on your left the signs show no times of operation what does this mean the lane isn’t in operation the lane is only in operation at peak times the lane is in operation 24 hours a day the lane is only in operation in daylight hours

    Bus lane signs show the vehicle’s allowed to use the lane and also its times of operation where no times are shown the bus lane is in operation 24 hours a day on what type of Road surface May anti-lock brakes not work effectively dry loose firm smooth poor contact with the road

    Surface could cause one or more of the tires to lose grip on the road this is more likely to happen when breaking in poor weather conditions and when the road has a loose slippery or uneven surface at an incident a small child isn’t breathing what should you do to try and

    Help find their parents and get permission to help open their Airway and begin CPR put them in the recovery position and slap their back talk to them confidently until an ambulance arrives if a young child has stopped breathing first check that their Airway is open and then begin

    CPR with a young child you may only need to use one hand and you shouldn’t press down as far as you would with an adult continue the procedure until the child is breathing again or until a medical professional takes over how can you reduce the environment m al harm

    Caused by your motor vehicle only use it for short Journeys don’t service it drive faster than normal keep engine revs low engines that burn fossil fuels produce exhaust emissions that are harmful to health the harder you make the engine work the more emissions it will produce engines also use more fuel

    And produce higher levels of emissions when they’re cold anything you can do to reduce your use of fossil fuels will help the environment you’re on a busy Main Road and find that you’re traveling in the wrong direction what should you do turn into a side road on the right and

    Reverse into the main road make a uturn in the Main Road make a three-point turn in the main road turn around in a side road don’t turn around in a busy street or reverse from a side road into a main road find a quiet side road and choose a

    Place where you won’t obstruct an entrance or exit look out for pedestrians and cyclists as well as other traffic you’re joining a Motorway why is it important to make full use of the slip road because there is space available to turn around if you need to to allow you direct access to the

    Overtaking lanes to build up a speed similar to traffic on the motorway because you can continue on the hard shoulder try to join the motorway without affecting the progress of the traffic already traveling on it always give way to traffic already on the motorway add busy times you may have to

    Slow down to merge into slow moving traffic your driving along this road what should you be prepared to do sound your horn and continue slow down and give way report the driver to the police squeeze through the Gap sometimes large vehicles may need more space than other Road users if a

    Vehicle needs more time and space to turn be prepared to stop and wait you’ve just driven out of fog what must you do now that visibility has improved switch off your fog lights keep your rear fog lights switched on keep your front fog lights switched on leave your fog lights switched on in

    In case the fog returns you must turn off your fog lights if visibility is more than 100 m 328 ft be prepared for the fact that the fog may be patchy and you may need to turn them on again if the fog Returns what does this traffic sign mean no overtaking

    Allowed give priority to oncoming traffic two-way traffic one-way traffic only priority signs are normally shown where the road is narrow and there isn’t enough room for two vehicles to pass examples are narrow Bridges Road works and where there’s a width restriction make sure you know who has priority Don’t force your way through

    Show courtesy and consideration to other Road users how will a police officer in a patrol vehicle normally get you to stop Flash the headlights indicate left and point to the left wait until you stop then approach you use the siren overtake cut in front and stop pull alongside you use the siren

    And wave you to stop you must obey signals given by the police if a police officer in a patrol vehicle wants you to pull over they’ll indicate this with without causing danger to you or other traffic what does a sign with a brown background show tourist directions primary roads Motorway routes minor

    Roads signs with the brown background give directions to places of interest they’re often seen on a Motorway directing you along the easiest route to the attraction what should you do as you approach this overhead Bridge move out to the center of the road before going through find another

    Route this one is only for high Vehicles be prepared to give way to large vehicles in the middle of the road move across to the right hand side before going through oncoming large Vehicles may need to move to the middle of the road to pass safely under the bridge there won’t

    Be enough room for you to continue so you should be ready to stop and wait what color are the reflection studs between a Motorway and its slip Road Amber white green red the studs between the carriageway and the hard shoulder are normally red these change to Green where there’s a

    Slip Road helping you to identify slip roads when visibility is poor or when it’s dark what does the term blind spot mean an area covered by your right hand mirror an area not covered by your headlights an area covered by your left hand mirror an area not visible to the driver

    Modern vehicles provide the driver with a good view of both the road ahead and behind using well positioned mirrors however the mirrors can’t see every angle of the scene behind and to the sides of the vehicle this is why it’s essential that you know when and how to check your

    Blind spots so that you’re aware of any hidden hazards you’re in a one-way Street and want to turn right there are two lanes where should you position your vehicle in the right hand lane in the leftand lane in either Lane depending on the traffic just left of the center

    Line when you’re in a one-way Street and want to turn right you should take up a position in the right hand lane this will allow other Road users not wishing to turn to pass on the left indicate your intention and take up the correct position in good time what Safeguard could you take

    Against fire risk to your vehicle keep water levels above maximum check out any strong smell of fuel avoid driving with a full tank of fuel fuel use fuel additives the fuel in your vehicle can be a dangerous fire hazard if you smell fuel check out where it’s coming from

