James Krellenstein joins me to discuss the rationale underlying small modular reactors and in particular the challenges of getting novel reactor concepts from the experimental stage to reliable commercial operation.

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    Welcome back to Decouple. Today I’m joined by returning guest James Krellenstein, whose previous two appearances and episodes on the past, present and future of American nuclear energy have stunned myself and listeners with James near encyclopedic knowledge and sharp analysis. Dylan, producer and coconspirator.

    Here at the couple, he’s often reminding me to stop calling people savants. But perhaps I can just use it as an adjective savant like skills. I think got a lot of feedback from people saying, Who the hell is this guy? And how does he know

    So much of some really respected people in the field at MIT and other places? So that’s a source of your feathers too much. James But made a big impact on those last two episodes and looking forward to having you back today. Great. I’m glad to be here and thanks for fluffing my feathers.

    I suppose. All right, so the topic of the day. I’m labeling it small misunderstood reactors. How does that sound to you? Maybe. Yeah, sure. All right. Small, misunderstood. I don’t know how misunderstood they are, but we’ll go into that maybe, and see for sure. For sure. I mean, I have this.

    This is the need to to categorize things, to create taxonomies for things in order to be able to discuss them. And, you know, we’re pretty wonkish, so we like to go into details and I think get frustrated by terms which are overly broad, insufficiently specific, and potentially misleading,

    Particularly to people, you know, with a cursory knowledge outside of the field. And I would say that, you know, includes almost every single policymaker and government official I’ve ever run into. So it’s a pet peeve for me because of some of the misconceptions.

    You know, such as the idea that everything labeled as an s some are can be produced like a model T in a factory driven to say no need for any civil works, etc. and also some of the ways in which

    I think it’s been a little bit self-defeating in terms of, you know, the the form of nuclear that has social license and therefore it gets sort of a singular focus in policy circles where nuclear needs to be floated more as a trial balloon.

    And that often ends up, I think, creating some severe limitations. Got back from Australia about a month ago where a similar has been sort of the focus and the unfortunate consequences. There are no currently deployed as the Mars in the Western world and that creates a pretty shaky foundation for for that advocacy.

    So yeah, I mean that’s, that’s where I’m coming from, where my frustrations are at. But we have a lot to talk about today, and maybe I’ll just try and lay out a couple of things and I’m sure we’ll deviate here and there,

    Which I’m looking forward to, but I thought it was of interest. Great British nuclear has sort of revealed a short list of reactors that they’re interested in pursuing. All of them are small at least, and they’re all existing late water boiling water technologies,

    Which I think is very interesting because another sort of face of ExoMars amongst policymakers are, you know, the use of advanced nuclear often infers, you know, different coolants and moderators and so-called Gen four technologies. So again, I thought, great time to touch on this

    And really looking forward to hearing some of your your takes. Sure. So, you know, I think it’s a really, you know, Mars, I think are at this point sort of more of almost a marketing term than they are a technical reality in a lot of ways.

    You know, if you look at, you know, what we classically, I think, want to think about in the summer is literally like a something like, as you said, a model T r Toyota Camry, that it comes off of a factory line and we just sort of plop it somewhere and turn it on.

    But except for the micro reactors, which are, you know, below 50 or 30 megawatts, either thermal or electrical, once again, this is where it gets very iffy, but generally below definitely below 50 megawatts electrical. None of the micro reactor. Then whether it’s ESA Mars, for example, that were in the sort of great

    British nuclear, which is a I have a joke about that name. But regardless, you know, those are not reactors that don’t require any civil works. In many ways I would like to think of them as really small modular eyes, you know, regular nuclear power plants. And I think that has advantages and disadvantages.

    But I want to pull back for one second and ask this very basic question right in. I think, you know, a lot of areas in the world, right, especially emerging economies and lower income economies that really do need a lot more energy access. Right. Do need for prosperity for just and,

    You know, increasing human health and well-being. You know, in those places, we really do secret constraints. Right. You know, the grids are not going to be able to take you know, if you go to a country like Rwanda, which has only a couple hundred megawatts of installed capacity

    In total on the entire grid, you can’t pop a thousand megawatt plant down there. And I think it will work or will be anything easy. But in higher income countries and in particularly what we think of as the West, you know, that’s where the South Korea, the US

    Or Canada or Western or Eastern Europe, we have very, very large, you know, generating assets of many of them fossil, many of whom already have all the transmission interconnections already there, all the siting. And so it begs the question, what are we thinking about when we’re trying to do a smart.

    Because the whole reason why the nuclear power industry through the sixties seventies, eighties, nineties scaled bigger is because there really are cost capacity scaling advantages that you get out of going big and you see this in power plants just generally it’s why despite the fact that we all are surrounded by small modular

    Internal combustion engines called cars, we don’t power the world within fossil fuels by just running, you know, thousands and thousands of 100, 200 horsepower engines. Right. We generally go to, you know, big 100, 203 hundred, 400 megawatt, you know, combustion turbines or whatever the fossil acid or big round coal.

    And so I’m very worried, I’ll just be honest with you, that the the obsession around small cars is making us make some pretty questionable decisions about what the next reactor design should be. And I don’t think that they are solving you know, I don’t think some are.

    I think some RS, to be honest with you, are primarily, as we talked about in the last two episodes, they’re a nuclear engineering solution to a financial engineering problem, right? That and I don’t really see that many other real benefits for small cars for for deploying for baseload power

    For what we I think really need to decarbonize in the United States. Now, I realize it’s a very provocative position, but I think I can walk through a little bit why I think that. And I think that the you know, there’s a pretty good case to be made.

    And just to finish up here, you know, I’m concerned about what we’ve now seen in that both the state of Illinois and in the state of California, where, you know, we had some heroic pro-nuclear advocacy done in the state of Illinois that got the legislature to overturn

    Their moratorium on, you know, new nuclear power plants. And the governor vetoed it with the ostensible reason. This is what he claimed at least that it allowed non smokers that is non, you know, regular large modular reactors, if you want to call them that. These are Mark Nelson term

    Because it allowed those large plants and didn’t prohibit didn’t only allow for small modular reactors. Right. Literally, you know Jay Pritzker literally said this bill did not allow non small reactors and therefore I’m vetoing it. And then we saw a similar bill introduced in the California legislature

    That would only legalize nuclear power plants for smokers. So I think we really do need to start diving in pretty into the rationale between smokers. And I’ll just I’ll just end with saying I’m not A.S. Mars. I’m certainly not anti, you know, non light water reactor technology at all.

    I think they have a really important, incredibly important role to play. I just think that we have maybe undersold the advantage of the existing fleet reactors and the existing new larger reactor designs. And maybe oversold some of the advantages of ExoMars.

    Yeah, I mean, definitely that’s been a big part of our struggle up here in Canada. Again, as smart as being a nuclear technology that, you know, are perceived to have social license and a lot of our our legislation, be it the investment tax credits

    And others here, our fight against nuclear energy was to make it nuclear inclusive across the board, existing nuclear candu, nuclear refurbishments, etc.. And we’ve been successful in that. But but I definitely I think the instinct of the industry was

    To sort of roll with roll with that and say, well, we have a license for this. And it’s, you know, really a brand new phenomenon, probably only the year old in Canada that we’re we’re talking large again. So so that is interesting. I mean,

    A couple of the rationales and I thought this was a really interesting distinction. I think it probably came we touched on it in an earlier conversation, but obviously this this engineering nuke engineering solution to a financing problem, the difference between something being financeable and something being economic, I think are really interesting.

    So I wondering if you can expand on that a little bit. Yeah, just right before I go, you know, I say it’s a financial engineering solution, a nuclear engineering solution to a financial engineering problem. But I think you had also, as I also was talking about, it’s also a PR solution,

    You know, a a nuclear engineering solution to a PR problem. It’s a nuclear engineering solution to a political problem. And I think that this is sometimes, you know, as I think I mentioned, my father’s a nuclear engineer. I’ve literally known a nuclear engineer very closely since the day I was born.

    Sometimes nuclear engineers view every problem as nuclear engineering problems, and not every problem is a nuclear engineering problem in the world. And and so when we have financial engineering problems, maybe we should try to do some financial engineering. When we have PR problems, maybe we should do PR issues and advocacy,

    Not have a nuclear engineering solution to that problem. So going back to your exact thing, let’s let’s expand on this difference between finance ability and economical, right? So one of the problems that I’ve talked about, especially in the United States, is the way that we finance new nuclear power plants. Right.

    And for these large light water reactors that we’ve classically built in the US, actually the only reactors we’ve actually built in the U.S. for at least a very long time, you know, they are financed, as I said, as a system financing approach

    Where you basically have an entire utility pledge, all of its assets and all of its revenue to be able to service the debt that is used, the bonds, for example, that are issued to build that large light water reactor and just a summit.

    To sum it up, the basic problem is you’re building a $15 billion plant or a $30 billion plant, hopefully a little bit cheaper. But in the double digit billions, let’s say, for a two unit plant, I don’t think we’re going to get no matter what we do.

    I think it would be double digit billions for a22 unit gigawatt scale plant. The problem is, is that it’s such a large amount of money that if the project fails, you really can threaten the entire utility or the careers of the people who are ordering that at the utility management

    And within SMR, as their name implies, they are just smaller, which means that the overall price tag is going to be much tinier than that, even if the price per megawatt is going to be more expensive. But because they make less megawatts,

    Even though it might be a little bit more expensive per megawatt, the overall price is going to be a lot lower. So the if you think about it from a corporate or a finance ability perspective, they said, well, if this project fails, it’ll be bad. No one wants the project to fail.

    But you know, surviving $1,000,000,000 or $2 billion project failure is much, much easier for a company then than surviving a 15 or $20 billion project failure. And the problem is, as you just put out, pointed out, that doesn’t mean, however, that ultimately the power per megawatt hour

    Or even just a nameplate adjusted basis is going to be cheaper. In fact, we have a lot of reasons and most of the rigorous peer reviewed analysis that have looked at this have indicated that estimates are likely going to be more expensive per megawatt hour or per megawatt electrical

    Just on a nameplate basis, then a larger than a comparable large reactor would be. I think this is a real problem because ultimately nuclear power plants are creating a, you know, people are going to object. But it is a it is a weird commodity, but it is a commodity that is sold.

    And we’re going to have a real hard time with the first couple of units that we are building of are going to be producing power that is more expensive than we would classically think. So. So, you know, I can see the rationale amongst the Western nuclear industry

    That it’s better to build something than nothing. And if this is all we can build in this pretense potentially kickstarts a return to large nuclear. And that’s I think some of the rationale up here in Canada is let’s prove we can do it.

