Hello friends, welcome to our channel!
    In this video, we have covered everything you need to know about renewing your VLS-TS Visa in order to receive your Titre de séjour (valid Residence Permit).

    There are a lot of doubts among students while filling up the form such as “What level of education to choose at the end of Gap year (La césure)?”, “whether funds should be shown in an Indian or French bank account?”, etc.

    Link for Templates related to the Visa Renewal Process: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XnGsDOq-ZWC2SrVcCvHIrOKAaEkijfkY?usp=sharing

    We also tried to bust some common myths regarding the amount of funds to show, whether the remaining fee should also be shown to the prefecture or not, and many more.

    You will find your answer to all these queries in this video!
    Stay until the end to get practical & thorough information regarding this whole process.

    For more details, please visit: https://administration-etrangers-en-france.interieur.gouv.fr/particuliers/#/

    You can contact us at:
    Official email – desiinfrancevlogs@gmail.com
    Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/desiinfrance/
    Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/desiinfrance/

    Links for the mentioned videos:
    CVEC: https://youtu.be/noZzBNP3oEg?feature=shared

    #visarenewal #vlsts #residence #permit #gapyear #justification #césure #M1 #M2 #Frenchbanks #accountnumber #accounttransfer #internship #cdi #PR #Permanenetresidency #rentreceipt #visa #expire #timbre #electronique #stamp #75€ #attestation #prolongation #decision #favourable #ephoto #caf #housing #aid #cheap #housing #housingassistance #application #process #birthcertificate #apostile #translate #translated #translating #france #french #cheap #housing #scholarships #discount #VLSTS #longstayvisa #CVEC #INEnumber #cvecprocess #SSN #OFII #dontforget #things #to #do #after #coming #to #france #france #life #student #life #in #france #student #registration #immigration #stayinfrance #visa #appointment #vfs #vfsfrance #Francevisa #documents #format #template #France #visa #Schengenvisa #visaprocess #bachelors #masters #kaf #visa #CV #Photographs #SponsorID #AffidavitofSupport #rentalagreement #process #stepbystepguide #step #by #step #application #process #approval #visa #approval #poststudy #post #study #work #visa #fiveyears #5PSW #5yearPostStudyWork #PSWFrance #documents #interview #preparation #francevisa #process #internationalstudents #newintake #freshgraduates #successrate #job #sector #in #france #time #documents #CAF #student #housing #in #france #tips #and #tricks #shengenvisa #visa #apartmenthunting #for #france #campusfrance #campusfranceinterview #poststudyvisa #admissions #franceadmissions #masterinmanagement #MIM #applyprocess #stepbystepguide #stepbystepapplicationprocess #documents #documentsubmission #france #reims #rouen #paris #neoma #welcome #studyabroad #studyinfrance #students #studentlife #businessschool

    Hello friends Welcome to our channel so today’s video is going to be about Visa renewal process this video is for students who have already been living in France for their visa tenure and now they have to renew their visa if you are here for applying for Visa or validating

    It we even have those videos on the channel and you can check in the description for those videos so what’s going to be covered in this video we are going to start with documentation require the process the appointment booking and finally the payment you can jump

    Directly to the sections and time SS are mentioned below don’t forget to check out our socials on Instagram and Facebook where you can find the latest updates about our videos and what’s happening in our daily life so there are some things that you need to take care

    Of before getting into the whole process you must start the procedure between 120 and 60 days before the expiry date of your present Visa you need to submit your application ation as soon as possible since prefectures do not access your file until 3 months after the online submission of your file otherwise

    If the application has been filed less than 60 days before the expiry date and up to 6 months after the expiry date you’ll be incurred a fine of €180 and while applying for Visa if it has already been more than 6 months after the expiry date you will have to apply

    For a new visa from your country of origin I’m sure you would not like that to happen so an important note in case if you are looking forward to apply for an internship or it’s compulsory as a part of your program to carry out an internship without a valid Visa

    Residence permit you’ll not be able to sign up an internship contract moreover your internship may also be interrupted if your Visa or residence permit is not renewed in time we also want to mention thatf is the platform which is dedicated to the application of renewal of residence permit in case if you have

    Validated your Visa online and I’m sure that you already did last year maybe you already have ANF account and you need to use those credentials to log to your account now let’s jump into the first section of this video which is going to be about documents required so let’s

