#MarineCorps #Inspiration #Courage #Journey #Graduation #DeltaCompany #USMC #MCRD #SanDiego #Military #SemperFi #Marines #Proud #MilitaryGraduation #MarineCorpsRecruitDepot #Motivation #USMarines #Honor #Bravery #Salute
    MCRD San Diego Delta Company Graduation Ceremony
    The new Marines of Delta Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion, graduated from Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, October 27, 2023.

    Defense Now – October 2023

    Please keep discussions on this channel clean and respectful. Refrain from using racist or sexist slurs, as well as personal insults.

    Scheduled from Oct 27 2023 12:45 PM EDT to Oct 27 2023 2:10 PM EDT
    Graduation took place at the completion of the 13-week transformation which included training for drill, marksmanship, basic combat skills, and Marines Corps customs and traditions. Following graduation, the Marines were given 10 days of leave before taking the next step in training at the School of Infantry at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif.

    Film Credits: Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego

    Go St up award Braty operations and [Applause] step bull It D hey Spiritual Development plays an important part in the making of United States Marine who’s in an grou Brian J United States name will deliver the graduation prayer ladies and Gentlemen please rise let us pray one on this day of great celebration we give you thanks for these

    Young women and men of company D who have earned the title Marine we give you thanks for the gifts and abilities you have given to each one of them which they now bring to strengthen our Marine Corp we give you thanks for the drill instructors company officers and the ti

    In leadership who have shaped and molded these young women and men into Marines we are grateful to stay for the families who have supported them every step of their Journey for their mothers and fathers sisters and brothers grandparents aunts uncles and Friends we ask oh holy one that you be with

    These new Marines as they continue in their training keep them safe and bless them remind them to be always faithful to their country to their poor to each other and to themselves just as you oh holy one are always faithful bless our nation bless these new Marines and God

    Bless the United States Marine Corp amen thank you pleas seated take a the Commanding General San Diego welc you toorent in the life of a marine their graduation from blamp approximately 40 weeks each year for the past 100 years new Marines of dep party San Diego for

    Service with un of the Marine Corp around the globe the primary mission of the rec to provide recruits and west of the Mississippi which represents 51% of all apps in the Marine for each year Theo is also home to recruiter school and drill all of our efforts here are GE

    Toward 1 in producing America’s Finest fighting force the United States Marine Board this morning first recruit for and marks in the parade following the pass interview the graduating Mar will return from and censor of the revie stand for final dismissal the staff for today’s parade is comprised of from the recru regiment

    The commander troops is Captain Derek M company commandery D first training the AC is Captain a WS executive officer company D first recruit training balion recruit training resid The marching units are now being called to attention and the a command sound a will begin today’s Parade Performances events last7 St 344 Subjects requires to produ basic Marines who potion effectively inass our train in indiv field and combat skills and prce person professional traines them as Marines example these are discipline the achiev of self control and self awareness which assures respectful Au and Main Impr military bar consistently demonstrating military pres and as well as a and of uniforms a a spirit of the Marine that inspires enthusiasm devotion initiative teamwork aggressiveness determination Pur integrity Mares have fought andon ands in the the BR although battle change and inabilities evolve viory individ drive to over any and War and each other that about throughout our Legacy today in comloy throughout the world confronting every challenge with courage loyalty and faithfulness they are resolved to be the most ready when the nation is least ready to defend

    Freedom anytime and anywhere to stand ready to Aid those devastated by natural disasters to pay tribute to those who have forged our proud Legacy and to honor the families and loved ones who Faithfully stand beside us for the Marines of company D today marks the end of the 13-week recruit

    Training cycle they have marched countless miles at Camp Pendleton as well as on this parade deck and have been trained as our all Marines as basic Riflemen in addition due to an intensive physical training program their strength and endurance have doubled since their arrival aboard the Recruit Depot they

