Watch as Ludovic, Hannah, Matt, and Daniel compete in the quarterfinal round of the culinary competition. They face the challenging task of impressing not only the judges but also the restaurant critics with their creative dishes. Each chef strives to secure a spot in the semifinals, pushing their culinary skills to the limit. Who will shine under the pressure, and whose journey will come to an end? Join us for this high-stakes episode filled with delicious creations and intense competition.


    MasterChef UK: The Professionals is where talented professional chefs step into the spotlight, presenting culinary masterpieces under the watchful eyes of renowned industry experts Gregg Wallace and Michel Roux Jr. Judged by top chefs and critics, these contestants hail from various culinary backgrounds, demonstrating unmatched skills, innovation, and tenacity. In the heat of the kitchen, it becomes more than just preparing dishes; it’s a testament to their training, ambition, and the chase for the coveted title of the UK’s top professional chef.


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    #MasterChef #MasterChefTV #CookingShow

    Professional chefs all want to break into the top  ranks of the world’s culinary Elite deciding who   has the talent to cut it is MasterChef Judge  Greg Wallace that is it mate that is right   on the valley and culinary Legend Michelle Rue Jr  with two Michelin stars he’s expecting perfection it’s a very good

    Cooking doesn’t get better than this Ludovic Hannah Matt and Daniel have  made it through to the quarterfinal to get to the quarterfinal they’ve had to cook   good food but now they’re gonna have  to turn it up and get even better this quarterfinal is a totally  different ball game I’ve got  

    A pool all the stops out if I want to  do well and push through to next round [Applause]   because they saw potential in me hopefully today  I can prove that I am a good chef now that I’m  

    Hearing the quarter fans it really does mean a  lot to get to the semi-finals it’s definitely   what I’m aiming for now I won’t be happy  with anything less than getting through today   I think today the pressure already started and I  feed on it I think I can win the competition I’ve  

    Got that little thing in me saying that I can make  it today they face only one daunting challenge we   know these four chefs can cook but which one of  them can go all the way to Michelin star status

    You’re not just cooking for us today you are  cooking for restaurant critics you need to   cook your hearts out you need to give us  your passion and Soul on the plates today   at the end of this the best two will go through  

    The other two will be leaving us make  yourselves proud off you go [Music] very best of their cooking it couldn’t get  more pressurized in this situation they’re   fighting for their place in the competition  and they are cooking for their own reputation  

    If they have a dream to become a great chef in  the future it’s deliver today [Music] foreign critics and Michelle and Greg again is going  to be absolutely nerve-wracking and exciting   I can’t wait to go in there and get my skills  out and produce real clean plates Daniel is  

    The most experienced of our chefs today  he’s been in the kitchens now for 18 years   there are touches of original  Brilliance about Daniel   he really did impress me with that carpatro  of venison with the cranberry vinaigrette   I have never come across using cranberries as a  dressing yeah yum perfect matching I thought that  

    Was a revelation so much so that I think I may  even work on it and present something like that   in my restaurant however he can get it terribly  wrong the chocolate sauce is almost a chocolate   sauce that you can have as a dessert when it  hits chocolate whoa you’re into marshmallow  

    Land it’s not a pleasant place for the venison to  be complete consistency of Excellence throughout   that and that alone will get into the next round  I’m really excited with my many choice but I think  

    Everyone’s going to be pushing the boat out so  I think yeah it’s going to be very hard to stay you have some lovely lovely ingredients here  I hope you’re going to do them Justice what   are you cooking I’m going to start off  with a puff pastry asparagus tartlett  

    With some hand-picked noodling crab rolled in  a little bit of creme fraiche and some surevel   and then rice of lamb with its own kidneys and  sweet breads full on potato broad Bean fricassee   and just the Lambs you and to follow I’m going  to do a chocolate coulomb with muscovado and  

    Coffee ice cream simple and straight to the point  a warm chocolate pudding with a runny Center yes   the last time you gave us chocolate wasn’t hugely  successful no no not at all but hopefully I’ve  

    Kept the flavors nice and clear so it’s all about  the chocolate and just the ice cream at the time   it is an exciting menu are you absolutely  sure about these timing hopefully it’ll be   okay I’ll just go get around to doing the fondant  potatoes and otherwise I’ll be in trouble [Music]  