    Talk about the first document it’s the vsts validation certificate which is also called op certificate which you might have done within 3 months of your Landing in the country the second document would be your passport details which would be your front and back information page in your passport along

    With your current Visa that you’re having and also the Visa immigration entry stamps you need to merge all this into a single document and then upload it you also need an e photo clicked and you can easily do that by going to a kf4 or toac so once you get this picture

    Clicked you need to upload the E photo number on the website next would be the house contract lease which shouldn’t be older than 6 months as as well as rent slips for the last 3 months you submit this by merging both these documents into a single file and then uploading it

    Online also if you’re being hosted by someone else you would need a certificate from the host dated and signed by them along with their national identity card or their residence permit and the next document is college enrollment certificate which is also called certificate the schag you need

    The certificate for the next session for example if you’re in 2024 and you need to carry out your studies for the next year you need this scholar for the next session uh this is usually provided by your University and in order to get it from your University you need to submit

    Your Civic certificate in case you’re looking for how to apply for civic we also have a video on our Channel you can check the link in description so in case you do not have this certificate the schag or college enrollment certificate you need to submit a late submission

    Request doc so why do we need to submit it since most students don’t usually have their New Year enrollment certificate or any other documentation in their case while applying for a Visa renewal what you could do is you could attach this document which would look

    Like this as you can see on your screen and this is pretty much self-explanatory you need to mention your name your address the date which you are applying and your college name your availability expected availability from the University and attach your signature here so the next document would be the

    Transcri scripts of your last semesters from your University so let’s talk about one of the most important documentation required which is funds so in order to show your funds you need to show monthly living cost multiplied by 12 so in case if you don’t have the money by yourself

    And if your sponsor is funding you you would need an Affidavit of Support this Affidavit of Support would be 20 rupees affidavit where first party would be the sponsor and the second party would be Consulate General def F so if you are a viewer who has been with us since the

    Beginning beginning you might notice that this is the similar format which we used while applying for visa for France so this is again pretty much self-explanatory you need to write it for consulate journal the France you need to enter your sponsor name their age their if you have a second sponsor

    You need to mention their details here enter your passport number your uh course name Etc as well as it should contain the expenses part such as the living cost in your city multiplied by 12 in this case we are taking 615 multiplied by 12 which comes out to 7380

    You need to mention the present conversion rate next you need to also mention the total available funds in euros and in INR we are showing here through a small table all the saving account details as well as if you have some fds you can enter the details here

    Such as the account number the principal amount the name of the account holder and the bank address in the end it should be verified signed notorized and and uh there should be sign of both of your sponsors if there are two and uh if there’s only one you could continue with

    Just one you need to keep in mind that you only require this Affidavit of Support if you don’t have enough money in your French account and in case if you already have the required money in your French account you don’t need this Affidavit of Support we would also like

    To warn you that sometimes this Affidavit of Support doesn’t work because sometimes prefecture would not approve it and as a result he would need to transfer all your money to the French bank account number to show your living cost if the transfer is made every month

    To your account and there is a past history of money coming to your French account from your parents or your sponsors it becomes easier for the prefecture to approve your case as well so let’s talk about the supporting documents required for affidavit so along with affidavit you would be

    Attaching the latest bank account statements for the last 3 months showing sufficient funds attested by Bank Authorities with stemp on each page and in case of fds you would need to attach the FD documents signed and attested by your bank next you would also need the identity documents of your sponsors in

    Case they have a passport you can attach the passport otherwise the national identity such as Adar card could be used now let’s talk about the second case in which the funds are in your French bank account so in this case you need to show an attestation from your French bank

    Account in which your name should be clearly mentioned and the funds which are there in that account should be clearly mentioned as well this part is not compulsory but you could also attach your last 6 months bank statement of your French bank account with this what

    We would like to suggest is that you can merge all these documents together such as if some of your funds are in India with your parents or your sponsor some of the funds are in France you need to merge all these documents together such as the attestation the Affidavit of

    Support the supporting documents for the Affidavit of Support such as your bank account uh statements as well as the F documentations and also the identity now this case is for some of you lucky students coming out to France the ones who have got the scholarship so if you

