Hi, thanks for watching our video about THE COMBWORKS! The accommodation is close to North East Scotland College. In this video we will show you all the details of THE COMBWORKS under the guidance of the apartment staff. From the generous common spaces to the interiors of every room, you can experience the most authentic message with our Room Tour service while sitting in your home.

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    2:18 Reception
    3:03 Printing
    7:29 Communal Spaces
    8:57 Bike Storage
    11:07 Laundry Room
    14:27 Silver Studio

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    Hi, welcome to the Comb Works on this lovely sunny day. I am Sharon, I’m the General Manager and I will be taking you over the Comb Works showing you the studios, well, it will be a silver studio that I’ll be showing you, the common area, laundry, courtyard

    And I’ll be able to answer any questions that you may have. So, if there is anything that you want to ask, please feel free to ask me. I will try and help you as much as I possibly can. We’ll just wait for everyone else to join us.

    Let’s see if I can turn this around. Okay. You can see the sunshine. As you can see, beautiful skies in Aberdeen today. Not raining, which is a good sign. As you can see, we are on George Street. There is a co-op just across the road there.

    And then just at the end of that street, you turn to your left and you will find a big liddle, which is very popular with the students. And here we are entering the Comb Works. Okay. So, sorry about that. We have the door open.

    So, this is our main reception area where you will find myself. You will also find Denise, who is my assistant manager, and there is also Mike, who is our maintenance. Obviously, with COVID happening at the moment, it’s just me.

    We also have a table here where you can put any comments and a suggestion box. This is also where we have any grab-and-go breakfasts, lunches, anything. We normally pop that here. There is a printer here that the students can use. It is free.

    All we ask is if you want to use it, you can either email myself or Denise, or you can take down a USB stick and you can print away quite happily. We can, of course, show you. 24 hours, no, it’s not, reception is not open 24 hours.

    We are open from 8 to 6. Then after that, we have out of hours security, which you can contact. We also have two resident assistants that can assist you with any lockouts, et cetera. So, we put our TV on. So, it is available to be changed as well.

    We have a nice seating area here. At the moment, we are not collecting packages, but I’m not sure if that will change. Yes, you can print for free. There is also a coffee machine here, so you can help yourself to coffee. The coffee is free.

    As you can see, it’s very popular with the students. Whichever studio you decide to book, there is mailboxes here. So, it goes by your room number, and that is where we would put your mail. Letters from universities, doctors, et cetera.

    Parcels, at the moment, as I said, we are not collecting at the moment, but that might change. This is our common… It is nice, and I believe the coffee is very nice too. I don’t drink coffee, but the students say it’s lovely. This is our common area.

    We do have a student that’s down here at the moment speaking to his family. So, there’s a TV there, again, which can be switched on. There is also a gas fire, which can be put on in the evening time. It’s more used in the winter, not at the moment.

    We also have some nice sofas here. And we have a foosball table that you can use. Some chairs, you can sit at the window, or you can just stretch out on the sofas. Your parents can stay for as long as you like. We just normally ask that you give us notice.

    We have a badminton or ping pong table, which is used a lot. Students seem to like it. And there’s another sofa over there in the corner. These blinds can go down, so you can have more privacy if you want to have a movie night. We do that often as well.

    We’ll just take you over here. This is our lovely crest that we got with the building. We’ve only been open since 2018, so I think we’re doing pretty well. We have Wii games, so you can play on the Wii. There’s Guitar Hero, if you like a bit of Guitar Hero. We have books.

    I’ll just turn you around here. So you see we also have a bookshelf, that’s the word, that has books, it has games, and you’re more than welcome to use them. We just kindly ask that you put everything back so that other students can use them. Use them.

    So this is one of the study areas. So this is an open plan study area. It’s very popular with students. We will be looking at having a maximum of maybe two people studying in these rooms, but at the moment we don’t have many students, so it’s available.

    We have a closed study room, which obviously somebody’s using at the moment, so we can’t really go in. But this one, the closed room, we do ask that you reserve this study area.

    We put that onto our Facebook group, and also to notice we go on the door to say that the study room is booked. We normally, so we can do that, so you can have it as a meeting room.

    Yes, if you let me know the time and the date, we can sort that for you. I’ll take you outside into our lovely courtyard while the sun is shining. We have some outdoor seats that you can sit down,

    Which are maybe a little bit more comfortable than the benches that you can sit at. The courtyard goes all the way around the back. I’ll just take you, since it’s nice, and I can catch some sun. We have a bicycle store there,

    So if you have a bike, you can store it in there. This is the outside yard, yes, and it’s fully closed. No one can get in here, as you can see. We did have one of our students running a marathon for charity. That’s why there’s banners up.