    Excited by Daniel’s menu most certainly I’m also  nervous and starter sounds really exciting I’m not   so sure the food critics are going to really get  ahead around this avocado sorbet if it’s judged   properly if it’s not too sweet the right amount  of lemon in it will work Frenchman Ludovic has  

    Made Wales his second home since moving there  11 years ago I’m a Breton from France and I’m   cooking for Wells because it’s a great nation  we need to be represented and I just love it   Ludovic is definitely one of our most creative  chefs Ludo putting the smoked eel on crew smoked  

    In the pastry was just amazing it’s not a  flavor combination I’ve ever tasted before   I’ve ever seen before it works right it’s  nice it’s very nice he even admitted that   he’d never even seen it himself before that  it was a one-off thing that just came to him  

    There were little mistakes in his classic recipe  from the pastry is not quite cooked enough it’s   a little bit soft underneath which it shouldn’t  it should still be crunchy what I’m looking for   is a firmer almost flaky pastry and what I’ve got  is a bendy pastry and it just doesn’t feel right  

    Cook and he’s got great imagination he can’t  afford any mistakes today not on quarter final day   and if he is going to be as creative he’s going to  have to really watch him really work hard [Music] you seem very confident you were humming  away to yourself earlier and yeah really  

    In control is that so yes it is what  are your dishes Ludo uh two star trees   I’ve got oyster jelly with cucumber  spaghetti horseradish cream and caviar putting good white burgundy in your jelly  yeah we’ll have a class when we taste the dish  

    Right main course Welsh lamb wrapped in bayongham  with uh wilted spinach Provost vegetable   and foreign and I do a lamb and safranji to  go with it put into having a pair and roll for   souffleck pudding is supposed to be sweet how can  it be sweet with salty blue cheeses uh in Brittany  

    We make several with anything this is slightly  experimental are you concerned about that no   not at all why the final product is nice   I can’t say more noodle is hugely experimental  yes oyster’s been with pasty shots I get it in  

    A jelly I’ve never eaten that before in my life  roasted lamb with Provost sour vegetables yeah   okay with a saffron sauce never then we’ve got  pear and what for tried and tested combination   yes of course in a souffle for dessert never  let’s hope he just delivers the goods now I  

    Feel confident to cook for food critics especially  at this stage of the competition what I’m doing   is pretty straightforward by it is tasty and the  food speak for itself I believe in my food [Music] I am a really competitive person there’s no point  entering a competition if you don’t want to win  

    Hannah is our least experienced Chef in the  quarterfinals but she has fire in her belly she   really wants this she certainly has the Flair the  ambition and the understanding of what makes great  

    Food it is as pretty as a picture it’s that plate  of food that you just as a diner want to dive in   for me one of the outstanding dishes throughout  the competition was Anna’s Brittany cake let me  

    Say that is really good by far the best cake on  the bench by far the presentation is quirky yet   fun and quite appetizing I think it’s great  well done that girl has Raw Talent at the  

    Moment it needs to be shaped it needs to be given  direction that unfortunately did show on the odd   little occasion oh dear Hannah something’s gone  wrong here I think the tuna’s slightly overcooked   and the exuberance of Youth and that passion that  she has that natural Flair really push her to the  

    Summit of her cooking my menu today is asparagus  tortellini with poached quail eggs and hollandaise   and then I’ve got a stir-fried duck with sweet  and sour sauce and a peach panna cotta with pink   champagne ice cream if anything’s going to go  wrong what’s it going to be I’m really worried  

    That my panel courses aren’t going to set in time  to be honest with you um are they in the fridge   they are yeah how much do you really want this  Hannah I really really do want this my mind’s  

    Like a sponge all I want to do is suck up the  information and just keep learning I think I’ve   got potential and just hope that you and the food  critics here today good luck Hannah thank you good  

    Luck I think Hannah has two complex delightful  dishes and one that is questionable stir fry the   stir fry sound fine dining to you that’s gonna  have to be one hell of a stir fry to get to the  

    Level that we expect just wondering she’s gonna  be able to get the food out on time thank you 26 26 and has already earned two rosettes I think the restaurant creates are like my food  the Simplicity of it the good flavors honest food  

