Top 20 Times Criminals Fell Into Their Own Traps. In the never-ending game of hide and seek between criminals and the long arm of the law, it’s not unusual for the roles to switch. But, what’s even more fascinating is when these lawbreakers find themselves ensnared in their own elaborate webs. The outcome is often a mix of hilarity, astonishment, and a satisfying dose of poetic justice, serving as a vivid reminder that what goes around, indeed, comes around. Join us in this journey of Twenty Times Criminals Fell Into Their Own Traps.

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    20 Times Criminals Fell Into Their Own Traps

    World’s Dumbest Criminals…

    This man has been serial thieving at the same convenience store for the better part of a year they give him a nickname Gatorade man in the never-ending game of hide and seek between criminals and the long arm of the law It’s Not Unusual for the roles to switch but what’s even more

    Fascinating is when these law Breakers find themselves ens snared in their own elaborate webs the outcome is often a mix of hilarity astonishment and a satisfying dose of poetic justice serving as a vivid reminder that what goes around indeed comes around join us in this journey of 20 times criminals

    Fell into their own Traps number 20 glass window stops thief in the world of criminal escapades some thieves managed to leave us in awe not because they are cunning but because of their sheer lack of it let’s take a little trip to Washington where a 17-year-old aspiring thief embarked on a daring mission to liberate some high-end

    Handbags from aou we Vuitton store The Audacity Of it all but what truly made this Escapade Unforgettable was the spectacular finale in his Hasty Escape our young Bandit sprinted head first into a transparent glass window promptly rendering himself unconscious it’s hard not to chuckle in Wonder did no one ever

    Teach this young Adventurer the fundamental art of distinguishing glass from open air it appears that even the most audacious plans can be foiled by the humblest of obstacles number 19 G Gatorade man in the heart of a local convenience store a mysterious character frequented the scene known to all as the

    Strange Gatorade man he possessed an audacious audacity that left both patrons and staff astounded Gatorade man’s modus operandi was as Brazen as it was bizarre with a confident Swagger he’d saunter in filling his duffel bag with a cornucopia of delectable treats cakes candy soda Gatorade and chips what

    Set him apart was his utter disregard for the establish M surveillance never bothering to Shield his face from the prying eyes of the CCTV cameras week after week Gatorade man staged his audacious heists taunting both the law and logic he was on a Serial thieving spree that seemed destined to go

    Unpunished in fact the convenience store had grown so accustomed to his Antics that they had affectionately christened him Gatorade man in honor of his peculiar obsession with the energy drink his routine was as predictable as the Sunrise he’d stroll in pill for his chosen items and casually stride toward

    The exit secure in the knowledge that no one would dare stand in his way the store’s leniency seemed infinite until one fateful day when Gatorade man’s luck ran dry as he was poised to execute yet another nearly Flawless Heist the store clerks decided that enough was enough

    With an Abrupt twist of fate they locked the exit door trapping him within the confines of the store Panic seized him and the police were summoned Gatorade man’s desperation took took hold as he relentlessly pounded on the door attempting to escape but fate had other plans in an unprecedented turn of events

    Gatorade man began to return his ill-gotten loot to their original positions one by one maintaining only a solitary Gatorade for luck miraculously after a strenuous 5 minutes of struggle the plexiglass gave way granting him a path to Freedom though he narrowly evaded the clutches of the pursuing police Gatorade man emerged from this

    Ordeal a chain Ed figure he had learned a life-altering lesson and the convenience store once his playground saw his presence no more the legend of the audacious Gatorade man came to an end that day A fitting conclusion to a captivating tale of Serial thievery turned daring Escape number 18 the

    Tagged killer meet khil Wheeler Weaver popularly known as the tagged killer his story is one that plunges you into a world of darkness and deception in just 3 months Wheeler Weaver embarked on a maob killing spree hunting vulnerable women it’s a horrifying narrative that might have continued unabated were it

    Not for an unforeseen twist and the unwavering pursuit of Justice Khalil Wheeler Weaver was the epitome of inconspicuousness a cleancut security guard with an eerie secret his first victim Robin West a young woman grappling with mental health issues met a Grizzly end her body discovered in a charred State her identity remained a

    Mystery for two agonizing weeks shortly thereafter Joanne Brown a homeless woman with her own battle vanished after getting into wheeler Weaver’s car her body strangled and tape covered was found in an abandoned house Weeks Later the tide began to turn with the arrival of Sarah Butler a bright student who