    I’m on board or that I can’t I can’t, you know, disagree with that. You know, it is interesting, you know, hearing getting a sense of, you know, the loan programs, office mandate and what the limitations are. But seeing that there is hundreds of billions of dollars to throw around, that it couldn’t happen

    In a more coordinated fashion or there couldn’t be, you know, more aggressive financing of some large nuclear to keep the if you want, thousand supply chain tack domestically, etc.. But given those confines, like I can see the rationale and I’m not I’m not unsympathetic to it,

    Maybe we’ll just maybe reaction to that very quickly. But like there are a lot of stuff I want to move on to. But just to that question of, you know, as as a means to kickstart a large program, again, maybe the West just can’t jump there. Yeah,

    I think that once again, I am I am very happy that smart projects are going to get off the ground in particular. You know, I think the ones that are going to really get off the ground like the BW 300, I think it

    Like all of the you know, because it’s 300 megawatts electrical. So it’s going to be an interesting thing to see if that plan in particular is economical compared to the large light water reactors. But here’s where I’m coming from.

    If you look at the LPO, right, and the deal with the US Department of Energy more broadly, right, they have basically said that the United States, in order to achieve what is U.S. government policy by 2050, they’re going to need 200 gigawatts, at least, of new nuclear power in California.

    It’s dozens and dozens of gigawatts. In New York State, it’s dozens and dozens of gigawatts of new firm generation that is low carbon and the only real firm, low carbon scalable technology that actually has been deployed that we have right now, at least is is nuclear. You know, there’s carbon capture, sequestration,

    Hypothetically, for natural gas. But we’ve never really brought it to scale and certainly not brought it to, you know, providing 20% of the U.S. electrical power or 70% of France’s. So I’m looking at that and I am sympathetic. I’m also sympathetic that there are a lot of places

    That we’re going to need, ExoMars, by the way, in the United States. But when we’re talking about the bulk amount of low carbon power firm, low carbon generation that we need, the question that I have for everyone is, does it really make sense to be going

    50 megawatts or 300 megawatts at a time and possibly getting a lot of economic disadvantage versus us really looking hard about, okay, we need to build the ExoMars, but what are the policy decisions that we need to make to build the largely light water reactors as well?

    And I don’t think we’ve spent a lot of time on that. And one of the things I’ve just worried about, just to be honest with you, is we’re already seeing some of these issues with ExoMars happen. You know, I think the smaller project that is furthest along in the

    United States right now is the carbon free power project by you APS out in Utah. This can be built in Idaho National Lab. And we just saw I think is sort of giving credence to my warning a little bit that, you know, from 2022 to, you know, January of 2023,

    The power price of that project more than doubled per megawatt hour. The estimated it hasn’t been built yet. This is just the paper estimate of what is going to go on going from $60 a megawatt hour to over $119 a megawatt hour. And that’s before any building has been done right

    Before we really actually have you in the most detailed cost estimates completed. And I think this is, you know, that project may not actually survive. That project may never actually get off the ground. And, you know, I think we do need to be thinking, are we going to be

    Ever able to get the economics of the ExoMars competitive enough with what the large plants can provide that we’re able to launch this in a really sustained way that would get us to that point where we’re delivering thousands and thousands of megawatts of of new nuclear capacity.

    And I just, you know, once again, the modeling is just not supportive of this idea that, you know, these plants are going to be necessarily as competitive as the large plants are. And we’re seeing that happen begin to happen now in real life as well.

    I think there’s a key difference between nice to have and need to have nuclear. And, you know, when there’s pragmatic reasons like energy security, again, driving decisions in Eastern Europe that leads to the pragmatic decisions to solve the financing problem and do the most economic nuclear.

    So in my mind, that just doesn’t exist in the U.S. It is interesting sort of seeing from the more, I guess, into renewables side of the nuclear advocacy movement, some sort of cheerleading on the spiraling costs of offshore wind

    And I think some of those cost drivers are very much going to apply to new nuclear as a capital intensive resource dependent on a bunch of different commodities. So just just a little side note there. I am very interested in following along here

    Because, you know, over the last ten years there’s been a lot of excitement about, again, a so-called advanced nuclear Gen4 nuclear. I thought it was very interesting that the, you know, six frontrunners and great British nuclear, you know, reality TV show, the great run off, whatever you want to call it,

    Are all traditional light water technologies. So I think that that sort of leads me to want to dive this issue a little bit more, talk about some of the drive behind the excitement for Gen four in the last ten years.

    I think we’re going to touch a little bit on sort of venture capital and how that’s shaped a lot of, you know, planning and imagination in the nuclear space. But first off, I guess, are you surprised by the short list for for No, no, no, not for great British nuclear?

    I think, you know, here’s the you know, I call sort of the Gen four. It’s kind of ironic. I call them the sort of back to the future reactors. Yeah. Because if you go back to 1950, right. Remember the first, you know, nuclear power generation was not by a light water reactor.

    You know, EPR was an experimental breeder. Reactor number one was, of course, a liquid metal, sodium, potassium, you tactic fast breeder reactor. And actually that was the first reactor that produced any sort of meaningful amounts of electric power. This was way before we ever got shipping port

    Or, you know, a light water reactor, nuclear power plant. You know, these reactors have been around for basically from the birth of the nuclear industry to begin with, including molten salt reactors. Right. You could go down the list, a high temperature gas reactors. Here’s the here’s the truth.

    We need advanced nuclear in a decarbonized world because light water reactors, by their very nature of using light water as a coolant or heavy water, you know, water as a coolant, you know, it gets very, very challenging to get to very high temperatures. It’s not impossible, of course, but you really start

    You know, the pressure really, really begins getting very difficult to deal with with water at at much higher temperatures. And, you know, a light water reactor is generally providing steam at, you know, 300 degrees Celsius, maybe a little bit higher than that.

    And for a lot of process heat applications, we’re going to need to go to much higher temperatures. And and if we actually get to a world in which we really do need have a lot more nuclear than we do have now, we have fuel cycle needs as well to breed thorium

    Or to really have a plutonium based sort of, you know, fuel cycle. We’re not anywhere close to that. So there’s real important applications about for advanced reactors. But my note of caution here is, you know, we think of nuclear power as a firm, reliable source of generation because it is right now.

    But if you go back historically into the sixties and seventies, nuclear power, including in the light water reactor, were not particularly reliable. And the real technology that we got is we learned how to master that tech, right? We learned how to master that fuel, that coolant chemistry, that,

    You know, the fuel, you know, the cladding and the and the fuel rod interactions. What is going on in the nuclear power plant in a nuclear reactor is magic. It is alchemy in many ways. You’re literally taking atoms and you’re splitting them into two or more daughter

    Nuclei that may be unstable and decay into a bunch of other elements. The chemistry, for example, just to give one example here of this, is really, really challenging and something that is not actually dealt with in almost any other place in chemical engineering or in chemistry in general.

    You know, when a nuclear fuel rod chemically is one of the most interesting things that exist because you literally have dozens and dozens of chemical elements simultaneously being produced and popping in and out of, you know, sort of going to last and to the right on the periodic table

    As they go through beta decay or alpha decay. So it is an incredibly interesting, complex chemical environment that is not easy to master and it requires a lot of, just to be honest, real world experience. And the issue that we have with a lot of these non light water

    Reactor technologies is not that they aren’t great, not that they aren’t extremely important to develop is is that they’re not technologically mature in the same way that we see light water reactor technology. And this is not just hypothetical, right? If we look at the history of non light water reactors, even among pioneering

    Nuclear countries where the United States, Russia, France, England, we don’t see the same reliability coming, you know, manifesting. If we take, for example, the the the biggest non light water reactor power plant the United States is ever built, which is Fort St Vrain, which is a high temperature gas cooled reactor in Colorado.

    Right over the ten years that that plant operated, the capacity factor didn’t hit 16% or cumulatively it was 15.9% over the plant’s entire life. Now, this doesn’t mean that high temperature gas reactors are bad, just as if the operational challenges we had associated with light water reactors in the sixties

    And seventies doesn’t mean light water reactor technology is bad. It means, though, that we do not have the real world operating experience and understand all of those challenges that, to be honest, are almost impossible to fully, exhaustively get through until you build one of these plants and turn it online.

    And what I would just ask us to realize is that I don’t think we have prepared ourselves in the proper way to actually deploy Generation four technologies. I’ll give you one very easy example. The West right now does not have a fast neutron source.

    We do not a fast neutron source said it’s actually a nuclear reactor, you know, ignoring accelerator driven sort of sort of magic or user generated magic. Right. You know, when we’re qualifying a new, you know, nuclear fuel. Well, one of the things that you do is a test of radiation, right?

    You put it into a a reactor and, you know, you experience it. You know, you expose it to a neutron flux that is going to be representative, at least we hope, of what it’s going to experience in the commercial reactor. We don’t have an operating fast

    Reactor in the you in the west outside of Russia and China. There isn’t any operating faster. There’s hypothetically maybe one in Japan that hasn’t been turned on in years. And just that sort of basic system, you know, sort of testing ability we don’t have. So I’m asking us

    We should be developing a very, very robust fast reactor development program or non light water reactor because they are so important and because they have such they have a lot of advantages over light water reactors. But I think we should be clear about what these are going to be.

    These are likely not going to we’re not going to turn one of these things on and it’s just going to be, you know, 90% rock solid generation like we expect out of the LWR fleet. It’s going to require some learning by doing in order to get to that expected reliability.

    And we’re just not we’re not taking the steps necessary to ensure that that we actually get there. Yeah, I mean, it’s interesting going back well beyond nuclear to the beginning of the industrial evolution. I mean, our expertise at managing water under high pressure and using steam.

    I mean, this is hundreds of years old versus versus these more modern technologies. It’s not that the learning curve just began in the fifties and sixties at some, you know, far, far longer track record. So I do want to talk about, you know, getting from the lab bench to commercial operations.

    And I think you’ve talked a little bit about that from the operational side and you’re hinting at it in terms of, you know, what’s required to qualify fuel, etc.. But before we get there, you know, I guess so much of the energy debate, the nuclear debate, is

    When we when we step back from it, especially non-experts like myself, it’s bound in a lot of sort of esthetic and psychological considerations and framings. And so I’m particularly interested in, again, the role of venture capital finance in some of the sort of paper reactor, advanced reactor

    Type concepts and sort of what’s driving some of the thoughts here. And when I look at it, you know, I see folks that have made a lot of money in tech in a highly disruptive industry, and you know, maybe they’ve made their millions and maybe interested in making their millions or billions more,

    But they start to turn to these kind of broader existential problems facing humanity. Maybe it’s climate and they discover nuclear and they see how incredibly awesome it is. And I really mean that in the word of inspiring the alchemy, the strong atomic force, the incredible energy density, etc..

