Today I head up to the Lake District for a cycle around some of the best roads this place has to offer. We also got very lucky with the weather; despite a little (a lot of) wind the sun was out for long parts of the ride and not a drop of rain. Huge W.

    The route:

    Check out Grant’s YT Channel: @grantritchie

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    2 Week Free Trial on the RUNNA app with code ‘NEWBIERUNNER’

    Follow the journey:


    You got it you got it you got it you got it I know some times life can be T and you feel just hello and welcome to the Lake District I have come up to the lakes for a few days to ride my bike and run we’re

    Currently out here with Grant who has come up for the day a long way up long way up I’m going to have to do a bike check on that at some point today yeah wait for the viewpoint on a titanium bike and it looks legit uh we’re just about to head up the

    Kirkstone pass we’ve got 85 km to cover with about 900 M of elevation I think so let’s see how we get on today it should be lovely great it’s in the middle of December it’s the middle of winter what we doing in the Lake District grants a

    Fair weather cyclist I am not I’ve not been out honestly I’ve not been out all winter I’ve just been indoor training and then Dan was like do you want to come on in the late District in the middle of December 5 days before Christmas have to be [Applause] Done [Applause] About 2/3 into the climb oh man my legs are burning not the hardest climb I’ve ever done cuz it does undulate a bit oh I’m tired though Grant’s gone ahead a bit I think he’s trying to get PB he’s done this climb before I’ve only ever

    Driven up here this is what it’s all about nearly there now I’m just happy the weather’s held up when I was driving up here today torrential rain all the way until we got to the Lakes [Applause] Woo Al Al Al look at it look at that beautiful day right we made it to the top wasn’t the easiest climb I’ve ever done but it wasn’t the most difficult either it’s quite nice it undulated a bit up and down so it gave you a bit chance to rest the leg how

    You but we get to go down kirkstone path now I think so that should be fun B by new tedos B is now lat popping and buying Hot Cheetos the free throw easy please believe me baby bought the Tesla bought the Rolex watching I ain’t dreaming baby scheming baby Dina raise

    Me really from the section with them Killers drug dealers never got to help from Pops they need some love lior messing not the pain so P up not too far from it everything I didn’t seen and done it late night running hidden houses and police cuffing

    We ain’t have nothing house was cold we were open oven now we eating good just to ice let’s put buns in oven bakeries linked up with quitting started making cheese Sushi overseas the server she speaking Japanese flights to P I’m at the L to see mon got a desata with rip

    Seats and all your leaks kick it like messy little Nick you shouldn’t test me right so good just started working on my Lefty I’ll be climbing up the charts if these let me getting everything that’s mine I’m charging levies relaxing man I stay in action natural believer got me feeling like

    Imagine Dragons 2017 I quit my job because it had to happen make my daughter proud look at me this your daddy rapping wo let me hear that back I just said that ain’t nobody else in the studio but me I record myself and I made the Beat wow absolutely unbelievable weather out here 18th of December feels like summer just a little bit colder yeah content life we’ve not actually talked to each other this whole R just talk to our cameras and then I’ll watch the video later so Grant’s just talking us through

    His beautiful setup so I have the ugliest mudguard in the history of mudguards on the bike today I picked this up from the Caton oh my God look at this state of that I picked it up mid ride from the Caston the other day because it was pissing it down and

    My ass was just getting soaking I couldn’t do another ride with a wet ass it just gets uncomfortable so it was needs must I think it’ll do for now to be honest it’s done a job got a dry ass as we speak so Winner Than Approaching the halfway mark now it’s been a beautiful ride so far the weather is divine been quite up and down in the Lake District gone past all waterer and now I think we’re just heading back uh down the east side of the Lakes I want to Say Legs are feeling pretty good so far considering marathon training kicked off yesterday we did an interval session on the track kilometer repeat and then later in the evening we did an hour on zft but going strong so far nowal with trauma prly I don’t want to

    Be a burden I handle things defly spend a decade searching for a higher power got of me figured out that faith is not up there that is inside of me act with execution what’s a plan with zero action faced with bad habits knowing it’s a magnet to my inbound I’m somewhere

    Between confidence and arrogance the middle ground is treacherous I work on getting out of it pops is looking down I feel them every time the sun shine back to being unsign I only got my blood this is unreal man been having so much fun I forgot Tomy gels just on the second one

    Of the day now should probably have had more by now but we move Plum wi hping like a movie y don’t know how long a run time hope it’s an Extended Cut but when I die that low my Consciousness onto a thumb drive and uploaded to the masses when I pass all

    My sets as holographic life’s as real as you imagine my Jewish girl was tight cuz I ain’t link on the Sabbath but it’s Friday and I got a few Robins I need a basket play in traffic if you want to play the faction we don’t act we getting

    Active stacking cash and dodging taxes my father was a Catholic never taught me how to practice but with music I’m a Baptist all these tracks I bless these RS with this is outrageous so beautiful man how nice was that what is that just out of nowhere what a r can’t really work out

    What this road is like yeah neither can I is it closed or not or must be closed off what a strange bit that was we are out in the middle of absolutely nowhere at the minute I’ll tell you what it beats zift as well that’s for sure this is

    Mad I mean like the surface is a bit sketch but yeah it’s really cool borderline gravel territory there just Lord a riot this is a strange one we’ve got to go across this weird raggedy old little bit where there’s a rusty old fence and then off into the ayss reckon this is

    Right know it Sun poking through over there not a Sol around delightful stuff Whoa We Are off-roading now in the mud bit across country I think this is the right way it’s got really like rubbly and bumpy a stinks of a punch of this don’t it don’t see

    That just made it up a big slug of a hill legs are burning a little bit but we have got the secret weapon the Gregs ham and cheese we pick this up on Route the the fuel of newbie Cyclists I got problems on problems on problems on problems on problems on problems I Sol my brother through the money the pressure be calling left on my blessings I feel like I’m falling the birdie is back tell me I’m garbage I’m going through something that’s why I ain’t calling phing

    Progression it’s all that I wanted the F in affection I summon and D cuz I got problems on problems on problems on problems on problems on problems I solve them I run through the money pressure be calling left on my blessings I feel like I’m falling the birdie is back tell me

    I’m garbage I’m going through something that’s why I ain’t calling phone and progression it’s all that I wanted a in affection I summon and DB it why you be all in my ly about nothing why won’t you go get you a dollar or something don’t hang with a who lying for nothing

    I see that we different you riding i d them I don’t do discussions on bragging by hone don’t go to your places I know that they shk don’t call me your brother I barely could trust you I talk to a shorty she bagging the bugging and I’mma

    Need all of my dollars on corpit so hand me the money I did the P I’mma give all of my people a portion them of Fortune I’m flipping the r i can’t be mixy when ify the vibe and 40 on 50 is really the time why is you roll on my phone like

    You want me like you wasn’t pushing the kid to the side I don’t know you are think and I’m blind cross on my crosses and on my eyes with your the mixture of gels and ham and cheese baguettes from Gregs is getting us through this you don’t see that on the to of

    FRS right and we are done back at the car now covered 85 km with 1,458 M of elevation that was a really nice ride I can’t get over how nice the weather was I was I was worried uh that it was just going to be rain and cold

    That was just beautiful man so nice and now Grant is heading home uh he’s just come up for the day I am going to go and check in into my uh B&B and relax probably pull this video together that you’re watching right now and then tomorrow I might go on a trail run

    Depending on how the legs feel I’ve got an easy 6 km run uh in the training schedule but fancy a bit of a trail run once I’m up here


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