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    – 1 minute T minus 50 Seconds T minus 40 seconds team – 30 seconds T minus 20 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Z Shout out to cish shout to cish guys good two legends Emil hesky how how girl can’t get much better than that guys you know what to do now like comment subscribe I’m of Legends guys good good evening lovely people and welcome back to team cish representing we are

    Back Live Match watch along Liverpool versus West Ham carabell cup as always when we get behind the mic please make sure you subscribe comment and like hope everyone’s well this evening right spoiler alert guys I’ve not seen the lineup I’ve not heard anything I had to

    Rush home from doing some stuff got home just about 10 15 minutes ago showered the boys and I’m just checking in the lineup now so I’m going to check the lineup live this is not me trying to mess about I genuinely don’t know the lineup so here it goes in goal kellerer

    Excellent Gomez K Quanza van djk Simas okay not not fuss with that again Virgil could have had a rest so BOS Endo Jones um I think I said I’d go with I think I said no I wanted I wanted Tren in Midfield shamelessly up top Elliot Nunes Gap do you know

    What big up drifty I know drifty ain’t on there if you guys watch the preview that’s pretty much a very similar lineup to what me and drift had almost I almost identical apologies almost identical um I’m good with it I’m good with it like I didn’t expect us to start Salah

    And and Trent unless we were playing Trent in Midfield honestly I’m good with it guys don’t have an issue I actually think it’s a good lineup I’m happy with the lineup if I’m going to be honest I’m very happy with the lineup obviously that it could change

    During the game obviously I’m not silly I could change and I could become Shameless and start going oh well we should have started this player and that player I could you know me I’m Shameless but on face value I’d have gone Kate maybe over Virgil but again I can understand the

    Decision I can understand the decision I think it’s a good lineup hold on everyone saying nunz left wing I’m not seeing that with the one I’ve got with the lineup I’ve got I’m seeing GPO left wing if it’s Nunes left wing then I have a

    Problem I have a I have an issue if it’s Nunes left wing I have a big problem if it’s nunz left wing actually because it it it shouldn’t need to be nunz leftwing but we’ll see we’ll see can’t get too annoyed we wait and see how do you guys feel about the

    Lineup that’s that’s that’s the most important thing because I can speak haam blue in the face but how do you guys feel about the lineup because I’m all right of it personally I think we should be able to win with that lineup anfield talk says nunz left

    Wing it can’t be Nunes left wing man it’s got be it’s got be gapo left wing it’s got to be gapo left wing it has to be there’s no reason to go nunz left wing when you’ve got Gat podo and if that’s the case what was

    What was the point of getting either one of the two if you’re just going to have three Strikers and one left Winger jeny don’t know generally don’t know um haven’t seen West Ham’s lineup so I’m going to have a look at that now so I’m going to check that now so

    West Ham they got Ariola in goal kufa mavos Ranos sorry ogana Johnson Ben Johnson nice to to see him play he’s a player I’d like us to sign in the summer on a free as well such and Alvarez holding solid Midfield Kudos Ben Rama four Nils and Bowen as a striker

    Interesting I wonder if that will change and I wonder if um bone will play right wing Kudos will play in a 10 and Ben Rama will play up top very fluid front four though if it’s Bowen who’s a striker I expect us to dominate attack though their their

    Attack we we should be able to deal with that pretty decently in my opinion big out yourself Josh no pqu yes no pequa thankfully no Ward prow they are probably on the bench though wow they’re just showing a graphic at the moment on Sky Sports which we’re watching on midweek results this season

    David Moyers and West Ham have only lost one midweek game they’ve sorry have only lost one midweek game they’ve won all the rest they won all the rest so boy don’t know I don’t know we will see something’s got to give we need to win this this game though absolutely need to

    Win this game and I think we will I’m quietly confident quietly confident about this one but we have to make sure we do our bit absolutely have to make sure we do our bit if we do our bit we’ll be fine again I’m here again my laptop there is

    Something wrong with my laptop I have not been able to find out what’s wrong with my laptop so apologies it’s not to it’s not actually my internet guys actually my laptop um but yes I am back whether I’m here for long or not only God knows and only my laptop

    Knows but I will try and stay on as much as possible big up to be and reds TV big up to months on Big Six B um what we saying for score lines guys what’s up G what’s up people woo let’s go all he’s going with the midfielder

    One of them two all right Club I see you oh he’s going with the front line on one of them two I see you young good okay yeah it’s pretty much picked the team that we um we hope for to be fair I mean I would have probably SW I would

    Have Swap nunas and Diaz and had gapo in the middle but okay gapo on the left I’m enjoying seeing gapo on the left you know why because it leads me to believe that we might buy another player bro because when gapo was was playing for the third upfront spot I’m thinking now

    Why would he replace why would he buy anyone but now that looks like it might be Gat Paul Diaz left J nunz right it might be we go and get that right winger and have Salah and whoever else do you get what I mean let’s hope so I hope so I really do

    Bro let’s hope so it’d be well needed to be honest be well needed I do hope so hope they uh listen to us and listen to the fan base as well feel like a lot of the fan base want that to happen Cody it’s your game I believe in you bro

    This is it today’s the day that you that you you shine today’s the day I was actually GNA say something else but it would have been a big pause Cody and nunz have to have a big game today they really do really have to have a big game

    Go apologies not here for the excuses for the all day so you remember them old school days when you were younger and you couldn’t be bother to make any food so your um dinner would be cereal do you remember them days no I I I always made food bro you’re too organized

    Bro my brother will be like what what what’s for dinner then be like you’re a big man just CU mom left me in charge you’re a big man cereal bro go make yourself something to [Laughter] Eat come on Boys N beian cornflakes I don’t even know if you know what they are over in um Canada bro cornflakes they’re like uh yeah they must have corl I’m pretty sure they got cornflakes they probably called something different but I think Frosty is a broader called Frosted Flakes yeah

    Yeah so bzline need a big game as well all right we’ve kicked offes asan Corn Flakes I’m trying to watch my sugar levels um I’m on 15 16 where are you on bro okay so we’re perfectly in sync cool cool yeah Darwin oh my God who the hell

    Was that to it’s Darwin left wing but that wouldn’t even make any sense Darwin being well done there you go there well done boys look at the pressing from the front three there brilliant Darwin left wing yeah cool no bro I reckon they’ll interchange I don’t reckon that’s a a solid thing I

    Think that’s how we catch West Ham out I think Nunes and gapo would change during the game depending on what the situation is I think Elliot will definitely stay wide right and I think Nunes and and gatp will change bro I mean it might even be a fluid front three we saw gapo

    Playing on the right in the towards the end of the Man United game I think they’ll have the freedom to be flu with the front tree I don’t think that would just be a all game let’s get a goal early and get some nerves get the nerves away so about what

    Is you saying about say I said I hope you’re right you know who I kind of rap for Nows he’s one of them players that’ll never be a spectacular player but I do actually think he’s a good like if I was a West Ham fan I’d be glad to

    Have him as a squad player because he does play he’s a good squad player you know you know that if somebody’s injured having a player like him who’s the one who comes in you’re like you feel comfortable with it you’re like okay yeah cool like for Els will come in

    He’ll he’ll he’ll make he’ll definitely like do a job for two games or whatever it is he’s got to play for oh we’ve got them rattled here guys I know it’s only 2 minutes in but we have got them rattled let’s keep them let’s keep them uh let’s keep them that way

    Virgil playing is a bit annoying but I do understand it I just would have liked him to have had a rest today I think it kind of more goes to show klopp maybe is feeling a little bit about IU the way we are I’d more say it’s down to

    Um I’d say it’s more down to IBU availability sometimes yeah we do have to be smart I watched the interview with Linda um the press conference with Linda now sorry that’s a the way lindes was talking about the graen Birch one and a few others I think

    They know they do have to be a bit care lick off the thing oh little dink little dink s me back post there beautiful oh no not penalty spot back P that no that was a good ball drift yeah but it was easier for a Defender to clear it if You’ have gone

    Back post there was a man spare at the back post no but that but that’s what I’m saying someone should always be on the penalty spot penalty spot that that’s the area where you meant to be that was a good ball in it wasn’t a rubbish Ball but if you notied the

    Defenders were there though you got to pick out a man who’s spared you know what I mean instead of picking out a man who’s got I don’t think there was anyone at the back post was there though yeah I think it was Elliot I know he’s not the tallest but

    He might have been able to even f click it back in or maybe take it down and keep the move alive well played so far though boys keep it up watch the runner watch the runner well done well done Jones Ellie Ellie ah unlucky look at that closing down for meia brilliant well

    Done I thought you had the arm band on for a minute there ah man I don’t know what why this team keeps on trying to mess with Cal big up everyone watch you know smash that like button for us people it is two cow comes back 5 minutes 45 seconds on the clock

    Nil nil Liverpool started brightly had a half chance already let’s hope this continues oh good control Cody ah unlucky Tariq I’m not going to talk about Darwin anymore well he’s on you know V might have actually he was actually on there what is this what is this whole stupid rule

    About there’s no V in the carabal games I don’t get it he was off there but that that’s my frustration drift I’m going to be honest no bro I’m telling you that was tight there was a that that player on the far side but he had no reason he

    Had no reason for it to be tight though well he’s looking across the he’s he can see people there if if uh if he gets it right and we win the game with one I don’t mind a couple off sides you got to play on the edge I used

    To play on the edge as a forward win any other player this season bro yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s uh it’s not good but he’ll be fine once he start scoring again oh what the [ __ ] M creef the bed there blood is that thing hey a come on

    Simi ah I mean it was a raking ball from distance so unlucky to degree but got to do better there Simi he really is vvq man’s even doing the Crossfield 45 yard passes now in that yeah you love to see it I think that’s the most exciting part of this season

    The development of of konzo learning how to play right and left side to make sure I’m not going to lie when when I asked him about the Matic thinger you could tell obviously he wasn’t happy mat got injured but he was saying I was looking to take his

    Spot anyway that’s some Savage assassin [ __ ] that I love I rate it I rate the attitude yeah I’m saying bro like the man was like obviously I’m devastated from Matic but I was looking to take that spot anyway well you think I just going to sit around and wait I W

    Waitting for no injuries to take that spot all yo another Scout in this team is what it is thir game well play then though it would it would be beautiful to have free starting 11 well played well done no no Ellie no no no no that was actually a half decent shot

    But why is he getting a bit carried away now with the shooting thing yeah it’s because he scored the other week in it maybe he’s like um feeling like that’s the only way he can keep his place in the team cuz you know he plays well and

    Then he’s still back on the bench again he might be like the only way I can actually keep my place is if I score regularly winners well done good ball ref well played that’s a well play well done little dink simy simy thinkink it man that’s a ball