    Is what it’s all about so hopefully they’ll be  impressed the skill and the presentation standards   made us stand back think my word we have a real  talent on our hands fantastic colors very artistic   you’ve given it height as well or both these  dishes I love your presentation the sauces are  

    Lovely you are a Charlie Boy he understands great  flavors in his sources fantastic presentation he’s   got to eliminate those little errors though rice  isn’t cooked properly it’s too hard it should be   more creamy and unctuous being a chef is all about  first learner I don’t think I’ll have any problems  

    With handling the pressure today even though it’s  a level up from what I’m used to right Matt what   are you cooking for us my starter is a risotto of  crab and chili with Coach quails oats and crispy  

    Bacon and the main course is a line of venison  with a sweet potato and lemon Rusty and for a   pod for pudding I’m doing a lemon panna cotta  with chilled raspberry soup and a ginger tweel  

    Which one are you most proud of um to be honest  after the last round I’d quite like to see my   sweet do one I find it harder to be a bit more  creative and sweet and you cook for food critics  

    Before I have cooked for food fritters before a  few times and it’s um it’s a different experience   it’s nerve-wracking for me it’s like cooking  for family because you know you’re going to get   the feedback whether it’s good or bad you know you  can imagine me cooking for my family it’s the same  

    Matt’s got a nice menu on paper but it’s the  execution of it that’s what’s important anything   well last time he’s got rice in the risotto today  let’s hope he cooks it his main course of Venison   and sweet potato rosti again that’s lovely  flavors really good combination we haven’t  

    Seen a good dessert for him yet soup and a  ginger tweel sounds delicious it’s 20 minutes   before service and the critics arrive John Walsh  writes for the independent what you’re looking   for as a diner is evidence of cooking that’s  more than just combining things you need a  

    Wallop a flavor that’s slightly unexpected and  intensely satisfying and the hailer is a food   Rider who’s dined at three michelin-starred  restaurants around the world even amongst certainly a written Jay Rayner is restaurant  critic for the Observer  

    A three-course menu should be balanced it should  have a beginning a middle and an end it should   be a story restaurant critics if you cook well for  them they really can make or break your reputation that’s all by doing it’s always fine  it’s out and in the fridge that’s all  

    Done you’re happy with it yes man good  first to face the critics is Daniel   in principle each bit of Daniel’s menu makes a lot  of sense I’m slightly concerned there might be one   ingredient too many I just wonder if a sorbet  is quite what you want with her first course

    You’ve got 10 minutes left Chef  that first course has got to go   out take care on presentation Daniel take  care get it right [Music] three minutes nearly there final touches Daniel yep excellent well done  let’s go well done on time let’s go well done

    32 year old Daniel has made an asparagus and  crab tartlett with avocado sorbet [Music]   the crab taken alone is pretty nice yeah the  sorbet I don’t mind but you’re trying to put it   all together um and it doesn’t work I’d say but I  think the avocado is too sweet I’m rather tempted  

    To kind of push this always one side and enjoy the  rest because the crab is really really rather well   done I just think this is a very good example of a  chef so trying too hard to show off his technique  

    And and not really thinking about what it’s going  to taste like at the end of the day and avocados   always step two phone I find it far too sweet  this reminds me of the chocolate sauce with the   medicine I don’t mind creativity I’ll applaud  creativity but this is going too far [Music]

    Daniel eight minutes and your  main course has got to go out yeah   how are you doing for timing  just okay push but we’ll get that [Applause] [Music] yeah two minutes Daniel [Music]   you’re going to be serving those ponfunders  they’re too underdone you better explain that  

    To the critics it’s on the menu so you better  tell them why you’re not serving them okay [Music] [Applause]   It’s Time come on come on get  them out that’s time [Music]   go go go go go go go don’t drop it  hold on yeah they’re not cooked I can’t

    Hi guys my fondants went down in time  I wouldn’t serve them in my restaurant   so I wasn’t going to serve them to you Daniel  still hopes to impress with his rump of spreads and kidneys broad Bean fricassee  and a lamb Jew I think it looks quite a nice tools wonderful thing on there

    On there my lamb is clearly overcooked and I’m  a little bit concerned about these broad beans   and if I’m not mistaken it’s forgotten to take the  skin off it’s kind of cooking 101 you shell broad   beans when you actually can’t really cut into  the the kidney without some kind of implement  

