A lie is a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive or convey a false impression. Lying is the premeditated act of deviating from the truth. It brings about difficulties and it can be mentally tiring. A lying tongue is a tongue given to telling lies. Some people have branded lies and given them different colourations like; white lies, grey lies, black lies, and red lies. Also, some justify the reasons for lying in the course of their businesses or to save their faces but all unrighteousness is sin.

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    Worship with us @Wendenstraße 25, 20097 Hamburg, Germany

    Of the truth shall be established forever but a lying tongue is but for a moment Proverbs 12: 19 and for the last time the liap of truth shall be established forever but a lying tongue is but for a moment pobs 12: praise God so this I like the way

    The message it says that the truth last but lies they are yet today but tomorrow they are not praise God so that we do in everything that we do we should make sure that we are truthful in all our ways but before we go proper into the

    Lesson I would like to ask when you hear the word lie when you hear the word lie what comes to your mind maybe in a lay man defition I would like to calls I don’t know hello please come in for Sunday school yes what comes to your mind what

    Comes to mind devil comes to mind no no but because if I if your son comes to you and say Daddy what is lie what is the definition of okay yes yeah false falsehood yes falsehood but you know falsehood is a very big grammar for child yes um when

    You fail to tell the truth yes deliberately yes deliberately thank you sir but I will yeah I will also add that lie is when you don’t say things the way they are you see white you call it black you see black you call it white yes you

    Have told the LI so for a child tell a child tell say things as it is don’t try to change it thank you very much you both have spoken correctly um like you all said lie is an untrue statement lie is an untrue statement or a frr them statements with the

    Deliberate intent to deceive or convey a false impression just like Bak said lying is falsehood praise the Lord and I want us to understand one important thing that lying is premeditated you see ananas and Safir he called his wife you know this is the

    Amount who s this land but I want us to keep some and then we tell the man of God that this is lying is premeditated what is premeditated it means it is it is planned it is T true they they think about it they um execute it how do I use

    The word carefully they thought about it before carrying it out so lying is always premeditated praise the lordu um now that you know last week we talk about hypocrisy in church and now we are talking about line is there a difference between hypocrisy and lying if yes what is

    It hypocrisy is um misrepresentation of oneself especially probably to gain um certain attention or uh perception of people why lying is just fals like we rightly said so it’s more about the information deliberate deliberately um altering the truth is what lie is but misrepresenting on is what hypocrisy is

    Is it having a practice to be an impropriate and not a liar it’s not possible because lie you need to uh employ the service tactics of lie in to be anoc let also add that hypocrisy has to do with a lifestyle someone is acting what he’s not yes but lie most times has

    To do with most times with a statement what you say so most times it’s what comes from your mouth that we call lie but hypocrisy is a kind of lie that is lived or acted praise the Lord yes a liar is someone who intentionally tells FAL information but but you see

    Hypocrite is someone who pretend that they have this kind of Lifestyle they have this belief but it’s a lie it’s it’s pretend they don’t so it’s for for instance now I come to church and I make everyone believe that I’m very rich which I’m just pretending I don’t have

    Nothing but then um lying is um I’m at bov and you call me and I tell you that I’m at home that’s lying praise God so there’s a difference between hypocrisy and and lying but there there are some elements of lie in hypocrisy praise the Lord I pray that

    The Lord help us in Jesus name also lying u a lion tongue is a tongue that is given to telling Li so our topic is a lion tongue and now we Define what Lon is so a lion tongue is a tongue of a liar praise the Lord and some people

    Have even branded lie you have white lie you have yellow Li light light pink light praise God so in the in the light of all these kind of colored lies I have a question you know some people will say it is white lie um it’s not too serious

    Um God will understand so I have this question um is it a lie or not so for instance now um somebody walks in here with a matchet and say where is f ra fi I’m going to kill us and then you hold no f and then they ask you that where is

    Faith and I’m standing right before you or they come to me and say oh who is Faith I say I don’t know who faith is I’ve never seen that before in my life have I lied for me I would tell by definition you have lied but by motive you’ve saved

    The life okay so a person can tell Lie by definition of lie but the person’s motive might be is notar written before God I can give you one more example that I thought about okay maybe a woman that you know is hypertensive and the husband died and

