Today we are joined by @PJAudits as we take a look at Burton Roofing Merchants – Hull, Chapman St, Hull HU8 8AE.

    We are completely left alone by the company but we do get to meet Martin who speaks to us for a while about many things including security response to a camera.

    Google Photo (forgot 360) –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 3 PRO
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Do You Get The Drone Music From?
    A – Carl & Alison at Positive Audio
    YouTube Channel –
    Facebook Group –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    I you’re an underpaid security guard and you’re a one ofe Cooper now get out my face so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Hall taking a look at Burton Roofing Merchants building supplies and insulation Distributors we are of course here in

    Hall today with PJ it yo yo this is PJ and we can see a nicely stocked yard what have we got there’s some tiles there Marley here we are not their own vehicle look Burton Roofing merchants tiles in all different colors we got the top Ridge Tile there I think that’s

    Called in different shaped Ridge tiles through the fence you can see closer up the shape of the tiles here look with the little grooves on the edge where one side slots into the other they’ve got a little knobble underneath that sits on the the laugh to stop it

    Slipping down and it looks like PJ love this I love hello mate how you doing I’m all right what’s your name Martin Martin it’s a pleasure to meet you Martin let’s shake with that hand there you go m squeeze too tight I’ve just had oh have

    You I had when I got billiant P day I was at work and cuz I was off to work me to drive class ones climbing the cab bang it at me yeah I’m just about to step in and what you say hang on a minute mate you’re not going

    Anywhere hit me yeah I take you off work then yeah till after Christmas you’re taking your license off you you got to have another medical me got to have medical after Christmas and I got a bastard the company you’re looking at obviously it weren’t a big uh artifact

    It was a a warning shot across my bows all right to say come on slow down you’re done too much I get them off at miss all time oh yeah I do as well did the ambulance come oh yeah they within 4 minutes how long was you in for uh two

    Weeks two weeks Castle Hospital blue light you all way to hospital oh yeah I was like what this all right some people are do out for riding ambulance AR they I have to laugh at these that do out for a ride in a helicopter you know oh that’ be nice yeah yeah IED

    That now I watch you Lads all the time and the people what you doing i’ be like I can’t anyway now cuz I’ve H have this had have been banging him out me yeah especially when they I forgot him I’m like you set cuz I wish I

    Was there cuz I would and security guards I love it when they ever got him I would be be sat behind and say oh you’re talking to do you want and I just bang them out sometimes they they overstep the mark don’t they their job is to stop people going on and stop

    Thefts and stuff like that so why are you coming out and I always say to them watch your back I they was I said to him you’re an underpaid security guard and you’re a oneof b Cooper now get out the face well I I often say to him your job’s here

    Checking vehicles in and out mate not to do with me that ws them up do it oh yeah yeah that ws them up can I use that line today you’re a wannabe copper get back to work you certainly can you can use that do you know on your they are aren’t

    There a lot of them yeah yeah that’s a good one do you know on your roof at home have you got tiles or slates tiles tiles right cuz this is all that this place sells in it tiles are you local tiles and insulation I live in

    Kum it’s a little village you live where sorry Kum on the way to witheren se all right I live in a little village there what’s brought you into this area then have you tracked us down somebody told you that we’re in the area no he’s just come along somewhere different to have a

    Different arack that’s all it is sounds like it’s been tipped off no no I was I’ve been see me he’s he’s into his motorb he’s got loads of them all right into his NS his triumphs he’s into all his British Banks and he is yeah coming in here here we go we got

    Some movement we got more House of Huddersfield it’s a nice nice trailer that PJ a it yeah it’s not bad is it wagon there we go yeah well I used to teach people to drive them did you yeah then oh yeah cuz you said on the Fork trucks which one

    Was it I said it a few hundred times sciss lifs H he was at this place and one of the blocks it was a scrap place and the scrap block was got do do you and I say that is that when they allowed a load of them attack

