Driving test knowledge that may help you feel more confident when you do your driving test in Great Britain.

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    This video is created by an experienced driving instructor, please subscribe to get my latest videos as I upload them to help you pass the GB Driving Test.

    Here is my driving school’s website:

    This video is a guide intended to help people who are learning to drive with a driving instructor in Great Britain, it is by no means a replacement for driving lessons with an appropriately qualified driving instructor.

    Laws and driving rules may be different in your country. The makers of this video cannot be held liable for any consequences caused by any information that is in any way inaccurate, misleading or missing. The makers of this video are not liable for any person’s driving other than their own, it is the responsibility of the person driving a vehicle to ensure they drive safely and within the law. The makers of this video are also not liable for any person failing a driving test as a result of the information provided in the video.

    00:00 It’s Normal
    00:15 Easier than you think
    02:14 Reversing myth
    03:11 Don’t know what to do
    04:37 Take your driving instructor
    06:08 Lane guidance
    07:20 Rushing
    08:33 Be ready
    09:14 Reduce the pressure
    10:33 Make manoeuvres easy
    14:27 Don’t give up

    Being nervous on your driving test is completely understandable it’s normal but it is possible to decrease your nerves and increase your confidence with a bit of advice and a deeper understanding of what the examiner is actually looking for firstly the good news is the driving test is probably a

    Lot easier than You’re Expecting when you’re learning to drive most likely you have been taught to jump through loads of Hoops to pass the driving test which makes the driving test sound complicated for example you must do a handbrake start every time you move away or you

    Have to do a robotic six point check whenever you’re moving away from the side of the road keep your hands at ten and two pretty much all the time unless you’re changing gear never cross your arms across my arms have I failed and when you’re reversing if you see anything you

    Must stop and wait now I have a video on driving test myths I’ll leave a link to it up there I used to believe this was true I used to believe that’s what the examiners wanted but I’ve been teaching people for a while now I started in 2009

    And that’s what I used to teach people when I first became a driving instructor but over the years of taking people to test and talking to examiners I’ve learned that they’re not actually interested in this stuff what they want is for you to drive safely and legally

    When you moved away from the side of the road were your observations good enough to make sure you could see no one was coming before you went usually checking behind whatever mirror is helping you see behind and your roadside blind spot and of course ahead as well there’s

    Going to be some people saying that they failed the test for crossing their arms when they steered the wheel but it’s not the crossing the arms that would have caused the fail it would be they’ve gone to turn and they’ve been unable to turn enough because they’ve crossed their arms and

    Then they’ve had to sort of rush and make it back as they’ve gone around the bend so they weren’t able to keep the car going where they wanted to go all the time that was because of their steering technique which happened to be there crossing their arms probably too much like that

    But if you stay well and keep the car where you want it to go then the examiner should not fail you if you drive safely and legally you should pass I’m not going into every myth in this video because that’s not what this video is about and that will take too

    Long but I will give you another example one myth is that if you’re reversing if you see anybody at all coming towards you you must stop but that’s not true in fact many years ago I had a pupil fail for doing just that and it was entirely my fault

    Because that’s what I told them to do because that’s what I had been taught to tell my pupils to do they were reversing around the corner to the left a maneuver that’s no longer part of the test and they kept stopping for cars on the other side of the road

    We weren’t affecting them and the examiner failed them for taking too long but of course if you don’t stop for cars that you are affecting then that would likely be a fail if you see a car coming or any kind of vehicle and you are affecting them stop give way see what

    They’re going to do if they come past let them pass if they’re going to let you finish your maneuver then carry on and finish your maneuver your driving instructor is not going to be able to show you every situation you’re ever going to come across during your lessons

    During your test and certainly after your test you’re going to come across situations that you have not seen before I’m sure today when I drive every so often I’ll see something that I haven’t seen before and I’ve got to figure out what to do so what can you do

    Well there used to be an examiner he’s retired now and when he could see that the learner driver was struggling to decide what to do in a situation he would say what can you do now the examiner isn’t allowed to tell the pupil what to do but they can give

