घर घर की कहानी/अब पछताएं क्या होत जब चिडियां चुग गई खेत/एक परिवार की कहानी/भाग -7 @PoonamKiAwaaz


    As soon as Akash fell down unconscious, Rajesh, who was standing next to him, held him in his arms . Saroj ji ran and brought water for her son and started caressing his son’s face. Seeing the serious condition of her son,

    It did not take long for Sarojini to understand that her The son is not as strong-hearted as his father. He was not able to bear the shock of losing his father, so now he too will have to be strong and take care of his family. In a moment, Saroj ji controlled herself and

    Gave water to her son. She brought him back to consciousness by pouring chit dal and said , Rajesh, son, put him inside on the bed. Saroj ji, her tears reached her lap, started handling all the tasks like a strong woman. She asked Pandit ji to do all the preparations

    For the last rites. Said and said to his son, Son , strengthen yourself, if you want to survive in this world, you have to face mountains of sorrow. I know son, you were very fond of your father, losing him is very painful for you,

    But son, you have some social responsibilities . There are also tasks that we have to complete, after that Akash got up and started completing the last rites of his father . Some of the relatives of Ishwar Prasad ji stayed with Akash on the same day and

    Kept giving him courage and patience , but some of the relatives stayed with him on the same day. Akash had gone and had not told anything to Shivani and Rupa. Neelu had also refused to tell Rajesh’s family that no one

    Would call Roop as Rupa was taking care of Shivani didi. If Shivani came to know about it then It would have a bad effect on his mind , hence no one told anything to both of them. Akash got a lot of support with the arrival of brother-in-law Rajesh. He

    Was supporting him like an elder brother. From the last rites to all the activities, Rajesh stood by Akash. A lot of money was spent on performing the last rites of his father and

    Hosting a feast for the pundits and all the relatives. A lot of money was being spent on donating dakshina and Godan by the pundits, but Akash is praying to the pundits for the peace of his father’s soul. I wanted her to do whatever charity possible so that

    Her father’s soul rests in peace. In the Indian society, the funeral rites and the charity Dakshina and the food organized and given on TV are very important. Money is spent and this continues throughout the year. Sometimes it

    Becomes difficult for a poor person to follow these rules , but what can they do, they have to follow their customs and traditions. Then if the money is spent then there is no going back even if the debt burdens the head, but all the rituals

    Are completed. For the peace of the soul of the dead person, his last rites are performed with all the rituals and ceremonies, a feast and charity are our Indian values. It is said that after the death of the father, the son does all the charity with the wish of his salvation and

    Prays for the peace of his father’s soul. Today, after the turban ceremony, all the relatives had gone to their homes. All the sky was getting patience but Akash’s mind was not being affected by anyone’s patience . After all the relatives left, Neela

    ‘s family also returned to their home. Saraswati Devi wanted to take the children back with her but Rajesh said no, mummy ji, keep the children here. Let it be , if the children stay here then Akash and Sarojini will be happy to see us, otherwise

    Both of them will keep crying all day long remembering uncle ji. Saraswati and Shyam Babu greeted Saroj ji and said, Son Akash will be happy for you as well as for mom. Keep in mind that what was supposed to happen has happened, now you think ahead, how

    To do further, son, those who go never come back, but the people who go leave behind many of their responsibilities, which they have to fulfill, they leave behind many responsibilities. Saroj ji said, Brother, you are absolutely right, in fact a mountain of responsibilities has fallen on

    Us, we don’t know how we will handle each responsibility, Saraswati said, happiness and sorrow in Samdhan’s life. So God is like sunshine and shade, God himself gives us the strength to bear the sorrow , even in this sorrow you will lift people up, rest

    Of us all have to accept defeat before the will of God , it is only here that man gets lost when the Goddess and Praveen are seen in the form of form. When Devi came to know about the death of her father-in-law, she felt very sad but Devi had

    Settled in Darabad along with her family long ago. She had gone out from Hyderabad for her business work with Praveen, so she talked to Akash on the phone. Expressed grief over the death of her and her father. Devi seemed to be distant from her family and her sisters

    From the beginning and she did not come and go much with them . She used to stay far away and also rarely visited her time. Secondly, she had taken over the business of her father-in-law in her in-laws house, but

    The responsibilities of the business had increased, due to which she was not able to talk and socialize much with her sisters. The biggest thing was that Devi kept her two sons in her care. She wanted to keep them away from her younger brothers. She knew how

    Spoiled her two brothers were and how much they were victims of bad habits, hence Devi did not want her children to be under the bad influence of their mother, but she did not tell this to anyone. Even her parents were happy to see her living with

    Her in-laws . If our daughter is happy with her in-laws, then what more do we need? Many times Neelu used to say to her, Devi, you have become your in-laws’s house, it is as if you have forgotten the past. Devi,

    I just live like this, sister, what should I do, I don’t get much time, along with the family, I have the responsibility of the family business, I can’t leave the business, I have to take care of that too, but it was just some time ago.

    Saroj and Akash were sitting silently thinking how to fix everything in the future when tomorrow Shivani would ask them why they had helped her in such a serious accident of her father. Why didn’t I inform you then what will I answer

    ? Mother Shivani loved her father so much, after all she didn’t even get the opportunity to see her father for the last time. How will I handle her? Mother, poor

    Roop, for the sake of taking care of my sister, she is like a father to her father-in-law. I could not even have the last darshan at home. All the relatives in the family were asking where the daughter-in-law was. I don’t know

    What answer one should give in this situation. Mother , I don’t know whether I have done right or wrong by not telling both of them. I don’t know mother . Will both of them forgive me tomorrow or not? I will be blamed all this life. Roop is my wife. She understands my problem.

    I came to her in advance to tell her that Papa has met with a big accident. His condition is critical but I told her about the news of his death. Saying this, Akash placed his head in his mother’s lap and started crying like a child. Saroj ji was feeling

    Very sad due to her son’s questions. She was sleeping. I don’t know how Sade Sati has fallen on us . Everything happened in no time. It was over. Saroj was wondering how she would really explain to her daughter that we had hidden everything from her for her welfare.

    On the other hand, Shivani’s mind was getting disturbed in Australia. She asked Roop Bhabhi for her mobile for a while. Bori Doctor has asked Didi to stay away from your mobile , so I cannot give you your mobile.

    As soon as Roop saw Shivani’s sad face, he felt pity that Didi has really been lying on the bed for so many days, watching TV. Roop keeps coming and going somewhere, showing a little love to Shivani, she gave her mobile and also instructed, Didi,

    Please don’t leave it running for too long, I will do some work and come back, but after some time, you yourself switch it off and keep it aside, saying this, Roop will do the work . As Shivani switched on her mobile, she started hearing

    Lots of messages and screaming sounds from her close childhood friend Riddhima. Roop and Rishi left their work and immediately ran towards Shivani’s room. Shivani received the message sent by her friend. In all the messages that were read, Riddhima had written in the first message, ”

    I haven’t talked to you for a long time because I was very busy, so I couldn’t call you, Shivani, I’m sorry, Shivani, how are you.” In the second message, Shivani, I wrote, “Yours.” Papa has met with a big accident. Today mom

    Told me. Shivani, please come back to India in the third message. Your dad’s health is very bad. Mom told me that he met with a big accident. His condition is serious. Fourth message. Riddhima had written for Shivani, perhaps you

    Are angry with me, that is why you have not replied to any of my messages yet, but there is a sad news, Shivani, your father is no more in this world and if you want to have the last glimpse, then

    Come to India as soon as possible. Go, I myself am pregnant, so I cannot attend your father’s funeral. Currently, I am at my in-laws’ house. I spoke to my mother on the phone. When I came to know about your father, I

    Felt very sad for you . What would it be like to lose your father? Yes, I had taken Bhagat in my childhood. You know that my father passed away in my childhood, so I understand this sorrow very well. Please Shivani, you come back soon otherwise you

    Will not be able to have the last darshan of your father . Shivani said when When she read the last message, she started crying and screaming and fell unconscious on her bed. The third component of the attack

    Proved fatal for her. As soon as Roop and Rishi reached her room, they saw Shivani lying unconscious. Foam was coming out of Shivani’s mouth. The mobile had fallen down due to Rishi’s feather hitting it and the mobile had gone under the bed and seeing Shivani’s condition, both of them

    Started picking her up but due to fear her body had become stiff and both of them could not understand how to pick up Shivani. Rishi checked and found that his mother-in-law was walking. He immediately called the ambulance. When the ambulance arrived,

    He was taken to the hospital. After the checkup, the doctor asked, ” How come such a deadly thing happened so suddenly?” Has any incident happened in the house? Has Roop and Rishi got some time? Both of them were not able to understand , were they looking at each other because both of them

    Had asked Shivani to sleep on the bed but suddenly she had such a big seizure, both of them were not able to understand anything but when When Roop was sitting alone on the bench, she was wondering what happened in 10 minutes that her sister had such a massive attack. Roop

    Had no idea what was happening with her family in India and Roopa was not aware of what was happening. She was completely unaware. She had no idea that her father-in-law had now left this world. Akash and Saroj ji were facing

    So much stress and loneliness at this time. Roop’s family was completely shattered. Poor Roop, she was suffering from all this. She was unaware of the incident. At this time she was not able to understand anything. Tears were flowing from her eyes . What did the poor girl know?

    Basni had accidentally come to know about her friend Riddhima ‘s secret. Shivani had come to know about her father’s accident and his subsequent death through messages. Shivani could not bear this shock and it had such a deep impact on her mind that

    She suffered a quadriplegia due to which her body became stiff. Shivani’s condition was very severe. She was serious. Even Rishi could not understand what happened that Shivani’s condition became so bad. Roop was sitting on the bench. Rishi was pacing here and there again and again. He

    Was feeling very restless. His BP was in panic. He was feeling down. When Roop saw him drenched in sweat, he asked him to sit and gave him a glass of water to drink. Madam who was sitting on Deception said that it seems his blood pressure has gone down.

