World’s Toughest Prisons (20% of Inmates Die There)

    Prison isn’t meant to be easy but when criminals hear the names of these prisons they’ll gladly choose the death penalty a life sentence in one of these is a fate worse than death I hope you aren’t eating your lunch with this video because there are unspeakable Horrors

    Happening in these prisons so today I will take you to the world’s toughest prisons where 20% of inmates end up dead which is the only way they would have ever gotten out black dolphin officially known as penal colony number six and more popularly known as the Black

    Dolphin prison is a high security prison located in orenburg oblast Russia near its border with kazak The Unofficial name black dolphin comes from an inmate made sculpture at the front entrance of the prison depicting a black dolphin its remote location and inhumane conditions have also earned it the title of alcatra

    Of Russia the black dolphin was originally established in 1745 as a prison for individuals sentenced to lifelong hard labor but in 1773 it underwent renovation and transformation after the suppression of pugachov rebellion it became a facility dedicated to the deportation and confinement of robbers it was one of the oldest prisons

    In Russia and among the first in the orenberg oblast to house inmates with life sentences the black dolphin prison accommodates approximately 700 of Russia’s most dangerous criminals including those convicted of child molestation murder terrorism rape cannibalism and serial killings these 700 inmates are responsible for the death of 3,500 people which makes it

    Five murders per inmate all inmates at the black dolphin are serving a life imprisonment sentence the daily routine of the inmates is strict and disciplined with 24/7 surveillance they are woken up at 6:00 a.m. and for 16 hours they are not allowed to sit or rest on their beds

    They eat soup and bread in their cells for all meals of the day for 22 hours a day they are kept isolated in their windowless 50t cells away from any and all social contact if the prisoner has earned the trust of the guards they are allowed to work the work assignments can

    Include making Furniture working in the bakery sewing shop laundry etc for 90 minutes a day these inmates are taken to get some fresh air or exercise to basically just a slightly larger version of the cell they were in there’s no grass or even just fake grass it’s another under surveillance area where

    They can pace around during the time the inmates are taken out for exercise their cells are checked by the guards for Contraband items every day the guards make rounds every 15 minutes to ensure compliance and surveillance the cells of the inmates are located behind a set of

    Three steel doors the inmates are cuffed and taken out where the prison guard blindfolds them the prisoners are also made to walk bending forward while the guard holds their handcuffed hands behind their back at times they will also be a prison dog accompanying the inmate dangerously close by on a short

    Leash this method of escorting though deemed harsh prevents the inmate from ever knowing the layout of the prison attacking the guards or attempting escapes it may seem excessive humiliating even but don’t forget what these people did to be here to that end every cell door has a description of the

    Inmates crimes any sympathy the guards might feel disappears immediately along with the humiliating escort violence is a daily part of life at the black dolphin which includes beatings from the guards and various forms of torture including electric shocks and blaring heavy metal music the beatings are so merciless and brutal that one inmate

    Roman sarichef died at the hands of the guards just 3 hours after arriving in prison Roman was part of a very common ritual called intake which is designed to frighten and humiliate new arrivals in 2019 2700 prisoners have been reported to have died in custody excluding cases of illnesses inmates are

    Isolated from one another so the only way the prisoners receive anything is through the guard even if that’s a beating or a death itself and these are only the reported cases after all prison staff wouldn’t snitch on themselves about it prison staff are required to wear body cams but they always stop

    Working whenever a prisoner ends up beaten or dead even in the case of Roman I’ve been here for 17 years and I’ve never heard anyone say they don’t regret it even the geography is in itself a security measure the remote area coupled with temperatures dropping below minus 40° in Winter limited natural resources

    And armed guards making rounds every 15 minutes makes this place absolutely impossible to escape why no one has ever escaped from the the black dolphin and for most the only sure way out is in a coffin San Quentin State Prison San Quenton prison is a maximum security correctional facility for men located in

    You guessed it San Quenton California the prison dates back to 1854 making it the state’s oldest prison and the only facility that conducts executions the prison is equipped with gas Chambers but since 1996 executions have been carried out by Lethal Injections the San Quenton State Prison has a history of violence

    Most not ably during the 80s and ’90s where standard disciplinary measures included flogging beatings solitary confinement chain gangs and shower baths chain gang was a preferred method of punishment because it reduced the cost of guarding prisoners as they would chain five prisoners together and force them to eat sleep and labor together but

