Cycling through the Tough of Bowland, which is an area of outstanding natural beauty. Today we visited a new cafe which was the Farm Shop in Chipping.
    Filmed in the great county of Lancashire in the North West of England
    I’m a cyclist and I live in the Pennines

    Swager down the street with your red lips and funky beat you better hold your head up to the sky I’m going to roll with you till the day I die I’m a cyclist and I live in the penines and welcome to my channel and today I’m back out on my winter bike

    Which is my Good Old Faithful K cooler now it used to be a hardtail mountain bike but I’ve since converted it to what I would call a hybrid fr Stein bike and I’ve recently modified it to a 1x 11 so what does that mean well it means that

    On the front it now has a single 382 chain ring which drives an 11-speed cassette on the back which has a range from 30t down to 11 and to S me talk it’s extremely low geared it’s great fun to ride and it’s low maintenance and at 30 mph you’re going flat out

    Time for a on time whether you’re ready or not time for it all dud you got different wheels on no it’s for the aerodynamics is it you know like you have bigger back wheels don’t we Dynamics we’re in warley Mike aren’t we what these Darren I know we don’t sit

    Off yet I’m faffing I can’t see out of these there’s no daylight so I’m going to put them on let’s get them on good that’s better not you laughing I out well and so yes it’s December we’re back in warley there’s the Aspen all arms Pub

    And me and Mike are heading out into the trough and there’s the old Hallows church just ahead on the right and then we passed a very familiar signpost that’s your favorite sign post oh is yeah yeah go on M read it out uh black pudding 2 bacon6 sausages TR of Balland 11 like

    Being at school is it so anyway let’s introduce ourselves I’m Darren and this is Mike and no I’m Albert we are cyclists we’re live in the penines the penines are over that side there near Pendle Hill and we’re making our way on a little ride just to break the winter

    Cobwebs down because the weather’s been shocking I mean it really has been bad on it mate oh yeah we’ve had ice snow rain we’ve had rain nearly every day since June and today is I think it’s the 17th of December and it was time to get back out

    On these fantastic Lanes we’re six or so miles into the ride and we’re in clithero now into the castle and the reason why we’re going through clithero is because I going to drop a Christmas card off to a good friend and colleague I used to work with until most recently

    So yeah basically we all worked together in a great team we were an outstanding team and uh it was just disbanded through the company um and it’s quite upsetting so it’s all changed but we got to keep on bike riding getting out there and and um making these videos for you people so

    This is the B 6478 it’s clithero Road and we’re heading towards wadington and all of a sudden you just get that rural feeling this is always a great place this is rington I do like it here it’s got a really good feeling about it and shortly afterwards we took on the

    Climb of grindleton fell which starts at the bottom on Main Street this class is a third category climb which is 2.3 M long with an average gradient of 5% as its maximum is 11.6 6% b a tough climb this but I’ll tell you what Mike yeah

    I’m liking the tarmac yeah have you seen it I’m going to lift it you can’t be looking it but without his smooth tarmac the bike feels like it’s riding on a velvet cushion oh yeah that’s descriptive isn’t it Mike well that was tough should get some good views here

    Now and a good descent on the Slade burn side okay here’s a great descent now lovely views ahead nice T mark little left under there there’s the trough ahead of us and there’s Mike lovely lovely tarmac big right hander approaching got car coming oh yeah this is

    Great now this bike has got the wrong gears for descending now I have to say this was an absolutely brilliant descent the tarmac was tremendous it was just so smooth like I alluded to before this bike flat out I can get it to about 34 35 mph but the

    Cadence is through the roof so I’ve got to get right down here I’m in a super AO tuck and I am gutted for you that the camera angle never quite worked so unfortunately all you can see are my H stat tube spacers but not to worry so

    Let’s skip forward a bit further on down the road and just for the record that’s what 40 mph looks like that was good that is really good stuff that that Road’s excellent very very good descending on there played it safe nothing silly had a bit of fun and that was

    Worth getting out of bed for just for that today and shortly afterwards we had some commanding views on the trough of band just ahead of us It’s always great to see a flock of geese like that in the air and then we found a fantastic little Back Lane as to made our way towards easington this was a really nice little quiet Road bits of pick up in places it were great get the bik over

