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    I loved it I mean you have to always watch when the Lord opens up the portal to come down and speak to you and sometimes it’s in worship but today it was an offering and I felt him start giving me a prophetic word and then uh when we were discussing Vietnam it

    Continued and then Dutch went over and said something and it was just clear what the Lord is saying to a glow International let’s thank God for our glow [Applause] International now I liked when Nancy was up here because she started sharing about uh the Harvest now uh if you’ll watch Chad I’ll

    Be putting this up here for you uh because this is a time to break out of conventional ways of thinking we can’t think think the way we’ve thought in the past there’s something going on with all of us that’s Shifting the way we think see every seven years you need to have a

    New mind tell somebody next to you I know that was for you but that’s really how it works with a new wine skin all of a sudden you’re shifting into new thought processes and in it we’ve got to make this Harvest shift now many of you know my life is

    Always been revolved around the way God wrote this book to us uh uh from a covenantal standpoint and from a timing standpoint now let’s say out loud it’s the right time I mean the minute I saw what this was called here I said this is it this

    Is what God is saying’ it’s the right time and when he wrote this book he uh made Covenant with man through Abraham Abram the uh Hebrew now Dutch teaches the best I know upon that word Hebrew about how it means to cross over and in it he gave Abram this this

    Uh uh command and this promise and then he when it was time to release Torah he released it around three Harvest times Passover Pentecost and Feast of Tabernacles rashash Shana and the uh Feast of trumpet that goes with Tabernacles and then he every month wrote about first fruits rush cadesh and

    In that he was sharing how if we would move from Harvest to harvest to harvest always we would have a Harvest mentality we wouldn’t lose it and we would constantly be building the storehouse for the future now I want us to stay out loud what our offering said today a glow

    International is building a storehouse for the future now and so something happened to me it will be a year now in December it was after Christmas I was up seeking the Lord for one of the Gatherings we have called starting the year off right and

    Uh I fell asleep in the room that I seek the Lord in at home and when I awakened from a dream I was having standing in the room was an Angelic host now that’s only happened to me two times like that with where it was a

    Visible host and one time the host was from hell and so this was an incredible moment but the room was filled with the glory of God I had to make sure I was awake and once I was sure I was awake I went and stood next to this Angel who

    Was staring out into the future and I began to stand next to him and the glory of God was strong enough that I could see what he was seeing he was seeing the world it looked as if it was flat and because I travel the world and

    I know the world and I know pretty much geographically what the world looks like and where things are I could see things begin to happen and what would happen is out of darkness in certain places of the world these shafts of wheat would arise and they look like go Glory vibrant

    Fiery wheat stalks but the top of them were like diamonds they were incredible therefore I could see what was going on around the world in Harvest it would surprise you where Harvest is going to occur one of the greatest Harvest Fields was Vietnam in the earth realm let’s thank

    God for our globe penetrating that fil one of the greatest Harvest Fields was between Iraq and Iran and it was huge and as it came up America I can I can tell you where the Harvest fills were in America and uh I continue to do that as we travel Dutch

    And I went to 22 cities this year we saw many of you and uh this past year because it was key and ended up on the 22nd city in Washington DC in February on February the 22nd and harvest is actually it’s not coming down it’s coming up from the earth

    Realm that means iniquities in the Earth are beginning to break because of the places we have cried out we have prayed and now that which we have cried out for God is beginning to shift the land and what this showed me was that this Angelic host prayers had happened in

    Such a way that this host could make his way down into the Earth realm where we are look at somebody and say there’s been some break through and I finally had enough courage to ask this Angel what his name was and he said I am the angel of war over God’s covenant Harvest

    Plan and he said I have come to give instructions for you for the next two years now I am not here to share all those instructions I’ve written them and sent them out a couple of times but we’re all in the process of it look at somebody and say it’s the process that

    Is can be difficult but now those two years now is now one year and two months so there’s some accelerated Dynamic that’s going on with us and so in the midst of it we are now in the midst of being trained for Harvest everybody say new training for the Harvest

    Ahead now that’s important that you get that doesn’t matter how old you are doesn’t matter how young you are we are in training for the Harvest ahead because it’s Brewing it’s it’s moving in the earth realm and so this becomes very important and in the atmosphere a new day is

