Season 23 – Episode 12 | 2023 X-TRIAL BORDEAUX 🇫🇷 | FINAL

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    So we move on to the Grand Final six sections ahead of us one minute per section one Rider at a time coming through here first up will be Adam ragger and it’ll be Tony Beau and finally hi mate booster that starting order will change if there is a change

    In terms of that uh ranking order Adam racker already assured of a return to Podium his second Podium of this 2023 campaign this man out through the Rhythm Section I believe that for the Grand Final the Riders have to complete it in both directions which is going to add a little bit of work certainly Ragga then about to embark on this section knowing that he has a golden opportunity here to make ground on Gabriel Marseille in the battle for bronze marseille’s sixth World Championship points tonight moved him on to 46 overall Adam racket assured of at least 12 to move on to 42

    Even if he finishes in third position oh it’s a disastrous start though in section one he shakes his head in frustration Falls really at the first hurdle Adam wrecker five marks then he will remain first out for section two next up oh that’s a very shaky start indeed for

    Adam ragat and he will quite rightly be frustrated about that didn’t get a good go at section one whatsoever New Direction of course outbound for these Riders Seen for the first time in this Grand Final [Applause] So it’s Tony Beau in section one just the first step in landing catching out Adam racker for a five Mark score this is a long section in its Grand Final configuration Tony Bose never been one to mind about that whoa slightly off center with the back tire he manages to race along

    That narrow ledge and remaining contention in section one Day in day out for Tony Beau he’s training grounds Catalina and Andorra this is our resides Seconds to go tight on time it’s a familiar route first drop mark of the Grand Final for Tony boat goes oh and down goes Tony Vogue in sight of the exit gate at tight on time it’s a fiasco for Tony bow fight marks around a ragger and fight for buck High

    Making Stone has an opportunity to take the lead of this round final I thought his luck was in there screws up his face in frustration and this is a section the kindness section where Jaime Buster will say do you know what I can do this he’s been able to get through the Rhythm

    Section earlier in the night he was clean through the Rhythm Section in round two he was clean in round one as well Tony both failed in the round One Direction he’s failed in the Grand Final opportunity for busto but he’s got to capitalize on it one minute and a long

    Section ahead of him I remember Stoke taking his time thus far he hasn’t got a lot of time to play with first drop Mark of the ram then for Jaime busto he won’t mind how he gets through this section one he’ll just be Keen to ensure that he does

    30 seconds he’s got himself trapped and down he goes third consecutive Rider to fail in section one so honors even and effectively the Grand Final it comes a five-section shootout as opposed to the six that we started with because we’re all level and we got the same starting positions or section two

    Adam brackers blushes spared then very early failure for Ragga section one bow and busto failing as well means that he can reset now scores effectively reset section two the green modules plenty of brand new layouts for this Grand Final not much repeated at all from earlier on in the night

    This boat walks across the path of Adam ragger talking to himself there psyching himself up probably for this section too Adam racket 30 World Championship points from the opening three rounds of this season it’s only his second podium in the four rounds of the year so far

    The place then he would move four points from Gabriel Marseille overall if he can win he will move up to third position in the world championship standings Adam racker he’s up we’ll take him up there for leaning forces the bike forward though with his feet still on the foot pegs so it is

    Just the one These old dabs could prove critical though we know that the level of competition seems to get higher and higher every year that’s another Mark for Raga he was precarious for a moment but he’s got through section two and two drop marks for Adam ragger 14 seconds to spend From two sections for Adam ragger Tony Beau next up section two these green modules just as in the other direction two main steps that could cost riders for leaning and Ragga drop to Mark at each of those perils what about Tony bye time not such a

    Great issue in this one Raga made it uh cautiously through and still with 14 seconds on the stopwatch that’s over now to Tony Poe assistant Carlos banana waiting at the first step this is where Adam racker dropped his first mark about Tony Buckhead Take off and Landing put the landing a cruise him a single Mark for leaning what about the rest of the course and he’d go one better than Adam bragger here it is final step section two Ragga made it through this one with two marks both still on one

    Up he goes and he does land it on the back wheel Cody Beau takes a single Mark Advantage then over Adam racket provisionally in second position bow on six ragger on seven busto leads on five but only if he can convert section two fight marks his score then lean here for

