A compilation of footage which never made the final cut.

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    #pinac #audit #auditing #owned #fail #notallowed

    We could shoot that Shoot hi guys welcome to another installment of Norther audit and today’s video is a new format that I’m trying it sits alongside the main drone show format sometimes I capture interaction that for various reasons just don’t make the final cut so this is a series that’s

    Just packed end to end with unseen bonus interactions let’s get started guys hope you enjoy and do give me some feedback on the new series don’t forget to subscribe like and drop a comment cheers somebody said excuse me I’ve already got some DET talking at me now what you do

    Me help got somebody going over straight out help what you doing what do you mean you taking pictures of I’m just I’m just making I’m just doing a quick video of um tiny insulation building know you’re here no no I just do it by I just do it off the back of my

    You know why you doing it um it’s just a personal reason I don’t normally get into it I’m just literally getting the the footage oh for me yeah but for what I don’t want to get into it like I just said I just literally there I’m just

    Going to get me boss out because you’re filming the car pack in the building and to me that’s like he scoping us out for something all right well I’m definitely not scoping out just so tell me what you’re doing here why you why you filming the building I’ve literally come

    To get some ground shots then I’m going to fly over with my drone and get some AAL shots of the place I just going to get me boss you wa there don’t be going anywhere don’t be going anywhere looks like I am detained so um that man that were record

    Time that one I mean come on I even walked away from him when he was shouting at Me can I help you there mate what can I help you what do you mean wondering what you were doing taking pictures and stuff what I’m doing what taking pictures Well recording whatever it is that you’re doing um I’m just I’ve just come over

    Have a look at dpd um and um and nov and basically get some Drone footage as well so I’m going that’s why we’re just heading back to public now to get some Drone footage fly over okay so obviously it looks like you’re recording me there so I hope you

    Don’t mind if I just uh record you for a second I do actually so if you can stop recording me that would be great what do you mean stop recording you just like literally pulled up in front of well I’m I’m literally going back to now to fly the

    Drone over and get the AAL shots okay but this is private property anything this side of that gate that’s why I’ve got to way back that side of the gate to do the Drone show I’ve got I’ve got to take off from behind the gate this is a

    Shared Access Road yep so I’ve come on to the access road to get a better picture of the businesses on the ground before I fly over okay and what was the purpose of the video if you don’t want me to ask you um I’d rather not say it

    Now You’ been a bit rude okay no problem Mr Tesla’s on his way back Ro wagon going in do so what you mean no way I’ll call the police what what are you doing just making a video off the side well don’t take a picture of the sign

    It’s not here for you to take a picture of what is it here for I got to call the police though what would you call the police I’m just making a video off the site well I don’t want you taking a video of the site why

    Why why why why why Ju Just for me it’s for something I’m working on at the moment what happened to the sign up there do you know no just go away that’s really rude that you go away go no no you’re here on our property I’m not on

    Your property are I’m not this is this party is not your property where I’m stood what are you doing I’m I’m literally just making a video of the site like I said well I’m not going to tell you you’ve been really rude you’ve told me to go away you go away you’re

    Taking a picture of cars they’re private cars what difference does that make well would you like me to come to your house without taking pictures of your car you can hard isn’t it pal what’s that it’s a bit hard where’s your bike gone by the

    Way is this what you do is this what you do your data you is this what you do video people video properties yeah yeah I’m just having a look around this one what what I plan to do I come here today to get a video of the ground of this

    Place then I’m going to fly over in a minute with my drone just to get some aerial sh yeah for what reason or just out of your interest or what yeah yeah just out of it literally is just out of Interest go buy some metal no not at the moment but

    I might be I might be looking to buy some soon just some little pieces cuzz where’s your bike done by the way my bike yeah you you’re not going to scrap that are you I’m just wondering where it’s gone um look I just I just packed it up

