Turning A Penny To A Tesla In 24 Hours Challenge! Who Do You Think Will Win $10,000 Today!
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    Today on beta Squad the boys are in Reading as they have been given a penny and their task is to turn that Penny into a car or the highest value item they can find the rules are very simple they can only trade items that have been given by the public and they cannot

    Accept any forms of payment they have until the given deadline of 8:00 p.m. at which time both teams will meet and show what they have got but let’s hand over the envelope to the boys so they know what they must do today okay so we’ve

    Been given a message so can we have that please o there it is thank you very much thank you brother all right cool can you open it beta Squad today you’ll be split into two teams team one AJ and chunks and team two niiko Kenny and Shi well

    Makes sense right all right in this envelope you’ll find two pennies each team has 5 hours to use their Penny to trade up and earn the most amount of money as possible the team with the highest value item after the deadline wins all proceeds from this video will

    Be going to the winning team’s chosen charity good luck B Squad production oh [ __ ] I’m putting this fun into Kenny’s hairline that one needs it I’m not going to lie that needs tough might start losing his fights all right well now we know what to do let’s move let’s go guys

    We haven’t got much time shop there’s a shop here there’s a shop here come go go this team dream team I don’t know if you guys remember when we went to Wales going to newort we’re going to Newport what we did all right so we’re in Ren okay cool there’s there’s a shop

    Here in the park I think our first bet is we just go to the shop and we say listen we got one penny walk can I get us hello how we doing my friend this might be the weirdest thing you’ve been asked today we’re trying to trade from

    One p up until the end of the day to the most expensive item so what can we get here for one p would you like to start us off what’s your name is my friends my name is Kyle Kyle my name is Vlad Vlad V

    And C you know V imp V impal yes oh my God you hello oh my God hi hi guys I see you guys on YouTube so that’s no way we watch it like I’m always like you guys are so funny so that’s so cool do you

    Want to trade your phone for this Penny no I don’t have anything uh what about you my friend I don’t know you guys okay I don’t know why can I give you for one p I can give you pleas we’ll take that we’ll take that than vad thank you much

    There you goad anything you want to say anything you want to say to people be good man yeah be good be good letop how do I get a Twix bar from one penny I I bought this like pan oh yeah no no that’s good enough that’s good enough there there will be someone

    Today that I want to make pancakes yeah that’s amazing okay here you go we going to give you this oh wait but it’s it’s is only no you need to so to water I thought it comes already made yeah there you go okay thank you so much what’s

    Your name I’m Sita s nice to meet you thank you so much Sita protect that penny with your life all right listen now now now you know we got the first trade this is a great start for us can I eat that no don’t eat it I think we’re

    In a good mood now why is it stuck together come come I know where to go with the St come hi guys how’s it going yeah what we like this the energy we like listen we’re doing a video but we’re trading okay is there anything you guys

    Want to trade for this Twix oh you just got my car keys on my I’ll take that yeah take take car that’s what we’re trying to a car for a Twix fine I feel like we’re getting a bit shaed but we’ll do that yeah yeah no you that’s it probably like the same

    Value they tried to bring our morale down I think they were paid by Nik and kind of like blow anything yeah yeah they’re trying to they’re trying toow morale down but don’t worry we are going to win this challenge all right both teams have now traded it up and are both

    Eager to make another trade however team a has a very unique encounter basically the price of a picture is to swap the phone U so wait could I just evaluate that so we’re just going to swap this phone just for it’s way better this is so important it’s so you

    Yeah thank you thank you have a great day man it’s that easy are you genely giving us giving this to us brother yeah all right so what’s the PIN code so what’s the PIN code now but you see like when I erase all the content in settings and when we

    Put out our Apple ID we need to know the PIN codes yeah all right thank you very much amazing all right let’s go have a nice day brother I don’t know we can’t do this he’s on the phone as oh he’s still he’s still he mid you been going on for

    44 minutes still on the phone yeah you’re still on the phone should I you want to finish the call okay this might be the most confusing thing we’ve just gone from pancake mix to um to a whole iPhone I’ve never been more confused in my life

    Thank you bro oh yeah he’s ended the call tomorrow car over there if you want to I give you the car as well I’m telling you this this may look fake but it’s not fake 100 million per real are you uh a millionaire iire I’m nearly nearly nearly a billionaire billionaire