    And they’re incredibly frustrated, frustrated with the glacial pace of innovation and think, hey, if I can disrupt this, A, I could solve this problem. Maybe they could make a pile of cash on the side. But, you know, I think there’s this, you know, incredible sort of frustration.

    And all of these dumb nuclear engineers, they’re they’re they’re messing around with the wrong technology. You know, we we proved that molten salts work in, you know, in Tennessee or, you know, EPR proves that, you know, just let’s get on with it. So nothing happened at EPR.

    One that was a problem anyway. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so maybe maybe riff off of riff off of that and what you’ve observed in that space. Let me start with the story. Right. You know, I have been a lover of nuclear power since I was like, you know, seven or six years old.

    And I still have the boy like wonder with with this technology. It is seemingly like anything else in the world that you put a pile, a bunch of metal rods in a tank of water, and that tank of water will just boil endlessly for years.

    That is something like it’s like out of Harry Potter or something. It is it is magic in the sense that the technology that we are doing, utilizing this entire field is the first time that man has captured the strong nuclear force

    And has been able to put it to, you know, sort of tame it and put it towards productive of use, the strongest force in the universe. And that’s why, you know, the the biography of people like Oppenheimer was called American Prometheus. It’s literally took the strong nuclear force

    And the nuclear engineer sort of stole it from the gods. And sometimes it is easy in that magic to forget that a lot of this technology is to actually tame that Magic is one something that’s really, really challenging. And it’s still really, really new in the history of humanity, right?

    It’s only, you know, December 2nd, 1942, was the time that we had the first self-sustained chain reaction probably on planet Earth since billions of years since you know, Okello since the natural nuclear reactors. So it is now if you now take that from where we are with tech, right?

    You have a bunch of people in Silicon Valley, as you said, who are in a field that is innovating really, really quickly, that has dramatic, disruptive change on a couple of year long basis. And they look at nuclear power. And I actually went I was at a cocktail party in in Silicon Valley.

    I think I’ve told you the story before where, you know, you would talk to these Silicon Valley guys and they would just be like, you guys are literally using technology from 1953, basically, which is the light water reactor technology. I didn’t want to hint to them

    That, you know, molten salt reactors and and sodium reactors are also that old. But their their idea is, hey, this technology is so old, it has not been disrupted, you know, really in any you know, in their mind, at least in any meaningful way for so long,

    That’s there’s got to be a better solution than this. And therefore, they want to take that sort of Silicon Valley ethos, which so much of it is predicated on software development, where development it can really happen iteratively very, very quickly, very disruptively. They want to apply it to nuclear engineering.

    The problem is, is that they’re taking a software mentality to the hardest of hard tech, which is nuclear power. Right. And the problem is, is, as I was explaining, just the chemistry alone of these issues is very, very complicated. And something that is very hard to understand

    Without actually building and operating the reactor in the real world. It is not like running, you know, a new, you know, Python compiler or writing a new set of code or jumping from, you know, from Fortran to Julia or something. This is something that really requires actual real world

    Build experience and understanding the challenges that happen. And what Rickover talked about in the early fifties, that’s why it’s been since the early fifties in this paper reactor memo that always a reactor on paper is going to be much better than a real world reactor.

    And the simple reason is, is that the engineers cannot cannot foresee all of the challenges that are going to be associated with building a nuclear power plant in real life, because these challenges are so difficult to actually model completely on paper versus in real world. And that’s why it’s not like

    The engineers at General Atomics who put that 14 brain reactor together. They weren’t aiming for 15%, you know, capacity factor. They experienced challenges and they just did not know how to anticipate. And we’ve seen this throughout the nuclear development space in every reactor technology, whether it’s light water reactors with its sodium reactors,

    Whether that’s, you know, look at even the company, the countries that are developing these non light water reactor technologies, even the Soviet Union, Russia, which has been developing commercially sodium fast breeder reactors since the late sixties and deploying them, by the way, for six Shevchenko and then at Bel-Air. Right.

    They are not deploying right now as their main technology, the liquid sodium fast breeder reactors, their main bread and butter reactor that they’re building The most of are these light water reactors. Is that because light water reactors on paper are superior to liquid sodium fast?

    We know they aren’t, but they have the real world experience in both engineering, design and construct ability that gives it an edge. And what I see is a very different picture than maybe a Silicon Valley person does about the 50 years of using the same technology.

    What I see here is that we have 50 years of tech that has been built up by operating these plants. That allows us sort of the key to unlock that strong force and be able to turn it into useful work in an economical, reliable way.

    What I see is, is that it is amazing that we take the same plants that 40 years ago in the United States weren’t breaking 50% capacity factor records, and now we’re operating at 93%. That is technology and that is innovation that has happened

    Is just simply not maybe innovation in the nuclear steam supply system, but it rather is innovation in operations in sort of fuel design and fabrication and in the basic sort of real world experience of how do I actually operate this plant on a day to day basis. That’s a huge technological asset.

    And when we sort of change the fuel, change the coolant, change everything else, we start breaking down and losing the tech that we have developed by operating these plants and are starting from more of a sort of blank slate. And that will maybe have advantages, but we have to be very careful

    To understand that we’re going to build that other real world operational tech up. And if we are going to expect these plants to operate a comparable capacity factor in economics. I mean, this is reminding me a little bit in terms of, you know, the categories we’re talking about,

    Which are just, you know, we’re so prone to making as human beings, you know, and talking about maybe the inertia of traditional technologies. I’m thinking about Voxel Smith here and describing the parameters that we rely upon and how old they are,

    How old the diesel engine is, how old even the jet turbine is. And these are technologies which are miraculous and have had iterative improvements and, you know, increased efficiencies and things like that. But they’re not fundamentally different. And indeed, we haven’t really discovered a new prime mover.

    I mean, I’m not an expert on this, but I think in the last 70 years or so, there is, you know, to someone who’s looking to disrupt and for for, you know, miraculously novel technology that’s going to reduce costs or schedule by orders of magnitude nuclear, I think like those other prime movers

    Is going to end up being pretty frustrating. Yeah. You know, I think a really good example of this, to give you your industrial revolution example is, you know, we always like to think of nuclear power as the new fire.

    And it is right, as I said, it’s like this it’s not doing the chemical interactions that underlie combustion. It’s rather using strong interactions and the strong force to generate power. And so if you just take that metaphor out a little bit so, you know, we have, as you said, in the Industrial Revolution,

    We had a lot of fire, right, these combustion based processes. So first with a steam engine and then and then so on. But you would never think if you built a steam engine, right. And you had a lot of experience building steam engines

    And you’re just going to trivially be able to build an internal combustion engine, but you’re like, Hey, these two both use fire, right? They’re both using combustion to basically run the plant. That’s sort of like I like to make the analogy between a a light water reactor and say, a molten salt reactor.

    They’re both using the same fire that is nuclear fission. But the way they actually convert that into useful work that is used for an end use is very, very different. All the underlying engineering challenges are very different. And just as you would not expect to be able to just master building steam

    Engines, that you’re going to be able to simply switch over to build combustion, you know, gas turbines or an internal combustion engine. We should sort of take it out the same way that these are going to be challenges. It doesn’t mean, by the way, that that just because we had really good steam

    Engines in the 1880s, we shouldn’t have tried to build internal combustion engines. We should we should still try to build gas turbines, of course, just like we should still be trying to build these generation for tech. It’s just that we need to be careful, I think, in understanding the

    Relative levels of technological maturity these different technologies have. I mean, I think it’s interesting and I make this argument in relation to commercial fusion. It’s it’s insane that we went from the Fermi pile in 42 to shipping port 14 years later in 56. Like, is that just a testament to the times

    We were in when the brightest minds You know, I think there’s generationally there’s sort of the age of chemistry, the age of physics, the age of biotechnology that we’ve been pursuing through these sort of scientific peaks of interest. And it’s brought the brightest minds in like,

    How can this be so sluggish when again, we moved from the Fermi pile to commercial nuclear power and just 14 years, There’s a couple of things going on. One, as you said, you know, if you think about think about these reactors, right? So we have the Fermi pile, CP one, Chicago Pile one.

    We have, you know, EPR one in Idaho. We have submarines. You know, the the sort of predecessor of the Nautilus pressurized water reactor being built in Idaho. We have Borax one being built in Idaho. Right. And what are these all actually have in common? Well, in many cases, all of these reactors,

    Which were experimental reactors, were built by the same teams, and people are involved, the same type of thing. So a guy like Walter Zinn. Right. So Walter Zinn, of course. Right. Was at City College of New York in the 1930s as a physics professor.

    You know, Fermi comes up to Columbia, which, you know, down the block, and he starts working with Fermi, and he’s Fermi’s right hand man in engineering. CP one Chicago Pile one. And then Walter Zinn right then goes out of the Manhattan Project, leaves the Manhattan

    Project, becomes head of Argonne National Lab at Argonne National Lab. Then is is responsible for literally heading up EB one. You know, it was called Zinn’s Infernal Pile, right? The zip. Right. Then he was also responsible for helping build out at Idaho

    And got into massive fights with Rickover, but was literally on the team that was building the first pressurized water reactor and supervised the first building of the of the first Borax experiments, the first boiling water reactor. So not only did you have in some cases like a totally different governmental

    Sort of idea, you know, support for building these experimental reactors, you had literally the same groups of people and the same teams and the same real world experience on how we’re going to organize. They organize laboratory teams to be building these new reactor types.

    And you would just had the same people like, you know, these grandfathers like Walter Zinn, who just birthing new reactor types over and over again. And and I want to go the one one more step where we’re forgetting that every single one of these reactors came out of government research and development labs,

    And they weren’t immediately tried. You know, no one tried to make the first boiling water reactor a commercial product immediately, but we built borax one through five, right? We built those test reactors, er1, then we built our two. We even tried to go right from B.R.

    Wanting EPR to write to a commercial plant that was Fermi unit number one outside of Detroit. And that’s a pretty disastrous operational experience. We almost lost the trophy. Well, not really, but yeah, we had we had a core damage event at Fermi one and Fermi one was incredibly unreliable as as a plant.

    What I’m not trying to say is that means that sodium, sodium reactors will never be commercialized. No, what I’m trying to say is if we have to distinguish between a science experiment and technology that we need to learn and master versus a commercially deployable tech

    That has to compete against other power sources on an open market. And this is this is not really, by the way. So if you want to go back to where you started this question, why did great British nuclear choose the light water reactor a smart tech?