    There this is nice once it take us all the way on then to the house gate Hill descent which as we already know was another super fast one right go on what you get some speed up and then I’ll try and and going cck out pedal on

    Here go on mate go on and when there was some encouragement we got Mike fired up a little bit there and then just look how straight that is and it’s just asking to be attacked so I got down into the Super AO took position again and now

    See as we got up to speed this was 45 mph it was all over but it’s still a blast and honestly I absolutely love it I still feel like a little kid out there at times guess what we’re at that sign post again oh yeah I enjoyed that yeah it was

    Good it go on matee last time you said you got 62 but we thought that were kilometers I did 62 that kilm an hour yeah you got a speedometer on no it’s all up here is it mate all psychological headed 67 mph down right I’ve got 45.4 on

    This and it I can’t pedal that fast I have to get down trucked in the thing is once you just sort of say go on Mike go I’ve only got like a matter of seconds before I’m up to full Cadence and then me it’s great fun I didn’t realize

    It bring us out there so we’re on the uh the trough road now just went through Newton in Boland 19 miles and it’s not a bad day for December really it’s totally different than last time we were here different colors and so just ahead of us now we

    Have D so bridge and there’s always an option there for puddle Ducks Cafe always an option that I always love that view there a’t that a well welcome in view look how clean the Sheep are as well you see that the Sheep are really clean 21 Mi there puddle Ducks Mike

    Yeah a it’s great here love it really is good I’m in the wrong gear that’s better so go on Mike don’t s Bridge give me your thoughts on when you come here how you feel do you get like a nice feeling an inspired feeling or I get like a fuzzy feeling you know

    Like um like I’ve won the lottery is that the feeling you get yeah like youve won the lottery yeah oh right well I get feelings with places so when I come here I can’t describe it but it’s a warm feeling I feel like I want to

    Come back again I’m never bored of the views no I’m not you remember watching chers guys to the galaxy do you ever watch that no well a guy called slty B fast created the Norwegian fiords and he got an award for it s Bast so whenever I

    Look at the trough I always wonder if he made it because it is beautiful yeah oh yeah well you need to watch it guys of the Galaxy you realize like these feelings are hard to expl what he made all these pills if he was going to make

    Them this is what he’ have done just this all right party yeah oh right interesting I mean it’s quiet there’s no wind we can hear the birds not quiet is it well we’re here aren we yeah but it’s tranquil isn’t it yeah it’s it’s like when in the lottery on

    Him I’d say this is one of the best bits of the trough here as well nice and flat big wide open space in the Valley in the trough and it’s all in Lancashire just cycling Heaven is it this is yeah so as we made our way along the trough road we

    Took a right at burh home Bridge which then led us onto a lovely quiet road which is little Bolan Road where we have some fantastic views of Jeffrey Hill in the distance and at this stage me and Mike were saying we’ll call in at the cobbled corner in chipping for a spot of

    Lunch and so for the next few miles me and Mike put the hammer down just to get to the cafe in good time 28 M the Cobble corner I found to going there and it’s closed what you reing Mike can you smell black puddings no not open is it

    Fortunately we had a plan B so we called into the farm shop 50 Ys around the corner we’d always passed it and never been in so today was the day it’s called the chipping Farm Shop the Cobble corner just literally 50 yard over there we’ve

    Always gone past it so I’ll give it a go right what we got here a homemade sausage roll I think it’s got chili jam in it as well I think Mike’s talking into his bacon and sausage there is it all right cheers there’s some waiting that mik

    I bet it weighs the same as a gold Bar yeah well now and it really was that good that was excellent that how was your bacon try to do that talking when you’re eating M can do it can’t you no you can’t when he’s eating he can talk while he’s got the buty in his mouth on just describe your bacon Mike

    Um eight for the sausage seven for the that’s all then Mike said he didn’t want pudding he was watching his figure watching me figure you’re not watching your figure I’m on millionaire Shortcake that’ll get me back to Wally won’t it see you there’s some weight in that as well mate weight this it

    What you come with them why you get one one get some rice pudding then on that shelf turn a rice pudding cold it’s custard it’s not rice pudding you like CER don’t you I do they got T of sweets over there Mike been looking at but anyway it was time

    To hit the road and leave the warmth of the cafe behind us that a good Cafe that matee warm I think you have to go up front Mike because I’m stuffed not St anyway we’re right so let’s have a look at the map and there’s warley where we set off from

