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    Filmemacher Juri Merker besucht 17 Jahre nach Gründung das Medienunternehmen “NuoViso”. Er trifft auf ein Team aus Gleichgesinnten, die keine Mühe scheuen und auch kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen, um ihrer persönlichen Wahrnehmung der Welt Ausdruck zu verleihen.

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    So here we are, one of the elephants, and the cool thing about these guys is that they have really, really, really long thumbs, and that’s pretty much all there is to say. With “Me at the Zoo”, the world’s first YouTube video is

    Be uploaded on April 23, 205 at 8:31 pm. The 19-second clip shows then-25-year-old YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim in front of 2 elephants in San Dieogo Zon, California At the beginning a purely American niche phenomenon, with only a handful of English- language vlogging channels, Exeperiements, shortly thereafter, as one of

    The first Germans ever, a rebellious Leipzig media trainee, with the platform in his spare time He quickly recognizes YouTube’s potential for his passion, the look behind the curtain In 2006, Nuoviso, the first German YouTube channel for independent reporting, goes online. 16 years later, TV news is a discontinued model.

    I set off for my old home to look over the shoulder of the now established company for a week during the broadcasting operation If they have sovereignty over the words, then one is no longer able to express oneself in such a way that everyone understands it in the same way.

    Well, that’s what I miss on German television, such presenters who put their heart into it Us West Germans were lulled into this belief of a free democracy, everything was verifiable and so on. It’s a Joke! That’s when I thought, crap, I can’t lie around here so

    Passively and do nothing, but I have to become active and I would recommend that to everyone. where journalism keeps its mouth shut, alternative media begins to open its mouth. And I remember a sticker in the Munich S-Bahn that said Nuoviso on it.

    And then I was like, oh cool, I’m not the only one. Oh well, this is a portal where you can get information that you don’t get on Mainstream television. Good reporting, good journalism, especially with people who were previously with the mainstream broadcasters. both the editors and the presenters to some extent.

    Yes, just take a look and I think there is something for everyone. Yes, with Nuroviso it comes to mind, A, that it’s an alternative medium and B, that they really make the effort to listen to different opinions and talk about them, quite openly, without any great pressure behind it.

    Yes, that’s a clear difference from what we have in our “quality” media. Paul! Paul, Paul! The Elbe in Dresden is always a magnet for visitors, thousands of tourists. It’s a small mix, a small cross-section from very, very old days, when they just said, “That’s me?”

    How do you feel when you see your younger self again after such a long time? I was at MDR (State TV) for over 20 years, I think a total of 23 if you count the traineeship. I’ve done all kinds of shows. I have traveled all over the world as a reporter.

    I’ve been to Kilimanjaro, I’ve been to Mount Everest, I’ve run the New York City Marathon. All this with camera So I shot reports there. But my main focus was then the show “MDR um 4” das Nachmittagsprogramm 2 Stunden live I moderated that for 18 years. That was a lot of fun.

    So journalism is my dream. Only if the people you work with are not right, and that was the case there in this editorial office, then there are only a few options, either you change, you bend or you leave. And I decided, after bending several times, I have to get out of there,

    Otherwise I would have gotten sick. In 2015, I noticed that the reporting was not really clean and orderly. Not even in this afternoon magazine, which actually had more of an entertainment character. now I’m glad I don’t have that anymore, but work with people who leave me as I am and trust me.

    Go for it. And then I just do it. This is one of my favorite places. Above all, this rootedness of the trees. This shows that the trees stick together and support each other. And I also have the feeling that maybe a water spirit lives here.

    How long have you been working for alternative media? I think since 2018. I’ve written a book, “She dares to do something”. And that’s where I wrote my life story, my professional one, especially at MDR (state TV). What I’ve been doing and why I haven’t done it since 2016.

    And that kicked up a lot of dust. Yes, and Frank Höfer did an interview with me at Nuoviso. And after the interview, many viewers said, man, Katrin would be a very good presenter for the program. Which is very male-dominated. Yes, and that’s how it came about that I took part.

    Kathrin Huss has brought a touch of exceptional journalistic experience to our team. She was on TV for so many years and of course she took NUOVISO to another level, also in terms of perception, because she also had a large regular audience and that was of course a big win for the team.

    And she has also brought a certain spirituality to it, because of course she always sees the big picture in her work. Hi guys, welcome here again for a round with hounds. Welcome to Gassi ( Dog Walk) TV. I’m on the road again in beautiful October weather.

    Unfortunately not so sunny, but the colors are still nice. The guys from Nuoviso were on my radar at some point relatively early on with the film “False Flag” I found the film on YouTube at some point and I remember a sticker in the Munich S- Bahn that said Nuwiso on it.