    Breaking everybody say a new day is breaking and we’re moving into a season of Kingdom demonstration we’re not moving in the same season of church development that we we’ve been in but it’s Kingdom demonstration and that’s why we keep hearing words about keys because you unlock the

    Kingdom you build the church and these next this next year it will be an unlocking year and I loved how the word came forth that you will be unlocked put your hand right here and say oh me but it’s exciting that we’re being unlocked in new ways and what is

    Happening with women which this particular Ministry app this ministry here has changed the world worldwide over is that women are shifting into their Apostolic role for the future now I’m going to say that again women are shifting into their a Apostolic role for the future this is a major shift that is

    Going on so Linda heidler and I wrote a book and I’m sorry we we didn’t have very many of these books here because it had just come in and we grabbed a couple of cases and brought it but there’s two words that stir up the body of Christ

    One is AOS Apostolic and the other is woman so I said you know I’m used to staying in a mess all the time I’ll just put that as the title both words into one the apostolic woman has now arrived in the earth realm again I say again because it’s a

    Movement it is a movement and this book is amazing we we ran out of the book before the conference started and so what uh I just called this morning and said was just everybody can order that book this month just as if we had it here same price we pay the postage all

    You got to do is go to the web store and just say send me that book because this book needs to be understood because this year is about women coming forth and if you don’t understand the right time you’re going to miss the move that God’s

    Doing and in it I want to give this book to Tony Tony please stand up I mean I gave Jane a book but this book is not for women only this book is for men who are not only trying to understand women that’s 90% of them and but they it’s for

    Men who are champions of women let’s thank God for Tony now here’s what we have represented and and you know I look at these men here Graham Dutch uh Lance the men that are up on the stage and it is such an honor to be with men because remember uh man I

    Think man when you really look at at Genesis one man some way allowed woman’s glory to be removed from her I mean when you see it it wasn’t woman just running out and eating something she wasn’t supposed to man knew the will of God he knew the animals of the garden he named

    All the animals of the garden he knew how that animal spoke cuz he named that animal and therefore someway man backed off for a time and woman made a mistake and in it the glory got removed what God has been looking for since that time is

    Men is the men who will say we have one desire it’s to see woman put her glory back on now here what I’m saying to you that’s why somebody said why in the world have you been so devoted to a glow I said well first of all why not and

    Second of all all that I said let me just describe a glow International to you they are delightful Waring women who transcend Generations see you want to see how this ministry has affected the Earth realm but look at somebody and say after today we ain’t seen nothing yet now

    So there’s a great move of God that is being led by women and that move of God has begun it’s no longer coming it’s here it needs to be announced it needs to be championed and so in the midst of it that move is here and it’s a move I started listening to

    This prayer Journey listening what was going on it’s a move of God from women moving from prayer warriors to Apostolic prophetic Watchmen that move of God now is going to be led by a Ministry like this it’s a major shift it’s an identity it’s a it’s an identity expression that we’ve not

    Seen in the past and yet over this past year if ever we have all been tested at the gate for our future how many feel like you’ve gone through some testing those who didn’t raise their hand you’re laying hands on all the rest of us but see testing produces

    Enlargement and your boundaries have to enlarge once you endure the test that’s what Psalm 66 is about not only do do your boundaries enlarge but things that you’ve never seen fulfill start being being fulfilled and so there is a captivity that is being broken over the next

    Season and this is key for it now I asked the Lord uh the uh about 3 months ago the Lord came to me and we were I was in prayer and he said encourage my people they are breaking through tell somebody you’re breaking through he said they’re breaking through but they’re not pulling

    Down he said they’re coming in here they’re breaking through they’re getting a a a a a new understanding of my will but they’re not pulling it down so that it manifest in the earth and the year ahead is about pulling down now what am I talking about Elijah

    Was a prophet a Shamar prophet he prophesied but three and a half years later he knew the right time everybody say say the right time where he had to pull down it took him seven intense intercessory uh uh uh birthings to pull out of Heaven that word and that’s really what the year

    Alik looks alike for the next year it’s an intense travailing birthing and Men you’re going to say is it a strange thing that I’m in labor now men you are here because it’s time and the Bible says that there is a time where men like women began to bring to

