British Minibikes Champs. Rd 7, Wigan 2023 ft. Kids agEd 6 in EPIC Last lap Drama! Minimoto 10 Race comes to grinding halt for leading contender!

    Back into the 10 mm contest and it’s going to be Jensen anel and Kai Hawkin that will renew their battle from the front row Kaylin Ratliff and Sam Whitaker Emilio Pereira Daisy Bon ree saxelby Austin dils and Marshal Ahmed off we go several Riders missing from

    The start of this one as you can see there’s only six of them out there from the nine that were supposed to be so Jensen anel Kai Hawkin kayin rackliff Sam Whitaker Daisy pen and REE saxelby are the ones that have taken the start and Kai Hawkin the man who has come a

    Heck of a long way to be here himself all the way from Cornwall running in second position this is normal stereotypical Cornwall motorcycle weather he knows exactly what he’s doing in these conditions keeping the bike upright Jake is what he should be doing and that’s what they’re all doing at the

    Moment will they stay like that though he’s going for he’s going for it he’s going for the lead already so Jensen anel has lost the lead here Kai hawen has got through they tighten up the radius and Kai hawen is now leading this race a very confident starts on the

    Opening lap then as Jensen anel is now going to have to play the Chaser rather than the leader so this will be an interesting start for him he’s now going to try and come back at him into the final hairpin no you don’t Kai Hawkin spent the entire race earlier on

    Watching Jensen anel defend so now he knows how to do the same thing excellent work Sam Whitaker in third off the start kin Ratcliffe in fourth position Daisy poen and REE sax willby having a race of their own this is a good chance for Sam Whitaker now as well didn’t really get

    To feature in the top three of the earlier race now he’s right up there in third position he’s already left Kalin rli behind to a certain extent and this is where he gets his chance to play for the win yeah and interesting I’m looking at ree sax willby here in difficult

    Conditions compared to how we saw him in that first race he was tiptoeing round uh the final Ben wasn’t he in that one but certainly got a lot more Pace I know he’s at the back but don’t forget again this is more of a practice day than a

    Race for him very very inexperienced and also this is a leveler you know the Greaser conditions he may not necessarily be comfortable yet pushing all the way to the 100% of the limit in the dry conditions but in these sort of greasier surfaces it is a leveler as

    Long as you’ve got a decent head on your shoulders you don’t have to be the fastest one out there you just got to be one of the most confident out there absolutely and it’s and it is all about getting quicker and quicker as the day goes on it’s learning and getting

    Progressively faster obviously that’s difficult to do when the conditions are changeable like they are but these three out front they’re making the best of it so far Sam Whitaker’s clearly thought you know what I’ve got a chance at this I could actually get past both men Kai

    Hawkin’s overtaken Jensen anel so if he can get past him maybe I can have a go at it as well and there is the proof of how difficult it is the spots of rain on the camera lens again so it’s not easy to know what the weather is actually

    Going to do from one lap to the next never mind from One race to the next yeah and when you’re leading as we know in other forms of Motorsport if you’re leading in a race and it’s starting to rain you’re get to that corner on the next lap you’re getting there first and

    It will have changed the grip levels will have changed each lap as the range starts to come down and if you’re the race leader you’ll get into that corner first and often it’s the race leader that goes off this is interesting Jensen anel now having to play the understudy

    Rather than the leading role here and this is not quite the position he wanted to be in still under a second between these three Riders KY hawen Jensen anel and Sam Whitaker and one of these men is going to be able to have the opportunity

    To go for the win on the final lap but they’ve got to get to that point first the race doesn’t really begin in conditions like this until you start the final lap CU you have to get into that position you have to be in that mode you

    Have to make sure you’re in that competitive place to even have a chance to rock the boat and this is where hawen anel and Whitaker can read each other they don’t want to push too hard at this stage the track is still changing every single lap the weather’s getting a

    Little bit more adverse again the rain is getting heavier so you don’t want to push things too early too soon just read the race then make the decisions yeah if you’re watching mini bike racing for the first time in these MiniMoto by the way you might wonder well do they just use

    An all weather tire no they got an option of slicks intermediates and wets believe it or not and they can use Tire blankets in mini bik racing you can’t do that as we know in carting but they do allow it in mini bik racing so Jensen anel is actually the fastest Rider on

    The course at the moment his best lap time is quicker than that of Kai Hawkin but crucially he hasn’t got a clear road in front of him there is re saxelby is still see that again he’s going around that corner that’s quicker than he went around that corner the first time we saw

