Two people have died after a motorist fired shots during a protest against a disputed mining contract in Panama on Tuesday, 7 November.

    Panama’s national police said they apprehended an adult allegedly linked to an incident in Chame District where two people died.

    State prosecutors said in an X/Twitter post that one person had been arrested in connection with the deaths.

    Demonstrators were protesting after the government fast-tracked a contract to allow a Canadian mining company to restart an open-pit copper mine surrounded by rainforest for the next 20 years.

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    1. And the rage and frustration continues to build against entitled liberal college students who have been indoctrinated in the U.S. Universities to think that they are entitled to stomp all over everyone else's right to exist in peace without their spoiled rotten antics.

    2. If this is indeed factual….wonder if the entity providing resources or funds for the event have provided the protesters with a health and unfortunately now life insurance. Lay down your signs, remove your plastic vests and go home as your being used by the profiteers.

    3. Why the heck would people try to argue with an armed man you made mad? Oh wait! These are the people that sit in the middle of busy roads thinking they won't get ran over. Of course, they're bulletproof too!

    4. funny how you complain about migrants in your first world countries and say why dont they go back and fix their countries, such a bunch of cowards, but then you mock those who protest and try to do something REAL about it, if only people knew when to shut up and stop talking about things they dont know or understand, very sad to see this comments, people trying to defend a cause and the resources of its own country get mocked while getting shot dead, you say go bother the politicians responsible for this but you dont realize people who do this end up under death threats including their loved ones, you say 80 million in losses really good they got shoot, under that same mind set entire communities have been killed or displaced from their lands later to be sold to some company,

    5. Why you don't let old guys hold onto guns when they don't have a clue what is going on around them. Do you suppose there is something toxic in the gun smoke that does that to them?

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