    While while I had a little look around what you filming for YouTube or what you on Tik Tok um it is for social media I’m just going to fly over get the aerial shots with the Drone and then um I’ll be out of your air you

    Know why why this fight though U just it’s just one that I chose today when I I I having a look around um the the place over there don’t look as good um from the air so I just wanted to again you know get some get some trucks moving

    As well get some wagons moving people normally when I do something like this people come out going to call the police actually don’t call the police no I think I’m going to call the police no don’t call the police I’m going to call the police no don’t oh no we

    Go excuse me not taking a photo anything are you yeah I’m just doing a quick video on on Red Dog linings for what sorry I don’t nor going get into that I’m just trying to turn up have a little look and that’s it really just um kind

    Of get a get some film and then kind of disappear what are you filming about oh nothing I I said I don’t want to normally get into it you know what I mean I just kind of just turn up um take a little video off the ground um and

    Then I want to travel up from the air cuz I’ve got I’ve got my drone with me today just kind of going to kind have a little flight yeah but you can’t do that we’ve just had a break oh that I’m sorry to wear that I’m definitely nothing to

    Do with breaking so I definitely won’t be breaking in or anything as you can imagine you’ve got a full thing on so if you won’t mind uh as I say we’ we had to have cameras put in and everything because we’ve had a break in look let me

    Reassure you I’m definitely not here to break into your I promise you that no I know but obviously as you can see from our point of view it looks like you could be scor espe if you’re now going to a drone up that that could be that

    Could be seen as as like you know what I mean as as kind of hostile reconnaissance it’s not that it’s just a Blog it’s just literally just a Blog that I’m doing so what is a Blog about well just about industry stuff like this you mean we’re just looking at your um

    Forlift there um unloading the um bit and then just kind of going in and stuff so yeah um I’m sure our MD i’ like to know what what kind of things were going on or MD you know MD is he on site today he is yeah yeah

    Right yeah ask ask him could you ask me if there’s any chance to have a little wh stop to just have a little look inside I I say it to all depend on what you want him to to do it for just literally is just a Blog for the

    Internet B that’s it are you like from industry or something no not from any kind of industry or anything I don’t represent I’m just right yeah good I’m literally just literally just going to kind of just quickly get the shots fly over get out if you if if you’re give me

    A quick quick quick look inside I won’t look at anything confidential I’m sure I’m sure he wouldn’t know that because obviously there’s a lot of things in here which is like intellectual property and things like that that is yeah I’ve seen some of the stuff that’s in there

    On your website I mean it looks it looks really interesting that’s why I thought I’d drop by and and and just just get a kind of get the scope of the place you know from the air and stuff and well if you want if you send him an email or or

    Just write him a letter it’ll probably it probably appreciate that more than just like you know com Ah that’s the thing you say I won’t be around here again now for a long time yeah yeah problem there we go thank you say if you can cease doing it oh no

    I won’t be ceasing it I’ve come that’s what I’ve come here today to do to have a look at this site yeah but like I say this is private property so you can’t you can’t start filming private property he knows this guy knows speak to your man he knows there we

    Go it looks like the security guard here is um totally um aware of um kind of the filming laws and um and all that kind of stuff got to be careful there AR any Pavements around and so literally just still grass bges all the end somebody’s coming over hey up you

    Right what you doing oh um I’m just doing just doing a um just filming the first tunnels building um what you mean just just just just just something I do just like put on social media you know stuff like that don’t worry about it might casing the joint or some I

    Don’t know do I oh kiss yeah no I’m not casing The Joint I can tell I can honestly tell you that um that’s say just just getting some footage of the building um and I need I’ve got a drone with me today I’m just going to I need

    To fly over to see some bits that I’m have to get in um and then that’s it really don’t know if I’m happy about I don’t think the boss will be happy about it you mean flying over and filming or just just flying the filming part of it

    It would it be would it be bother about the fly flying over you could you could probably just put his mind at rest couldn’t you just go over and just say to him you know there’s a guy outside just flying a drone um I’ve been over to