    She asked him to check his blood pressure. When asked for the same, on checking it was found that the blood pressure had reduced, then madam said, make him a cup of coffee and make him drink it, he will feel better. Many times people get nervous after seeing the bad condition

    Of the patient . Drinking coffee will make them feel better. She quickly brought a cup of coffee from the canteen and gave it to brother-in-law to drink and said Brother-in-law, don’t lose courage, we both have to take care of Didi. If you lose courage, I

    Can’t handle anything here alone. Please drink enough and sit quietly for a while, so everything will be fine. Then the doctor came out and said, Mr. Rishi. There is a bad news, your wife has gone into a coma, right now I can’t say anything about her, I have done some tests,

    I will keep updating you after the report comes, the doctor said, I don’t understand what happened to her suddenly. Yesterday she had gone right from here, after all what happened in one day, her mind was so badly affected that she

    Got into such a condition. As soon as Rishi heard this, he remained sitting on the bench and it was as if the doctor had frozen to the ground. Couldn’t even talk, would sit there quietly listening to her,

    Didn’t give any answer to the doctor. Hearing this, Roop was also surprised as to what happened, what caused Didi’s stress, she became in such a condition that both of them were worried about her condition. What happened after all? Seeing Rishi’s condition, the doctor gave him some encouragement and

    Said, Mr. Rishi, don’t be so worried, I agree that the situation is worrying, but sometimes the patient regains consciousness quickly and the patient becomes healthy. It could be Shivani’s case. Gradually he started regaining consciousness, after that we can do the operation, after the rest of the report, I

    Will tell you everything. Saying this the doctor went away. In the village, Hari had married a girl in the temple without informing him. There was a commotion in the entire village that Janardan ji’s younger brother’s son got married to a girl in the temple.

    Shyam Babu had not even emerged after the incident with Roop’s family when he got a call from the elder brother from the village. Janardan ji said, Hey brother, you were right, your son is really worthless, he is spoiled, he is ill-

    Mannered, I did not know that he has so much intelligence. Shyam Babu got scared and said, Hey brother, first of all, tell me what happened, why are you getting so worried about this? What has he done to the devotee, Jinar Dhan ji, tell me

    Brother, don’t ask me, what hasn’t this ill-mannered boy done to the worst woman in our village and has gone to the temple and married the ill-mannered girl, he has ruined my life in the entire village. Now please tell me, what should I do with this girl, neither

    Is he keeping me at home nor is being able to go out, what should I do, I have become very sad due to his actions. Brother, you Bill was absolutely right in saying that this boy is worthless. Stray and Kamchudamani That’s why I am sending Hari and his wife back to you.

    We will stay with you in the city. Forgive me. I could not handle your son. Shyam Babu, after talking to his brother, put down the phone and started beating his head. It seemed as if this boy was born in my house in human time . Shyam Babu said, God, it would be better

    If he had given me another daughter, at least after sending her off, he could have lived with respect in the society later. Saraswati Devi said, why are you saying this? Yes, this is our own son and we have to take care of him , so we cannot always

    Leave our children in the trust of others, the child gets spoiled, I don’t know, I feel that the brother-in- law has done everything deliberately, this is all his trick, Shyam Babu said angrily. So blame my brother, I mean, your son is worthless, make him

    Unemployed, I don’t know who has left this lazy person without even being able to speak, I have thought many times, Saraswati, which parents have ruined their daughter’s life for this worthless person. Saraswati said, look, now whatever has happened has happened, now it cannot be changed but

    It can be groomed. If you wish, you get the marriage of both of them solemnized together and accept her as the daughter-in-law of your house, some close relatives. We will call him and after a simple marriage, we will get the daughter-in-law entered into the house,

    At least our respect will be saved, otherwise everyone will spit on us. Shyam Babu got agitated and said angrily, what do you think about me and elder brother in the whole village? ji’s insult What is that work? All the villagers

    Are laughing at us. Sir Saraswati, do you still think that there is something left? Shyam Babu, speak Saraswati, listen with open ears. If you push that worthless boy inside the house, then I will leave this house and go away. I will go again, I will stay

    With my son and daughter-in-law. Shyam Babu said angrily and went out of the house. Saraswati was wondering how to get rid of herself in this trouble. What should she find such a solution that even the snake dies and even the stick does not break. Saraswati started. She was forgiving the mistakes

    Of her sons right from the beginning. It was not a big deal for her. Apart from this , she ignored even big scandals of her sons and forgave them. Saraswati had hidden so many mistakes in her lap . Hari’s heart was beating very fast, wondering what

    Help to seek and how to get rid of this family problem. The first thing he called Rajesh was to tell him that Hari had married a girl from the village for love, that is why his uncle sent him home. And now he is coming to us in the city

    But Rajesh son my problem is that your father has refused to let him come inside the house. If Hari and his wife enter the house then your father will be there forever. Saraswati started crying on the phone after saying

    That she will leave the house and go somewhere . Rajesh said, “Mummy, don’t worry, I will come to you right away.” Rajesh told the whole thing to his mother and Neelu too. Sushila Devi was shocked to hear this. How did Sushil ji get married so early? She started wondering

    Who gave her a girl to such a spoiled and unemployed boy and which girl did he get married to? What kind of idiots are the parents who gave their daughter to such a vagabond boy. Something was visible in the lentils. It was visible yesterday but

    They did not feel right to say anything at this time. When Rajesh and Neel reached home in the evening, they were surprised to see that Hari was sitting outside the house with his newlywed bride and people around

    Them surrounded them. We were standing there and someone was saying, “Hey, when did you get married? Have you both run away and got married?” An elderly woman said, “Oh Hari, you have cut your own nose. Who runs away and gets married like this? Your father is a very respectable and good man.”

    If you had told him once, he would have got you two married himself , but everyone was treating the new daughter-in-law well and giving sympathy. This poor girl is trapped in the clutches of this evil person. It seems that this boy is from a good family.

    He has seduced the girl and brought her with himself , but everyone was looking at the mangalsutra around the girl’s neck and the anklets on her feet. Everyone said no, Amma, he has brought her in marriage, but after seeing the daughter-in-law sitting face down, everyone was saying,

    Poor girl, such a simple girl. Neel and Rajesh were continuously knocking on the door of the house. Rajesh knocked the door of the house with great difficulty and got it opened. Shyam Babu came out and after seeing Rajesh, Neelu and Rajesh calmed down a bit. Rajesh both went inside the house. Rajesh

    Explained a lot to his father-in-law but he was not ready to listen even at this time . Neelu did not want to forgive Hari’s mistake. Neelu saw that the crowd outside the house was increasing and Papa He couldn’t explain it at this time nor was he able to understand anything,

    So Neelu said to Rajesh, let’s do this, now let’s take both of them to our home. When Papa’s anger subsides, we will sit and talk comfortably. Otherwise, the people gathered outside will keep harassing you by making up such things.

    Shyam Babu Bhole, if you want to take Hari and his wife to your responsibility, then take them, but if something bad happens to Kar, then don’t blame me, I am both of you. I am still refusing to leave him in his condition. Shyam Babu

    Said, Neelu son , leave this worthless boy to himself. When this boy can marry without our consent, he can also take care of his family. After all, this worthless person must have married after thinking something. Now let him also know the value of the flour. Neelu said, Papa ji, I believe that

    Hari has made a mistake by getting married without asking, both of them should have grown up and got married, but this whole incident is not the fault of this girl. I can’t leave this girl on the road like this. The poor girl has been sitting outside the house for a long time

    . Only Shyam Babu knew the truth about the girl whom Hari had married and brought with him. He was not able to tell the truth to anyone. And she was not even allowing her daughter, son and daughter-in-law to come to her house. In her mind, Ma Babu

    Was feeling very embarrassed. The new daughter-in-law, Rani, was using all the skills taught by her mother very well. At this time, she was becoming such a helpless and poor woman. While she was sitting, not even a single word came out of her mouth against Hari and her family,

    Neither did she blame Hari nor the family, she sat bowed down and kept crying, she just pretended to cry in front of everyone and kept shedding tears. She had gathered his sympathy within a day . She was feeling very happy in her heart that her mother

    Was really a very clever player. Everything was going according to the plan. On the other hand, in the village, her mother had entangled her uncle in her love web. And here the daughter had captivated her brother’s son Hari in her love trap. Hearing father’s words, Neelu also

    Got lost in thoughts as to whether father was saying the right thing. Rajesh said, Hey Neelu, what are you thinking of these people so soon? Keep the luggage in the car and make them sit in the car. After two-four days, Papa ji’s anger will calm down, then I myself

    Will come to drop them, but Papa ji is speaking. Neelu said. Rajesh interrupted Neelu and said, Papa said in anger. And you don’t take his words so seriously, put your luggage quickly, then he asked Hari to sit in the car. Hari did not want to go to

    His sister ‘s house, but what could he do, it was a compulsion, neither money was nearby nor was there anywhere to stay. There was a place to eat, after all, I had got married without informing him, but now I needed household goods and money to fulfill it, so Hari thought, why not

    Pass some time like this, till then I will make some arrangements, otherwise I will fall at the feet of my father. After reading, I will apologize to him. Seeing Hari lost in thought, Rajesh asked, ‘If you don’t want to go, then tell me. Hari kept his wife and his clothes

    In the car and looked towards the house. He sat in the car and went with his brother-in-law . Saraswati Devi sitting inside was watching her son and daughter-in-law going from the window . Tears were flowing from her eyes but somewhere now she was relieved that her son who

    Was going to a less safe place for work, if today Neelu did not take him with her. Saraswati was thanking God. God has given me a priceless diamond in the form of Neelu. My daughter helps me in every bad time. Rajesh told the house. After reaching there , I told

    The whole situation to my mother. Mother said, ‘No problem, I will open Kusum’s room. These two will stay there for a few days. When you understand that her anger will subside, then you should drop them home. Sushila Devi told her daughter-in-law to When the daughter-in-law asked her name,

    Mother said in a low voice, my name is Chanchal. Sushila Devi asked who is Chanchal in your family. She said in a sad tone, Papa passed away in childhood . Just a boy, he has only one mind and I have the same parents. Sushil ji asked how educated

    You are. Chanchal replied, “Mata ji, there was shortage of money after my father’s death. I was unable to get two meals a day. I had the opportunity to study.” Not only did I not get it, my mother managed to earn food and living

    Arrangements by working at home, there was no money for education, but still my mother taught me till eighth standard in a government school. My father also worked as a laborer in agriculture. They used to do the same thing and my mother also does the same. Rajesh said, Oh mind, right now these

    People are here, all the questions and answers should be asked tomorrow. Anyway, poor girl, I don’t know for how long. She was sitting outside the house. It seems that these people have not eaten or drunk anything. Vimala had seen the guests of the house

    And had made all the preparations for the meal. Sushila Devi was always impressed by this wisdom of Vimala. Even if a guest comes, she would guess after the guest’s arrival and whether she has to cook food or not. Sushila Devi was very happy with this statement of Vimala. Vimal was really very intelligent.