    Today as we made our way out towards clithero with wadington then the climb over grindleton fell with Newton and band duno bridge and chipping where we are right now and we’ covered 28 miles at this point and the route back was going to give us some great views of

    Fair snake fell with blinders fell wolf fell and Bale Mo but we found ourselves on a Labyrinth of lanes one of them being hes Lane making our way then towards the town of Longridge then ribchester coper graen before finally making it back to Wy that was a reasonably priced cafee that

    Mike mine was like £99.95 for all that I don’t know what mine was money’s No Object n money’s no object to mik and here’s an example of the kind of Lan we were cycling on to get back and when I refer to the Labyrinth of lanes they’re all pretty

    Much like this you got a pick nice lines pick smooth lines it’s going to be damp anyway and a bit dirty out there and read the road ahead you’ll do okay we’re about 36 miles in this is long rdge we did a crack a little loop around

    Bdale I got Mike on the front taking the wind for me get up here to left head back towards ribchester you know these routes anyway don’t you just saying to Mike there we’re in ribchester now and that descent all the way from the top side it’s a really good

    One I’ve got me back dection on and Mike’s got dection rims on on the back so he’s more a roll just passing the ribchester arms and because of the tail wind we’ve got from Long Ridge to ribchester which is a distance of 4.3 m in just over 12

    Minutes which is an average speed of 21.6 mph and on the cooler that’s quite impressive and that pretty much brings this ride to an end and we got back to warley safely and in the end we cycled 48 mil the elevation game was 3,645 ft the ride time was 3 hours and

    20 minutes and the maximum speed was a tattle of 45 mph but anyway on a personal note me and Mike would like to thank you for all your support this year and we’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas until the next time people and here’s to

    2024 did they get it off the ground or some drag it yeah so Mike’s just stopped for a Jimmy riddle and we’re near bdale and there’s the hand gliders that tractor car go very fast though can it I don’t know well how does thing get off up in the

    Air you can’t not telling me a tractor drags that no well no is it got a rocket on it how does it there’s a bloke at the top of the field mik yeah and you know you get like a kite he runs as fast as

    He can and pulls it and pulls it and pulls it and then the block there test his F off the brakes all right yeah right got you I didn’t know that I thought well I didn’t know I don’t know I mean I don’t know much about it how’s he gone on with

    Your you thing um asking Chris room if he’s coming for a ride with us we watched uh Chris broom’s latest video where he went round in Malaysia and the factor Factory and I left a comment on his channel and then black pudding man found it and put one on as well didn’t

    You yeah we’ve invited Chris ran for a ride in the penin and it was time to get back out on these fantastic Lanes you know what day it is today don’t what date is it it’s the day me me 2ye phone contract runs out I just thought I’d share

    That right thanks for that mate yeah maybe you know if one phone company see this video you know I’ve not got anywhere with a black pudding so maybe I can get free phone out of it so if you’re watching Mr O you you know you’re feeling generous

    For Christmas I’m your man there you go we still not got sponsored yet at all all it’s not enough daylight honestly Professor Darren studying at Oxford and [Applause] Cambridge so go on Mike don’t s Bridge give me your thoughts on when you come here how you feel do you get like a nice

    Feeling an inspired feeling or getting hard on I can’t I can’t I honestly can’t put that in swag the street with your red lips and funky beat you better hold your head up to the sky I’m going to roll with you till the day I Die hey swing those hips around can’t stop W back down my ladies short all in all I always down and ready to [Applause] ride one by one billion by billion holding up


    1. Merry Christmas Daz and Mike from me and my family. 🎄 Glad to see you’re both still getting out. 🚴🚴‍♂️ Like you, we haven’t been out much these last few months, mainly due to the weather. Hopefully things will be getting better soon.

    2. Hey daz thanks for another great video pal liked it with those nice back country lanes , it’s been mild with a 20 year high for Xmas eve with it 12oC around here , anyway hope u have a merry Christmas 🎄 all the best bike friend

    3. I love that area between Slaidburn, Chipping and Longrridge Fell. It's my cycling heaven. Tho I might not feel as excited as Mike ha ha. Keep up the great videos, I always look forward to the next one. Happy 2024!

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