    From Black and Decker then you know that probably  the chefs cooked it a bit long it looks to be the   same probably with the sweet pepper which is  horrendously overcooked the juice seems very   nice if the fondant potatoes were here because  we do need some kind of root vegetables to soak  

    It up to get four or five or six different  components already at the same time all in   Optimum condition is actually quite hard and  you’ve got to be quite talented to do that but   unfortunately he hasn’t really executed any  of them apart from the sauce I’m a bit glum  

    Really a nice lamb has been slaughtered  for no good cause I like lamb poor lamb thank you [Music]   now down you must produce a fault free chocolate  fondant you’ve checked your ice cream good three minutes we’re doing okay are  you gonna be cooked in three minutes  

    Fingers crossed running around like a  madman I’ve only got time for a point two minutes looks a bit wobbly  [Music] that looks a treat [Music] Daniel’s dessert is a chocolate  coulomb served with muscovado and   coffee ice cream the only way you’ll get  away with presentation this simple is if  

    It’s perfect for once the chef has really  paired everything down to what the dish   should be about you don’t need a whole pile of  complicated garnishes to make this attractive two flavors are light balanced and very very  Moorish slathers you in chocolate kisses I’ve got  

    A problem with this which is I’m at the beginning  really of quite a long meal and I really want to   finish this I think it’s the best pudding I’ve  had in months I think there’s no way you can  

    Imagine that they’ve only made all the technical  areas on his main course and over convocated   his starter should come up with something as  simple and as brilliant and as poised as this that was mental absolutely  mental that’s the hardest   thing I’ve ever done in my life I’ve  never sweated and perspired so much

    You’ve got five minutes to go  before the first course [Music]   so it seems to be a very ambitious menu there’s  a lot of technique required there this is high   wire trickery that’s going on here I have no  idea what to expect [Music] Ludwig yes [Music] you have two and a half minutes

    30 seconds please Ludo [Music]   come on come on come on come on come  on you’re there come on well done well done thank you Ludwig’s starter is oyster and  white burgundy jelly with cucumber spaghetti   horseradish cream and caviar very neat very  neat and precise I’ve been Tyson right I’m  

    Concerned about oyster jelly I’ve got to  be honest what it will all come down to   is the seasoning and the set of that jelly if  that doesn’t work the rest of it is valueless I think there’s a Vibrance here and a lightness of  touch which is amazing there’s some really really  

    Clever stuff going on here the jelly is very very  good the the seasoning is very it’s very accurate   I think it’s got to a great deal of hard work  and pulled off this high wire act very skillfully wow that’s quite amazing actually that is  quite amazing it’s good I think it’s very good

    Ludo you’ve got four minutes thank  you you have four minutes old son   should we should we move I’m nervous [Music]   I don’t get a beat I’m gonna be one minute if you  are gonna be late you should go and sell them yeah

    Will be one minute I’m plating now  and I’m coming to you straight away [Music]   keep it together Ludo come on you’re nearly there   yeah you’re three minutes over  Ludo yeah I’m doing now [Music] um and it’s so silly despite being late Ludwig  hopes to impress with his pan-roasted Cannon  

    Of Welsh lamb wrapped in Bayon ham Provencal  vegetables baby spinach and saffron Zoo [Music]   is lovely it’s correctly cooked very good taste  there’s a lot of skill in the vegetable cookery   it’s just a shame the Kohlrabi is undercut  it’s not fantastic sophisticated but it’s  

    It’s extraordinarily well done there’s  no fireworks here there’s no boom and   Flair that we saw in the starter but there is  some very good solid craftsman-like cooking it’s got a lot of flavor bags and bags are  playing but it’s lacking finesse [Music]

    Already behind Ludwig’s timings on his  pair and rock 4 souffle must be spot on you’ve got four minutes left Luna how  long does these take to cook the ticket   mini Chef so it means you’re  gonna be four minutes late yes

    The wheels are coming off the wagon yes well hang  on in there come on you’re in the last Home Street I’m hoping they’re gonna come out but  I’m not happy with the mix and you’re   nearly there they’re looking good don’t worry  