    Sorry my friend what’s your name uh my name is name is son Habibi part of me is just like this doesn’t make any sense it doesn’t but it happened what should we do I feel like we’ve at least got to give him something more valuable than I I feel like he wants his

    Phone or we could play it tactical so he mentioned it he’s got an electric car yeah so it may be more worth trading back for the pancake mix yeah calling him later when we got something more of value for I like that so basically we’ve decided as a group that we’re going to

    Trade this back with you for for that with the aim that we’re going to try and get a better item for you we’ll take your number and we’re going to try and trade that for the car okay later on yeah anything oh thank you thank you so much my friend this isn’t real

    This I got you number I thank you amazing nice perfect we need the pancake mix could we get the pancake mix yes nice to see you you too thank you Esson take care I think there’s something on that phone I think we bu is not taking it unless he just really

    Likes pancakes yeah you know cuz he was adamant on keeping the pancake mix over the phone with Essen now being a confusing character for team two to contact later on the other side chunks and AJ run into a fan and see this as an opportunity picture I’ve got something

    Better than a picture okay this is an opportunity to be in bait Squad itself right here okay all right have you guys we’re doing a video where we’re trading up on uh products we start with a penny today want a Twix anything you guys want

    To trade us up from a Twix what’s that re custard that might be going D wait how much does that cost they were like13 and this is retail at 65 P yep there we can get yeah thank you very much I think you made that trade cuz you

    Want it to be nice no do know why just cuz we had the Twix for too long bro bro what is this it’s A3 that 65p technically how do you pronounce that rub and custard rub and custard yes I know you’re foreign rub and custard he’s whacking the mayag don’t worry about him

    Mayag music he’s gone see he’s spinning he’s already at the end of the road hi guys you’re right listen I know you’re having a good day today but I know you’re missing out on something rub custard man rub custard missing we’re going to give you this rub custard and

    In return they’re going to give us those shoes yeah still toe caps yeah I like still toe caps have you got anything to trade for this any cool items to trade nope fine our journey continues thank you so much thank you so much appreciate it see you meanwhile the other team they

    Are doing their best to trade the pancake mix they reel in this poor lady and try to scam her but is then outbid by another hungry passer by I’ll trade it for an a swamp oh where I’ll go get out she sniped the deal she just a deal

    BR you’re not going to bargain no she’s she okay we’ll be here she just sniped you for I’ll be honest that is a good a good deal yeah because you know how rare it is to get Air Force One these days can I just wait hang on wait wait wait

    Wait wait you guys acted like this is normal right someone’s offered us an iPhone for this bake mix and air good I feel like an air one is better for this than an iPhone in my opinion no no but still this must be gold it is amazing should we just try

    Some just quickly was what the powder the powder by itself I just want cuz apparently it must be the nicest thing in the world be out guys give us some tamped panc Mi yeah give me extra man give me extra extra extra extra wow it doesn’t tastes

    Like as good without the the rest of without the water it’sit extremely mediocre yeah I know she’s got better Tri a I ask excuse me how are you doing on this fine day I’m doing well too it’s all right I’m doing great you got sent

    By yes yes yes yes yes yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what you say my boy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we started with a penny today and we’re trying to trade our way up it’s quite early on we’ve got sweets yeah is there anything you can trade us I guess

    Cash no he’s a legend oh I think I think that be class that’s cheating I got some spare wraps I’m not sure if you got to trade them6 6 6 WS what take that yeah is that like hand wraps what is that hand wraps hand wraps yeah a what’s your

    Name my friend again uh Ethan Ethan thank you so much yes yes we traded up from some Knack SS to hand wraps it was a good moment until I noticed a problem with our trade how many people scrap it’s very true now if you try to give

    Her 85 the hand wraps well I don’t fight I’ve never fought a day in my life sweet was Universal you made a mistake I didn’t do that let me put on hand WS yeah don’t open it hand WPS as AJ goes to find some locals to fight the other team are still awaiting

    The arrival of the Air Forces oh oh Air Force is that BR you can you man see if she’s not wait wait but that’s just a shoe where’s the other one bringing one she’s unserious she’s finessed one Air Force a singular Air Force where’s the