    She someone told her come to the house come to the house and she’s on the bike coming to the house and as she sees you the first she’s asking you where’s my husband yeah and you know she is already struggling with hyper tension you now

    Say me I don’t want to tell her I don’t want to tell and you just tell like that the person will die immediately ex second CS so the in by definition you’ve told a lie yes but by motive God understands the situation so I think for this issue of

    Life God judges the motive more yes than what is even said praise God yes I’m also going to give the example of Abraham when he lied that Sarah was his sister I mean there was consequenc on the person who took his wife for then I think God forgave him however I think he

    Actually said that really is my sister for my father’s side but different mother still he told a lie in order to save his own life praise God I pray that the Lord will help us in Jesus name um but we should just know that there are

    Some lies that it’s just it’s just a lie and the Bible says that all of righteousness is the same you know I pray that the Lord will help us in Jesus name and that we will not find ourselves in a situation where we will have to

    Tell us of lie yes sir I I I would like to say that any lie that of selfish interest yes than it’s not pardonable yes for example you stole something and they ask you because you you don’t want them don’t want the shame not not say

    I’m not the one yes that one you’re not trying to protect your life you are trying to cover something yes because many people are now using this idea of Abraham to be telling lie and by well I thank God for saving my life before I

    Give my life to Christ before I give my life to Christ I was a very good liar the lie was such that if you ask me something I tell you I said repeting equation yeah I will give you a perfect answer that you can in fact you cannot

    Doubt it just if I don’t get the answer I just say e know that what is coming is Bor you believe so but after I give my life to Christ I hated life with passion I hated it passion mean that if I see someone lying it can even stop our our

    Friend because it reminds me of my past and I don’t I don’t want to be suspicious of people so I just start to learn how to trust people whether it’s lie or not but what I found out you’re tell me Li is over so I want to say

    Should not protect use Abraham as a reason now for us to go and start telling lies and just say I’m trying to know yes praise God just like thank you very much for that example for me how do I how did I stop lying I don’t know if I

    Tell my father I just have a way of doing and then there was a day um he was in his office and this woman came in and the woman my father asked her something and she told a lie my father said no you’re lying that’s not this not what

    Happened you were this you that and I don’t know if most of us watch home video there’s this pastor callid when I got I told my mother Daddy was like in today because he was just seeing what this woman did when he was not there and

    So in my head like that I feel like if I tell my father lie he will know so even if I tell the whole word lie I can never lie to my father because I just have this impression that he will know and I feel like oh if they ask him he will

    Tell them that I’m lying so because of that unconsciously I realized that before I lie I think about it so I like this person my father probably line and that’s how I was able to get rid of line praise God I feel that a lot of help us

    In Jesus name um um today we’ll be looking at two lesson outline now that yes two lesson out no yeah still now that established what Li is for the sake of um people that are just joining us I like to repeat myself um our topic today is lying tongue and

    Our Bible passage is taken from the book of Act 5: 10 and thank you B for reading and it’s just the story of ananas and Safir I’m sure we are all familiar with the story and also our memory ver is taken from The Book of Proverbs 12: 19 and it says

    That the liap of truth shall be EST for a moment praise God and we said that what is lie lie is a false statement or untrue statement made with an intention or intent to deceive or to convey um false information praise the Lord and we say a lying tongue is a

    Tongue that is given to a liar praise the Lord so now we are going to be looking at two lesson outline and the first one says the trait of a liar what what does trait mean characteristics of a liar so uh we are very much so um I’ll be giving us at least

    Two two passage to read and then from that Bible passage you can just tell what you think a trait of AAR is or what is the characteristics of AAR so I’ll start with um I like you to read first John 2 verse 22 but I like you to read the NIV version yes

    Sir you have do you have first John 2 verse 22 who is the liar it is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ such a person is the Antichrist denying the father and the son yes what is the characteristics of a liar or who is a liar according to this

    First John 2 vers 22 anyone that acknowledge Christ is a liar person that denies Christ is a liar according to this because that is not the truth yes praise the Lord so Eliah is is the Antichrist and who is the Antichrist is the devil praise the Lord Eliah is an

    Antagonist of Christ so anybody who is an opponent of Christ is a liar praise the Lord um sister fi I would like you to read John 8 vers 44 and um Anita you read first John 2 verse4 but thank you please I like you to read proverbs CH 9 verse um 22b