    Birth and we are headed into a year of pulling down things that have been delayed and postponed pulling down things that never have fully manifested that should manifest and that’s causing that word that God began to speak to me uh during the uh worship time to just stir strong

    And I I just am trying to keep from prophesying it until it is totally full inside of me and then I loved what came forth on the tempies over here how we have to make a choice this morning the Lord uh as he got me up at 4:00 a.m. he said the issue

    Today for this I I’m just blown away by how the spirit is moving here the issue for all of us here and this ministry is an issue of choosing and as he led me this morning he began to show me the whole message today is about you choosing and making

    Choices choose you this day and so that becomes really important to understand because that’s what I felt the unlocking key was about in us your will has to be unlocked to make a choice your will has to come into new alignment to make a choice so that says

    We have to be visited in a way by the spirit that once we know the will of God we choose the will of God it’s different in just knowing what God wants see that’s why we don’t ever see a lot of repentance really come into its fullness because you can repent

    Intellectually just because you know you’re supposed to you know you’re supposed to forgive but some way in it that repentance has to go one layer deeper into your emotions where you actually repent for holding the emotional feeling you have that’s captivating you and keeping you from enlarging and then third it has

    To finally hit your will repentance does where you choose your future say today we are choosing our future here and God has this order and to get into this choosing he took me to a scripture and just overwhelmed me with it it’s in Isaiah

    32 and in this it is time to see the uh restoration start accelerating in Israel and in that it’s time for us to see restoration start accelerating in our families in this nation and so the Lord says I’m bringing a reign of righteousness in I’m bringing a reign of righteousness

    In but for this reign of righteousness to take Rule now this is a word to America for next week for this reign of righteousness to take rule there has to be a removal of complacency because and then he starts listing the consequences of complacency and then he says Rise Up you

    Women I love this because he addresses it to women rise up you women you are about to beat on your breast and chest until you break complacency off of Nations off of territories off of cities so there is a new call to women that is causing them to rise up

    Out of complacency complacency is just where you start enjoying where you are and not listening for the change ahead complacency is where you get so familiar with your surroundings that when the Messiah came into Nazareth they knew who he was as a carpenter and as a uh teacher but they

    Couldn’t recognize him as Messiah that’s what complacency does you lose sight of the change that is in the atmosphere you lose sight of the right time and that’s why I believe this is called the right time because this is the right time that we’re about to come

    Up and out and see a reign of righteousness and God is calling women into the front lines and so this becomes important and we have to also here’s something else we have to choose God’s order you can’t just say yeah I agree with God’s order you have to make choices where you’re you’re

    Demonstrating God’s order you have to make choices where you’re demonstrating God’s covenant and God’s order he has an order for Triumph Yeshua said first the kingdom he didn’t say first the church see a glow here’s some other reason I’ve always been totally devoted to this incredible uh Ministry is because it’s a Kingdom

    Ministry that’s why I love to hear the shifts that it’s making it’s a Kingdom Ministry it’s not a church ministry it’s it it it transcends the walls of the building and it causes us to see a kingdom we’ve not seen Kingdom has a culture Kingdom has a

    People Kingdom has a voice and a language I mean I am not ashamed that I speak the kingdom language I’m not a a shame that I don’t live that I don’t uh live here in the earth realm I don’t live down here I’m sure CH Dutch would attest to

    That I I my wife would attest to that I I don’t live down here I have to walk down here but I’m in the Kingdom of Heaven I’m in the kingdom of God I’m seeing from the kingdom of God and it is important that we start moving

    In that this year is that’s not just for me look at somebody and say oh my he’s saying I’m gonna be that strange then you have to know first Israel you don’t get Israel in place right and you don’t get anything eventually in place right because nationalism will take you over

    And a nation will disappoint you God gave Israel as his first nation and then as giving Israel at his first nation he gave Israel Torah it’s the only way we could get Torah it’s to go back to the one he gave it to now that’s how simple that is America didn’t write

    The Bible now hear me Germany translated it and it had a great help but they didn’t write it and you know you’d be surprised who all in Germany thinks they wrote it and America see so for us to realign fully we have to see first