    When Chanchal woke up in the morning and inspected the entire house, she saw that She was surprised to see such a big, beautiful house, so many rooms in the house along with an attached bathroom, such a

    Beautiful garden outside the courtyard, a swing in the garden, seeing all this she made up her mind that she would never go to her in-laws, by any means she would become Neelu didi’s favorite. After all, only a mad person would

    Leave so many luxuries and go to Chanchal’s in-laws’ house. I had seen it from outside and had guessed that the house looked small. I don’t know what it would be like from inside . Government quarters are like this from above. Chanchal was thinking in her mind that it is called a house,

    If it is not a house then it is a bungalow. After all, God listened to me and gave me a chance to live in such a nice and big house. Now I just have to win the heart of Neelu didi like this, Chanchal. She was behaving very sweet and gentle with everyone.

    No one was able to catch her cleverness except Vimla’s. But Vimla was playful and she quickly became familiar with her behavior. She realized that if she stayed here, she would lose her from this house . Chanchal felt as if her luck had opened up that with her five fingers in ghee

    And her head in the embroidery , she had found such happiness and comfort here. She used to go very early to show off and would greet everyone with great respect and Neelu’s entire family would Sometimes she would try to do the work herself. Sometimes she would start pressing Neelu’s feet.

    At this time, you need rest. Sometimes she would fill water and put it on Neelu’s head. Sister, don’t get up, we will do all the work. Sometimes she would take off Neelu’s clothes from the ceiling and decide properly.

    Vimala would have come to give it to him after putting it on. She had understood from her expression that Vimala had handled this whole matter with great understanding. Vimal said the same to Chanchal, no, you are also my mistress,

    Why would you do that and kept me for all the household work. I am a maid in the house, playful daughter-in-law, you are the mistress, daughter-in-law, queen, you just rest, now you are newly married, Saj Savarkar, who should go out and about with her husband,

    I am there for the household work, but you are yours. Tell me all the work. For me, you are also like the mistress of the house. No one likes to be praised and tolerated.

    Chanchal also got a little proud. She was feeling happy in her mind. I wish I could stay here with my sister. Okay. It happened that father-in-law did not keep Chanchal in the house. Chanchal’s good behavior had won everyone’s heart. Rajesh and Neel were very happy with her good behavior. Today both of them

    Were going to talk to father to keep both of them in the house. Rajesh I explained to my father-in-law, look Papa ji, if he stays with us then I have no objection in that, but tomorrow your relatives and people around

    You will start talking, just think that you have unknowingly got such a polite daughter-in-law, I and her family members too. I don’t know but I am very impressed with Chanchal. She talks so lovingly in good and civilized words. I often wonder where Hari got such a diamond from. Mom, do you know that

    She is very smart in household work also and Neelu ‘s Papa ji, she is engaged in service like a younger sister. My advice to you is that you should get both of them married by doing a fair ceremony in front of the fire with proper rituals in the presence of some Rush Daro.

    If they will live together without getting married, then I understand that people will talk about 10 types of things in the temple. In whose presence each of the two departments was done. I asked, even the Pandit ji was not there, just taking God as witness, these people

    Wore each other and accepted each other as their life partner. Look. Papa ji, tomorrow Chal’s family may also blame us that if our son abducted their daughter then we will have to pay for it. Even in the village, there is no witness to their marriage. Papa ji, you try to understand the matter.

    Be careful now , it will be good for everyone, then there was a knock on the door. Someone was knocking loudly on the door continuously and there was a loud noise from outside. There was a sound of someone screaming, a

    Woman standing outside was saying loudly that if their son has lured my daughter away then he has brought it with him. As Shyam Babu opened the door, the police was standing in front, seeing the police. Shyam Babu was really shocked. Shyam Babu got upset after seeing the police

    And when he turned around, he saw Rajesh standing behind him. Rajesh said, Papa, you sit inside, I will talk to you and you don’t get scared like this. Rajesh, as soon as he came out, he saw Police Inspector Rajesh standing outside. Seeing Rajesh, his friend hugged him and

    Said, “Hey friend, what are you doing here?” Inspector said, “Friend, your son has grown so much that he married a girl and brought her home.” Rajesh said, “Take your friend inside and that woman is the same constable.” Rajesh went inside and told everything to his friend

    And told that he did not drive the girl away and brought her to the temple. Both of them got married with mutual consent and both are living happily in my house since last week. Mother is sitting outside, is she lying? Is it true friend,

    I don’t know either, but if you want then come to my house and see that the girl is living with the boy as per her wish . Inspector said Rajesh, all that is fine

    But perhaps you Don’t notice that the girl is not 18 years old and this is a legal offense in a way, Rajesh said, but now we ourselves are getting them married

    So that they get social recognition and both can have a good life with each other from a social and legal point of view. Rajesh said, “Dude, that girl looks older, she doesn’t look 18 years old anywhere else, I will go to the village and find out

    What is the matter.” Inspector said, look Rajesh, if this is a family matter then I can give you some relaxation. Well, you guys sit together and talk to each other again and again, if you understand the girl’s mother and get them married then I have

    No objection, I will only complete the legal proceedings which is my job, but if without the police. If the whole matter is resolved, then it is very good. You first resolve this matter by talking to each other with mutual consent. I will leave now

    . If you need me, please let me know. Inspector laughingly said Rajesh, I have more important work than this anyway. If you solve the matter , I will be very happy. After the inspector left, Shyam Babu took a sigh of relief and thanked Rajesh

    And said, Thank God son that this Inspector was known to you, otherwise I don’t know what would have happened to Shyam Babu, he found a woman. They brought the woman inside. She was young and beautiful in appearance. She was a widow from nowhere. She did not look new. Saraswati Devi

    Gave her water to drink and sat there and started talking. Rajesh said, Mother, your daughter has got married. I have taken it and we also agree with the same thing and want to call our close relatives and get them married in everyone’s presence

    So that both of them can become each other’s life partners socially and legally. The woman said to him, “What do I know about you ?” Will this useless son be able to feed my daughter two meals a day tomorrow or not?

    Right now he himself is dying of hunger and has neither a home nor a place to stay. It is your son who is worth two pounds and who has chased away my daughter and brought her with him. My poor daughter is still young. Rajesh

    Asked mother, what do you want, how can we make you believe that your daughter will be happy in our family, Rajesh, a little. He said in anger that he will not die of hunger. The woman said that if you

    Transfer the village land in the name of my daughter, then I will not file any police complaint nor will I take any action against your son. Hearing this, Shyam Babu and Saraswati was surprised. Both the husband and wife were looking at her together. Rajesh,

    After listening to them, started thinking that the girl neither has a father nor a brother nor any relative, perhaps that is why the girl is getting worried and worried about her daughter’s future. She is making such a demand because of Rajesh. Rajesh said, Mother, I

    Can understand your concern, but the land of the village belongs to both the brothers, in such a situation, we cannot give all the land to one brother and do injustice to the other brother. Chanchal’s mother said all that. I don’t know, I want land in my daughter’s name

    So that tomorrow she can eat two meals a day and not have to work as a hungry laborer like me. I have suffered a lot in my life. I don’t want my daughter to remain unhappy like me.

    Shyam Babu started sleeping. With great difficulty , he had taken money from Neelu and got rid of the mortgaged land. First, my elder brother wanted to grab my land. With great difficulty, I got rid of him. With the help of Neelu, the land became my own. Then trouble came home uninvited. Now

    Even the money was not returned to Neelu. And this problem has engulfed Shyam Babu, who was sleeping, what to do if the land is named after his daughter, then it will be injustice to the younger son, what to do, he was

    Afraid of this and the second worry was how to trust that in the future, his son would be Shyam Babu, he himself was not able to understand what decision to take and Rajesh was also engrossed in thoughts, then Saraswati said, Sister, this is injustice to your

    Son. You are doing injustice to my second son by worrying about my daughter’s future and you are not thinking about our family right now, you are only thinking about your daughter. Chanchal’s mother said, Sister, tell me one thing,

    Are you thinking about your daughter? She would get married to an unemployed boy who is not even educated and drives her as a stray all day long. Would you like such a son-in-law? Sister, don’t make me open my mouth.

    I know all the exploits of your son after hearing this. Saraswati who will remain silent, Sham Babu had understood what Chanchal’s mother was saying and Rajesh had also understood to some extent. Shyam Babu and Rajesh came out and started talking. Shyam Babu said, Rajesh, what do you say, what should I do, I

    Am trapped from both the sides. Rajesh said, ‘But Papa ji, we will have to find a solution. This woman is not going to leave us like this. Shyam Babu called his brother and asked what should he do, how should he free himself from this problem.

    Janardan ji said. Look brother , the girl’s mother is right, the girl is just 17 years old and how could her mother do this, the whole family will be troubled for the rest of her life and later the matter will have to be resolved by taking something, and

    On top of that, Hari ‘s name will always be there in the police report. Brother, keep fighting the case all your life, Janardan ji, tell me brother, the rest is your choice, consult Rajesh Babu also, you listen to him a lot today, these days you listen to a lot more,

    Saying Ram-Ram , Rajesh hung up the phone. Said Papa, instead of spending money in litigation all my life, it is better that we will buy some other land from this page and give it to Kishan and by naming the village land in the name of Hari and Chanchal, we will

    Settle the matter here and Papa’s land will remain with the son. Or the daughter- in-law has both of them as your own, Chanchal’s mother’s illusion will be dispelled and Chanchal’s future will seem secure to her because it is true that half of a person’s life

    Is spent in fighting the case. Many times, by the time the decision comes, he is no longer a person. Don’t worry about whom, the farmer is very worthy, he himself did everything for himself. Ultimately, Saraswati and Shyam Babu,

    After considering every aspect, transferred the village land in the name of Chanchal and Hari and the marriage of Hari and Chanchal was arranged by Vidit Karvarkar of Chanchal. The planet got entered with the consent of Chanchal and Hari’s parents. Both of them were very happy with their marriage

    Because all this was successful with the connivance of the trickster Tau ji and Chanchal’s mother because Tau ji explained it to Hari very well. You have got so much debt on your head, that much This is not going to come off easily, you will have to arrange a huge amount from somewhere. Hari

    Said, Tao ji, show me this to you, tell me some such solution. Should asafoetida be used or alum, the color should also be sharp , Tao ji said, Hari, see, your father will not give me property like this. You will have to make some efforts

    But there is a way if you marry Chanchal and then if Chanchal keeps her word by threatening me with a case then the matter can be resolved because there is still some time left for Chanchal to turn 18 but here It is not about your father, Chanchal is still

    A minor and there is punishment for the crime of marrying a minor and to save you from punishment, your father will easily transfer his property in your name . Your father may not be afraid of punishment without you.

