#moto #fabrication #voyage

    Nous achetons une moto en Equateur et nous vous montrons comment ça se passe pour le faire ! Et pour pouvoir transporter la moto sur le camion, nous réalisons un système à l’aide d’une grue. Cette dernière nous permettra de hisser la moto jusqu’au dessus de la cabine du camion.
    Bonne vidéo !

    Pour soutenir notre belle Aventure :
    Evidemment, nous sommes partis de France avec des économies. Mais celles-ci ne sont pas sans fond, alors si vous souhaitez que l’Aventure dure le plus longtemps possible, votre don, peu importe la somme, sera un gros coup de pouce. Et si vous ne faîtes aucun don, on vous aime quand même !!

    Chapitres :
    0:00 • Introduction
    04:34 • Achat de la moto
    07:03 • Une grue sur le camion
    29:59 • Récupération de la moto
    33:13 • Fin des travaux
    42:23 • Conclusion

    Nous avons tout plaqué pour voyager, avec notre camion aménagé MAN Kat 4×4. C’est un réel bonheur de découvrir de nouveaux pays, de nouvelles cultures, des paysages de tous styles, d’une extrême beauté, la faune … Et tout cela nous le partageons avec vous !! Il y aura donc beaucoup d’autres vidéos, alors abonnez-vous à la chaîne avec l’activation de la petite clochette pour recevoir une notification lorsque nous publierons nos prochaines vidéos !

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    A bientôt pour la suite de nos aventures !! Bonne vidéo !!

    Voyager = Liberté

    Kikou hello welcome to this new video so we are in avallo in Ecuador and it’s going to be a little bit of a special video yes why it’s going to be special I don’t know

    Ah you don’t know no you wouldn’t have done something crazy we’re going to do some crazy things okay then I’ll explain to you , we weighed the truck and normally it’s a maximum of 14 som 3 when we arrived it was 15

    In the dust on the other hand we relieved ourselves of a lot of things and well in reality now it’s below 13 tons OK so what did we do Mariline and well we’re going to add something to the truck we’re going to have to make a crane no so already remember we

    Had two electric bikes I burned one of mine that we allowed us to move around the truck to go hiking and all that and indeed Didier broke his whole he is still in Chile and ultimately it is not possible to repair it it would cost the

    Price of an egg and so on so that’s it in short no but wait I broke it because well it was too fragile of the giant an electric giant didn’t buy no after no well after all he still had

    A small a small and then well he had 4000 bnes we then there it is like that in short on the other hand that ah mine the KTM it’s going really well so a hello to Denis moto de fro Conche near

    Luxuil yes Denis t bike it’s a ball so I have to do so that Didier doesn’t prick me not my bike too late I steal it all the time well let’s get back to serious things so we

    Can’t do we can’t ride a bike we can’t do it together anymore and so we considered another way of placing the flying saucer outside the truck so what do we what do you have what do you buy and well I buy a motorcycle finally we buy a motorcycle because we are both

    Because of course when we buy something we consult, that is to say oh oh there we consult , that is to say that Mariline tells me well well are you not doing something stupid and I say if

    She tells me well well ok buy yes it’s is a little bit that or sorry I cut your head from time to time while walking plus it’s raining the umbrella all that so that’s it so there the thing is that

    It’s Black Friday yes and we have the possibility of ‘buy a vehicle for almost 50% less expensive well yes it is basically 3000 3400 dollars and there we are going to pay it 1959 dollars all inclusive

    With two gray helmets triculation it is a 2.5 250 cm³ we are going to give it to you show when you say 250 cm C you see what it is it’s an ellipse electric bike with a

    Pneumatic condensation fan and so there we are getting ready to go and finalize the papers we come back with the passport and company and then we we’re going to finalize the paperwork at the relevant store so we’ll have it

    For about a week, we’re going to stay here for a week because to put the bike on the roof of the truck we’ll have to make a crane, we found a guy who was good nice guy

    Who was going to make us a little crane here in T 4 days yeah and so in 4 days we’re going to have a crane a motorbike and then we’re going to be able to move around as we want everywhere in the little paths the

    Little places if ever one day we sees something on a path that is really very steep we keep the truck we take out the bike and we move so it will be practical yeah in