    Israel and then we Judah has to go first Judah went first today let’s thank God for that one more time Judah is not just the praise team but the apostolic prophetic team who knows how to use sound to overthrow the enemy Judah must go first and then he said first

    Apostles now this is why this women shifting movement is so important I know of no one that represents this better than Jane Hansen Hoy I mean she is the epitome when I wrote in her book I said you are there was nothing else to say you are this and

    Yet we are coming into a new day for this movement and in this day we must redeem time for days are evil and it’s my wife’s favorite scripture that we can be used by God because he’s already bought back time he’s not in time to display the right

    Time in the earth realm y’all need to write a book on the right time I’ve got lots of books back there on time all of Dutch’s books are built around time because it is the key to understanding your right time how you can move victoriously and you’ve got to

    Learn how to step into crisis not let crisis overtake you you have to just step into them I mean nobody likes to do that but you have to learn how to do it without learning how to step into the crisis uh I I talked to my wife of 46

    Years last night that can you believe it’s hard for me to believe that we’ve been married that long and she’s that old it’s amazing she’s beautiful she is beautiful she sent me a picture of her out in one of the gardens on property and this uh is a a meditation

    Garden that’s got a big pool in it and she was out there with waiters on I said what have you been doing I said I and she said what have you been I said I’ve been traveling all over the world ministering what have you been doing she

    Said well let me just go over it with you I first of all had to clean out the meditation pool because all those guys that you have working for me that you say you’ve got find five wonderful guys who work for you none of them would get in the

    Pool because they saw a snake now women I’m describing what you look like for the future so she put on her the waiters up to here got in the pool and started cleaning it out with a machete and not worrying about the snake and then she’s tried to teach those guys

    Certain snakes are not evil you have to have discernment to kill the evil snakes and to let the rat snakes live because they’ll run the rats out of your territory so she said that was one thing then the next picture she sent me she had a tree we’ve had lots of storms in

    Texas one of the giant oak trees in our backyard she was having it taken down and she was up on the roof now this is an Apostolic woman then she sent me a picture of all the front portion of our dining room and living room all the uh uh the uh

    Floor no not hardwood hardwood floor being ripped up because the ice maker defrosted and so she had moved all the furniture and done all that then the big one was she sent me a picture the last picture of our dog one of my books back there uh I share about

    God’s called her Maggie I walked by this dog 16 years ago and I asked him what her name was and they told me her name and the Lord said her name is Maggie she is yours and we knew three weeks ago that she was agent we had her before we

    Started having all these 14 grandkids we have and uh she was agent and I knew she was going to be uh going on and Pam said how are you going to deal with this I said very easily I’m going to go to the other side of the world you’re going to deal with

    It she said this is the story of my life you see what I mean women you have the ability to go beyond you have the ability to step into every crisis and you’re the only one the Lord says not only you going to step into Christ you going to put your foot

    On the head of the enemy so here’s what time looks like time has four dimensions so if you’re stepping in the right time you’re stepping in go ahead Chad you’re stepping in to all of these dimensions of time present time see God is not in time

    He can go back 10 Generations in your bloodline and blessings that never manifested he can bring them right in front of you and have you step into them curses that have always taken out the blessings because you’re seeking God he can set them right in front of you

    And all of a sudden you put your foot on the curse and it unlocks it for your whole family bloodline there is a fulfillment of time where all of a sudden things you’ve been watching watching for get fulfilled then there’s a future time prophets have to prophesy the

    Future then there is an eternal time we walk with eternity in our hearts we’re walking through time in the earth realm with eternity in our hearts that breaks the power of Sorrow now with that let me show you what this time time looks like and let me apply it to Glow

    International because this year I try to design a pictoral for us to look at this year is about the structure that we’re aligned with the structure we’ve been a part of that structure what you’ve been going on the last eight years all of a sudden God’s starts pressing out the wine of that

    Structure this year I am here to announce a great pressing out of the new wine has come to a glow International and notice Nancy in front of it the new wine starts running from the structure and it goes into New Harvest fields not the last fills we’ve taken New Harvest

    Fills and then here’s what the symbol of the year looks like see it it’s the Hebrew year 5779 we have been in the season of 70 that’s what’s in the middle there 70 means breaking captivity that has held you and coming into who you are for the