    Encouragement if they can see you getting flustered they can pull you over at the side of the road tell you to take a breather for a few seconds tell you to try and stay calm try and enjoy the drive and then let you go again and there’s nothing wrong with

    Saying what can you do because the examiner isn’t telling the people what to do they’re just giving encouragement encouragement to think for yourself and that’s the Golden Rule here whenever you come across a situation that you’ve not seen before you’re not sure how to deal with it

    Think for yourself think what can I do that’s safe and legal and if what you do is safe and it is legal then you should still pass take your driving instructor with you on test not only can they see you drive so that if something goes wrong they’re more

    Able to help you but the driving test passed quota myth now I’m going to underline myth there because it is a myth the driver and vehicle standards agency do not set how many pupils an examiner can pass but what they do and this is the problem

    Is they monitor the pass rate of the examiners let’s say there’s a driving test center which over all the examiners has an average pass rate of 45 but there’s one examiner there who’s passing sixty percent of the pupils over the course of a year the devious say think well they’re clearly not

    Marking it to the same standard as the other examiners they’re probably marking it incorrectly so they investigate that Examiner and what people believe is that to avoid being investigated examiners try to self-regulate their pass rate if their pass rate’s going up they’ll be more harsh and fail more people if their Pass

    Rates going down below the average for the area they’ll try and be less harsh and personal people I’m sure that does happen we’re talking about 1 500 people here that’s how many examiners there are you’ve all take and some of them are probably going to do that to avoid being

    Investigated but if they just do their job properly they’re going to be somewhere in the middle anyway however if you take your driving instructor with you well they’re not going to do that they’re not going to do any funny business because they’re being watched it’s not always obvious what Lane you

    Need at a junction generally it’s left lane to go left and a head and right lane to go right if there’s two lanes I have a video about roundabouts which includes Lane Choice up there sometimes it can be different and there will be Road markings and road signs to tell you

    That let’s say you need to use the right lane to go ahead on this occasion if there’s road signs and Road markings nice and early to tell you that then you should follow those your examiner isn’t going to give you help but they will give you help if it’s not obvious that

    You need a different Lane to normal let’s say they want you to go ahead second exit a roundabout usually you would choose the left lane on this occasion at this roundabout it’s actually the right lane you need but there’s no road signs and the only Road markings that there are are near the

    Give way line at the round about too late to be helpful they will help you in these situations they will say at the roundabout I would like you to go ahead say second exit but on this occasion you may find it easier to use the right lane that’s them understanding that there’s

    No way of you knowing you need to use the right lane so they’re giving you advice my advice is to take their advice when they give you those directions don’t allow yourself to rush I Rush sometimes and when I do things go badly it’s not just about driving I could be

    Rushing cooking chopping an onion and cutting myself rush around the house stub my toe bang my head when you rush bad things happen and what helps me is when I catch myself rushing realize I’m doing it and slowing myself down and control myself so my advice is

    If you start to rush when you’re driving and when learner drivers are feeling flustered quite often their response to feeling flustered is to rush which leads them feeling more flustered which leads them rushing more and you get this positive feedback loop which is not helpful well if you catch yourself rushing slow

    Yourself down that’s my advice don’t allow yourself to rush slow yourself down for a little bit go at a lower speed than you normally go just for a bit just to clear your head and think I’ve got this I can think clearly I can figure out

    What to do I’m in control and then return to normal speed yes you may get marked down for going a bit slow for a while that’s possible but if you allow yourself to rush the mistake you can make from rushing is probably going to be far worse this is

    Probably the single best thing you can do for confidence on your driving test make sure you’re test ready before you go to test if you go to test before you’re ready then you’re not going to be confident you know you’re not ready but if you are ready that’s going to help

    Your confidence immeasurably you’re still going to feel nervous of course but not as nervous as if you’re under prepared how do you know when you’re ready well make sure you can pass a full length mock test with your driving instructor without any help and the last couple of lessons before your test you