    And then I was like, oh cool, I’m not the only one. And that was, I think, in 2008, when I met Frank for the first time at the “rain meeting” in the Bavarian Forest. And that’s when we realized, okay, there are a lot of overlaps.

    But it still took many more years until a cooperation really came about. I think one of the first people to join us was Robert Stein, who has been hosting the show Steinzeit since 2014 And in the meantime also home office and Tacheles and respect book and God and the world. Yes, hello. Hello.

    Oh man. Hello. Robert. Welcome. Robert is here. Why should these circles end this war now? No, the war will go on for a long time. Just now the realization that maybe one of the cameras wasn’t really sharp. And it will soon become clear whether the material from the total camera is usable.

    Because in the hustle and bustle of setting up, always doing everything yourself, setting up three cameras, setting up three lights, checking the audio, everything fits, the setup, the room is prepared. Oh man, and that’s always one of those things. Let’s take a look, here’s this picture from the camera. Night shift

    Prepping the show “Home Office” Picture, sound everything looking good. Welcome to Schwurbelhausen, where the tinfoil hats glows. So welcome to the headquarters of convoluted lateral thinking. I think it’s great that you’re back. Once again 35 trillion viewers. My path has gone through many stations, with different professional trainings, with different paths and detours

    As well, the twelve years in the Bundeswehr were certainly formative, also the whole aviation and the officer school and so on, was important to experience, but also even more important to leave it behind me to know that this is not the right thing for me! Hi, I’m Heike.

    I salute all alternative media, Nuoviso, ExoMagazin TV, Apollut, Kompakt, Auf1. It’s great that you exist, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to have alternative opinions. We need balance! We need balance. It’s a full moon right now. Really? Yes Was there a time when you were uncritical of mainstream media?

    Yes, it was until the 10th. September 2001. And until then, I was actually, like everyone else, critical and skeptical about many things, but with the 11th. In September 2001, my political life awoke. Then you have the 11th. September and thought, now you can see it play out live, what happens there.

    Five weeks after I started my training, this event came and it just didn’t let me go. Some people call you the elite, I call you my base. It simply doesn’t work to say something about Frank Höfer in one sentence, because he is too multi-layered and too creative.

    Everything that means Nuoviso comes from him. This is his baby and he always brings new creative inputs into this matter. Nothing can unrail this guy Everything can collapse and the channel can be deleted three times. He has such a healthy optimism. Life goes on

    I think I made my first films when I was 14 years old, when I got my hands on a video camera for the first time. What was a second-hand model at the time, which my father gave me as a youth consecration. That’s when I thought to myself, awesome, video camera. On which track?

    13. Good, see you soon. My passion for media and editing culminated in an application to Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk. And I don’t know how, I somehow managed to be one of the three who were then trained in this profession. That’s what I did from 2001 to 2004. I’m grateful for that.

    Because I was really taught a lot in terms of editing techniques and also in terms of porpagandistic stylistic devices It’s more or less a school subject there. I’ve edited daily news, family programs or even a documentaries for State media. Yes, and that really broadened my horizons very, very much.

    A look behind the curtain – the advent of the Internet It just didn’t let me go. At first, simply because of the violence of the images. I couldn’t really relate to that at first. And during my training, however, I did some research on the Internet and realized that something was wrong.

    And at the latest with the movie Loose Change, which I think came out in 2004, my doubts were confirmed. And I’ve more or less become a truther. I tried to bring up 9/11 with the editors during my working hours. Asking questions here and there, like “did you know?”,

    As well as recommending Loose Change And that was the experience I had there, that I literally fell on deaf ears. Do that in your private life, while at work, it doesn’t belong there, I was told. But I thought: That’s exactly where it belongs! And that frustrated me so much at some point, which

    Culminated in the fact that I had made the decision in 2007, after YouTube had just become a thing and I knew, hey, I can reach people myself, had made the decision to make a documentary about 9/11, as I would have liked my employer to have done.

    They would certainly have done better than what I was ultimately able to do with the means I had. But I made my debut with the film “Under the False Flag” and it was very successful Well over a million people saw it on the internet in the

    First year and that was the decisive point for me to say, hey, you can do that yourself. If you’re going to run into a wall with your employer, then just do it yourself. And then I decided for, for independence, for citizen journalism. Even the police dogs wear masks in Freiburg.

    So let’s put it this way, in relation to Saxony and in relation to the East, what I hear is pathetically little going on in Freiburg, very miserably little going on. But for the fact that in Freibung the Green Party are at 60% in some parts of the city,

    Well, I live in the district where the Greens are over 60 percent in the last federal election. In relation to this, there is a lot going on in Freiburg, but it is more like a small Gallic village. Well, I was actually fond of the freedom-minded people from day 1.