    Any case B we will get back to you later yeah we will show you all that the bike the making of the from from the from the crane of the crane yeah and then well there we arrive at the store so we’re going to finalize our

    Papers yeah do our papers and then it’s not there very quickly if it’s there but yes we passed and more it’s there the motorcycle the motorcycle it’s there you don’t see it yet but it’s in

    The store there come on let’s go we’re going then there are different motorcycles in your opinion which one we chose which one you chose the orange one flashing which glows blue at night but which is green during the

    Day so hey I think you need to review your colors anyway ok good for green we agree and it’s a coincidence hey we chose green but here it is, this is the one we chose, well, there we are, we are in the process of completing the papers, well, it’s not good

    Complicated what does it take to buy a motorcycle in Ecuador wheat a little bit of money the value of the motorcycle that’s normal and then especially in terms of the papers he is in the process of drawing up the map gray the passport just with the passport he can he can we

    Word does everything himself it’s excellent it’s super easy that is to say that there is no need for inertia inertia what is it called when we made a registration document in France there is no need for all this inertia which in any case the registration documents are not made in France he is

    Doing everything well then it will still take a few days to validate all that yes so normally there we it’s Monday evening but hey everyone is closed of course everything that is organism uh Friday is a holiday so he tells us if Thursday Thursday we can have the registration card the

    Card Thursday at best and at worst mid normally uh how long we did for our truck registration document we had it redone three times already yes plus there were lots of errors so yes no but it’s not comparable there’s nothing comparable it’s very easy disconcerting that my Pat

    Yeah he real PES it’s it’s we’re not going to deprive ourselves of it the price is interesting because it’s good it’s Black Friday black uh the paperwork is done easily and then for us it’s fine be

    More practical when traveling so well action it’s clear that it’s going to be cool the purchase of the motorcycle it’s done it’s done it was very quickly the guy who gave us the registration card immediately

    Now we wait for the papers it will only last a few days yeah there we are going to do one there tomorrow morning we take the truck we are going to go see a driver he will make us a crane to

    Put it on the roof of the engine finally where there is the engine we are with a welder so still in hutavallo and there didier is on the roof with the welder to think

    About a system to be able to accommodate the motorcycle so the motorcycle in fact we are going to put it above the cabin we could put it at the back but we already have the tires so it would be too much

    Weight if we put it at the back it wouldn’t be good for the truck so we have to put it at the front so we are in the process of find a system we are looking for a system

    To be able to put it above me I’m not looking for much it’s who takes care of it with the welder good al on the roof I removed the search JEI elsewhere certainly there maybe I don’t know yet so the Fire plate search the F search and why the

    Bolts there because quite simply we are going to put a crane which will go from there to there fixed in the holes there and that’s why I am having to remove this plate I’m going to remove all this

    Plate and then well after him he will be able to go through there to weld his thing I have to hold the nuts with a pinch of water behind because well that can’t lock someone up in the trunk

    Then in Ecuador when you see a pickup like that or even without Bach and well they are taxis taxis with which transport all the equipment like there the square tubes the sheet metal plates and there they are from everywhere we see more than yellow taxis so all the sheets that are there and

    All they come to the taxi like that it’s quite funny come on this morning we’ll attack that why there is a strip of tape because we’re going to put a folded sheet of metal in two we are going to weld a plate

    Above it will be to fix the crane to mount the motorcycle and so here I put tape to plug the holes uh I’m going to remove the tape because it’s not raining and it’s a sky beautifully

    Blue because it rains every evening now and I’m going to show you what we’re going to do I removed the tape there will be so uh four uh it’s Perne wait it’s going to be qure boul

    So we have there and there there are 5 of them after we are going to go up there and we are going to weld by the metal plate to hold the crane and then we are going to make the system to put the motorcycle on there then first

    Tar we call it the gaou tar the butchers we’re going to take intermediate after VO we delicately we don’t we take the other it’s not the finisher but it will be enough don’t forget to turn backwards it’s a little force because don’t forget that it’s

    Aluminum there are 8 to 10 mm of aluminum on 1 2 3 4 5 it should be good P 4 there and in addition we are going to mount the plate and we are going to add salt above there we can take a motorbike on there I