    Again no drift no but there wasn’t anyone it was a brilliant Ball but I could already tell nobody was there so put it in the air so the guy the back post has got some time to get on the end of it it’s a brilliant ball if someone

    Was there there’s nothing wrong with it in that respect but every now and again you got actually look up you can’t hit the space You’ got to actually hit the player oh good defending back again keep it going well done good ball ah Cody what’s going on with everyone’s first touch man touch

    Man Cody’s got a first touch of an Angel how the hell is he miss that’s a mad thing like they’re all Miss oh well done Soo well played soo’s got to learn to put some height on his Crossing man know what’s happened to him ah I like that

    Was a good idea you know if Jones had have known what he was going to do that was actually a good idea he started very well though we have yeah soo’s got to put some height on his Crossing man recently he keeps on doing these waist height crosses they’re not helpful to anyone

    Man well done Joey h him ref that’s a foul man I think you might be ahead of me drift oh am I yeah uh 1125 26 yeah a couple seconds let me count in so you can just pause it please okay yeah I’ve 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

    37 38 39 40 41 42 huh yeah perfect perfect yeah yeah I had to go forward and back again cuz you know sometimes when you unpause it it takes two seconds to actually get going so you went ahead of me so I had to go and do it

    Again I’m definitely encouraged with the first 11 12 minutes though keep it up boys just want to see us test the goalkeeper now yeah yeah that’s the next stage after 12 minutes of playing really well is now pop off a shot get the get the keeper working in and get a goal in

    The next 5 10 minutes to make the first 20 minutes of drive down line look now the back post is on not now ah Simi keeps on doing really good crosses in terms of the area but I think he’s got to do a bit more actual pinpoint picking out the player because

    That time I agree it’s it’s you know what I mean it’s a little bit frustrating that he’s doing good crosses but he’s not actually Crossing it to a player that’s a corner see again it was that was in the right space the one thing I will say about

    When you play West Ham though you’re always going to struggle to score or do well earily because that’s one of their main attributes I’m not going to lie Keller’s got to be um like he’s been a bit like a bit nonchalant with with his passing so far I think that just a miscommunication

    With him and Jones there I don’t think that was like well done well done boys go on Jones make the right decision oh well done there you go one more subo oh unlucky well played Harvey Soo almost messed up the move he’s got he’s got to get out of his head soo’s over

    Everything you know he’s really overthinking everything his game’s not coming natur oh my that’s so unlucky so unlu that is so unlucky unbelievable play there from Elliot I thought that was going top pocket you know I really thought that was nestling top pocket keep it going

    Boy what’s going on guys going on what’s going on what’s going on what’s going on Super Chat from Shakur says you guys think football is fixed any game stand out um I think football used to be fixed I was watching Premier League years last night and I was watching Man United

    Liverpool clashes and the amount of times it was the same referee and the decisions are absolutely outrageous no one can’t tell me man United’s history books aren’t aren’t cooked I don’t care what no one says it was some diabolical referee in back in the day in the in

    Favor of man united they got away with murder I almost rate Wenger more for being able to win two Premier Leagues in that biased man united era it’s not too dissimilar from the era we’re in now with Man City though to be fair I wouldn’t say Man City you get

    Favorable decisions even remotely close to man united used to though short drift yeah above the man united but if you go back and watch some of those R and fernandinho should have had about 18 red cards a season yeah no I get that I get that but like man you were just given

    Penalties they should have just not been given that would win them games like it was a joke bro the and like the amount of red cards that the opposition would be given against them to cut you guys is so BOS playing right wing and Elliot playing Center I think there’s a fluidity

    Between a few of the players bro because Jones has been coming to the left a lot Nunes is going Central and pulling to the left a bit I think he’s just given some of the players fluid within the system to you know what I mean I think

    The only people who were rigid are endo and the Defenders come on Jo I think the back four and Endo are the only ones that aren’t being rigid at the moment I think there’s a fluidity that he’s given a lot of the players I think so buz’s

    Playing right wing that’s a ball ah n should have g a cross goal there that was quite high but good cross it’s a half chance good cross though guys are you in L with the timer yeah yeah yeah yeah all right I’m 30 seconds behind Okay 31 seconds are you guys at

    To puse on 17 yeah that’s cool yeah cool cool yeah I’m I’m yeah 30 seconds behind I think I’m on 17 now cool yeah I’m about 32 seconds behind yeah have to do a countdown for me my sky just ignored my pause button basically doesn’t watch cop I’ll do it from 55 yeah

    Yeah all right 55 56 57 58 59 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 you in line yeah yeah cool cool cheers guys touch Harvey unlucky beautiful ah I just put I just put 30 second slow-mo on the on the chat as well because I know

    Whenever we’re behind the score always gets given away if somebody scores always I don’t blame the people cuz they can’t help it but it’s always AIT a bit of a killer when we get the score before we even know not come on Darwin watch The Run brother he got he can see the

    Defender unlucky though again again I I swear that man looked like he was playing him on whatever whatever his name was Man on ra Keller putting full trust in end up yeah Keller has been a little bit L to go towards the ball there you

    Know I don’t know that was do bet I think zos could trap that I think I think saz has two in his in his head at the moment he’s overthinking everything he’s just got to let the game come naturally man he’s such a no no no

    How dare you that he doesn’t need to be overthinking it man the thing is Pep Lind has actually said something quite interesting about Soo when he was talking about him and it was just along the lines of like the type of player he is he’s always wanting to do more like

    He puts a lot of pressure on himself almost and maybe that’s like you know when you got a bit of low confidence it’s even worse if if you’re naturally like that as a player if you’re low in confidence it’ll be even worse do you know what I mean yeah K to answer your

    Question flip here now good challenge to answer your question Elliot is playing right wing as things stand no yeah him swapping but I think they yeah they’re so I think when when here’s the thing I’ll be honest with you though weer we focus on that too much because

    If it’s fluidity I don’t think there’s an issue because like it happens in it where someone goes to the right the right winger Co goes inside yeah yeah I reckon they’re allowed to do what they want within the system so as long as one person covers why the other one’s

    Doing what they’re doing they’re allowed to you know have that lovely Elliot man Brother come on bro however to say Elliot a really good game when he’s actually playing Central as well but yeah yeah however what I was going to say though to what I where I do

    Geve you is what I don’t want to see in my opinion is I don’t know 70% of the game um Elliot is Senter mid and soo’s right wing so I don’t mind him interchanging but I don’t want it to be Elliot’s just pure Center M well well I

    Think you L forgetting one thing we’re only about a week removed from Soo playing right wing be at afon um yeah so maybe that we’re getting prepared for it or getting bro bro AF that yet and we all said it remember we all said it at the beginning

    Of the season one of the best things about bu Soo is that he can play right wing when Mo’s um at afcon so that was Co no no no I don’t think I I think soo’s actually good at it it’s just in bad form that’s all form makes it look

    So bad it’s the form I’m telling you you can do it he was doing right wing in some of the games like for the last 10 20 minutes and he was brilliant at at the beginning of the season I it’s just his form I don’t actually think it’s his ability it’s his

    Form no I agree I think and if I’m not mistaken he about he does now decision making he’s not he’s fully in his head is it yeah’s I told you not you know what’s so crazy you know when he was driving with the ball do you know he would have done normally

    He would have shim like to and lay it off the fact that he laid it off and then asked for it back was almost like I shouldn’t have given him the ball and not even just that he’s he also slowed down meaning he’s overthinking it you when you’re in your

    Bag you do things at full speed when you slow everything down it means you’re overthinking everything because you’re like making a decision do you know what I mean get back to back or it could be the opposite though because you know sometimes like the they say the best player

    Man what in the world well done Elliot though unlucky unlucky unlucky unlucky at least we’re shooting but we got to get some of these to really test the goalie now man yeah oh you see Pelon I actually think I might get the bike and join the group you

    Know you looks fun man yeah it’s about 350 is it no I think it’s more than that well for the bike I’m sure I saw the bikes about 350 is it yeah I don’t know if you got to pay a subscription Fe you probably do is it

    Like yeah the actual course but it looks fun as hell though I’m not going to lie it does I think that’ll be a way to like get me to get back into Being Fit again you guys happy with this um starting lineup I’m all right of it man I can’t

    Lie did someone just say it’s two grand no it I swear 350 for the B I don’t know what pel and you’ve seen bro two grand said the helmet the helmet might be 350 BR for real bro but if you’ve got well done Joey ah unlucky unlucky done a

    Bit too much done a bit too much is it that much I SW I start with 350 yeah yeah I don’t know where you saw that bro let me see this peltin back how much is this thing here you might get sticker for 350 I don’t know bro Jo’s

    Right that did come off the defender you know like when he notm it no look I told you look look I can see it here like you know what maybe it’s two grand where you have all that computer system then maybe cuz I’m seeing the bike and the bike’s

    350 careful oh no no no no no no I know I thought the you my first Oh my days my stomach went I know what you thought I’m not going to say loud I know what you thought my tummy went bro come on G po stronger than that man yeah Cody [Laughter]

    Man just his his nun is play on the left is it yeah yeah come inside and shoot I don’t am i m am I mad man or something I think I think there’s going to beu fluidity between I re I reckon him and Cody will swap

    When when necessary the thing is I don’t mind them like interchanging but no interchange between them two at all because because remember Cody knows how to play the wing everybody’s on me now about the Pelon B yeah I’m stunned because one of my friends has got it and I think it’s 350

    For the back without the computer then and then with all the system and stuff maybe that’s when it’s too Grand well play so well done G it that was good defending in the end cuz he would have got a good shot off of the defender you might just get the

    Frame for that drift without someone said some someone said you’re buying the left foot Peg you might get you might just get the frame bro with no seat and no pedals said the left foot Peg you know CL a pellon I’ll still pay two grand for it

    Because it looks fun two I I know man come on ref move man it well played Jones got play well done ah we’re crossing in the air when we should be on the ground and on the ground when it should be in the air we got get that

    Last done unlucky unlucky unlucky Joey Joey a no I I see what he’s trying to do I to do unlucky unlucky unlucky if that first pass they wer good defending on it some someone said it’s 350 just for [Laughter] delivery someone said it might be 350 if I order it from [Laughter]

    Albania that’s Al God knows how much the shipping would be from Albania to England man one we got livid with kual we got life there kual turned in field there we’re in trouble I need to see I need to check this out for myself I I don’t know where

    You’ve seen this drift are you sure it’s Pelon bro yeah it was a while ago when I did it but yeah I saw the but and then you obviously like you know the subscription or whatever I think you had to pay for that but yeah I didn’t