    Speak to him and it seems all right you know I I don’t understand what it’s for don’t understand social media for what oh that’s as much as I normally go into it you know what I mean I just literally just come here today film this building

    I’m not happy about you doing it there mate to be fair you go tell us what it’s about yeah I don’t want to get into like the big details and stuff I ain’t got a lot of time you know what I mean I just need to get in get out pretty quickly

    You know what I mean not my problem if you’re not if you’re not prepared to tell me what it’s about I ain’t prepared to let you put a your drone F film the building simple as what do you mean let me you’ve got no you’ve got no

    Reason I don’t get what you do oh no but you I’m not I’m not I’m not asking you whether or not I can do it I’m just telling you it’s definitely going to happen today you’re not sending the 100% my drone will be flying over there today

    Just let the people know need to know they’ll tell you it’s fine there we go look so how here for this drones over private land P who says it’s the law it’s not the law what law is it then it’s got to be 50 m away from

    Somebody’s house but these are these are industrial premises yeah yeah I’m just going to watch this um I’m just watching this um truck load for what reason um I’m just I want I want to kind of have a look and see what you were doing see what’s inside

    What it’s being loaded with all that kind of stuff I’m trying to get an idea of where and what products you’re making or things I it’s like toilet lids and things things like that so who are you uh I’d rather not say well see we’d rather not say about us as well so

    If if you don’t mind can you bring it out of all premises no no that’s what I’ve come here to do today I’ve come here to um I’ve come here to to to drawn the place basically so we don’t want it drawn in that’s up to us not you it’s

    Not it’s not up to you it’s up to me but we could shoot that yeah you couldn’t shoot that how are you going to shoot that well far you can’t fight over Farm either I I know that I fly drones is that if if you fly drones you might do

    You not know the rules but well what’s your license number um I’m not going to tell you my license number well I know that’s what it’s for it’s not it’s um it’s just it’s a requirement you’ve got to have it you’ve got to have you’ve got to have your

    Operator ID on the Drone there’s no requirement to kind of disclose it to anybody or anything like that well i’ speak to my manager if he wants to go police I’ve told you we don’t want it above our premises is that not enough no no cuz

    That’s what I’ve come here to do today today to do that if you know what I mean yeah but where you from you can’t I can’t just turn up at somebody’s premises and video what they’re doing we don’t let anybody video what we’re doing not even guests or staff so why would we

    Let you you can from the outside though can’t you you’re not outside you’re in that’s what I’m saying no I’m hovering I’m hovering above the um I’m H I’ll be hovering above your um in the air space if you know what I mean yeah I know where you are but that’s inside our

    Premises it’s not inside your premises it’s above your premises in the airspace yeah I know where it is so anyway can I just tell you the civil aviation Authority control the airspace above your premises if it’s not inside a flight restriction zone so um I’m just telling you right that we don’t

    Want you videoing and you’re disagreeing with it so I’m not taking it any further I’m not arguing with you if you think that’s your right then what I’ll do is I’ll bring my drone around to your house but you won’t tell me anything about you and you want to know all about us

    You have back in now well it’s not my decision I’m just going to tell me manager what what you said oh come on don’t grasp me up and there he goes well I I will defend my property I’ll tell you that I will defend my property if you’re going to kick my bike

    I will defend my proper a did you hear that I can’t believe that I said um I like kicking bikes and then walks towards my bike I’m mad that it that’s like a threat of damaging your property is it yeah I’ll see if I can get

    Over see if I can get some um footage of the factory but for now what we’ll do is we’ll fly over and get the um shots of the business side effect right brother hey you you pictures at cars are you pictures at cars yeah um not particular

    The cars no no not the particular the cars they’ll probably be on it but I’m not I’m not not looking at your cars and and kind of you know pointing it directly at the cars you’re on camera you see and they want to know what you’re doing oh right you mean like yeah

