I have a mooch around Leeds city centre.

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    Welcome to another video walk on the wild side and I am here in the city of Leeds yes I am in Leeds today I’ve got the city hall behind me it’s not called a city hall it’s called a town hall why do we call that City Halls town halls

    But anyway look at that wow isn’t that a grand building but it’s all sort of um it’s got all this hoing around at the moment they’re doing a bit of work on it yeah so it’s a bit hard to get a decent shot of it can’t go right up for it but

    Anyway yeah I’m in lead for the first time ever just check out that building there leads Town Hall wow I’ll tell you what it puts black pools to shame but then again you can’t really compare them this is a city the city of Le yeah never been to

    Le before until today yeah I’ve been to Sheffield I’ve been to hfield I’ve been to York I’ve been to all these other places in Yorkshire but the first time ever in Le and I’m on the main drag here I think this is called the head row

    So let’s have a little look around leads shall we now I believe that this is sort of like Manchester Liverpool size city massive City yeah I’ve been to Sheffield and I don’t think Sheffield’s as big as it I always thought Sheffield was the was the

    Main sort of city in New yire but I think leads is where it’s all happening folks it’s like the upand cominging place here it’s the H Place we’ve got a big wheel over there got the Christmas markets over there yeah we got a big wheel going on

    Look so just over here we’ve got the library I’ll tell you what I better be careful because this is a cycle Lane here and we got delivery drivers and that whizzing up up and down this Lane here you got to make sure you you check there’s someone coming before you step

    Across that cycle line there I’m telling you and I bet they don’t stop at these little uh zebra Crossings as well look at that so we’re just going past this like little is this it is this the Christmas Market there’s not much to it folks let’s have a little

    Look there’s a bay tent there for’s Bay tent H doesn’t look very big folks so got a uh war memorial there look some kitty rides here there’s a big hotel over there the Radison there’s also a Browns a Browns restaurant they’re very very Swanky Browns aren’t we yeah so we’re just outside this

    Library is very very busy and uh yeah that’s pretty much it I’m afraid I’ve just come around the back of that tent there and that’s all there is of it there must be more to the Christmas markets and missing leads now yeah we got a merry go round up here with

    Horses we got some I tell you what it’s a nice day of it as well the sun’s come out I was here yesterday and it was I wasn’t here in Le I was uh I was over at Bingley because I was doing a talk for a camera club and

    That’s why I’m here I thought I’ll stay over and I’ll have a little look at leads why not for the first time I wasn’t too far away so that’s why I’m here there’s a sign here I think there is a bit more to it this is just one

    Part of the Christmas Market here I believe there are some pretty Grand buildings here in leads as well yeah look at the some of these will be old Banks won’t they this one here used to belong to uh a building Society this one here it’s now Browns it was the the headquarters of

    The lead’s permanent Building Society and it’s now at Browns and uh Browns are not cheap yeah not exactly uh weather spoons prices in there they got some green buses but are they green are they green green they’re not electric yeah so this is the main drag here in Le there’s a massive shopping

    Center up there on the right hand side what’s this place here I think this might be a shopping center as well I don’t know it’s called the light look that they’ve got M and Carter on the Main Street I’ve not seen a Miler Carter on the Main Street before normally see them

    On the pubs we’ve got a few pubs around not in Blackpool but in uh they’ve got one in pton they’ve got one in sent M and cter P uh first time I’ve seen one in the town center but look at this it’s a big wide Road

    This and the sun wow I’ll tell you what the ligh of the moment is really really good nice to see the sun come out today could the yesterday because yesterday Yorkshire seemed to be buried in a cloud yesterday it was very very Grim it were really Grim yesterday yeah a lot better

    Today I can back p yeah so you can’t really compare Leaf to Black Bull I mean this is a massive City isn’t it and uh that’s that over there St John’s there must be another shopping center over there I know there’s one on this side as well

    But I’ll tell you what those buses are double noisy I think they need to get some Electric Buses they’ve got some more uh Christmas cabins but it just seem a bit like they’ve just been shoved wherever they can get them I think uh this is the guy that was doing the back pip here he’s on a bit of a break at the moment counting his money I

    Think so we got all the usual places that you’d expect in a City Cafe Nero Subway I think I can see a big shopping slender down there got a massive John lies what’s this over there this is quite a fany looking building isn’t it yeah little bit of Deco going on

    There Yorkshire Building Society it says up there some nice old pubs as well there’s one just over here it’s called the Horse and trumpet look at this right on the Main Street the hor and trumpet check it out down the B there there’s an old sign

