Hi! Welcome to my channel! This is already my 11th video and I appreciate everyone watching my videos, so thank you! In this video, I bike from Derneburg to Braunschweig which is halfway through the 5th day of my bikepacking trip to Berlin. Which means I’m halfway there!!! Today starts the day with beautiful weather and landscapes. I also encounter some bumpy (but nice!) roads and arrived in Braunschweig, the weather has changed considerably. However, the city is still cosy!

    Thanks again for watching my videos and if you are interested to see my whole bike trip, you can find parts 1 to 3 on my channel! If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel! Thankss a lot and see you in the next one!

    Hi all and welcome to my channel my name is Elizabeth and this is the fourth part of my bik trip to Berlin if you want to check out the first three parts you can find them on my channel and now let’s start with the trip of

    Today good morning and welcome to me and my sleepy hat the nights in the tent are still a bit rough mostly due to the temperature and my thin sleeping mattress after a Rainy Night the weather this morning is beautiful so I start the day Early my tent however is still not completely dry so after I packed almost everything and took my tent down I let it dry for a while while having breakfast as it was Sunday and the supermarkets were closed I ordered a sandwich and a croissant by the campsite

    The day before and however I do prefer to have something on my clone I did enjoy it a lot while also having the prospect of a beautiful day of cycling and it even made me do my food dance when my tent was dry I jumped on my bike

    And started the bike trip of today I do wonder how other bikers do this so question to you all do you wait until your tent is dry or are you also sometimes just packing your tent well it’s still wet And as I left the campsite I immediately found myself in beautiful landscapes which became even more beautiful due to the sunny Weather N after backing for a while through unpopulated areas I crossed hunel a very small village and a bit later well through burdorf which was slightly larger backing through these Villages I sometimes feel like I’m backing the same route as the day before as some of these places look so Similar the next place was Bill and leaving this again small village I entered a different scene a lovely Forest This was a really satisfying Moment entering steinbrook I encountered an industrial site which is a good example of an element or an area which you experience totally different when sitting on a bike than when for example riding in a car next is another beautiful little town which I don’t know the name of but

    It has these lovely German houses And it’s time for my lunch break I’m not sure if people recognize this or if it’s just me but when I travel solo I can be very hesitant about where to sit for a break or where to go for dinner for example I just can’t choose so seeing

    This cute place I decided to stop Directly and one thing I noticed during my trip in Germany is that the places to rest are sometimes really close to each other so therefore sometimes it takes a while to find a bench or something to rest on and then it was again time to get back on my bike after this lunch

    Break the route fairly quickly turned into an adventurous Trail and however it on some moments was quite a challenge I also did enjoy it Whenever I see a lot of beautiful horses I always feel the need to stop for a while then I entered felda and as you can see the sky is not as blue as it was when I started my journey today Thea was actually one of the bigger places I had crossed the last couple of days however as it was Sunday most shops were closed these are the places where I like to take a Break and then I was back on a semi and paved terrain which still reduces my speed more than you might think however I don’t mind cycling at a slower Pace the gray sky on the other hand wored me a bit and when looking at the sky I saw a

    Helicopter which is again a good example of something you experience way more intense when Viking since I have no control over the weather and it was not raining yet I cheerfully cycled on until I wasn’t so sure about Rich route to take on moments like these where my GPS isn’t clear on

    Which road I need to follow I mostly use the trial and error method which means sometimes I bike back and forth several times and at other times I consciously deviate from the road as I follow my intuition to find interesting places to visit or cycle through like I do here

    Which leads me to this kind of skate festival or maybe it’s a competition after wandering around a bit I decid to go back to my original rout and without noticing at first I entered Brown SW a larger City on my road which biking through was a beautiful ride

    The city however also gave me some really bumpy Roads and on this beautiful Square accompanied by these slightly scary dolls more of these in the next video we have come to the end of this video different from the previous videos this video ends kind of abrupt in the middle of day five and this is because I had too much material

    For only one video so the second part of day five you see in the next video so that was it for this video I hope you all liked it and if you did please give it a thumbs up and take a look at my other videos and subscribe to my channel

    If you want um I really appreciate every viewer so thank you and see you in the next one So so so so So


    1. Hi Elizabeth, thanks for another enjoyable video, especially on such a miserable day as today! It acts as a catalyst to start planning adventures for next year 🙂

      On drying a tent, I guess it depends on the tent you have. The tent I use and the only type I would use allows me to pitch the outer first, then the ground sheet and finally the inner. So If I have to put it up in the rain the inner and ground sheet will be dry from the start. Taking it down wet, still means the inner will almost always be try, the ground sheet I can wipe off with a rag and that leaves the outer standing to dry, after I have wiped it down, until I'm ready to leave. If it is not dry then, I stick it in a plastic bag, making sure to fold the outside in on itself and just whip it out to dry every time I take a break.

      Looking forward to the next instalment.

    2. As already said, it depends on the tent. Some can stay wet and others need to be fully dry. Also helps if you store the outer and inner separately in two plastic bags. Thank you for another interesting riding vlog.

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