    One mistep could place the entire group in danger shower baths were a form of punishment where inmates were stripped tied to a ladder and sprayed with a high-press water hose in the face chest and genitals with a high pressure stream of cold water which was often a precursor to water boarding the prison

    Has had a lot of blood spilled whether that by prison riots or prisoner deaths in 1971 a deadly Riot occurred at San Quenton prison involving a group of black inmates known as the six Quenton 6 surviving inmates faced ongoing abuse from the warden in 1973 another Riot

    Broke out at San Quentin due to inhumane conditions and brutal treatment of inmates it lasted for hours and left multiple inmates injured before being stopped by prison officials in 2015 a riot erupted after the stabbing of Hugo panel one of the six Quentin six around 7 prisoners were involved in a 20-minute

    Brawl that sent 11 inmates to the hospital a total of 29 inmates were injured but no staff members were harmed the riot was suppressed using pepper spray and non-lethal force the lives of the inmates within the prisons are highly structured with meals work and other activities taking place at fixed

    Hours although designed for 3,100 inmates the population has far exceeded that number as of 2022 the prison was incarcerating people at 105% 3,239 inmates of its design capacity in some units two people share roughly 4T by 8 to 9 ft cells with bunks and a toilet akin to living in a small

    Bathroom with a roommate any violation of the structure and regulations can result in disciplinary action because of the overcrowding in the prison there are hygiene and sanitary issues there’s always tension between inmates especially on the basis of race in February 2006 some racially motivated attacks resulted in the injuries of 100

    Inmates the inmate population is also divided into various gangs such as the Mexican Mafia the Barbarian Brotherhood the nestra family Etc it’s the survival of the fittest among the inmates the weak are prayed upon by stronger inmates you have to form strong bonds with any

    Of the gangs to have an easy life in San Quentin otherwise you might not survive forong they allow inmates to engage in recreational activities with other inmates such as jogging playing basketball Etc during this time inmates also adhered to racial segregation which they have enforced amongst themselves strictly the prison has improved its

    Conditions keeping in mind the inmates demands and riots the state is now focused on transforming San Quenton the Maximum Security Prison into to San Quenton the rehabilitation center the transformation is inspired by prisons in Norway where officers act more like social workers we want to better prepare the residents for Success when they

    Leave and to reduce this is the key point and to reduce the chance that they’re going to commit other crimes the prison offers many educational and Vocational programs but these programs have a very long wait list you’ll be lucky to be given the opportunity the goal is to provide a more Humane

    Experience for inmates to rehabilitate them and provide them with the tools that they’ll need so that when they leave the prison they can break the cycle of crime what we’re trying to do is to learn new skills so we can get out there to our Second Chance Riker’s

    Island prison reikers island is a 413 acre island in the East River in the Bronx that contains New York City’s largest jail it is the largest Correctional and mental institution the name comes from a previous owner of the land named Abraham Reen who bought it in

    1664 the island is now operated by the New York City Department of Corrections with a staff of 9,000 civilian officers and 1,500 other civilians ions and more than 5,000 inmates most of the inmates are either held on bail or remanded in custody the rest are convicted criminals serving short sentences Riker’s Island

    Has been marked by a looming cloud of Doom and despair since its creation the brutality of the prison guards paired with the inhumane living conditions make it a physically and mentally taxing experience for any individual some words you’d use to describe Riker Al hell plain and simple hell one of the

    Eight jails on Riker’s Island is reserved for the intake of inmates people are supposed to be there for 24 hours before being transferred to cells or dorms but many are actually held for weeks on end multiple inmates crammed into this small and filthy cell where there would be feces on the walls and

    Inoperable toilets multiple inmates have reported that there’s no food no showers no water and no phone calls the prison guards don’t care about any of the inmates needs rather they would intimidate inmates by randomly banging on cells or spraying mace in the cells or even withholding necessary medical

    Care for inmates with health conditions like asthma or diabetes inmate beatings are also rampant in one incident an inmate was beaten so badly they had to be hospitalized and paralyzed violence was a part of the inmates daily life at Riker’s Island a severe lack of correctional officers may also play into

    This as there were several units left unsupervised almost all inmates in such units had DIY self-defense weapons like Shanks these inmates only had themselves to depend on to protect themselves from other dangerous inmates and gang violence as more than 7,000 officers just don’t show up to work Contraband was also rampantly exchanged between