    Bus stop and it will take a clear lead for the first time single Mark he’ll be level with bow two marks you’ll be level with rag up more than two marks and he will go bottom of the rankings first in the seating order for section three

    Third of the way through the run for Raga and po I’m episto now in box section two completed successfully by the two men before him so the winner of course of x-trail being a neustad 20 is 46 points coming into this fourth round of the Season

    Only boat came in on 58 first drop Mark of section two for Jaime bus state Tony Beau dropped a mark there the last step of this section is going to be crucial Ragga dropped a mark on this next step boat didn’t need a mark busto drops a mark Tony bow will take

    The lead but though has a look over at The Observer and he’s given it Moreno PX has given it as a mark for leaning it was a late call from Piazza but he has given it so it’s two marks and Tony vote the lead of extra Bordeaux

    Well it must have been the merest of gods is because busto pushed on quite quickly from there looking over at The Observer he knew that it was going to be a margin on call and in a game of fine margins it’s Tony Beau who takes the upper hand change to

    The seeding order then for section three ragger should be first out with Jaime bisto dropping to second and then Tony Beau laughed out through the sections Bo with that advantage in his pocket it’s only a single mark a third of the way now through this Grand Final section three the wooden blocks

    Seven a piece Tony Beau six I really fancy that it is win or bust behind me Buster in the context of his championship hopes for Adam ragger I would suggest it’s already about the bronze medal good work there from raka a real leap a massive breach to make it across this is a sizable sizable step

    Given the fact that these Riders have basically no run-up this is going to be a tough one for all of them I think cleaning his tire it’s got some rubber down on the section as well Up he goes oh and beautifully without dropping him up for leaning either [Applause] with some good work there in section three you’d have to say his best rides of the night so far he’s cleaning section three remains on seven and that applies the pressure to Jaime Buster

    So next up on seven marks any drop marks and he’ll slip behind Adam raka in the grand final rankings what I was going to say previously about Jaime for stoke victory at extravine and oyster had third at Barcelona and Pamplona both of those Knights could easily have been

    Second places he made mistakes later on that gave second place to Gabriel Marseille he’s got to keep concentrated throughout the six sections this evening not only to try and unseat Tony bow also to ensure that very least he gets second place to be perfectly honest six drop points to Marseille

    Leaving him 12 behind Tony Beau in a championship fight with Bo you really can only afford to drop points to bow not to any of the other men 12 points back coming into this ground finally made back one in round one Beau then recovered one in round two 47th a progressive Championship total for high Med bus by 59 for Tony buck lean through this step has dropped down to a mark for leaning hi Memphis though then through in

    Section three but my my Reckoning that’s gonna be a single mark well those of you who can read in Spanish will know what he thought of that just a single mark but it moves him on to eight and it means he’ll be first out through section four unless Tony Beau now across marks

    Section three as well so you’re new positions titles you like two marks separating and three grand finalists Tony vo leads on six Adam rager on seven behind member Stone eight ragger and busto though have a section in hand over Tony Beau risk here for motor drop marks section three

    Three men proving evenly matched thus far Tony bye sizable Advantage he had last time out at extra Pamplona really his most comfortable victory of this season so far hasn’t got anything like that in hand only one markup going into section three oh he’s gonna drop a mark

    Part way through this third section that will move him on to seventh same score now as Adam ragger any change to the seeding order as far as Bo is concerned if he can get through this step without dropping a further mark important moments in the Grand Final now for Tony Beau

    Will he maintain the leadership up he goes and all on the back wheel So Adam raka best of the three round finalists in section three people yet to clean a section in the final it’s all square at the top on seven bow head of ragger in the seating order

    And Jaime busto just a single mark behind the pair of them frustrated Buster will be given up that Mark later on the only consolation for him is a bow too it’s okay a single dab for leaning part way through section three halfway through the Grand Final then

    Tony Beau leads Adam rager on seven and Jaime busto on x nothing nothing at all to choose between them just one mark come on Mark so easily lost perhaps not so easily gate we’ll find out section four brand new for this Grand Final curved surface metallic surface to open as well

    That doesn’t look as though that’s too slippery because busto makes it up that step with sumies bestow 11 back from Boeing the championship 16. ahead of Adam racker coming into tonight he’s added another further point to that so as I said previously ragger really the spoiler as Gabriel Marseille was to Jaime busto