    That’s why I was actually involved in the demo from day 1 And I once dealt with so- called bioliogical politics in my previous life. And that actually led me to the understanding, that what took place there as a new form of government, is biopolitics as a practice of power that was installed there.

    And when it comes to power practice, this is one of the most evil power practices there is, biopolitical access. In 2013 I was in Berlin, it was about the Maindan Coup and when the war started there, I initiated a peace ralley for the first time

    And that’s when I was in Berlin, played at these big demos and that’s when I noticed Nuoviso for the first time. And if I’m not mistaken, there’s a guy, a journalist, who went to the Maidan in 2014 and he made a film with Nuoviso, I think together with Nuoviso.

    Exactly, that was a blast for me. Those were two films and I was able to send them to people who weren’t into conspiracy media without any problems. Craftsmanship absolutely well done and you could simply send that over to the left camp quite well.

    That’s what I watch almost, almost every week I watch ( the show) “home office”. I’ve also watched your Song Contest part 1, part 2 with pleasure, so credits yes, Double Like by Berthold, fat Double Heart Like by Berthold. Death by Fear is also dead, so you don’t really have

    To be afraid if you are in touch with yourself and then realize how life carries you. And the more you get involved in life, the more life carries you. And that’s what I try to convey, but not so gibberishly or so shallowly, but very clearly.

    Geometry is also a help here, because it builds a bridge for the mind to see how everything is together. What does geometry have to do with it? Sacred geometry is something like the background language behind the world. You look at it on the screen, but you can only watch

    The movie because there is a screen that has a certain resolution And you can look at nature, but only because there’s a matrix behind it, let’s say. And what are the laws of the Matrix? Fibonacci series, golden ratio. And who actually creates this? At first glance, it all looks random.

    And then when you look deeper, you realize, no, it’s not random. And then you just look, yes, how can I live in accordance with the laws? What’s in it for me? How can I gain freedom? Or what does it mean to be human anyway? Yes, is what we see here, is that all?

    Is this normal? Or if you feel like it’s not normal, what’s normal? Where can I bring this into my life? And things like that. And that’s what I’ve been doing for 20 years now. Why the interest in background topics? It kind of started, yes, but for me it was already ’93 or ’92.

    In the beginning, I taught classical astronomy And then you also realize that you tell things that are in all astronomy books and don’t question them. You just pass them on. The comet is a dirty snowball that flies through space. It’s in every astronomy book, but you don’t question it at first.

    And then you just start reading other theories and then you think, is this true, could it be different? And then you get into other areas. How did you get into alternative media? I think I’ve been there from the beginning. Robert Fleischer, who is now doing exopolitics, once invited me to an exopolitics conference.

    I think it was in 2008. And that’s when I gave my first lecture on harmony and music. And I got there and Frank called me, yes, we’re going to film this. And I went , “oh, film and internet and copyright!”. And I was very skeptical.

    And the film is one of the best-running, I think, in Exo-Politik today. Then the next stop must have been Epos Dei, because Frank, Frank, made several films and Epos Dei was just the poem of God, where he brought together various scientists with their ideas and theories to show that there is something

    Bigger to life and the geometry fit there When they have sovereignty over the words, then you are no longer able to express yourself in such a way that everyone understands them in the same way. A lot is taken away from you by the clarity of the language.

    And I always have to think of Orwell and 1984 and war is peace and freedom is slavery and so on. It is probably just a coincidence that Orwell is being censored at the first universities. Is Charles here yet? Yes, all of them are already there.

    I came to Nuoviso like a virgin to a child. Well, I knew Nuoviso and had already looked at it a few years before. But then I was invited because I had made a video about the arson attack on Professor Werner Patzel’s car in Dresden.

    I was quite upset about the so-called New Left and Antifa. And basically, I had a lot to say about the situation in the world and about peace policy. And that went viral, and then I was invited together with Professor Patzelt and apparently the audience didn’t think that was completely stupid

    Then some also said that it could come more often. And then Frank asked, can you imagine that ( becomeing a presenter)? I said, yes, I’d love to. And I didn’t regret it, it’s a great team. Have you always been interested in politics? That has always been there.

    So I was maybe 15 at the time, definitely a teenager. I was quite interested in politics, because my family always had political conversations. And I got involved in politics at an early age Especially here in Saxony, the topic of right-wing radicalism was really my topic in the 90s.

    And that’s where I got involved until I was about 20. I also thought that everything was going wonderfully in our state system and that the EU was a great blessing. And that we live in the best conceivable country in the world.

    And then you get a little bit more mature, a little bit more grown out and read a little bit more and understand a little more. And then you don’t notice that everything is going so wonderfully in this democracy. Former activist against right-wing extremism now “right-wing” herself?