    I think a lot of this has to do with exactly what we’re talking about, the maturity of the smart tech, whether it’s the fuel, whether it’s the operational experience of how you operate a boiling water reactor, a pressurized water reactor. That’s not that far removed from the existing fleet’s knowledge.

    And one of the things that I will say about this, fascinating to me for the United Kingdom, for the great British people, Right. Is they rather uniquely right now have a nuclear fleet that almost all but one operating plant is not a light water reactor. Right.

    They have one light water reactor, SIZEWELL B, but every single other reactor that they are operating is advanced gas reactor A high temperature, graphite moderated gas cooled reactor, and they are not going to the next generation of gas cooled reactors. They are jumping back to light water reactors because the experience of

    The yars, while it’s been not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, the capacity factor of the current air fleet is still not matching the capacity factors that we expect to have the light water reactor fleet. And even though we have all those advantages, you know, including higher temperatures,

    The Brits are saying basically, hey, man, we’re going to go back to light water reactor because we expect that to give us better operational excellence than we’ve gotten out of two generations. Firstly, you know, the ETR, but before that, the Magnox reactors of the high temperature gas cooled reactors.

    So I think that’s kind of demonstrate the real value of the tech that exist in light water reactors, which is this half a century at this point of operational experience at commercial scale. I think, you know, part of the reason I care so much about this, particularly

    In a debate which tends towards conflict avoidance and all of the above ism and listen, there’s so many gigawatts we need to build. Let’s just do a smattering of everything, whether it’s renewables plus nuclear, even within the nuclear space, is this idea that, like we desperately need a win and another loss is

    Is potentially hugely damaging at this coordinate approach is damaging, you know, a non standardized approach in not learning from the lessons, the successful lessons of of contemporary and past nuclear build outs. You know, something that drives me crazy in Canada is, you know, in a province of

    I think 800,000 people out of New Brunswick, not one, but two. Again, back to the future reactors or Gen4 reactors are in some stage of planning. And again, this is a province that runs a single candu six unit. They run it terribly, unfortunately.

    Sorry to my liberal listeners, you know, I really hope that things can improve there, but that this is going to be some center of miraculous innovation. When the French program at at its height with Super Phenix fizzled, the Japanese program with Monju fizzled. You know, massive state backed enterprises.

    That too, you know, tech startup companies are going to be able to get it right, get it operating, get it economical. Just seems so fanciful that I wonder why it’s still being taken seriously. So I want to it’s a really interesting question. Right.

    And I agree with you in my mind what the US and what the world’s nuclear industry and maybe outside of Russia and China, Let’s put it this way. What we really need right now, as you said, is a win and the question is, is what path do we take to get that win?

    And I think all of us are sort of realizing if we can get a couple of wins under our belt, then this this world of the hundreds of gigawatts that we need to meet suddenly becomes realistic that we’re actually going to able to start building that.

    And I think there’s a lot of people who think that throwing away the old tech and starting on something newer, quote unquote simpler a smaller is the way to do it. And I and I realize that this is a a controversial perspective. I believe that actually the most likely chance we have

    For a win is using the stuff that we’ve already done, that we have all of the build experience in that it wasn’t a great build experience, but we’ve done it, we’ve gone through it and we’ve got the plant operating now. And most importantly, in some ways, when we turn that plant on, forget

    About the build experience, which is it’s going to actually reliably generate power and be able to service the debt that accrued to basically build that plant. And that’s really, really important. And you brought up Super Phenix, right, which for listeners who don’t know, was a French breeder reactor, a big 1300 megawatts

    Electrical breeder reactor, huge in France that was built, started in the seventies and was finished in the eighties. And, you know, the French at this time were really, you know, building a lot of nuclear. They had a very, very establish, you know, nuclear supply suppliers and industrial capacity.

    They had a great educational that was minting new nuclear engineers. And what happened in Super Phenix is in some ways exactly what we would expect. But it turned out to be a disaster for what happened is when they first turned on Super Phenix. Right. It had months and months of outages. Right.

    In 1986 when when we first connected Super Phenix to the grid. Right. It really had a capacity factor that was extremely, extremely low. Right. I believe below 30%. And we had major, major operational outages that were caused by, you know, leaks in the intermediate heat exchangers.

    Right. We had oxidation of the primary sodium. We had cracks on the external fuel storage drum. That basically was what you, you know, took the fuel assembly after you you d fuel it into. And this caused huge amounts of outages. Right. The plant wasn’t operational for literally a decade.

    Right. In any true sense. It was going on and off. But and also in a famous incident, the turbine building literally collapsed due to heavy snowfall, which I’m not so sure you could blame that I’d out if you got a reactor new, you know, sodium reactor.

    But anyway, what this gave was huge amounts of opportunities for opponents of the breeder reactor program, even in a relatively pro-nuclear country like France, to basically say this is in, you know, just a money sink, an absolute abject debacle over and over and over again.

    And so even by the time that they had really likely, you know, hammered out a lot of those kinks by the mid 1990s and we actually had a run that was relatively at a relatively high availability, maybe even above 90%. The political opposition to this. So great that they killed the entire program.

    And Super Phenix was retired in 96 and never really generated very much power at all. And what I worry about what the lesson of Super Phenix to me is not that once again, we shouldn’t try to build sturdy and fast breeder reactors,

    But we should manage expectations and we should be clear that these we should not expect when we first turn on these new technologies, that they’re going to really, really perform like the light water reactor fleet does. And what I worry about is that we are not developing that infrastructure right now. Right.

    If you look at the budget of what just in the 1960s the Atomic Energy Commission was just spending on new reactor development, we were spending in inflation adjusted terms by 63, 64, It even passed the peak of new reactor developed for US

    Billion dollars a year on just developing new reactor technologies at the AEC. Right. And pioneering them and building them out in Idaho. Right Right now the in that is larger than the entire budget of the Office of Nuclear Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission combined.

    Forget about what we’re spending on new nuclear reactors. So when we’re talking about building a new technology like this that does not have that operational experience, I would question to my venture capital friends, it’s great that you’re putting that money in. It really is. But how are you going to get through?

    Let’s imagine you even get to the point where you’re building the reactor. How are we going to get through commercially as a private investor? How are you going to justify to the investors that maybe you put the money in to build that plant, you know, that

    Couple year period where we’re not going to expect the plant to work so great? And that is my concern right now. It is not once again that we do not need these reactors. We do need these reactors. We do need disruptive startups going through.

    But how are we going to actually do this on a full private model without government support when it’s going to be very hard to get these reactors, you know, to be generating a lot of power likely? We don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong and where to turn them on.

    It’s going to be perfect out of the box, but I don’t think that has ever happened before. I think just because there’s there’s so much about, you know, liquid thorium, molten salt reactors that we kind of have to go there a little bit. We’ve been talking a bit about the sodium moderated

    Reactors and in France and they’re not modern sorry. Cooled, right? Yeah. Oh, my God. I knew. I knew. And my folks there are saying there are sodium thermal, there are moderate like column like that are graphite moderate sodium. Cool. So yeah, Anyway, my bad, my bad. But I do appreciate the correction.

    Yes. In terms of the molten salts program, again, I think one of the smartest anti nukes that I’ve come across and B Ramana he he does a lot of push back on on Mars and on on molten salts in particular.

    But one of the points that he mentioned and I think it’s a fair point is is similar to the theme we’re discussing. You know this is referenced does hey, we’ve done it before. Why don’t we just doing it now, you know, 225 outages, only 58 were planned.

    You know, this is not mature technology and I think, you know, belongs in national lab to keep working out the kinks and up and scaling up slowly before jumping to, you know, 300 megawatts gigawatts scale. Don’t think anyone’s talking about a gigawatt scale onsite reactor but

    Can you talk a little bit more about that experiment and maybe temper some of the expectations while preserving some of the excitement about, you know, the end place of where this technology could belong? So for molten salt reactor, so just so for people who don’t know

    What the idea of a molten salt reactor and I’m going to be talking here not about, you know, like a kairos like design, where like you have solid fuel, but a molten salt coolant. But I mean, talk about, you know, a molten salt with a liquid fuel, right?

    So what that basically means is that unlike a a nuclear or like a classical light water reactor, even, you know, a fast reactor where the fuel is solid. Right. It’s either uranium dioxide or metallic uranium or trizol. So, you know, sort of pellets in in a in a in a molten salt reactor.

    What we do is we put the fuel in solution as a salt with the coolant. And there’s been two examples really of this. Right. Which as you mentioned, one was the molten salt reactor experiment at Oak Ridge and another one before that actually was also at Oak Ridge

    National Laboratory called the Aircraft Reactor Experiment or the air. And the aircraft reactor experiment was a 2.5 megawatts full power reactor built in 1954 when critical in 1954 and it was moderated. And here’s the problem with that. You remember how I was talking about another problem, right?

    Once again, I am not anti molten salt reactors, but let’s just go back and actually look at the operational experience of these reactors. Remember when I was talking about before that, what’s you know, it’s sort of like, you know, Dmitri Mendeleev, you know, eat your heart out.

    A nuclear fuel rod is like we’re like generating all these different chemical compounds constantly as fission products or as, you know, decay chain intermediates from those fission products as we go down the decay chains. So you literally have dozens and dozens of chemical elements going on now in a uranium dioxide fuel pellet.

    Generally, those are in a solid, you know, crystal lattice of some sort that’s basically keeping the the sort of different compounds kind of all kind of fixed together in a solid. They’re not sort of messing around, interacting with each other with a molten salt reactor as just an example.

    What we’re doing here is we’re taking that that all those fission products, all those decay chain intermediaries, and we’re putting them into liquid. So in the liquid fuel and they’re all interacting with each other, which means that the chemistry becomes non nontrivial, very, very rapidly.

    And as one friend one time said, this is the most exotic chemistry that has ever existed on planet Earth in some ways. So if we look at the the upper, you know, and we’ve only built, to my knowledge, only two molten salt reactors that I just named actually ever went critical

    And actually turned on. And one of the more interesting things, in addition to, you know, the molten the aircraft reactor experiment was 2.5 megawatts thermal. Right. And it only the total run generation was 96 megawatt hours of energy complete.

    So if you just do that now, that means that a full time adjusted basis, right? The plant was literally running for an equivalent of 38.4 hours at full power. Now, it was actually running for a lot longer at lower power, but that gives you how little of a experience

    That we actually have operating these plants and. Then the molten salt reactor experiment as as you mentioned. Right. The full power outlet output equivalent was still was much longer. Right. We had about 9006 hours of full power output of cooling on the first run and about 2549 hours on the second run.