    You don’t need the bicycle pump there  isn’t no I don’t [ __ ] yourself well done Ludo okay go for it well done I’m not pleased with myself I’m sorry  for the delay you’re having almost   10 minutes late Ludwig finally serves  his pair and rock for souffle [Music]

    I’m willing to say that I can imagine there  are a bunch of people who wouldn’t like this   yep but I think it’s fantastic this third  very very good dish from Ludovic and uh   I think you have a very very talented  chef a miracle what is who is this guy

    I love the combination of pear and rock form   but it is neither a cheese course or a  dessert I’m not sure whether that’s dessert   but it is madly inventive and it tastes  Divine he’s a clever boy that’s lovely

    [Music] I suffered on very very well I  knew what I was doing then after I was   a bit stressed for my main course a bit of  my heart was missing bit of my heart [Music]   31 year old Junior sous chef  Hannah 10 minutes left [Music]

    We got left to do Hannah take  some hollandaise and Fry off my   red chair okay that’s going underneath  the uh underneath the pasta yeah it is come on Hannah Focus remember  who you’re cooking for done can we go yeah [Music]   Hannah’s starter is an asparagus moose  tortellini served with poached quails  

    Eggs Hollandaise sauce and a truffle foam  she’s made a lovely foam there I would have   liked a bit more of that because there’s not  enough moisture in there for me just visually she makes her own pasta rather well  actually that’s just what’s inside us  

    Is disappointing the flavors are not very bold so  the asparagus is quite sort of muted and a bit of   seasoning would help it’s not bad it’s just not  very exciting there is some technical skill here  

    On the plate but that’s not enough you gotta feed  me you gotta excite me you’ve got to Thrill Me Hannah just 10 minutes left I want I want one we’ve got four and a half minutes Hannah are  you gonna do it yes I am [Music] 60 Seconds [Music] time’s up

    Not cooked try the other ones   otherwise back in the oven you’re gonna  have to go out and then tell them all right hello gentlemen I’m ever so sorry but I’m going  to be a few minutes late my Duck’s just not quite  

    There okay thank you well we’re there now Anna we  have to go out come on yeah [Music] now go [Music]   you are six minutes over Hannah oh my God   yeah come on come on come on keep  it together keep going keep going

    [Music] quick quick quick anything else to go on  there okay Hannah now needs to show that her dark   on stir-fried vegetables with sweet and sour sauce  was worth the wait the presentation isn’t very   appealing the sauce looks like someone takes them  tomato puree of a tube and put it on the plate

    I think the Juliana vegetables aren’t  bad and a sesame infused way that sauce   is completely lived down to my  expectations it’s just such an   ill-conceived dish are there any redeeming  features I ask myself let me think no no this has possibly shown her inexperiencing  cooking and maybe lack of confidence it’s  

    Not accomplished not what we’re after  she’s got pudding to try and save the game four minutes Hannah this is  your chance to really shine because I love panna cotta whether you need a   champagne sorbet pink or otherwise  with it I would very much dispute foreign [Music]

    You’re giving me kittens you know  that presentation yeah remember   keep it nice and neat looking  really nice well done well done for dessert Hannah has made Peach panna cotta   topped with a pink Champagne  sorbet and strawberry puree

    I like that I think it’s very nice it looks  accomplished it’s very neat very tidy I think she   could be a pastry chef that is beautiful that is  so light and bursting full effect that is it mate  

    That is right on the mummy now Hannah must wow the  critics it’s pretty in a rather sort of um sweet   colored primary school classroom sort of way it’s  not an unattractive presentation um but let’s see  

    How it tastes it was a Pentacles itself I think  it’s got very nice texture and um it’s actually   quite quite well made there is technique here as  we saw in her starter we’ve got a good champagne  

    Saw Bay we’ve got a a good panna cotta which isn’t  easy but just generally it’s a very limp plateful it’s been the most stressful one and a half   and a half it’s just like one massive  race and it’s a race to the finish line  

    And unfortunately I finished late because of  my main course but the buzz is just amazing [Music] last to serve is Matt [Music] you have six minutes Matt you’re gonna  do it six minutes this start has got   to go out there’s a lot of things in  here that I like it’s written with a  