    Future it means God Is Watching how you come into your future this whole decade is about that but then notice this is the first time in this decade we have surrounded the decade with the year it’s called Tate nine and it means it has three distinct meanings the first is if

    You’ll look at it it is a womb this is the year of birthing Chad see if you can show it to him one more time it is the year of caring and birthing my kids in Israel surprisingly God fell on them in December and in January she got pregnant

    And and they’re older than uh they and they weren’t expecting another baby she had the baby on rashash Shana only God can do that that was after they had rented the facility to have a Hanukkah party and to renew their wedding vows after being in Israel eight

    Years you have to it’s not the easiest place to live and they’ lived through two Wars and they re renewed their vows that was the place president Trump chose to move the embassy all of a sudden God says I have birthed the new the new is already birthed it’s how

    We move in it how we began to grow it how we began to nurture it now and so and then the next word go ahead the next word is about giving in a way that you cause the maturing of what’s being birthed now then there’s another word if you go

    Back and look at the symbol it doesn’t just look like a womb it looks like a snake it represents a serpent waiting to try to stop what you are being and bringing forth this year Pam had no problem jumping in the pool with the serpent she had a machete if it was a

    Moccasin she would kill it if it was a water snake she would get it out and let it go we are going to be dealing with great issues this year that’s going to cause us to discern and we are going to be moving in Dimensions we’ve never to moved in the

    Spirit must begin to activate the gifts within us again in an incredible accelerated way and it doesn’t matter that you have spoken in tongues before you’re going to speak again it doesn’t matter you’ve had word of knowledge you’re about to have an influx of word of knowledge see we’re coming into that

    Dimension of movement and so and then finally the word Tate actually means goodness God is good somebody say all the time but it’s really not just about how good God is it’s about something else and I’m afraid this is where the body doesn’t understand goodness goodness is linked with

    Choice that was an incredible word that came forth it is the word for the year goodness is linked with Choice how you choose choose what he gives you is how he unlocks the path for your future see goodness really looks like this God is Sovereign but presents a

    Choice to us you choose when you choose all of a sudden he starts setting along your path he goes before you to start clearing out a path and he starts setting help all along your path it’s already in place once you make your choice then he comes as a rear guard

    Behind you and presses up against you with his glory so you can’t back up because the path gets a little rocky sometimes we were in Germany and one night when our two vehicles picked the team up when we got in the both vehicles the navigation system went out in both

    Vehicles now this was from sto guard and I said well Lord I got enough understanding to know you’re saying something here to us and they were just D what should have taken 3 minutes was already up to 30 they were just driving around and we were off on some back

    Places and some dark pl we were on a dark Road and I started saying now Lord you know how to get us to our next place because I have chosen to be here because you told me to be you have not asked me to come here to ride around tubingen all

    Night and he all of a sudden the driver of the van stopped and rolled his window down John price who from New Jersey was sitting in the front and he rode the window down to ask somebody that was riding a bike on the dark road that we

    Were on did he have any idea where we were to go he rolled the window down and this guy said are you John Price yeah I felt the same way now he said I am from Romania and I heard you speak in Romania IA and you did the Taran

    Yell he said I’ll never forget that in a church you when he asked you to you to impart you got up and did Tarson this guy was on this dark back road now that’s what it looks like when you choose goodness already he’s got it placed on

    The road and he said you got to go back out and he told us exactly where to go now this is what I want to end with this morning it’s the choices ahead that we see women have had to choose for us to advance to the place we

    Are today the right time everybody say the right time now let me start because see Sarah is the first woman in Hebrews the first woman of Faith you know what it said was her she made a choice to either quit laughing and believe now hear me people because she was a Godly woman

    But remember the closer it got to what God wanted to do in her life and the older she got the more she laughed and she had to finally make a choice do I keep laughing at what God is saying or do I enter into Faith over what God’s

    Saying and when she entered into faith and the word came to her and said within a year you’ll have another another uh uh you’ll have a a son a year from now in Hebrews it says Sarah was able to conceive that mean all of a sudden when she made a right choice