    Um sister ber I would like you to also read Colossians 3:9 so sister you can start okay um John 8:44 you belong to your father the devil and you want to carry out your father’s desires he was a murderer from the beginning not not holding to the truth

    For there is no truth in him when he lies he speaks his native language for he is a liar and a fighter of liars yes yeah so um from this um passage I think anyone that doesn’t speak the truth he knows the truth but he doesn’t want to speak

    The truth he’s a liar and and from this context he’s talking about the devil and he’s the father of all liars yes God so anyone who tells Li characteristic of a person who tells is that the devil is the person’s father praise God and speaks the same language

    As the devil praise the Lord I pray the Lord we Us in Jesus name an you can you can he first John 24 if we say that we know him but do not obey his commands we are liars and there is no truth in us um a

    Characteristics here is a liar does not obey the Commandments of God thank you a li is disobedient and even the Bible says in Matthew 7:21 there is not everyone that call love that see the kingom of you will tell them he will cast them tell them go away you walk of iniquity

    Praise the Lord so even if you claim to know God but you disobey his Commandments that is a liar praise the Lord but Proverbs 19 verse and a poor man is better than a liar basically uh if a liar is able to gather tangible things through lies those things will be shortlived they

    Will not last forever and also the person also be convincing himself that he he or she is what he or she’s not yes but a poor man knows who they are and they are working on it but then if if a liar convinces himself or of something

    That is not true that that person continue to live out of out of reality yes praise the Lord so irrespective of whatever a rich person who is a liar attends a lie the poor person is actually better you said a poor person know in theirselves that they they are poor but

    This person is living a life praise the Lord I pray that the Lord will help us in Jesus name and that every days of our life we will not live in lie in the name of Jesus um the next one is Colossians chapter 3 verse 9 I read praise the Lord

    Hallelujah Colossians 3 verse 9 um do not lie to one another since you have put off the old man with his deeds it means when you going you when you give your life G Jesus then not go back to the old way and make the fs that you

    Have do doing before and be on the way and uh trust uh your way and in the words of Jesus amen amen thank you very much praise the Lord um the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 517 that um If any man is in Christ is a new cre all

    Things have passed away all things have become but a liar is’s still wearing the old man he claims to have um taken up the old man but his ways still shows that is not there’s not Christ in him or her praise the Lord he’s still wearing

    The old man so if you if you say that you have completely do away with s you have completely do away with his life you have to praise the Lord just like brother said he said that now when he or he find out somebody him of his past and he does not

    Want to have anything to do with that kind of person praise the Lord so he has away the old man and he has taken up the new man that same way if somebody continues in lie and and they said that they away that’s not true they still

    Have the old man in them praise the Lord and they are just lying praise God also in addition said earlier there’s a point here that says that no matter how smart a liar is because of thisse it them because one day the truth will be established and the truth catch up with

    Them or the lies that catch up with them praise the Lord I pr Lord Inus name yes sir but before then let me give you a Bible you’re going to read um Psalm 59:12 then you can you can ask your question then you can read the Bible pass

    Yeah how do we um talk about Christians that like lie I like lie Li if you don’t if you tell them truth they don’t like it they prefer you how like I I put it now if you tell them truth because the truth is bit yes you know you might you

    Know like someone asked me a question one day I told him the truth person was not was not happy just walked away and left they you have done God’s work yeah now okay that I understand for me it’s not a problem but I heard one man say

    That women like Li they wives I said why he said for example if the Woman Cooks a food that is not sweet and she has labored all night was very salty and she ask you sweet out how is it food just is very nice there will be peace so but if

    You say ah it’s too salt I can’t eat it so that means so what can you say about that okay so for me about the wife I actually prefer that you tell me the truth instead of lying me me and my husband used to fight because I feel

    Like I’m like oh this to it has salt no it’s okay it’s okay I’m like are you sure it’s okay I your taste but is not working well I actually prefer that um you tell me the truth not you say like ah what is this that you’ve cooked

    What’s this it’s too salty you do like I thought you know how to cook what’s this there’s a way you would say it oh babe this this thing is a little bit Sal to you maybe you should reduce the Sal um a friend of mine he will tell the wife