    Crossed paths with Wheeler Weaver on the Tagged app unbeknownst to her she was venturing into the abyss in an eerie Prelude to her fate she texted him you’re not a serial killer right little did she know the Grim truth concealed beneath the surface as Sarah’s disappearance sent shock waves through

    Her Circle Tiffany Taylor a pregnant woman emerged as a harbinger of hope her harrowing tale of escape from wheeler Weaver’s clutches revealed a darkness that begged to be exposed Sarah Butler’s family decided to take justice into their own hands orchestrating an audacious sting operation through a fabricated tagged profile they lured

    Wheeler Weaver into a trap leading to his arrest by undercover officers inside his lair damning evidence surfaced including disturbing internet searches and cell phone records that linked him to the crime scenes the trial marked a pivotal moment with the families of his victims confronting their torment despite wheeler Weaver’s protestations

    Of Innocence the jury rendered a damning verdict finding him guilty on multiple counts including murder and desecration of human remains the wrenching testimonies from victims families and survivors laid bare the agony he had wrought upon their lives Justice triumphed in the end the judge sentenced the tagged killer to 160 years behind

    Bars A fitting Reckoning for a man who considered his victims Expendable while their lives were brutally truncated their memories endure as a reminder that every life is precious and their stories must Never Fade Into Obscurity number 17 manhole cover thief in an unusual and somewhat comical incident in Medellin

    Colombia a thief attempting to make off with a manhole cover experienced a Swift and unexpected dose of karma bystanders happened to capture the entire Escapade on camera leading to a surprising turn of events the footage reveals the thief’s daring Endeavor to lift the heavy manhole cover only to be

    Confronted by a passing motorcyclist who questioned his actions in his attempt to handle the unwieldy metal object the thief lost his balance and tumbled into the gaping drain beneath the onlookers couldn’t contain their Amusement as the beleaguered man managed to clamber back to street level remarkably the thief emerged from this Escapade without

    Serious physical injuries although his pride was undoubtedly wounded clearly in pain he hobbled away from the scene leaving the ill- fated manhole cover behind the video quickly gained traction on the internet becoming a viral sensation and eliciting a barrage of comments from entertained viewers number 16 lucash chowski returning from a 5-day

    Holiday Pat Dyson aged 73 and Martin Holby aged 78 encountered an astonishing surprise in their Nelson Lancashire home Lucas chowski a 28-year-old polish man desperate for work had broken in transformed their residence into a sanctuary and even dozed off in their bed Chow’s Escapade was straight out of

    A modern day fairy tale while the couple was away he indulged in a luxurious bubble bath whipped up a chicken filet and pasta dinner neatly stacked dishes and sorted post and newspapers strangest of all he hung his socks and underwear out to dry in a Twist reminiscent of Goldilocks Mr Holby was flabbergasted

    Exclaiming someone’s been sleeping in my bed and he’s still here the couple promptly alerted the authorities Chow’s actions were triggered by a misunderstanding he had lost his rented lodgings due to language difficulties and believed the overgrown Wildlife Garden indicated the house was abandoned nevertheless no items were stolen during

    His Whimsical takeover of the couple’s Abode the outcome was a 2-year conditional discharge and a €200 penalty for chowski who harbored no malicious intent but left behind a bizarre Whimsical story of an uninvited guest who took full advantage of a deserted home number 15 robbers and clerk machete

    And sword Challenge in a daring Twist of events two wouldbe robbers dawned in ninja attire and armed with a menacing machete were met with an unexpected surprise when they attempted to hold up a Pittsburgh convenience store the daring Duo stormed into Perry Market under the shroud of night their

    Intentions clear as one of them vaulted the counter brandishing the machete menacingly and demanded money however their grand Grand plans were quickly thwarted by the unlikeliest of Heroes store cashier jwad hayi in a display of bravery and quick thinking hayi reached behind the counter and revealed a sword

    A bold move that left the robbers momentarily stunned with swift Precision he used his sword to disarm the assailant sending the machete clattering to the floor the unexpected turn of events didn’t end there a brave customer seized the opportunity to apprehend the second suspect though he eventually

    Managed to break free in a des dash for Freedom both teenagers fled the scene as the days passed the identity of these Brazen robbers remained shrouded in mystery with their whereabouts unknown number 14 double life gone wrong what could drive someone to take such an unusual course of action completely