    Other one well I need I need for B better for two aren’t I what you going to do with one no you can’t have two what you do with me pancake what are you going to do with one make a pancake one Sho imagine we gave you opened pancake

    Mix it wouldn’t be serious exactly what you want the other one yes please yes please okay come thank you thank there we go that’s better I’m so confused what was she going to do with the other that’s what I’m saying I don’t know I don’t know I thought I don’t know what

    She put you she keep in one how do I get is a strange place oh my go and it’s time with that’s not bargain there you go amazing take those off your hand thank you very much this is the freshest it’s not full no it

    Full going to be on YouTube yes you are am I yeah you made you made the trade B it’s a documentary yeah documentary for the BBC YouTube yeah just like that we got some Air Force we got the air for got make a presentable we need new laces

    And stuff as well where can we go for new laces we swap with someone’s shoelaces if we see some that is the smartest game plan is we trade the laces we give it a scrub yeah good as new hello again my friend this time we’ve got a different item for you hand wraps

    We’re up on6 right now hand wraps anything you want to trade for hand wraps I know let see those Knuckles oh you got into too many fights already you need hand wraps you can’t trying to scam me yeah at least I know who you are ladies any hand wrap we’re

    Trading some hand yes my brother sh you say brother how you doing I I recognize you what yeah do you recognize my friend here Sharky shy yeah come on come on you train right yes yeah you work out yeah not boxing not boxing don’t worry you

    Can use this for Gallum as well it’s approved by the FDA yeah but uh I’m saying we got proposition for you brother those headphones and I know you like these raps what we’re going to do let you know Pokémon you know poon okay you got anything you want to trade this for

    Anything in your backpack I know you got something have anything can’t lie swapping the sweets for the hand wraps might have been the worst decision of all time no one was interested in swapping them you try tra for anything bro something more expensive than this

    This 7 this 6 quid this is the best thing we do do you live around here I’m at un oh so I say we go to your unior and we pick something out your room luckily we heard a call from above who said they might have something for us in

    Their office yo what’s up boys all please would you let me in let’s go come on we’re going inside a house let’s go boys let me in bus me in yeah yeah come on boys as AJ and chunks wait to be led into a stranger’s office

    The other team go on a hunt for cleaner laces for their newly acquired shoes that girl there on the phone excuse me any chance you want to swap laces why not do yeah yeah yeah and now thanks to her our chances of trading have now gone up except we

    Didn’t realize how much time this would take thinking about it this was quite long but it is what you don’t know is the laces you’re given us are a small step to help us get in a car okay okay just a little bit longer that’s it ours

    A bit longer a tiny bit longer make it work these helpless man children were taking too long just to add the new laces so Nico took the approach of forcing a random passer by to do the work for them sorry what’s your name my friend I’m Joe Joe niiko nice to meet

    You thank you Kenny Joe yeah K nice to meet you guys you’re welcome he’s doing a a much faster job of this than you Shar yeah Shar you’re struggling still oh the Symmetry listen that is incredible I think I’ve got it now you got it you got it you got

    It great job thank you so we’ve got our Air Forces we’ve now exchanged it as well a little shoelace tips we’re going to add as like a collectable item before we see Nico enforce more involuntary labor AJ and chunks have been led into the building and may have a chance of

    Trading up all L listen so we came to Ed for the day we started with a penny we traded that Penny to hand wraps which is six quid is there anything in there we could trade where the value goes up find something all right everybody we start looking okay let’s start all looking

    Around we’ll take the laptops we’ll take open empty the whole place let me know who decided that they were 66 the shop bro signed Arsenal football oh no way played by who signed by who signed NE by the players old players we couldn’t believe it these guys offered a signed

    Arsenal football and a signed Michael Jordan poster oh my God and let see this one cuz if I want to give this to somebody I have to tell them what who the hell sign this yeah oh that’s a place yeah that’s what we had we had no one with both items in

    Hand we needed to hold a meeting as we were told we could only take one all right so what do we do here I say we this is nice we steal these two keep this as well and run this I can cat Bron they played through this in 1903 this is very easy

