Bike cops, or bicycle police officers, are law enforcement officers who patrol on bicycles. This form of policing has become increasingly popular in urban areas and crowded events due to the numerous advantages it offers. Here is some information about bike cops:

    1. **Mobility and Accessibility:**
    – Bike cops can navigate through congested areas more easily than officers in patrol cars. They have the ability to move swiftly through traffic, alleys, and pedestrian areas, making them highly effective in urban environments.

    2. **Community Policing:**
    – Bike cops often engage in community policing, fostering positive relationships with the community they serve. Being on bicycles allows them to interact more closely with residents, business owners, and pedestrians.

    3. **Visibility and Approachability:**
    – Officers on bikes are more visible and approachable than those in cars. This can lead to increased trust and cooperation from the community. People may feel more comfortable approaching a police officer on a bicycle.

    4. **Environmental and Cost Benefits:**
    – Bicycles are environmentally friendly and cost-effective. They don’t require fuel, and maintenance costs are generally lower than those for motorized vehicles. This can be an important consideration for police departments looking to reduce their ecological footprint.

    5. **Quick Response:**
    – Bike cops can respond quickly to incidents or emergencies in crowded or congested areas. Their agility allows them to reach locations faster than traditional patrol vehicles, especially in areas with heavy traffic.

    6. **Training:**
    – Bike cops undergo specialized training to enhance their skills in handling a bicycle in various situations. This includes maneuvering through obstacles, crowd control, and emergency response on a bike.

    7. **Equipment:**
    – Bike cops are equipped with specialized bicycles designed for law enforcement purposes. These bikes often have features such as durable frames, multiple gears, and equipment mounts for carrying essential gear.

    8. **Versatility:**
    – Bike patrols are versatile and can be used for various purposes, including routine patrols, community events, crowd control, and crime prevention. They are particularly effective in areas with a high volume of pedestrian traffic.

    9. **Health Benefits:**
    – Patrolling on bicycles provides health benefits for the officers. It contributes to physical fitness and can be seen as a proactive approach to promoting a healthy lifestyle within the police force.

    10. **Limitations:**
    – While bike patrols are effective in many situations, they may have limitations in certain environments or weather conditions. Additionally, they may not be suitable for transporting arrested individuals or carrying large amounts of equipment.

    Overall, bike cops offer a dynamic and community-oriented approach to policing, combining the advantages of mobility, visibility, and environmental consciousness.

    For three police funds for a bit of shoplifting guys hey your house gets robbed or you get beaten up you get robbed at knife point for your wall or whatever you nobody turns up no please somebody steals something from one there trying have a conversation this police related incident oh it’s no

    What a cheeky bugger [Laughter] eh with the camera his glasses just there just your attention Okay so if you continue I’m going to you for obstruct because at a minute we’re trying to conversation about a police related matter please move away what am I obstructing us doing our job I haven’t

    Even spoke to you you’ve butter into to me right so do your job forget about me you he continue doing your job don’t you bother about me J by doing what walking in a public car park get a grip man will you fella we’re trying to deal never

    Mind fella I’m not speaking to you I’m speaking to him speak to me now shut up no I W shut up you will shut I’m speaking to him no I won’t shut up I’m dealing what you think offer I’m not frightening your camer I’m not frightening why are you pushing me I’m

    Dealing with a domestic why are you pushing you’re here obstructing me why are you pushing me why you shouting my face get away from me no I’m not getting away from you get away from me my col can deal with it if I stay with you that’s the whole idea because you instru

    It you can come come out with that PC I PC go to them you stop harassing no I will not take that to the iopc your bike will get Nicks over there if you don’t watch it gets Nick I’ll run fast an exceptionally fast runner come on then come on come on

    Walkies walkies I’m happy to do that do that victim walkies walkies come on boy walkies walkies come on boy come on boy come on come on Walky The Cheeky guys eh think they own a public car park and harash you and assault you and push you

    And threaten you with the rest for doing nothing wrong what a bunch of Muppets nobody certainly no respect for you mister what a numpty look at him in his push bike helmet guys got jobs R here he takes his job seriously wearing his Jack Boots guys look at him playing Buckaroo with all