    Between inmates with no one to control them or search their cells several reform actions at the prison have helped reduce the number of stabbings a year from 1,000 to 70 but that doesn’t address the overall problem who was running the place the M run the facilities even in the other eight jails

    In the facility the situation was no better the living conditions were as if these people were left to rot multiple inmates are crammed into small cells with inoperable toilets they are forced to defecate inside plastic bags and take turns sleeping on the absolutely filthy floor they would be left caged in

    Showers in their dirty clothes with nothing to change into there are random puddles of urine and just imagine the smell the hygiene facilities were in such a state that you would lose your lunch just thinking about it trust me I had to see it wasn’t easy for correctional officers who actually

    Showed up for work either you can be walking doing your tour and all of a sudden urine or feces is thrown at you the correctional officers who did do their jobs suffered at the hands of the inmates as well due to the severe overcrowding of the prison there just

    Wasn’t enough staff to maintain Law and Order almost all of them had work nod or sharp objects officers would be assaulted daily it can range from a broken nose to a broken eye socket broken bones broken ribs there’s no limit to what these inmates would do to

    You a large percentage of inmates also turn to drugs and suicide because of the conditions around them in 2021 15 inmates died at or shortly after leaving rikus the causes of death included suicide overdose and medical neglect in 2022 16 people died of the same causes and recently another person died at

    Riker’s Island the fact that most of these inmates are in Rikers awaiting trial just makes everything all more horrifying these people haven’t even been convicted but are being treated worse the system implemented here has truly failed everyone involved the inmates and the officers lante prison the lante prison is a Maximum Security

    Prison operated by the French prison service it is located east of the Mont paress District in southern Paris France the lante prison is well known for being one of the top correctional facilities in France having separate sections for both VIP and maximum security inmates it is one of the three main penitentiaries

    Along with flurry Mari and friend which are strategically situated in the southern suburbs the prison was made in 1867 and was considered a model Correctional Facility it was also a site of many public executions the very first being in 1909 and the very last public execution being in 1940 after which they

    Just shifted to executions inside the prison after the liberation of France most common criminals were executed in the courtyard of the prison the last death sentence by guillotine at the lassant prison was in 1972 after which the guillotine was stored in the basement of a national Center in Fr

    Prison as a relic of History the prison has a capacity of 1,400 prisoners divided into 14 divisions the lante has also enjoyed popularity as being a high-profile prison due to the many VIPs very important prisoners who are welcomed as guests up until the year 2000 inmates were racially segregated

    Into different blocks there was a block for Western Europe black Africa and the rest of the world the former Chief doctor at lante prison wrote published a book in which she wrote what she saw in her seven years of service the book details and exposes all of the horrifying and inhumane conditions the

    Inmates were facing at the prison despite the maximum capacity of the prison being 14400 inmates the prison exceeded its capacity by taking in 2300 inmates which led to overcrowding violence and poor sanitation went hand inhand as there were no facilities for inmates to keep themselves clean and maintain good hygiene inmates were also

    Cramped together into small cells and were only allowed to shower twice a week which led to an outbreak of of skin infections and other communal diseases the overall poor hygiene conditions also led to a rat and Cockroach infestation the inmates would try to keep them at Bay by stuffing their clothes into the

    Cracks in the walls prisoners were subjected to violence disgusting food and beatings from guards then comes the violence the physically and emotionally taxing environment causes there to be tension among the inmates inmates who affiliate themselves with a gang inside the prison are at and then inmates who don’t the stronger inmates would also

    Force the weaker ones into a sort of slavery rake was also spread among inmates and guards whoever was Stronger would basically do whatever they wanted whether that be guard or inmate it’s a common occurrence to see knife fights between gangs the prison is described as

    A city within a city with its own rules and morality governed by violence and illogic at the lante prison about a third of inmates are addicted to some drug ranging from cocaine to concoctions of strange ingredients such as water in which batteries had been boiled the guards are mainly involved in smuggling

    In the drugs to later distribute to the inmates due to the environment around them depression and suicide are common as well some prisoners would opt to drink drain cleaner or rat poison to put themselves out of their misery some would even resort to self-mutilation in 1999 124 inmates committed suicide one

    Of the highest rated among European prisons there were 953 hunger strikes lasting at least 7 days and 278 attacks by inmates on guards when Dr vinique vaser came out with her expose there was a lot of push back as France prided itself on humanitarians but the government did take notice of the