    Who what ask them hey give us your phone we’ll give you this okay I’ll Trust you we we go this yes all right we’ll go that yeah cool all right cool all right guys uh we’ve decided man I we’ve decided to take the Arsenal ball wow

    That’s yeah I everybody can you give up for the trade everybody oh [ __ ] he’s there we go there you go you take the trade thank you thank you very much guys with this team’s fourth trade of the day they are making quick progress however the other team are determined to clean their shoes

    Before trading up okay so how are we going to get into the uh the bathroom without looking dodgy I’d say Sharky do some distraction I use my charm yeah use your charm do some dances you know them a bit you guys go into the bathroom and

    We’re going to clean this up clean it some water okay perfect yeah yeah yeah let’s do this let do Hi H know you okay okay thank you I’m very well I’m very well well my friend is looking for the bathroom is that okay for bathroom it’s

    Just down the stairs I’ll just wait here you are how you doing good good you yeah loving the videos thank you so much yeah we’re in town right now or something but they she use the bathroom pleasure me meeting you again right black what’s your name Tobias Tobias

    Kill nice one boys in the bathroom working on it Tobias is it okay if I get a glass of water give me a second no worries that’s part of the distraction technique you know Mak them feel like they’re giving me something they’re providing me a service so they’re not

    Thinking about how long the boys are taken I waited for a good 10 minutes for the boys but it seems like they got too carried away with their job yeah yeah they it been in there for about about 10 minutes I’m going to go find what’s [Applause]

    Going look at that what’s taking you guys so long sorry I can’t distract them for this long no look how clean that is though what were you talking about I was just talking to them about reading and like how like I’m shining they must be expecting why are we still down here

    That’s what I’m saying we need to make it clear that we weren’t doing anything mental let to bio sow that Tobias at the bar yeah is that his name yeah Tobias Tobias if I do this it’s not bait is it yeah no not B we hi Tobias hi there

    You’re right yeah yeah yeah um just wanted to let you know obviously we’re in the toilet we weren’t doing anything to nothing at all nothing nothing at all I want to go check on them they will fine so what’s under your uh I’m pregnant and now we’re back here with

    Some refurbished Air Forces we’ve got to find someone who’s willing to take these Air Forces off us we need a shoe box oh we could trade little Air Force metal things for Theo an old shoe box they won yeah you know and as team two discusses

    The final stage of the shoe plan the other team were trying to hustle away their football and I know he’s for Arsenal Arenal you got a good friend Sports Arsenal right yeah you do Mike yeah yeah yeah Mike oh there’s the Arsenal fan look at this look at that

    That made the player sign erard Saka aut man right you got B Saka right there but in return I’m going to need to trade something with this you see them things in your ears right now I’ve got i’ got BS bro n my busck bus ticket for for

    This a scam just see this I’m do thank you very much my good deal man all right guys so basically we have headphones so ja you go bro hello my friend you’re on video on you know what b s is uh no I never heard of him never

    Heard of him well guess what you’re going to find out now cuz you’re on beta Squad live there you go so this guy tried saying his instant but we do not do free promo what a joke man not unless it’s promoting subscribing now we’re trying to hit 8 Ms so please subscribe

    Subscribe now back to the video no free promo of course we’re not live so that’s getting C oh what good one good try though but so what we’ve us we’ve always wanted to trade is a pair of dunks oh got dunks oh we got dunks that’s crazy I didn’t

    Even know you I even know you had dunks but you got dunks that’s crazy all right can I get a picture of you then going do nothing and now you want a picture what you want me to do you a picture you do that yeah why didn’t you why you why you say

    That earlier that you had that why didn’t you say that earlier I you say in the beginning cuz they’re Dusty they’re Dusty that’s fine we’ll get let me see let me see it let me see nich’s ones are worst got [ __ ] in there yeah literally orange so you’re saying that

    You’re willing to trade this yeah yeah everybody here can we please get a drum roll we’re about to get one of our biggest trades all right drum roll so you guys don’t know what a drum roll is are we about to make this trade right now Lou airport but are you comfortable

    With this trade Lou are you sure all right so we’re going to trade you this Arsenal Ball come on keep the drum roll going yeah TR there we go there we go there we go we’ve got a trade we’ve got a trade get him in there