    Am not going to make you all the holes but I will show you one on the side thereit on the side there butz Pasir Do n’t forget to to go back to empty the [Applause] copos never forced otherwise as it is read in addition it risks completely tearing the net there we are still on tar desbauches so we have you at 9 because we have broken through at 52 no it’s

    Stupidity we wheeled it so that the bolt there I don’t know what the bolt is called uh we say fits perfectly in there that’s what put the other then the other is not the finish but you see it is much more fa in

    It cuts even more in the metalyz there it is a little flat but there it is a little more angular so that the Bour r so at the beginning we go delicately not like [Music] a the net we take the opportunity to look it’s beautiful behind that we went to the other side

    I’m still going to the end and I’m going to give you the test of the Perne of the bolt it works come on maybe I’ll show you what I see there from there come on, you’ll see hop we’re on the edge of town and here look at

    The other side and well it’s the forest eucalyptus forest it smells really good come on I won’t show you the others I I said one I actually then there we have a metal plate on the châouselter to make a MOS support

    Need a good support serv the angle of the Shelter to support the support we are used therefore of the passage dement it is call TST we are V it is here in the aluminum upright a

    Hole here we are going to add a a perneau it is a nut and Nut and rod and here we are just going to I did like earlier I have it drilled and tapped like that already for the we are going to put

    A plate at approximately this level to hold the crane and like that it will move more it will be welded here it will be welded here here and after we put the nuts and bolts like that we

    Won’t be able to steal it already from this sidel a poquito para tirarar yo voy a ah cono [Laughs] hope the other plate is painted we’re going to put it here which will go up there and then we’re going to put

    The support for the crane and the tube there we are going to put a strut so here is this large square we are going to put a suppressus it will protect my tuau it is good now I think you see the idea there we are going to put another rod back

    You are going to me say we’re not going to be able to open the door I’m going to tell you the engine has been completely overhauled so we’re perhaps not going to drop it tomorrow and then B if it has to be

    Dropped a blow with a grinder here we’ll dismantle it little by little and then afterwards it’s all extra to carry all the weight and it’s going to be great we have a GR that’s

    Settling in [Laughs] thank you ok it’s a GR that goes up and down we’re going to be able to make our dream come true and that’s it there it lowers so it will be very quick to come out and return after here we

    Make the air can and Ms. passing by the motorcycle will come almost then that of origin which fits inside it is just the redundancy I add a Perne with a safety shield like that in case that doesn’t happen in case the soldering

    Fails it holds with the screw quite simply there I haven’t found anything bigger I’m going to come here with a nut I’ll put a washer and a washer there and then I cut the rest there

    We’re going to put it back in black right up to here there’s still some crane behind I think I’m going to leave it so here there is a plate that eh look at the one we saw earlier we’ll

    Come and weld something here we’ll be able to weld we’ll be able to lift this calmly there’s wait wait wait wait don’t move look look look look look look look well excuse me it’s moving that’s who’s making fun

    Of it I hate making videos mechanical I do this R for you look look look but no I don’t wait wait you’re kidding look think of me but look hello no then see how much but no I told myself that you manage very well it’s true plus you manage very well

    Yeah but the problem is that I I don’t like tinkering at the same time as making videos but I won’t do it for you because you said that you like mechanical videos. I like it when it progresses quickly and there you have to take breaks

    . pauses I knew that I heard him speaking French so I knew that he was making a video that I watched but you manage very well come on I cut security I say crazy the goal c is that it works here there is the crane the system we are going

    To put the plate there the rods you see it in another direction on the other hand here you see it is something which is removable it is normal it is because the the body is not attached to

    The cabin which is completely normal so there is flexion and it eats uh on the other hand to pass the motorcycle through there well I will have to remove it and I don’t want to to bother me with keys of

    10 of 12 something from the pxin so I think I’m going to cut right there in front of the thing there make like a key or a bowl on the pipe uh put an interior rod put it in

    With a big key and basta because the aim of this is to protect the branches or the electrical wires uh and that I think I’m going to do like this so it’s siliconized and now Bou be careful it’s

    AL here it will now be checked in daily kilom we manage to make the support of the street and frankly there it will be super strong come on we go back so we fixed on the chassis a plate from below up to there with an intermediate tube up above