    But still in total, we are looking at less than two reactor years of total. You know, full, full power equivalence and just these two small test reactors. And what I would I would give you just to give you an inexact example of what I’m talking about, these unforeseen challenges.

    When we looked at the what happened here with the molten salt reactor experiment, we turned off and it turned out the decommissioning of that plant was not easy. But it was it is done to my my understanding, one of the things that we found was some form of corrosion called inter granular cracking.

    And it turned out that it which causes in brittleness in the metal services that were exposed to this fuel salt. And it turned out that the culprit of this in a brittle mint was an element called delirium. Now, delirium for those who don’t know, it’s atomic number 52, right?

    It’s a really rare elements that is rare on earth as. Platinum is and it’s something that we don’t really know that much of the chemistry of because doesn’t really have that much interactions. We don’t, you know, use it very much in some niche applications.

    Well, we make delirium in this sort of nuclear fission alchemy, you know, alchemy soup that is the product of delirium, you know, driving fission products. And that this delirium interacted with components of the piping in them, the molten salt reactor, and caused severe, you know, and brilliance over the entire entire reactor explosions.

    Now, what is the lesson that I’m trying to get out of it? It’s not that we can’t solve delirium induced into granular cracking. It’s that this was a completely unexpected, you know, complication of the reactor design that no one at the drawing stage or at the planning stage ever anticipated.

    And it could have been a very, very severe operational challenge if we tried to bring that reactor commercial. This is and this is, of course, why we have national laboratories, this is why we run science experiments, is to figure out what these real world challenges are.

    No one would have ever anticipated that delirium was going to cause intracranial cracking in the particular alloy that was using this piping. But it did. And that’s the exact example that I like to give of real world challenges that you don’t necessarily stumble upon until you operate the plant.

    And it’s just not true that we’ve had that much operating experiences with molten salt reactor. So there’s two examples of this, right? Two reactors that have gone critical. I think the Chinese are building one more. It’s not clear if it’s ever gotten critical.

    And why are we saying that this is just going to turn on and just be a complete, you know, walk in the park And I’m sure I’m about to get a huge amount of hate about this episode. I have to say I am just bracing myself for the hatred that’s about to happen.

    But what I’m trying to say is I’m not trying to be a party pooper. I’m just trying to say let’s set ourselves up for success. And that means being reasonable and realist stick about what the challenges we are going to face with with really new advanced reactor technology. I mean, I guess for,

    You know, we just finished last week our episode with the Jacopo Bongiorno about the cost of nuclear based on the excellent MIT report and what he was saying, at least in their in their study, in their modeling, is that, you know, 20% of the overnight

    Build cost is in the nuclear steam supply system or whatever. You’re I’m not sure if they were looking at advanced advanced reactor concepts. But in any case, a vast amount of the the cost is in construction, I guess charitably, people making arguments for the rapid deployment of of Gen four

    Molten salt, for instance, say it doesn’t require all of you know, as much civil engineering cause it’s not a high pressure system. What do you think about some of those arguments? Because because otherwise I think we’re stuck with trying to attract VC money

    To some really boring stuff, which is like let’s, you know, generate, you know, incredibly excellent institutions and incredibly well-trained people that take, you know, 20 years to to get up to snuff. Like, that’s not something that’s like a VC deliverable, I feel, or something that that’s sexy or let’s develop better steel bricks.

    I don’t know what some kind of revolution or disruptive construction experience. And I think, you know, Jacopo, this report also looked at like the productivity within variety of sectors and just how you know, construction has flatlined or gone negative compared to sort of manufacturing processes. I’m getting too broad here, but

    The reflections on on that that scrambled egg soup of a question. So this there’s three things going on here. I think we should decouple. And so the first is on the civil engineering builds and in particular, you know, concrete, reinforced concrete and that sort of issues in addition to improvement. Excuse me.

    So the pressure thing right, is generally what we associate that in the first you know, first thing excuse me, in the first thing, what we think about is, well, the well, you know, when you’re building a nuclear steam supply system for an a light water reactor,

    We’re operating at thousands of pounds per square inch in order to maintain the reactor, you know, the reactor cooling system at at the at a high enough pressure that we, you know, get to the you know, we get above 100 degrees Celsius for the boiling point of water.

    Right. And you need that obviously for the thermal efficiency of the plant, among many other things. So it really does require a huge amount of welding and very, very, you know, thick piping and and it’s not trivial by any and even, you know, things like,

    You know, the the ceiling of the reactor coolant pumps, all of a sudden it’s not a particularly easy thing to do. But we’ve we’ve mastered it. And so but that would be, as you just said, is as Jacobo said, it’s that’s, you know, 20 to 25%, 18% sometimes depending on what model

    Of the actual cost of the actual power plant costs. Actually, the M. S one of the hypothetical advantages that you can get out of, out of having a much lower pressure system is that, say, for example, the the the design of the containment building needs to be much less or sometimes

    Even if you need a containment, if you’re in a really advanced, you can have what’s called a functional containment depending on your fuel types. If using something like trizol. Right, you can maybe eliminate a lot or really reduce the price of of the containment building, which is a major cost driver

    And major cost that civil works. If you really improve that. That’s definitely true. I think it is varies from technology to technology and gen4. But you know, it is true and that’s why I once again I’m not anti Jen for technologies any stretch of the imagination.

    But what I want to sort of turn back on you though, is ask you the question about what Jacopo said about about, you know, the cost drivers. And now let’s go back to the light water reactor, ExoMars, that we are building.

    Well, one of the things that was really, really interesting is if you look at the historical drivers of the low productivity in Western construction, you know, which is hypothetically what these plants are designed to address. Right. One of the problems that we’ve had and a new nuclear build

    Is that this construction productivity has been very, very low, especially compared to manufacturing productivity. Well, one of the things that’s really interesting is you actually look at the data and say, well, okay, let’s actually now compute on a megawatt basis

    How much labor that you’re going to need per megawatt hour in direct labor. So like ignoring Q8 you see management, which is actually like craft labor and manual labor building the plant. And then you do this math and this really good peer reviewed data actually from MIT, from Robbie Stewart

    And Chris Sherburne and Jeremy Gregory Right. Who really actually analyze this in a very, very rigorous, you know, sort of publication and got published in nuclear engineering and Design in 2022. What they found was, for example, for a BW or X 300, right?

    Compared to an AP 1000, you need for the BW or X 300, two thirds more manpower or people hours, human hours, labor hours of direct labor per megawatt electrical than you would for an AP 1000. So here’s an example of where I’m worried a little bit, right?

    We know for a fact that, you know, craft labor and manual labor productivity has been low. The input amount that we really need is going to be a very cost determinative thing as as Jacobo was talking about, because, you know,

    That is a major driver in many ways of of construction cost is the actual, you know, getting the workforce out there, getting enough people and so on. And we are choosing designs like that per megawatt electrical or requiring a lot more labor, at least on paper

    Then than the larger reactors that we’ve had in the past. And what worries me about this is, is that this is a perfect example of why you generally try not to solve financial problems with nuclear engineering solutions, because each time you try to solve one problem by changing the nuclear engineering company,

    We introduce a whole new set of new challenges. And what I would just like us to think about is let’s look at the real underlying causes of cost escalation and try to address them. And I’m not so sure I’m not convinced that doing this with,

    You know, increasing the amount of labor hours, direct labor, labor hours per unit megawatt is the right direction for our field given the challenges that we have associated that we’ve had historically. And that’s what I’m I’m just trying to put that out there. I love the P.W.

    300. I’m very excited it’s getting built. I’m not trying to say we shouldn’t try to build it. I’m just trying to say we should be looking at the cost and benefits that we have of these new solutions and realizing that sometimes it’s not all better. Always a couple of thoughts there, I guess.

    I mean, one is, you know, these these, you know, labor hours, absolute versus relative. And I mean, you know, on an absolute basis, terms getting that not on a megawatt hour basis, but just in terms of getting that project done, they’ll be less labor hours and it’ll it’ll come out earlier.

    Another argument you hear is that well, the summers will start producing electricity earlier than than a large build and therefore be more financed and ultimately be able to pay back a bit quicker. I think there’s a really absurd example of this, which is with new scale

    Where you need to build an absolutely enormous civil engineering project and civil works to, you know, and you’re starting to pay that off or maybe, you know, 77 megawatts at a time as you get these units in. That almost seems to work counter to that argument.

    But do you do you do you have any sympathy to to that that idea? That’s you know, you’ll get operating quicker and be able to pay back your debts quicker and that’ll kind of make up for the difference. I hope that’s true and I think it probably will be true.

    But the thing that I don’t understand about this is we have built in modern times modern, large light water reactor designs very quickly. Right. And I’m just going to give you you can people who know me know exactly the example I want to give.

    Look at the advanced boiling water reactor built in Japan. Right. We were building those on the order of, you know, 36 to 48 months. Right from the first nuclear concrete to a commercial operation. Right. And the only difference is, is that we got 1.25 gigawatt electrical out of that.

    No more a little bit more, 1.3 gigawatt electrical, you know, out of each reactor built rather than, you know, 200 or 300 or 50 or 75. So, yes, I think that it is a good thing to go faster in building the smaller plants. However, I am not convinced that that is an entrance.

    The advantage of smaller plants, because we have obviously built and many times over large light water reactors as quickly. And I think in a world in which we can build small modular reactors fast and we can build large modular reactors fast, large modular reactor wins, and I think that is the challenge.

    What we need to be figuring out right now is, well, how do we build the large amount? How do we replicate what the Japanese did in the nineties and in the 2000? Right. Which is not that long ago. This is not 1970, whatever. Right.

    This is literally, you know, I was alive for these things. I mean, very young, but but I was in middle school by the time the last ones were really being done. This can be done. And I think the question the question I would like to ask you is,

    Do you think it’s more likely that we’re going to be able to build a first of a kind small reactor faster than if we try to really figure out how to take a large Generation three reactor that we’ve already built and already operated

    And already had a running supply chain, already had a regulator. If we really tried on doing that, which one do you think would be a higher probability of being faster? And my money would be that we could do better by BET, by betting on stuff that we’ve already built.

    We’ve already gone through those kinks and now we just need to input, you know, institutionalize that learning and put it down to go faster. And the second thing I just want to be honest about be clear about this is that, yes, it’s really great to get a power plant on very fast,

    But ultimately that power plant has to be able to be competitive over 40 or 60 or 80 years. And that is ultimate if we’re building plants very fast, but they’re going to be very, very or much more expensive relatively.