    Managed to get a trade he helped us on our journey my friend L I’ll remember you can I get them dunks as well can we get those dunks now what so what this is the love G when we get airpods yeah see now now that we got airpods everyone wants to take pictures

    They didn’t want to know us when we had the one penny what you want to take pictures as well they didn’t know us when we had custom now everyone wants to air we got airpods where could we get somewhere with a shoe box don’t worry we’re in town we’re find places so

    Primark’s here no not Primark JD’s there that’s it all right there we go after spotting JD we came up with a plan to trade the metal Air Force One lace tips for a box quick question so you know in the back I know you have like loads of like unneeded shoe boxes

    Yeah yeah we wouldn’t like a shoe box but we’ll give you something in return not these but something limited I can ask my manager as we waited for the manager we learned as much as we can about them so our chances increase is she cool cool yeah what’s her name Sasha

    Sasha where she from England I guess oh she English okay that’s nice s nice to meet you nice to meet you I’m I’m very good with names so if I had to guess your name I would say Sasha no Sasha’s white oh oh hi hi Sasha hi Sasha after finally meeting the real

    Sasha we conducted our very serious business meeting and explained our dreams and aspirations to her once we handed Over The Air Force metal things she understood our goals and gifted us a box oh Sasha wow you are a superstar and of course we had to add our Creative

    Touch to it beautiful beautiful yeah perfect you completely missed the dot but that’s fine I missed it I missed it now they’re going to meet here yeah meet in the middle me in the middle there we go that is a very good what do you think

    Wow is that Cable cable wow put them in there put them in y that a perect tuck it in here look at this amazing well on the other side it seems that the whole of reading has heard about the Airpods let come in yeah man come on come on come on come on I’ve seen I’ve seen I’ve seen the other guys they’ve got a whole mob of people if they see us they could kill us yeah it’s a message for niik shaki and Kenny as AJ and chunks do their best to

    Escape the chaos the other team find another another potential business partner and attempt to trade yo guys you guys seem pretty cool uh could could I get a cigarette there go thanks man we’re trying to trade these Air Forces for something a little bit more how you say it valuable

    I will get this I show you my wife that’s more valuable and get rid of her have you got a car well I do got a car but a very cheap one what would you trade your car for I’m not trading I’ve got nothing to do would you trade your

    Car for another car no would you trade your car for an iPhone no no no guys so final deal on the table the shoes for both of your shoes and the iPhone oh and uh that’s made him leave the table can you give these cigarettes back to your

    Friending uh smoking kills um we just thought it would help us in the deal we were trying to relate to you guys but it clearly didn’t work but pleasure doing business despite a failed transaction I had to ask a very important question that may help us where are the richest people in

    Reading all right we’re going there then we’re finding the richest people in Reddit we’re outside the tattoo shop and this apparently is the richest guy in the city according to that guy we have a proposition okay tell me what’s the deal we would like to trade some refurbished

    Air Forces for any valuable items you got may have how much are these we these are like 200 yeah 200 you want to SP roll Ro or something Rolex I heard Rolex I heard Rolex I heard Rolex anyhow we can get a Rolex today I think that’s a

    Know I think that’s a know we don’t have anything except for like our equipment you know can we have your shop then you said your equipment whilst this team keeps pressuring this woman to trade an item the other team are able to get away from the crowd and seek refuge in a

    Library all right guys so we are now in a library so I don’t know why I we’re screaming we ran away ran away we ran away cuz it got too crazy but it getting very difficult to trade the airpods so what I’ve done is I’ve put my story that

    We’re in reading and we’re willing to trade a pair of airpods for anything so let’s see let’s see in return we’ve got um a few random things let’s see so we have someone that wants to trade a supreme hat worth £1 130 he’s in Reading okay this guy says he has

    A350 um Bose headphones it goes up by £1 yes double ended highlighter say what does that even mean oh my days listen go on iPhone 14 pro Max okay so one guy just said said I can give you a iPhone 14 yeah brand new but then he goes here’s proof and showed us

    A picture of his Lamborghini we scroll through chunks of DMS for a while looking at what reading had to offer and then a few trades CAU our eyes this guy said a cup of tea taking piss bro now he’s taking the tea there’s there seems to be tons of