    Are Marines qualified to take their places in the ranks of the world’s finest fighting organization W He The platoon are now being aligned from left to right in order to get them into their exact positions for the parade On The next portion of the ceremony will be our national anthem we welcome veterans and members of the Armed Forces to join us in rendering appropriate honors with a military salute for guests who have not served in the military it is proper etiquette during the national anthem to place their right hands over their

    Hearts and for those in the audience wearing headgear to remove it will the guests please rise for the presentation of the colors on on the Colors 3 ladies and gentlemen our national anthem For Thank you please be seated at the command post the colors the color guard moves into position within the parade this signifies that the entirety of the parade has been formed and is ready to be presented to the command Following the command parade rest the parade agitant will give the command sound off which signals the band to parade forward of the assembled Marines while playing military marging music All Right La A [Applause] La E PA [Applause] Your the parade agitant now presents the assembled command to the commander of troops Four 61 oh Pres Sir all sir October 203 United States At the command officer Center March all unit commanders and guide on bearers March to the front and center of the formation historically it was at this point that commanding officers would issue orders and instructions to the unit commanders following this the unit leaders would face about return to their

    Units and pass the information along to their Marines Off h What Eyes all right h St right St order [Applause] h all right rest throughout our nation’s history millions of men and women have earned the title United States Marine many who have helped shape our history join us here today in keeping the tradition of once a marine always a marine we would

    Like to recognize them at this time those in the audience who have served as Marines please rise ladies and gentlemen a round of applause for their dedicated service to core and Country we would also like to give special recognition to a distinguished guest today sergeant major Christopher J Adams

    The sergeant major fourth Marine Division New Orleans Louisiana ladies and gentlemen the Battalion Commander for first recruit training battalion Lieutenant Colonel Roger a [Applause] Hollenbeck good morning ladies and gentlemen there we go good morning all right we got a live one Now good morning ladies and gentlemen this is perfect one more third TI charm all right here we go well good morning ladies and gentlemen on behalf of the Commanding General briger General Ryan and the regimental Commander Colonel rumler welcome to Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego and the graduation of Delta

    Company I’d also like to extend a special welcome to today’s parade reviewing official whose impressive bile you’ll hear in a moment the secretary of the Navy The Honorable Carlos Del Toro welcome sir assistant the secretary of the Navy and the guest of the Commanding General is a fourth Marine Division sergeant major

    Sergeant major Adams welcome sergeant major today’s ceremony recognizes your new marine and all they’ve accomplished in the last 13 weeks Gathering here as individuals from all walks of life in all corners of the globe they stepped onto the legendary yellow Footprints and into uncertainty but they dug deep they

    Trained hard hard they came together and stand before you as a confident team of Marines the best this nation has to offer now this magical transformation didn’t happen on its own so I’d like to take a moment to thank those that made it possible the foundation of their

    Character wasn’t made here it was made in your homes in your schools and in your communities so thank you to the parents teachers families friends and coaches for all your love and support your love your support and for many your signature on that contract set conditions vital to their success so

    Thank you give yourselves a round of [Applause] applause second our spectacular drill instructors who have spent every moment teaching training mentoring and leading these marines their outstanding dedication and work ethic has left a tremendous and lasting impact on your loved one who will always remember and appreciate their efforts Now ladies and gentlemen

    The officers and drill instructors are able to commit themselves to the business of making Marines because of the love and support of their families who also join us in the audience today so please join me in a round of applause for the drill instructors and families of Delta [Applause]

    Company I’d also like to recognize our outstanding Marksmanship ship martial arts water survival and academics instructors are outstanding chaplain Corman and the entire medical team who’ve done a tremendous job keeping us physically mentally and spiritually strong and of course the dedicated recruiter that saw potential in your

    Marine in fact joining us from weapons field training Battalion is Sergeant Leon Tazza responsible for training the platoon with the highest rifle qualification score and joining us from recruiting substation okanawa Japan is govern Sergeant Martin responsible for recruiting today’s honored graduate outstanding work [Applause] Marines now excuse me as I addressed the