    Her body came alive got hot passion got renewed and all of a sudden she was able to birth something when she was 90 years old look at somebody next to you and say you’re not too old to do this I mean this qualifies every one of

    You in here and most of you on the web but you got to quit laughing at what you think is too hard to happen and you’ve got to choose that here’s something else I I look at Mary Miriam amazing woman she was part of an Apostolic team

    Of Moses his brother Aaron and her she was prophetic she was a propheus and remember when they crossed over she danced violently she led the whole Army in dancing but then also they got to a place and she complained you find this in numbers 12 God loved that woman so much and all

    Of her moaning and complaining and there are other words for that I always say I know people who have an a switch and a b switch and in the midst of it he loved her so much he stopped the whole movement till she broke out of complaining and repenting she didn’t

    Want to just listen apostolically she wanted to do whatever well is Moses the only one that can hear God and he loved that woman so much he stopped the whole movement she got leprosy and he stopped the whole from her complaining because complaining is sin leprosy represents sin look at

    Somebody and say uh oh now now that all happened he stopped the movement from 7even days to heal her and get her back into the movement went ahead now hear me women God and men here because that included men and women in the movement I don’t think there’s just

    A woman’s movement I think there’s a woman Apostolic strength that leads us and I think men have to know how to submit to that anointing I mean I don’t care who’s anointed I’m going with the most anointed see and that shows you he will stop a whole movement until certain people get in

    Line now Lord we decree right now there will be no complaining in the days ahead and we will accelerate in this Movement we will hear apostolically and accelerate and so you have to choose do you dance or do you complain are you going to dance at every

    Place we cross over are you going to complain because our crossover is being delayed here’s something else I love this woman RAB awesome woman awesome I mean a real woman woman awesome woman in Jericho the gateway to the promise was this woman in Jericho now women if you will see yourself as a

    Gateway to the promise instead of just trying to pray pray pray pray until the promise comes you are a gateway to the promise and remember they couldn’t get in without her and she chose to be this Gateway against her entire city and from that God honored her and

    Her family and put her in the lineage of redemption for all of us now I’m going to say that again you might think you come from a lily white pure bloodline Rahab was in your lineage for Redemption because she chose you need to watch this year who God puts you in your

    Path there to get you through the gate but some of you right now are becoming Gates you’re becoming Gates now that becomes important now here’s something else there are going to be a lot of unconventional Redemptive acts that start restoring our losses I look back over eight years in

    America and how a lot went astray but God can start restoring that really it’s been about 4 40 years I go back to the Vietnam era and the the wounding that it cost America and yet God can redeem time but he can restore loss everybody say restore

    Loss one of the ways you see God’s love is through restoration and so it becomes very important that you move in and restorative moments and remember with the woman that Elijah the shunamite woman rich woman she’s the one who had the million dollars seriously she was a rich woman

    She didn’t have any needs except she didn’t have a her future she couldn’t have a baby and she got pregnant because he decreed it the prophet decreed it seven years later the baby died uh the child died she was in grief but her only question wash did you unlock this and prophesied

    If it wasn’t going to go into the future and Elijah loved this woman Elisha loved this woman and he took the child up to his room and you know the story he laid on it breathed into the child the child sneezed seven times and came alive that’s something what I want to

    Say to you but that was key all of a sudden she had her future back her husband wasn’t her future he was old now remember that we all get old and all of a sudden you’re in time you’re not causing the future to happen and in and all of a

    Sudden she has this child back then Elisha comes back to her and says there’s going to be a drought seven hard years ahead let go of all that you have go down and live with the Philistines now how many of us I mean Kathy was begging us to let go of the million

    Dollars how many of us can let go of everything and obey the word of God like that should let go of everything she went down to the Philistines lived with the crazy Philistines so but that’s where God told her to go sometimes your enemies provide for

    You at the end of seven years she goes back the drought’s over she ends up now this is this meeting here and this summarizes it she ends up back in the king’s Palace because they have to come back in to get back in to the place she lived

    She ends up in the king’s Palace and gahaz is there Elisha’s servant and the king is saying tell me the testimonies of Elisha and he starts telling him and he turns around and Says there’s the woman and there’s the boy that died seven years ago he’s 14 years old now that’s the testimony and all of a sudden the king says give her back everything she gave up plus all the interest of what it would have provided for the last seven