    People outside um maybe we could do an auction shy I’m saying you’re you’re great with crowd control yes you got this good luck they look like a tough crowd there seems to be a lot of you guys there seems to be a lot of you guys

    A lot as I’m pretty sure you are aware that we are looking to trade this massive item here right now show them Kenny y there we go we are hosting an auction put your hand up if you have something to trade my watch your watch so

    Watch Gucci bag air how much is that airpods how much is that airpods listen crazy guys guys I heard I heard watch I heard Gucci what else did you guys hear some keys for what what wrong with you today okay how about this yeah we traed for

    The Gucci bag and the Gucci bag is fair trade for this Gucci bag is this we got a Gucci bag here going once anything higher than a Gucci bag going twice hey we’re about to we’re about to get a whole Gucci bag traded we [Applause] traed was have look inside you guys wait

    Here yeah we’re going to verify this do you know if this is real or fake by the way are you good are you able to tell this is from Turkey so it’s fake where’s the guy who traded the Gucci bag of us you know why why did he why is he

    Gone you got scammed we got scammed okay okay give us give us a second yeah we just need to discuss okay so it seems like we got scanned for this uh fact he was too happy to get away with it and and he ran away he’s

    Gone we got air for as we discussed what was next in our plan we noticed that the number of fans quickly escalated by the front and we had to make a quick getaway luckily the tattoo shot allowed us to exit from the back and run to our

    Car the other team have had a much easier time in their library and may have found an item to trade up to all right from all the crap that we’ve been sent on Facebook Marketplace and other places like that what are we finally going with we managed to get a statue of

    KSI or gbt we’re about to go and collect the statue of KSI we’ve got a car coming camouflage the car no one will see it coming this team may have a chance of the biggest trade up yet so as they begin to make their journey to

    Receive KSI head um pause the other team have escape the crowd and seem to be very happy about their trade a it’s okay why was man so high pitch yeah you just made us so masculine from me and shy and you just kind of real man killed

    Our Vibes we got a problem you need to put it together bro so we tried to turn this negative into a positive and scam others as we had been scammed ourselves it’s so Dogg eat dog world what about to man t-shirt Horror oh my I want to slap

    Him in the face with the Gucci bag so we’re trading this up we started with a penny and now we’ve got a Gucci bag it’s not fake no no no we sing by in Gucci mom’s it huh mom’s it huh mom’s it what what the hell is Mom’s it no like you

    Swear on your mom’s life why would I swear on my mom’s life oh cuz I think it’s got you some Lo huh got Lo if you want that sadly the items that people were offering are not what we wanted that was until we met this guy going my

    PS4 my TV my controller can we go there right now right now right now so we’re actually now going to aana muhamed’s house uh because they’re saying that they’ve got nice trade for us so we’re going to go and find out all right so we have just arrived at the brother’s crib

    This is dodgy though and I can’t lie that’s the house right there what did we just go knock on his door I’m not knocking the door imag mom open say what do you want me this is so dodgy what is going on man good man’s this is trust that it’s

    Finest that is actually knowledge what you say wait so why why do you have that all so I was pretty much working on the video with KSA how much how much did that cost to me you re like 1.2 G 1.2 G yeah why you got your wood over that’s

    Crazy this ain’t yours yet sorry sorry sorry what do I get so that’s the highest is that is that brand new I open it from the box right now and I used it for 5 minutes that it’s not brand new for him actually goes for more

    Than I saw I saw before gr yeah you that people say B all that D sometimes tell you I tell you what that’s my channel partner right there let me negotiate with him give me one minute cool you guys wait just we just come to someone’s

    House I thought they agreed to do a deal we’ve come here for it for negotiation I was not ready for me he tells me to go I’m stealing I’m going to go into my thing bag now entrepreneur bag sales bag can’t be wearing a football

    Golf when I do one of these just know I’m not playing around listen before you even say anything all right this is a negotiation right here you can make a deal right now with AJ from BET Squad if you might actually go through with a deal and then don’t troll me you

    Actually put a link in the in the video shout out put a deal all right if you just wait there two seconds what we can do is can do a screenshot of the YouTube channel on the screen that’s I’m I’m happy today happy today so uh we

    We got a counter offer maybe your your YouTube channel name underneath your head or maybe even around here this area we’ll make sure we look after you and we don’t just scan you here and obviously you’ve got video evidence right here look just I we made that deal also one