    That ah did lot enter the kitchen when you cooking you know and it’s funny they will laugh she understand that okay it’s a little bit salty and they will laugh about it but you know there’s a way that you say it and the person will get the

    Message you don’t have to lie h because if you keep lying to me and I keep using the same amount of salt AP will come eye BL pressure will come you need to you know there’s a way you tell the person okay this thing is is like

    This maybe we should do it like this and okay there’s for me there’s a friend of my W’s English is not so good my own is not good but our own is and each time I ask her can I correct you because there was a time I I corrected her and she was

    Um not happy with it so um next time um I’ll say can I correct you I say okay teacher say and then I I I’ll talk and if I if I and if I ask say can I corage I say no I will keep C praise the Lord

    So I don’t think that we should um lie to women if it is not nice say it’s in a nice way yes sir so when it comes to lying how much or to what extent is someone’s um prop propensity or tendency to lie gauged by their level of their level of Faith or

    Their spiritual growth rather than maybe something related to character or something human so is it necessary that whenever somebody lies we assume is it safe to assume that maybe that person’s faith is shaky or should we just look at the other side maybe that is the person’s character because sometimes

    These two things can get mixed up and then we start sending prayers where where I mean where we aren supposed to pray okay sir please you like well I will say this first if you’re an unbeliever is a character it cannot just be fear because you have

    Nothing to you are not afraid of anybody yes so this one is not about fear an unbeliever can do anything he can do anything as far as it will benefit him and his interest is protected so that should be given for a Christian yes he can lie out of fear but

    Not be his character for example was Peter he said ah you look like Jesus he said I don’t even know him and he did that out of fear so what’s the difference a character is consistent a habit he will do it again keep doing it again doesn’t change sometime even do without

    Knowing what call used to and that is a of unbeliever but for a Christian yes he may lie but as soon as he recognized he has lied you see him repenting and that’s why Peter was now crying and saying God have mercy upon me so the

    Check here is that if you find yourself lying consistently then you are already backsliding because it’s now becom a nature of you and as we read now as our teacher told us said devil is your father so so we have to be very careful the Bible praise God speak my read Psalm

    59 psalm 59:12 for the sin of their mouths and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride and for the curing and line which they speak yes yeah so um one of the traits of a liar in this Bible passage is that

    They are prideful yes and in addition to that is that they are disloyal exactly a liar is disloyal trust can’t trust them trust they are Unfaithful they are betrayers praise the Lord um I also like us to read uh but you like you help us to read the last one

    Um lesson outline but um for the sake of mommy and daddy that just entered I would just like to give a brief recap um our topic today is lon tongue and um we took our Bible passage from um acts 5:1 to10 and it’s the story of anas and

    Safira we are all familiar with the story and our memory R is taken from um Proverbs 12: 19 and it says that the Le of truth shall be establish forever for a lying long is but for a moment and we also Define what lie is we said lie is

    An untrue statement lie is falsehood praise the Lord lie is a false statement it’s an intention to deceive or to give um false impression to others and we say one important thing that Li is premeditated we saw with the story of an sa I can’t say English asks person to to

    Um just to you so they they discussed it they talked about it they they they thought about it carefully before lying to the man of God praise the Lord so lying is usually premeditated it’s pre-planned praise God and we were just talking about the first lesson outline

    We say we are talking about the trait of a liar and we say that um a liar is someone who denies Christ a liar is a child of devil he belongs to devil and speaks the same language as the devil we also someone who claims to know God and

    Do not obey God is a liar and we also say that a liar someone who tells Li a poor person is better than that person praise God and we also say that um someone who decide not to do with the old man according to 2 Corinthians 5:17

    You say you are no longer in the world but then you still do not do away with the old man you are a liar praise God um so we’ll move to the next point and I like but to read Proverb um 17 verse4 Proverbs 17 verse4 and an evildoer gives it to false

    Lips a liar listens eagerly to a spiteful tongue so what is the trait of a a liar it just means that uh misery loves company so a liar will be surrounded by an evil Doer and vice versa and uh it’s basically it’s out of the abundance

    Of the earth so if somebody’s a liar that that means the person gravitates towards lies and that person is easily impressionable when it comes to lies as well if you tell Li you’ll be sorting out things along that line you’ll be more open to be lied to because maybe