    Facility and its conditions from 2014 to 2019 it was closed for renovation and reopened with several improvements they provided 800 refurbished cells with showers toilets Etc half the cells will be reserved for single occupants while the other half will be shared they also included space for educational and vocational training programs there’s a

    Better equipped Medical Center and psychiatric ward the prison had installed a better ventilation system Electric System plumbing and a better surveillance system to prevent violence and increase security di arakia prison diaka prison is located in diak Southeastern turkey it is categorized as an e type prison the these are medium

    Security prisons where inmates enjoy more freedom than those in closed prisons but less than those in open prisons after September of 1980 control of the facility was given to the military Administration and became a martial law military prison the period after the 1980 military coup was a dark

    Period for turkey the generals abolished Parliament the Constitution political parties trade unions and all other organizations during this period visiting prisons was banned irrespective if the person was a family member or lawyer of Defense tens of thousands of men and women were taken into custody and more than 30,000 were jailed in the

    First 4 months after the coup the following years were no better thousands of allegations of torture resulting in over 100 deaths of inmates came out against diak prison the methods of abuse employed in the prison were not only severe and systematic but they also displayed a complete disregard for the

    Dignity and Humanity of the inmates the physical abuse such as beatings and hair pulling left the prisoners bruised and battered while forced nudity and blindfolding stripped them of their autonomy and subjected them to further humiliation the use of hosing a form of water torture added an element of psychological torment as the prisoners

    Were drenched and left shivering in their cold cells solitary confinement a practice known to cause severe psychological distress was another method used to break down the inmates the reports of prison dogs being trained to bite the genitals of naked prisoners are particularly disturbing and demonstrate the sadistic nature of the

    Guards this form of sexual violence not only caused physical pain but also inflicted deep emotional trauma on the victims it is a horrifying example of dehumanization and degradation in addition to physical abuse the inmates were subjected to deprivation of basic necessities the denial of food water and

    Sleep for extended periods of time not only weakened their bodies but also further destroyed their mental and emotional strength these acts of deprivation were deliberate and calculated aimed at breaking the inmate spirits and reducing them to a state of complete submission the methods of intense pain and humiliation such as

    Foot whippings and Palestinian hangings were designed to inflict maximum suffering on the Prisoners the Palestinian hangings in particular were a brutal form of torture as they involved suspending the inmates midair by their wrists causing excruciating pain and potential dislocation of their shoulders the guards had complete control over how long the prisoners

    Remained in this position and if they desired could add weights the psychological abuse inflicted on the inmates equally horrifying mock executions where the prisoners were made to believe they were about to be killed played with their emotions and instilled a constant fear for their lives sensory deprivation through the removal of sight

    Sound and touch further isolated the prisoners and heightened their sense of helplessness stress positions where they were forced to maintain uncomfortable and painful poses for extended periods added to their physical and mental anguish making inmates beat sexually assault each for their entertainment but they enjoyed it most when they were the

    Ones doing the beating or assaulting the inmates who were particularly targeted by the Turkish guards were the Kurdish people even after the prison caretaking was transferred from the military to the ministry of Justice things did not get better the nightmare continued on for the inmates these brutal inhumane and

    Downright atrocious treatment of the inmates at diaka prison LED many to their deaths and earned the prison the top spot as one of the worst prisons around the globe the death toll due totaled 299 people dying during incarceration in only the year following the military intervention in recent

    Years 73 inmates have reportedly died in Turkish prisons but the situation did not change many inmates resorted to self- imulation setting themselves on fire One inmate maslim dogen set his cell on fire and then hanged himself leaving behind a note that has become a legend amongst the Kurds surrender leads

    To betrayal resistance leads to victory in 2022 president erdogan has announced that the prison will be converted into a cultural center to raise awareness of extensive human rights violations that took place at the diaka prison but as of now the prison is still functional Las sabaneta prison the maraio national

    Prison more famously known as Las sabaneta prison is a notoriously violent prison in Venezuela in 1958 the maraio national prison was constructed with four main sections the first section Premo was created to house Military Officers and police agents re-education was intended for those with minor offenses while the prison section was

    For standard prisoners lastly maximum was designated for those with the most severe charges the prison was built with a capacity of incarcerating 700 inmates that now houses more than 3,700 inmates an estimated 193 of these are just children of inmates overcrowding is just the tip of the

    Iceberg of the issues this prison has as is the trend with the majority of Venezuelan prisons laneta prison is run by the prisoners themselves also following the trend of vene velan prisons it is severely overcrowded since the prison doesn’t have the capacity for this many inmates the resources and