    More thing you’re already Shak on it now and I’m taking one free thing on the way out from the house so trade complete it’s time for us to keep moving but thank you so much guys we appreciate that L thank you for coming us to the house you know obviously you could gave

    Us a Munch in that SC me so you a let’s keep going man let’s keep going 1,200 £ 1,200 telling you right now we’re doing well now we can actually now say KS vid so what if we box him you reckon yeah Sidman with this team acquiring the head

    Of the century the statue I mean the other team may be making the TR of the century we’re finally going to get rid of this horr oh my days God finally oh wait if we get robed is the vi done so he has arrived aana has arrived welcome back PS4 SP find some

    Shoes Okay and then what this is the Gucci bag as well I’ve had this since like the year five oh so what that how old are you right now 16 so it’s what what no wait hang on hang on he’s 16 I’m 16 okay wait once second one second can

    We close the door please can we take everything come that’s what I’m thinking oh look but look what we have here though [Laughter] man should I tell you what what we can take what we won’t feel bad taking yeah so we just take the PS4 and the Gucci

    Bag yeah that’s C oh and you put in a gaming headset well chy just tell them what we’ve what we’ve been so we’ve um we’ve seen your offer for the trade obviously you know we’ve got this very valuable GUI bag here here for our bag we’ll take the console with the wires

    Plus your bag the rest you can keep yeah it makes sense so are we happy guys y it’s time to make the TR I’m more than happy deal done there we go deal done trade complete wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait before don’t don’t do

    Anything funny don’t run off with it cuz it’s on your your side I hold this in one hand I can’t have PS4 back controller headset you got you you got you got you on I going to have a chat one more time thank you go one second step back

    All right let’s get out of here yeah let let’s get the hell out of here let’s go all right what’s next oh my godun all right so we’ve acquired the statue the sculpture whatever it’s called of KSI and who better to trade it with then KSI himself

    So I’m actually going to tell him that we have a great opportunity for him and let’s see what he says s no say no brother why would I want this thing first of all it makes me look clapped as [ __ ] looks exactly like him that’s that

    Butter is ugly but it’s you it’s him he’s disgusting give me something else like that I might want you taking that L you thought was going to bail you out no man I did you’re finished we’re done we’re done oh my God all right we got we got we got to

    Rethink this whole thing cuz we bought we got the KSI thing and the KSI doesn’t want it so we’re at a dead end we killed ourselves we’re done we’re done turn this off we need the plan anyone know ksbt are you a fan of KSI no neither am I neither am I don’t

    No even knows he is I’m not like the only person on the planet who would take this is K yeah that’s why I called him but you said I will not take this gab up gab up k i statue statue statue statue I’m trying to trade it [ __ ] that I’m

    Just trying to play yeah yeah while this team’s plan did not work out at all the other team decided to call an old friend in hopes of the ultimate trade to a car we’re currently calling out ason and seeing if he’s interested in trading his car to us yeah hello good evening hello

    Is on yeah yeah it’si ah it’s on Habi would you be interested in trading that car uh trading that yeah yeah we were given the address to esso’s workplace Reading Station and we were hoping that he was going to give us his car so we immediately rushed over to the station

    To try and find him as fast as possible we are here to find Ison and we have all of our stuff which we’re here to trade where is he where is Esson Esson do you know a man called Esson no you don’t know okay do you know a man called

    Esson just oh you Doon hey you’re a grinder how you doing what good to see you again oh um no wait we we’re good right now we’re good we’re trying to reach the final final product in our challenge but remember earlier when we had what did we

    Have we had the power pancake mix and now we’ve we’ve got all this PlayStation Gucci bag controller headset should you just trade all our stuff for some subs let’s let’s talk because I think we’ve been hoodwin so obviously like we were under the impression that son was a

    Millionaire cuz he was offering us his phone from the start and his car as well and his car and everything but he told us to meet him in the station I thought he owned the station turns out he just obviously just just works at the station

    Honest working man and I feel bad to taking things of value from on this working man so for me because and meeting him today I take anything from him and for me that’s a win we traded up it’s true ason was willing to give us a