    Never use a naked flame near the vehicle if you can smell fuel smoke when refueling your vehicle what does this sign mean new speed limit 20 mph no vehicles over 30 tons minimum speed limit 30 mph end of 20 mph Zone where you see this sign the 20 mph

    Restriction ends check all around for possible hazards and only increase your speed if it’s safe to do so what’s the main Hazard the driver of the red car arrowed should be aware of glare from the Sun may affect the driver’s Vision the black car may stop

    Suddenly the bus may move out into the road oncoming Vehicles will assume the driver is turning right if you can do so safely give way to bus’s signaling to move off at bus stops try to anticipate the actions of other Road users around you the driver

    Of the red car should be prepared for the bus pulling out as you approach a bus stop look to see how many passengers are waiting to board if the last one has just got on the bus is likely to move off how will a roof rack affect your car’s

    Performance there will be less wind noise the engine will use more oil the car will accelerate faster fuel consumption will increase a roof rack increases your car’s wind resistance this will cause an increase in fuel consumption so you should remove it when it isn’t being used an arrow

    Dynamically designed roof rack or box will help reduce wind resistance to a minimum but the Rack or box should still be removed when it isn’t in use what’s the most important reason for having a properly adjusted head res straint to make you more comfortable to help you

    Avoid neck injury to help you relax to help you maintain your driving position in a collision rapid deceleration will violently throw vehicle occupants forward and then backwards as the vehicle stops seat belts and airbags protect occupants against the forward movement head restraints should be adjusted so they

    Give maximum protection to the head and neck during the backward movement after refueling your vehicle what should you do to avoid spillage check that your tank is only 3/4 full check that you’ve used a locking filler cap check that your fuel gauge is working check that your filler cap is securely

    Fastened when learning to drive it’s a good idea to practice filling your car with fuel ask your instructor if you can use a petrol station and fill the fuel tank yourself you need to know where the filler cap is on the car you’re driving so you know which side of the pump to

    Park at take care not to overfill the tank and make sure you secure the filler cap correctly so that no fuel leaks onto the road while you’re driving what do these Motorway signs show they’re countdown markers to a bridge their distance markers to the next telephone their countdown markers to the next

    Exit they warn of a police control ahead the exit from a Motorway is indicated by countdown markers these are positioned 90 M 100 yd apart the first being 270 M 300 y from the start of the slip Road move into the left hand lane well before you reach the

    Start of the slip Ro Road you see this signal overhead on the motorway what does it mean leave the motorway at the next exit all vehicles use the hard shoulder sharp Bend to the left ahead stop all Lanes ahead closed you’ll see this sign if there has been

    An incident ahead and the motorway is closed you must obey the sign make sure that you prepare to leave in good time don’t cause drivers to take avoiding action by cutting in at the last moment which vehicle will use a blue flashing Beacon Motorway maintenance bomb disposal snowplow breakdown recovery

    Three emergency vehicles use blue flashing lights if you see or hear one move out of its way as soon as it’s safe and legal to do so on which occasion should you inflate your tires to more than their normal pressure when the roads are slippery when the vehicle is fitted with anti-lock

    Brakes when the tire tread is worn below 2 mm when carrying a heavy load check the vehicle handbook this should give you guidance on the correct tire pressures for your vehicle and when you may need to adjust them if you’re carrying a heavy load you may need to adjust the headlights as

    Well most cars have a switch on the dashboard to do this which vehicle might have to take a different course from normal at roundabouts sports car van estate car long vehicle a long vehicle may have to straddle Lanes either on or approaching a roundabout so that the rear wheels don’t

    Hit the curb if you’re following a long vehicle stay well back and give it plenty of room what must you have when you apply to renew your vehicle tax valid insurance the vehicle’s chassis number the handbook a valid driving license you can renew your vehicle tax online at post offices and vehicle

    Registration offices or by phone when applying make sure you have all the relevant valid documents including a valid mot test certific C ific where applicable how would age affect an elderly person’s driving ability they won’t be able to obtain car insurance they need glasses to read road

    Signs they take longer to react to hazards they won’t signal at Junctions be tolerant of older drivers they may take longer to react to a hazard and they may be hesitant in some situations for example at a junction what’s the purpose of a catalytic converter to reduce fuel

    Consumption to reduce the risk of fire to reduce harmful exhaust gases to reduce engine wear catalytic converters reduce a large percentage of harmful exhaust emissions they work more efficiently when the engine is reached its normal working temperature what should you do as you approach this Lorry slow down and be prepared to wait

    Make the Lorry wait for you flash your light at the Lorry move to the right hand side of the road when turning long Vehicles need much more room on the road than other vehicles at Junctions they may take up the whole of the road space so be

    Patient and allow them the room they need you’re checking your trailer tires what’s the legal minimum tread depth over the central 3/4 of its breadth 1 mm 1.6 mm 2 mm 2.6 mm trailers and Caravans may be left in storage over the winter months and tires can deteriorate it’s important to check