    In the first and third round of this season all nice work that from Highway birthday we’ll take him up for leaning but that was precarious for a moment forces the body and the bike forward 35 seconds still on the clock watched on as closely as possible fight Tony Mo

    Just ducking and Diving around the arena infrastructure I mean mudguard is okay that’s allowed to touch the section anything else on it would be a mark because throw his throat eight marks to eight seconds to spare I should say just a single Mark for leaning moves on tonight

    Is there anywhere in that section either of his Rivals bow or ragger might drop more than one Mark to bring busto back into contention for the league two thirds of the way through the Grand Final for Jaime bus stop nine drop marks from four sections failure in section one next up Adam racker

    Moved ahead of Jaime busto in the seeding order after section three first man clean in any section in this Grand Final this Adam wrecker there in the wooden blocks let’s see what he can do in section four Stoke taken for a single Mark through here saw his run of consecutive podiums ended

    At the season opener extra Barcelona off the podium again at extra Pamplona looking for his best result of the season third Electra Vienna noise dad being a nice Dad the best he’s done so far this step cost Jaime Gusto a single Mark but it looks like the most challenging

    Element of section four up goes Adam ragger he too will take a mark there but he too is up needs to avoid dropping any further marks in the remainder of this section to maintain a slender single Mark lead over Jaime busto it looks like it’s going down to the wire tonight I feel like it needs two marks separating three grand finalists it’s totally but only dance seven at the Rebecca on eight episode online if he gets it and we clear ahead of our packer select test of errors could make all the difference low scoring Grand finals though any errors punished severely

    Single Mark the worst score in section three two marks the worst score in sections two one mark the West score in section four thus far [Applause] Tony Barbie looking to open early he did his ground final he’s done it goes up comedy goes to clean in section four more a wobble in detection three cost him a single Mark Advantage he’s set to make it back here [Applause] his first clean of the Run Tony Beau

    Linked it on seven ragarama Trails on nine two sections to go and Tony go leads like the slenderest of margins but we’ve said it over and over has been hard pressed in 2023 really the toughest season he has had I think for many years illusion this brand final is evidence of it

    Two marks separating all three of them bussto riding at a high level ragger back to form this is some of the best riding we’ve seen from out America this season it’s been a tough 2023 campaign for him but he’s raced this game for this Grand Final after slippery start in section one slippery

    Start to section five for Jaime busto certainly taking one mark for leaning there Into the cable Wheels new configuration for the Grand Final once again up Goes The Stoke breaking virgin ground of course is Jaime busto here disadvantage of slipping to third in the pecking order first in the seating order you territory I’m ablestone time is of the essence here long section section five

    Ten seconds to go is out we’ve just won Marty’s name it’s on to ten from five section still to go by Midwest though scope section one three of the Riders failed that placed a great deal of pressure on the other rides for each competitor in the Grand Final

    Ragga now has a two-mark advantage over Jaime busto Trails Tony Bo by one what can he do through the cable reels well to fight Beau probably going to be a clean that Adam rack is looking for but what he can’t afford to do is fail either of these two final sections

    Trying to unseat Beau cost himself second position because he does have a couple of marks advantage over behind everything here we go then well that have been a dropped Mark for leaning right on the first step of section five it looked like it avoids taking another though on the uh TOP Step

    Moreno Piazza watching closely on that’s going to be another that’s two drop marks Now by my Reckoning for Adam Ragga that will move him on to 10 the same score as Jaime busto that’s bad news for Ragga not the start he would have wanted to this one that’s got to be because

    He’s rushing on time showed it was achievable just one drop Mark like I can’t now afford any more or he’ll slip behind Jaime busto and the grand final rankings and the seeding positions starting order all important for the decisive final section Adam ragathan with a two Mark score in section five

    In a piece for Ragga and busto Tony Beau leads by three and we’re not going to see the x-trial wrapped up with the sections of spare as we have at times in the past for Tony Beau he’s gonna go down to a last section decider will he

    Take a lead into section six and what kind of lead will it be if he does three marks up for now heading into the cable reels for Tony Beau 16 times world champion beaten at extra Vino neustad Five Points drop there one point dropped at Barcelona his home round

    Two points dropped at Pamplona one dropped so far tonight here in Bordeaux unfamiliar territory for Tony Beau to be under so much pressure oh precarious First Step as well single Mark for leaning that he can afford it moves him on to eight still two marks up on his closest Rivals but

