In this video I done scootering and landed my best scooter trick ever. The best scooter trick I’ve ever done air, it was a briflip macflip to barspin, also known as a bri mac bar, the best air trick on scooter, it took 3 hours to land but I pushed through and got it done! At delta four skatepark, norwich, England, UK.

    I show how to tailwhip on a scooter, flat scooter tricks, scooter tricks flat, I rode on my bmx scooter tricks, I done the hardest scooter trick in the world, street scooter tricks, best scooter rider in the world, stunt scooter skatepark is where I practiced my tricks, pro scooter tricks, I show how to do tricks on scooter, I show how to get better at scootering, I have shown how to backflip on a scooter in the past. I also show you how to buttercup, how to briflip, how to inward, how to 360 on a scooter, how to Bartwist on a scooter, how to triple whip on a scooter, how to kickless on a scooter, how to 720 on a scooter, how to get better at scooters, how to do scooter tricks, how to whip rewind, how to double inward, how to progress at scootering and many more.

    Come on boy that’s right people today I’ve got to learn five new tricks before my scooter snaps in half so wish me luck the first trick is going to be this but air I can do whip kicky whip like nothing but with an unus that sounds sketchy wait there oh oh

    My boy that is not a good start people wait I think it’s easier yeah if you add a whip and now just add the whip at the beginning oh my god what have I signed myself up for all right all right all right we got close disc go disc go come on

    Boy oh two feet let go boom boom new line number one uh complete now trick number two an unless to Mac which I’ve always wanted to try but I’ve been too scared cuz I always think I’m going to land on the back wheel and just go boom ready attempt number

    One oh my God come on Snivy B oh I’ve got that I’ve got that oh that’s it that’s it I reckon a bit more speed and we’ve got that oh now put the feet on the deck boy about no oh ah oh my toes my toes come

    On it’s just less painful if you land it boy just bloody land it just bloody land it yes and oh my God my scooter felt like it snapped what the hell that did not sound good one bit I’ve got some bad news to tell you people I thought that I only cracked it

    But it turns out I have Bloody snapped it oh my oh my God and we’ve still got three new lares to do as well I’m wondering should I carry on or should I just snap it now oh I don’t know it’s still somewhat solid I’m just

    Going to have to do tricks that won’t snap it like that like that oh come on boy come on boy oh so close ready new l number three what’s it going to be well you already know but oh close oh why are my hands going back on come on two hands boy two

    Hands oh I am counting that two hands oh I am counting that I don’t care my deck’s about to snap so let me off now can we get one more Newar before the deck snaps in half there’s only one way to find out boy what 360 spanner flip to whip which

    Will be a world’s first as well on a snap deck what the hell I’ve actually got that let’s try that again I could do that bit more spin oh oh my God why was I about to back flip my body’s still facing that way

    When I land so I don’t know if I’ve got it honestly oh that do not sound good come on Mr scooter please hang on in there for one more trick that’s it that’s it we brought our grandson up here in the summer he was trying to get to see

    You all the time CU knew you were here if you would let my husband take a picture of yeah that’s fine really the whole summer and you couldn’t yeah catch stay with us yeah I see that there you gok that’s all good all right now back to the trick before it snaps come

    On all right all right all right wait wait there I mean I didn’t do an extra 180 but that’s still a world’s first we must complete the 360 oh so close but ankles oh oh now all we need is an extra 90 oh my there people that is a world’s first

    Right bloody there with a deck which is about to snap wait I celebrated too early I looked back at the clip and that was is not a 360 disappointment this one will be a 360 a full 360 ready shn oh my ankle holy [ __ ] my ankle oh I

    Think that’s me done my ankle [ __ ] that’s it that’s it pain doesn’t exist pain don’t even exist what the hell am I on about ready three 2 1 boy oh I can’t even spin it now what the I forgot how to do it yes yes yes all right we got it we

    Got it land it why am I Landing Feeble it’s going to snap any moment now the cracks are huge yeah such a world first mate three more attempts that’s it if not then I’m going to snap it two more attempts that’s not a 360 once again but that was much cleaner than the other 180

    So I might have to count it last attempt and again mate it just turns out I do not know how to 360 I’m afraid but 180 spanner flip whip is still a world’s first and still a new lar so that’s five new Lars complete but my deck still

    Hasn’t snapped yet so I think it’s right if we oh maybe not that huge now oh it’s still together why snippity Bop come on boy O oh that felt lovely mate my bum bum bum my bum bum well we snapped it people that’s exactly what we wanted to happen so oh my days look how thin that metal is that’s why they’re so light Hallelujah we done it we bloody done it shib B oh sorry sorry my head

    Keep rolling yeah they want me dead but I keep on strolling hear me for the motive but I was catching my Z so went unnoticed trying to Blossom like a lotus


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