    Realize that um it wasn’t with the computer that must have been what it was it wasn’t with the screen and all that it’s probably just the bik said Pon for 350 G Gap keep on falling over he must have poor studs on man that’s a good ball though yeah do them up Jones

    It’s not it’s not drift it’s not that’s a good ball you know so what is the actual final price then Cal if you if you want I don’t think there is a final price oh oh my days he wasn’t in his head there he wasn’t in his head there my

    Number eight what you talking about I told man what you saying but no one doubted he’d be back I W even talking to you you know no I’m just saying I know I know I’m just saying nobody that you’re getting defensive i w even talking to

    You no no you was talking to all of us I’m not talking to no one look at the no one Bang all that is that’s outrageous you know he’s not allowed to score from there he’s actually not that is an outrageous that’s not ball foul this an outrageous finish SP at

    This look at the KN no that is a to punt volley side foot all in KN ball fam that’s been doing this this is what this is what he does bro that’s outrageous he’s not allowed to do that he shouldn’t be allowed to do that and you want to

    Know something this is exactly what he needed before the Arsenal game he needed some selfie he just needed full stop bro yeah no but especially him to remind himself bro of what he’s capable of yeah bro he’s him form is temporary you know the the cost of the bike with touchcreen

    Will cost around $2,000 around $40 a month membership $2,000 what would that be about, 1500 UK in it no more than that brother we ain’t got the pound ain’t that strong [Laughter] anymore 18 18 if you’re lucky this ain’t the 990s bro we ain’t there anymore 90s bro I’m but early 2000

    When I went Florida I got double the money you know I actually got double the money I went to America when I was in my um uh refman referee oh is he gonna give this to West Ham when I went there when I went to

    America when I was in my I might just before my teams actually was two for one I remember getting Echo unlimited stuff over there two for one remember Echo I remember Echo bro they used to sell that in the shop they had a whole section in

    The shop to work in for that I remember Eko I’d love to know what happened to Eko actually they just fed up probably the same thing that happened to FUBU and things like that wasn’t popular enough to be able to keep I’m g go I’m g go way

    Back do you remember um car car yeah no but K’s back now broy spliffy spliffy you knowy was never gonna last that was never do you remember gra is it Gravity the other one liy yeah but don’t know about split you don’t know about as in

    Blunt yeah yeah it used to actually be a character the man smoking yeah the man smoking a spliff bloody BL yeah hey spliffy you know if you know he mat you remember red strip jeans yes what you talking they were the one bro do you remember them hold on um

    Obviously this is a ba one like rockware stuff Rock aware yeah sha John I’m sure I’m sure Rock aw probably still Rock Nation Maybe or something there probably still some kind of clothing line with that now car car and spliff car car you no no mat I’m gonna really take you

    Back nafnaf oh my D yeah bro hey that’s a blast from the past right there BR where age right now that is way I’m I’m lost with that with those two let’s go control that ellot only Elliot ellot you know what because it’s because it was on his weaker foot you know

    Beautiful first time dink it no a good ball it a good ball it was a good ball no but but nobody was a good ball because everyone was at the back post he’s got to put the height on it no Nunes could no look everyone’s got was The Defender not cutting off to

    Angle to Nunes that should be GPO there that should be GPO that’s not Nunes that’s G post position n bro I think you got three men at the back post he’s got to put height on no but no they weren’t at the back post but all three of them

    Were standing in the line what that’s a good Corner oh supp he yo arola wanted everything yeah everything they have went to pick a mix shop and just started putting his hand in the thing you knowed everything I didn’t even get the plastic shovel in the here’s another blast from

    The P say you talk about pick a mix remember ww worths ww worths wwor pick a mix was Pi mix M small cans oh my gosh bro fre for but was that shop in general had cuz remember it had it had toys it had sweets and used to trick your

    Parents and go yeah I need to get like some books clothes as well clothes everything and home do you do you know that W is online you’re lying yeah well it was it was about a year or two if it’s online it’s probably one brother that’s running

    It I’m not I’m not even going to lie the closing down day cuz I had a w whs in my ends and it was actually a sad day it was a sad day for me as well it was a sad day still it was very sad where I

    Used to live yeah the W wor was oh bro trust me but you know what when it comes to pick a mix don’t sleep on the wios pick a mix you know actually I’m actually I’m actually disappointed that down as well Tesco got a decent pick a mix as well yeah it’s

    Small though it’s small it’s very small obviously not the same but in comparison to have a bag W us in his bag now well play Elliot did he keep it well played yeah he kept it in well play Elliot’s having a very good game saying in Australia it’s a

    Different war in Australia though do you man remember Netto yes I do remember that that was the original Little yes no no the original Little was uh quick save bro that was no quick no I I remember quick save but I don’t think it n had the German Brands

    And all that yeah it was n yeah yeah but I remember quick save you know quick Quicks is a lifesaver before Iceland yes there was be of them shots back in the day that’s I’m saying bro but then obviously what happens is it’s only the big ones that survive in it PA

    It’s only them ones there well it’s yeah just yeah like anyone been powerland recently it’s not even powerland anymore any what have they changed it now nothing’s a pound in there anymore what do they call it a pound and S it’s still poundland but it’s just a joke unlu very

    Unlucky they call it I jjb Inda you’re gen JJ we come on we remember jjb you get a whole Liverpool kid for 36 drift drift drift remember this one for you with a name on the back the first sport oh Lily whites L hey shout out Lily whites with the bow roller

    Blazer or ice skates everyone knew you went up West to go Lily wax for the bers everyone knew that you done know hey Lily good G you know they’re shotting chak cadiro as well sh down yeah the arcade there hey there’s a banging sweetie Sho in choc

    Man I do you know what so mad yeah all the things that I used to obviously things Chang is called time and life yeah all sports all my days I remember all sports bro CNA you remember CNA bro yeah do you know what I was just

    Thinking about C do you know I can tell you what CNA was do you know it was you know where you know what you know where the entrance is yes that’s yes that’s exactly CNA is to be CNA you could get the best knitted garments in

    CNA shout out to the man shout out to the man who mom and dad was nice enough to get them the shellies for their school shoes hey if you had the sh or the Reel if you had shell re the sick on road the Lev loers on road you couldn’t

    Beat the revel’s Lev did you mind as you got older did you mind get the kickers as well the kickers I never like kickers yeah I went I went for a kicker face what did you did you did you ever have the the the clarks’s wab bees

    No I had the sh wab okay I had the Clark on my one my one had the um it was like a cream Soul blood cream Soul yeah yeah yeah my shell yeah you know what you know what s ironica you just said that bro last night I treated myself to some

    Clark WABE literally last night I just there I just I just got the delivery before we went thingy I treated myself some Clark wab on my days I remember index as well index with the fat catalog bro remember one all it had was the basement there was nothing fre in the

    Shop tell me I’m lying boys it just had the and you can see the down on the glass panel it was crazy yeah no that is so true I do miss those days man I miss those days buers no but Blockbuster is the original like bro that’s family

    Weekend do you know how excited I was whenever I knew we were going Blockbusters bro do you know the thing when your mom’s like your mom and your dad’s like oh you know what all we’re gonna go Blockbuster Friday night so like for me a treat would be maybe a

    Fishing chips yeah and then part of Chinese Chinese for me Chinese see you remember was spoiled yeah I didn’t have that I just said you know what I’m saying but anyway Lely sometimes chall but it’s more fishing tis but then um bro the the the Blockbuster remember the games you could

    Get the games for like was it Friday to Sunday yeah yeah yeah then they try to do the late for you about if you bring it back late bring it back late the late fee was worth it bro it was only whatever the cost was I think it was like no I think

    It was like a pound extra it it was it was it was3 pound extra BHS Oh my days BHS got another one for you British home stor I got one ERS olders bro I still work there back in the day way back you walk through orders

    And the first thing your mom would say to you as you walk in the shop is make sure you don’t break nothing the cleanest glasses on the show had when I say everything they had everything bro they and you remember there was one in clap Junction that was

    Called I think it was Army and Navy but it was connected to olders the one the one in clap all let me know if you a really big up banzo remember choices all my days yes I do choices is still around a it the axes yes Ain choices still

    Around choices ways to get the spliffy I think you know in the market I thought choices was still around drift um choices we used to get the spliffy blood um back in the day oh no I used to get my spliffy from E Street blood okay yes cting shout man Safeway remember Safeway

    Safe Way yeah I do they were known for the P oh my mfi you know everything that’s per I think that’s pearly way settings yeah yeah pearly way or not I West C Market West C Market underneath the what was the thing in Quon as well what yes

    Oppos W no no there was a market in West quen yes com Oh my days bro PC World done them out bro man said Burton Burton I Burton went not too long ago that hurt no but you can still get Burton online the person said Farm Foods they’re still

    There Farm Foods is still around blue ink blue Inn who’s got who’s got Farm food’s money B Farm food is cheap bro no Farm food a expensive I don’t think ain’t Farm Foods like Whole Foods where it was like all organic no Farm Foods is like um the one you mentioned before

    Iceland it’s like Iceland I thought Farm Foods is like Whole Food yeah de as well he oh no a man said Tandy wimpy shout out wimpy gang Street would be Blockbusters wimpy and Donald and Hinson the glass Cobra Sports hey Cobra Sports oh [ __ ] that was

    If you was a gamer um game station if you was a gameer if you know about game station is um you know um CeX or or whatever is that still about yeah CX is still about is that still about I used to terrible though I used to think that

    They were gonna be one of the first pound for a brand new PS5 from CX bro I’m not going to lie you could sell a PS5 game and probably get about 10 C CeX would actually show you in your face right here’s the receipt we’re going to buy

    Your and then they put 150 sticker on it right in front of you never forget day I took like my PS4 games there bro four games that went up to about no mare gone bro gone mare shot the year that Stevie and Kyrie were born should I tell you why I know yeah

    Because yeah I was working qu time and we saw a push chair that was meant to be £600 we got it for 50 but you know how bad it was in mother care I had to carry it from wit GI center with no bag no nothing just the box back to my office

    In East cayen then after the work I had to carry it from East qu until where I park my car brother you know how big the box was yeah I could imagine well done mother legendary bro Toys R Russ Toys R Russ is meant to be making a

    Comeback though yeah Toys R Russ is still in pearly way though on where’s where’s that place here what about is the one Ro G as well guys where’s that place here in West Cowan it’s like at the at the at the um at the side of West

    Croon where the tram goes oh oh the shop like no that no you’re thinking of yeah the comic shop but it’s opposite the comic shop he like an Electronics place he to get high five wires and thing like that the wires s oh richer sounds used was it Richard sounds or or

    Was it something else before another one as well though the one before Richard sounds yes yes yes I know the way used to get the most you in there if you went in there you felt like a baller ml yeah mlin that’s it mlin yeah if you were if