    We put a bracket so that it cannot move there will be a corner reinforcement paste above there we had to have these orange plates these orange plates are used to hold the Shelter on the truck and this allows it to be say that it’s a load except that

    The fixings instead of descangle or TwistLock are plates we could have put twistl ceit the same so we remove the plates we remove the Shelter it’s approved now pass the wires for the crane it’s is the connection [Music] I put this here to make the

    Bazaars talk in reality it’s to see if the wires moved in came out just Untit reoui I calculated diameter in relation to the length and to the voltage that that idiots don’t worry that I don’t attach it because they did something stupid it’s att then it’s not attached to it

    Compress compr it’s heated look of goodness because it melts the GF not that it’s in the CH I have that’ FA which will to the spare wheel and there and well I opt for a winch how to say 12 vol also that’s the spare wheel we’re going to try not to attach it

    Well if it’s very good it’s very easy to pull the cables there is nothing complicated what I put in large it is normal because I feel that I am going to move this

    Box I am not going to leave it in the same place so I am going to put the box behind the the the filter air and from there I will have my remote control much easier to access here the box will be here the remote control up to there so it will be

    Very simple so here I will put the box here like this then it is very close to the crane I fixed the box there there will be the two the two supports I reconnect there and

    It will be the remote control wire for there on the other hand the remote control wire I don’t like uh so I’m going to make it a little longer with a better section a better section a more efficient section because that’s finishing talk and I do

    N’t like it so here we find everything uh we can go there on foot we just needed the sheath to pass my son because I like that it is protected and well you find the gain you find the bolts you find everything everything everything everything everything from the

    Open gain to the closed gain Moon you needed the open gain and well frankly that amazes me why it chingen is that I think I have a packaging problem I have the embalite the embalite it’s the Malie of the packaging disease of the packaging

    Bad good so to know that that’s is the GE already cut if you ever want to make some because you can’t find any it’s not complicated you have the end of your g and you come in with C like that it’s brand new you fit in it cuts out by itself

    I I’m going to cut it there, I’m going to put another one in for once, I didn’t act stupid, it’s just to protect against the rain, I remind you, we’re in the rain in the evening and I hope it

    Goes be able to make my box to store all that dry the box and the motor there now the post and the fixing of the Gru is painted all that remains is to make the small box

    Above to protect the electric motor and the remote control we are waiting for the motorcycle and we will be able to continue we remove the bar because we are going to make a system to very quickly remove the bar

    To of course pass the motorcycle something very quick and removable then at the engine crane the remote control is in the process of making a box like that everything will be the AB of humidity and [Music] rain I don’t know how he does [Music] his [Laughs] VO it gives he does the same he does the same in the other sense goes I think that Vail he so there Ilir there he will have a floor to put on the GR up there and there will

    Be it vaê top waterproof happy so there he is in the process of making the hat of the of the [Music] [Music] box so here now they have recovered the light know that the State cuts off the light for a certain time and then it recovers it before nightfall

    That is to say you see now look at me C beautiful naked there the sun has just set so there the light appeared and finally arrived to work with the electric machines the cut 2 he the prsmidiation finished the the remote control the in malay it is deer painting

    After returning to town why Didier because you were thirsty but no we will recover the bike ah well onch word by the way it’s ready it’s already in front of the store so that means that

    The papers are finished and we’re going to get it back we’ve just got the bike back it’s great I’m going to stop the camera because that Didier doesn’t have the bike in hand yet you can go

    No no no no I’m going to stop the camera we’re going to wait until Didier has the bike in hand and then well I’m going to hold on well I haven’t had time naughty B yes wait see you later

    We were supposed to come back directly to the truck to install it on the cabin but obviously Didier couldn’t help but want to do a few kilometers with it well I didn’t say no eh and so well, these things done we did a few kilometers which already allowed us

    At first well to see the lake hotavallo lake a little closer we had already shown it to you in the previous video but we were all quite far away and we had walked 15 miles during the day so we weren’t able to get much closer. I think we

    Were right up there it seems on foot it seems or but there and well in three movements we took the motorbike we said hey we’re going to see the lake so we looked at the GPS I looked on GPS for

    A place as close as possible to the lake then there we are, what are we there but there we are at the edge of the lake I think we’re going to see a lot of things that we haven’t been able to see until now uh yes