    The crap on his belts any part of my kids yes he has yes he has delete can I please ask you to delete my kids off your video please you got no respect for anyone I’m just asking you nicely what you did my kids don’t want to be filmed my sister’s

    My daughter’s distraught and she’s crying I’m not here for filming your kids mate I’m filming these clowns not win you will not win with him honestly mate and don’t try to incite hatred towards me with the members of the public either that is a criminal offense complain okay complain complain you’re

    Supposed to be a police officer you just tried to inate hatred complain complain unbelievable unbelievable this officer has just tried to Insite hatred with this guy towards me guys hey guys I’ve got a serious complaint to make about this other officer is one of you two want to take

    It no you can phone 101 because the complaint have to go to a supervisor so if you phone 101 and make I’m reporting a crime what are you reporting your officer there your colleague has just tried to incite hatred towards a member of the public you like to make a report

    I’m dealing with an in you left to phone 101 you can make a telephone there two of you doesn’t take two of you people so you’re refusing to take my complaint I’m explain to you that you need to report it on 101 or you can make a a complaint

    Online report online via the why can’t I do it direct to one of you two officers now in okay I’ll wait for you to finish then okay no worries thank you there you go guys you can’t even uh do a bit of Journalism this what’s going on

    When there’s a big police presence there was clearly an incident I never interrupted anyone I never spoke to anyone I didn’t approach anyone and now we got the T numpties sounding like the garden the the kids that are played I was trying to film m for For m do You mm hey guys currently waiting to speak to one of the is it a community engagement activity this so are they just locking for I don’t know talk to Cops I don’t know what’s happened love I just saw the commotion myself and come in to have a

    Look all right uh and then that’s it that’s all I know I know you’re busy is it Community to engage with this d so set police officer that spoke to with a beard over there said he’s busy but he’s started having a good laugh and a chat with those people You so you always get one idiot guys don’t you when you filming my kids it’s always one e he what a legend what a legend I don’t think they’re interested in taking my complaint guys they didn’t want to take it they just kept telling me to ring

    101 and we got that one there assaulted me put his hands on my chest try to push me back So three police vans for something guys I don’t even think it’s uh shoplifting the one on the fish bike seem very disappointed that the CCTV didn’t show what he thought it was going to show [Applause] as I was saying guys before I don’t know if I finished the conversation with myself and

    Yourselves that uh if you get robbed or anything like that or your granny’s house gets burgled please don’t even bother something up but uh an incident happens at one of the multinational shops and it’s all hands- on Deb guys and then you get corrupt officers like them to

    Trying to tell you what to do trying to give false and unlawful directives on public land and then this one going hands on pushing me on my chest trying to push me backwards trying to force me to listen to what he has to say even threatened that he’ll keep

    Following me he’ll keep doing it to the point of I had to make it into a comedy act and get him to follow me walkies are you going I am going yeah so nobody’s taking my complaint serious then no no did you say no did you say no

    Unbelievable guys ehy he’s not taking it seriously I’ve got the footage you idiot excuse me pretty wind there unbelievable guys this one another tssa look at it all three of them driving off that officer put hands on me that one tried to give me false directives bunch of [ __ ] guys not one

    Of them got a spine to stand up and be a man and do the right thing let they all going the opposite way what a bunch of up py [Applause] guys big emergency to get here eh for the multinational corporations guys well I wasn’t expecting that guys I

    Certainly wasn’t expected to get uh elbowed in the chest by a police officer when I see SE all that commotion going on they all ignore me at the end so why didn’t they just do that in the first place instead of trying to tell me what

    To do when they have no right to tell me what to do I hadn’t interfered I was merely observing from a distance poor behavior from police officers guys very poor Behavior anyway guys later


    1. Every police officer says complain to the IOPC because they know they investigate themselves and find them selves not guilty, there only one good copper and that’s one that’s no where near you.

    2. Police gangs do what they like … what you gunna do ? …. Courts won’t do anything! They’re on their side . All we are is sheep that pay money for their wages .

    3. Bike cop who thinks he’s a paramilitary wearing his trousers inside his socks should not be addressing members of the public wearing sunglasses which no doubt he looks in the mirror and thinks he looks cool, he doesn’t,he just looks like a fool. Probably makes revving noises and pretends he’s riding a big powerful motorcycle 😂 obviously been watching Chips!

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