    You were buying electric stuff in maplin you was feeling real rich I think the most obscure thing it’s like it’s like you’re looking for hdmr y That’s not even out yet they would have or something have a plug socket bro yeah you know You’ be like I need a m to

    Male with a female extension they’re like yeah we’ve got it you Like they were the sick they had everything everywhere you had to have like some like proper like thingy to work there a it like you had to go for like a course and stuff you couldn’t just work there [Laughter] you put it on your CV what qualification you got I got a

    M needed degree to work in there m too like holling and Barrett is kind of similar my bro got finish that no gapa needs to go he needs to go flipping M play but he needs to be rewired blood Staples Oh my days Staples I was pissed when Staples closed down they had

    Everything they did you know what that’s slightly unlucky you know like that even I’m not saying he shouldn’t have scored he should have but that’s slightly unlucky I think I think he’s done well he just hasn’t obviously done well enough yeah Staples Tommy was a while ago

    Ah yeah could get everything in Staples I I I I was upset with I thinking of it now M bro M are the I’m telling you just some crazy stuff bro any wire bro Ro he’s human still he’s made a mistake for the first time I’ve seen I know know but

    He got he got back he got back in it no but I’m just saying I’m surprised I’ve seen it good intercept well done well done Soo yeah hunting running that soo’s doing like well done it sounds crazy I’m I’m impressed it but you know like [ __ ] know Sim that was a foul of

    A fraud what worries me is he does that so much during the game and Ty him so far it’s it’s a good and a Bad Thing basically yeah but you know what pit bus don’t really get tired you know if I’m being honest all mad mad house all my

    Days Pro Shot is BU still there do you remember Bud wols as well I remember budw that’s my my my you know that that that what’s that brand called Scott or shot shot yeah the shot Jack Jack I I had the baby blue one with the with the with the gray sleeves I

    Thought I was shot in the back the fluffy shot B shot in the back them things that were like 90 pound yeah yeah we never got 120 that’s a big team shout out to the old school baller Ballers who knew about upwest proos when you wanted your designer stuff yeah shot was the

    One was like if you it was it was like just a step down from like Harris’s obviously it’s not it wasn’t a department store it was like um you know like maybe like choices or one of the designer stores that’s right now it was like that at a but probos upstairs and

    Downstairs hey old school londoners don’t know about the probos never heard I never forget the I never forget the first day I went shopping in um sages I got £350 for my birthday and I went proo I went sages and bought two pairs of jeans Armani and

    D& my mom didn’t shout me when I got home but the look she gave me when she realized I didn’t have any money left and I only came home with two pairs of jeans but come on man non uniform day everyone knows you got to go in a

    Nonuniform day looking real Cris bro I’m not gonna lie even at my big age now bro I ain’t spending 175 pound on jeans bro even at my big age now I ain’t doing that bro r and my Armani were cream they were cream Armani a they were beautiful absolutely

    You don’t think I’m joking when I say I live well you know I’m not when I say I live an FSG life bro I’m very similar to you though bro hey Chris NOS back up Bun Street Chris NOS old school man then Pros was the one

    But yeah we the most expensive pair of Footwear you’ve ever bought in your life um I’d probably have to be honest with you and say when I bought my Odell beckhams um limited edition knck they were one 80 ah yeah 180 I think they were 180 we a’t

    If sadik’s in the chat he can remind me because sadik’s got some as well I think they were 180 we ain’t the same we ain’t the same we Ain no butov to me you’re I’m talking about 2004 Abramovic as well no they’re they’re beautiful though they’re beautiful but I’m no I’m very

    Frivolous I’m very frivolous um genuinely speaking I might treat myself randomly to something expens expensive but I’m very frivolous very like for example you see the wab bees I just told you look that I I ordered ironically bro do you know why I ordered them because I waited

    And I waited then I got a discount someone gave me a voucher and in the end I got them walk around Barefoot in the end I got my CL for £ 32 oh yeah that’s my vibe bro I’ve been waiting on a pair of night 130 w for £35

    Bu that I I live that life I live frivolously bro trust me the most expensive pair of shoes I’ve ever bought not tra like Footwear in general but shoes were my loaf as I got for for my wedding but still I can wear those now

    As well um in terms of Footwear the most expensive pair of Footwear I’ve ever bought I think maybe 90 I mean in today’s day and that’s but 90 p is still quite when I tell my M had to talk me into it she had to talk me into it she was just

    Like but you need them they’re practical and I was like no 90 pound man I go get a couple pairs for that and she’s like no just do it man just do it like because I’m sick of you talking about it she just got a Fed Up that was my kaiso

    Moment is it like that was my kaiso moment hold on people are saying frivolous is the wrong word isn’t frivolous when you like make sure you do whatever you can to be as cheap as possible frug oh is it FR so what’s FR is when you spend lavishly oh sorry okay Frugal then

    I’m frug yeah sorry I’m the other way around then yeah frug yeah I know yeah we ain’t the same drift man in terms of jeans you well you’ve already said 175 brother right no I was a you man brother it was my 60th birthday I felt like a baller baller

    Even worse bro no 15th birthday 15 it was my 15th birthday M would have M would have checked over I was buying Ace that’s s money walking around bro 350 I could get about seven outfits with that back in the day and back with change bro for M no

    But you should have seen these armanis cow they were beautiful bro they better be able to make me fly bro I tell you what was upsetting though is hold on Quan are assist by the way okay hold on let me assist by the way oh yeah with the interception as

    Well Ah that’s just Sensational no way should they have let him have that much time though they shouldn’t have if from from our perspective it’s a phenomenal shot and finish from look at Ben Johnson that’s lazy bro yeah that is that if that was one of our players he’d be

    Getting against us I’d be yeah yeah match action of play rate there would be some talk about that I’m not even going to lie said I was a black parent before I had kids I was I was oh man you know C let me just go

    Toilet while it’s half time bro we got a couple supers though for you to oh yeah I’m gonna run those through nowan trying to say I’m snaking Darwin for vbq you know vbq has always been my guy come on man don’t lie don’t lie bq’s been my guy from the moment he made

    The yeah but I even I was more excited about him being in the first team than anyone anyway we won’t play this game uh shakar says detective for the mod you guys will be shocked they t for the mod what’s the mod what’s the mod guys um

    Shout out to Becca for the Super Chat as well Dan up the red says L LFC are the X I keep saying never going back to once you’re a Liverpool fan that’s it you’re just in man you’re just in I just own it now I like toxic relationships I just

    Own it um B bazette says OG’s remember quick save Dixon’s phones for you I used to work at the link as well shout out to the link and phones for you um r Thompson 94 says forget the player rate in postgame show can we just get a store ranking show you know I

    Might do that for the members might do that for the members Danny up the red says all of our attackers have had a had the snip uh Kai says crazy stat since November our front line has scored five goals combined four of them against lask

    Ah that’s a stinky stat uh dell John Jr has been excellent just need the front a front free goal fact Sadi says Jordan 4 Amar uh let’s just PlayStation money oh sque oh sad dique I bet be able to tap my heels together and start flying over

    Traffic um K says what’s the most expens what’s the most you spent on your lady a lot I’ll be honest I do spend a lot on the misses trying to think of the most expensive I mean engagement ring that w’t cheap bloody I can’t even think about

    The engagement ring that sends me back to a dark time I almost had to sell my front to buy an engagement ring how about that Goodness Me engagement ring yeah the wedding the wedding oh geez done the wedding bro the wedding oh the wedding the engagement ring

    The red kids yeah the mortgage H jeez you love man we were meant to keep this we’re meant to keep the nostalgic and the the front energy and the energy we’re meant to keep we meant to keep the energy positive don’t start reminding me about all the expenses please please let’s

    Let’s not please don’t don’t don’t send me back to that space Oh Ministry of defense is mod Ministry of Defense big up yeah yeah yeah yeah um yeah the engagement ring weren’t cheap everything weren’t cheap around that time of life oh man I don’t know why you lot brought me

    Back to a dark place big up to Andre um Elliot feels more productive than salad don’t do that Andre man don’t do that I know you’re trying to get a reaction out of me bro don’t do that don’t do that I mean if you’re if you’re just thinking about the

    Last few games you ain’t lying Andre Andre knows what you’re doing me and Andre speak daily in it he’s trying to get a reaction out of almost got one almost got one I know you know I don’t even want to give them the they a the squidy they’re not the

    Squidgies are they no no no no no the double trouble come on if it was the squidgies I would have got you some you know that I’m not going to lie bro I’d lock off the stream and drive to your house bro you better finish them before I get to

    Your door bro I would have got you some I would have got you some come on beijan reds TV said $300 CDN at Foot Locker for Jordy Canadian um at Foot Locker for Jordan 11 Space Jam Edition back in 96 still have them in mint condition both my jeans are

    14 years old geez man $300 for kicks I’m not going to lie though B made an investment there because he could he could actually sell those do you know what I mean that is actually an investment one of the questions was what’s the most you spent on the Mage drift

    Um what you say you live that FSG lifestyle for the misses yeah for D treat me ke from Keen I get uh as an individual gift that literally just one gift um about three 3 320 I think it was for an individual gift but like as a

    Present like like like on a birthday or or just at a present about two two grand two and a half Grand so yeah it depend yeah dep depends which way you like I bought her a goodie I took about two two and a half months

    To save up a goodie bag like it was basically like a box wrapped and then when she unwrapped the box everything in it there was shoes L everything there wasn’t anything that wasn’t in there makeup je whatever it what everything like I did this whole thing and I saved

    Up and it was like a whole yeah content to the box is worth about two and a half Grand right Jamie said the best thing I got my wife was me that’s some slat and talk bro for real Jamie ibrahimov [ __ ] in the building that’s what he said is he

    Said I don’t get my girl present she has me look at him brother you like of course he’s capping holiday for the Zlatan bro he’s like in excess of five figures probably yeah zatan is a he’s a character he should go and do films like what Vinnie Jones did he’s a proper I’m

    Not gonna lie these L brought me back to a dark place because obviously when they asked that question I had to remember like engagement ring and wedding and then more mortgage was a mortgage payment was a Madness bro when I saw that money leave the account bro I dropped to my knees

    Bro Jesus Take the Wheel please oh that was rough that was rough you L saw me during the mortgage period like I wasn’t the same person bro I was not the same person I can imagine bro and then the building work on top of that as well oh oh

    Goodness beijan said engagement ring wedding and honeymoon $50k that’s in 2005 yeah that makes about sense hey B you’re a done though didn’t come up to 50K for the combin but it it wasn’t massively far off cuz we did the Mini Moon so we went Belgium straight after the wedding then

