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    On y something I’ve not talked about much before is actually what I do for a living cuz surprisingly I don’t make much money or if any money at all from YouTube um so yeah I actually a freelance video and yeah do a bit of marketing as well and yeah today I

    Thought I’d kind of show you a little bit um kind of behind the scenes of what I do and it’s yeah it’s not a complete uh removal from usual cuz it’s still going to be cycling related so today I’m going to shoot uh for wheels for all so

    It’s kind of a bit of a crossover so I get to do the two things that I love the most which is uh filming and also yeah talking about bikes So today we’re at a cycling track in uh Liverpool or just on the outskirts of Liverpool um and we’re

    Filming come of this some of the the uh the kind of the users of this session and the kind of adapted bikes and stuff they use here and then tomorrow we’re out on the road um filming another one of the sessions at the charity Run Rolling I hope feel SM so wheels for all is one of the biggest um inclusive cycling charities is in the UK um and we provide um cycling for people with all kinds of disabilities um we have a large Fleet of adapted bikes uh for people to come in

    Use of all ages and abilities we have recumbent bikes uh side by side bikes hand bikes uh tricycles um and we’d basically give people the opportunity to come and cycle in a safe secure environment with their family members with their carers um we have all kinds

    Of people that come and see us from day Center schools um people who are recovering from injury um yeah we have something for everyone we want to show people um how you can become a part of wheels for all from volunteering uh with one of our incredible pedal away rides that we do

    Um which is um people who generally cycle on two wheel bikes um and um and show them um know opportunities with the charity you can come and uh volunteer at one of our wheels for all centers and it’s just giving people the insight into

    Into what we do as a whole of the of the CH yeah um so this film is really um about sharing one of the the many stories um that our wheels for all um participants and volunteers have kind of experienced um and how they’ benefited from from from the charity itself so

    It’s h day two of the uh this shoot um and it’s already on we’re already at our second location so we’re up early this morning at one of the kind of partici been some volunteers houses um doing some shots there so um yeah the idea

    Behind this kind of film um as kind as Phil said they gave us a brief of um the day in the life of a kind of volunteer um I’m kind of trying to showare one of those stories um of how someone came across a charity and then kind of How

    It’s impacted their lives and so the way we’ve taken that um with myself and the agency I’m working with yes so we kind of like pulled together like a number of different stories Commission on one to write a poem um and that kind of poem’s themes starts off with like kind of

    Isolation and all that kind of stuff so that was kind of things that we filmed this morning so we’re at the kind of person’s house kind of sharing them um by themselves and um and then there’s kind of a change in the poem um where we

    Then yeah they kind of get the bike head outside and then yeah what we’re going of do is going to use um a bit of like color grading and stuff and the kind of types of shots that we use at the beginning so we’re going to use kind of

    Kind of washed out kind of desaturated shots um that are kind of locked off on a tripod and stuff at the beginning and then moving to like more kind of um saturated with a bit more clarity and um yeah a little bit more Dynamic movement

    In the kind of second half of the of the film so the second location for today is actually going to be on the Move um so I’ve got my bike with me and um so I’m going to be filming one of the sessions that uh the charity run um it’s called

    Uh pedal away um so basically this is a kind of session I think they pay a couple of quid there some ride leaders and usually like when the weather’s like this they get about 30 or so Riders out um and then yeah they head out on a loop

    Um and um yeah I’m going to kind of join them film them hopefully get that kind of like kind of get that emotion across of uh coming together that Community feel and um yeah the happiness and stuff that gets all these kind of people who yeah might without cycling might be

    Isolated might not have um have a community and uh kind of showing that as you come together um yeah things are positive and all of those kind of great things that you kind of get from uh from Cycling you can probably tell from the state of my facial hair it’s been a fair few months since uh that shoot back in June um but yeah I’ve wanted to wait until the final film was was ready so I could show it to you um and yeah that’s taking

    A bit of time but yeah before I show you the final edit I just wanted to let you know that this film has been nominated for a smiley charity film award and so it would be great if you could go to the link in the description and uh yeah give

    It a little uh little vote that’ll be uh yeah a lot of hard work has gone into this uh into this film from a lot of people and um it’ll be good to kind of get that recognition um it deserves so yeah enjoy the uh the film sometimes we can all feel with

    Straight off track life has got us down forced to withstand smack after smack times when the light may have faded left us jaded unaided even degraded stuck on a track not knowing what Lane to choose thrust into a race where you always have to lose well now is the time for change you

    See no longer are you going to feel alone or isolated because at wheels for all you will be celebrated getting out there can always be the hardest part but we are tailored to give you a fresh start you will never be the minority and you will always be our number one

    Priority we pride ourselves in our community no matter your ability we ooze positivity provide opportunity all in the name of inclusivity friendships will be made and the laughter will never fade we will keep you active but with a smile as you embark on your new joyous lifestyle and

    Don’t worry if you get tired and need a break because you can come and sit have a chat with a coffee and cake our hubs will feel like your second home and you’ll never be on your own we have them scattered Across the Nation and you’ll find us on your doorstep wherever your

    Location in a matter of minutes you will be up and ready one of our volunteers will always be keeping you steady and they’ll be sorting out the Saddles checking the brakes keeping the helmets tight getting you ready before you take flight but then you begin to feel the

    Power as those pedals start turning the gears churning the wheels beneath you start surging sweat forming heart thumping blood pumping and all those worries you may have had before begin to fade away as you enjoy a full session of play because we are here always here grinning ear to ear no matter the

    Weather because remember we ride together


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