    Should have been able to drive the majority of those lessons with very minimal help from your instructor try to come to terms with the possibility that you may fail and have to do the driving test again if you go into your driving test feeling like you must pass that is an immense

    Amount of pressure and that’s going to make the test harder if you go into it feeling like well I like to pass but I can always do it again that’s going to make the test easier now I know there’s a long waiting list I’m filming this on

    The 22nd of August 2023 and yeah the waiting list is still long but I’m yet to have a pupil who has not been able to find a driving test at relatively short notice when they have tried to what they’ve had to do is they’ve had to

    Go online check to see if there’s any dates available and they’ve had to do that several times a day for several days and when they do that actually usually within a few days a test booking pops up and they grab it and book it and usually it’s within a couple of weeks so

    Knowing that can make you feel more comfortable that you’re not gonna have to wait like six months to do another test if you do fail search for cancellations you should be able to find one if you search regularly enough you should be able to find one relatively

    Soon I’ve not had a pupil who’s not been able to do that yet understanding that can take away some of the pressure don’t make your Maneuvers harder than they need to be during a driving test when you’re doing a maneuver your examiner is more interested in good observations and

    Good control than they are expert Precision driver levels of accuracy what I mean by this good observations good all-round 360 degree check often enough that if someone approaches you will notice before they get to you and when it comes to good control that means you should be able to keep the car going

    In the intended Direction slowly not rolling down the hill all the time and shooting backwards and stopping they’re actually very lenient when it comes to accuracy take the parallel parking exercise they say pull up alongside the car reverse backstop near the curb and within two car lengths of the car two car lamps

    That’s a big space don’t make it hard by trying to make it a quarter of a car length use some of that space to make it easier and don’t try and get an inch from the curve that’s going to make it harder and more risky even if you stop within a drains width

    Of the curb they are still likely going to pass you if however you think you are too far from the curb don’t be afraid to adjust pull forwards come back and try and get a bit closer many people say you only get one adjustment on your driving test

    But that’s not true okay often it is the case let’s say you reverse into a car park parking space and it goes horribly wrong nowhere near you go out come back again and you haven’t made it better well the examiner is probably going to call it a day there and go that’ll do

    However let’s say you haven’t failed yet and you reverse back and it doesn’t go very well you’re not in the space you pull forwards you come back and this time you make it a lot better but it’s not quite the ticket well they’re probably going to wait there and

    Give you more time they may even say are you finished if you’re not finished don’t say you are go forwards and come back and try again if the examiner’s had enough they’ll say that will do they’ll stop you and finish the maneuver don’t be afraid to check either so if

    You’re in the space and you’re not sure you think you might not be in the space you might be over the line secure the car Hanbury cup neutral Park if you’re in an automatic open the door and check or if your parallel parking you’re not

    Sure if you’re too close to the curb or well you can’t be too close to the curb can you you’re beyond the curb if you’re too close you’d know about that you’re not sure that you’re too far from the curb is what I meant to say if you can

    Lower your electric mirror to have a look you can do that see if you’re close enough or not and then return it but whatever you do don’t give up on your maneuver until you have finished I’m just editing this video and I think I’ve made it sound like the examiners are giving a

    Hint when they say are you finished but it’s not a hint they’re not suggesting that you need to change your position they’re just asking can we get on with the rest of the test have you finished and if it’s the end of the test sometimes you do your maneuver at the

    End of the test and they can finish the test and if your examiner asks you to stop during your maneuver that doesn’t mean you’ve done it badly it just means they’ve seen enough you’ve done enough you could easily have passed if you’re doing your parallel park exercise it’s

    Quite common for people to get parallel to the curb within two car lamps but then keep reversing back in a straight line longer than they need to then the examiner says stop I’ll do move on if you’ve done it well good observations good control got parallel to the curb