    Facilities are far and few between employees hygiene facilities are just there for the sake of being there five inmates are crammed into a cell that can barely hold one inmate they even have to share a single bed between multiple inmates or if your luck is really terrible you’ll have to sleep in the

    Corridors of the cell you know seeing inmates with weapons With Grenades the smell you know seeing literally extraen coming from the walls just the amount of you know open sewers everywhere absolutely Ely deplorable conditions it felt almost like a war zone like post-apocalyptic thing to see the

    Children like children going in and out of the prison the prison is also understaffed so there aren’t enough guards to make sure that no one is breaking the law so they’ve left the prison to the inmates many of the prisoners have gang affiliations and are led by a pran or designated leader the

    Only Authority in the prison is the pran Las sabaneta is often described as a microcosm of Venezuela the inmates have pretty much made a life for themselves inside the prison they have birthday parties they invite their families and wives for special events they have small shops and even have animals they even

    Have weapons smuggled in the prison for protection against the National Guard or their own corrupt officials play a big role in the smuggling of drugs and weapons into the prison as the prison generates about $3 million a year in profit from illegal activities and weekly taxes paid to the pran by the

    Inmates Venezuela and the whole Penitentiary system is a big Mafia that produces a lot of money taking you to the tribunal to continue your judicial process getting the transport to get you anywhere besides the presence of families and festivities there is a disturbing reality of violence and despair in Las

    Sabaneta many individuals who have been affected by crack and other illegal substances live in rows of hammocks or amidst piles of garbage indulging in their addictions drugs are more easily available inside the prison walls rather than outerside you know that guy that was selling crack and cocaine with the

    CH the baby in in his arms you those who are imprisoned for sexual offenses are kept in a separate area from the general prison population additionally there is a prison within a prison called lorilla which is reserved for the Renegade inmates known as gandules who have violated the unwritten

    Code of the prison these individuals are constantly monitored by their fellow inmates who act as both captors and guards armed with pistols High caliber revolvers and automatic rifles to ensure their confinement the government did carry out raids and confiscated massive amounts of weapons and drugs but as long

    As they had a state Able Supply it didn’t matter due to the lack of security gang violence is a common Occurrence at Las sabaneta in 1994 one of the deadliest riots occurred at the prison which led to over 150 casualties in which 130 prisoners were burned or hacked to death with machetes the

    Incidents did not stop there in 2013 15 prisoners were killed due to gang rivalries with some inmates getting beheaded and dismembered the prison was closed after this incident a lot of inmates especially the pran moocho Edwin put up a fight because he didn’t want to leave his kingdom there are plans to

    Reopen it as a museum for citizens to visit the sites of famous massacres and learn about the history of the prison tadmore prison tadmore prison is a Maximum Security Prison located in Palmyra in the deserts of Eastern Syria prison was originally built as a military Barrack by the French mandate

    Forces that became a military prison when Syria gained independence the prison had seven Courtyards 40 to 50 dormitories and 39 smaller cells there were also 19 disciplinary underground cells that were used for solitary confinement tadmore prison is known as one of the worst prisons in regards to the treatment of inmates Palestinian

    Writer salame Kyer who spent two years there from 1998 to 2000 accused of opposing the goals of the Revolution that brought Assad’s bath party to power said when an inmate first enters tadmore they are greeted with a reception party which is an initial session of torture that prisoners endure they were brutally

    And mercilessly whipped as soon as they got off the bus and then forced to get into a tire where their feet were flogged the guards would not stop even if you were bleeding to death they would stop only when they wanted to many inmates would die just in the reception

    Party inmates were left without means of entertainment or tools of production and were exposed to overcrowding lack of access to basic necessities such as food water and medical care when inmates would cry out for medical help for prisoners dying from injuries or illnesses the injuries nine times out of

    10 being caused by guards themselves and the guards answer was always the same only call us to collect bodies the prison was designed to inflict the maximum suffering fear and humiliation on prisoners and to keep them under the strictest control by breaking them mentally and physically prisoners were

    Isolated from the outside world and also each other they were forbidden to to make eye contact with other inmates and even with the guards the inmates would recognize guards according to their shoe colors the lives of the inmates were truly in the hands of the guards and to

    The guards they were worth absolutely nothing the inmates were exposed to torture humiliation and degradation at the hands of guards they were subjected to physical torture such as brutal beatings whipping electric shocks gouging out the eyes of inmates breaking Limbs and using electric power drills they were also thrown into solitary

