KAN ÇİÇEKLERİ (Blood Flowers) 194 – Thank you for loving me so beautifully!

    Hello my dear followers. Welcome to our channel. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel to be informed about new videos. When Dilan reads the letter, she gets excited when she learns that her mother is alive. Since his father wrote in the letter, “I separated you from your mother,” Dilan gets hopeful

    That maybe my mother is looking for me somewhere. Then he turns to Seyit Bey and Hanife Hanife and asks why you did such a bad thing to me. When the letter arrives and Mr. Seyit says that he was looking for his mother a lot but

    She suddenly disappeared, Dilan says why should I believe you anymore, but Mr. Seyit cries, “I’m so sorry for lying, this lie has eaten me up.” Dilan is very angry with them. While he is angry because you took away my chance to hug my mother’s arms, Baran holds

    Dilan and wipes his tears and says don’t worry, we will find your mother, let’s go from here. Just as they were about to leave, Baran Seyit turned to the gentlemen and said, “You will not come close to Dilan again.”

    While Dilan turns to Hanife Hanife and says that everything he has been doing for years will end up here, I knew you, and Hanife Hanife and Seyit Bey are crying. Dilan says you stole my life and takes Baran’s hand and leaves the house.

    While working in the kitchen, Gül cries about how she can marry someone she doesn’t love, and at the same time, she thinks, “I’m going to do it for my mother, she’s suffered a lot throughout her life, and even if I vomit blood, I have to say I drank cranberry sherbet.”

    Mr. Kudret suggests that we should have a Mawlid recital for Azade Hanım Kere’s fortieth birthday. Ms. Kader comes to them and asks Mr. Kudret, “They will come tomorrow not to ask for the Rose. If you let him, Salih, he should ask for the Rose from you.”

    But Mr. Kudret has doubts and asks if Gül has consent on this matter. Ms. Azade immediately intervenes and asks if Kader would ask you if the girl did not consent, and Ms. Kader says yes, Gul said it herself. But at that time, Gül comes to serve fruit.

    When Mr. Kudret asks Gül, “Are you going to marry Salih or do you have consent?”, Gül first abstains and then, because of Ms. Azade’s harsh looks, she answers that she wants to marry Salih. However, even though Mr. Kudret wishes good luck to him, he becomes suspicious of Ms. Azade.

    Dilan and Baran sit by the sea and Dilan reads the letter his father wrote over and over again. Dilan’s mind is full of questions like why did my father separate me from my mother, why did he go to jail, where is my mother now, did she call me and love me?

    Baran, your mother loved you very much, of course she caresses your face so that you don’t worry. And then, when he holds Dilan’s hand and says let’s go, Dilan asks where he is, but Baran says you will see when he leaves and they leave.

    Hanife wants to pack her belongings and go to Germany as soon as possible. Mr. Seyit acts more controlled and calm compared to Ms. Hanife. Baran found Dilan’s father’s grave and brought him there. I knew Baran as my mother’s murderer, that name was always talked about in our house,

    In fact he only took responsibility because he owed his life to Seyit. And after a while we heard that he got sick and died in prison, so your father was innocent. Dilan is very angry with her father.

    She asks Baran if a man who separates his daughter from her mother and gives her to someone else to be punished for a crime he did not commit can be innocent. Cevdet and Cevriye come and tell them that the babies are fine, but stress and sadness are prohibited.

    When Ms. Hanife says, “We have a surprise for you, we are going to Germany,” Cevriye becomes very happy and immediately becomes alarmed. Dilan explains that he was angry with his father for separating him from his mother and giving her to others at his father’s grave.

    After explaining all the emotions he feels inside, they leave the cemetery by saying goodbye, Baba. When they arrived at the mansion, it was evening. Dilan was afraid to go in. He would understand that I was crying and asked if my eyes were swollen.

    When Baran holds his face and says don’t worry, he can’t be understood, Dilan hugs him and says, “You are my everything, I couldn’t carry any of them without you.” Baran says don’t worry, you won’t carry any burden alone from now on and they go inside.

    Dilan says I got caught up in my own troubles and forgot about Gül, let me stop by her. He comes to Gül and asks how she is. Gül says, “I’m fine, they won’t come tomorrow.” Dilan asks, “You are determined, so are you going to get married?”

    Of course, Ms. Kader sends Gul to Hasan Bey to give him a chance to say the word. Then Dilan says to Ms. Kader, “You were a mother to me in the beginning, I had a very difficult time, just like Gül, help and support her just like you helped me.”

    While Mr. Hasan advises Fırat to act seriously, don’t try to act like Baran and screw things up, Fırat gets angry. Then Hasan tells Fırat that while you are tearing yourself apart, they are coming to ask for Gül tomorrow. Gul hears the conversation and brings the coffees.