    Honor is a very big thing, he will not allow himself to be insulted, after that give it to me, I will forgive all your debt, no one will know about your debt, it will not be there, the flute will not play , your father will never know about your debt. And I

    Too will never tell you, I promise you, son, whether the land remains with me or with you, son, we both are one and the same, and in this way , following your wish, but poor Shyam Babu was unaware of all these things and Hari was with his uncle.

    But he was completely in his favor, his words had a deep impact on him because Tau ji used to support him in every bad deed, but Tau ji greatly exaggerated him and supported him in everything, he told his son and daughter-in-law with true heart. Shyam Babu had forgiven

    Hari’s mistake and said that perhaps Hari has now understood his responsibilities after marriage and will start living properly in the family. Shyam Babu will leave all the bad habits and become a good person. He was put to work in a shop.

    Malik was also good and used to pay the money on time. Hari also started the work properly and he started keeping his wife Chanchal very happy. Chanchal still keeps Neelu’s house . She had not forgotten that Bimla used to serve her all day long and did not allow her to do any work

    But after coming here, she had to help Saraswati in doing all the household work like sweeping, mopping the utensils, washing utensils and doing small household chores. While doing this, Chanchal was feeling bored. She was enjoying living in Neelu’s house

    . Remembering her house, she used to say many times to mom, ji, didi’s house is more beautiful and Vimla was hired to do the work. Hey Mummy, ca n’t we hire someone to do the household work? Saraswati said, Bahu Rani,

    Both my daughter and son-in-law go to work, so I have hired Vimla for the household work. Bahu Rani, I have been hired for some time now. Before this, Neelu used to do all the household work herself. She has also helped her sister-in-law in the household work for many years and

    Has also done jobs. Saraswati said because Neelu is pregnant again and the doctor has advised her to take rest. Have advised Suman at home, she has become intelligent and now she is not able to do the household work. To help her, she has kept Vimal at home.

    Our house is also small and the family is also small, so together we do our household work ourselves. Let’s do it, now you tell me, both of us don’t even go out to work, we both stay at home, so we can do the household work, and

    After your father and Hari leave, we both remain idle the whole day. Saraswati said Chanchal, if you feel like learning sewing and embroidery, then in my free time I can teach both of you both the works. Hearing such words from mother- in-law , Chanchal became silent

    But gradually she had made up her mind that they should separate. She had told Hari many times that she wants to live separately, but Hari refused her every time saying that we cannot bear our expenses alone, we live quietly with mom and dad,

    Now dad bears the expenses of both of us. I don’t have enough income right now to buy a separate house for you. Saraswati was slowly watching the changing appearance of her daughter- in-law. Day by day, Chanchal’s appearance was changing and her body and face were changing.

    Now Chanchal’s reality was coming to the fore. Slowly, Saraswati was getting exposed in front of Saraswati . While staying in the house the whole day, Saraswati was feeling that Chanchal talks to Hari very rudely. As soon as she comes out of the room, the style of conversation

    Changes, especially When Neelu and Rajesh come to the house, she behaves very politely and talks like a civilized lady. It seems that marriage is a very simple process. Neelu and Rajesh are innocent girls. Neelu and Rajesh often did not do anything except when told by their mother. They always used to praise Chanchal.

    Today in the neighborhood also, Chanchal had won everyone’s heart by behaving well with everyone. No one knew the reality of Chanchal. On the other hand, Akash was still not able to control himself after losing his father. The innocent child always loved his father.

    He had spent his entire life close to him , so why to give up his father suddenly was such a blow that only time could heal. Saroj ji was a very intelligent woman, she understood why

    Her son was not as strong at heart as he was intelligent. He has a very soft heart and was unable to control his own emotions. Rishi had sent everyone’s tickets and invited them to come to him and Saroj ji also

    Performed all the religious and social duties of her husband. After doing this, I called Neel and Rajesh to my house and asked for their advice as to what I can do to clear my debt from both my shop and my house because now I am going to my daughter forever.

    Hearing this, Neel was very sad. Sad that her sister will now go away forever, Roop was her very loving and obedient sister. Roop used to do all the work after asking her sister and she was also a companion in Neela’s sorrows and happiness, even if

    She came and read more. It was not written but the mother and her feelings were true and good . She reached out to everyone within minutes to help them. She always felt happy and satisfied. Rajesh suggested Saroj ji to pay off the debt by selling her shop and

    Let her stay at home. Keep the things locked in one room, Rajesh said, rest I will let you rent, this will keep some income coming and how will you keep joining, the house is always useful for the children, do you know which child

    Should come and work here? If you want, then at least it should have the symbol of his grandfather. Rajesh said , Uncle ji had got it built with great heart, so aunty ji, don’t save the house, you will get good money from the shop too , then all the debt for house

    Maintenance and rent will be paid off. We will take care of the tenant, Neelu said, Aunty ji, I am very sad about my sister’s departure, but believe me, I also want Shivani to get well as soon as possible.

    A sick person starts feeling healthy even after living among his loved ones. Do you know? If Vani gets well again with love, affection and care, then she comes out of her mind . People sometimes come out of the community and after a few years,

    They live a life like a healthy person. Saroj said, Neelu, I wish your words come true and mine. Now that my daughter gets well, I am worried about her day and night. Saroj and Akash also found Rajesh’s suggestion correct. They sold their

    Shop to father’s friend Prabhu Dayal ji. After paying off all the debt, he took the remaining money with himself. Laker and both the mother and son and their children agreed to go to Australia for the time being. Rishi had no shortage of money but was very short of his own people.

    Among his own people, only Shivani and Shivani’s family were there. Rishi now lived with everyone. I was wishing for Shivani’s recovery. Maybe after seeing her family, Shivani will feel better and gradually get well. After all, there is

    A lot of power in the love and blessings of loved ones . They say that prayers have more power than medicine. He got the visa after some time and both the children were very young and did not want to go but because their mother was living there,

    In the joy of meeting their mother, both of them agreed to go and after meeting their maternal grandparents, Rajesh Neelu both of them took them to the airport Seeing the condition of Neelu, Saroj ji had refused to go with her, but Neelu was not agreeing because both

    The children had been with Neelu for a long time. To both the children, Neela aunty felt like their mother. When both of them started crying while hugging , Neelu explained, “Now you are going to your mother. Why are you crying now? You will feel good after meeting

    Your mother. ” I will keep both of you close to me. Both children said very innocently, No aunty, you also love us very much, but now we want to go to mom. Neelu had returned after leaving her sister’s family at the airport. She was sleeping. How is everything? Things are changing: First Devi

    Went away from the city to Hyderabad, Roop Rakesh Akash also moved to Australia. Neelu was feeling very lonely because till date all three sisters were living together in the same city but gradually with time they got separated from each other. Now only Neelu was left alone with her family,

    Then Kishan came into her room and asked Didi, Akash, brother-in-law, will this work? Neelu said yes, Kishan, he has gone with his family, now I don’t know when Kishan will come. Said Didi, you are right, first Devi Didi left the city, now Rupa Didi

    Has also left, she said angrily, Please Didi, stay with me always, I am not going to leave you and go anywhere, Didi, we both will stay together. Neel laughingly asked and Will I stay with me even when you get married

    ? He said with great enthusiasm, Yes sister, I will stay with you even after marriage. Neelu started laughing that Kishan had brought milk for Neelu and said sister, you drink the milk and rest. If you have any work, please let me know . San used to take great care of his sister,

    Along with her studies, she also helped a lot in the seventh house . Kishan had taken all the outside work in his hands, whether it was bringing milk or vegetables. Whatever goods he wanted to bring, he would immediately pick up his bicycle and bring the goods immediately.

    As soon as he had established relations with Vimala, Krishna’s elder sister, he considered her daughter as his niece and would take her to school on his bicycle and back. Used to bring back the time and also helped her in studies. Everyone was sitting comfortably and having breakfast. Suddenly Vimla

    ‘s daughter fell down the stairs. Suddenly this happened, Neelu’s heart got scared. She felt a strange feeling within herself. Rajeshwar Kishan Vimla’s daughter was badly injured due to the fall. Rajesh tried to make her stand by reading her hands but she was unable to stand. Her leg got twisted and she

    Fell while the boy was coming. Rajesh While handling her, she said, “It seems like there is a fracture in his leg, we will have to take him to the doctor.” Farmer and Rajesh started taking him to the doctor,

    Then Neelu said, “Mummy, I feel something strange, there is a lot of time left for my delivery,” Sushila Devi said. Seeing Neelu, Rajesh quickly took Neelu to the hospital. Rajesh first made Vimla’s daughter sit with Krishna and asked mom and Neelu to sit from behind and immediately reached the hospital and immediately admitted

    Neela to the emergency. Went to mother to meet Rajesh Vimala who picked up the daughter in his lap and took her to another doctor. The doctor told that the bone is broken and he will read it in plaster. Neha sat down and went

    To Rajesh and Neelu for some time. The doctor told that Many times children do not remain nine months old in the womb of the mind. Some children are born prematurely. Neelu was also in the same situation. The doctor said that we are trying to make everything normal.