    Years that’s what it means being at the right time at the right place look at somebody and tell them I’m entering into this some way this year now hear me say this this is a supernatural prophetic charge you got to be at the right time at the right place

    Sometimes this year and all of a sudden something’s going to happen supernaturally for you you can’t figure it out you’re just going to be there you’re going to be there you’re going to say I’m not sure why I’m here and all of a sudden you will be she

    Chose to let go of what she had so she could position herself and trust that a greater recovery would come see this is all this choosing issue she chose to go to the Philistines she didn’t have to she could have sit there and he would have her

    Child would have probably died again she gave up up everything that was her child’s inheritance went where God told her and then got it back seven times over now hear me God is doing something it’s amazing what he’s doing and then there’s Mary Luke 1 just think about it she’s not married she’s

    Young she’s got a good ly she is engaged and all of a sudden Angel Gabriel shows up and tells her you going to birth the future Redemptive plan of the earth R I love this woman I see why she would easily be worshiped we can’t worship Mary she just was a woman who

    Chose and then all of a sudden the Bible says the Holy Spirit overshadowed her now I am here to tell you you’re going to know how to choose because holy spirit is going to overshadow you I’m going to stop for a moment complacency makes us become familiar with our

    Environment and we miss the overshadowing power of Holy Spirit holy spirit is going to start overshadowing in entire you and entire territories this year Mary chose to allow the hovering power of Holy Spirit to do its work turned her life upside down turned our lives upside down liberated

    Us and then here’s the two ladies that I want to sort of get us to a place to end with two ladies in the New Testament they’re part of the book so when you get it you’ll see it one is an incredible apostle that changed much of the lands of Europe

    That’s the woman at the well her name was fine look at somebody and say I’m on watch for those FES you think Rahab had a story fine really had a story but she would go to the well every day at a certain time because she couldn’t go to the well when the other

    Women went to the well now hear what I’m saying because I’m speaking prophetically to you you’re going to start pulling people women into this movement who couldn’t go to the well when other women went to the well I can be for various reasons and I love how the Lord said I

    Got to go to Samaria now this is going to be part of your prophetic word at the end I just feel it I got got to go to Samaria he gets to Samaria because they hated Samaria and he had to go to this well because it was the

    Well that was linked into the whole Covenant lineage that he had and yet religion and division was stopping people from unlocking that well he gets to the well and this is the first thing he does he sends his disciples away because they’re all too religious for what’s about to

    Happen because first of all he’s going to run into a woman the Lord already knows what’s ahead he’s going to run into a woman and she’s going to be a real woman with a real background and she’s going to be a Samaritan and he just knows the church little church group

    Boys that he’s trying to work with here can’t take this meeting so he says why don’t y’all all leave and go get us something to eat CU y’all are way too and these people are fishermen and tax collectors and they’re already too religious to handle this encounter now are you aware of that

    He sends them away and all of a sudden there’s this encounter here’s the one phrase I want to say you know the whole story she dropped her pot when he she finally recognized who he was and ran in and told the entire city that this man knows every

    Everything about her that’s at the well that means he knew everything about them and I think she said since he already knows what we’re all doing we might as well go out and meet him and once they all met him that woman was so revolutionized and he told her

    What true worship looks like he said worship just in understanding the word of God worship is where spirit and Truth begin to touch and kiss that’s worship it’s not about who you are it’s not about whether you’re Samaritan or Jew it’s about whether you allow that Dynamic of alignment to occur in

    You and then all of a sudden she starts leading the whole city to the Lord and then she leads half of your Europe to the Lord now here what I’m say in Africa hear what I am saying to you we are in for some wild Encounters this year wild encounters and then there’s

    The woman caught in adultery you know that story The Lord dealt with them from young to old drew a line and said I think he said this if you want to play with the law we’ll play by the law because they said you know Moses tells us we got to go

    Over and stone her he couldn’t go against the law Jesus never went against the law he knew how to bring them into a higher law called love and grace and he said well we can play by the law let me draw this line and let me start

    Writing how each one of you know this woman we can play by the law if you want or we can go to a higher law Called Love they all backed off one by one the Bible says and then he just looked at her and said go and send no more and you