    I think there’s a tradeoff here that we have to figure out, and I’m not so sure we’re paying enough attention to that tradeoff that we’re getting. So I guess moving moving towards closing here. You know, the biggest question and maybe a bit of an unanswerable one,

    But I’m interested in your thoughts about this, because we’ve been doing a lot of, I guess, sort of diagnosis and our way through the problem, thinking about solutions, you know, particularly when it comes to finding finance, keeping the interest of VC finances, as we also try and have a more organized,

    Perhaps informed direction coming from from the states as well. How do we how do we get there in terms of the kind of the solutions that you’re sympathetic to? What would that look like in terms of the not not the nuclear engineering solution to some of the problems we’re discussing,

    But this question of of, you know, if we if we’re talking about building large again, if we want to try and build another again and it’s not going to happen through the loan program office or something that’s more top down or vertically integrated,

    Is there any kind of novel way in which to organize that or build your focus on that question of of construct ability of institutional excellence? Like how is that possible in the West or within the U.S. in particular? So I am there’s two three things I want to say, right?

    The first is, you know, I know I’ve I’ve sounded a little bit like a downer. That is not about generation for an advanced reactors and even smart that is is not at all my intent. Right. I believe that assemblies are vital and that they will play a vital role in decarbonization.

    I also think that Gen four advanced reactor technologies are going to play a vital role as well. And to go to your question, what are the solutions to maybe some of the challenges that we’ve been talking about in that space? Let’s start there.

    And I think the a perfect example of this is we need to see better advocacy for things that generation for particularly the fast neutron spectra, what they need, right. In order to qualify their plants. And, you know, the one of the answers

    I have for all of this is, you know, Idaho, I mean, it’s Idaho, baby. It’s not just potatoes like like so much of the modern reactors technologies that we talk about today came from Idaho, came from what is now Idaho National Labs was the reactor test station.

    And we really do need to bring back the idea of what we are talking about when we’re talking about building advanced reactors. You know, building prototypes up at Idaho is a really, really important thing. And and that is going to lead the pathway in my mind

    To effective commercialization because you don’t have the anticipation when you’re building a government reactor experiment. Reactor is going to be as reliable as a commercial plant. And we already are seeing some of the really smart, really great, you know, new reactor startups like Alo Atomics, right.

    What they’re basing their on is their abilities testing on the Marvel reactor. And the Marvel reactor is a test reactor that is being built at Idaho National Labs. And that way they will get that real world experience on a test reactor and be able to translate it into a commercial product, hopefully.

    But they’re not anticipating the first of a kind reactor. They’re not gonna have any operational, you know, challenges that we’re going to solve right out the back on the commercial private market. The other thing is, is just increasing the budget of Idaho and getting congressional support in the US, for example,

    For something like a fast neutron test reactor, you know, there was a proposal that both the Trump and Biden administrations have been behind, which is similar. First of all, test reactor, which is going to be a small version of the PRISM reactor that was going to basically be built at Idaho

    To basically have that fast neutron irradiation capability and test reactor capability that does not exist currently in the Western world. And if we’re really going to be serious about building these fast reactors, that’s a bare minimum. We really do need test reactors that can actually, you know,

    Irradiate, say, fuel samples at a spec shot that is, you know, somewhat comparable to what we would expect the commercial plant to be operating at. So I think that’s a really, really important just sort of bare bones. Let’s set the table for having a successful advanced reactor market and development.

    That does mean, I think, a little bit more advocacy, especially as nuclear advocates become more numerous, a number of pro-nuclear advocates and more sophisticated. Let’s to build more advanced reactor experiments and build test reactors that really can pave the way for effective commercialization, commercialization that is likely to really pave

    The way for a commercially viable and successful project product. The the second question that you asked is that how do we do deal with a large light water reactor problem? So I think there are a lot of policy issues. I mean that could be a whole nother episode that we talk about.

    But one thing that I would love to just say at the bare bones is I think we have to have a little bit more of a data driven about Mars and about what we’re expecting out of them where where it makes sense to deploy them

    And where there’s some questions about whether they deploy them. You know, right now in the United States, there are gigawatts and gigawatts of new, you know, large generation three reactors that have full licenses, new that could start building from an NRC perspective tomorrow.

    And, you know, I am not necessarily the most critical person, the NRC, but, you know, going through the NRC combined construction operating license process is way too long, is a huge burden on everyone. Right now. We have gigawatt lots of plant at places like Turkey Point outside Miami

    Where we have two new licensed AP1000 said if we decided on an advocate for we could start building tomorrow. The NRC has granted a civil that is active and operational and we should be thinking about these opportunities that we have to be building new plants right.

    And just advocating and talking about it more and talking about the advantages of it and having the difficult discussion that we need to have about what happened at Vogel, what happened at summer and and actually had that conversation

    In a real objective way, not in a way that is, oh, it’s the nurses fault. It was know everyone else under the sun. No, no. A real root cause analysis about what happened at Vogel and how will not happen again. And in my humble opinion, when I looked at this problem,

    I spent months and months and months looking at what happened at Vogel. What I take away from that is, yes, Vogel was kind of a little bit of a disaster, but my takeaway is that all the challenges that we we faced would be unlikely, in some cases impossible to happen again.

    And that is something that I wish that we talked a little bit more about. We dealt with the PR challenges, let’s call them that of Vogel and Sommer, not by a nuclear engineering solution, but regular old PR. Right. Let’s talk about explain what happened, level with people, take responsibility,

    But also explain to people why this will be different, especially when we have so many sites that the NRC has already given license, a full license to be in constructing and operating those reactor designs and where we have, you know, reactors being ordered in Poland to that exact type.

    And we have the real world labor experience. Let’s try to sell that a little bit, try to talk about it with pride and understand that that it’s not and not every solutions will be solved by a nuclear engineering problem. Does that a cop out or do you do a. I just don’t.

    Yeah, go ahead. It’s going to require, I think, a lot more elucidation. But I think that that question of where does the VC money go again with that psychology of disruption and that bias towards let’s find a you know, again maybe a back to the future solution, but something very different than.

    What is currently there to see if we can disrupt this age aged, slow moving technology, if what’s required to get from the lab bench or the laboratory to commercial operations is a lot more time in the lab or the national labs, that’s not really a place

    You’re going to earn a bunch of returns for VC, you know, in terms of investing in the versatile test reactor, for instance. Right. So how, how does VC or that private capital that’s wanting a nice return get that return and stay interested in nuclear if this stuff is still the kind

    Of disruptive stuff that they’re attracted to because of that base psychology is decades away, or at least a decade away in terms of getting to reliable commercial operation where you can pay back the principal. So, you know, I think the model for this is biotech, right

    So if we look at, you know, biotech is a much, much larger venture capital market than the and then the nuclear it’s I mean, probably by an order of magnitude, if not two and that model is very much based on what the in my mind that’s very analogous

    To what the nuclear sort of VC model should look like. In that model, what you have generally is you have a huge amount of, you know, government funding here in the US, like NIH funding that is, you know, exploring the basic concepts that sort of bench research that is happening. Right.

    And then a scientist or engineer, a scientist at the at a university will discover a promising, let’s say, you know, signal transduction pathway where that through this, you know, government support. And it doesn’t make sense as you just said, for VC to just be supportive of random researchers at universities.

    But what happens is those random researchers. Right. And I’ve worked you know, I’ve worked I’ve actually done a lot of biological research in my in my previous career. Right. They will discover basically a promising approach, Right. To say curing a disease or developing a drug. Right.

    And it’s at that point that the V.C. starts working on them with the commercialization. And what I think we need to be looking at is exactly like more like aloes in the world, right? More where or project Pele as another example where we had

    The Department of Defense basically building the first prototype reactors. And then we have companies like BW, X, T, and X Energy. We’re going to be building those prototypes. We have then commercial funding to basically take them and commercialize those first of a kind prototype reactors.

    And that’s that’s a really comfortable place for VCs to be. It’s a really comfortable place for the industry to be. And I think it would be really, really great because one thing the government isn’t good at commercializing technology, right? And we have this real ability to, I think, work synergistically.

    But I think we do need to understand a little bit more, maybe a little more humility and understanding that that generally these things are very, very challenging engineering wise. And we are going to are we going to encounter almost guaranteed challenges

    That we did not foresee at the paper planning stage during our computer models? And it’s just building in for that and understanding that we should have maybe a matching model with the DOE where we’ve had Dewey put in some money, we have the VCs putting some money

    And those first prototype plants really are going to be a shared, you know, endeavor between, you know, private investors and public backing. I really do think this is important for a technology like nuclear. What’s really really hard, I think to get it right

    The first time out of the box and I think the DC, you know, injection into the nuclear space is fantasy tech. It’s giving so much vitality and energy and getting young people so much more involved in the nuclear sector. I just think we need to do some policy tweaks here

    Right to really make sure that we are we are planning for what I think we all anticipate that the first reactors are not going to be perfect out of the box. I guess the question is, you know, any kind of analogy is imperfect

    And biotech does take a long time, clinical trials take a long time. But at the end, you often get a well, not often, but when you do and you strike it rich and you get a blockbuster drug, there’s just an enormous payback on something, which is that’s the VC return model, right?

    Totally, totally But you’re producing, say, a pill and that’s, you know, nothing like a nuclear plant and it’s, you know, mass manufactured in highly productive facilities. I just I question your analogy there. The utility of that analogy just with, again, the slower pace of development in nuclear and the end product that

    You’re deploying and its ability to generate massive returns. Well, I think this is where we do get into the advantages of some of the micro reactor side and truly manufactured mobile reactors. Right. Which is going to be small. But those hypothetically could be mass produced.

    You know, you could have manufacturing license from the NRC is not they’re not going to be like a small molecule or a monoclonal antibody or something, but they are they possibly could have what’s going to you know, no metaphor is perfect. And I think, you know, this is a limitation,

    But they really could be in a much more manufacturable space. And I think the question that we will have to ask is what are the challenges that we’re going to be associated with building those small reactors and are they and what are the applications that they’re going to be?

    In my mind, it’s going to be unlikely. But other people very much disagree and very smart people that we’re going to have a world in which it’s all thousands of small little micro reactors lined up. I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen. Right.

    But I think there’s going to be huge applications for micro reactors at remote off grid applications for mining, you know, where diesel fuel is basically used right now for military operations as an example for forward operating positions. I think there’s a huge possible place and that’s a very big market

    That could be disrupted. So think, yes, there is a now, you know, there is a breakdown there. On the other hand, I think that if we get on the larger space, if we really do get something that is systematized and productized in the way that we can build and deploy it

    And we can really get reliably three year or four year build out of it, you know, rebuilds combined cycle gas turbines. Right. Pretty quickly. And there are 400 megawatt plants and we we snap them together in a couple of years. Generally, it’s even faster than that. I really do think.