    Both Rajesh and Sushila Devi were getting worried. Why is the child being born prematurely? We took care of everything. Sushila Devi said no. Rajesh, we were taking care of her food and drink but were not understanding her state of mind. Neelu was very stressed while coming to

    Roop’s place. was my She was always worried about her sisters and now after seeing so many sorrows in her sister’s life, somewhere she was worried, on top of that, Hari’s marriage and Chanchal’s mother troubling the whole family

    , the surprise that was to be given by Hari’s marriage. Seeing that it took a lot of time for her to handle this thing, Neela has seen a lot of ups and downs during this time and has supported her father all the time,

    I think once for all that Rajesh Neel blesses Utsav, may God bless him too, Sushil. Yes, she said, this is the right thing, Rajesh, we were taking care of him but we could not keep him away from the problems that were coming in his life because he

    Was giving birth to a pre-mature child. Both of them were sitting outside and talking, then the doctor said. He came and told that Neela, who has given birth to a son, is very courageous, even in such a bad condition, she controlled herself and supported us with courage and it was

    Only because of her courage that we were able to have a normal delivery. The doctor said, Mother, you are The daughter-in-law is very patient. After some time, you guys can go and meet the children because the child is weak and the children who are born before time

    Have to stay under the care of the doctor for a few days . Sushila Devi, after hearing the news of the second granddaughter, She was looking very happy but Rajesh was not looking happy because he had dreamed of having a daughter somewhere and he was not happy with the arrival of

    A son because now his family would be complete with the arrival of the daughter. What was now left incomplete, Kishan came to his brother-in-law to call him and told him that Gudiya’s leg has been plastered. The doctor is calling you now. Sushila Devi said smilingly, Son,

    You have become an uncle again, your nephew. Your sister has come. She gave birth to a son. Rajesh went to meet his sister with great joy. She went to the doctor . Gudiya’s leg was plastered. He was placed on a wheelchair and sat near Sushil ji. He

    Went to Neela. Neela was lying on the bed. Naz said, it should be done after some time, don’t worry, after giving birth to a child, a woman takes second birth, only then she gets the privilege of becoming a mother. Rajesh asked if I can see the children, then

    Naz said yes of course. Beyond this room, camera number 10 is built in the children’s nursery wide. After going there, you can see Rajesh outside the room . He moved towards room number 10. When he went inside the room, he saw many children sleeping in a glass box and

    Some machines. There were instruments around her box and there was a nurse sitting there. When I asked her about her children, she told that it is your child in the box in front, it is a premature baby, so it will be kept in ICU for a few days. Will

    He become normal and healthy soon? Rajesh asked madam, is the baby healthy? Naz said, look, because he was born prematurely, he should be kept inside this machine for a few days so that he will get well soon

    . Rajesh said a lot to the vein. Said thank you and that I was not aware of all these things. I thought that perhaps my child was in great danger, that is why you

    Kept him like this, otherwise as soon as the child is born, he feels good in the lap of the mind . Naz said for a few days. The thing is that after a few days you can take your children home. To avoid external diseases, we are making them strong.

    Due to premature birth, some marks are not completed, hence doctors keep them under their supervision. Sushila Devi She was sitting near Neelu. Neelu had regained consciousness. She gave tea and biscuits to Neelu and asked her to rest. She got

    The news of her son. Neelu was happy but she was not feeling good thinking about Rajesh because Rajesh was there all the time. Sushila Devi, who was praying for the birth of a daughter, did not return home and stayed with Neelu

    But asked Rajesh to come with some things and left the jaggery with his mother and went away from his office for a few days. Next morning Sushila Devi called everyone and told them the good news. Kusum got upset after hearing the good news. She thought that another share

    Had arrived. The news of Neelu’s second son made Kusum think a lot. And she had decided that she would take her share and build her own house. On the other hand, Neela saw her son for the first time, she

    Was feeling so much love, Rajesh said, he has fallen for you, look, his eyes are like yours, his complexion is so fair, he is your carbon . It is a copy, Neelu said, oh no, I haven’t seen, his nose is like yours. Raje said, then he must be a tantrum-thrower like me.

    Neelu said, if he is like you, then it will be fine, just he should not be polite like me. Hearing this, Rajesh started laughing and said, ok, go to your room. Let’s go, the children do not have permission to stay for long . Both were happy to see their son

    Because Neelu had seen her son for the first time after birth. After a few days , both mother and son returned home safely. Rajesh told everyone from the hospital. Sweetened the mouth and gave good wishes to everyone. When I reached home, I saw Kinna sitting outside the house

    Asking for congratulations. Babu has got a second son. Congratulations are in order and we will take this matter seriously, this time Sushila Devi. After performing the aarti of his grandson , son and daughter-in-law, applying tilak and showering flowers, he entered the house.

    After that, Neelu and the children were made to sit on chairs in the courtyard and Keenan started playing the song Saraswati Devi. Shyam Babu also entered the children ‘s house. All the people around had come to participate in the Pravesh ceremony,

    Blessed the children and gave them to Keenan again and again in some forms. Shyam Babu, who knows how many times, had sprinkled money on his grandson and given it to his grandson Sushila Devi. She also asked for clothes , food items and a mouth and sent them off with an omen. Neela had

    Taken three months leave from her office. Vimala was doing all the work very well, but due to a fracture in her daughter’s leg, she was also forced to leave. Neela had to pay attention. Neela asked her mother-in-law, “Mummy, if the work has increased,

    Let’s call Chanchal for a few days , she will help us.” Sushila Devi said no, Neela, let her stay there, the work here is done by me and Vimal both . We will take care of it because Sushila

    Had understood Devi’s playful attitude very well and she did not want that her daughter-in-law Neelu was a simple daughter-in-law and she would never be able to understand her sister-in-law’s tricks. Sushila ji was sleeping. God, is Neelu troubled ? Kusum was less to do, so

    He sent Chanchal Devi also to him. Sushila Devi was still sleeping, if only a good daughter-in-law had come to their house, it would have been good. Poor Shyam Babu and Saraswati both are of such good nature. And the daughter-in-law has got the entire Notan’s gift, now

    God bless her. Kusum also came from Mumbai to congratulate Neel and while blessing the children, she said that if it had been a girl , then at least all the three brothers would have got to tie Rakhi. She would have become a sister , what can we do now, now

    There are four brothers, I did not have a daughter in my destiny and you also do not have everything. Sela Devi said, Kusum, relationships are made with love and some relationships are made with selflessness out of closeness. Now look. We love Vimala’s daughter as well as our own daughter

    . She also ties Rakhi to Neelansh, so now she will also tie this Rakhi to Avinash and Anirudh. Your niece also ties it to Avinash and Anirudh . You are their sister, right? If they are maintained properly then the relationships tied in raw threads become solid,

    Hence apart from birth, good relationships are also formed through mutual interaction and cooperation. If you have affinity with someone, then he also gives you love and affection from his own side. Hearing this, Kusum became silent and started showing the things she had brought to Neelu. Neelu also

    Took all the things with equal respect and asked Kusum Bhabhi to keep them in her cupboard. As soon as Diya opened the cupboard, the whole cupboard was filled with expensive sarees. Seeing so many beautiful sarees in the cupboard, Kusum started getting irritated because

    A lot of money was being spent on the education of both her children and ever since the younger son had gone to the bungalow, the expenses had increased. Both the sons were pursuing their studies from different places. The expenses for their accommodation, food and transportation,

    College assignments and photo status had increased a lot. Many new expenses had started, but Kusum, it was not even that much. She was able to understand that Neela and Rajesh have been working since the beginning and they had children after many years and now the expenses of their children

    Are very less and Neela is also getting the benefit of living with her father-in-law if she If you live together in a family, then she also gets all the facilities and gets the support of the family in the expenses of children’s education

    , but some people think that they are more intelligent. Kusum was one of those people, then Vimala said to Kusum, ‘Sister-in-law. He has come outside to meet you. Kusum asked who has come, there must be some name. Vimala said, Bhabhi, I don’t know. I asked him to come inside,

    But he refused, your name is the accountant. He has asked to come out. Kusum got up after listening to Vimala. She started going out to see who has come who is calling me. When I opened the door a little, I immediately went out and

    Closed the door from outside because there was a property dealer standing in front who had come to see the house and estimate its price. Kusum. She had also told him to come when she herself would call him, but by coming without informing him, he had created trouble for Kusum. He

    Turned her away from outside saying that the day I would call him, he would come like this again and again. Don’t go around the house and had made up my mind that if you go around the house then you

    Will get suspicious. If anyone in the house comes to know about it, then I have been estimating the price of this house , then the house will go out of my hands even before I get it. The property dealer said, Madam , I have seen this house and

    I also have an idea of ​​its price. Madam, this house is in a prime location, so you will get a very good price from it. Just when you want to sell, please remember me and sell it to some other dealer. There is no need to put it in

    , I will get the whole deal done by myself. Kusum said, you go back right now. If anyone sees it, you will be in trouble. Kusum said, come when I call , don’t even look around the house before that. The property dealer was a very smart man. Ada had guessed from Kusum’s words

    That Banta and Sushila Devi’s sister wanted to sell the house without their permission but the property dealer had liked this house long ago but whenever Sambhavnath ji said in clear words that he did not want to sell this house. He had not built it for his children

    To live in, so he went back quietly but he had been waiting for this house to be sold for years. When Kusum came to his office and tried to know the price of this house, she It was said that after seeing it, he

    Told that the property dealer had been eyeing this house for a long time. The way the population is increasing in the city, there was a shortage of space in the city. There were big bungalows, beautiful big airy rooms and houses. Beautiful gardens inside were now closed

    Due to lack of space for people everywhere. It opened towards the odd side as if the house remained cool even in summers. Colors and colors could be applied easily because after having boundaries on all four sides, the house was located

    In the middle . It was built in 1900 because of the boundary walls on all four sides due to which there was never any dampness in his house because the wall of any nearby house

    Was not connected to his wall because Nath ji himself was an engineer and he had drawn the plan of his house in his own hand. It was built with hands. There was

    Always shade on the house due to tall trees all around. In winter, there was a seating arrangement on the top terrace. There was a garden in front of the house. There was golden sunshine even in winters, Visham ji

    Used to spend the whole winter in the garden, he used to sit there and drink tea, breakfast and even evening tea sitting there. He had his own house built in a thousand yards, that is why he had such a big garden . It was built inside the house. At the time when he

    Built the house, people used to come with fear after seeing the map of this house. At that time, this house was counted among the most modern houses. Airy rooms, beautiful garden outside, and above all,

    Beautiful rooms. Attached bathroom means happiness. The property dealer was feeling happy in his heart after thinking about all the things as it was a bungalow full of facilities because he already had a buyer ready to buy this house who was ready to pay the asking price.

    Now people have bought such a beautiful house. The property dealer was thinking that he would get a very good commission by selling this house . When Kusum came inside, Neelu asked sister-in-law, who had come? Kusum said that someone had come to ask your brother if he should

    Come with me. So I said no, I have come alone to see Rajesh’s son, then Neelu said ok, Neelu said, someone or the other keeps coming to meet Brajesh bhaiya, Brajesh bhaiya has actually been here since childhood, he studied here in college,

    He also got a job here. If she had all the information, her friends all live here. Vimala had secretly heard all the conversations of Kusum and the property dealer and she was a loyal maid to her mistress Sushila Devi, hence she had told everything to Silsila Devi.