    We went to um Grand canaran and then the following year we went to Hawaii and then obviously the wedding was was a fat amount and then the engagement ring but we did help we I’m not going to sit and C like we had help from family members as

    Well um Don 123 says as a single man it’s a lot cheaper more money save no punches maned [ __ ] That hold on drift it’s it’s Wednesday now have you have you watched UFC yeah I watch it live G oh okay okay yeah yeah yeah we just haven’t had a chance to talk yeah I watch that live long time in a killer man trust in

    A killer man trust me Daddy so happy for Leon bro he he executed the game pan Perfection bro Perfection um Edwards Rocky yeah no there was a partment I thought that Kobe coo was an upset there was a course no Kobe no I’ll be honest we can’t say Kobe ain’t good enough to

    Cause an upset he’s good enough but I I was never I didn’t think that though was gonna happen but I I think the thing the thing that was the most beautiful about the whole thing is I’ve never seen Kobe so intimidated not even Usman intimidated him like that like he knew

    Leon was going to knock him out he knew it that’s why he was being so timid in the fight he knew if he made one mistake he was getting knocked out he wasn’t even that timid against Usman I know and usman’s probably got more power

    Than Leon he’s not as good of a striker but he’s probably got more power yeah yeah and there was a couple left hooks that Kobe felt in that first round and I know he went oh yeah I don’t want no more the first leg kick Leon G just just

    Ruined he knew he knew in it Bob you know what’s so mad Kobe after the fight went man I thought I won this fight um there’s not even scratch on he goes there’s not even a scratch on me bro there’s footage of him and his his nose

    Was leaking while he said it yeah exactly footage of him beeld walking eyes on his legs his his legs a mess he was a mess you know that’s what I love about when um when Rogan’s commentating because you know he always puts that bit of exaggeration into it

    And he was like oh his leg’s messed up look at the leg this leg’s getting torn to pieces and you’re looking at when you when you look though the leg was getting [ __ ] up like it was bad it was like and the te kick his belly was red as well yeah no it

    Was this is why I could never do UFC you know if there’s one thing that actually no two things actually do it still I thought he’s gonna do it yeah he shouldi a I just them leg kicks are just too much you know I want to do UFC to

    Leg kick other people yeah but you also have to be able to take the leg kicks you do realize when you do a leg kick you you’re still going to feel pain it’s not just like because people think in your brain you give a leg kick and other

    Person gets hurt bro have you seen some of the training they basically dead their nerves in their shins bro yeah yeah I remember Volos kind of is that volosi was talking after the first or the second rolling on the shin what’s his um max fight I think it was even

    After the first or the second and they were like you was having so much success with the leg kicks why did you stop V was like because I couldn’t take it anymore it’s it’s not just about him rolling pin do I do that yeah what’

    You take me for bro I don’t know why for some reason that fo used to do stuff like that you know not honestly no but no but he’s the hypocracy Matt he’s already got Stevie doing it bad [Laughter] man rolling point for is the Roy I’m cooking [Laughter]

    Bro some rolling P that’s Stevie knows I had to throw a leg kick though yeah play lovely unlucky unlucky yeah Ste know how to throw a leg kick yeah no that’s it that’s it if that’s it I can’t lie because like you see what you said about the leg

    Kick if you you land a leg kick perfectly on someone else it doesn’t hurt you but it has to be perfect anything left perfect it will hurt you it sounds crazy all right so say if I to kick someone you see like what part of

    My foot do I need it sounds stupid but like cuz you know if you hit someone say this is my foot this is my foot this is foot still up there yeah if I do that you can break your own ankle right by by like that there’s a lot of variables in

    It if if I lead kicked in a street fight and I’ve got trainers on I’m going to like tow punch someone or I’m gonna I’m going to try not to kick with my shin because even though someone doesn’t know how to check they might throw up a leg

    Or something and you might catch yourself and then you know you’re one kick I one kick I’ve used before I’m not I’m not saying I W say yeah I won’t go into it but like is a is a front kick before yeah and I can’t lie to

    You what did the person do to you m is out here tow punting people in the street you know I told you man as big up front kicks bro no no no but this is no but this is way kicking like Mario in the world just measuring

    Man no but this is way back I’m not talking at re this is like a long time ago but all I’m saying is though a front kick is very very useful but obviously you have to know where to use it because you can’t get caught you can’t get

    Caught you can’t get caught obviously if I was going to leg kick somebody I would leg kick them in their fire because it’s less chance of me hurting my behind the knee if you can behind the knee for the side of the why am I telling people that

    Anyway yeah no I know where you’re meant to but I’m not an expert at this so I’m saying street fight no but the need need a big Target you know kick in a street fight drift the more dangerous and risky it is hundreds I hear that but I’m not

    Going to throw a kick unless I already know I’m better than I can dominate the the fight anyway I’m not going to throw a kick with somebody who’s like stronger than me because I might mess up and then I’m in trouble is it well funny say that

    That’s when I would use electric if I think someone might be stronger than me because I can get in and out quick oblique kick him I’ll do an oblique kick but yeah I don’t know about an actual leg kick obviously you have to you have to be

    Want to aim to kick the legs out from underneath you kick the better because you just offset their balance behind the knee I wouldn’t I wouldn’t kick behind the knee in the street fight I would personally or the side of the knee personally for me because if they check

    It Matt you’re going to break your foot that’s a f I know you mean I know what you mean but it’s like this referee not even for me I’m only going to throw a leg kick if I really feel like the person can’t fight to a certain level

    Because you can get I’m not saying you can always do oh well played end well can’t always do this but sometimes done my word p Tom is all right penalized it needs to be bloody punished about that’s a bad foul man almost you know that’s an orange lefts were actually up you know

    Watch this very bad a yellow and there’s no V and there’s no VAR tonight in it this what I’m saying just quickly I know he made a bad challenge what do you like think of this guy in general as a whole he’s good he’s good he’s a decent DM Alvarez yeah he’s

    Decent he’s actually decent he show up he show up West Ham’s Midfield he has yeah and his heart with the with their with their with their form that they’ve been in the league to be fair I can’t really say obviously he just done a bad challenge but he’s actually done well

    For them we were linked with him weren’t we yeah we were we were linked with every DM risky pass did you see the pass though yeah that was R had to be perfect you can’t curve it around the corner some should have kept it going to sim everyone’s ignoring simy bro yeah I

    Know bro I did tell people Kell’s passing ain’t too bad simy learned how to slap people when Milner slapped him he needs to go and slap a couple of them man and be like pass me the RAS CL ball did tell people about Kell’s passing still oh is

    It me or is that Sprint training working for Elliot because he’s getting a bit quicker you know oh unlucky um Soo is it just me or is Elliot looking a little quicker than he used to Joey ah no no no no no can’t be letting Johnson do them

    To ah this is the problem K’s got him K’s got him K’s got him well done S sim you can see simy now people yeah P out ban was off you though he was but he realized he was chasing him so he passed don’t want to speak too soon

    Bying the first couple games Robo was out Sim’s been solid I didn’t want to say anything I didn’t want to say anything cuz I didn’t want to jinx it if simy continues like this Robo can’t just walk back into the team you know no but you know what Robo

    Out with a bad injury like that you would hope that he gets kind of eased in windy boy it can’t just be oh robo’s back in training you know within two games he’s back it can’t he’s in qes man well done cat G pole front pole even if

    Even if Sim was playing bad with an injury like that you can’t rush a player back yeah yeah you got to be careful that’s a good that’s offside surely yeah he’s got to be offside I even rap Ben r I think he’s a good player he’s he’s tidy got Good Feet you

    Know I used to think was really good he’s just I don’t know what happened to him uh there number 10 lanzini yeah at one point lanini was a baller baller I don’t know what happened he looked like a talent though Liverpool media tried to gas it up and say he was the next

    Coutinho bro he never we’re not doing that no no no I remember that me video evidence of me and Matt being livid thinking he was going to be the K yeah we were vexed but he was there was a point about about six months after we were linked with him where he was

    Balling out like he was actually balling out and I remember thinking he’d actually be a very good addition to the Liverpool Squad and then yeah I I don’t know what happened to him all right the Sprint training might be working you might be right I’m telling you bro

    Elliot’s got a little bit extra Pace in his Str now desire it’s not pace it’s desire he wants it he can shift a little bit quicker now yeah he’s looking a little quicker C he’s looking a little quicker I’m not going to lie telling you man he just wants it it’s desire desire

    Will make you run and look like Free From [Laughter] [Laughter] Desire is that oh is turn now you know what up until up to this yeah let tell him off for that bro tell him I’ve really happy with Jones’s performance up to this part well I think he’s been playing really neat and tidy in this game as well it’s good to see

    Him and Soo getting a bit of form back while they’re playing together as well nice little touch around the corner there back to him there you go there you go oh and he shall show himself blood CL Darwin Nunez assist as well my G that

    Was play that was a good goal did I just not talk about this shoot good goal that was a good goal SC up these West man them what a goal man’s delivering presents to Children’s Hospitals and he’s delivering on the pitch my do you know who made that goal Darwin

    Darwin the pass he did it was his pass bro no no no no no the pass had to be on the money that’s a one two that’s a onew straight out weak foot pass drift a what a [ __ ] goal great finish man but that man them keep telling me you can’t count

    Nunes’s assist so he looked up as well and said you know I’m going have to go for this you know what a finish you know what I might have to eat some Humble Pie Dar on the wi could be the GU still Dar on the wing daring on the wing

    Might be he might have unlocked d11 still might about Jones because remember we had the big segment what was it about um Jones and and how if he remember we saying how he started the season well and the balance of the Midfield looked good well ironically Matt during the

    Preview when me and C was talking remember K actually said I want Soo and Jones playing because I want them to rekindle their friendship their partnership and get back some form and literally they’re doing what I what I wanted them to both scored brilliant and both goals have

    Been spectacular goals as well very good goals confidence man I really hope the boys can keep this up this has been an almost an hour of perfection football at an we’ve been really good we have been Jesus yeah I’m not gonna yeah I ain’t gonna say nothing I’m I’mma stop

    Talking yeah I don’t want to jinx you bro but my word well Dan soz endo’s been brilliant as well so far this game make a make Jones why did you just shoot man yeah Jones ah bro he could he actually one thing I’m going to pick at sometimes it can be

    That yeah like sometimes he just overthinks it as well he’s another one who just always overthinks it sometimes that BR this man are good enough to play the split the splitting passes why why are we bringing them on we’re winning the game all right let’s think of it as

    If he takes off getting them fit and ready for the Arsenal game maybe like give them a bit of momentum cuz it’s definitely not cuz anyone’s playing Rock badly so it must just be he wants to give some game time to them if you take off Virgil I get