    There I don’t know what it says it’s it looks like a pretty old sign from the olden days but there you Go Tesco Express just across that we got Sports Direct it just looks like anywhere else really does it but we are in the middle of leading oh look they got Wendy’s wow Wendy’s I love Wendy’s you don’t get Wendy’s everywhere folks but Wendy’s yeah I don’t know how long they’ve been in the

    UK but I I love Wendy’s when after I’ve been to America I used to really like going to Wendy’s yeah so we got our Wendy’s here in lead how about that what we got down here this is a very busy looking Street here what’s this one called

    Brigate I might have a little look down here later that down there I might have a little look down there bye how you doing okay I can’t believe I’ve just been spotted I’ve just been spotted in leads someone just recognized me yeah there you go oh I tell you

    What you’ve uh got to be wary when you’re in these uh cities there’s people riding bikes and roller skates and everything what’s that place there th’s arcade I’ll tell you what there’s some Swanky looking buildings down here look at this here another arcade over there look that one’s called the county arcade

    1900 I think I might go through there let’s go through shall we oh look at this oh look at this folks wow oh that is so fancy this look at that look at this that is amazing just look at that oh wow you can’t beat this can

    You wow look at the floor as well the mosaics on the floor that is absolutely awesome the granite look at the granite here look at this this is amazing wow look at that wow hey they don’t build them like this anymore do they look at this this is

    Amazing they got some very post shops in here as well Ted Baker look at that Harvey Nicholls berries I think that this links up with the um the shopping center I’m not sure I might be wrong but uh yeah that was a little look inside this arcade wow amazing

    Yeah I’ve just been spotted again I can’t believe it yeah someone else spotted me and this is the ivy yeah the ivy very very Swanky isn’t it let’s have a look The Ivy oh I tell you what you need a bit of money if you want to go in the

    Ivy but I’ve just come out of there the arcade and we have that nice Mosaic flooring well this is the kind of flooring that we have now we have this uh concrete uh sets and what they do is when they need to repair them they just double load of tarmat down that’s that’s

    The way we do things nowadays folks yeah H oh look that over there the coronation buildings that’s a Swanky looking building isn’t it look at that wow oh W I tell you what it’s very very Lively you know it really is Lively and I think that that that over there is the

    Victoria Gate Shopping Center yeah and that’s where I just was in there if I can this bus will get out of the way sorry about that just look at that 1900 1900 just look at the building it is absolutely awesome and the ivy is just over there wow it is a lively City

    I have to tell you that and I’m a little bit uh well I don’t really know where to go all I’m doing is just having a bit of a walk around the main the main section here I don’t really have a clue about anything else to do in lead because it’s

    The first time I’ve ever been it But it’s very very noisy it’s it’s quite Lively as well I’m filming this on a on a Tuesday afternoon look at that there some Grand buildings back on this main drag again we got some more tat going on here folks more repair jobs got a little bit of deckup going on here

    Folks at this building here look abolutely huge buildings yeah and just down this way we’ve got John Lewis there and I tell you what John Lewis has got a right fancy looking carpart look at that store there look John Lewis and we’ve got a store on the corner here which is the

    White company London that’s a very exclusive like is it did they sell home wees or or clothes or what I don’t know but the white company it’s h it’s exclusive shop that yeah just look at all these people by it is pretty busy here in l

    Just making my way back up this way again check out this PB here the three legs I wonder if there’s an is of man connection to this place what do you think very fancy looking Pub as well look at that look at that pad the green King have not found the

    Weather spoon yet by the Way what’s this place here it’s the house of Foo wow there’s some places here that I’ve never heard of what would we do without the house of Foo I making this up as I’m going along folks I’ve just come back out of that arcade again and uh thought we’ just

    Take a little look down here starting to light up now as well because we’re just sort of getting around 3:00 in the evening Christmas lights are starting to come On roasted Chester chest that place over there boodle 1798 look at that that’s fancy isn’t it look at that there’s a guy in there with a very Swanky suit and it’s like oh my goodness if I was to walk in there um I don’t no I think you need to look the

    Part if you go in there yes so we’ve got more markets down here I knew there be more to it it looks like they’ve just stuck them wherever they can they can fit them in so the Christmas markets in Le are pretty much all over the place but

    There’s quite a few stalls down this this road here what’s it oh Brigade this it’s called this so they’re getting a bit more of the Christmas markets down here what’s that place there IWC sha Housen is that one of them places where if you need to know the price you can’t

    Afford it looks like It yeah it’s pretty Lively ladies what do you think I have to say how does it compare to Manchester I’ve been to Manchester loads of times and I’ve been to Liverpool as well massive JD Sports over there oh Mars and Spencer look at that found the mar and