    I think we’re going to see some really cool things now so first conclusive test ah yeah yeah yeah that’s it is then at of a 250 it’s not a lightning war before if you remember I had a 900 uh what was it already like 900 it was a 900 ah yes CBR R

    And well it’s already not super violent but there it’s still much less but for the ride it’s fun yes the goal is not to set speed records or anything at all of that style here r stroll yeah it’s to stroll then to see places we didn’t want to see that we couldn’t see

    We have more practical access with the motorbike obviously we will be able to travel around the truck to places which are really beautiful that before we would not have been able to on foot or by electric bike

    And then there we refuel and and that ‘gone gone eh well now we may have to go back to the truck because we have to install it on the truck this motorcycle yeah now there is it is

    Necessary to take the measurements of the motorcycle to make a support to put it on the truck there so yeah for me the hardest part is done the crane installed all that so I think that most of the work is done and that’s it but we still had to see still we’re happy

    It’s a little closer to the of the lake yeah and frankly well it’s not a bad choice we’re going to have fun and there again a phrase that we often say which still takes on its full meaning it’s traveling it’s freedom it’s freedom we will still be a lot doubly free with

    The truck and with the motorcycle the mountain there I think we’re going to go no there you’re going to go and install the motorcycle so there he made the frame and then now he’s in the process of making the mark

    To put the hooks to fix the straps so that the motorcycle no longer moves that the straps do not touch the plastics and so on so here until then we will be able to make a system to hold it and there we are seeing if for mount the motorcycle with the disassembled chassis

    Without the motorcycle we will finish the welding to put the hooks here angle the motorcycle on it afterward will put a tube with perneau com screws with nuts to mount it it will be stabilized on the roof

    It will stay with the tube on the roof of the truck, the chassis is drilled like that it goes through the tube so it goes all around a little point here because it’s definitely by that working it will be just there

    We go there we left for the welding of the strap supports Well, now the work can no longer continue because there is a power cut so every day there are 2 hours of power cut in the country especially around here because how to say it is

    For the between holding turbines and so on anyway so well we’re going to wait 2 hours it could be in the morning the afternoon any time except at night well like ILT a power outage I lent them my grinder and then they can continue at instead of taking the file well they have

    The grinder are very happy to drill the holes to hold the cart when it arrives and three holes up there we are going to make the how to say the supports we are going to bolt them and B they are

    Small fixing brackets where will this store the rails at the bottom here there butterflies we raise the bike we lower it and it will be great and there here so it will not be able to move in this direction

    Here and that will not be able to move in this direction so everything is going to be held and it’s going to be well there’s only 150 kg eh so that’s going to do it and here the bars there well before it went down

    From there and now we’re going to go up here and go back down again bottom [Music] our first attempt to mount the motorcycle on the cabin so there they are in the process of mounting the motorcycle on the roof it’s the very first time

    So obviously there are REPs to take and in addition the objective of the climb on the roof is mainly to succeed in positioning it so it’s normal for the first time to have to struggle a little

    And the objective will be to find precisely the solution so that it goes as quickly as possible each time and that’s already cool to have it on the cinema after the gestures will become habitual and regular it’s going to go by itself at the start we said that we would rather put the

    Handlebars on my right and the other side of the bike on the left so there while mounting it they realized that the handlebars were not on the right side so they are going to lower it to allow it at the bottom so that it then ends up in the right direction above

    [Music] yeah even not at the bottom in fact right in the middle it was good there so that’s it already it ‘s going to be more in the desired direction little by little we’re improving every detail I’m sure that in the

    End it’s going to be very good plus the Dion taps a little less at the level of the tril so it’s better in the sense there TR he just raised a little the nose of the branch and the wire normally it

    Will be fine so he will do the two sides like that then that is the little music of the gas so here when you have Besin of gas and well there is the truck that passes with this little music uh

    It’s never the same truck eh but it passes two to three times a day maybe even more so here you are absolutely not traveling for your gas it’s is a truck that passes all the time it asks if you need gas when you hear the little music you say ah hey

    I have more gas or I have more gas well I’m waiting for one of 3 Hey it’s no problem the truck will pass and there we continue to work there we finish everything which is welding the rods of the nuts and so on