    Are a scholarship holder from the country of origin you need a certificate of scholarship from the paying organization in your country of origin otherwise if you are a French government scholarship holder you need to add a justification of this situation as well another part would be if someone is a

    Salaried employee so if you’re a salaried employee and if you want to show your living cost with your salary you can show your last 3 months pay slip in order to ensure that you can cover your living expenses for the next year so our another recommendation to you

    Would be that please don’t believe in heay for example you are pursuing your M and you’ve already completed your first year and now you’re going to enter your second year or if you are pursuing a course which is more than one year there would be some people who would suggest

    Suggest to you that you should also show the next year tuition fee as well my friends this is not true at all what you only need to do is show your living cost for the next year remember to contact your school and the official ANF website

    For checking on any updates as these are the most reliable source of course after us I’m sorry we are kidding so these were the documents which were compulsory to submit but in some cases there could be some documents which can be asked from you and it highly varies according

    To the prefecture of your region and on case toase based scenario so first of all they could ask you a birth certificate translated and apostile there could also be a case where your Indian documents could be asked by your prefecture to be translated into French yes that’s possible this was a case

    Which happened with one of our friend and he was asked for providing all the Indian documentation such as Affidavit of Support and the bank statements in in French and when he asked from the translators on how much it could cost it was around 25,000 Indian rupees can you

    Believe that so this could also happen with some of you and we would pray that this doesn’t happens with you and finally you might also need to submit your certificate The Scholar or enrollment certificate or there could be any other missing documentation which you haven’t submitted earlier to the

    Authorities so this is the end of the documentation part and let’s jump straight right into the proc process sh over to you as you can see on the screen right now that we are on thef official website you can go into the description and enter that link into

    Your browser and come on the same page after that you have to click on sign in clicking on sign in will redirect you to the next page where you have to enter your credentials your username which is the identified number from your VTS and if you have forgotten your password you

    Can reset by clicking on forgotten password by clicking on forgotten and password you have to enter your username and it will automatically send the email and you can reset that after getting all your credentials you will just simply enter and click on connect once you click on connect it will redirect you to

    The next page in which we have multiple options so in this we are going to opt for I apply or renew a residence permit after clicking on that it will take you to the next page in which they are going to ask you multiple questions the first

    Question is I’m applying for or renewing a residence permit for we are going to opt for the myself and click on I continue then second question which is your current situation you have to confirm that you are a student and click on I request the renewal of this title

    And scroll a little bit down you have to click on I begin after clicking I begin it will be taking to the next step in which it is going to show that there are total six steps so let’s begin with all the six steps scroll a little bit down

    And you have to click on I am starting so it will lend you to the first step which is your personal informations in this you have to enter all your personal information uh firstly the Civil status it will automatically fetch all your details if you haven’t feted then you

    Have to enter it manually please look into that and then your family situation that you are a bachelor then your personal and family ties are you married in a civil partnership or cohabiting you have to select it accordingly Do you have a children in France yes or no then

    You have to provide with your address your contact information your email address and your telephone number then you have to click on Save and continue which will proceed you to the next step the step number second the reason for request and now on this page we have to

    Enter the details for the current year which is the 2022 and 23 the first question I was a student in France for the same year yes the type of establishment you have to choose which type of school you are in the name of the institution the cycle of the studies

    The Masters Bachelor you have to select it accordingly then the level of education at the end of the year uh it is M1 for us you can select accordingly for you the type of diploma you will be getting uh we have entered program Grand eal the discipline in which you are in

    You can enter that and the a result which is validated or awaiting results we have selected for the validated and we will go a little bit down now you have to enter the details for the next session for which we are applying for the Visa so the type of establishment

    The same you are going to be entering the name of establishment the Numa business school the cycle of studies master and the level of Education if you are a normal student without a gap year then you have to opt for the M2 and enter all your remaining details but if

    You are a student having a gap year in between so here comes the most trickiest part that you have to take into the consideration which is for us as well that we have done before you have to select the M1 and add a little note that

    I am in master one long course for 2 years and my master 2 will be in 2024 which is written in French so you have to write the same phrase for the year you are applying for and next step for you will be just writing all the remaining details and click on continue

    Which will be going to take you to the step number three in which you have to mention the resources so the resources can be the personal resources scholarship or the supported one so we are going to take for the personal resources and here is an option below