    While Mr. Hasan says good luck to Gul, good luck to my son, Fırat says he will not drink it and leaves. Baran and Dilan sit on the bed. While Dilan is telling me that I don’t look like my mother and father because I am adopted,

    She asks if we can find a photo of my mother and father. While Baran says, ‘We are investigating all of them, don’t worry,’ Dilan wonders if I have any siblings, grandparents. When I asked Baran: “I wonder if my mother is alive, how did she feel when she left me,

    And is she still looking for me?” Baran says, “You can ask him when we find him” and hugs me. When Fırat corners Gül in the kitchen and insists on marrying Salih, Gül says to get away, leave me alone, I don’t want you in my life.

    When Fırat looks into my eyes and asks, “Can you tell me?”, Gül says it even though it is difficult, and Fırat walks out. Gül bursts into tears. Cevdet presses Ms. Hanife and Mr. Seyit, learns the truth and gets angry.

    Mr. Seyit does not give him a chance and gets angry, saying ‘pack up and leave’. Baran does not go to work to avoid leaving Dilan. When Dilan says, “You are losing your job because of me,” Baran replies, “You are my power and my job.”

    Dilan expresses her love for Baran, and Baran reciprocates her and tells the story of the moment he fell in love with her looks. When Dilan says I had nothing to do with the blood feud, Baran says I’m sorry for what

    You went through, I also had a part in this, I can’t forgive myself. Dilan says yes, I don’t approve of any of them, but I loved you, you are a very conscientious person too. They hug and kiss each other. Dilan fell asleep on Baran’s chest again.

    Baran sends Cihan a message and calls him to his study with his father. Dilan is dreaming, while she and Baran are looking at each other, she hears her mother’s voice behind her and goes in that direction. Then, when she looks back, she cannot find Baran and wakes up with a start.

    When she says to Baran, I feel like my mother is alive, Baran says I promise I will find your mother and they hug. Ms. Sabiha is thoughtful, she has lost all her sleep and is constantly having nightmares. Havin brings tea and lemon cookies and tells Sabiha that Dilan was very happy with the

    Lemon cookies. Ms. Sabiha is very worried about what Cevahir will do, she does not want anyone to be harmed and she just wants Dilan to be happy. Salih came to the mansion to go shopping with Gül. While she is straightening her hair to go in, Fırat comes out of the door.

    While Saliha is about to knock on the door, Fırat coughs and does not allow it. When Gül gets curious and comes to the door, she understands the situation. When she asks Fırat why Gülne is making strange noises, he says it’s annoying.

    When Gül says drink water, even cold water, Fırat says, “I’m drinking warm water, enjoy it.” As they are about to take her bag and leave, Gül tells Salih to wait and comes back and warns Fırat to look at me and don’t make a scene.

    While Baran is waiting in the study, Mr. Kudret and Cihan come. When Baran and Cihan talk to each other and Mr. Kudret says “tell me what it is”, Baran explains that Dilan’s real family is not Seyit. When Mr. Kudret finds out, he says what kind of dishonesty is this, what kind of people

    Are they. Dilan’s real father is Hikmet Yılmaz. He says he found out by holding a gun to Seyit’s head. Mr. Kudret thinks that if Baran finds out about Hasan’s mother, no one will be able to take Hasan away from him.

    Baran says that he will endure this only for Dilan and our first job is to find Dilan’s mother and collect information about Hükmet Yılmaz. While Hasan is walking in front of his study, he hears Baran say Hikmet Yılmaz and asks where did this come from?

    Cevriye is very happy to have family in Germany. When Cevdet wanted to go to say goodbye to Dilan, Hanife Hanife did not allow him and they argued. Dilan goes to the garden of the mansion and thinks that she and Baran are talking about his mother.

    How alone I was, I’m glad I have Baran in my life, thank you God for connecting our hearts to each other. Rose has done her engagement shopping. While she is taking them out one by one in the kitchen and arranging them on the counter,

    Dilan comes to her and Gul, whose eyes are full of tears, says, “They will want me today.” Dilan asks, “Are you sure, we know you don’t love her, do you want to be unhappy for the rest of your life, don’t make the wrong decision, then you will regret it very much.”

    Just as Gül says it’s too late and there’s no turning back, Fırat appears at the door. When Dilan sees Fırat, she leaves so that she can check on Baran. Fırat comes to Gül and says, “Relax, I just came to say goodbye, you have already made

    Your decision, I have nothing left to do, I’m going abroad,” and they both cry. When Fırat leaves the kitchen saying that she is not a girl, Gül starts sobbing. When Dilan comes to Baran’s room and Baran says they know everything, Dilan gets scared and Baran says there is nothing to worry about.

    Mr. Kudret, don’t be sad, my daughter, we are your family too, you know that I will not separate you from Baran or Cihan, and Cihan says, you are my aunt too, we will never leave you alone. Mr. Kudret says, ‘Don’t worry, we will find your mother as soon as possible.’

    When Dilan says, ‘You are very good, I wonder what I did to deserve you,’ Baran says ‘What did we really do? You came into our lives like an angel and healed us all.’ Then Dilan says, “I’m glad you are my family.” You can share your valuable opinions in the comments section.

    Don’t forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for more videos. See you in the next video. Take care of yourself. Goodbye.

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