    Nicely then you should pass what I’m saying here is that if your examiner asks you are you finished don’t tell them you have until you are sure you have don’t give up on your maneuver until you are happy with it and that leads me on to my

    Final bit of advice in this video don’t give up even if you think you’ve made a mistake it may not be as bad as you think it might not even be a mistake at all might be another myth and if you do give up then you are more

    Likely going to fail I can think of two examples where the examiner has intervened with the Dual controls yet my pupils have still passed and they are just the examples I can remember there’s probably more and how many times have you heard that if the examiner has to intervene it’s an automatic fail

    The examples where one was for the angle start my pupil was asked to pull over stop within a car length for the car and they are starting to get a bit closer than the Carling for the car so the examiner stopped them so that he didn’t get too close and couldn’t do the

    Maneuver another example was a mini roundabout I was sitting in the back quite busy car looks like it’s going straight it’s not singling we’re turning left they’re going straight to go past us so we can go they’re not turning in front of us and I’m thinking yeah it

    Looks like we can go we go we start moving and suddenly and unexpectedly the car turns into our path and the examiner Slams on the brake and so don’t I and then the examiner goes that car thought you were psychic didn’t they there’s no break back there Richard

    Because of course I didn’t hit the brake I just hit the back of the seat from a normal reaction or going for the brake when I well I see something like that happen The Examiner still passed the pupil because the examiner does not expect a new driver to have the same

    Levels of skill as themselves that would be unreasonable they do understand that people taking the learner test are new drivers and as long as they got good enough levels of skill that they’re not causing a hazard they’re safely driving and they’re legal then they should get a

    License they don’t expect them to be super expert fast reactive drivers who are 10 years 20 years experienced they know they know the driver will get better with practice so the examiner decided they still deserved the license well that’s all for this one if you found the video helpful please give it a

    Thumbs up and if you’re looking for car insurance check out the links to Collingwood and Confused in the description if you’re learning to drive and want to insure yourself on somebody else’s car then Collingwood are there for you because you can do so without affecting the owner’s policy and that

    Takes away a big stress from the owner of that car via the link at the moment that’s up to 35 off and a 20 pound Amazon gift card if you want to insure your own car I recommend checking out the link to confuse.com because you fill

    Out one quote form and get loads of quotes back from many insurers compare who’s cheapest and you can change your car on that quote as many times you like without having to do the whole quote again so if you’re shopping around for different cars you want to know how much

    It costs to ensure those different cars just do one quote form and change the car on that quote and you’ll get a new price for each car user links doesn’t cost you anything but it does support the channel so thank you very much subscribe to get my future videos and

    Until the next one cheerio


    1. Interesting content! I passed 3 days ago but still watching your channel, it was a long journey to pass my test as i have been driving more than a year now, i learned to drive
      from scratch. Honestly, i never thought that i would need to drive more than a year to pass my test. Eventually i passed with my own car! 😅 Anyway i love this freedom to drive on my own. Thank you! 😊 I learned alot from your videos, very helpful.

    2. You’re videos have been such a help, passed my test first time yesterday with 0 driving faults. Now I don’t technically need them anymore I’m finding them quite comforting. I’ll still be watching. Thank you!

    3. Passed my test first time this week, and I'm pretty sure that binge watching these videos beforehand was a big help!
      I was so so nervous, and the assessor described my driving as "a bit ropey in places" afterwards, totally due to nerves, but I still did it 😄

    4. Ive passed my car, class 2 and class 1 all in a year, 2 minors in total..

      My adivce to pass, is do not go over a kerb, do not make other roads users slow,stop or swerve then you should pass.

    5. I just passed my practical test today… Your videos was most helpful, if fact your videos taught me more than my instructor. So thank you for this, you help people more than you can possibly know 🙂

    6. You are absolutely amazing at explaining thing's. I have a.d.d . Its hard for me to process information. You talk to clearly and explain with clear instruction's. I wish you were my driving instructor.