    Me and police came yeah police comeing that they got your version and it was s under the carpet one it yeah I got a written apology I think did you yeah I got a written apology off him and uh he went on his police record so if he did

    Anything wrong in the near future yeah that would be taken into account was that Griffith’s yeah yeah how what he pretend he drown cat the Drone up oh cat watch me yeah that’s when they come out when drone were over at top yeah and oh we

    And they were trying to control was was it DJ or was it you when you was at uh silverst and if the oh race track yeah race track yeah that that we’ll we’ll bring the Drone down some them don’t like see where you want go D le they have hundreds and hundreds

    Of trucks is it nearby eding Road joh about 10 minutes all right well we’re going to go and have a look at that place next door yeah oh the uh Refinery thing oh the security guard will have got you there CU me and my

    Niece she did a she goes andle out we do mental with me B CL Road you know where the police station is yeah I said yeah go I went into the police look me Anda doing a documentary for for school for a yeah allo it’s coming haris I ever drive for them

    walking down Club you don’t know you’re going on record you want us to cut that bit out no my keep it on tell them their what we find that people just forget that they’re on the camera and they say all sorts and they’re like oh I don’t

    me and the police actually come out I’ve been in the day before and told them that I’m doing a documentary with me niece for school oh no problem was that here CL Road Ro you know I’ve never seen so many coppers come out and he’s

    Trying to surround me well of course I’m martial arts TR oh yeah yeah black belt and I’m xored as well wow what we in Paris Paris you’re oh I’m ex Airborne oh yeah yeah nine Squadron engineers make start I was second Balian of the parachute regimen all right sh yeah

    24382 672 sir I was in before you 2422 ah all 1971 hour got a light of them I don’t smoke I don’t smoke I’ve got some of the glowes in dark but you can’t like to with it all right sorry mate yeah out surrounding I want that camera I

    Said oh they try all sorts went to take it off me push in away that’s from the police officer I said I’ll show you what something the police officer is with that how kid’s um response for side police turns up who who W he’s a sergeant who what’s going on this

    jackass here I think he’s taking the camera I’ll rip his head up and down his neck that must have been years ago was it cuz I don’t think they’re very Hands-On with cameras anymore they’ve got used to it no no this was only 3 months ago

    Joking 3 months ago I waffled back me up and it’s C like he’s full on him me face said mate you want to back off I actually pushed him I kid went whoa whoa whoa Cal down bro I said calm down I said take your de off any I’m surprised

    To hear that this woman come out go the gentleman come in yesterday it’s on record that he was doing a documentary with his knees and of course Al be soing her ass out crying yeah well they’ve just made the documentary for you haven’t they yeah well it true Behavior

    Cuz I’ve got M’s a bit bigger than that it’s one of the old fashioned it and I was I was filming him and I thought what was the problem what did they was filming masses us to it the problem with the police or the security both no police station police

    Station it was at the police station filming and the police came out and saids stop been in the day before and told them that I was doing the documentary for my knees for school you’ve warned him and I’ve told told done everything you could the lady come out and she says

    He actually come in yesterday and he said it was doing a documentary and it was played by a sergeant well he he would have got disciplinary for that I I said I’m reporting you which means nothing really n but hopefully he doesn’t do it again you know especially with your your

    Daughter witnessing it all what’s her what’s her perception of the police now after that do you know what I mean well she just Che when we got in the car cuz we come up how old is she only 12 oh yeah and she’s watched her dad who’s

    Gone in oh her uncle go in inform them what they’re doing you know he’s done everything that he could as a responsible adult yeah and they’ve come out and done that to him they’re not doing themselves any favors are they it does surprise me though does it yet no

    So I think there’s work to be done still yeah yeah I’ve got my DJ AUD oh you’ve even got it on already you PJ one but we’ve come in this car so I F any with me who’s my competitor at the moment ab ab rooms I thought that says AB audits audit in