    Your your inability to screen things whether they are truth truthful or not that dies with Li you you see consistently yes thank you very much sir and I like the way the NIV version put it Proverbs 17 verse4 it says that a wicked person listens to the deceitful

    Lips so a liar is a wicked person so if you’re a liar then you’re a wicked person praise God and a liar pays attention to destructive Tong like like brother said earlier that um the Liars not like or people do not like when you tell them the truth because the truth is

    B but that they they will decide to listen to a deceitful lip a lip that will destroy them um they don’t have your back tell you keep dancing we looking at at your back praise God but they don’t have your back they just they just telling you lies

    Because they feel like oh it’s okay when when I tell them this they they will feel okay but I think you need to tell them the truth but not in a ash way not in a way that will make commit suicide you have to say it in a very subtle way

    Praise God I pr the Lord Us in Jesus name um so we move to the second lesson outline um do you have any question concerning just quickly one minute yes between trying to cover up a person person’s weakness and telling lies again let’s use a h wife your wife did

    Something or your brother or your child did something and he’s expecting you to protect him from from the public what do you do do you tell a lie just to cover the sitation and then correct the person at home because if you bust out and say

    This is how it happened maybe your wife would be in trouble or maybe your child will be in trouble you know for example they ask who poured this water on the ground and you and your wife know she’s the one I know the implication she lose the job job interview and you’re

    Like um someone did it you know just to oh let me help and clean it you’re going to clean it I don’t know who did it but but you know who did it but if you just say the person you know ah so youve not gotten a job said pouring water so what

    Will you do is that a lie or how would you say it because the person who oh you’re supposed to protect me supposed to guide my interest because I’ve seen some ladies that have problem with their husband because they felt you exposing me outside should be covering me and all those things now

    I’ll go back to your own defin earlier yeah you said that when the LI is causing to someone else then his Li is UN rightousness so now I’ll throw it back to you that if that light that you want to lie to cover up that other

    Person is going to cause arm to the next person then I think you the person yeah expose your wife expose your partner that’s my own my own VI I don’t know if someone else I like you to say something praise the lord well uh usually most of uh all these uh uh

    Regular life examples are things that should not come our way as Christians uh without preparing and how do we prepare by fellowshipping with God see if we have that um nudge of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit can guide us easily when confronted by that kind of situation

    Because the holy street knows better the kind of response you should give but if you think of all of this human I mean as humans we are likely to give the wrong answer Holy Spirit tells you not to be diplomatic so that you not fall into sin

    And holy spirit also tells you not to lie so that you will not also be punished for lying let’s rely solely on Holy Spirit but that does not then mean that as humans we cannot settle issues and help our wife or partner from such errors also the detriment of other

    Person like I said if it is the holy spirit guiding us telling us what to say I think that would be the best response and that’s why I said that all these kind of examples if they come our way they are part of the things to test us

    To be sure that yes we are really with him praise the Lord hallelujah I I just give you the thought that what if we have another witness there when you decided to lie yes and if there is no witness what if there is CCTV camera and then you you say

    Something something else suppos you you know he against your religion one so I I I feel it’s just at any point in time we should just try to do the best try to say the truth yes uh the funnest thing is that those people that you know said

    This kind of trap for us they will eventually pray us later that you are saying the truth don’t protect yourself If eventually that know your wife or your husband did something wrong and then is I’m not I will not call it exposure I will just call it something

    Like you are saying the truth but you can actually apologize to the person she didn’t know or he didn’t know you know after all the person is not a bad person oh we are sorry for this I think that is enough but for you to say otherwise or

    To be diplomatic I think is very wrong let’s call his SP the space Bible says whoever cover it is sin shall not prosper thank you praise God um yes okay very short um we are looking at the now for now it looks like protection in the long run is

    Destruction I saw a clip a documentary sometime ago I think a boy did something wrong I think he went to steal somewhere C CA saw it and they went straight to his house with the police and then they met the mother the mother said okay what

    Are you here for and then they told the mother the mother said oh he’s in the room they brought him out and people were like why would a mother do that to his son he said right now that’s what he needs to reconstruct to reform him

    Because you know it’s easy to build now than to repair later when you’re trying to now fix it later you going to destroy the person so right now sometimes it’s like ah let me protect this person but in the long run it’s destruction but the most important thing is you know the