    There is if you gotten to that place with a mature technology that really was able to do that, I really think we have the ability to have a V.C. like return right on that. I’m just not so sure that that that first gas turbine, quote unquote,

    Or that first reactor module that we build is going to be commercially viable. And the question that we as V.C., if you’re a V.C., need to ask yourself as well, what is the plan for getting through that death zone? Right. That that’s something where the first product has been built

    And it’s having a lot of operational challenges that weren’t anticipated. And there’s probably a light at the end of the tunnel. But how do we drive through that tunnel and survive commercially through that tunnel? And what I would just say is that, you know, the challenges that we’re talking about with,

    You know, with these new they go from small to large, right? Even the small you know, the army in particular had huge programs in the sixties to develop really mobile like ml1 was literally on a couple of backs of a couple of trucks, right. To basically build

    Small little reactors to be deployed in forward operating positions. In the case of small one, we saw that no one is at that plant. Never, I think, got above 60% of its out rate of its, you know, design power. Forget about anything else. Right. We really saw major, major challenges

    With getting, for example, EML one from a design perspective done. In fact, I think an Army study concluded that it was going to be ten times more expensive than deploying diesel fuel for that first reactor. And so so what I’m trying to say is

    Maybe that M1 technology actually I think it’s pretty promising, but it’s going to require a lot of tweaking to get it to a commercially viable position. And how do we as in a full private market, how do we fund that tweaking that needs to happen and keep that plant alive?

    I think one of the things I do not want to see happen and I’m worried about is the same thing that happens in so many of the large light water reactor builds where we abandoned the project a third or a half of the way,

    Like a plant, like Marble hill or or woops, one, three, five. Right. For as well. Right where we just had these massive bulk or Cherokee. Right. We have so many you know America is littered with half built nuclear power plants. And what I’m trying to say is I, I believe in this technology.

    I believe that these reactors and micro reactors are going to be incredibly important. My question to you is and to all of us and I don’t have the answer is how do we have a and there could be government funding. There could be another alternative where we can make sure that

    Once we get through the hard stuff and build that first one, when we have the anticipated operational challenges, how do we see it to the end to actually finish that commercialization process? Right, Right. We should leave it there. But just just one more question. And this this doesn’t apply to,

    You know, the potential higher value applications or products of nuclear like like process heat. But that challenge of, you know, getting a big return on something which is undervalued, which is baseload reliable electricity, which is, you know, obviously not rewarded the same that a natural gas plant is in a competitive market.

    It is interesting to start seeing, you know, especially with the the thoughts around how energy intensive air is going to be. And, you know, Microsoft looking for potential PPAs with nuclear siting, nuclear reactors at server farms. I mean, baseload is kind of cool. It’s back both because we’ve realized that it’s

    Not a myth, but also there’s value to having really reliable electricity. And that value is higher as we head into, you know, increasing grid fragility. But yeah, in terms of that question of of is is producing baseload just such a disadvantage to nuclear in terms of of generating,

    You know, good returns and current market structures. So I think one of the really interesting things that we have done from a policy perspective in, the United States is introduce sort of on a more level fueling than ever a level playing field excuse me, than ever before.

    Nuclear generators alongside renewable, you know, so-called renewable generators on basically giving the economic incentives. And one of the things that gives me the most hope about actually dealing with this problem is the production tax credit that we have built into the IRA, right, for new nuclear generators, as well as existing nuclear generators.

    And that PTC. Right. You know, gives basically and a big incentive, if I may be so bold for nuclear baseload to to to be built, because at $15 per megawatt hour, a PTC, you know, you or all of a sudden, you know, if you were able

    To consistently, you know, rack up those megawatt hours, well, you’re just going to get a very, very big rebate check at end of the day, even if. Right. The wholesale power markets aren’t properly valuing your price yet, the price of the reliable baseload power that you’re generating.

    And one of the reasons why we’ve seen this work, even in a state like my own, like New York State, right, which is a deregulated power. So for deregulated power market, operate by the New York independent system operator or even the small plants like Connect upstate,

    Which is like a couple hundred megawatt little solo to loop pressurized water reactor has been kept online even in a very highly competitive wholesale power market by, you know, a state PTC was put into place. And I think having a federal PTC is really going to change the name of the game.

    On actually making nuclear power competitive Now in all honesty, we’re kind of begging the question, the better question we should be asking ourselves as well, how do we redesign our wholesale power markets such that they properly value to the price of firm, you know, clean bulk generation?

    And I think that is another whole nuclear advocacy. You know, maybe it’s a some sort of tax credit. But I think we really do need to be looking at the market designs in the deregulated markets of how we’re going to properly value this, because I think it’s

    Becoming increasingly clear that our current models, especially in a place like an energy only model, like ERCOT, like in Texas, where we don’t have any capacity market really, we’re not properly valuing the social and economic benefits actually of having reliable clean baseload power.

    And I think that, you know, maybe it is a little bit of a Band-Aid for that. But we do need to figure out some real serious ideas about how we reform the market structure so that it properly incentivizes that in a deregulated power market. No, I mean, I think in a lot ways

    There’s never been a better time to build nuclear in America. With the PTC you’re talking about with an investment tax credit that I believe you build a nuke on a brownfield site with union labor, prevailing wage and with a domestic supply chain. You’re up to something like a 50% investment tax credit.

    You’ve got the PTC, it’s LPO has billions to to shower. So I get this kind of frustration. The why the hell isn’t happening? What’s the you’re like I think I believe in don’t quote me on that. Well, I guess I’m on a podcast. It will be quoted,

    But I believe that the I’m not sure, but I think you’re to make an election whether the ITC or PTC gets chosen for a new nuclear project. But as you just said, if you build on a coal power plant site,

    The United States and the good, the good and bad things about a nuclear project is, is that the prevailing way wage standards, for example, you’ll never not be able to meet those prevailing wage standards in a in a nuclear power build. So don’t worry about that and safety with the domestic component stuff

    Because it actually works. You’ll really get 50% of the price that you build in not just overnight costs, including financing costs. Right. On the day you commit, you know, you commission your plant, you’ll get 50% back. And if you’re a muni, you’ll get as a tax credit, which could be sold on

    The market as transferable and you’ll get 90%, 80% on the dollar. But if you’re a municipal utility, you will literally get a cash refund back from the IRS, right. For 50% of your power price. So just think about this. We have now just without doing anything right,

    We have split in half the total construction cost of a nuclear power plant just by doing that. And that is a perfect example. I was talking, Chris, about us talking more as nuclear advocates about not waiting five years, ten years to the next. But we have licensed power plants in multiple states.

    We have something like close to a dozen gigawatts of new nuclear capacity that have been granted full cycle. Some of them have been terminated by the licensee, but could probably be relicensed pretty quickly that have been fully licensed by the NRC. They’ve gone through all their hearings.

    They have an environmental impact statement issued right. We are literally they’re turnkey in terms of construction. And with a C, well, you don’t have to have another AC. I’ll be hearing an atomic safety licensing board hearing. Right, for operations. Right. You don’t need an environmental impact statement. All that is done,

    The siting is done, the hearings are done, the EPA is planned out. We are there waiting to be built and we don’t talk enough about them. And I think part of the issue is the Assam, Armenia, or they’re not Assam. RS But that’s a pretty damn good thing to try to start building.

    And and I think sometimes we’ve so sort of gotten fixated on our smarts and once again have their place and are going to be very important technologies that we’ve forgotten the little those little sort of giants that exist in our in our midst that really could be

    Transformative for getting those first couple of new bills out. I’m saying let’s crawl before we walk, before we run, before we run a marathon. And if we want to get into a place where this industry can really deliver for its which it needs to couple hundred gigawatts of new nuclear capacity,

    Let’s start on what we’ve done before and try to translate it and choose these sites which now have literally zero regulatory burden in terms of getting a license. You get an environmental impact statement. Obviously, they’re going to have to go, you know, their construction will have

    To go through the CERP construction reactor oversight program to be monitored. But we really are in a good place on that. So that’s my my own lesson. My lesson this is like give some give the large modular reactors a little love. Let’s give them a little love. Let’s talk about them more.

    Let’s understand their benefits as well as their disadvantages just like when we talk about Mars, we should talk about their benefits and their disadvantages. That’s all I’m saying. I’m not trying to, you know, rain anyone’s parade otherwise. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Okay. We’ve got to leave it somewhere. James.

    We could talk for hours, and we probably will over the next got who knows the time interval, But it’s been great. Looking forward to getting you. So I look forward to the deluge of heat I’m about to get from this episode.

    So I think you’ve been pretty measured, not I think you’ve been pretty much of a surprise, not even wait to what Twitter is going to do with the. But you know, that’s that’s I guess the risk I take Soviet bring it out. Okay. James Vega.


    1. Great episode. Spent a good chunk of the afternoon with volunteers, calling legislative offices and asking them to override Pritzkers veto of the moratorium lifting bill. This will be a helpful advocacy tool for those conversations.

    2. Silly question: there have been discussions about "what would it take" to restore the reactors in Germany should they come to their senses, or just get tired of being cold/hot, and Mark Nelson at some point said, the answer is six – three that were just shut, and the three before that which have not been dismantled to the point of no return. The silly question is, what facilities in the US could jump start nuclear for the US ? For example, the one plant in California, was deliberately deconstructed. How 'bout the abortive AP1000 in South Carolina — all the ground prep and concrete – help ? The one in New York ? Read recently that one in Michigan has been petitioned to be refueled and restarted. Descriptive list ? LOVE this episode – and the others too. THANK YOU !!!

    3. But w the molten salt reactor, we should at least be trying. There’s Rusty Towell’s work, and whatever Flibe is up to these days. The NRC needs to let us move forward

    4. When you talk about economic Nuclear you are ignoring the remainder of the power grid, (the transmission and generation).

      I am suggesting that when all vehicles are EV with big batteries and rooftop can generate more than enough electricity at the ends of the grids then the grid is free to carry demand loads to the other users.
      EVs will take less than 20years to be universal and maybe 10years.

      Nuclear time frames much longer.
      Grid expansion also much longer.
      And then more nuclear electricity generation.

      Do not make the same mistake that the distant renewables make about the necessary extra costs in the grid transmission cost.

      66% of electricity at the ends of the grid is grid costs.
      This is fundamental fact.

      Even cold latitudes countries have good weather for months of the year.
      The emergency use of fossil fuels would be a minor matter.