    Before painting it and then well we are going to redo the painting a test we are going to put some fixings on the roof we therefore made the extra curvature to allow the handlebars to pass through so

    That’s a business of corn in bags so he buys the bags of corn quite large and then how can I put it and well he puts them in small ones and he sells them for more and he he can also make flour

    Mills so he has an internal machine and everything is flour and everything is his business so at Eduardo in Otavalo you can make flour mills you can do whatever you want he gives you will do whatever you want so don’t hesitate see we are between the Simon

    Rodriguez caliper and the Caracas caliper if you want information you can send us a you can send us a text or whatever you want and then we will give you the the lunatic the place pard the

    Bars are placed the U’s are placed to hold the the motorcycle the frame there I put the wires in wait a little bit the CIRC but it’s not it’s not definitive because I’m going put a camera to see if the wires touch here and if it doesn’t damage the bike so

    Always the possibility of stopping at the right time you can see that we have modified the roll bar he has modified the roll bar so that we can pass the bike and then it protects

    The wires and it doesn’t get caught in the handlebars at the rear and there he does a quick disassembly to remove this bar because I need to remove this bar to take out the [Music] motorcycle and as you can see it’s a new test normally it’s a

    Definitive test so there they made various modifications on the support as well as above at the bars and so on so that it’s a lot more practical and that ‘s the decisive test normally she won’t get off the bike straight away

    And so we’ll be able to leave right after that’s ok normally everything is good So that creates the attraction everyone is there to watch it’s already on the right track so there we presented the bike in the right direction it’s better so afterwards obviously it will go faster and faster because as Didier said we

    Will have to get used to it you have to think about the different actions after that it will become mainal and I think it will go relatively quickly for well to get off a motorcycle and be able to ride a motorcycle it will be practical it’s good

    Great good B that’s great so there I I think it’s almost placed there are just two or three fixings to install and then here it is B here we go it’s cool so already we wish you excellent holidays happy Christmas and end of year celebrations so

    Yes it’s is a good thing to celebrate eh under the Gru the purchase of the motorcycle all that we are super happy the crane already we were wrong it was the bird but yes that is work all the same yes a lot of work or but you made a good

    Team you and and the welder and in the end you came up with a super great thing you are happy with the result yeah I am happy with the result because it was exactly what I wanted with my ideas and his ideas and the way of designing, knowing that when I was

    Young I studied boilermaking so metal is not unknown to me and with his ideas and mine I say no, I no longer see it like that et cetera and we made a very good team to make what we wanted since you also wanted especially because the

    Goal was that it met your needs that it was also quick quick to use yes it’s sure you have to unscrew a lot of nuts before being able to take the bike down then if it was necessary

    If it was necessary to mount the tool box on top because we needed all the tools for no that’s not the goal so that’s why we decided concerted with our friend to have something very quick and we succeeded and on the other hand we racked our brains a lot yes well yes there

    Is a hole now I have a cap because we can see the good brain already it’s not big can you because we didn’t say it in the video can you give the main characteristics of the motorcycle yes then it’s a it’s a 250 motorcycle cm C Traille

    Pay attention to the power pay attention to the power I tell you and I tell you the power you will dry a racing beast racing beast it’s true that the bike I had before it made 150

    Horsepower so it’s 10 times less but ah well but despite that yes she is doing very well or yes yes she is doing very well and she already gives a huge feeling of additional freedom we are already very free

    But but it still gives the possibility well to move around even more easily it’s top eh it’s true that with this bike I have to go up to 6th gear than before just in first I did the same and even then I went faster in first with the old one than with

    The one -there but the goal was not to go fast the goal was not to play sport to touch your hand in the turns to put your hand on the ground in the turns the goal was to have a vehicle

    Which when you n not the possibility of going with Mike zolou to go everywhere on the dirt roads the wooden paths to see all the things that we have missed until now and that’s a lot for us now if only for the cat’s documents to go through customs we have

    Everything we achieved everything in the day that abant ilait days of hitude it’s necessarily 2 days yeah good the organism the definitive organism was fast also because usually it They also tell us that we have to go back so there they did everything in a hurry, everything was done in the same breath