    He raised quite a lot of money for the NHS, a very worthwhile cause. There’s more benches there, and we’ve got some nice bushes. As you can see, it goes all the way around. I’ll just take you, and I’ll get to enjoy some sun as well. There we go.

    As you can see, it’s all fenced in, so nobody can get in. There we go. Some more benches down here. Oh, wow, it’s very warm today, which is nice. There we go. I’ll just take you back. And then I’ll show you the laundry room next.

    Not very exciting, but we all need to wash our clothes. There we go. The temperature at the moment, it’s probably about 18 degrees. Not very hot, but hot for Aberdeen. Okay. This takes us back into the comb works. There we go. So here is our laundry room. Light comes automatically.

    So in the laundry room, you’ve got two washing machines. The cost of a wash is £3.10 for a wash, and it is £1.70 to dry. These are all managed by circuit. You can download the app and upload funds that way,

    Or you can get a laundry card from us, and then you just top up your laundry card. There’s also irons and ironing boards in the laundry room that you are free to use. We just ask that you take these back once you’re finished. Okay.

    So now I’m going to take you to see one of our silver studios. We only have silver studios available. We have a few gold studios available, but at the moment I can’t show you them because they’re all occupied. Yes, there is a lift. I will show you where the lift is.

    There we go. So when you come through the main door, I’ve kept it open for today’s purpose, but you need to use a fob, which is there. That will get you into this in here. And there is the lift. It’s here.

    I’m going to take the stairs for today because I don’t want to lose connection. So I’ll just take you through here. We have our cleaner who’s busy cleaning. One second. Eva. Can you switch off? Thank you. So here we go. I’ll just take you up this way. That’s okay.

    So this takes you, as you can see, it’ll show you where we’re going. So we’re going to go to the second floor via the stairs. Hopefully this thing will go well. It’s a good exercise for me. The cleaner is in every day and also at the weekend. She doesn’t clean the floor.

    She doesn’t clean studios, just common area. The students are responsible for their own studios. So here we are on the second floor. So here you go. And I’ll take you along to the studio. So we’re going into studio 222, which is a silver studio. There we go.

    So this is a silver studio with a courtyard view. As you can see, it’s quite a nice view. Window here. There’s the courtyard down there. So this is your bed area. So this is a double bed. We provide mattress protectors in all our mattresses to make sure that they stay clean.

    Once the room has been cleaned, there is under bed storage. When you lift up the mattress, there’s also a double bed. Two shelves here, if you can see that. There’s also a small cupboard with a door there. Just one second. Let’s not let it up. One second. There you go.

    I suppose this is silver. And as you can see, when you open up here, you’ve got a nice deep cupboard there where you can store some items. Oops, sorry. There’s also a TV in all the studios. They are smart TVs, so they have YouTube, Netflix, Amazon. Yes, there’s the carpet.

    So it’s carpeted at the bed area where your desk and chair is. We also have a mattress pop this light on so you can see. We’ve got some more light there under. I don’t know if you can… There you go.

    So you can see a little bit more if it’s a little bit dark. And in the kitchen area, there is wood. There you go. And you also have a table and chair for sitting at for having your dinners. There is, yes, floor to ceiling windows for all room types.

    The same with the roller blinds. The roller blinds go all the way down to the ground. And they are blackout blinds, so you don’t see much. You’ve got a full length mirror in your studio as well. You also have a nice size wardrobe.

    I’ll just open the doors for you so you can see inside. There you go. So as you can see, you have a shelf and hanging rail. The window, yes, the window can open. It only gets to open so far due to legislation, I’m afraid. But the window does open.

    You also have two good size drawers in your wardrobe. So that’s the size of your drawer. Good size drawer. Although I know some girls might need some more because we do like our clothes. There we go. There we go. And you’ve also got your bookshelf at the back of your bed as well.

    I’ll show you how far the window can be opened. It is on a restrictor, so it’s on the second floor. So that’s how far the window can be opened. It still lets in some air. So I’ll just close that. There we go.

    So this is your kitchen area where you have a two ring hob, an extractor hood, and then you’ve got your combi micro grill. There is instructions and we will be doing a video on how to work these. I’m sorry, it’s a bit bloody there.

    So the hobs are worked by, we have a timer here, which we press to activate the hob. The hob beeps. We press this button here. I think I switched that off. There we go, beeped. Flash is red and it comes on. And you can pick whichever ring you want to go on.

    This is the top one and just automatically goes to five, goes red and then it’s on. The timer is there purely for safety reasons. It will go off if your cooking is left unattended. It will automatically switch off.

    We always ask that you have your extractor hood on at all times whilst cooking and your door open and try not to cook. At a high heat. Just switch that off. We also have kettle and toasters. They are all provided as well.