    Certain confidence which gives me a certain  confidence it’s a coherent menu um and um you’re all right with that risotto yeah thanks got a minute [Music] good life hold on Matt starter is risotto of crab and chili  with poached quails eggs and crispy bacon

    The rice is somewhat underdone it’s not  appalling I mean actually it’s quite you   know too some quite happy shovel up the  whole lot and I like crisp bacon like   this I think it’s lovely the problem  is that it overwhelms everything else  

    You eat a piece of this you’re not going to  taste any of the risotto for the next five   minutes but I like the fact that the crab  is lurking in there among all these little  

    Um you either just have the risotto and stick  some egg and bacon on top or you have a genuinely   gesto a crab and chili risotto and that will  be fine to me that they’re not inherently that the bacon and egg on that crab is a  mistake it doesn’t look right that  

    Should have been simply a crab risotto  with a bit of chopped parsley on top I’m   not really boned over by it it says it’s  with chili but there’s no real bite to it [Music] mate you’ve got four minutes just  needs a little bit more resting but yeah thank you got a minute

    Come on Matt you need any there last  few drops of sauce let’s go come on [Music]   Matt has made loin of venison on a  sweet potato and red onion Rusty with   parsnip puree and glazed turnip so  I think it’s a very attractive plate  

    Of food actually it looks very  nice to me not too complicated lots of really big flavors in here the venison’s  cooked very well the sauce is good and deep and   um I very much like this parsnip  puree it’s silky it’s well seasoned  

    Is too much of a cake but since they’re  being say too thick say too moist but this   is lovely this hasn’t done to the max yeah it’s  a very hearty dish and it’s got tremendous sort   of depth of flavor overall I really like the  dish there is a culinary literacy at work here

    [Music] sweet potato and Rusty apart I think it’s   a very good dish the winner there is  that sauce it is deep and it’s rich [Music]   foreign [Music] Concentrate careful let’s go well done Matt [Music]   ‘s dessert is a lemon panna cotta served with a  chilled raspberry soup and ginger tweel um Paisley   tick of two twill biscuits inside French army  yeah let’s go for it I’ll jump in straight away

    I actually think the tweel is quite nice it’s  very nice texture this little hint of Ginger   the raspberry sauce is just a little sharper  than you would like it’s not unappealing I’m   quite enjoying eating it but it doesn’t show  a shimmering Brilliance in the kitchen it was  

    A good pudding I think it’ll be a bit hard on  it I think it was wasn’t mediocre it was good that is a beautiful Rich raspberry color So we’ve got a lemon panna cotta  which is creamy but tart very   tart and a [ __ ] which is tart it’s  lacking balance it’s inches away from   being a stunningly good dessert it just  needs a little bit more sugar foreign [Music]   is totally different to working in a  normal kitchen you make silly mistakes  

    You do things that you would never  normally do day after day and after   yourself afterwards you just kick  yourself thinking why did I do that [Music]   thanks great for you to join us we need help  judging this what did you think generally of  

    Our four quarter finals the standard really was  quite impressive from some pretty young Cooks   but there are still ups and there are still Downs  the most frustrating one I think for me was Daniel  

    Or where we had just a real horror show of a main  course and I think we were all absolutely stunned   when this Great Dessert arrived as a magician with  food Rock for souffle I’ve never tried it before  

    It was stunning with Hannah we see someone who can  actually cook in technical terms quite reasonably   you can cook pasta well and you can poach an  egg well but if it actually doesn’t taste very   nice at the end then you haven’t executed it well  I’m afraid for Matt there were no glaring errors  

    A very very nice main course and a competent  dessert once again gentlemen thank you very much   for coming here and helping us out your words of  wisdom have really helped us thank you very much the guys here today have really  performed well and delivered the  

    Goods they can all leave here with  their head held high the restaurant   critics himself said yes this was  a very high standard and it was I do believe we have uncovered a real Superstar  I mean we talk about talent and Flair and style  

    And there’s one guy here who’s just got it in  absolute abundance that is Ludo however there   is a big issue with Ludovic and that is his timing  his souffle was nearly 10 minutes late that’s not   acceptable I’m gonna forgive him because that  food was simply outstanding he put combinations  