    That’s quite a bit of acrobatics in the head. So that’s really sick. And when I such vocabulary applied to me for the first time, it felt completely absurd to me. In other words, völkisch and anti-Semitic and open to the so-called right. In the meantime, we all smile at it and know

    That it has nothing to do with reality at all. But in the beginning it was really bad. In the beginning, that was maybe around 2014, 15, when I started to publish publicly. And when these accusations came, anti-Americanism, right- wing and so on, I justified myself. “That’s not true, because…!”. Today, I couldn’t care

    Less about any of it. Describe your work It’s actually a highlight every time you get to know such a great person whose book you’ve just read. And when you read it, so many questions come to you And you can then set them up, write them, if you know, cool, next

    Week I’ll meet the author. And that’s a lot of fun. So I think that’s an incredibly satisfying, beautiful work, because it’s not only satisfying and beautiful for me, but also because so many people get added value from it, who maybe haven’t seen the book or who maybe have the same questions and then

    They get them answered. So every day of shooting is always a little highlight. Today in Alsfeld, that was a so-called Monday walk, which of course take place because official demonstrations are not approved. Corona is still an issue, but then now also here all the energy problems that we have here.

    Well, I’ve known them here for a long time, that’s been true for ten years, that’s very informative and that was the first time I became critical here, it was very interesting. high-quality alternative reporting, unwanted? This account has been terminated due to repeated or serious violations of the Terms of Service

    Unfortunately, unfortunately, today I receive the news that the YouTube channel of Nuoviso TV, with 170,000 subscribers and has been online for 13 years, so to speak, has been deleted. Nuoviso, large channel, 170,000 subscribers, was simply deleted yesterday. Just getting up, I read this shocking announcement from

    Frank Höfer that Nuoviso has been shut down. I just heard that Nuoviso’s YouTube channel has been blocked. Yes, we just learned that Nuoviso has been shut down from the YouTube channel and unfortunately this is in line with what we have been saying for a long time.

    In the meantime, no matter what you question, if something is easily repellent, then you are immediately in the wrong corner. And once you’re in that corner, you can’t get out of it. You are out of the system and this is implemented regardless of losses. Nuoviso deleted. 170,000 subscribers.

    And the Nuoviso employees, many of whom are fathers, now have to fight for economic survival. Deleted without giving specific reasons, without warning. But just after a lecture by my brother was uploaded to the United Nations about Germany’s joint responsibility for the Yemen war.

    I fell out of the clouds when I was in the hotels in Russia. And then I had a lot of encounters with other artists because I played festivals. So I asked, tell me, what are these media doing here in Russia? They’re tearing Putin apart here, is he not doing anything about it?

    Now comes this succinct answer, which I would have hoped for in Germany. Yes, we have free media. And that caused an outcry. Within a few hours, on the day of the cancellation, we received a wave of solidarity videos from many well-known alternative media makers and publicists, which really brought tears to our eyes.

    Five days later, that channel was back. Let’s go up again, there was a garden pizza. Pizza garden, yes. That’s what it’s supposed to be. I ordered it for you Awesome, thanks. Jan, the cameraman that very few of you see and I see him again and again. Yes, also something very special.

    I’ll say he’s a lightworker because he works with light. Yes, he’s kind of the Horus Eye of Nuviso, so the focus. Will you please let me drive to the front? I’m on the wrong track. I’m still waiting for green, yes? Traffic’s not moving, right? Fucking traffic jam. Yes, nice weather. Weather? Agrees.

    Jan, for example, I like to work with him a lot, he’s incredibly creative, you don’t know, he’s also an actor, he sings fantastically, so he has a lot of potential. On the way to the Monatgs demonstration, Dresden Style Peace, freedom, self- determination! Peace, freedom, self-determination!

    Bertold was right, there is a lot going on in Saxony. 20,000 participants Parade several kilometers long Here, everyone is accustomed to alterntive media Free media have become indispensable. Nuoviso is also known to many here. My parents watch it. Join us, come to Dresden and run here and show what you can all do.

    Nuoviso has carried me through the pandemic for the last two years. I’ve always listened to them at work here and I’m very, very grateful. Frank Stoner, who comes from Chemnitz, where we also come from. Chemnitz rules! But, yes, they’re all like that. Frank, you, the cameras just died, crashed.

    Uh, yes, let Jan take care of it! I agree. Super. So, it’s really hard to get everyone under one roof. Yes. It’s rather bad the day before the shoot. And it accounts for 60 percent of all interviews. If we cancel them now, we’ll only have two tomorrow.