    5. Another way to talk about the topic of how much work is needed to go from paper through the learning to commercial operation is Technology Readiness Level – TRL. Classically, the government takes tech from 1 to 8 or 9, and the commercial sector will generally accept tech only once it has reached TRL 9. So much experience supports the notion that getting from prototype to production is really really hard, because the problems are too much to accept for the perceived Return on Investment. This perspective 100% agrees with the ideas promulgated here favoring building the units for which we have the experience, industrial base, and existing licenses, vs. effectively the unquantifiable risk of a new design. Of course, the "greens" are guilty of launching into big production without understanding the risks, propelled by faith, and running into the manifold problems coming to light.

    6. James Krellenstein tackles the technical, financial and social problems associated with nuclear power more clearly than I've heard in a long time. For me the really important point is that we must move to fast spectrum and high temperature reactors. The high temperature to Supply needed industrial process heat and dramatically raise efficiency. Fast spectrum to totally utilize the fuel and eliminate actinides in the way stream. Curious, waist was not mentioned in this episode, that I heard anyway. He had a very sober and realistic perspective on molten salt reactors. Like him I think this problem of metal pipe embrittlement can be solved. Not easily but with enough effort and brain power we could get it done. Far as I know no one has worked on it yet. His advocacy for centres like Idaho national labs and Oakridge to be sighs of excellence for prototype reactors. Yes ~ SMRs for small use cases but what we really need is big modular reactors.

    7. The words “Decarbonized World” is precisely what a person who knows nothing about “carbon” would say, it’s all special interest, these guys are pushing their agenda and are deliberately avoiding the elephant in the room, their is no climate emergency and Co2 is necessary for all life on earth.

    8. "Nuclear engineering solution to a financial engineering problem", I like that. "Anything you can actually do, you can afford" J.M. Keynes(I may have mangled that a bit).

    9. I'm still team SMR despite the huge risks and drawbacks. It's a path that has chance at achieving a truly robust industry producing steady improvement over time. And don't discount the importance of transmission/distribution, which is the largest cost component for energy today. SMRs can potentially become deeply integrated with the grid and economy in a very robust way.

    10. A 1400 MW reactor can be also standardized, with already available battle tested existing technology.

      Everything one can do with SMR's of a size of 300 MW you can do with 1400 MW.

      The USA needs at least 500 GW nuclear anyway.
      Why even bothering and wasting time and money with these SMR.

      Reasearch and development can be and should be done on SMR for niche applications, like powering supertankers or run a desalination plant in the middle of nowhere.
      But in the next 20 years likely SMR will not be the best solution to replace or better enhance coal power plants. A solid time proven, battletested standard 1400 MW nuclear is the way to go, asap.

    11. Can new reactors in USA be financed the same way Sizewell C is financed? I am not sure about the details but I understand it significantly reduced risk compared to Hinkley Point C

    12. on the topic of "next gen" nuclear I would love to see an interview with someone working on Nanodiamond batteries. Came across them on a nuclear expo website. My understanding is that they are working on using semiconductor fab tech to implant radioactive byproducts of traditional LWRs into synthetic diamonds in such a way that creates a useable voltage when the species implanted in the diamond lattice undergo decay.

    13. Excellent video. I really appreciate that you gave so much time for the interview.
      Would it be possible to please have a similar deep dive video into nuclear enrichment, the current Russian dominance and how to solve this problem.
      Many thanks.

    14. Great stuff, James. Let the hate flow through you.

      I still have a few questions. Why only VC capital. Aren’t they the people chasing very high returns vs high risk? What about the lower risk people?

      Why aren’t pension funds funding the building of already-permitted big reactors at Turkey point and elsewhere? Is it that they are all infested with anti-nuclear environmentalism that will always reject nuclear no matter how cheap and safe?

      We can also be sure that every environmentalist and their dog will find ways to obstruct construction of large plants. They will find a friendly judge to put injunctions out there halting construction for spurious reasons, driving up costs.

      They will also use the waste-disposal argument every time. Is it generally stored on site? All I know is that the large repository at Yucca Mountain never happened, not so?

      These are the real political problems that SMRs are intended to at least partly sidestep. James also speaks of the low construction productivity vs manufacturing productivity. Again isn’t this what SMRs aim to make use of?

      The SMR program he speaks of that has doubled its estimated cost per MegaWatt/Hr on paper before anything has been built. Was this due to incompetent financial modelling or increased estimates of regulation etc?

    15. The big mistake on the molten salt reactors was that they were not just left running for a long time. That is rhe only way of determining the long term corrosion/cracking issues.
      To think that one can model corrosion is unrealistic so the only way of ensuring they will work is to build them and run them.
      I might also point out that super critical steam systems had more than their fair share of issues when the tech was new.

    16. Great stuff. Doing an invaluable service by giving conversations like these the time and space to actually breathe beyond the top-line ideas. James makes a nuanced and compelling case for a particular approach to SMRs without leaving current tech behind.

    17. Candu modularity is very interesting. Engineering is a learning by doing within safety factors, and to an outsider, it looks more like an overshoot than insufficient examination of the technology and materials.

      Build the production line and start now, final fine finishing work can't wait. (?)

    18. AUSTRALIAN ENGINEER HERE: The level of misinformation on nuclear being pumped out here right now is at a disgusting level most of it being pumped by PROPONENTS. The anti-nuclear clowns (and they are clowns) don't need to do anything right now. They can just sit quietly and let the pro-nuclear clowns from the Think Tanks made utter fools of themselves.

      The biggest problem we have is that NOBODY in the media will let any of the engineers speak. He hits the nail right on the head about 9 minutes in when he's saying these are ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS to PR and Political Problems. If we could just get the Economists, PR Clowns (from all sides) and media to shut up for an hour or 2 while we PROPERLY EXPLAIN EVERYTHING then there'd be chance.

      Right now Australia like many other countries is heading for a gigantic crash because we haven't kept up with building new power stations. Every since we privatised the system its gone to hell. The stupidity of thinking that private companies with no other responsibility but to make money (according to Milton Friedman) would actually care about providing the means for a society to function properly was the height of arrogant stupidity.

    19. "Misunderstood" is what you would expect from the failure of governments to curtail a rampant atmosphere poisoning piratical extraction mentality posing as democratic governance. No one should be fooled by the lies but everyone is correct to assume the "your money or your life", now or later, treasonous treachery of misused militancy.

      Regime change follows every attempt to do an honest job of combating the monopoly of fossil fuel Military Industrial Complex imposition of tyranny.

      Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (deposed) said Australia could have built Reactors "in months", and had to be speaking about modular designs, any size.

      Ed Pheil's designs are probably fully tested, if he was allowed to speak.., and so on. Apparently, revealing the effectiveness of Nuclear technology is against Military recommendations and some sort of Law yet to be made clear and in evidence.

      Meaningful Magic is Truth in Labelling and Precision identification of form following functional condensation-coordination vanishing-into-no-thing, accurately applied, ie not just chanting the symbolic representation poetically, mathematically measuring allocations of coherence-cohesion wave-packaging probabilistic correlations in appropriate sync-duration nucleation of temporal sequences formulae.

      Weird and mysterious poetic naturalness is a matter of perceptions, relative-timing sync-duration Sciencing is the technical solution in/of QM-TIME Completeness Actuality.

      The Patent System is about being granted Licence to use a design that excludes others, commercial in confidence, ie business confidence is built from the "glib and oily art" of political influence, and Technicians controlled by fundamental elemental fact are typically affected by blind-sight and diminished awareness of "harsh, real-politic" of the Dark Money dominance, of fossil fueled financial institutions.

      "Oh no, don't let me be misunderstood". Musical theatre themed.

    20. Market policy, ..can we spot the differences between the runaway success of a cancer out competing healthy cells and limiting that appearance of swelling growth to a sensible balance of resources in appropriate application.

    21. This is actually one of the best anti-nuclear podcasts I have heard. Just 1.5 hours of two experts talking about how nuclear has only had L's the last 30 years and how there is no W in sight.

    22. Great discussion! I agree 100% SMRs are a nice addition to have, but they're not really special. If anything it's a different way of trying to catch more business. But the trouble is that many policymakers and enthusiasts have engaged with this new "meme" and think that it is the best thing since sliced bread. It isn't. I think there can be a multitude of different business cases for nuclear in general, and I am a fervent proponent of having options, different vendors, different sizes, maybe different heat-outputs. But none are intrinsically better than the other, it's just a question of which reactor(s) fit best with the circumstances they need to be in.

    23. There may not be much use for an SMR in Rawanda, but there's plenty of other places in Africa that could really use 30-50 megawat SMR's. Various countries in Africa with actual cities. The push to create desalinization plants along the Sahara's coast. The various african nations who are trying to drag themselves into modern living and currently need a big expensive power plant to drive their growth.

    24. This was Great!! You have vetted the road to these nuclear questions and offered great individual alternatives to known and unknown expected bumps in the road as well as alternatives intertwined with finance and doable existing licensed nuclear. Let’s continue this alternatives exploration rhetoric make as flexible a plan as possible with what we know. Now is the time for Nuclear to step out. The only real hope for this country and the world to reliable base load.

    25. Let's emphasise that the modularity we're talking about is the interchangeable low cost of production of high standard components in a high quality easily distributed format of easily maintained, set and forget, Reactor Designs. Probably means restructuring the United Nations on a "Save this planet NOW" basis, ..calling for international volunteers who know the Actuality of QM-TIMESPACE e-Pi-i sync-duration resonance in holographic nucleation superposition, In-form-ation.

    26. GREAT CHANNEL !!!
      Can you guys do another episode specifically focusing on the potential of Synthetic Fuel Production using Industrial Heat from High Temperature Molten Salt / Gas Reactors. The ability to produce Synthetic Diesel (Carbon Neutral ? ) This seems to be the BULLS EYE.
      May I also Request you reack out to KIRK SORENSON. The Gordon McDowell youtube channel may be an excellent place to start for people interested.

      Thank you Decouple Media.
      You guys are doing a FANTASTIC JOB. This channel is #1in my books.
      I pass this on to anyone who is interested. 🥂

    27. James is right about the financial aspects of nuclear power and about breeding reactors. But SMR's become really interesting if the waste heat of the reactor is used by e.g. a chemicals' production plant or a paper production plant. Such type of industries need a lot of heat that is actually produced using fossil fuels. If the waste-heat of an SMR is used, its energy yield will be close to 100% whereas big centralized nuclear plants have an energy yield of only 40% and need huge cooling systems. SMR's waste-heat would be useful for urban heating systems too. Please note also that the French experimental fast breeder reactor Phénix worked for 37 years with a load factor of 45%, even though it was an experimental reactor.

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