    Diverging from their initial intent to rob a store in a curious incident in Albuquerque New Mexico Matthew Crowder’s actions raised the question what was he thinking why one might wonder did Crowder choose to leave his business card behind at the crime scene essentially leaving a trail right to his

    Doorstep Crowder caught on surveillance video stealing a necklace from a consignment shop went beyond ordinary recklessness he left behind his business card at the scene as if inviting authorities to track him down Albuquerque Police Department Public Information officer Simon drobic we didn’t have to call Columbo in on this

    One because this guy left his name with his business card couldn’t hide his amazement dubbing Crowder a goofball even more bewildering Crowder took to Facebook within hours posting a picture of the stolen necklace the shop owner Jasmine bilio was dumbfounded this story leaves us with an array of unanswered questions highlighting the bewildering

    Nature of some individual’s actions number 13 Jake Ned steals clothes from car trunk a daring Thief found himself at the center of a heart-pounding showdown with the law in the heart of West London in a scene reminiscent of an action movie Jake Ned 31 had just raided

    A black Range Rover parked on a quiet residential street swiftly snatching valuables before making a hasty escape on a Boris bike as he pedal furiously a determined police van rapidly closed the Gap with one officer poised to deliver Swift Justice the thrilling encounter unfolded as the officer behind the wheel

    Of the van executed a bold and ingenious move with a sudden swing he thrust open the passenger side door using it as an instrument of Justice to knock Ned off his bicycle the audacious Thief was sent sprawling head first over the handlebars sprawled on the pavement the arresting

    Officer wasted no time and promptly took Ned into custody this heart-stopping incident captured in dramatic detail by CCTV served as a reminder that even the boldest criminals can face the consequences of their actions minutes later law enforcement arrived at the scene alerted by Vigilant Witnesses who had witnessed Ned’s theft from the

    Unlocked Range Rover the Swift and decisive legal action was taken against Ned who appeared before the courts and was sentenced to 28 weeks in jail for theft from a motor vehicle going equipped for theft and taking a vehicle without consent number 12 jailed while trying to bail out a friend once in the

    Quiet town of Splendora A peculiar incident occurred that would forever brand an individual as the world’s dumbest criminal the protagonist of this odd tale was none other than Kevin do a 33-year-old resident of Porter little did he know that his actions on that fateful day would become the stuff of

    Legend it all began when do received a distress call from a friend who found themselves in a spot of trouble this friend had been apprehended due to a city warrant after a minor car accident ever the loyal companion do rushed to the rescue determined to bail out his

    Buddy with a pocket full of cash and the best of intentions he entered the Splendora Police Department his plan was straightforward hand over the cash secure his friend’s release and walk away as the Hero of the Day little did he realize that life had a different

    Script in store for him as he reached into his pocket to retrieve the money fate played its hand unbeknownst to do a small bag of crystal meth had hitchhiked alongside the bills when he presented the money to the officer the unsuspected passenger revealed itself and the officer’s eyes widened in astonishment

    In an attempt to evade the inevitable do desperately insisted that the mysterious white substance was nothing more than Salt but this was no rookie officer experience had taught him to recognize the notorious drug methamphetamine with a knowing look he swiftly put the substance to the test confirming everyone’s suspicions the absurdity of

    The situation didn’t go unnoticed the Splendora Police Department couldn’t resist sharing this tale of the world’s dumbest criminal on their Facebook page within hours the post had gone viral generating over 475 shares and more than 139 comments and so in the blink of an eye Kevin do unwittingly earned his

    Place place in the annals of criminal absurdity his quest to be a savior ended in becoming an unexpected Entertainer leaving the town of Splendora with a story they would never forget number 11 Intruder harassed by a Dane this is the story of a homet Dane that saved the day

    In the midst of a quiet Oklahoma City afternoon a harrowing story of bravery and canine loyalty unfolded Tracy mcoy Home Alone was completely unaware of The Uninvited Guest who had audaciously crossed the threshold of her home it was her devoted Guardian Dubai a protective great danne who sensed impending danger

    And took action Dubai renowned for his gentle giant disposition did not rush to alert his owner instead he extended a cautious curiosity toward the Intruder cunningly luring the stranger into a false sense of security the security camera captured The Surreal scene as the Intruder drawn in by Dubai’s apparent