    Marines one last time as their Battalion Commander good morning Marines that’s what I’m talking about all right you made it to graduation you earned the eagle glob and anchor and you earned the look of Pride on your loved one’s face across this parade deck it took you 13

    Weeks to earn this feeling but it doesn’t stop here we promised you a challenge and we will continue to deliver you must continue to earn the title every day to honor the legacy of those that came before you and Blaze a trail for the next wave of Warriors the

    Marine core will be what you make it so never forget the skills the spirit and the values that have been drilled into you and I guarantee your success you represent the Marine Corps now and you’re the future of this great institution so Stand Tall take charge when you get home introduce your buddies

    To your local recruiter all right congratulations Marines thank you for all your hard work and for your dedication to serve this great Nation take care of each [Applause] other take care of each other and cultivate the relationships you’ve made with your fellow Marine they’ll serve you well welcome to the core Seer Fidelis now taking their position in the reviewing area is today’s parade reviewing official The Honorable Mr Carlos Del torto Secretary of the Navy he is a companied by briger General James a Ryan II Commanding General Marine Corp Recruit Depot San Diego and the Western recruiting region ladies and Gentlemen please rise

    For honors to Mr Carlos deloro as is customary for higher ranking officials in the military we we will be fir ing a traditional volley of Fire please warn anybody in your family who is sensitive to ammunition fire to prepare themselves for the cannon [Applause] Blasts sta present Sword Go Oh Is [Applause] yeah order short thank you please be seated The Honorable Carlos deloro attended the United States Naval Academy where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering secretary delorto was commissioned as a surface Warfare officer upon his graduation in 1983 The Honorable Carlos deloro has served in a variety of challenging

    Billets in numerous commands to include first commanding officer of the guided missile destroyer USS Bokey senior executive assistant to the director for program analysis and evaluation in the office of the secretary of defense and special assistant to the director and deputy director of The Office of Management and budget retiring at the

    Rank of Commander he current ly serves as the 78th Secretary of the Navy ladies and Gentlemen please welcome The Honorable Mr Carlos [Applause] deloro sir the bra for passion review I sir sta k the pass and review is a tradition within all military units allowing the unit Commander to formally inspect the

    Unit under their charge More than a million Marines have been trained here in the past 100 years and have departed San Diego for combat in conflicts around the world including blazes whose names are immediately associated with Marine courage and dedication names such as gu Canal teraa iojima pan Inon chosen Reservoir Quan way City Lebanon Granada Pena Kuwait Somalia falluja ramani Mara sangen and our most current operations worldwide this parade deck is rich in history and tradition and no Marine trained here ever forgets its sights and sounds ladies and gentlemen as the national flag passes directly in front of you please rise once it passes you may be Seated snap eyes wait ladies and gentlemen the commander of troops Captain Derek M deacons and the regimental [Applause] [Applause] Staff Right sir Marine Band San Diego Marine Core Recruit Depot San Diego California DJ Oh Series 1061 series Commander first lieutenant Lis G Jimenez platoon 1061 senior drill instructor staff sergeant young Son [Applause] platoon 1,62 senior dral instructor Sergeant aruro a Rodriguez [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Blon 1063 senior Dr instructor staff sergeant Curtis J Antoine Jr He what the regimental Color Guard is Led on the march by the regimental color Sergeant drill instructor Sergeant rodo naret there series 1065 series Commander Captain Duncan M Clift and platoon 1065 senior drill instructor staff sergeant Alexis m [Applause] highas 3 [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] go BL do one 1066 senior drill instructor staff sergeant Tommy L [Applause] [Applause] Wimberly platon 1067 senior instructor Sergeant Louis a [Applause] Dionio ladies and gentlemen if you turn to page 21 of your graduation pamphlets you will find the Marines hymn the Marines hymn has a history dating back to 1859 and has a longstanding tradition for Marines to face the direction of the music and stand at attention when it is heard it