    Together I hadn’t seen before he put combinations  together that actually worried me nothing worried   me more than an oyster jelly flavored with white  burgundy but actually it was just stunning his   roasted lamb wrapped in Bayon ham was a little  bit messy on the plate because he was running out  

    Of time but it was nonetheless flavoursome each  and every mouthful of that souffle had the right   amount of rock Forum pear there’s no way that  was a dessert but it was simply outstanding he  

    At times looks a little bit to at ease and maybe  dare I say laid back but he’s good he’s very good   it’s up to him if he wants to go all the way I  think he can my chance is a 50 50. probably I  

    Was overconfident and didn’t see the time flying  by because I was having fun I was in a kitchen   doing what I love I want to talk about Daniel his  starter he had really well flavored crab atop his  

    Asparagus and then for reasons best known unto  himself he gave us a really sweet avocado sorbet   for me it killed that dish his lamb was overcooked  as was he sweet bread and his kidney pom fondants   thankfully he didn’t serve them because they were  raw he somewhat redeemed himself with the pudding  

    But the critics absolutely loved it the ice cream  was very smooth and the chocolate cake was runny   cooked just right what you’re hoping is if you  put Daniel through he would show more Flair in the  

    Next round I hope I have well the judges my dishes  I wasn’t trying to go wild and crazy or creative   today I was just trying to keep it just nice  and neat and be a bit diverse in my menu I think  

    Hannah did well but in Parts I enjoyed her starter  it showed a lot of skill but lacked in depth of   flavor I don’t care what the critics say that  peach panna cotta with the champagne sorbet was a  

    Real high point I think the girl may have a talent  for uh for pastry that Hannah was concentrating   and taking so much time on her starter and dessert  that she went for the easy quick option with a  

    Duck stir fry simply no way near the level that  we were looking for she’s got the Royal talent but   it’s tough for her she is the youngest she is the  least experienced obviously I’m a lot younger and  

    I’ve got less experience than the other guys but  I do think I held my own in there and I’m happy   with what I’ve done today Matt’s risotto was  slightly undercooked for me but despite that   uh wasn’t a bad texture but the flavors were amiss  I wasn’t bursting with sweet crab like it should  

    Have been here’s main course on venison was very  well cooked I thought it had a really smooth sweet   past it puree and a Heavenly sauce I mean that boy  can do sauces and he had fantastic presentation in  

    His dessert desserts aren’t just supposed to look  great they’re also supposed to be sweet and for   me this one had no balance it wasn’t sweet enough  but that Ginger twill biscuit was great we knew  

    He could deliver great sauces and he did so today  we knew he was good at presentation and yet again   he delivered today the MasterChef competition as a  whole has been great for my confidence and to get  

    The semi-finals would just put me even further on  the trail to believe in myself a bit more [Music]   star who’s got it in them who  do you trust I know who I want [Music]   we can only take two of you through  to the next round two of you have to  

    Leave us our first chef going  through to the next round is Ludovic [Music] our second semi-finalist is [Music] obviously I’m a little bit disappointed  if anything this experiences has spurred me on   even more my passion has definitely grown  for cooking there’s plenty more left in me   I would have liked to go through to semis  it would have been nice to uh push to that  

    Next level but it wasn’t to be I’m sure  I’ll come up against other things that   are going to be just as hard but that was  one of the hardest things I’ve done [Music] yeah when my name got called really  I was a surprise I am extremely happy  

    I am ecstatic I’m one step  closer I just want to win it [Music] my stomach was all in nuts and butterflies  my heart was pounding and then when he said my   name it was just a massive relief I’m absolutely  delighted to have got through to the semis today  

    Wasn’t my best effort and I know I need to produce  my best in the next round is Do or Die time and   it’s definitely a name now to to go all the way  [Music] fantastic Martin Ludwig will be back for  

    The semi-finals when they’ll battle it out for  the title of professional MasterChef [Music]


    1. Love these earlier UK episodes. Later seasons feel really Americanised with just how many sound effects, bombastic music and "novel" tasks they throw at the contestants. It's great how these early ones are focused entirely on the food itself, a real celebration of good cooking. Thanks to whoever decided to start uploading these!

    2. I'll never understand why people give food critics the power to make or break a restaurant. They're not even chefs just a bunch of nobody's what makes them so special and gives them authority to judge a dish in such a way?

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