    7. Just wanted to say thank you because I passed my driving test today with five minors and you have helped me out so much and many others as well. I am in shock and so grateful that I passed.💌

    8. Just passed now, first time taking the test at the age of 39, with three minors. These videos really really helped me with the psychology behind the driving test itself, as well as some really good practical tips. Clear, concise and engaging content in all videos by someone who obviously has a real passion for both driving and teaching. Thanks a lot/Diolch yn fawr iawn

    9. Passed 1st time (7 minors)! I watched this before my test and it helped me stay composed, even though my heart was racing! Thanks so much, incredibly useful, informative, and upbeat channel!! Good luck to everyone taking their tests, wasn't nearly as bad as I thought!

    10. I don't know why it is but I have never found a free test slot in Canterbury (where I've been learning) and I've been looking over a year. So I've had to book it in places I'm less familiar with, which doesn't help the confidence. They really need a bigger test centre.

    11. I don't know if it was luck or what
      My examiner too me off guard by asking to turn right at a place, I never went during driving lessons.

      I wasn't sure so asked the examiner and he told me to go there. I followed his instructions and in the end he said kick yourself you failed because you went the wrong way. Other than that he said your driving is good. He tried everything to fail me, difficult bending roads, tight cuts and in the end he made sure he directed me to that way. Surprisingly no car behind me was affected, no one stopped or swerved still he failed me on this.

      Now my instructor says you failed bcoz of bad luck as examiners usually don't surprise people on the test.

      Now all I am left with serious delays in test dates and have to pay the instructor again and again even when I failed bcoz he never identified this mistake and now he will charge 150 pounds again for the test day.

    12. Most people have a need to pass, there's a lot riding on that test, maybe even financially, like job opportunities. Then there's the whole cost of it all, it ain't cheap. Lessons even at reasonable cost over a grand, the tests, the insurance and tax and everything and getting a car, so there's a lot riding on that test.

    13. Great video as always.
      On the lane guidance part you mentioned that examiners may help you if a different lane from normal would be required if not the norm. Should my instructor be doing this also to help me in my lessond? Many thanks

    14. I passed my test today! Thank you so much for all the videos you've posted Richard, they've been unmeasurably helpful to me. I remember my first lesson when I was super anxious about driving, but after all the help from my instructor and from watching your videos, my confidence grew over time 🙂


    15. i passed years ago and haven't really driven much since. i find it too nerve-racking. Would be great if there was an intense refresher course where you could stay in accommodation.

    16. Had 6 tests in Colchester most of the examiners were pleasant some were talkative others weren’t . Just the one rude one which my instructor knew about and I’m sure you do too.

    17. I have my test at the end of January and did a mock test with my instructor last week, I ended up passing with 6 minors 😃I also smashed the parallel park without an issue but the problem I usually have with them is trying to get it done an inch from the kerb perfectly 😅 this is a great video, tests are usually difficult for us because of the amount of pressure we put on ourselves to pass and how much we practice!
      I went into my Theory a little nervous but calmed down a bit and took my time and ended up getting 49/50 questions correct and passed first time, my hazard perception was a good score, 11 or so points above the pass mark so I was really happy I got it done first time around!

    18. Currently bingeing all your videos, you make me feel very calm and I am so sure I'll pass my test this time round, my confidence was knocked after failing my test last year so i gave up for a while, however, my test is now at the end of january so i will update when I pass 😊

    19. I just passed my driving test today, 1st attempt and only 6 minor faults! You've really saved me with this video, along with your Driving Test Nerves one! Heck, all your videos have helped me! Thank you so much!

    20. Hi Richard, I have just passed my driving test a couple of hours ago and just got home, I just wanted to say thank you so much for your videos, they are so so informative and helped me so much. And I Love your humour. Thank you again and I wish you all the best.

      For anyone who's learning driving or about to take a test, don't get nervous, don't see driving as a task or a strange thing to do, try to make it part of you, and all the rules are based on common sense really. 40 mins drive is much shorter than you think it is, it'll finish before you realise it. If anything happens, just keep calm and carry on!

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