#wohnmobil #reiseziel #camping
    Grüezi, Servus und Hallo!
    Schön bist du da

    In diesem aufregenden Jahresrückblick nehmen wir dich mit auf eine Reise durch unser ereignisreiches Jahr 2023. Wir haben atemberaubende Landschaften erkundet, neue Kulturen entdeckt und unvergessliche Momente mit Freunden geteilt. Jetzt möchten wir unsere Top 10 Reiseziele in Europa mit dir teilen, die wir alle mit unserem Wohnmobil erkundet haben!

    Auf unserem Kanal findest du auch Videos zu den einzelnen Reisezielen. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn du reinschaust.

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    Bevor wir uns in die festliche Zeit stürzen, möchten wir dir von Herzen schöne Feiertage und einen großartigen Start ins neue Jahr wünschen. Möge 2024 für dich genauso aufregend und erfüllend sein wie unser Jahr voller Entdeckungen.

    Vielen Dank, dass du Teil unserer Reise bist! Lass uns gemeinsam das nächste Abenteuer planen und den Horizont erweitern. Bis bald auf unserem Kanal!

    In Liebe
    Patricia und Simon

    P R O D U K T E M P F E H L U N G E N

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    F O L L O W U S O N I N S T A G R A M:
    / pat.n.sim

    B L O G U N D W E B S E I T E:

    M U S I K
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    K A P I T E L
    00:00 Intro
    01:18 Bardenas Reales
    02:32 Gibraltar
    03:54 Tarifa und Bolonia Düne
    05:21 Arcos de la Frontera
    06:28 Algarve
    07:41 Schlössertour Loire Tal
    08:11 Schweden
    09:43 Norwegen ans Nordkap
    15:08 Finnland, das Weihnachtsdorf
    15:40 drei Zinnen Südtirol
    16:08 Montenegros Wanderparadies
    17:30 Griechenland

    Grüezi, hello and hello and welcome to this new video. You see, we’re driving but Simon isn’t driving… Exactly, because we’re being towed to the garage, but you can see that in another video. It’s nice to be here, don’t forget

    To subscribe and like our channel. And we’ll tell you now what this video is about. It’s nice to be here, it’s nice to have joined us this year and it’s nice that you’ve been following us for a long time, really great. We have now prepared a special

    Video for you. Exactly, we want to show you which are our top 10 here in Europe this year that we traveled with our camper. And maybe we can inspire you to go there too. Exactly, so here we go. Have fun. The Bardenas Reales, a semi-desert landscape in northern Spain, extend over

    42,000 hectares. This UNESCO biosphere reserve impresses with unique rock formations. Part of it is used for military purposes, while the rest offers tourists access to marked hiking and cycling trails. The barden beauty of the Bardenas Reales also serves as a film set , making it a fascinating place of ecological and cultural importance.

    You can explore the tourist part with a motorhome. However, you are not allowed to sleep in there. There are enough free parking spaces in the region for this. Gibraltar is a British overseas territory on the southern tip of Spain. The isthmus is

    Dominated by the rocks and is home to the free-roaming Barbary macaques. To get into the country, you cross the airport tarmac, either on foot or by vehicle. The road is closed when a plane arrives . That’s pretty special. Gibraltar impresses with a unique mix of tradition and modernity. It

    ‘s a mix of English country with a Spanish flair. The historic old town of Tarifa impresses with its narrow streets and white houses. The beaches in Tarifa are particularly popular with sun worshipers and water sports enthusiasts. The Bolonia Dune is a natural wonder on the Costa de la Luz in southern Spain.

    This huge sand dune stretches along the coast and is an impressive example of the forces of nature. The dune forms a natural barrier between the hinterland and the sea and is an important habitat for plants and animals. Arcos de la Frontera, a charming town in Andalusia,

    Spain, boasts a picturesque location on a rocky outcrop. The old town with its narrow streets, whitewashed houses and historical monuments transports visitors to another time. Arcos de la Frontera fascinates not only with its medieval atmosphere, but also with its rich history, which is reflected in the streets and buildings.

    Walking through this charming city is like traveling back in time. The Algarve, in the southernmost part of Portugal, is famous for its breathtaking coastal landscapes and beautiful beaches. Unfortunately, being free is not that easy here. But there are quite a few campsites. Among other things, there is the Mikkis Place campsite, an unconventional,

    Alternative campsite created by an artist. We visited various castles in the Loire Valley, including Chenonceau Castle. The castle, which straddles the Cher River, is one of the most famous and visited castles in the region. Built in the 16th century, it has served throughout

    History as a royal residence, a hunting lodge and even a military hospital during the First World War. In Sweden we experienced unique adventures – starting with the “candy plane”. Our pitches in the forest and by lakes were fantastic. Campfire evenings, where we not

    Only enjoyed the warmth but also enjoyed delicious meals over the fire, were simply great. Another highlight was the visit to “Gekas Ullared”, probably the largest supermarket in the world. There we had a fun shopping adventure with an endless selection of clothing, homewares and Scandinavian delicacies.

    Sweden fascinated us not only with its nature, but also with the warmth of its people People and their welcoming culture. The trip became an unforgettable adventure, and the memories accompany us like a warm light – a beacon of special travel experiences.

    Norway is our absolute dream country. From the imposing Heddal Stave Church to the breathtaking Preikestolen to the fascinating underwater tunnel near Stavanger – each stop on this journey is an adventure in itself. The Lofoten Islands amazed us with their beauty,

    Be it the hike to Kalvika Beach or the charming fishing village of A. The midnight sun made our experiences on the island even more magical. On the less populated island of Andoya and during the ferry rides we experienced the quieter side of Norway. The hike on Senja

    To Hesten offered a magnificent view of the majestic Segla. Finally, the journey took us to the North Cape, where we enjoyed a cozy fondue in front of our vans with friends – spending hours together with Delia and Thomas as well as Thorsten and Franzi from Motorhome Freedom.

    Norway has not only captured our hearts, but enchanted us with natural wonders, friendly people and unforgettable moments. In Finland we immerse ourselves in a world of lush forests and visit the enchanting Christmas Village in Rovaniemi. In South Tyrol we experience the magic of a beautiful sunrise hike around the majestic Three Peaks.

    We would like to heartily recommend this breathtaking experience to everyone. In Montenegro we travel through a world of untouched nature. From Durmitor National Park to Biogradska National Park we experience pure nature. We stood there for a few days at our absolute favorite spot with wild horses.

    Greece welcomes us with bright weather and unforgettable sunsets. Our explorations take us along the Ambarctic Gulf and the picturesque Oxbelly Bay. A hike to Cape Tenaro, the southernmost point of mainland Greece, gives us impressive views and touching moments. Don’t forget to like our video. With that we say goodbye to 2023.

    It was nice to have you here and look forward to where we go next year. Patricia & Simon

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