    Confinement if the guards deemed it necessary the guards on a whim would decide to mutilate the faces of inmates with razor bles between 1980 and 1990 the regime imprisoned an estimated 20,000 people in tadmore and the states Crackdown on opposition movements during that period resulted in severe overcrowding in the communal or

    Dormitory cells of the prison the younger inmates were subjected to rape at times their mothers and sisters were rape to force rubber stamped confessions out of them one female inmate recounted that every night from their cell of 30 female inmates the guards would choose one or more female prisoners after which

    They would be taken for what they thought was interrogation they would return in a depl horrible physical and mental state and refused to talk about what was done to them in 1980 one of the bloodiest tragedies occurred at the prison a failed assassination of the president HZ al-assad led to his brother

    Ordering the defense Brigade to set an example by murdering the political prisoners at tadmore prison armed men entered the prison and proceeded to go from cell to cell shooting sleeping inmates on site the number of inmates killed in Cold Blood is estimated between 500 1,000 many inmates would

    Stay in the prison even if they were never properly convicted of their crimes and their families would never know the truth of what happened to them many of their parents would pass away by the time the inmate would get out of tadmore prison if they got out tadmore prison was closed down in

    2001 but reopened in 2011 it is no less brutal today garama Central Prison garama Central Prison is located on the outskirts of kagali in Rwanda East Africa it was built in 1930 during the Belgian colonial era as housing for the British workers it was later converted

    To to a prison it was initially designed to hold up to 600 inmates but over the decades it has been significantly expanded to hold 3,000 inmates in the mid 1990s due to the horrible Rwandan Genocide it is said to house around 7,000 inmates making it one of the most

    Densely populated prisons in African continents the extreme overcrowding of the prison has led to many issues for the inmates thousands of inmates were stuffed into small spaces and were forced to live in close proximity with sick inmates access to basic amenities like basic hygiene and clean water for

    Sanitation is a constant Str struggle for inmates majority of prisoners are forced to sleep on the cold hard floors as a bed is a luxury some inmates found a place to sit or stand wherever they could some even slept in the open latrines soaked in human sewage the

    Inmates don’t have access to proper medical care so the overcrowding combined with unsanitary living conditions gives rise to many epidemics within the prison many of the prisoners have developed Gang Green in their feet and it’s common for toes to just rot until they fall off altogether tuberculosis is also a common disease

    Due to lack of ventilation caused by an airborne bacteria every day around five six inmates die and many more are admitted to hospitals nearby prison guards fail to alleviate the hardships faced by the inmates instead actively contribute to the inmates suffering through their cruel and sadistic Behavior physical torment is a common

    Occurrence within the Prison Walls physical beatings are not isolated incidents but rather a regular part of the inmates daily lives leaving them bruised battered and in constant pain the guards also subject the inmates to psychological torment they employ various tactics to degrade and humiliate the prisoners such as forcefully pulling

    Their hair or stripping them of their clothes leaving them exposed and vulnerable despite being aware of the dire consequences the guards fail to provide adequate nourishment to the Prisoners the rations provided are meager and insufficient leading to a significant number of fatalities due to hunger inmates desperate to survive are

    Left with no choice but to resort to cannibalism as a means to satiate their hunger and ensure their own Survival the prison becomes a breeding ground for despair where survival becomes a constant struggle and the boundaries of morality are pushed to their limits in such an environment the inmates are left

    With no hope for redemption or Rehabilitation only a desperate fight for survival in the face of unimaginable hardships the presence of violent criminals in such terrible living conditions inevitably creates a tense atmosphere making disputes worse the lack of personal space and boundaries is widely known to cause psychological distress fights are unfortunately a

    Common occurrence in garama Central Prison in 1995 more than 1,000 detainees were reported to have died inside the jail while there were further reports of rotting limbs due to a lack of Medical Care and unhygienic beds only a fraction of the extremely lucky convicts who enter there return whole and free of

    Life-threatening diseases and illnesses most of the inmates at garama prison will never get out and they are not even granted legal representation despite a name change to mahunga prison in 2006 the situation of the prison has not changed


    1. please my lord bless me with a husband my heart needs affection im a very passionate ewoman 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

    2. OP, thanks for this incredible documentary. To be honest your documentary is vastly superior to almost anything that shown on Nat Geo or Smithsonian channels – subscribed and eagerly waITING more docs!

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