    Spencer still got Mar and Spencers yeah it’s one of them stores that we’ve still got you know it hasn’t got Fallen by the wayside like a lot of the other places we’ve still got it for now at least yeah so let me know what you think to lead it’s quite Lively isn’t it

    Really and uh I’m a little bit overo really because I don’t really know where to go I don’t know anything about the place and but I have to say it’s uh it is really really Lively Tuesday afternoon we’re bit less than a week from Christmas day so it’s probably

    A bit busier than it would normally be on a Tuesday afternoon but uh there you go a little look at leads for you I cannot believe that this was my first ever visit to leads yeah in all this time yeah and just behind me here is this round building here it’s called

    The Corn exchange check it out yeah that’s pretty old isn’t it yeah anyway it wasn’t an exhaustive look at least just a quick look around the center for you just to bring you a bit of the action here uh before Christmas anyway I hope you like this video If you do hit

    The like button and also hit subscribe and tick the bell for notifications of new videos and I’ll see you again on the next one


    1. I only live 45 mins away from Leeds Steve on the train from Halifax town centre such a cool very beautiful city I used to go here every wkend to the HMV Store for records and blu rays , but they is a heck of alot of work going on at the railway station tho , hope you had a lovely time your friend always Rod 🙏🏻😎🥁🎸🎤 have a great Christmas time mate and a wonderful new years eve from me stay safe 🎤🎸🥁😎🎄🧑🏻‍🎄 4:17 6:04 10:33 10:35

    2. Wow, where to begin.
      Welcome to Yorkshire, again Stephen
      I'm 66, upto the age of 7 I used to go to Schofields department store (now destroyed) in Leeds to see Father Christmas. I lived in Huddersfield where I was born. When did you go there!?
      You made a good move going to the arcade, Do you remember watching "The Good Old Days " on TV? It was filmed at the City Variety theatre. It's shut now but the facade is still there I think. I hope you went into the Corn Exchange!? It's a beautiful place. Yorkshire has loads of old buildings like you see there. Have you been to York? The Castle Museum is an essential visit in York. The armouries are good in Leeds.
      When you went to Huddersfield, did you go to Greenhead Park? It has a ride on model railway. Stanley Park should have one!!
      Thanks for the memory jolts and doing this film. Merry Christmas!! Try Halifax another time. Piece Hall, cobbled streets, home of the Halifax Building society in commercial st in beautiful marble, an inside market like Abingdon St was, but much bigger and better established. Sorry, I must stop. Brilliant thank you.

    3. Blackpool comes to Leeds. Does anyone remember jumbo records. I used to work in London ringing record shops who didnt get reps. Jumbo was one of my customers as was Pink Panther Carlisle Keith. I'd ring him at 5.30 every Monday and we always had a brilliant chat. I stayed in Leeds at the Queens and remember seeing Jimmy Savilles gold coffin in the reception. Nasty man.

    4. I went my uncle malcom. West Ham were at Elland Rd. First time i went north. Ive been here now 23 years. Blackpool my home. Malcolm has passed. All my relatives have passed. Lost 2 friends this year. Paul and mick 2 of my best friend's xxx

    5. M&S started life in 1884, when the immigrant Michael Marks came to the north of England and managed to secure a stall at Kirkgate Market in Leeds. In 1909 M&S opened a store at 76 Briggate which is the store you spotted

    6. Hello Steve how are you love your vidio of Leeds Very interesting have you seen Darren adventure me yet just to let you know you have a Christmas card in Chris higgot one pound burger bar in dale street have a good Christmas and New year best wishes take care stay safe xx ❤😅

    7. Very Interesting upload, thanks. 👍 I lived in Leeds for 10 years in the late 80's – mid 90's for work purposes. I've not had cause to go back and hardly recognise it apart from the street layouts. It does have some amazing architecture but most large city centres look the same now now with all the chain shops. Nice to see some of the old pubs have survived though.

    8. A couple of old traditional pubs off Briggate The Ship/Whitelocks/3 W'spoons, bars back of corn exchange, and Boar Lane, plenty of other bars including the waterfront. Trinity shopping centre, market, main xmas market is millennium Square. 3 theatres etc. Join a walking tour book at Leeds train station I think. I once went up by the town hall clock many years ago.

    9. Why not come to one of the Meet Up Piano Meetings – in Leeds Clothworkers, Sheffield and Manchester. You'd love it a great opportunity to meet new people and hear some piano performances.

      I live in Sheffield and visit the other Cities frequently. Sheffield tries. It's not the best City in Yorkshire, but it tries its best. It still has nice things to offer to visitors. Just not a Seafront. I'm thankful for Northern Rail – I travel everywhere. But still feel Sheffield and Hull (my hometown) have my heart.

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