    Every company needs someone to take care of the bureaucracy, to take care of the finances, um die Buchhaltung, um die Technik And then it became more professional over time and employees joined in, especially for the work behind the scenes. And then later, of course, moderators and faces that you know today

    Aaron, Charles, Thomas Röper and, more recently, a lot of faces, such as a well-known Katrin Huss or an equally well-known Alexander Kühn or my esteemed colleague Frank Stoner joined us, I think, in 2016. Well, I’ve seen Nuoviso before I worked here, so as a spectator…

    Frank’s early big film projects about 9-11 and also the croppy film and stuff like that, impressive documentaries. And yes, a lot has changed. It’s a lot of borderline science, a lot, today there is also a little more politics, also since the Corona period, also the home office format, there is

    More of a focus on it. Yes, a great development. How did the collaboration come about? I had done radio on Radio Emergency, talk before. And even then, hot topics have already been addressed. And for a long time, however, this did not have such a large publicity, it went under the radar.

    And then at some point it became better known, thanks to the support of Micha from the Kulturstudio. We got to know each other at some point and he said, hey, what you’re doing on the radio, it actually has to come out a lot more, because it’s really good.

    Why don’t you bring the Stoner Guy in there, because he might be able to discuss a few topics that no one else does. It’s kind of a gap or niche and that’s how it happened. And fortunately, Frank and Nuoviso, they also gave me the

    Benefit of the doubt, because they immediately set up this studio and said, okay, we’ll make an extra studio for you. So this is also used for other things, but in terms of design, so that it is always the same And they just had the confidence in me,

    Rebuilt it here and I’ve been here ever since. Was there a red pill blue pill moment? No, not really. So actually, for me it’s not like there was some kind of event, how I woke up or something like that, but basically since I’m an adult, so in the time when you go

    From child to adult, that’s when I had the first questions At a very young age, I really took up reading, read books that no one else had read from my friends. Some things that were way too difficult for me, but I’ve read it anyway, approach it naively at first.

    So all kinds of esoteric literature, secret history and so on. Well, really, the questions came to me very early on. Then in the course of the 90s, I was studying at first, there were a few events that pushed it, where it became clear to

    Me, okay, the path that is actually given to me, that the university offers me, this academic path, in the long run I will not take it. I was already 19 at the time and traveled a lot. And with each trip, I somehow mentally emancipated myself from the worldview from my university.

    And every time I’ve come back there, I’ve come a little bit, I’ve grown out of it more and more. And at some point, that was actually, it was the Yugoslav war in 1998, which finally ended my university career, that was too much stupid for me. Is it exhausting to research taboo topics?

    Sure, there are always phases in life where you feel weak and think to yourself, hey, why does it have to be so complicated for me, why can’t I just have a craft and somehow do my job and at five o’clock it’s the end of the day and good.

    Yes, but I think that’s the case with all people. Ultimately, our challenge is to accept you as you are and do what you want. And sometimes you would like to be different or I would like to be this or that, but no, now that I have really

    Serious doubts in between, I might worry about it at a very young age. New horizons Colleagues visit Goetz Wittneben in the hospital Goetz Wittneben, long-time presenter at Nuoviso, has had health problems for some time. Nevertheless, he would like to meet me. In the course of his career he has conducted

    Countless interviews with exciting guests. Today I’m going to do a moving interview with him. It will be one of his last. I’m training for the next Triatlon! Every step, every step makes the difference. Sorry. Many know you as a highly spiritual and questioning person. Has it always been this way?

    As a young father, I hung in front of the TV at 8 o’clock and watched the news. I thought we were in a free country, so if the Tagesschau says so, then it must be true. No, no, I’ve now been able to learn that had been “current

    Camera” (Eastern German state News) just in a different guise. We West Germans, I come from the area of Hanover, we Wessis were lulled into this belief of a free democracy, everything can be verified and so on. It’s a Joke! So the last two and a half years have clearly shown that.

    In this respect, yes Tagesschau (State News), but I started watching “Weltspeigel” when I was 11 years old, On Sundays, there were always really very 10-minute reports about different countries, the whole world. I’ve always been interested in other cultures. You’ve even lived abroad? I was in Costa Rica for two years, lived there,

    But realized that this is not my culture. I had to go back because my tool is language. And before I could really do that down to the filigree, that would have taken me 10 or 15 years. And the culture wasn’t mine, absolutely not mine. And then I came back…

    And then I created a kind of vision board, so just in the laptop a page of photos and one of those photos was a talk studio. There was the idea that I would like to do my own show one day, about topics that interest me and I have

    A fairly wide range of interests, from spirituality, natural sciences, politics, of course, geopolitics. I’ve been thinking politically since I was 11, I grew up with the Vietnam War… And yes, I just let go of that. And then Robert interviewed me, somehow noticed that I was

    In the country because I had given a lecture in the studio. And then came the call from Steffen Höfer, whether I could imagine, 2015, whether I could imagine this channel, which actually only contains lectures, “New Horizons”, whether I could make a talk format out of it. And I said YES!