    That you know B’s gonna cut inside well done then though I’m hoping it is Virgil kza deserves to play the rest of the game well done Darwin well done referee he tried to [ __ ] injure him there that was a horrible tackle you know oh it’s the ref giv it

    Man from Man got chemistry now when it Jones an thingy from the advert team did you that was a wicked watch did you watch the um the carpol with in the car in it they’re like they need the directions I was just happy to see Darwin’s English is getting better

    Endo’s playing well Club why you oh that must be saving Endo for Arsenal that has he needs Endo for the weekend who DM endo’s been brilliant today DM bro yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he does my number when in the building my number window in the building’s back W in the building Karo

    Wo Sanderson in the building no Karo wend no you’re right Cal Verge it’s Verge for I makes sense it makes sense he’s saving some for Arsenal as well he’s saving them for Arsenal did it need to be Trent coming on though uh and Salah did Salah I think

    He’s just trying to get a bit of form especially Salah yeah remember all the fours have played well today so he’s thinking let me get molon four maybe because who’s who’s playing six then Trent it’ll probably be Trent it’ll prob because Joey stayed on so it’ll probably be Trent bro Trent’s not oh

    Yeah he is in the six yeah and to be fair at home with a two-nil lead if there’s any time to see whether Trent can play DM is now is it 100 keep him there keep him there well done well done oh well done basically just be

    Doing the mallister thing Ain it well done you ain’t got to be Destroyer just be a distributor yeah go on Jones go on son little little dinks to me possession ball for real we we don’t need to chase a goal we win in two-nil beautiful keep I want a TR Long Ranger

    I’m just saying yeah I need that in my life Long Ranger no no I want a Cody or a Nunes go that’s what I really want to give one of them some confidence I think yeah Cody definitely needs one actually so do Nunes is that Quanza doing that look

    Listen play him in Elliot Elliot he actually Megs the goalkeeper as well yeah it’s just cuz it’s on his week if that was on his left he scores that it’s just because it’s on his week think Elliot deserves a goal if ellot quicker he’s able to cut he’s able to cut across the

    Box if he’s quicker um no but think it was because it was his weak foot yeah weak foot because he kind of you know like he was kind of off balance he kind of shanked it a bit that’s why I think slightly quicker I think he’ been able

    To get around the ball a bit more to be able to just direct it back in okay okay what you saying you in to set up I for a goal cuz you man just come on yeah sub substitute gang shall I be real of you boys I know there’s about half an hour

    Left the best 60 Minutes of football I’ve seen from gonna say that you know it’s actually been a brilliant considering we’ve had nothing to complain about this whole game considering the opposition talk about Nostalgia cost a living what what Lifestyles we live it’s true when you can do stuff like that you

    Know you know your team half time was actually fun normally we’re upset Hal time L Nunes no well played Trent give what he wants one of you a is that kza unlucky kza no that was Tren that was Tren no kza was the one who was at first I I realiz was it

    What I thought he trying to don’t know if he it was Itza look oh it’s actually but because they thought the defender was going to get it ah never mind boys keep going keep going the defender actually is a bit L why didn’t he get it a that was so

    Jammy on him Elliot’s pressing is getting so much better well done Joey good well done Joey no but I thought he could actually get the ball I’m taking Ben Johnson as a backup right back for Joe Gomez next season just saying yeah yeah he seems to recover homegrown what happen Jared well done

    Simmy where’s all the red shirts oh is nunz all right is Nunes all right oh yeah oh my good oh goodness does he look like he’s liming I hope he’s all right whip it on this Simi it be wants a goal good one I IU’s got a goal back to being that

    Brilliant threat he was for us from set pieces could he’s such a good headerer who’s offside Gomez is a right back you know actually a right back now yeah it’s mad isn’t it I still you don’t think can set back anymore you don’t think he’s that he’s a right back now I’m telling

    You God’s putting all the pieces together for a certain man to play in Midfield that’s all I’m saying don’t make mistakes I mean have you been to Mississippi I hear what you’re saying’s got to pull out the Chris Rook Cody well done salah’s on so unlucky so unlucky just a little bit too

    Much couldn’t have done anything Cody coverson and then Cody’s back in there for the press as well play well done communication tell me that wasn’t there Trent’s livid Trent is livid he must be livid bro he’s thinking one of you 514 League Cup wins oh goals sorry

    Goals that is M though we’re the record holder for The League Cup AR I was going to say yeah yeah I believe so yeah win that Simi that’s a good pass there’s the king king Kenny Matt basette says D9 is complimenting Sim on the left with his

    Pressing a good point actually do you know what I I missed a comment I was meant to start it and I didn’t someone wrote that Darwin playing on the left actually gives Darwin more time to think which could actually help his game I mean that was what vinker did

    With HRI and Walcott at the beginning of their Arsenal careers wasn’t it to make them better forward Jesus IU blood clock it’s all right it’s all right it’s all right that was SC the man touch Mo touch Mo well well done Cody welll it’s a foul um Psalm 41 um says missed first

    Half Cody gapo in the left wing how are we playing no it’s kind incorrect bro D9 on the left wing playing sick and we’re both the whole team’s playing really well um says I used to buy some dodgy football boots Jordan’s a night training from some guy in elephant and Castle

    Shopping center sadly the fed’s [Laughter] raing elepant you know what no disrespect to anyone from elephant but that was the shabbiest shopping center in London you felt like it was The Walking Dead when you were walking so who’s going left is is no he’s bringing

    On chamb a that Conor Bradley on my God rather Conor Bradley come on for go so Gomez must be going oh was that I thought it was Chambers hold on I thought that’s Conor Bradley no that’s Conor Bradley let me see again that means either Gomez or Conor’s playing Left

    Yeah Conor Bradley oh oh [ __ ] okay okay Dean I was just trying to tell man vbq he’s even doing the 40 yard passing now as well Dean now quo’s being serious I can’t lie I can’t I got you know what I feel like I say this every show I got

    Rushed for saying not bad in there good players in there I got rushed not even going to say who I got rushed by but man’s in the middle of the screen right now but I got rushed that was like two years ago a long time

    Ago yo a lot A lot can happen in 24 months you get me it wasn’t 24 months when you said it man trying to say two no K it just Kell was just want to get involved is it yeah’s Rush goalie thing is it lie Kell might be the best goalkeeper

    How you just have eyes in the back head oh my you can’t like that Mo man my right foot is bad but I’m hitting the target bro no bro that’s got to be a cross back across the goal there my right foot I can promise

    You I can do that Cody or or Nunes I’ve got to give him the Milner slap half is actually easier for me that bro there’s no way man Aral on Saturday you know blood and could have controlled it with with that was smelly that was smelly I’m not even

    Gonna lie the people looked at me and Cal CID when we had his conversation in the preview on current form yeah nobody can actually tell me I’m crazy Elliot is playing left wing against Arsenal over right wing right wing right wing right wing soor right I’m playing I’m playing Elliott

    Against Arsenal I’m actually putting Mo on the bench we all know it’s not because of who he is as a player but his form is stinking out the Gaff right now like do you know what I mean like somebody’s got to come and cover while he’s there man how come Joey

    That’s one thing I don’t that’s one thing I don’t like about kello he stands so far off his line sometimes which is not necessary he does I think that might be instruction though bro because Alli does it no that’s him no but Alli I don’t think Alli does as much as much as

    Can well Alli coaches the goalkeeping coaches how about that bro he does brought his own coach remember he brought in tougher he like if we’re gonna get goalkeeper I’m not deing with you man anymore there’s nothing you lot can teach me all the way bro keep going keep going look at Dar

    Shut get in Antion shut sh up come on I’m telling Cody what to do bro shut up Callum well done I said if there’s anyone who needs the goal is Cody on nunz for the confidence well done Cody son great all what about the Jammy run from IU though well done why

    Have you got to do that why have you got to save Jammy cuz that was that was that was Jammy still get was man Callum telling Cody to pass the Nunez you know was man you know what I still say maybe now we’ve got sober it

    Might be a bit different but I still say Cody’s the second second best finisher behind J at the club I I I do believe J’s finish um gpo’s finishing is underrated he’s bril his finishing is actually brilliant best mid-range shot in our in our in our club his longrange shooting

    Is better than JS definitely I’d say mid-range so that that 23 yard 18 to 23 yards I’d say C cuz he’s got bro yeah and then you remember the conversations you’re right his shooting technique is actually serious is good it’s very very good that one oh they brought off

    Kudos he was having quite a quiet game to be fair all right guys as things are afcon early went afcon early him he went AF I mean kudos to Liverpool for playing so well I ain’t seen well kudos should be a Liverpool player we should have went and got him man he’s

    Actually a very good player Kudos he could have been our backup right winger slash forward iOS is a very very good player I have to say drifted drifted speak about him um in higher praise the more more the Mina is Pera I’ve always rated him but I didn’t

    Think he was we were all screaming for no we no no no we were all saying Peta cuz I knew about P from before but I’m from when he was at AC Milan kind of stuff but what I’m saying is his trajectory remember because then he went

    Leon then come West Ham at that time we were linked with him I was like but I don’t think he’s the player that we need did that make sense I know he’s good but is he the player that we needed yeah we did bro we definitely needed him we

    Would have got four we’ have got top four if we’ have bought P quality player though quality unbelievable player I really hope Man City that gu was that Wesley Snider or something don’t know he looked mean though is it no that like do you remember a Dutch

    Defender from a is it Johnny heighten but Johnny Johnny he heighten you know the guy I’m talking about kind of sure brother look like him that’s a b Bradley lovely oh unlucky Boys The One Touch flicks and [ __ ] when you’re 3-0 up at home that’s when you started doing this beautiful stuff so

    I’m all right with for real but ah look at the little touches now we’re in the we’re in the Z now hinger that’s it Johnny was that Johnny heting on the bench that might have been yeah people on the bench was that Johnny heting girl he look angry

    Bro let’s get Joey a goal while we’re at it people the come on man what’s happening Bradley a the football is [ __ ] amazing oh my need you know the did this today today all right Jones Is Back Baby Jones is back even con way the the Conor

    Brad I’m not gonna lie yeah go and say Conor Bradley’s impressing me you know go and say it what did I say last year not sleep what did I say about Conor Bradley what did I say let’s not sleep on Bradley what did you say oh ca I was

    Who’s the guy that who’s the guy oh I was biging at cvin Ramsey in it I just got the name confused bro that’s what it is ah let’s not sleep on Ramsey Ramsey Conor Bradley same thing in it same you your politician was they say same difference same difference it

    And the same thing man say six and two trees there you right Bradley but he’s the fin I did Conor Bradley I’ve seen him play for the for the Youth but I just thought is he ready look at the strength bro Bradley was was Head and Shoulders

