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    Birmingham artist Mist has allegedly been bitten by a police dog and assaulted by police during an arrest in Birmingham.

    Multiple media agencies have reported the incident and witnesses claimed the So high rapper was present and the target of the arrest.
    It is not clear why the police set the dog on him or why they wanted to arrest him.

    There is no statement from his manager yet.

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    Get they’re going to bend him you know going to bend him yo That’s what you Sayed Up like jump out get recorded oh Bea up all right they can’t beat up that’s look they can’t beat up


    1. Setting a dog on an unarmed, clearly not resisting man? Copper needs jailing!! Imagine I went walking round with my pressa Canario setting him on people in the street, police should be ashamed of themselves

    2. There’s so many police officers, why do they need a dog.

      It upsets me that police don’t know how to de-escalate this situation. If ten plus officers are scared of an unarmed man they are obviously in the wrong job.

      They clearly pose a serious threat to the community they are in charge of protecting.

      Did they really need a dog, can’t ten officers control one unarmed man.

      I would be exposing policy and procedures and suing them for every pound they have.

      It’s so upsetting to watch and goes to show you the level of professional incompetence that the public are faced with.

      Imagine if there was no video evidence to expose this gross negligence I have just witnessed.

      What’s everyone’s thoughts.

      Even if he was suspected of a crime, a so called trained police officer should evaluate the situation and based on the threat level they should use the relevant amount of force necessary to defuse the situation with the least amount of harm to them self’s and the suspected criminal.

      Power trip on a level that rarely gets exposed.

    3. Please tell me why do they think it was necessary to use the dog when there’s so many police officers.

      Please answer without prejudice or bias.

      I mean ten highly trained officers can handle one man.

      If he was armed I could understand, if he was armed please forgive me for seeing a man being malled by a dog when ten highly trained Officers could have dealt with him.

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