    You’ve often taken unusual paths. How did it start? well, there was an event, my brother took his own life when I was ten and that catapulted me into adolescence. And we had a youth group of a pastor two villages away, and that was the only person I felt took seriously by,

    As an eleven-year-old. And we were just talking about the Biafra War, about the Vietnam War. And there I was riding on a small bike at any weather to this man, because I felt taken seriously by this person as an eleven-year-old. Then YOU studied theology yourself, but it wasn’t yours?

    Yes, it just evolved. Because I’ve noticed… so I’ve been dealing with quantum physics… Not with the formulas, but with the philosophical questions. And that was for me, my trust in life and in the connectedness of a life came through quantum physics. And then my spirituality actually developed because

    Of that. And it was simply diametrically opposed to what the regional church of Hanover wanted me to preach And then I got out. What happened next? I worked in a research institute that deals with the non-material, so Wilhelm Reich, Tesla, Sheldrake and there I was a kind of press spokesman and brought

    Out a newsletter with the press, wrote the articles and things like that. That was already exposed and then, because, I had to get my salary in myself through sponsoring somehow, That was too much. I registered as unemployed and 2 months later I was sitting on the other side

    And was there for young people up to 25 and could…. Take the time to really go deeper. What prevents people from coming into their power and I wrote a book about it. “If only we knew” Helping people in crisis situations seems to be your common thread

    At least as an option, because, you know, if you’ve gone through many, many crises like I have, and then you keep learning that life takes care of you and that I come out of a crisis really stronger, that new doors have opened, all of that is broken, yes.

    But in Chinese, this Wei Ji is two characters, the first one was Attention, Caution. like a warning sign, but most of them stop here. Have we lost the sense of subtlety? Absolutely tight, we are being shut down, yes. And that’s why I’ve always said that I’m not quite

    Aligned in the head and there are people who are even less aligned than me, “he’s bonkers”. Yes, and that is nowadays, that we learn that again, yes, not to be aligned Then you’re in good company at Nuoviso I’ve said elsewhere that Nuoviso is for me, so

    This team from Nuoviso is, so to speak, like a substrate of Leipzig. Of people who have an incredible amount of potential, who have not necessarily developed everything so far, but like such an essence. On April 21, 2023, Goetz leaves earthly existence and falls asleep peacefully after a lengthy illness

    Stein moderates and the panel discussion will be joined by Frank Storner, you, Kai Helge Wirt. Exactly, mmm Guess we’ll set up at eight in the morning, we’ll do a “Ruderboot” Show recording then. In 2020, TV and tabloid press darling Alexander ” Honey” Kühn joins the team

    How do you get from ( mainstream) RTL, Jungle Camp and Heidi Klum to free media? So I’ve always been interested in alternative and independent media. This had nothing to do with the time I spent in the (mainstream) media. Luckily, I didn’t get into mainstream media until I

    Was already relatively old, because when you’re 34 or 35, you’re already a bit solid, you already have a bit of a plan of life. With people who come into the media at the age of 14 or 16 and then have some shows, or I often feel sorry for what

    I see there, because they are also very formed, they are changed a lot, they can’t build up their own character at all. And I was lucky, I was able to do all these things that I was doing very consciously and I knew what I was doing.

    And I have to say that it’s relatively easy in Germany to get people to react with a bit of provocation. I didn’t realize it was so easy. And that’s where I learned a lot about the masses, in terms of how people react. So 20 percent noticed, hey, he’s putting on a funny

    Show, he’s having fun. But 80 percent really took what I did at face value. And I was like, huh, doesn’t anyone notice that I’m just playing a role here? But that was also wanted by the respective broadcasters, that they have a person that people can rub up against.

    How did the separation from the mainstream come about? I started with Robert Stein, with all the shows he did there, with all kinds of people from all areas. That was quite new, on the good, high level and interesting conversation guests and then the whole thing for an hour.

    And you’ve always been a little smarter afterwards But, the big but, more question marks have opened up again and that has somehow fueled the spirit of inquiry, the urge in me even more to pursue and question things even more. And it’s fair to say that Robert Stein is an important

    Person in my biography, as far as journalism is concerned, inquiries and so on. And that’s how I became aware of Nuoviso and then really took an active part in Nuoviso. That was also a situation, in the evening we lay there in bed, probably watched Nuoviso and then some topics came

    Up again that happened so politically, socially. And then I thought to myself, crap, so I can’t lie around here so passively and do nothing, but I have to become active and I would recommend that to everyone. That one thinks, how can I become active myself, what can

    I do, am I good at moderation, am I good at networking, can I bring people together, can I organize things and it was clear to me that I, I can help in front of the camera and that’s why I That’s why I started my passion, so to speak,

    Medicine, health, I brought it all together, I talked to Frank. And I really think from the point of view of implementation, it was a blink of an eye and … The whole thing was then in dry cloths. The doors to the Nuoviso Congress are open The first guests arrive

    I meet Daniel, the alternative comic artist About two years ago, I wrote Frank an email with an attachment. It was a little comic that I had done about the Corona period because it annoyed me. No matter what I turned on, the TV, the radio, Corona was the topic that dominated everything.