    Sushila Devi said Vimal. Do n’t worry, the house is in my name and no one can sell this house without my permission . Then let Kusum tell her , she has always been doing such things, but you did a very good job of telling me about her intentions in advance. Now Sushila

    Devi started discussing with her mother as to how to resolve this issue because she knew Kusum’s nature that once she got upset about something, she would not leave him without getting her point across and On the other hand in Australia, Saroj ji had taken care of everything at her daughter’s place and

    Was taking care of her daughter herself. According to the doctor, Shivani was gradually improving because she had regained consciousness with her mother so close to her. After getting it, tears were flowing in her eyes but she was still unable to get up. Mane wiped her tears with his hands and

    Said, my dear, everything will be fine, see I have come to you but after a lot of efforts, Shivani could not speak but Shivani’s inability to speak was clearly visible on her face. The doctor was considering this moment as a positive

    Because many times when a patient tries on his own, he recovers quickly and seeing his family in front of his eyes made Shivani happy. The desire to live again had awakened in her mind, she was expressing her happiness by smiling at her face,

    She was searching for her father with her eyes, but due to not being able to speak, she was unable to understand what she was saying, she was not able to answer any question, that’s all. Saroj ji was looking at her mother with her eyes and

    By rubbing her hand in hers she was feeling her belonging to her and Doctor Sneha told Rishi that your wife’s mind is still healthy and active because she is recognizing people. After regaining consciousness , our hope

    Has increased further, perhaps the desire to live life has increased within him, in the rest of the world, miracles keep happening, no human being has been able to know when God will cure someone and when he will make someone handicapped . The doctor said, I hope that Shivani starts recovering soon.

    Even the small reactions from her body boost my courage that maybe Shivani will get well soon. Doctor Sneha said, the world is dependent on Rishi’s hope and so are we. We can only hope that we are giving the best treatment for the rest

    . On the other hand, Neela’s mother Saraswati was very upset with her daughter-in-law Chanchal . She could not even talk to anyone about Chanchal’s truth. She had lost in front of Atiya Charitra and she could not even tell anyone the truth about how much she was troubling her son.

    Now even Hari had started getting upset with her. Hari’s heart also started becoming sad due to the daily routine. He was also addicted to alcohol. As soon as he came home, his wife Chanchal would threaten him every day, either sell the village land to him and start some business. I

    Don’t want to live here with your father. I want to become a maid. I have not brought it because Chanchal had the same nature as her name. She could not digest her food until she roamed around the entire village. It was her nature to joke with everyone. She

    Spent the whole day roaming here and there in the village. She used to earn her living and now ever since she had come to the city with Hari, she was confined inside a house . Chanchal did not like to stay in the house all day and do household chores. Hari got angry

    At people who talked too much in the street. Things started to happen because Hari knew about her activities, how she was ready to trap all the boys in the village in the trap of her love. Hari had married only thinking that Tu

    Ji had said that she The land can be given to him only after his marriage and he will waive off all his debts. In the greed of getting the loan waived off, Hari had made this agreement and had married Chanchal on the advice of Tau ji, otherwise Hari would also be in

    The shadow of Chanchal. Rangi was aware of Leele ‘s nature, Chanchal and in which village his mother was famous and how many boys who loved her kept circling around her. He had seen it with his own eyes, but to hide one lie, it was like telling a thousand lies.

    It seems that this was only recently when he told one lie to his father, now he had to tell a thousand lies but he kept lying to his father that he was working in the village but there he

    Kept enjoying by taking the example of watching a movie in a theater outside the village. He had an old hobby of watching Hari playing cards, in which he used to spend a lot of money in the pursuit of making money and gradually he started getting into debt. Hari

    Used to spend so much money on food and drinks that during the days he stayed there, he used to spend a lot of money in the village. He used to eat food at the dhaba outside, today he was suffering the punishment of his bad deeds, as soon as he

    Could not say anything to anyone, just as he knew Chanchal’s truth, similarly Chanchal also knew all his truth, both of them were like this pair. A blind and a penny-matched Ram, in front of Saraswati, Chanchal was not shy in eating anything, she used to refuse

    Every work very shamelessly, but in front of outsiders, she used to act very simple but inside the house, she used to live like a lioness. If you told her some work, she would feel as if she would die

    And ever since her mother had come to meet her, she had been refusing to go back to her home. Saraswati, who was serving the mother and daughter, was very dejected. It had happened that if she told anything to Neelu, Neelu would not believe her.

    Neelu would say the same thing, Mom, you used to keep following us like this, now she has come from a strange house, so keep her as your daughter, she is so sweet and innocent. Now her age is short

    , as she grows older, she will learn to do all the work. Saraswati always remained silent after hearing these things from her daughter’s mouth. Now Saraswati had stopped saying anything. Saraswati had thought that it was her destiny to work in old age.

    When it is written to do, have you heard that saying? In youth, the queen of daughters will fill old age . Exactly the same situation was going on with Saraswati at this time. While Neelu Rupa Devi was in the house of three daughters, Saraswati reduced her cooperation in the household work. Gradually,

    To make everyone proficient in the household work , they started getting the work done in the beginning so that they can go home and learn to manage their family well. Initially, Neel and Saraswati used to handle all the work,

    Then Roop and Devi. She took care of herself; she used to get a lot of rest when she had daughters, but after the arrival of this daughter-in-law, she hardly ever felt comfortable even for a moment. I did not get any rest,

    If Saraswati asked me to force her to do any work, my daughter-in-law would flatly refuse. Listen, mummy ji, I will not do it. I have never had to do as much work in my own home as I am doing by coming to my in-laws, mummy ji.

    I am not in the habit of doing much work. Why don’t you hire a maid? Neelu Didi’s in-laws house also has a maid. Rupa Didi, she also has a maid at her place. Even at Devi Didi’s house, I have heard that a lot . All the servants do the work. Chanchal

    Said while crying that God has written my fate to be lost. He made me the daughter-in-law in such a house. The daughter-in- law is not a queen but I have come here as a maid. Hearing such words of Chanchal, Saraswati

    Did not think it right to argue with her because Saraswati was surprised. At that time, when Chanchal used to give negative answers to Saraswati , her mother did not scold her even once nor did she

    Tell her to do so that it was wrong and she did not even feel like doing wrong. Saraswati thought that perhaps Chanchal’s mother would Saraswati would have taught him some other work apart from working, but Janjan’s mother had forgotten to teach him about household chores and how to

    Talk to elders. Saraswati had started doing all the household work herself, due to which he was a little Saraswati had started staying ill. Due to excessive stress and anxiety, Saraswati’s BP started becoming high. She also got diabetes due to which she was becoming weak day by day.

    Neelu had also started staying very busy with her two children due to which. Due to this, at the time of coming home, she was getting little work because now she was a little sure that mom now has her daughter-in-law who takes care of her. Now she

    Should pay some attention to her family. Both the children had started going to study. How the whole day used to pass in managing both of them, I didn’t even know when morning became evening. The whole day was spent in family, children and office work. On the other hand, Sushila Devi

    Maani, my mind was worried that Kusum had not yet done anything. Why didn’t she take the step, why is she going to cum because Sushila Devi was fully aware of Kusum’s devious nature but this time a lot of time had passed since she left but till now

    She had not taken any cum, she was among those who remained silent. Her plan kept running in her mind and she could do anything to fulfill it . Sheela Devi knew that Kusum Bahu was of stubborn nature and if she had decided to sell this house then she would By dividing

    The house into two parts, Sushil ji had also been saving Neelu a lot from Kusum’s tricks. She knew that he was a trickster and a fraud , but the matter of saving the house also

    Made Kusum very worried. Whenever she talked to him, When it happened, she used to talk very lovingly, so Sheela Devi thought many times about telling her husband about her concern, but she remained silent thinking that her husband would be very sad to know about this,

    But no one can stop what is going to happen . It’s certain to happen and it always happens. Well, time passes. Sometimes happy and sometimes worried. Sushil ji was busy in his work, engrossed in his thoughts. Neelu had come early from office today because she

    Rose was guessing from mom’s face that she was worried about something but perhaps she did not want to lighten her mother’s burden in front of anyone. She was getting worried about something and was feeling worried inside. Neelu saw that father was sleeping in his room and mother was in the kitchen. Neelu said,

    Mother, you go inside and sit, I will make tea for both of us. Sushila Devi asked, “How did you come so early today, even the children have not come yet?” How come you are feeling well, everything is fine, Neelu said smilingly, that’s why today I

    Have taken half day from office, mummy ji. For so many days I have been seeing that you are getting worried about something, Neelu said mummy ji . How much do you care about all of us? But you never take care of yourself, you don’t tell anyone about yourself, that’s why today

    I have taken out special time and have come to know about your thoughts, what are you worried about? The income of both Rajesh and I has also become better than before. After completing the house, she is standing outside the house. God has filled the lap of your daughter-in-law. Two such lovely grandchildren

    Live with you. After this, what is the worry which is always visible on your face ? Neelu said laughingly, “Mummy, now these are bitter words.” Even our sweet sister-in -law, who can speak, does not stay with us. While talking, Neelu got ready and

    Both of them sat in the room and started talking. Vishambhar was shocked to hear their voices. Sushila Devi said to Neelu, your father has been there for a long time. I was thinking in my mind to tell one thing but I was not able to say what should I say, this

    Is like this when I came to know about this, my heart is at peace and my sleep at night has gone green. Neelu said, Hey Mummy, what is this? It’s a matter, you tell me. Sushil ji told the whole thing to Neelu. Neelu Sikar was surprised that Kusum Bhabhi is planning to sell

    The house with the property dealer and she is doing so without even asking mummy. Neelu said mummy ji, tell me this. In whose name is the house , Sushil ji said, it is in my name and you also have the registry of this house, then why are you worrying,

    Kusum Bhabhi cannot do anything without your consent . Sushila Devi said, but Kusum can ask for her share. Vishambhara ji, who was sitting outside the room, was listening to all the things. Hearing this, he felt very sad in his heart and became furious

    As to why this bridegroom doesn’t understand his wife. He felt very angry after listening to all the things. He started thinking that when he has lost his own coin, to whom should his friend give it,

    But he did not want to make his wife more sad and did not want to see the respect of his family built over so many years getting ruined because Nath ji’s family was in the city. He had a lot of respect and prestige, everyone

    Respected him very much, at that time it was not considered good for a person to sell his house or village land and partition was a very sad event which would break any family. And it used to make life difficult for the elderly people

    Because the old people who had spent every inch of their life to build their houses, when the children took the name of partition and asked them to move each and every brick of the house. At the same time,

    When people start digging for their own purposes, the hearts of the elders are filled with sorrow when they see their hard-earned inheritance destroyed. Bism ji was feeling very bad about the fact that no one in his family

    Knew about it till now. But that thing was known to the whole city because that property dealer was a very deceitful man and by now he must have told many important people about their house

    That the daughter-in-law wanted to share it out of respect and their eyes would become bloodshot. It came to light that this stupidity of Kam gave the opportunity to people to attack my house while I was alive . He quietly got up from there, came to his room and lay down on his bed.