    If the kettle or toaster does break or stops working, we will not be replacing these items. Also have green recycle bin for your food waste. We’re big on recycling. There are two cupboards here. I’ll just open this one here for you. So that’s one cupboard that you can put your food into.

    And then I’ll just open up the other one. There’s the other one so you can put more food in there. There’s more cupboards under here. So there’s this one here under the sink. So it’s a good size maybe for cleaning items.

    We also have a drawer where you will find all your instructions for the items. There is another cupboard here. As you can see it’s good size again. And this one is a little bit bigger. And this one here is not a cupboard. It’s our fridge.

    So you’ve got your two door storage there for milk and juice etc. Your shelves for your other food. And then you have your ice box freezer here for some frozen items. And then this is your micro grill combi. And then we have another drawer here which is quite deep.

    Which might be good for pots and pans etc. You also have a bin which you’ll have to supply your own black bags with for. And then I’ll show you the ensuite now. It’s your door. So this is the door to your ensuite. I’ll just open this door here. So let me just focus.

    So this is your own private bathroom. This is your shower. On the little shelf. So this is there. So as you can see your shower is there. And then you come out of your shower onto your floor there. Yes the hot and cold water is separate.

    All you do is decide which one you want to go. You also have a mirror. You’ve got two mirrors here in your bathroom. It’s your toilet there. And you have a shelf. And also above the shelf is a cupboard where you can store toiletries, toilet roll etc. Which is quite a nice size.

    I will show you the tap. So here we have the hot water. So if you want hot water you would turn it to your bathroom. So here we have the hot water. So if you want hot water you would turn it to your left.

    If you want cold water you would turn it to your right. If you want it to be a bit of both maybe a little bit in the middle. And that’s where you could possibly have maybe just warmish water. To save burning yourself. You have a towel rail there for holding your towels.

    And also a toilet roll holder for toilet roll. And just come out. The lights in the bathroom. They are PIR lights. So they go on as soon as the door is opened. And then they will go off after five minutes. The same with the fan.

    The fan is only on when there’s somebody in the shower. Beside the door you will have your coat rack. So you can hang your coat or bags at the door. You’ll have your light switches for all your lights. Beside here, behind here. Just move this out of the way. This is your intercom.

    Now we are very security conscious at the comeworks. So when friends come and they buzz you. You can speak to them by pressing this button here. But you will not be able to let them in. You have to leave your studio remembering to take your fob. To go down to let them in.

    But obviously at the moment we have a no visitor policy in place at the moment. So that’s your intercom. If somebody is to knock at your door. You do have a peephole. So you can look through there to see who is at the door. There we go. So you can see that.

    One thing I do apologize I forgot to show you. Is you do have a bedside light at your beside the door. And you also have dimmer switches. So you can turn your lights on and off. Or dim them down. Whatever you like to do. You want to do whilst you are in bed.

    So you don’t have to worry about switching off your lights. So you can just stay in bed and you can switch them off. From the comfort of your own bed. Which is I think great. So that is our silver studio. There is a fire blanket in all the studios.

    These get tested every year. So we just ask that you give the engineer access to the studio. So he can inspect. There we go. So that is our silver studio. I will take you out into the main area. And I will show you our housekeeping cupboard.

    That is on all the floors as well. Switch off the lights. When you leave the studio. And if you have forgotten your key. You can just go and get it. And you can just go and get it. And you can just go and get it. And you can just go and get it.

    And if you have forgotten your key. As you can see. The door doesn’t open. So it is very safe. So this is our corridor here. And then down here. That is our housekeeping cupboard. Which shows you the focus of your project. That will be a Hoover.

    Two brushes, two nuts and two nuts and bucket. So in here. As you can see there is a Hoover. We have a mop and bucket. And a dust pat and brush. These are free to use. We just ask that the students return them. Once they are finished.

    These get cleaned out once a month. By our cleaners. And this is the main corridor here. As you can see. It is a very large corridor. I believe the wifi speed is very good. It is all done by Ask For. We have never had any issues with the wifi. And there you go.

    There is the lift. For studio, for floor two. Also we do have other silvers. And other floors as well. But we are having to clean them out now. And then we will just take you back down the stairs. There you go. Now I will just take you back down the stairs.

    Excuse me if this is a little bit wobbly. I will take you outside. And I will show you where our bin room is. This is where we will put all our waste. And also this would be the way you would come. In the event of a fire.

    And then we would put all of our waste back down. Back down to the ground floor. Now this door here. When you come out into this corridor here. There is also two vending machines. Where you can purchase snacks. There is a drinks one and a snack one. If you have lots of luggage.

    We have a trolley that you can borrow. To take your luggage with you. Thank you. And now I will just take you outside. And show you where the bin room is. That is the view down to the common room. From the reception desk. So it is quite a large area.