    Him going around that corner in the earlier race so he is progressively getting quicker for somebody that’s very very in experience so that’s good to see it’s what you want to see and that’s the thing this is not the same sort of sport compared to the others this is the

    Opportunity for Jensen anel and he returns the favor he gets through then and takes the lead and it is great to see you know Jensen an getting himself back into the lead of the race Sam Whitaker picking up the pace he’s now the fastest man on the course they’ve

    Got down to half a second between the three Jensen anel is about to lose this again Kai Hawkin trying his best to get through and this is wonderful to see this is not the same kind of sport that you see with the kids that compete in football in rugby in tennis in cricket

    When was the last time you saw the Manchester United under 12s play the Manchester City under 12s you never see those matches I also want to say this Jake football massive sport you ever see the under 12 is on television no indeed no these kids are from the age of six

    And they’re on television abolutely really the pressure that they’re under to make mistakes you know they are under the microscope from such an early age and there is so much more pressure on these young athletes than in their counterpart Sports so obviously this is a much bigger test of the character of

    These young races and what they are doing out there in these greasy conditions considering they are between six and 9 years of age that takes braver characters than me we know this is uh filmed for broadcast television it also goes on our YouTube channel where we will get potentially millions and

    Millions that we’ve had uh mini bite races in the past mini moto races with these this particular class with 17 million 1 million views it was amazing so now Sam Whitaker just reading the pace of these two Riders up front Jensen anel back in the lead again Kai Hawkins

    Still there to play Whitaker actually taking a wider line on that corner and that’s because he’s got the opportunity to do that those two are hugging the inside radius just try something a little bit more varied just play the game a little bit more look he’s coming

    From further back he can actually gain a little bit of pace around the outside because these two are Tippy toeing they’re D dallying on the inside radius he can be a little bit more diverse yeah in these conditions as well don’t forget the slippier surface is on the racing

    Line where the rubber is if you walk on it with a pair of leather shoes it’s like walking on ice frankly this is really going around the outside of the turn that’s where the grip is this is really really smart from Sam Whitaker just keeping himself in the fight but

    Taking a completely different line to the other two cuz if they do end up tripping over each other he’s not in the same part of the racetrack he’s got a little bit more time to react if they get a little bit loose so this is really smart racing from Sam Whitaker in third

    As he follows these two just keeping himself in the game not rocking the boat not pushing the limit just keeping himself in play you couldn’t name the winner at this point could you could not say who’s going to win this race at this point in these conditions it’s

    Incredible and just to give you an indication of how the conditions are changing the new fastest lap of the race has come from Daisy pen she’s banged in the time to go faster than all three the riders in front of her so great work from Daisy poen the purple timing line

    On the screen there shows you that she’s faster than all three and up the inside Kai Hawkin again tries Jensen anel managing to hold on again on the breaking zone for the turn this is really tight stuff anel hawen and Whitaker still Trading radiuses still trading sector times here comes Kai

    Hawkin again now he’s level now he’s on the inside but he has to bail out in the breaks this is so tricky to call yeah Amazing Race I mean there’s only what half a doesn’t started this but you don’t need many in a race to make it a

    Cracking race and we’re into the last lap and any one of these three can win it Jensen anel has apparently put in the fastest lap as things stand now 59 229 yeah he has taken back the fastest lap it’s confirmed on the timing screen to

    The left as well so Jensen anel in front of Kai Hawkin and Sam Whit oh there goes Whitaker it’s so easily done in the difficult greasy condition so Sam Whit has gone down in the bid to go for the win Kai hawen meanwhile he going to get

    Side by side with Jensen anel anel will hold it for the moment into the breaking zone for the right hander into the s’s it’s not done yet oh poor Sam Whitaker he had such a good chance I’m okay don’t worry I’m just really really upset yeah got to take the positives out this

    Guyden well making the move again on the inside of Jensen an into the final hairpin he’s not going to get there he’s given it everything he’s got he’s going to try to out accelerate him but it will be Jensen anel who holds on in front of Kai hawen great race between all three

    Of the riders that came to play in that one full credit to Sam Whitaker yes we’ll know he’s upset but he rode like the little Legend he is Ratcliff snatching third from Daisy pen oh dad taking Sam away but Sam’s got to take the positives out of that he rode really

    Really well he finished six in the end but he’s had his little 15 Minutes of Fame on TV and I think it’ll be the first of many anel hawan and ratliffe claim the spoils but Sam Whitaker proves that he is just the equal of the two Riders battling for the win more to



    1. What a great race! Think Sam might have had them if he hadn’t crashed, looked like he was eyeing up a spot to overtake for a couple of laps.

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