    After talking to Neelu, Sushil ji was feeling lighter . Now the worry in his mind was over and his mother’s dilemma was resolved but somewhere in his heart a prick was left as if something big was going to happen but little did he know that by speaking his mind

    He expressed his feelings. The burden was reduced but after listening to both of them, her husband came to know about everything without telling Neel. Sushila Devi came to take the tea pot and put it back in the kitchen.

    When she went into the room to wake up her husband, she saw that he was sleeping on his side. Sushila Devi went back to the courtyard and started dressing. Neelu said, Mummy, today I am bringing both the children. Both the children will be happy to see me. Till then you tell Vimla

    And keep the food ready and you rest for some time. Hello, I am taking both the children. I surprise Neelu by reaching school. She came out of the house on a scooter to pick up the children and started waiting for them outside the school

    . Both Neelansh and her younger brother slowly came outside the gate and started going to their auto driver when Neelu called them. Di and both of them looked back and seeing their mother

    Standing behind them, both of them came running towards her Neelansh said, you have come to pick us up, uncle, I wish you had come to pick us up every day, wouldn’t it have been fun saying bye to your auto uncle and washing the blue

    They sat on the scooty and started towards home. On the way, both of them insisted on having ice cream, then Neelu stopped the scooty and got ice cream for both of them. Both of them

    Were eating ice cream with great pleasure while coming with their mother and talked about all the things of the day. Neel was telling mom that as soon as she reached home, Vimala opened the door and as soon as she parked the scooter inside, both the children ran to their grandmother and said,

    Grandma, today was a lot of fun, yes, we are with mom. Sushila Devi has come while eating ice-cream. She loved both the children and asked them to change their clothes and forgot to serve food to Vimal. Now Rajesh had also come home for lunch. Seeing Neelu, Rajesh said, “Hey, you are

    At home today.” How are you, you came early from office, what is the matter, is everything fine? Neelu said, everything is fine Rajesh, I had come from office for half a day and after having food, I am running to office immediately,

    Then Neelansh came and said, Papa, today is a joke . Today my mother has brought us to a meeting on a scooter and we also ate ice cream. Sushila Devi said, Neelansh, call your grandfather, he will also eat with us. Neel had eaten his food first

    Because he had to return early. Rajesh Sushila . The Devis were all sitting at the table waiting for Bishambar Nath ji to come. Neelu had stopped to take out her scooter, then Neela came out speaking loudly, Uncle and Grandfather are not even getting up to get up.

    Sushila Devi and Rajesh Dining Table He immediately got up and ran towards his father’s room. After going inside, Rajesh shook his father vigorously but he did not say anything. When Sushila Devi touched him and saw him, she was surprised because his body

    Had become cold, he was scared for his life. The clouds had flown away. Neelu also parked her scooter outside and came inside to see why he was talking to Neelam like this . Neelu went inside and saw that both Rajesh and mother were sitting and crying.

    Sushila was unable to stop her tears. Devi was crying again and again after seeing her husband. How will she live now? Her life partner has gone away from her. She is left alone in this world. Hearing this, Neelu was shocked. She was shocked to see her father-in- law in a dead state.

    Neelu was left unable to understand how to handle herself at that time. She also mourned Rajesh and seeing her mother-in-law, Neela’s heart was frightened. She hugged her mother-in-law and started crying. Neelu felt very sad today. It was happening that

    In every happiness and sorrow, her mother-in-law scolded her and today what can I say to my mother-in- law, scold her, her husband has gone away from this world

    After getting angry with her. Neelu was sleeping, I wish that as soon as she came, father would also be scolded. After waking up, she would ask me to have tea with her. Actually, she used to go to father’s room every day as soon as she came from the office, but I

    Don’t know why today she started talking to mother and thinking about all the things, Neelu was feeling very regretful. I wish she could have been there every day. Like she used to go to meet her father, but many times there is

    Nothing left in our hearts except regret and pain, such a heartache that remains in the heart, which keeps pricking us throughout our lives. Even Vimala could not stop herself after seeing him. Remembering the time when her husband had left her alone in the world, Vimal

    Was feeling as if a pair of swans had been separated, but because the day Vimala came to the house, she had loved Vishman and Sushila Devi very much. Have you ever seen each other getting along well with each other? Arguing, fighting, quarreling over something?

    Vimala did not see any dispute between them. Seeing their mutual love, Vimala often used to say to Neelu that the love between your mother-in-law and father- in-law is like that of a parrot and a myna. Just as a parrot and I

    Cannot live without each other, in the same way both your mother and father can live without each other. Seeing both of them separated today, tears were flowing in Vimla’s eyes. Sushil ji was crying and saying that he had spent so much time in this house

    Because he was dependent on his life partner. Sushila is unable to tolerate this. Sushila Devi was not able to understand what happened suddenly that he kept sleeping because Sushila ji did not even realize that he was outside. After sitting and listening to them, he

    Went back to his room and slept and after knowing that his elder daughter-in-law was talking to a dealer to sell the house , he felt bad and got hurt and his heart got hurt so much that He got sinus attack and

    Kept sleeping. When a person gets hurt by the world, he does not break as much as he breaks after getting hurt by his own people. Visham Bai Nath ji also had the same condition. He could not tolerate the hurt he got from his own people. Paaye Neelu was just scolding her mother-in-law,

    But in a world which has been destroyed, nothing can keep it alive. Death is such a truth in a person’s life that when faced with it, a person gets completely shaken and finds himself It becomes very difficult to handle at this time. Sushila Devi ‘s condition was just like

    A fish without water. At this time she was suffering. Rajesh asked, let’s take mom to the hospital and get her checked. What happened to dad? That Papa suddenly left us like this, till the morning he was absolutely fine, Papa

    Did not have any kind of disease, so Sushila Devi said, Son, you check yourself, what will happen, now his life is at stake, now he has left us. Now I don’t want to make his condition worse by doing the post-mortem of his body . We all are helpless before God’s will. It

    Is our own fate that he is leaving us so soon. It would be less of a job if he could have seen the marriage of his elder grandson Anirudh. Perhaps it was not written in fate to see any happiness, but Rajesh called

    A doctor from the neighborhood and asked him to check what happened that my father suddenly left us like this. Till the morning he was absolutely fine. The doctor checked him. After doing this and checking, it was told that many times a silent attack occurs due to which a person

    Gives up his life in his sleep. He does not regain consciousness and just keeps sleeping and the same situation has happened with Sambhavnath. Silage attack. When he came, he could not express anything and remained asleep. Sushila Devi was crying and saying that she

    Had been doing all her life, even in the end, she did not give a chance to serve anyone, from the hand of someone who could not even hold a glass of water. Sushila Devi left this mortal body without any service. She

    Was crying and saying that God would have given me the privilege of serving me for at least a few days. He would have given me a chance to talk to her for the last time. Saying this she took the bread. It was becoming very difficult for Neelu

    To handle them because Rajesh was with her in every sorrow and happiness, but today a mountain of trouble had fallen on Rajesh. Neelu herself called and told her parents first and then Devi. On hearing this news, both Shyam Babu and Saraswati quickly reached the daughter’s in-laws house and saw that Rajesh and his

    Mother were in a bad state and crying, Rajesh was unable to control himself. Sushila Devi started crying as soon as Saraswati hugged her. Saraswati ji was also trying hard to control her temper but it was becoming difficult for everyone to handle Sushila Devi. Neil, while controlling himself

    , called his brother-in-law and sister-in-law in Mumbai. by doing this Told about the sad news and asked them to come as soon as possible. Both Kusum and Brijesh took the flight and left for home.

    They refused to come with both the children because it was possible for them to bring both of them with them and name them one son and one bungalow. Neelu also called Anirudh and Avinash and told them about their grandfather’s death.

    The news spread in the whole city like today that there was no news of Kinari Vishnani in the morning but had come to visit Pakistan till afternoon. What happened? They were all shocked and upset at the death of Nathji, but the one who left went away and

    Left behind only memories. Many of Nathji’s friends , who used to meet him for the Pak morning walk, are mourning his departure. They were there and were saying that a good person has left this world. In fact, Vissar Maath ji was with everyone’s sorrows and joys. Vanath ji

    Did not have many relatives and he lived nearby in the same city that Sanne too was with uncle ji. I was feeling very regretful about leaving because I was completing my studies with his support because Nath ji always helped him in studies. Vimala was also

    Shocked and saddened by the sudden departure of her master. Neel had to find Rajesh with great difficulty. Neela removed him from his father and said, Rajesh, take care of yourself , you have taken all the responsibility, if you have the courage , neither of my two sons-in-law have it for Harrogate.

    When Akash’s father passed away, then how can Rajesh treat him like an elder brother? He was taking care of me , but look how lonely he must be feeling today. Shyam Babu went to him and started understanding him, son, who can stop the one who is going every day, one always

    Has to do social work by keeping a stone in the heart and this is the law of the universe. He will come and go but we have to complete the religious and social work related to him. The last rites were necessary before the evening. Rajesh

    Was waiting for his elder brother to come. It was gradually becoming evening and the sun was moving towards setting. Rajesh was worried about what to do, then Shyam Babu said, Son, no problem, you arrange for the ice stitch and also make Sambhavnath ji lie down on the ice stitch

    So that his body does not get spoiled because only by the elder son. The last rites are completed and it is your duty to wait for your elder brother. Brijesh and Kusum had reached the airport but it was raining so heavily that

    The air travel was stopped for a few hours. Brijesh was very restless for his father. Today he was feeling sad about coming to Mumbai for the first time and wished he had stayed there , he would have got the opportunity to serve his parents and see them for the last time.

    Brijesh told his brother Rajesh on the phone that brother. Our flight has been canceled due to heavy rain. We will reach only by night. Rajesh said, brother, we have kept Papa’s dead body on the ice shelf. You try to send it as soon as possible because only the elder son can be cremated

    . You have the right to do it and it is both your duty and religion and I want you to fulfill it. We all are waiting for you. You try to deliver as soon as possible. Saying this, Rajesh hung up the phone and remained there for the whole night.