    For a moment there I thought he was going to Teeter backwards Bright Lights of the RK arena for Tony bow Spotlight and all of the eyes on one man your reigning world champion your championship leader in 2023 surely if he extends that lead tonight he is on course to becoming world champion if

    Buster is beaten by Ragga and Bo can win it will look even more comfortable overall Tony Beau is out of section five it’s not a clean but the defense his two-point lead to Mark lead over Jaime busto and he now has a two-mark lead over Adam racker as well rack of the

    Worst performer through that penultimate section boat leads on eight Buster and Rag and tight on 10. So here we go for Section six the scaffold Tower signature section of x-trails in France first world championship x-trail staged here in Bordeaux it’s been a great night of action it all comes down to this Into position final ride of the night for Jaime busto the tie break scenario of course and a runoff First Step completed successfully it’s busto versus ragger at the moment for second oh and Bustos in some trouble Three steps to make a quick succession then a ramp hard work over the scaffold Tower particularly compared to the opening two rounds where this was a fairly straightforward Banker section anything but in the Grand Final tight on time now plus though after he was forced to jump backwards Here tries to wedge the bike in he’s got it down further than he wants it’s tight on time he takes him up for footing and to the exit game but he’s done it two marks is the score one four is early error and then one for that dab

    Later on he knew he needed to take it though to get through the Section in time will that earlier mistake for Gusto though for which he had to jump back which left him there under time pressure which forced the error later on will that open the door to Adam ragger to

    Come through for second place an extra Bordeaux tonight [Applause] I got two marks up on bus state Podium already assured for these three men of course by making it through to the Grand Final Four consecutive podiums for Jaime busto for the first time in his x-trial world championship career which step of the podium will it be he’s had two third places already this season he’s in third again in this Grand Final of extra Bordeaux His way through a failure here of course for Raga would consign him to third position He’s looking to beat that third place his best results of the season so far at extra Alvina nice Dad who is up those three steps that’s kicked away as he made it up I think he’s in a better position here than Jaime busto on time because he didn’t need to jump

    Back he was in the position he wanted but he’s taking a different line here compared to busto goodness me you don’t want to fall from that scaffold Tower I can tell you Tight on time here Raga one mark for leaning this could be good enough that’s another Mark for leaning though Four seconds to spare but it will be two marks for leaning and we have a tie for second place we’ll wait for the confirmation but by my Reckoning that’s going to send us to a tie break 12 apiece for busto and Raga Tony Beau leads Now by four marks failure here would drop him to third position leave it between Ragga and busto for victory tonight if he makes it through Section 6 Tony bow wins extra Bordeaux it’s as simple as that one minute a one section

    For the number one Tony but all boils down to this I just need a polls on that scaffold moving around us Bo makes his way up I was very tight to being a mark Fellini looks like he’s got a blade a bit though you know he’s three marks to play with if he

    Needs them he hasn’t needed them so far Still clean Irish his third victory of the 2023 campaign Tony Mo wins the enormous the First World Championships Two weeks ago puts his eye and grip on the 2023 World Championship with victory in our first visit to France this season foreign [Applause] needed to get through it didn’t matter how but he did it in style third victory in four rounds this season foreign Executive explanation there it will be section one it used So my understanding here is that it’s a straight shootout over one section between these two men In the runoff then it will go to time to separate them so speed is of the essence but so is cleanliness through the Section here we go Rhythm Section [Applause] intense pressure and busto drops a mark This is going to be a nail biter Jaime busto another Mark Fellini two marks and you’ll be devastated about that second one two marks 24 seconds left on the clock 36 seconds used So hyper Adam racker needs to beat that two-mark score or he needs to score two and make it through the Section with more than 24 seconds to spare Adam Raga tie break second place Tony Bose victory tonight will mean that he opens at least another five points over Jaime Buster in the

    Championship overall was 12 points coming in it’ll be at least 17. and Adam racker could take another three World Championship points here from Jaime busto speed has never necessarily been ragga’s biggest asset but accuracy house down the is four times extra world champion and not for nothing two Marks here that’s what

    One drop Mark for leaning lands on the sub but if he avoids dropping any further Marks here he will beat Jaime busto 10 seconds compared to busto I don’t think he’s now going to beat him on time can he beat him on precision needs to clean up this final step let’s