    We have lots of events here. And we are happy to host anything new. That the students may like. Just take you outside. Back into the sunshine for me. This is the ramp there. Which will take you down. Hopefully you can still see the sunshine now. So just down this ramp here.

    There is a small building here. A little person. With a bin picture. So this is where you would put your bin. It is all fob controlled. So you would need your fob for this. So we will just do that. Open it. Not a very exciting room. But it has to be shown.

    So we have our black bins. For general waste. Blue bins for recycling. We have kept the bins open. Purely to keep it made for. And then this is where you would put your food waste. We are 20 minutes walk to Aberdeen University. Just close that.

    Because we don’t want to stay in there too much longer. There is also, if you do have your bike. And if you go down that way. That will take you to the main town. Which is Union Street. And also to the shopping centre. Bonnacord. I will just take you back in.

    That is the intercom. Where people would buzz your room. With a little bell. And you would go through them. Let’s take you back in here. And we are back into the co-works. I do hope you have enjoyed seeing the co-works. I am proud of this award.

    And it was all thanks to our students. That completed the survey. That helped us get to this. Which, you know, we would have loved to have kept. The title. But unfortunately the National Student Housing Awards are not running. So we will just have to know that we were last year.

    And we will forget this year. And we will try again for next year. We have some sweets there. That the students can help themselves to. There is no charge for double occupancy. The price for the studio is the price you would pay for double occupancy.

    We just asked for you to let us know who that person is. We would send you a form for you to fill out. And then we would add that person onto your booking for you. But no charge. There you go. I will just show you our award again.

    Because we are very, very proud. Very proud. There is hand sanitizer all over the co-works. There will be more dispensers up on each floor. Outside each lift. That we ask all students to use. Masks as well. I will just turn the screen round. There we go. So hi. Back to me.

    Sorry it is not as nice as the studios. But the double occupancy studios are normally done in the gold. Platinum and platinum plus. We can however allow double occupancy in the silver. So. But as you see the rooms can be. They are quite, they are a good size.

    So if you have got any questions feel free to ask away. There is no pets allowed in the building. However I do have a dog. His name is Alfie. And he is the co-works cocker spaniel. And he comes in with me every day. When I am in the building.

    So he can be petting me. And he can be playing with me. And he can be playing with me. And he can be playing with me. And he can be playing with me. And he can be playing with me. He can be excited, warped if you want. He is very friendly. Very hyper.

    But you are not allowed pets in your own studios. Yes there is. There is the Bonaccord Centre. Which is 10 minute walk. Yes there is a bicycle shed. It is in the courtyard. And there is a small park. Which is a small park. And there is a small park.

    Which is a small park. And there is a small park. Which is a small park. And there is a small park. Which is a small park. And the courtyard. You can control the temperature in your room. Yes by turning your thermostat at the side of your radiator. Up or down.

    We control the times it goes on and off. We don’t have bicycles to rent or borrow. You would have to take your own one or buy your own one. There is a maintenance team. He is not available 24 hours. But he is available on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

    And he is available on a Friday, Saturday, Friday. And he is available on a Friday, Saturday, Friday. And you can report maintenance to us. And he can go and fix anything in your room. As long as you are not in your room.

    He will fix that. He will leave a card to let you know that the item has been fixed. Or if items need to be ordered. But he will do his utmost to make sure that it is fixed. Unfortunately I do not have any platinum plus rooms available.

    You can secure the room for 250. That is the deposit payment. And that secures the room. No extra charge for double occupancy. You are welcome. Thank you everyone for joining. It was lovely to chat to you today and to answer all your questions.

    If you do have any further questions please contact Christian at YouHomes. And I am sure that she will be able to help you or she can pass your question on to myself. Yes there is a supermarket close by. There is the co-op across the road.

    And there is also a Lidl just at the bottom of the road. Just to the left. You can also order online from ASDA, Sainsbury’s. There is also a Chinese market and shop just at the other side of the road. Which we use as well when we are doing Chinese New Year.

    We purchase things from there. Very good. If you do also, just one note, if you do refer a friend to come and stay with you, you do get a £100 voucher each. If something is damaged and the sooner we know about it, the sooner our staff can go and check it out.

    If it is being damaged by yourself, then you would have to pay for that or we can deduct it from your deposit at the end of your stay. Does anyone have any further questions that they would like to ask? OK, well I will all leave you now.

    I hope you have a lovely day. And thank you for joining myself at The Cone Works on this London Road. I hope you have a lovely day. I hope you have a lovely day. And thank you for joining myself at The Cone Works on this London Road.

    OK, and thank you for joining myself at The Cone Works on this live chat, on this live stream. Oh, how far from here to? It is a 10 minute walk to the city centre. So not far, not far at all.

    And it’s about 20 minutes to the beach, if you want to go to the beach. Bye everyone, have a lovely day.

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