On June 3rd 2022 Manuel Truccolo of Enough Cycling Collective left Sezana – Slovenia – to compete in the first edition of Trans Balkan Race.
    The race is an ultra-cycling, single stage, unsupported event crossing Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro with a 1300 km off road route.

    As any adventure cycling event, the Trans Balkan Race requires physical preparation as it requires mental attitude, luck and grit to be conquered. Some riders line up to compete, some others just to finish. Either way, it’s one of those events taking riders on an emotional rollercoaster. Impatience, happiness, relief, loneliness – 1300 km and a few days on the bike can take you and your mind through different feelings.

    The Balkans’ Rollercoaster is a journey through Manuel’s feelings and moods during the race.
    Thanks to Enough Cycling, the race organizers and many contributors, we were able to document such feelings in this movie.

    Riding | Manuel Truccolo
    Direction, filming and editing | Alessandro Ponti
    Concept and screenwriting | Federico Damiani
    Assistant editing | Luca Grandini
    Sound Design | Flavio marini
    Subs | Jacopo Lahbi and Federico Damiani
    Driving | Chiara Redaschi, Alessandro Ponti
    Production | Elite cycling and Enough Cycling
    Thanks to
    Event idea and management | Beatrice Mezzena Lona and Luca Petrinka


    1. A vedere questo video mi vengono tante emozioni, tanti ricordi vengono a galla anche se queste esperienze le ho fatte su strada…. in gravel lo spettacolo e la fatica devono essere doppi. Complimentissimi!!!

    2. Bosnia & Herzegovina is beautiful!……I wish you guys marked certain sections or towns he was in. This route would be nice for a tour.

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