    Bolton’s best player on long bro like no I know but I’m talking about even from when he came for the Youth though never he’s never had a bad game for Liverpool I’ve never seen him an opportunity in the first but I don’t want to lose faith in Calvin Ramsey do

    Cuz I so crazy I think Ramsey looks like he’s I done told you I told man about the academy and look at the Academy told man about academyemy got nothing bro Academy got nothing bro look at us now look at us now I’ll be honest though I do think and I don’t

    Want to do the whole Kell still all my days [ __ ] no jinxed it I still get flowers jinxed it let me talk about as soon as you started talking about kza he made a mistake no that’s what I’m saying let me talk about above you jinxed him he’s off

    He actually offside he didn’t get C he just got it was Jammy that was actually b a great finish though I’m not gonna lie by the way stocks my Bo stocks go up again I get flowers again still look that that he was lucky man he’s

    Actually a good you know why do you know why you can’t say that right now who’s we arguing about on Monday no Matt don’t try it bro who’s arguing about look what he trying to do again look what he’s trying ask I’m just asking drift the question dri even drift

    You’re not even involved I’m not I’m I’m just watching the game Diaz is on boys Diaz is on who was the other who was the other right who was the like one of them kids that don’t want to see the parents argue in it who was [Laughter]

    Other chat undefeated yeah who was the other one Joey Joey at least say that’s it that’s it good Joey Joy first go it Joey oh man that’s all we need is a joey goal I’m flipping the table if we get a joey goal I swear get go this season

    Joey’s getting goal I’m flipping the table if Joey gets a goal I swear where look at this a who he sent to the shots was that Alvarez who got who’s that got sent to the shot Eton Alvarez and I don’t know done 24 is Joey’s getting his first goal this

    Season oh no no we can’t up quit a rainbow you in the chat quick question do you think Elis they can score that type of goal just a quick it’s not not a dig it’s just genuinely genuinely no guys guys guys guys guys we need to don’t give West Ham encouragement to the

    Point where they actually come back into this game now kma be honest you you were spot on about Bing you spot on I can’t lie I’ll give you that you spot on about Bing I didn’t see it appre I appreciate that man I appreciate no you spot I didn’t

    See it I have to be honest I didn’t see it you not full of tech but B Ramsey Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley him Ramsey Bradley Bradley Bradley that was too nonchalant let’s not get stupid now for real man was you know what I mean 75 minutes of absolute dominance let’s

    Not get silly now you know what I mean let’s see the the but Bowen’s evolved though like that’s not the same that’s not the same Bowen fam he’s evolved we got we got to talk about the fact that that was Bowen’s weak foot that’s above well he’s doing bringing up bobing up Bob

    STS you but you got remember Bowen is doing his um he’s doing his Klo audition I’m not saying nothing about bone bro because when I said I wanted him to sign and him to to to rotate with Salah I got laughed at I got he can rotate he can

    Rotate with Sal 100% I got this this is what I got boing you are boing blood here here here’s one thing I will say though is even though that goal was brilliant that was a brilliant goal it’s a bit Jammy how he came about with the Finish

    Is absolutely but it’s not even about was 75 minutes of him doing nothing until that point no but what I’m saying what I mean let’s not act like he was tearing us up for the whole to work with yeah ex West Ham had been bad yet and he did get Nunes

    Oh mo mo Jesus Mo I’m not gonna lie we might have to buy in January in January no no you know what guys you know Samson was like when his hair was cut he lost his power Mo’s hair’s got too long that it’s draining his powers we’ve got to get Mo a haircut

    Because this don’t make no sense what’s going on you know reason why Mo’s not getting a haircut check his head the sides are leaving him it’s the sides have you checked his well then we’ve just got to bold it off then it happens

    To the best B it off do you know how mad Mo would look with bold BR if it brings his powers back I don’t really care he’s getting around you see the you see the the thing trust me I know about the corners that’s maybe the second or third

    Worst miss this season from a Liverpool player yeah let’s keep let’s keep talking about Jared Bowen you’re right though I don’t want you’re right I can’t lie B in front of him but like yeah it’s so I don’t know what’s happened to Mo I don’t know he he

    Better find his boots before Sunday well he he’s only got like what 10 13 minutes maybe we’ve added time yeah he’s going to go into that I I’d start Elliott I’m not even B can I be honest guys it’s so bad that because it’s Mo we’re not and we’re winning

    We’re not making the biggest deal out of it but if that was Darwin Nunes I’m not going to lie we absolutely got this is it us up he doesn’t need another 10 minutes he doesn’t need another 10 minutes he don’t need 10 more minutes what did I tell you man who’s talking about

    B who’s talking about Bing you don’t don’t bring up that name on M on thisel you don’t know the rest already man don’t know I can’t lie Mo Matt was talking about your corners and all sorts blood yeah look up he responded you told

    Him to B it dri you told him to bck it drift no I said if he’s got to join the club he’s got to join the club he answered the call he said Matt you know what let me show you something can we talk about that path from Trend can we

    Actually talk about that path from Trend as well no cuz mandm don’t want him in Midfield bro I do want him in midfi want him inverted in Midfield we all do bro that’s a good you want to know something I’ll be honest can I be honest all jokes

    To say can I be honest you know when we took that first touch I generally thought he was going to think about it too much and the defender was actually going to come back and knit the ball off him do know I’ll be honest with you oh well you’re still doubting him even

    Though he scored no no no but I could be honest though there’s no put me lying you you man here lying I kn was going to finish it c c even said what you don’t need extra time we knew it was a goal but it was only

    You doub him you might didn’t we both say we knew words were he’s gonna prove us wrong now isn’t he these two are the best lies people here this on Monday they were telling me they would rather Michael Elise say of Bing but here’s the

    Joke when I put them both when I put them both when I put them both in court both of them said I plead the faith is J who is corrupt bro it’s not corrupt bro you’re worse than Judge Judy Blood Man mov it like Montel Williams

    Bro no no steo remember when he try to take over from security man bro don’t give me joking now Darwin gets the goal the night’s the night’s complete it’s going C going ctis break for C oh oh shut uping up these blood CL londoners bro

    All right I think we can finally say we are back all right are we sleeping on a 51 demolition of West of actual very good team we’re not playing no mugs you know we are not playing no mugs we are playing West we had to wake up and we

    Woke up bro we woke up today we are not playing mugs we are playing West Ham they are a brilliant said no B he just scouted up the whole of their clock look at that every single one of said B this look look look look the voice over voice over all right L

    All right l oh we left oh well done that’s a great finish no big finish check the private chat guys I can’t say out loud check the private chat yeah yeah ah C I didn’t even want to hear that in put don’t put that in bro why I just

    That’s why I didn’t say out loud though but you want to know was so crazy I thought the same thing what’s wrong with you two man no cuz you know what it is we’ll talk about we talk about later we talk about later not now not now talk about later

    Quanza Elliot hell this malfunction you’re a short King but jesz no he malfunction F no I genuinely think he fought to bounce over him he could run onto it he didn’t really the controller disconnected the ball was accelera playing against this team I don’t believe it why they do this David Moy

    Is how old is David Moy he’s not even that old you I think he’s only that 35 years older than he was if you do you man know about Star Wars about Star Wars have you SE when Dar Vader takes off his mask in Return of the Jedi

    Bro M why Bo looking so MH up bro a night at Anil would do that and then you got ah J big him even I’m joking see see Roy Hudson he looking like the emperor these days no the emperor from no but he’s 80 bro he’s actually a soldier no

    Right yeah he’s old right 80 now yeah I’m sure he 80 is the Emperor now bro Diaz man he W it back he won it back he want to get involved in it he did he did he’s gonna SK his his remember he’s got to do something

    Wrong before he does something right Mo did it they’ve all done it that was his bad the toaz again how you people in the chat cuz you people how old is D he look why did he look so old David MO is only early 60s bro he’s not even that

    Old he was early 60s at kickoff Emperor palat for real 82 now he’s how old sorry he’s 82 now no that’s Roy yeah no I said M was 602 oh see see see no Roy 76 yeah not gonna lie I want us to do with Arsenal bad pushes ‘s hairline

    Back how yeah people in the chat how old is um Mo start dripping down his forehead how are this m look at the fiz played the one two of the defender ell ell no ellot keep shooting on his weak foot it’s a madting for real he just keeps shooting full stop Moyes is

    59 oh I told you he wasn’t that old CL 59 42 now I master look like gollem him and klopp are roughly the same AG isn’t it K’s aging backwards in this game BR C look 42 now bro I’m not going to yeah I’m not going to lie M look likey bro

    Bro he’s about six years I’m not even gonna lie I actually wish there was another 10 minutes of this game left for real I think Cal’s right this is my most enjoyable game of the season klopp is only four years younger than that is crazy but Mo I’m not going to lie yeah

    This Is It Go on Diaz why is this like he’s done the whole the the the UFC or something there you go across the Box Nunes a he wants to go off come on man so why we when you’re looking across the line Brother David MO is out there looking

    Like fedo million enko’s brother fam M like he been in a Wars no I’m not going to lie that’s actually really dis guys klopp is only four years younger than Mo you know and look how they both look even the way they even the way they like just gave him sweing music bro

    Needs you know what it [Laughter] is long hair like Sean as well bro for real M needs that home yellow’s a bit harsh though man take away music Tim drift look no look watch let me see it yes no but it’s one of the ones where

    Like he was entitled to go it was a little bit you know one of the ones like he was entitled to go for it the ball was there to be hit the balls in the air all you heard was I think C you know I’m got the moves make the go

    WT about WWE all he needs is Sensational Sher now with them was tuning up the band and everything bro man used to yeah we yeah oh yeah that was a big pause yeah Vince that was a pause thought a big pause a big pause we wanted 10 minutes we want 10

    Minutes Ramsey was there why am I saying Ramsey you know um bro monster this is a this is the form I wanted you to take to the afcon so you come back early bro now world deserv world deserves World deserves he’s playing very very well can’t say nothing playing well bro

    I told my he was playing well brace well done come on he to overcook it that much bro do up Darwin looking at him she don’t looking at him D looking like he what’s the delay Diaz bro no that was actually bad play from Diaz though it’s

    Like Diaz isn’t up to speed I know he just come under the sub but like oh that’s a good pass though that was a good thing well done Joey well done Joey one more shot before the game ends don’t let us down please just have one more

    Shot I think don’t give it to Elliott or he’ll be the one who shoots Elliot wants that last shot Elliot’s got a shot yeah 100% oh my good like no no Mo’s acting like he doesn’t actually know how to play football Mo M been mad I’m not even