    Literally what I’m doing come here today to look at um what more UK the meting right um I thought this was the place where you produce it all no it’s not is it that’s why I failed there’s the office this is the office yeah that’s

    What I kind of dided that so looking at I thought this looks more like an office block than than um than a factory you know what I mean cuz when when I looked at the um the head office or whatever what I thought with the head office of

    What’s more um it had a load of those pellet storage um Vats I call I call them Vats but they not call that and I would hoping to come and film that because I’ve got my um I’ve got my drone with me today in my backpack and what I

    Do when I finished um taking you know the ground tour of the actual building fly over straight over get some air whe shots and then get out of here with get out of here with all the images so what’s what’s it all about uh

    I don’t know we get into that you know I mean I’m just literally just here just film not the guy be talking about taking pictures of TR drop each oh no drop each not if you not if you’re um you know what I mean I’m not saying anything bad about the company

    It’s not it’s not about that yeah um just let the people know need to know that um literally I’m just going to take a drone over um have a little look at the um the building um and then um that’s it really flying over what’s your

    Name say again what’s your name a I don’t normally give me name out not on location anyway I’ll tell you bye my Ken Ken all please to meet you Ken um but um yeah I I don’t like I don’t kind of give my details out or anything to just

    Anybody I just literally just a film fly and then just well not anybody working you yeah all right um well yeah I don’t normally give him a name to kind of workers that just randomly show up you know on the videos and stuff like that yeah so you’re not going on these

    Premises no no what we doing that no have no intention of going actually in no I’m going to I’m going over with the Drone you see the Drone will be above you know obviously the building and stuff like that but I’m not physically going to go in that’s kind of why I use

    The Drone so I could see see in a little bit more and see what’s going on you know right I’ll leave you to it I’ll go have a way with direct and tell what you’re doing and yeah just let him know let the people know he just drone filming drone

    That’s it and then um I’ll be gone so if if you find out wrong it’s going to be public publicized um is that is that it well no no I’m not looking I’m not particularly looking for anything wrong I haven’t seen anything wrong um and I’m not I’m

    Not looking for anything wrong um to be honest you I don’t think when you should pet that’s what it were all about a bit back somebody coming down taking pellets and stuff like oh pellets and stuff on the floor no um I’ll explain to you what I’m

    Talking about with that um from the air when you’re flying over with a drone those pellet tanks I I’m going to call them tanks know the tankers that they keep the pelet in they look absolutely fantastic and we’re nearing the time now that the sky is going to be just kind of

    Light enough to kind of bounce off those um big tanks um and then you know with all the PL pet in um I’m not going to be walking around looking for to see whether or not the plastic pellet on floor um and reporting that kind of

    Stuff um all I’m interested in is what’s going on the building uh and the aerial shots that’s it so what’s with mask oh literally there you know you was telling me ear you know about the cameras and stuff like a lot of people tend to um you know when I’m outside doing

    Something like this people tend to you know come out film me and stuff like and I’m like you know so I just tally tend to you know kind of make my own privacy in public rather right then I’ll leave you to it okay what you oh I I say I don’t really

    Give it out I just just there to do them quick video get the AAL shots and just disappear like a ninja all right guys I hope you enjoyed those interactions today pretty soon I’ll be launching a normal video with the Drone show so please like comment subscribe and I’ll see you shortly on

    The next one cheers


    1. Love this format but enjoy all the other videos too and the drone footage is always superb too. Keep up the good work … and educating the muppets 🤣

    2. I’m not happy about these guys who come by my house about once a week in a lorry, it’s weird the steal all my rubbish out of my wheelie bin. I have asked them to stop but they reckon they get paid for doing it. They say they have been doing it for years the police aren’t interested.

    3. N,A Why haven't you said anything about the new rules the CAA and the BMFA are trying to push through? EVERYBODY HAS TO VOTE!!!!!!!

      Merry Christmas everybody

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