    But all that to say that yeah in the end I think that the motorbike and the truck really become complementary and we are free with That’s frankly it’s great ah yeah yeah honestly and well anyway you’re going to see new videos with the bike which will take us

    To places that we could never have known or never been able to see with a feeling of In short, it’s a shame and so now you’re going to see different videos or improve them, and let’s say that there will be things that we usually

    Don’t do or we can’t achieve. and that there we will be able to do all that everything will be within our reach either with the truck and if it’s not with the truck it’s with the motorcycle yeah and it’s true

    That we’ve already done more than 200 km already yeah in a few days there are other characteristics to know about the motorcycle yes it runs yeah that’s good it’s a gasoline motorcycle ah if anti-robot system ah yeah we’ll have to make you listen to it one of these

    Days you will see it’s an anti-robot robot system that means thief or theft the alarm system yeah so we turn on the alarm system as soon as you touch the motorcycle it’s not for a motorcycle but quite loud in addition that means please

    Don’t touch the motorbike but yes quite loudly we who like to be discreet and well with the motorbike which is on which the alarm is activated n not discreet at all and the voice is more

    Important and louder that the engine of the motorcycle yes it is clear on this motorcycle there is a small button and it says the anti-theft system is activated and if you ever do that please don’t move the motorcycle please don’t don’t knock the bike

    And the anti-theft system is deactivated, it’s a joy, no, given that it’s a new one vehicle in our trip we are going to give it a little name so after registration it is juu so Didier suggested Juliette Juliette uniform it will perhaps be Juliette or if I

    Find another idea or if you find another idea for us you can also give us suggestions but uh well either it will be Juliette it will be or it will be another name another name we give ourselves a few days to think about it again yeah otherwise it will be

    Juliette or no fishing but but it I’m not a ne9u horse at 10,000 revolutions all the way to the left all the way to the right all the taste horrible terrible horrible that’s it that’s it he’s gone

    Far again that’s where we’re going to end this video yes a little thumbs up share it video and then subscribe without forgetting the little bell then we’ll see you very soon and don’t forget traveling is freedom motorcycling is freedom and we wish you happy holidays again

    We wish you happy holidays ciao ciao big kisses to you we kiss you very much


    1. Le seul problème c'est qu'il est exposé au temps…Pas protégé. C'était mieux à l'arrière du véhicule…
      Bonne route…bisous à tous.

    2. Hélicoïd dans l alu. jamais au grand jamais viser dans de l alu. On ne peut pas serrer sans arracher les filets et la corrosion fait que l on casse les boulons au demontage….

    3. Vidéo très intéressante,nous c'est un quad dans le garage du camion et c'est très chouette pour visiter, faire les courses…..c'est la liberté 😉😉😆toujours un plaisir de vous suivre, à bientôt !

    4. Bonjour Marilyne et Didier, ouf j'ai eu peur pour alléger le camion , j'ai crains que Minou ne soit plus du voyage, ni Didier , Marilyne a été plus ingénieuse, bravo.
      Didier tu es jeune ne l'oublis pas, et Marilyne ne se moquait pas de toi , elle t'encourageait tout simplement. Bonnes fêtes de fins d'année à tous les trois , caresses à Minou 😘😘😘.

    5. Coucou vidéo bien sympa et beau travail ! Petite question, combien vous consommez au 100km et est-ce que le fait d'avoir refait le moteur la consommation a diminué. Merci, bises à vous et bonnes fêtes 🎅🥳🥰

    6. Hello Maryline et Didier,
      de nouvelles aventures en perspective avec Juliette 🙂. Il ne consomme pas tant que ça votre MAN, un Iveco eurocargo croisé a une frontière Argentine/Chili pouvait grimper a 62L en montagne 😮!
      Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année 🎉🎉🙂

    7. Coucou vous deux, magnifique idée et très belle moto, j adore l idée, maintenant y a plus qu a les amis je vous souhaite également de bonnes fêtes de fin d'années à vous deux et à bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures en moto 🏍, gros bisous et encore joyeux Noël 🎅

    8. JuJu, Julie, Juroule, jucitron, Jupette, Jubile, Juracik etc etc … moi j'aurais choisi "Pérégrine" car elle symbolise le voyage, votre voyage ! Didier aurait peut-être préféré Junker ? 😄
      Passez de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année. 😘

    9. Liberté de faire ce que vous ne pouviez pas faire, nous depuis que l'on à le 600 transalp , que du bonheur je pense que vous allez bien vous amuser, prudence quand même,un vieux motard est un motard prudent, continuer à nous faire rêver…. Lucien

    10. Bonjour , en Europe on est des enfants gâtés avec nos grosses cylindrées !! Dans certains pays d'Asie et d'Afrique , ils montent à 4 sur une 125 cc , et transportent toutes sortes de choses ! Bon voyage et bonnes fêtes de fin d'année .