    Warmth stopped to pet the dog oblivious to the fierce protector lurking beneath the surface the attention escalated as the Intruder ventured further into the house only to come face to face with a screaming Tracy Dubai’s transformation was nothing short of astonishing his once friendly demeanor dissolved into a fierce Guardian barking nipping and

    Lunging at the Intruder forcing him to flee for his life thanks to Dubai’s heroic intervention the police were able to apprehend the Intruder and charge him with first-degree burglary the fear that momentarily gripped Tracy was replaced with relief and gratitud ude all because of her loyal and fearless companion

    Number 10 bagman badman during the Lively Elvis Festival in porth call an unusual burglary unfolded bringing an unexpected twist to the event Christopher badman a 37-year-old from Bridgend decided to disguise himself by placing a carrier bag over his head as he entered the Marine Hotel his intent was to go unnoticed while strolling

    Through the hotel’s corridors however badman’s plan took a rather humorous turn as the security cameras documented his escapades he took the peculiar decision to remove the bag from his head and gaze directly into the lens this daring Act of defiance against the watchful eyes of the cameras quickly led

    To his exposure the incident occurred in September 27 2015 coinciding with the town’s Elvis Festival an annual event that attracts Elvis impersonators from around the world to the Charming seaside resort in the end badman’s ill-conceived burglary was shortlived as a guest discovered him in the midst of his Antics the consequences were Swift

    Badman pleaded guilty to the burglary and was subsequently sentenced to 16 months in jail he was also ordered to pay €900 in costs and €1 sear charge number nine pizza guy nabs running suspect in the quiet town of Middletown Township Pennsylvania an ordinary pizza delivery driver found himself in an

    Extraordinary situation Tyler Morell was just going about his job delivering a hot delicious pizza to a customer’s doorstep when fate intervened in the form of a high-speed chase as he approached his delivery destination Morel witnessed a stolen car racing down the street kening dangerously the car eventually crashed and the suspects

    Jumped out fleeing on foot without hesitation Morel sprang into action balancing the precious cargo of a piping hot pizza he strategically extended his leg causing one of the suspects to stumble and fall thus slowing their escape morel’s quick thinking allowed the pursuing police officers to catch up

    And apprehend not only the suspect he tripped but also an alleged accomplice eyewitnesses marveled at the sudden turn of events describing the suspect going from midair to grounded in an instant miraculously amid the chaos the pizza remained unharmed and reached its intended destination Brookhaven chief of police Michael Vice acknowledged

    Morell’s heroic act stating that he had truly saved the day and the pizza was saved as well authorities wasted no time filing multiple charges against the Suspects thanks to morel’s unexpected Intervention number eight getaway car abandons shoplifting suspect a dramatic incident unfolded outside hibbit Sports on Troy Road in Edwardsville Illinois

    Where a viral Tik Tock video has become a key element in identifying suspects involved in a daring shoplifting episode three women entered the store raising suspicion among employees who recognized one of them as a previous shoplifter they promptly alerted the police who were on the scene as the women and

    Exited the store the video which has already amassed millions of views on Tik Tok captured a shocking moment as the suspects attempted to escape with stolen clothing their getaway car sped off leaving one of them Stranded the video also shows a close encounter with an oncoming vehicle an Edwardsville Police

    Car raising concerns about potential accidents the stranded suspect eventually dropped the stolen items and was apprehended after a brief Chase meanwhile one of the women is in police custody facing potential felony theft charges and is also wanted in Missouri for failing to appear in court for theft charges community members like Sarah

    Burns and Stephanie nishwitz are relieved that the situation didn’t end in tragedy considering the presence of children in the area number seven Thief caught in a teddy bear in a bizarre Twist of events that could rival a Hollywood Heist comedy an 18-year-old car thief Joshua Dobson from spotland

    Rochdale attempted to evade the clutches of the law by hiding inside a colossal Teddy Bear this peculiar case which unfolded on August 10 2022 left both law enforcement and the public in disbelief Dobson’s misadventure began when he was sought by the police for stealing a car and driving off without paying for fuel

    Law Enforcement Officers diligently scoured an address in Rochdale baffled by the young criminals mysterious disappearance however their bafflement quickly turned to amusement and astonishment as they observed the massive teddy bear showing Signs of Life with a mixture of intrigue and suspicion the officers unzipped The Fluffy facade