    Wisdom of the holy spirit is always available God we help us all in Jesus name amen I just wanted to add something to because I was just thinking about it something happened when um we were younger my younger brother did something and somebody came to report him and immediately my father started beating

    Him and I was so mad that you did not even listen to the boy you didn’t you didn’t know his own part of the story but my I know Daniel it’s something Daniel can do and that’s why I beat him but if they had come and say Daniel came

    Or they say Daniel sto I say it’s not my son because I know Daniel can never Ste well this thing that they said Daniel did is the one Daniel did it praise God and I also want to add to it that um something happened recently like I saw a

    Clip on on Twitter um they said this popular man of God he caused chaos he broke the window of the car maybe I don’t know what they did to him but then his M came and start saying no our pastor cannot do that he a lie they

    Lying against him the next thing video face and the Man actually did it and the man preached this that same Sunday that oh there’s um something something something people saying he did something he didn’t do it but he actually did it he didn’t know that there was going to

    Be video evidence praise God and he had already told people that he didn’t do it so you see why we need to say the truth praise the Lord okay yes yes this is not a question I just wanted to add to some of the things that have been

    Said so when it comes to lies um it’s it’s so most times you often think that it’s telling the wrong information that is lies rightfully that is a lie but there are also other categories of Lies as well like lying by Omission so like

    You okay did you did you go to did you go to church cor I went to church but I did not tell them that I passed through amab Brook so like you you are not lying but you are also not telling the full information that is also lie and there’s

    Also Lie by intentional U negligence or avoiding something intentionally just denying reality those are lies I just wanted to point out that sometimes lie is not B lying is not saying the wrong information you can also Lie by Omission not telling the full story but not necessarily lying and also intentionally

    Denying what is point blank yes is also a praise God I pray that the Lord in Jesus name so we move to the second lesson atline we know what lie is we Define what Li is we’ve seen the trait of liar now we are going to look at the

    Antidote of Li antidote is a remedy a cure for lie praise God um Believers must be conscious of their new status in Christ just like we said in 2 Corinthians 5:7 so when you are in Christ now you have to be intentional about telling the truth I would like us

    To open our B ma can you read Romans chapter 9 verse one Romans chapter 9se one I would like us to antidot to lie my conscience also bearing witness in the Holy Ghost praise the Lord hallelujah yes ma’am what did that Bible Well he says um I said the truth

    In Christ my conscience also Bears me witness in the Holy Ghost um the spirit that we have in US is the spirit of the Lord and whenever we find ourselves in situations he guides us through our consciences to lead us in the way we should go was saying something the other time

    That uh sometimes uh when you me and all of that there are some sometimes you might find yourself in a situation whereby there is a way the Lord wants you to go and to other people might appear as if no you are not actually saying the old Truth for instance let us

    Use example of Abraham when he says his wife was his sister he was right but if you look if you looked at the situation if he had told them immediately she’s my wife I don’t know what would have happened but thank God for the time the

    King dreamed he the Lord revealed it to him but if he hadn’t gone that way who knows what would have happened maybe they would have probably even killed her immediately but the conscience you know is led by the holy spirit so I think it’s really important for us to also

    Submit our consciences to the Holy Spirit I think that’s important we all have it but is it guided and you know submitted to the Holy Spirit yes thank you very much praise God and the second one is we need to learn to breed our

    Tongue we need to but de I like you to read um Psalm 39 verse1 we need to let to bre our tongue because now because now we are not in Christ um we need to learn to breed our tongue and this is another antidote to like 39 verse1 praise the Lord Psalms 39

    Verse1 I will give attention to my ways so that my tongue may do no wrong I will keep my mouth under control while The Sinner is before me so basically um this text is reemphasizing what we have just said we need to be very conscious about the

    Things we say um we need to be very very cons conscious about um our conversations um the things we tell people of course like we have rightly also um established we cannot do this on our own we need the help of God and um of course as growing Christians you

    Might stumble or struggle once or twice don’t be discouraged but just put all your trust in God and trust that God will help you praise the Lord hallelujah praise God also in the some people in the to make people know that they start telling lies praise God

    Just to let people know that me am praise God I pray that Lord re Us in Jesus name um sir I don’t know your name your name sir but eel I would like you to read um Ecclesiastes chter 5:2 and in this Bible passage we will see