    11. Merci pour cette vidéo, la moto va vous permettre de vous déplacer plus facilement et d'accéder à des endroits où Mike Zoulou ne pouvait pas aller… plus de visites en perspectives. Bravo pour le travail effectué en collaboration avec ce soudeur, le système est bien pensé (Didier sait tout faire ! ). Je vous souhaite un Joyeux Noël et à bientôt pour la suite du voyage. Bises de Franche-Comté.

    12. Bonjour a vous deux 🐱.Didier semble excité comme un enfant dans cette vidéo. est ce le fait d'être deux sous un parapluie 🤣superbe moto cela promet des reportages a venir .Merci pour ce partage de mécanique Didier semble dans son élément et moi aussi Bravo a cet artisan local (Pourquoi pas Marinette🤣🤣🤣) Bonnes Fêtes a vous 😻😻😻🥂🥂🥂avec modération 🎂

    13. Didier te voilà grutier-motard, bonne idée pour élargir le rayon des balades. Pas sur que Maryline te laisse monter sur Juliette 😁😁 Il ne vous reste plus qu'a tester cette nouvelle configuration. A bientôt. La bise à vous deux.😘

    14. Intéressant, ce système sur mesure ! J'aurais adoré voir les détails, parce que ça me paraît très bien étudié. Quoi qu'il en soit, je suis content que vous ayez gagné en mobilité. J'espère juste que le treuil ne vous lâchera pas, car vous en êtes dépendants. Et je n'ai pas l'impression qu'un palan pourrait facilement le remplacer.
      Bonnes fêtes et bonne route !

    15. Waouh quelle vidéo ❤
      Je pensais justement il y a quelques jours au gasoil sur le toit, vis à vis des panneaux solaires ne sont-ils pas trop recouverts de gras ?

    16. Vidéo très sympa… bravo pour votre acquisition, merci Didier pour toutes ces explications… profitez bien votre liberté supplémentaire en moto 🏍 …. passez de très jo,ils fêtes de fin d'année, joyeux Noël… salutations de Picardie

    17. géniale cette grue, Juliet sera très bien. Souviens-toi :de le chanson d'Yves Simon
      : Maman on va cueillir des pâquerettes

      Au pays des merveilles de Juliet
      bonne route les amis 😘

    18. Grand merci ! pour cette vidéo, trop "chouette" la moto ! C'est un ange gardien ça ! moi ! je l’appellerai "Joséphine" ….. Bonnes balades et joyeuses fêtes de Noël🏍🚓………Prudence hein ! va pas faire "kamikaze" !🏍

    19. Bonjour Marilyne et Didier c'est un super achat cette moto Didier es exciter avec cette moto c'est un très beau travail pour installer la moto. Je vous souhaite une bonne fête de Noël 🎄 à vous deux et à Minou et bon reste 2023 bon début d'année 2024 bisous à vous deux Gaëtan

    20. Un Camping-Camion, un transport de bécane et une "jeune avec un vieux", belle vision d'avenir (pour moi). Bon, je me demande si l'axe de la grue ne pourrait pas être plus proche de l'angle de caisse afin de faciliter le basculement de la cabine ? Quid de la hauteur de l'ensemble ? Quid du poids de la bécane autorisée (mon K100 de 240KG serait peut-être mieux à l'arrière avec un hayon) ? Inquiétude quant au bruit que fait le moteur électrique. Restons optimistes. Je m'abonne pour la suite. Bonne route à vous. J'ajouterai que des "pros" qui soudent au MMA avec des lunettes "Oxy-Acét" me laissent toujours perplexe (maîtrise du bain de fusion).

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