    That I am hosted free of charge you can opt for that as well but you have to provide with the information and now you have to click on Save and continue which will going to take you to the step number four which is the supporting documents now all the documents which

    Were explained in earlier part of this video are supposed to be upload over here so you have to upload your valid residence permit your passport your e photo number you have to mention it over here and confirm e Pho number which will automatically petch all your details after that the domiciliation in which

    You have to upload the rent agreement or lease plus the rent slips for the last 3 months moving a little bit down it will take you to the reason for stay in this you have to upload your next year enrollment certificate if you don’t have

    It at the moment you can upload the self declaration and then you have to upload your transcript and then you have to go a little bit down now here comes the most important part which is the resources in this you have to upload all the documents merged in a single file as

    Explained earlier in this video then going a little bit down you have to click on Save and continue and here come the next part which is the summary which is Step number five you have to check all the information which you have entered please check it very carefully and after checking all the

    Personal information reason for request resources and supporting documents in case your Visa expiration date is too close you can request for an extension in the comment section below which is called attasio the prolong AIO which is visible on the screen on this moment this prolongation certificate will enable you to cross borders when

    Accompanied with your previous Visa however we would not recommend you to move a lot during this period so moving further you have to click on validate and submit my request which will be going to take you to the next step number six which is the confirmation

    Scrolling a little bit down you have to click on I open my application form which is the confirmation form as you can see on the screen as well it is already sent on your email and after some time you will be getting the prolongation certificate if you have

    Mention for that if your Visa is very much close to the expiry and in the meantime the authorities will be going to examine all your documents and if they need any document they will directly ask you and if you are lucky enough that they don’t ask anything they

    Will be going to provide you with the attest the decision favorable which means that your Visa file has been approved and this is the document you need till the time you have your t your residence permit after some time you will be getting a message on a phone

    Number which will be having a personalized link for booking an appointment so we would like to recommend you to stay active on your messages till the time you don’t get any update from the authorities so after getting the message you have to click on to that personalized link for the

    Appointment and after clicking that it will redirect you to this page as you can see on the screen you have to go a little bit down for choosing the slot that is free slot you have to book after selecting your favorable slot you are going to be redirected on the next page

    In which it will be going to show the request uh the date and the timing then you have to click onto the next step this page will be asking for all the generic information your name your email address agdf number is the number which is mentioned in the message which you

    Will be getting after that you have to click on to the next step and after that it will be going to lend you to the validation of the appointment request you have to click on finish after checking all the informations you will be getting an email to confirm your

    Appointment within 30 minutes so be active and confirm your appointment once you confirm your appointment you will be getting a final confirmation on your email which will look like this stating all your appointment details the date and the time and going a little bit down it will be having a link for your

    Payment so just click onto that link and you will be proceeded for the payment section here you have to go a little bit down and select for the residence card and in this there are two modes of payment on the Internet or you can go to

    The toac shop and buy the stamp so we are opting for the on the internet for that you have to click onto the online stamp purchase the big button foreign title one and you will be redirected to the next page in which you have to click

    Onto the assess the form after that it will be going to lend you to the new page in this you have to click onto the buy an electronic stamp start purchasing which will take it to the next step in which it will be going to ask you would

    You like to buy a Stam for in this you have to Select Title for Foreigner and in this step you are going to enter the amount of stamp you are looking for uh it is also mentioned into the attes the decision favorable so we are going to

    Put on €75 and click on validate after clicking validate it will be asking the ticket for Foreigner at75 you have to click on that and click on add to card clicking on add to card it will be asking you the stamp has been added to

    Cart and you have to see my basket and then you have to enter your email address your phone number and then you have to click on validate the basket it will automatically redirect you to the transaction page you need to enter your card details and make the payment after

    That you will be getting the validated purchase and email of the Timber number for the €75 so this is the end of the process there are certain documents that you have to carry while your appointment the first document is your passport your appointment letter and your Timber

    Electronic stamp once you are done with the appointment you will be getting a your residence Permit card which is valid for the one year so this is the end of the video if you have any questions or query please do mention in the comment section below or you can

    Mail us to the DA inran Vlogs gmail.com or you can message to our new social media handles on Instagram or Facebook we will be happy to assist you till then stay tuned bye-bye

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