    Know what happened there she became his disciple who was able to recognize him first recognize him at any time she was the one who announced to the disciples he’s alive and they wouldn’t believe her and he even asked him wouldn’t you hate the Lord to show up and say why didn’t you

    Believe the woman when she told you that I was alive would you hate that now let me let me stop and say this women there’s lots of things you’ve said in the past that you weren’t listen to about the day is changing you’re going to start being

    Listened to so speak up again in Jesus name and then finally what I’m doing every place I go right now because the Lord told me he said decree this new Watchman move is beginning see I see a glow going into a place beyond where they’ve been all three scriptures that were

    Used at the end of the worship service Isaiah 6 Revelation 4 Revelation 21 those are the scriptures where there’s at a moment where everybody has to go beyond where they were AI uh uh Isaiah had prophesied but all of a sudden something happened in the government Uzziah died and it

    Changed his life and from that day forward he prophesied John saw the seven churches the Lord told him about every seven Church the main seven churches of the region but then he heard a voice saying come up here let me what’s let me show you what’s going to happen in the

    Future look at somebody and say that’s us and then the Tabernacle we’ve had had dimensions of Glory in the Tabernacle but we’ve not experienced the glory that’s coming and you are a tabernacle this last woman is in 2 Samuel 20 let me read about her to you she’s also one of my favorite

    There’s there’s a rebellion worse than Absalon against the king you know you have absalons you have Jezebels you have aalia you have uh you have uh people that rise up and this is Sheba he’s he’s worse than AB Absalon and so what happens is after he

    Leaves a rebellion he tries to run to a city and hide and when he gets in this city and all of the armies are coming to try to find Shiva he gets in the city and the people began to cry out about the situation of their City

    Now I could stop and give you a lot of commentary about how we let things into our cities that don’t belong there and there comes a time where god holds us responsibility responsible for what’s in the city this wise woman cried out from the city verse 16 here

    Here tell joab come nearby and let me speak speak to it this is how I see the apostolic women of the future rising up you have discernment you know what’s entered into your portion that shouldn’t be there and this year you’re going to start rising up and

    Say I need an ear to talk about this joab comes over and he says I’m here and he says I’m listening and she spoke and said they used to talk in former times saying they shall surely seek guidance in Abel and so they would end disputes I am a Peaceable and faithful

    Woman I decree a new level of peace and the demonstration of Faith to start resting on the women of the body of Christ because I have that testimony why would I allow something like this to swallow up the inheritance of this city and so all of a sudden she says this deliver

    Him she started rallying the city she went around to all the people rallied the city and said we’re going to deliver this man who will bring a curse on the city and swallow up our inheritance for the future to joab we’re going to deliver his head to be removed so his

    Headship doesn’t end up ruling our city if ever there is a word for women in America it is that there must be a movement to real to Rally cities and States so that the enemies that have entered the Border are handed over to those that can remove their headship in the

    Future this was a wise woman a very interesting wise woman women I am telling you you are being called to redeem time and you’re going to have to be wise she rallied the whole city the men in the city there’s a wisdom coming down on you that will dismantle demons get

    Ready you are being shifted into your year ahead look at somebody and say it’s the right time it’s our year ahead doesn’t matter if you’re 90 you’re still going to be used it’s the right time it’s the right right time now let’s stand up


    1. There are many things Holy Spirit has spoken to me over the past three months that made absolutely no sense to me.
      Words and phrases I couldn't wrap my mind around. I knew they had a purpose because it's just not things or words that would have ever crossed my mind in a million years.
      You have mentioned several of them in this message and put them together like puzzle pieces. Now I have a greater understanding of where the Lord is leading me.
      If you know what iron gate means I'd love to hear back on this please. Thanks for this powerful message. I will have to listen to it several times.


    3. ❤ When I was 28, I was in a home to a person who brought me to Jesus. I told if Danny and I don't make it I want your life. No sooner I said that, there was Jesus and Trudy in biblical clothes, with Jesus arm around her waist His head upon her shoulder. I said I want that kind of life. I took a vow of celibate, never to marry again. God has kept me in His love, I'm 72 now.

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