Watch Part 2 here:

    All Freestyle Mountain Bikers have one thing in common, they all dread the winter season. As many others, our winters consist of very cold temperatures and way too much snow. We are left with only riding indoor parks, underground parking lots or whatever else we can find to practice our mountain bike tricks. To get a little break from the cold, we take a trip to Barcelona every winter. With no shortage of MTB Street spots and dirt jumping and Lapoma Bike Park, Barcelona is the perfect place for our crew.

    This year the crew split up and where/are/will be in BCN at different times so we decided to make a series which will have a few different videos showcasing each part of the winter.
    The first part features Jeremy Menduni and Aidan Horn who met up with Walter Mayerhofer, Pavel Alekhin and all the other BCN homies and rode Lapoma and the Sitges abandoned waterpark.

    Big shoutout to CP GANG, VVC Force, Alejandro, Charlie and Lucas and everyone who we met!

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