    Their tread depth and also their pressures and general condition the legal tread depth of 1.6 mm applies to the central 3/4 of a Tire’s breadth over its entire circumference a slow moving lorri showing this sign is traveling in the Middle Lane of a three-lane Motorway how should did you pass it

    Cautiously approach the Lorry then pass on either side don’t pass the Lorry and leave the motorway at the next exit use the right hand lane and pass the Lorry normally approach with care and pass on the left of the lorry this sign is found on slow moving or

    Stationary Works Vehicles if you wish to overtake do so on the left as indicated be aware that there might be workmen in the area you’re driving along a country road you see this sign what should you do after dealing safely with the hazard check your tire pressures switch on your hazard at warning

    Lights accelerate briskly test your brakes if your brakes have been thoroughly soaked you should check that they’re working properly before you build up speed again before you do this remember to check your mirrors and consider what’s behind you what does this signal from a police officer mean to oncoming traffic go ahead

    Stop turn left turn right police officers may need to direct traffic for example at a junction where the traffic lights have broken down check your copy of the highway code for the signals that they use in very hot weather the road surface can become soft what will this affect the suspension the exhaust

    Emissions the fuel consumption the tire grip if the road surface becomes very hot it can soften tires are unable to grip a soft surface as well as they can a firm dry one take care when cornering and breaking your vehicle breaks down on the hard shoulder of a Motorway you need to

    Use your mobile phone to call for help what should you do stand at the rear of the vehicle while making the call phone a friend and ask them to come and collect you open the Bonnet to help the Emergency Services know you’ve broken down check your location from the marker posts on the

    Left you should use an emergency telephone when you break down on the motorway only use your Mobile if this isn’t possible the Emergency Services need to know your exact location so they can reach you as quickly as possible look for a number on the nearest marker post beside the hard shoulder give this

    Number when you call the emergency services you’re driving on this dual carriageway why may you need to slow down there’s a broken white line in the center there are solid white lines on either side there are roadworks ahead of you there are no foot paaths look well ahead and read any road

    Signs as you drive they’re there to inform you of what’s ahead in this case you may need to slow down and change direction check your mirrors so you know what’s happening around you before you change speed or Direction you’re at the front of a queue of traffic waiting to turn right into a

    Side road why is it important to check your right mirror just before turning to look for pedestrians about to cross to check for overtaking vehicles to make sure the side road is clear to check for emerging traffic a motorcyclist could be riding along the outside of the queue always

    Check your mirror before turning as situations behind you can change in the time you’ve been waiting to turn a tanker is involved in a collision which sign shows that it’s carrying dangerous goods there will be an orange label on the side and rear of the tanker look at this carefully and Report

    What it says when you phone the Emergency Services details of Hazard warning plates are given in the highway code what would suggest your driving on ice there’s less wind noise there’s less tire noise there’s less transmission noise there’s less engine noise Drive extremely carefully when the roads are icy when traveling on Ice

    Tires make virtually no noise and the steering feels light and unresponsive in icy conditions be very gentle when braking accelerating and steering who’s especially in danger of not being seen as you reverse your car motorcyclists car drivers cyclists children it may not be possible to see a small

    Child through the rear wind screen of your vehicle be aware of this before you reverse if there are children about get out and check that it’s clear before reversing you’re driving on a road that has a cycle Lane the lane is marked by a broken white line what does this mean

    You shouldn’t drive in the lane unless it’s unavoidable there’s a reduced speed limit for Motor Vehicles using the lane cyclists can travel in both directions in that lane the lane must be used by motorcyclists in heavy traffic Cy lanes are marked with either a solid or a broken white line if the

    Line is solid you should check the times of operation shown on the signs and not drive or park in the lane during those times if the line is broken you shouldn’t drive or park in the lane unless it’s unavoidable what should you do before stopping Sound the Horn use the

    Mirrors select a higher gear Flash the headlights before pulling up check the mirrors to see what’s happening behind you also assess what’s ahead and make sure you give the correct signal if it will help other Road users what should you do when passing sheep on a road briefly sound your horn go very

    Slowly pass quickly but quietly H them to the side of the road slow down and be ready to stop if you see animals in the road ahead animals are easily frightened by noise and vehicles pass passing too close to them stop if signal to do so by the person in

    Charge which is the most vulnerable Road user at Road Junctions car driver tractor driver Lorry driver motorcyclist pedestrians and Riders on two wheels can be harder to see than other Road users make sure you look for them especially at Junctions effective observation coupled with appropriate action can save

    Lives you’re on a country road what should you expect to see coming towards you on your side of the road motorcycles bicycles pedestrians horse riders on a quiet Country Road always be aware that there may be a hazard just around the next Bend such as a slow moving vehicle or pedestrians pedestrians are

    Advised to walk on the right hand side of the road if there’s no pavement so they may be walking towards you on your side of the road why will a motorcyclist look round over their right shoulder just before turning right to listen for following traffic motorcycles don’t have

    Mirrors it helps them balance as they turn to check for traffic in their blind area when you see a motorcyclist take a glance over their shoulder they’re probably about to change direction recognizing a clue like this helps you to anticipate their next action this can improve road safety for you and others


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