    I then processed it into a little comic and sent it to Frank. Yes, and then a day later came his answer. I ran into open doors with him and it developed into a partnership that has lasted for two years now and we have now published the tenth comic book. Crisis as an opportunity?

    Yes, the Corona crisis was also a great opportunity for me. I dared to make a fresh start, just jumped in at the deep end. I worked for a newspaper for almost 20 years as a graphic designer. But that has nothing to do with comic drawing in that sense.

    It was simply advertising and newspaper typesetting. And yes, then, as I said, Corona came and I was then on short-time work. Had to think about how to continue. And then, at some point, I started my own business. And now I’m a freelancer, I’m a self-employed comic artist

    And illustrator and now I have various clients, publishers. Yes, and it all worked out. One cog interlocked with the other and now I can make a living from drawing Media in transition. So also in books and the press? What are the differences? Yes, it’s just a lot freer to work now.

    I also have specifications through the texts that are delivered to me, but then I still have so much freedom that I can then create my own images, my own worlds. And if you usually work in a publishing house, then you have precise specifications.

    Every 14 days you have a product that is launched on the market and it is actually always the same product just with a different date on the cover. Final preparations Media in transition. Is this also an issue in archaeology? where journalism keeps its mouth shut, alternative media begin to open their mouths.

    And it’s not about right or wrong, it’s about showing the different perspectives of a thing. That we tell others, what we hear, is just an opinion and not a fact. And that’s actually the task of journalism in general, to portray these different perceptions. And we all agree that this is probably happening far

    Too little in the “quality” ( legacy) media at the moment. And there, where everyone simply accepts it, be it on the iron of the pharaohs or on our current topic the sky discs, simply there, where everyone says, oh, we know that, that’s the way it is. No, it’s just not like that.

    It’s only when you take a second look at something that you get the full picture. And that’s where I feel more at home with Frank. How do you become an Experimental Archaeologist? Yes, I’ll say that it started pretty early for me, in the

    Fifth or sixth year of life in kindergarten I can still remember very well where you had your first thoughts, but even as a schoolboy I was moved by the topic, so already as a student I was the first reed vessels I rehearsed interview situations, as if I had already felt Frank’s DNA

    You have to learn how to do that. So that’s not so easy, because making good documentaries is a science, an art history in itself. And it’s not just about Frank and the people he’s gathered around him. That’s fun, that’s competence and, above all, the will to tell a new story differently.

    That’s what I associate with Abora and Nuoviso as attributes. How long has the collaboration been going on? So when it comes to the prehistory and early history of Nuoviso, I started 15 years ago, because actually Frank has been guiding us since the beginning, since I felt like

    I’ve been doing the Abora project, because he shot the first Abora films with us as a schoolboy with my partner Cornelia Lorenz and I spent two or three years filming with ZDF (state TV) , then again with Frank, then again with other TV Companies

    And our big big reunion of our meeting is actually with the Cheops project in 2012, 2013, where we actually turned the world upside down in the course of “Iron of the Pharaohs” causing the biggest scandal in the world of archeology since Heinrich Schliemann. So in this respect, 15, probably 20 years of project

    History with Abora and Nuoviso was eventful. What is your wish for the next 15 years? For the next 15 years, I would like to see much more awareness of Nuoviso, both for my projects and those of our colleagues. And I wish much, much more that people wouldn’t judge

    So quickly, because I get a lot of negative feedback. What do you work with Nuoviso? The Nazi Channel? Or the Communist Channel. People seem to get very creative in order to make Nuoviso appear in a bad light. And I wish the masses would appreciate more what all the

    People here are doing together to give the world a little more alternative knowledge. Today I am driven here to experience the “homies” up close, because Nuoviso has accompanied me over the last ten years. You don’t want to miss it anymore. This sincerity, i.e. that they sometimes argue and then it’s good again.

    We didn’t get stuck somewhere in the sense of, yes, now we have to be groupies of Q or something, Always very grounded. Yes, that’s the interest in the history and especially because I got to know it in June, the people who are here. A bit like family in the Corona period

    Above all, to get to know the community. Media in Transition DIY Journalism Visiting Nuoviso A Juri Merker film It’s the end of November 2022. I’m on my way home. Germany 2022, is a country in upheaval. People who 15 years ago would not have thought of becoming politically active,

    Are active today. On the road. In local networks. Digital and analogue. We are committed to a world worth living in for generations after them. Inspired by a new form of citizen journalism In the meantime, there are numerous such free media. Few people know that a small broadcasting company in

    Leipzig was and is the springboard for many of them. Unfortunately, a crystal ball that shows us what our country will be like in 15 years does not exist. But a wise person once said: If you want to predict the future, you have to invent it.”