    Both Nilesh and his younger brother kept waiting and sat near their grandfather the whole night. Both the brothers neither ate nor drank anything, they just kept crying while sitting near their grandfather. All the people in the neighborhood were surprised to see the love of the two small children. Neelu ‘s neighbors

    Took the two children out several times and asked them to eat something, but both of them shook their heads and refused. Sushila Devi was not able to control herself. How could she handle her grandson and son? She was crying in despair. Her eyes were swollen from crying but the tears

    Were not stopping even for a minute. Well, after midnight, both of them reached Brijeshwar Kusum, Brijesh hugged his mother. Kusum also started crying, hugging her mother-in- law and started crying and started apologizing in her heart by touching her father’s feet. Then

    Shyam Babu told both the brothers that morning is about to come and they should prepare for his last rites. Then both the brothers together Started preparations for the last rites. Both the brothers together bathed their father and then changed his clothes. An elderly woman nearby

    Took Sushila Devi to her Aarti and broke the bangles on her hands and removed the bindi from her forehead. Sushila Devi was given some She was not even able to realize who was doing what with her and what was happening, she

    Was just crying in a distressed state and was doing all the work. After that both the brothers hugged their father during the Aarti. After wearing the garland of flowers, he placed Ganga water and Tulsi leaves in his mouth . He prepared for his father’s last rites.

    The tears of both the brothers were flowing continuously. Everyone touched the feet of Basbar Nath ji and paid homage to him. Sharda paid tribute to the people of the city. The big people who were friends of Visham Bhat ji and

    Also had information about it, all had reached there, they all met together and were calling the people who were coming forward to shoulder the aarti of Nath ji, then Anirudh and Avinash were at the door. They came and

    After keeping their bags at the door, both the brothers along with their uncle and father started shouldering Aarti. Both the sons also shouldered both the grandsons. It seemed as if Sambhavath had left for his last journey after saying goodbye to this world with great pride. It was said that his

    Body is still smiling and blessing his sons and grandsons. Very few people get such a fortune whose sons and sons carry them on their shoulders to the cremation ground and consign them to the fire . Hinduism There is a process of last rites which is completed with great rituals.

    Someone has rightly said that what happens to someone never goes in vain. Visham Bhat ji has raised his sons and his grandsons Anirudh and Avinash in good company since their childhood. They were brought up by learning values ​​and etiquettes and even today those values

    ​​were visible in both their sons and grandsons. Despite the GM’s refusal, both the grandsons reached on time to attend the funeral of their grandfather. Today they met their uncle and father. While giving shoulder to his grandfather, his eyes were getting moist and

    Remembering the happy moments spent with his grandfather. Both the brothers were very happy that I reached on time. The souls of all four were satisfied after having the last darshan. The world is one. This fair is a night shelter for a few days. After the last rites, both the brothers

    Took care of their mother and Neelu Kusum took care of their children. Everyone was very sad. On coming back, everyone took bath and changed their clothes and all sat together. Neel and Kusum also started remembering Sambhavnath ji. Neel and Kusum bathed Sushila Devi

    With great difficulty , changed her clothes and made her sit outside. The people around had brought tea and biscuits for the family. Everyone ate tea and biscuits with a sad heart and the children Forced to eat tea and biscuits, Shyam Babu

    Explained that Rajesh Babu and Brijesh ji, both of you have to take care of your mother. Apart from you both, now she has no one in the world. Now you have to take care of her after losing your husband. A woman has hope from the love of her children and

    Taking care of her mother is the duty and responsibility of both of you. Social work was completed gradually as per the tradition and customs of the society. Both the brothers were sitting and talking. As to what to do now,

    Rajesh said, brother, mom and dad will continue to live with me as they were and you can go to Mumbai whenever you want because all the work here has been completed. Now you have to come on Papa’s death anniversary. And before that, if you wish, if you want to come, this

    House is yours. Anirudh Avinash also encouraged his grandmother and asked her to take care of herself. They bid farewell to their grandmother and returned to their cities. After a few days, Samar Brijesh also went back to Mumbai. Shyam Babu had also informed Roop and Rakesh Akash

    About the death of Rajesh’s father and was there for both of them in Australia. But it was not possible to come to India, but after a long time both of them met Rajesh and

    In their own words asked him to be patient in this time of sorrow, Akash said, brother-in-law, I know your pain , I myself have gone through this pain, father . Who can understand better than me what is the pain of losing someone, I myself am feeling sad here,

    I was able to stand with you in this hour of sorrow, I am very sad that I am not with you in this sorrow, Rajesh. Akash said, there is no such thing, your patient words are giving good omen to my heart, you were right when you said that

    After father’s departure, it seems as if we are left alone in the world, loneliness and emptiness comes in life, Akash said. Said , but brother-in-law, this loneliness and emptiness gets filled slowly, time is the biggest balm and heals the wounds, take care of yourself and aunty, they need your support a lot, Akash

    Said because my mother is very courageous. He has taken care of himself and has taken care of me and my sister too but as far as I know Sushila Aunty she will not be able to take care of herself so you will have to take care of yourself and

    Take care of her also, take care of her because she can bear the pain. Also, it is not within everyone’s control, on the other hand, while talking to Neelu on the phone, Devi also expressed her sorrow that she could not get the time to come and Neelu was apologizing

    To Didi for coming. Neelu got angry. Just said Devi, if you don’t have time to come to someone’s place even after his death, then what do I expect from you, today Devi was realizing her mistake for the first time

    , how much pain she caused to such a good elder sister. My sister helped her to get a job, helped her get her love marriage done and I forgot this sister of mine and became so busy with my own happiness and prosperity that sometimes I could not meet my sister on time and

    Sometimes with her good and bad. It did not work in time, in fact for some years she started arguing with Neelu and also used to taunt her mother that you have made Neelu the head of the department and we have no respect in this house. Neelu will say,

    The same thing will happen, so stay with your daughter, we are happy with our in-laws, but what can we say about regrets, what happens now when the bird misses the field, when you cannot join in someone’s sorrow, there are no tears in his eyes. If you

    Don’t give him a chance to cry by asking, then you can use the pen in the name of humanity. Here in Australia, Roop had run Akash’s store very well. Both Akash and Rupa were working very hard in his store. Roop did all his work again. She got settled there

    Because she had understood that now she has to stay here and got the admission of both the children done there. Shivani was slowly improving and seeing the improvement in her, Sarojini was feeling very happy that at least she would come here. Her daughter is slowly recovering

    And when her daughter recovers, she will tell him about her father and will lighten her mother’s burden by hugging her daughter. Sarojini also informed Rajesh over the phone about her father’s death. Expressed condolences and asked to take care of their mother. Harry and Chanchal also came to meet Neelu and Rajesh again today.

    Chanchal was surprised to see Sushila Devi. Within a few months, she was looking so thin and sick. It did not seem that she was the same Sushila Devi whom she had met for the first time. Seeing this, Chanchal’s eyes became heavy. Seeing her condition,

    She remembered her father. After her father, her mother’s condition had also become like this. Chanchal further Sushila Devi came forward and touched Sushila Devi’s feet and saluted her. Neelu refused to recognize her. She was sitting near her mother-in-law and said, “Mummy, haven’t you recognized her or is she fickle ? ” After leaving,

    Mother’s mental balance has deteriorated. Her memory has been deeply affected. Now she does not remember many things. Gradually her brain seems to stop working. Losing her husband has had a deep impact on her memory. Due to the mental condition of her mother-in-law

    Not being good, Neelu now had to pay a lot of attention at home because living with her parents, she never had to pay so much attention to the household chores, everything was taken care of by her parents. Now

    Neelu would get tired of doing all the work alone. Vimala would try hard to take care of it, but she too used to do all the work as per Sushila Devi. It is

    Easy to do the work as told by someone but it is easy to do all the work by taking responsibility yourself. It is a bit difficult. Both Neelu and Rajesh were taking great care of their mind and were handling the responsibilities of job and children together. But it is said that when bad

    Times come, they do not come without telling, perhaps the time of happiness for Neelu is now over . Gradually, mountains of troubles were falling on her day by day. She was feeling lonely. First, both the sisters left her and went away. Now after that, her

    Father-in-law left her and now her mother-in-law also gradually lost her mental strength. She started feeling sick, kept things aside and forgot to eat food. Seeing her condition, Neelu was always worried that she might harm herself because once after eating food, she would often leave the gas open and come out. Thankfully for Vimla,

    When she smelled the gas, she immediately switched off the cylinder and asked Mummy why did you leave the gas on, she said, I had switched off the gas, since then both Bimla and Neelu took great care of her so that she Do not go to the kitchen

    For any work. When a person harbors some pain in his chest, then that pain keeps flowing like a ulcer in his chest. Now, many times Kusum would come, many times she would recognize him and many times she would deny him. Seeing such a situation, Kusum had started getting more worried. Anyway,

    After the sudden departure of her father-in-law, Kusum’s plan was ruined and she was not able to talk to anyone and despite getting a good customer, she was not staying in this house. But now Brajesh, who had bought her new one-three bedroom flat on installments in Mumbai without informing her, had explained to her

    That Papa ji has just passed away and we cannot share our good news with anyone and Anyway, we have to pay the first installment after a month and we will get our house within two years. When everyone in the family is fine, then we will definitely share our happiness with

    Barjesh. Anyway, after the death of his father, he started feeling very sad. She had asked Rajesh several times to send her mother to him but Sushila Devi herself refused to go there. Brajesh was a very simple person and following Kusum’s words, he had booked his house without informing her because When he

    Left the government house and came to a rented house, he was worried about paying the rent and anyway, thinking that now both the children will come to Mumbai, a bigger city, to do their jobs, he was ready to buy the house. The price was very high but

    Kusum said that we need a three-room house. We need separate rooms for both the sons. In the future, when they will get married, it is necessary for them to have their own camera. She told him that it should be smaller than this. What will we

    Do by taking the house? Look, Neelu and Rajesh live in such a big house. Have we ever told them anything? We can’t even say that they will see the money for half the house and build a house here. The

    Entire house will be theirs, but here we will We will get our house, our children will also live comfortably with their families, otherwise in the future our children will be stuck paying the rent. Brijesh Kumar felt right that Kusum

    Is right, there three people and two children live in such a big house. How will we survive here , four of us and two future daughters-in-law, in this rented house ? And Brajesh wanted to live with his children, so now he felt that your words were okay.

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