    Go faster than ragger through the tie break section racket then can’t afford to drop a mark through here up for second position tonight there’s a life in the old dog yet and a rice smile from both of them [Applause] said before that section six it was the

    Final section was it it wasn’t in the end he goes down to the tie break and alabraga takes it by one Mark to two drop knight from Adam Raga best we’ve seen from him this season no doubt about it strong performance in the Grand Final

    Bit of a wobble in section one but after that he bounces back superbly Adam Raga then takes second position from Jaime busto but your winner no doubting my four marks it’s Tony bone I think my field is better in the final only the I have the the big mistake in section one in the end I have 12 12 seconds but uh I try to do very fast and this is my mistake after this I ride my vest riding incredible I feel super

    Happy today you’ve been growing from the first round till the final yeah I think every round right now A little better in the first lap I find the price in the section one uh in the final two but after this I think my riding is nice thank you very much in Bordeaux

    And really now Tony Beau is in complete control of the championship 20 points up we await official confirmation of that over Jaime busto who is restricted to just third place here tonight I’m episto then already up and on to the podium it is the 13th Podium of his extra World Championship career Wolf podium in a row for Jaime busto as well strong run of consistency at least at least there were no major errors from rustom in the Grand Final tonight he was just beating on Pure Performance by Adam raka in that tie break Yes he did in Barcelona and Pamplona in his fights per second winner of x-trial Vena neustad took five points from Beau there at very least we’re getting signs of Jaime busto is growing in stature he’s closing down the Gap to Tony Beau and he’s putting him under some pressure [Applause]

    12-1 for Jaime for Stoke tonight that moves him 79. [Applause] Adam bracket meanwhile 15 points for second position his best result of this season so far will move him on to 45 and to within one point of Gabriel Marseille who failed of course to make today’s Grand Final Please Thank you a lovely singing of the Spanish national anthem applies to your winner Tony bone but to your free Podium Riders and a standing ovation for them as well your winner Tony Beau your runner-up Adam racker and third place man I made for snow and Adam bracket who celebrated his 41st birthday yesterday

    At one largely to himself to deep and he’s got something to celebrate tonight with a second place and a much more competitive display than we’ve seen from him at any other stage this season so far and after victory in the Spanish Championship last weekend it’s second place for him on the night

    At x-trail Bordeaux and one which seriously increases his chances of getting back into the middle positions this season halfway mark done and dusted in the 2023 series it’s Tony Beau who leads the way three wins out of four then just one dropped point in the championship tonight for Beau plating back to the

    Opening round of the evening his opening run in which he was beaten by Jaime busto Bristow was top seed to the Grand Final couldn’t do anything with it walks away with third position loses another eight points in the championship standings so it’s Adam raga’s best result of this 2023 campaign 15 World Championship

    Points it’s Toby Martin’s best result as well he walks away with nine on the board unfortunately it’s Gabriel marseille’s lowest yield of the Season lowest yield for annual gelabir and Sandra hacker as well much better and much improved performance as far as material graterola is concerned he doubles his championship

    That’s what that does in the standings overall Tony Beau now 20 points up on Jaime busto has a very least one hand you fancy on the trophy with effectively around in hand over busto and only three rounds to come after the summer break with extra land or Olivia uh x-trial uh

    In Madrid and also in Von day that recently confirmed final round of 2023 in the battle for second just a point now separating Gabriel Marseille and Adam racker 46 from RCA 45 for ragger and Toby Martin opens an eight-point Gap over vanuat being Kaz his nearest rival

    In the battle for fit so strong performance for Toby Martin he seems to go from strength to strength as this season has gone on disappointing home round for being gas tough night as well for aniel jellaveer big improvements as I said previously for Mateo graterola but the main story is up

    At the top of the championship 12 points separated bow and busto coming into this round so now there is a 20-point lead as far as Tony Beau is concerned overall fantastic night of action then here in Bordeaux the first ever World Championship level X trial at this venue

    And it’s Tony Bogue who is still very much the man to beat


    1. I dont mean to be so negstive but x-trial sport has never been a real conpetition since Toni Bou appeared. Hes been the champ for how many years in a row now? 16-17 years? Whats wrong with the other riders? If you get disappointed on F1 one man domination, you shd see this. It’s completely ridiculous

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