    During the filming of this film, I met many such inventors. You don’t need a diploma to do this, just a little courage and an open consciousness ‘Cause all of us are the change


    1. Diese Hommage ist mehr als berechtigt. Danke Frank ❤🙏! Vielleicht hast du nicht die Strahlkraft wie der eloquente Robert, aber du bist das kongeniale Mastermind behind 😊🤗💪. Frohe Weihnacht lieber Frank & Co 🥰!

    2. Dieser faule Geruch von borniert und versnobt , empathielos und diese endlose Unterlassungssünden etwas nicht zu berichten,
      Der anti Qualität Medien ödet mich an !

      Es ist als würde jemand das Fenster auf machen und frische Luft strömt rein wenn man NuoViso schaut einfach Menschlich Charakterstark und ganz schön clever !

    3. Ja der Götz…er wird wie u.a. gunnar Kaiser gerade woanders dringend gebraucht✌
      Und dem ganzen nuoviso Netzwerk weiter nur das beste und weiterhin stabiles Wachstum!!!

    4. Es gibt Menschen da wird einem warm ums Herz 💖 Danke an das NuoViso Team und an alle die sich Empathie, den gesunden Menschenverstand bewahrt haben und Rückgrat zeigen 🙏🏻
      Eine gute Zeit 🎄✨🕯🕊

      Wie sagte schon Friedrich Schiller :
      Wir könnten alles erreichen, wenn wir zusammenstünden .“
      Die GROSSEN hören auf zu herrschen, wenn die KLEINEN aufhören zu kriechen !

      …. und Denker waren damals wie heute schon immer Querdenker….. Realisten die alles hinterfragten!
      Wer die Vergangenheit ausblendet, kann die Gegenwart nicht verstehen und die Zukunft nicht gestalten !

    5. Hatte die Zeit des Videos immer das Gefühl, dass das ein alter Film ist, der da bei mir aufgeploppt ist. Götz haben wir im Spital besuchen können. dann kann er aber nicht alt sein!
      Er ist neu zusammen gestellt – mit "alten" Videos.
      Diese Art Dikusendungen liebe ich. Immer auch noch hinter der ersten Kamera mit einerczweiten dabei sein!
      Echte ehrliche Medienarbeit ❤
      Was in meiner Nouviso Zeit als Schweizeri aufgefallen ist undxwähren Corona sich entzündrt hat ist die Frage der UR Spaltung "ost – west"
      Würde mir wünschen, wenn Nouviso den Geist des freieren Ostens, unbeugsamen kritischem Infragestellens historisch mit den guten Beispielen festgehalten kann.
      Oder war es das jetzt?
      Mir ist euf jeden Fall die Mentalität der Sachsen und der sächsischen Wessis jetzt sehr vertraut. Danke!

    6. Hallo ? Es wird Zeit zu verarbeiten. Die Deutschen sind kein souveränens Land.
      Der böse Russe hat sich zurückgezogen.
      Der gute Ami hat sich noch breiter gemacht.

    7. Glückwunsch Juri zu diesem sehenswerten und liebevollen Film. Und Danke NuoViso das ihr hierfür so tolle Vorlagen geliefert habt…Ihr sied einfach immer wieder ein Anker in dieser stürmischen Zeit. Ich hoffe ihr bleibt uns noch lange Erhalten. Frohe Weihnachten an alle und besinnliche Feiertage.

    8. Danke an alle vor allen Dingen -Kathrin,,, danke an das Team die nicht vergessen haben wo wir herkommen die ihre Ideale nicht gegen Materialismus verkauft haben,, danke allen dem Team und einen guten Rutsch danke an Frank u Robert ❤👍🎉☮️♥️🍀 danke an Götz🙏🌹❤️

    9. Danke für diesen Film, indem man mehr über die Motivation der einzelnen Mitarbeiter erfährt. Ich verfolge Eure Beiträge seit 2020 und lerne immer wieder dazu, freue mich über neue Denkanstöße. ❤❤❤❤

    10. Nuoviso ist Top!❤️ Bin Fan der ersten Stunde. Aber eine Bitte hätte ich: Bitte macht wieder mehr "echte" Sendungen wie Barcode und Interviews! Homeoffice hängt mir langsam zum Hals raus. Ich weiß dass es in der heutigen Zeit mit den technischen Möglichkeiten so einfach und bequem ist das alles mit Videokonferenzen zu machen, aber irgendwie geht das "Echte und Menschliche" verloren. Ansonsten alles Toppi!👍🏻

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