    The other anti to Li Ecclesiastes 5: just a moment chapter 9 verse two chapter 5 verse 2 think this is a good news think before you speak and don’t make any rash promises to God he is in heaven and you are on earth so don’t say any more than you have to

    Yeah just for us to know that uh we need to breath our tongue yes to be conscious of what we say as a Christians Christians should not be um what we call talkative you know saying so much words even the Bible says that we will be

    Judged by our words you know so we need to be careful particularly even in the house of God what we say um you don’t make promises that you cannot fulfill I was waiting for you know you don’t say ah don’t worry I will do this this and

    That and then people will come to you later and say bro you promised to do this but you know we are human so why did you make such promise in the first instance uh the Bible says let your yes be yes so that is how to know a

    Christian you don’t promise what you cannot do you know there is no crime if they say Okay H you didn’t promise this and you overdo even what you have promised so as Christians we must be careful of that so that we will not be caught lying the Lord will help us

    Praise God I I also want to add to that um in my church in in Lagos before I came to Germany we were trying to build our church and so they will ask on Sunday like you know to contribute to the building so they ask if you want to

    Donate one block do you want to donate two blocks and I think some people because their friends raise up their hand they too we say oh I’ll donate five blocks now we have to be pursuing them to come and pay for the five blocks praise God if you know you cannot do it

    Just not do it be a few words to avoid exaggeration and also people that when they are in trouble and they start praying to God God you can do this for me I will not do this again I this is what I will do this is what I will not

    Do but at the end of the day as soon as God answer their prayer all those things that they promise God they will not fulfill it that is lying so you have to be careful of what comes out of your mouth you have to be careful of the

    Promises you make because when you do not fulf the pr then you become a liar I pray that the Lord will help us in Jesus name I also want to add that when people tend to talk too much they tend to lie because when they are giving you that G and you

    Say exactly the G is very sweet and then they run out of what to say the truth they run out of the truth but because they see that you’re very interested in what they are saying they start adding putting salts putting mang and the things that did not happen praise the

    Lord so so when when that’s why the Bible says that we should be slow in our speech mind what you say because when you start talking you don’t know when you start lying I pray that the Lord help us in Jesus name um also um James 1 vers 19

    Says that let every man be swift to hear but slow to speak praise God I pray the Lord will help us in Jesus name and also lastly I would like us to um read James chapter 5:12 um sisteri can you please read James 5:2 but above all my fellows believers

    Do not swear either by heaven or by Earth or with any other oath but let your yes be a truthful yes and your be a truthful no so that you may not fall into under judgment yes so for me I would sa from this passage regardless of

    Um whatever you are saying and then the other party or the person is not actually believing you don’t necessarily need to say like you don’t necessarily need to swear okay I in the name of the Lord for that person to believe you you know so if the

    Person don’t want to get it and believe you let it be you don’t necessarily have to you know swear for the person to believe you let your yes be yes and your no be no yes praise God actually learn that one hard because when he say ah who

    Did this Mom I swear to God is love me I’ve told you that you should not call the name of God in vain but it took a while because I don’t even know where I got it from my parents don’t say that but somehow before they ask ah so just

    Because I want them to know that I’m not lying or my younger if I’m the one this and sometime you find that is the one so we we actually God beting for all those kind of thing praise the Lord so he don’t need to swear to anybody let

    Your yes be your yes let your no be your no if they don’t want to believe you that’s up to them praise God and lastly um I would like us to read Pro um Revelation 22:4 to5 I read read it from here Revelation 22:14 to15 and it says

    Blessed are those who wash their robes that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city outside are the dogs who practice magic Art the sexually immoral the MERS the idolators and everyone who loves and passes falsehood praise

    God above everything that we said today you must remember that you must remember that eternity is the ultimate heav is the ultimate and no liar to praise God he said that blessed are those who wash their Roes who are those who wash their Ro on who are cleaning heart praise God

    And they make right to the tree of life and they may go through the Gat of the city what is the Gate of the city Heaven praise God and it says that outside are for dog I pray that will not be outside in Jesus name say it’s for those who

    Practice magic it’s for those who are sexual immorals imagine telling more lie and then you end up with those that did all these kind of bad things praise the Lord and it says that it’s for those who practice falsehood what falsehood telling lies praise God so when we know