    Phone when when we had no one else was giving us anything at the time as well we were struggling so I guess we could just return the favor get get rid of the PS4 so his son can play on it okay in exchange for a couple drinks a couple

    Sals okay okay you take the Gucci bag you trade that with someone get a car bang with one let’s go I think got I think got it boys let’s go let see you again wow wow considering you were willing to give us your phone earlier we would like to give you a

    PS4 for you for a Subway thank you very much for your son yeah you can give it to your son thank you so much thank you well here’s the here’s the thank You yes so for that we’ll get a sub good no wor as we say our goodbyes to our dear friend Esson he leaves us with a few words of wisdom good Lu thank you this this this is the best trade of today you guys the best in the world

    Thank you thank you thank you take this food move as energy we’re kind of low on energy now we’ll eat it and then use the energy to make this Gucci into whatever we can make I think have enough time for another big sale we got another big

    Trade a big trade that’s the one big trade whilst these boys Munch their food the deadline is approaching meaning that both teams will only have enough time to do one last trade now there are two questions that need answering who will have the higher value item and will

    Anyone want do our last minute swap 7 we got we got 24 minutes hopefully we can get a good trade and end strong this is a great place because people everyone’s coming to leave to go home and whatever you like KSI my friend listen we’re

    Trading him if you want him oh no he’s already traded with the other team today oh he traded With the Enemy what what did you give them tyon resign Aral football oh he’s too ugly okay desperate times call for desperate measures anyone want to talk business I think KSI has cursed us

    Oh my God I I think we should have kept the airpods is it business it’s F it’s fine right brother have you got a car by any chance that we can trade it for yeah but this iPhone 14 yeah that’s amazing that’s amazing that’s that would literally win

    Us the challenge I’m sure and we got 2 minutes left going you even have a box for that we can get you a box got a coin a coin oh let’s do it like that then if it lands on the heads you keep phone and

    Tails you oh my gosh come let’s go let’s go a thank you so much WoW hey how’ you feel man it’s better not be fake why you keep recording me this is I’m sad now don’t be sad you got Gucci bag the Gucci all right thank you brother honestly

    Pleasure pleasure do you man the handshake was done before 8:00 p.m. and that’s what matters yeah now that the deadline has passed it is time for both teams to come together and unveil their items so both teams have uh we’ve met up so do you want to do the honors of

    Showing us what you guys no why don’t we rock paper scissors yet Rock Paper Scissors Shoot yeah shoot yes go Reve reveal Ral Reve all right look at do this let’s do this guys all all right bring our item drive it around the corner dve it around

    Baby there he is there he splitting bring it bring many people wait they’re going hold it here we go all right this is what we ended up with today iPhone 14 iPhone 14 bro bro look there’s no SIM card cuz we have to this the latest iPhone no yeah

    IPhone 14 wait how did you get to I don’t worry about how about this this is the last minute winner all right so you yeah your eyes on this is that what what a KSI stat KSI statue 45 kg made out of metal okay wait and how much is that wor

    1,200 where the hell did you get that should I tell you what the plan was and the plan was to go to kide drop it off and get a car show way he started dying L the worst thing ever seen it looks ugly looks ugly exactly like I said

    Maybe the drop lips but I said what the hell it looks incredible it can you open it no we can’t open it he didn’t give us the code did he that’s not even a usual phone cuz it’s deadine hit deadine okay what we saying what we

    Saying put your hand up if you have an iPhone put your hand up if you have a metal statue of K this the best thing ever the best thing you know you know you listen if we have confirmed lost we may as well call up olle and and give

    Him his phone back this is a call out olle if you are watching this us with video proof of identity and we will give you your phone back and more thank you for your phone brother but we do not want to keep it all the money made from

    This video is going to the medical aid for Palestine all right so the winners of this video chunks and agent let’s go congratulations guys congratulations so we get to say their final words right yeah say what you want to say Play the trailer I’m looking for love what’s

    Happening ladies I’m looking for love I genuinely don’t know who it could be I’m looking for love wait exact is wrong with short men I’m looking for love she wants that ,000 I’m looking for [Applause] love she is onw


    1. Plot twist: Ehson knew they were filming and he bet that they weren't gonna really do him dirty like that. So he went with it banking that he'll get rewarded later

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