    Is now directed that all Marines present and who have served honorably and ladies and gentlemen you’re all encouraged to join sing the words to the first verse as Marine B San Diego perform STS Anchors Away followed by the Marine H will the guests please Rise A [Laughter] [Laughter] Thank you please be seated sir close today’s break all sir stop dis the Marine corps’s uniqueness and strength as an elite fighting force is directly attributable to the Magnificent efforts of the drill instructors and Company officers who train and supervise the recruits the distinct qualities of spirit and discipline the heart and soul

    Of every Marine have been developed nurtured and ingrained in recruits to their observance and relationship with their drill instructors and officers recruit training is the very foundation of the core each year recruit training provides thousands of America’s Finest young men and women with the basic knowledge and skills to function in a

    Profession characterized by its own set of high values and tough standards the most important thing we do in the Marine Corps is make Marines the individual Marine is the core that is what we do here for the Marines graduating today the long arduous journey of the last 13 weeks is but a

    Small step into the future of the Marine Corps as they prepare to fill the ranks of our Corp they do so with unquestionable support for the high ideals and standards of the United States of America and the United States Marine Corp although company D prepares for their final dismissal from boot camp

    Their initial training is not over soon after graduation they will report to the school of infantry Camp Pendleton California where they will continue to be trained to serve as an effective member of a marine rifle Squad the intense initial training that every Marine under goes is designed to instill

    The fundamental premise that every Marine is a [Applause] Rifleman [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] He [Applause] Help [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hey ladies and gentlemen at this time we would like to introduce to you the Marines responsible for ensuring the success of the difficult transition required to become a Marine the company Commander is Captain Derek M deakin the company first sergeant is first sergeant Fernando Fuentes ladies

    And Gentlemen please join me in a round of applause for the company staff of company d the next portion of the ceremony will be the traditional function of retiring the gons CER the guidons have been carried by the platoon throughout recruit training and are being retired to symbolize the disbanding of platoon all similar units in the Marine Corps carry such guidons which identify their unit and are a source of Pride to each individual member note that the honor of carrying

    These guidons is bestowed upon those Marines who displayed outstanding leadership qualities motivation and character and were selected as a platoon honor graduates the platoon honor graduates compete for the titles of series and Company Honor Graduate they are consider the top Marines graduating today and have demonstrated the highest potential for future leadership and

    Responsibility in the Marine Corps Center he Forward H order skler the guidons will now be returned to the drill Instructors [Laughter] X j Get G CL [Laughter] Hey the honor graduates will not be presented up Black by the Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Roger a Hollenbeck and the Battalion sergeant major sergeant major Rashad am Browning ladies and Gentlemen please hold your applause until all honor graduates have been recognized present ar ar the Honor Graduate for platoon

    1061 is private first L Adana s almazo from Fontana California the honor grader for platoon 1062 and the company Honor Graduate is Lance corpor Ryder eswin from from Gardner main LC dwin is also the recipient of the chesty pool award for his outstanding meritorious performance while in recruit

    Training the honor grad for platoon 1,63 is private first Les alas Ortega from Chicago Illinois the honor grader for platoon 1,65 live is private first class Miguel a Colores from Paris California the honor grader for platoon 1066 is private first last Landon G lron from Palm Desert California and the honor gradu for

    Platoon 1067 and the series Honor Graduate is private first class Richard J toyoko from Sacramento California ladies and gentlemen the honor graduates of company [Applause] d keep down oh hey Hey Coming in first Sergeant Mr company he sir the company first sergeant will now give the command to the senior drill instructors to dismiss their platoon needless to say this will be the most welcome Comm man they have received throughout recruit [Applause] training ladies and gentlemen this concludes today’s [Applause] Ceremony oh hey Oh Wa he


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