    Going to lie see how you like the first to disrespect him you see what I’m saying I’m I’m going be real with you his play rating ain’t going to be pretty I’m just warning you guys from now yeah Matt already let us know that you might disrespecting Mar I’m

    Just saying for me I’m saying for me personally GNA be pretty gonna get a goal here this is IU IU’s gonna get a goal now watch here we go this not from there bro I can actually see Trent keeps trying to pick IU out it’s going to pull

    Off it’s gonna off at some point conza You’re Just sh enough now big man you’re actually wasn’t it was kza bro Joey no it was cono bro I S that was Joey blood no it was kza bro was it don’t be don’t be racist bro don’t no no no

    No that was joy we don’t do you know what K’s deflected because you don’t even know who he is no no but not I’m this who was it Matt if this was a different Channel and they kept on saying oh there’s IU but really Trent

    We’ be asking questions bro oh my no you know I’m convinced at at this point I’m gonna I’m going to ask has Mo got certain man’s number in his phone because come that man’s making bets or something bro like what is going like CL thinking we might have to move

    For mbapp still no cl’s thinking I saw him on the phone with Ian Tony yesterday still I didn’t mention no names no let me not even do that let me not even do that that was too much have you seen what I and Tony’s initials for his full name is no

    See L the way you gen you don’t know no what is it I’m going to read out his full name yeah no this is this Ivan Benjamin Elijah Tony no no [ __ ] that’s not wait [ __ ] absolute [ __ ] I don’t believe that I what I kid you do you not Matt he’s

    Trying to say that Tony’s name spells I bet I’m not there’s no way there no way that’s I just wanted to say it again bro no way there’s no way that’s true absolutely no way that has to be a lie someone must this you know he was

    Destined for this I said I was born for this I said I was born in the B [Laughter] shot Ian Tony just needs a Special K in the William Hill shot bro that’s he mad he’s a Liverpool F we shouldn’t even make no he is he is he

    Is he’s just lucky he’s a sensational baller because otherwise he would not get away with what You’ done baller baller best performance of the Season yeah and let’s hope Bowen did well in his audition as well I’mma Be honest yeah I think boing’s because remember there was a lot of rumors that Liverpool

    Were looking at boing when they remember when the contract dispute with um Salon whatever they were looking at him from before a death row contract he’s there for eight years what he’s dating Danny D’s daughter bro he ain’t allowed to leave West Ham bro hold on he’s he’s signed a new deal for

    How many years he bro you’re dating Danny da daughter you’re not leaving East bro yeah he’s done not leaving East he’s done out here yeah done out here you’re right Jared yeah got a little contract for you got a little contract for you how you want to sign it using airo or blood

    Your finger mate your [ __ ] thinking about leaving West Ham is that true mate man’s always showing his teeth as well you GNA sign that with your brro or you gonna sign it with your blood right because you’re gonna sign that eight years you and me yeah moving like a

    Ventriloquist are you man she joking about eight years moving like a ventriloquist bro you’re gonna sign it you hear me you’re gonna sign it yeah oh they’re not playing did sign for eight years eight years you’re dating my daughter you better Mar as well I thought they were capping

    Bro no I’m not even going to lie that’s crazy wedding you’re marrying two you why would sign no no hold on hold on hold on hold on Bowen signed the eight-year deal with all due respect to Chelsea or Man City you can understand a little bit with the Mad wages and all

    That but West down why would you give I do a bet there’s a release Clause but it hasn’t been revealed there’s no way there must be must you sign an 8e deal and there’s no release CL I can bro you can’t day GED on your wedding day you’re

    Marrying two things you’re marrying my daughter and you’re marrying West Dam you hear me yeah now that’s a matters bro he ain’t leaving West Ham bro he’s he’s finishing his career they’re doing the draw now as well isn’t it in a minute in in 20 minutes there’s the draw so during the

    Match reaction we’ll be doing the draw yeah who who’s still left in there it’s midd BR Fulham Chelsea and us give me mid yeah can we just have a non Premier League team in it like come on man shout out to Lakers in the comments there’s a player at middlesburg called Hayden

    Hackney good player yeah C midfielder of the mold of Declan rice Hayden Hackney you said Hayden Hackney man okay okay I don’t even know about him still if we put if we get middles bro could be a scouting Mission it’s gonna be Chelsea you know how this

    Works they really should for the ratings put chelse in the season man I can’t for the ratings for the TV ratings they need to allow us they they Jason want that for the final I don’t want him in the final again either though no I know but bro at

    Least get them out of semi for him in the final and then when we play for him in the final would Pao be cup tile would he be allowed to play excided P it bro even I’m not that dreamy bro even I’m not that dreamy I’d like

    Look I’m trying to put it in the atmosphere is it g tell you when you manifest things come true so I’m trying to take the advice in it um ltab says current front free got a start versus Arsenal Nunes left wing gak post Center forward I’ll be real of you I agree and

    Elliot on the left on the right on the right on the right d ell on the right yeah on the right making it to Gig SL B bro he’s on the right he’s on the right big up Sheamus big up yourself up Sheamus happy holiday up the red B Jam

    Much appreciated trust me big up shout out to anyone who got the Christmas merch as well don’t you can see but yeah see any anyone who bought the merch big up man for real big up people man um Musa says you guys check where Diaz is playing him um

    Ld9 he was playing he was playing for the set at one point was he was he was he not was he not playing for the at one point short period he was yeah I but you know is I think that was designed though for confidence though to

    Get him on the ball more and yeah yeah five or 10 more minutes and Diaz might have been able to find a bit of formal get a goal but that game today should have given klopp a real headache for decision making on S on Saturday not even a headache bro it’s

    Pretty straightforward Diaz and mo should be on the bench no I’m but I’m talking about the whole team bro Barron Allison Barron Allison and Simas and Virgil everyone else in that Team bro there’s a he’s got a point he got a point there’s a conversation to be had

    No true I’m starting but the Midfield the Midfield picks itself does for me anyway yeah of that performance I don’t know if it does no the midfi they the same Midfield that started today Cal yeah what M what Midfield you playing I think might be

    Back for that game no no no he’s not back lind’s not back New Year yeah Linda Linda said New Year yeah or maybe the Boxing Day game maybe the Boxing Day game so so that’s what I’m saying and obviously gin bu fatigue it don’t make sense to play a man that’s fatigue so

    You’re basically going to say he’s fatigue we’ll play him so then he picks up an injury so you you can’t start grabbing yeah although he did say they’re going to see how gra trains to whether he might take part in some degree so he could possibly be on the

    Bench possibly bro do you know what the killer the killer thing is yeah gra gave them the warning sign he basically went down like he pulled the injury then man did give the scan is fatigue the fatigue BR everybody knows in football fatigue is the first um part before you get

    Injured because when your body’s tired you’re more susceptible to pull muscles you cannot start grabbing bir maybe you could bring him on in the last 20 maybe maybe but do not start him bro in a no no they’re not going to be stupid they’re not going to

    Beup park life manager says did you like deep Diaz playing for N9 we did we did um Kai says let’s play Nunes as for n and keep him on the on keep and keep him onsite please now left wing it might have to be left wing now I can’t even

    Lie hey big up as Industries ain’t seen you in a while hope you’re well for a minute um everyday right wing um J is becoming a reality in b as man say I got rushed last season but certain Tech man in that but yoing MCH from now on bro you know

    Hey don’t push me you know listen we got the AR he’s not you’re forgetting his real name bro it’s the wing wizard blood Merlin the next one the next one just watch man like Merlin you know see [Laughter] you oh looking for something are we we got you know sounds like a merge

    Between Matt and Sterling as well it just works it’s all right you know why perfectly you know know you any I’ll let I’ll let you do your thing I I’ll let you do your thing I’m let you do your thing just be ready all I’m saying guys

    Just be ready just be ready that’s AKA mlin full of tech bro I’m just saying just be ready oh man theseis Fanboys you watch I’m get you I’ll get you I’ll get you oh mus said I think Jones Endo Elliot and Joey G right back here was cooking I’ll be

    Honest everyone who started the game probably won’t get below an eight today in my opinion I don’t know anybody I mean I know Cal’s going to give someone below an eight but like other than that one person started the game not that started the game no I’m I going to say overall I

    Don’t even know ain’t no but even even even the substitutions a lot of them other than one player kind of even though he still did well was good when they came on but I don’t even think I mean Diaz only got like five minutes I’m just gonna be real

    On call is I love the guy he’s one of my favorite players at Liverpool M did a Madness when he came on today bro yeah but I think he’s the only one who’s questionable for getting like a kind of low Mark yeah and Diaz was only on for

    Five minutes I don’t know if it’s fair to Mark him but would you even say gapo as well cuz gapo got a goal no G good would you have given g eight though just I’m just saying you see when we get there I’m just saying it’s debatable

    Matt it’s debatable need to tune to see yeah yeah no no I’m not saying yeah yeah I’m just saying it’s a question but don’t yeah Cody as I said I just see the go now don’t underestimate the fact that Mo gave it an extra touch to the left so

    The defender knew he couldn’t get there you know and to give a bit Ang bit a bit of angle on the Finish we did that to a very good West Ham team you know boy I’m telling you bro and you know do you know what warms

    My heart even more I know there’s so many people that like done with Jones and like all that kind of stuff so I’m just take a picture wow that’s a m wait wait wait what’s the difference between today and Sunday clinical clinical that was the difference how many shots did we have in

    You got a picture M how many shots did we have against United all right so give me one second T said bless Bros good win I’m confident on I’m gonna upload all of them now give me one sec give me one sec go on car k k yeah in the background I’ll

    Get ready for the match reaction for the match yeah Gary says flowers drift for your preseason comments about vbq instead of another Center back let’s get MO so we can start the stone cold Sal chance what what for real it would be Stone Cold Sal what what

    What BC says if Villa win by five or more against Sheffield United and we draw the weekend they will stay top of the League what if enry wins a title before art imagine the Meltdown if we don’t win it I want vill to win it I didn’t realize

    100% I just want us to win it but I hear what you’re saying though if we don’t win it I Want Villa to win it yeah you’re done yeah yeah yeah over over over Arsenal and city all day yeah 100% good game good game brilliant brilliant game well people we are going

    To be back in a couple of minutes for the postmatch reaction and player ratings Liverpool five West Ham 1 into the next round of the car cup semi-finals wait for the record holders of this competition who will we get in the draw who will be the team we play in the

    Final on the first leg of the baby quad I said it it’s happening people see you in a couple of minutes and the carabal Cup draw we’ll be we’ll see you in a sec we’ll be there be there we Have


    1. So I've been arguing with our own fans for around a year now, defending Jones. The majority, I'd say at least 80%, have argued with me that Curtis isn't good enough for Liverpool.

      To all of you, I'll just leave you to explain that performance.

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