    To reveal Dobson concealed within it was a moment that could have been plucked from the script of a slapstick comedy but this was no act the greater Manchester police Rochdale division couldn’t resist sharing the Tale on social media quipping that Dobson had been stuffed Behind Bars his crimes of

    Motor Vehicle theft driving without a valid license and evading payment at a petrol station finally caught up with him number six automat IC door prevents shoplifter in a hilarious turn of events a smartphone thief’s daring heist in duberry United Kingdom took an unexpected twist when the quick thinking

    Of the shopkeeper left the thief red-faced and empty-handed the incident caught on CCTV unfolded at the phone market shop on a fateful December 4th afternoon the thief disguised as an ordinary customer initially appeared in conspicuous in a hoodie however his intentions became clear when he seized a mobile phone worth $1,600

    And made a run for the exit but little did he know that shop owner afol Adam had a trick up his sleeve with the flick of a remote control the shopkeeper jammed the glass door trapping the bewildered Thief inside realizing his Escape Route had vanished the thief had

    No choice but to sheepishly return the stolen phone to its rightful owner remarkably Apel Adam had invested just €250 in the door locking mechanism in 2020 as a security measure against potential thefts he explained that with people wearing masks and balaclavas he was worried about not being able to

    Identify anyone if they did steal from my store the device paid for itself that day thwarting the thief’s escape and saving the Shop’s merchandise the incident now widely shared on social media not only left the thief humiliated but also pequ the interest of neighboring shop owners looking to

    Bolster their own security now it’s time for today’s subscriber pick before we continue we’ve got a jaw-dropping story to share with you the case of the Cobblestone thieves in Argentina stare at this picture for a moment these daring criminals attempted to steal valuables from a parked car by throwing

    Cobblestones thinking they had it all figured out they believed they’d struck gold when they stumbled upon the seemingly abandoned vehicle little did they know they were under the watchful eye of the Tigra police who swiftly moved in to intercept the suspects when it became clear that the car held no

    Treasures the hapless thieves decided to beat a hasty Retreat within moments the Tigra operations center swung into action alerting mobile patrolling units the result the thieves were caught trying to escape across a pedestrian bridge Tigra with its arsenal of over 2,000 cameras and 130 mobile patrols takes security seriously now we want to

    Hear from you what’s your take on the Cobblestone thieves audacious attempt and tigra’s Swift response share your thoughts in the comments below we’re excited to hear your perspective number five truck driver wins carjackers in a heart pounding viral video that has taken the the Internet by storm an

    Attempted carjacking in Chile took an unexpected turn thanks to the victim’s quick thinking and the formidable power of their Hefty truck the entire incident unfolded on the victim’s dash cam capturing a dramatic Showdown that left viewers in awe the carjackers driving a compact SUV made a daring move to block

    The victim’s truck on a single Lane flyover two menacing figures emerged from the SUV charging towards the terrified victim as they desperately began reversing their truck just when it seemed all hope was lost the truck driver realized a brilliant Escape strategy to use the sheer size and strength of their truck to their

    Advantage with nerves of Steel the truck driver shifted into forward gear flooring the accelerator and plowed into the carjacker SUV the Collision wreaked havoc on the rear of the wouldbe thieves vehicle but that wasn’t the end of their Misfortune the truck effortlessly dragged the incapacitated SUV to the nearest intersection freeing itself from

    The obstacle and ensuring Justice was served remarkably it was later revealed that the SUV the carjackers had used was itself stolen compounding their misdeeds though the original owner was able to recover her vehicle it bore the scars of the criminals Reckless actions however thanks to the quick thinking of the

    Truck owner and the brute force of their vehicle the criminals were apprehended putting an end to their spree of theft and Terror number four Brazilian pranksters teach bike Thief a lesson in the heart of Brazil a group of clever pranksters decided to tackle the issue of bike theft in a rather unconventional

    And entertaining way rather than solely relying on traditional locks they devised a brilliant social experiment that would leave potential thieves both surprised and tumbling over handlebars these mischievous individuals known as The Primitives and renowned for their entertaining Antics on Brazilian television set the stage for their unique experiment they positioned an

    Alluring bicycle against a tree Tree in a bustling park right under the noses of unsuspecting passers by unbeknownst to the Curious onlookers a hidden camera was meticulously capturing their every move as adventurous Minds approached the unattended bike they couldn’t resist the temptation of an easy getaway without a