    That at the end of our every is Ultimate we need to do with all forms of life I pray that the Lord will help us in Jesus name I want to also contribute well one minute 30 seconds for the contribution and sister question so yes yeah I want contribute

    That one way to help for anyone that is actually struggling with lie with us here as amongst us now one way to help is when you notice or you come back reflect on your words and you told a lie someone of courage to go and tell the

    Person sorry I told you a lie it you unconsciously make you to be disciplined because you know that you will have to apologize for that it will be a check on you if you just swallow the lie and the person is believing in that lie you find

    That you keep telling lies so in case someone here has that weakness don’t just leave it that way when you notice you phone to that thing be polite enough and you will think the person will insult you but the person will actually say ah in his mind we say ah this

    Brother for to come and tell me this thing and it applies to other things like when for example you offend people with words you should always show courage and also tell them because it will put a unconscious check on you so you don’t repeat such things yes thank you very

    Much and of course you have to repent before God for to the ultimate um sister please um so yeah based on the context we’ spoken about today um we all agree that saying something that is not truth is a lie so what if in this situation you’re not really close to

    This person and then you feel like you don’t necessarily need to give the person that information um so for instance now this might not be the perfect example but then I still have to use it maybe so that people can understand so for instance now someone said where do you

    Worship and then um because I feel like I don’t want to give the person that information and then I’m like I hammer Brook but then I did not give the person that address is that a lie because BR was saying something like um omitting an information is a lie so now I’m not

    Necessarily telling the person I’m not necess tell the address to the person because I feel like he doesn’t or she doesn’t need to know yes so in this context that we’ve talked about is it a lie no I don’t think so because the person doesn’t need the information I I would rather not

    Tell I’ll tell you no it’s just like when stranger walk up to you and tell you that um can I have your number I don’t even know okay A friend of mine was telling me that she went for a ging and the person there say can I have your

    Number say can I have your House address I like huh are you okay I like you you tell them no I’m not giving you what what do you need it for what do you need the information for I’m not giving you you don’t have to say um I Leave You can

    Tell them oh this is the street I live well that’s not Li because that person does not need that information okay what if in this situation let me say for instance someone is walking and the other part party knows that you were walking but you guys are not really

    Close and then you lost your job and the person was not asking how is work book is f um PR of God yeah I I want to I want to say something please you see um from from from from my experience when a person is starting to grow in

    Christianity you are conscious about laws about laws but as you mature in Christianity you I would like you to up okay as you as you grow Christianity you find out that what judges your action is love because that is actually the true law anything you are doing that is not

    Out of love is sin now having said that we must understand that some people walk by faith and to them it is Fai to that person might look like a lie for example that woman that carried a dead son and Elijah sent his Elijah Elisha sent the servant

    Gazi he said all is well it looks like a lie person was acting fi as you grow in Christianity you subscribe very well to what our brother was saying that you are Guided by the Holy Ghost why because you are submitted to the Holy Ghost why because you will not intentionally tell

    Lies you will not intentionally tell lies when you have the character of intentional Li bro your Christianity has a problem because no Christian intentionally tells lies so to answer your question my sister there are some occasions where even you are sick someone ask you how

    Are you so you’re fine I’ve had so me I don’t I’m still growing but I don’t like to be in a sick condition I don’t like it so sometime I even have pain in my leg and I pray God heal me I ask me how

    I say I’m fine I’m not telling you that because I don’t have pain but I know it to be healed and he heal gets healed not once not twice yes yes so you should so I don’t want us to just walk on the realm of laws because it’s children that in the faith

    That we do that so that they don’t go outside let’s trust God to know more of God and the Holy Spirit will be to differentiate for you between faith and lie but one thing should be certain you should not have the intention to tell lies don’t be premeditated like an seera

    But that one is that one you don’t need Holy Ghost to tell you that youve thought a lie you premeditated you thought about it you cooked it you now dished it like a good food so you say I should Round Up by prayer okay father we thank you for the word

    We’ve learned today Lord we pray that this word will not stand against us Lord help us in our weaknesses and we also pray that you guide us by the holy spirit for as that led by the spirit of God that sons of God in every situation

    Lord lead us on the right step to take and above all may we make Heaven at last in Jesus name we pray to you thank you mer Christmas than for you also thank you so much Mery Christmas mer Christmas

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