    Britain do you watch audit in Britain as well you seen it police stations yeah I’ve seen that lives in Grimsby that’s Ryan Rampage he I’m sure he just goes out looking for trouble yeah the creat mate you’re doing it all the wrong cuz when I want you to I love it

    Cuz DJ’s on well we try and be polite where we can you are you I I will definitely openly admit and you tell anybody to say Martin from all says I’m the most polite person and you are you’re ever so polite you giving you a reference there yeah there you go I use

    That next time I’m in court no next time you got a security guard telling you that you rude you say well that’s not what Martin said that’s true there you go have done video yeah just say you want to be copper M so and you are CER that’s my mission for today

    I’ve got to use that line yeah yeah right and I tell you what you’ll get it there cuz security yeah and on that note I’m heading in that direction you know what that used to be don’t you know what it used to be no I don’t know nothing about it cocoa

    Mills did it that used to be the old cocoa Mills for who uh British Coco okay what was it British Coco ripped it all down all that you know what I say to that I’d rather have a bowl of Goo adver great meeting you both have a

    Good day you do you know you’ve absolutely been bad day good good to hear it m good to wear it put a smile on someone’s face today at least you have me it’s nice here that when will that be on a week a week yeah

    I always say a week and if it’s ear it’s a bonus yeah somebody will tell you anyway even if you they got a few of their own Vehicles then haven’t they yeah rear wheel steering on that one so as Martin and PJ finish off there little chat

    There look at all the birds in the sky shall we get David up and have a little fly around with them I think so because Burton Roofing Merchants we know we have been spotted y War housefield has completed his delivery and he’s back to get some

    More I think we’re going to take this opportunity to get David up and let’s have a look to the left to the right and see what this place looks like from above right then Burton Roofing Merchants let’s have a quick look at you then shall

    We so we are aware of all them birds in the distance and there’s quite a lot of them circling around there isn’t there but they’re leaving us alone at the moment now where we are at the gate just here we can only see that but as you can

    Imagine there’s quite a bit that you cannot see including all of this so if it was me I’d be putting all the good stuff around here so let’s go straight down here and see what there is so I think that might be the insulation products or is that sand for cement I’m not

    Sure we’ve got a bit of Timber in the corner as well but most of it is roofing tiles all different shapes and sizes you got the high up going at the moment that yeah I do like a high up moving don’t we yeah let’s come a little bit lower Burton Roofing Merchants they’re

    Just about to what are they just about to LIF wagon it’s not it’s that one yeah you’ve not got that one on oh yeah yeah yeah sorry my mistake I’ve done this before you know have you so it’s a small palette that isn’t it yeah it’s just I looking that way and

    It was the high was hanging over the back yeah I make my excuses anyway and stick to it I’m just going to quickly fly over the yard we know it’s as tiles and tiles and tiles every different color shape Under the Sun size yeah size

    Mold I’m sure that if you have a cracked tile and you cannot find one somewhere like this we definitely have it so let’s get the whole site in one shot I do know Burton Roofing s have spotted US Film and fly and they have respected it so

    They get credit for that there’s the whole site in one shot and as you can hear low battery drone has to come down couple of goodl looking Fellas on video there though mate oh yeah look at the one with dreadlocks yeah and that was Burton Roofing Merchants here in Hall I

    Think Martin made that video didn’t he certainly did yeah pleasure to meet you Martin my friend and uh hope your next experience with the police is not as bad as that and your next heart attack never happen yes and I hope you’re in much better health now and when you do return

    To work you’re ready for it my friend so the location of the DJ audits keying on this video is just their look I’ll push it down a tiny bit just to make it a bit less obvious uh yeah there you go just popping out the top so if you are one of

    The first people to watch a video and you do want to keep in good luck with that and Burton Roofing Merchant you’ve been very professional I know you’ve spotted is I know you’ve seen us film and fly the Drone you’ve left us alone thank you very much for that if you have

    Enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and for him as well and we’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. Great video of my work place, you both should of popped in for a brew😂😂….pity you wasn't on your little orange bike then i'd of known it was dj audits…

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