    Moment’s hesitation they hopped onto the appealing two-wheeler and began pedaling away their confident grins betraying their intentions but this is where the prank took an unexpected twist a nearly invisible piece of string came into play concealed from plain sight as the daring would be Thieves pedal off with their

    Newfound prize sending them into a precarious Airborne somersault over the handlebars laughter erupted from the hidden camera as the thieves Grand Escape met a comically undignified end number three doing Tesco over again in an astonishing sequence of events Andrew Hennel found himself facing a 4-year jail sentence for an armed robbery he

    Brazenly orchestrated on Facebook just moment before carrying it out on the ominous evening of February 13 Hennel posted a chilling message on the social media platform boldly declaring his intent to do Tesco over at 7:25 p.m. shockingly he followed through with his threat a mere 15 minutes later wielding

    A knife and menacingly demanding money from the staff at the king’s Lin branch of Tesco although henel managed to make a hasty Escape From The Scene his freedom was short-lived law enforcement swiftly apprehended him in a nearby pub where they uncovered not only € 4410 EUR

    In stolen cash but also the weapon used in the crime in court the 31-year-old promptly admitted to the robbery and carrying a knife judge Anthony bate did not take henn’s actions lightly handing down a 4-year prison sentence for armed robbery emphasizing that Hennel posed a high risk of serious harm to the public

    The astonishing aspect of this case is that the confession made on Facebook not only startled the community but also played a pivotal role in solving the case number number two bungling burglar is trapped on the window a bizarre incident unfolded in Bangalore India where a rather inept burglar identified

    As suant B found himself in an unusual predicament on the third floor window ledge of a residential building this peculiar situation unfolded in the early hours of February 23 and garnered the attention of both amused onlookers and concerned authorities suant B’s ill-fated Adventure began as he

    Attempted to break into a house in his Pursuit he climbed to the window ledge only to realize that the window was fortified with a security Grill rendering his break-in attempt feudal he was effectively trapped on the precarious ledge the comical scene was captured on video showing suhun desperately clinging to the window frame

    While a growing crowd gathered below watching the unfolding spectacle with amusement and disbelief the rescue operation was initiated with two firefighters taking charge suant was carefully assisted down a ladder and at one point it seemed he had a rope tied around him which he promptly removed once he reached Solid Ground

    Surprisingly suhan Escapade wasn’t part of a burglary plan but rather an escape from a drunken altercation with his colleagues the incident led to a swift response from the local police and fire brigade who successfully resolved the situation number one former Marine fights man who attempts robbing station James kiler a former Marine Corps

    Veteran has become a celebrated hero after his courageous Act of thwarting a convenience store robbery in Arizona in an exclusive interview with Fox News kiler shared the gripping details of how he prevented what could have been a disastrous crime as kiler was on the verge of leaving the store he suddenly

    Sensed trouble when the door flung open aggressively three individuals entered the establishment with one of them brandishing a weapon Ker’s intuition kicked in and he swiftly took action without hesitation kiler lunged at the armed suspect disarming him with a lightning fast fast and precise move the store surveillance cameras captured the

    Breathtaking moment as kiler tackled the juvenile suspect to the ground while the other two culprits made a hasty Retreat what makes this tale even more remarkable is Ker’s choice of weapon a bag filled with two Gatorades two energy drinks and a snack in a split second he

    Managed to not only grab the gun but also used the bag to strike the armed suspect in the face effectively neutralizing the threat Ker’s Fearless response was aest Testament to his Marine Corps training which provided him with both the skills and mental preparedness needed to confront dangerous situations his Swift and

    Heroic actions led to the arrest of the Armed juvenile suspect on charges of armed robbery and aggravated assault while the search for the other two suspects continued thanks for watching see you in the next video


    1. I was watching Cops years ago, police went to a gas station that had been robbed. The thief had gone but had dropped his wallet inside the store. So, full ID, name, address, etc. The worst part was there was more money in the wallet than what he stole.

    2. This is one of the worst videos I ever watched! I knew half of the incidents. And instead of playing the videos of each incidents you edited each viedo so much by flipping the video 180 degrees putting unrelated clips inside and replay some clips over and over. And last but not least you didn‘t tell most stories like they really happened.
      It‘s embarrassing!!!

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