Part 2, the xmas 2023 update.

    Tern Storm Shield
    Tern Clubhouse G3

    Forwards Electric Southampton

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    Tern and Stromer Bike Servicing Southampton

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    Hi welcome back to fors Electric uh we just did a really quick video only a few days away from Christmas um Jess and Rich have brought their turn turn R14 we’ve just um just recently done the video of back into the shop for a bit of

    A bit of a Christmas upgrade uh mainly to keep the children nice and dry and warm on the back here so we’ve had sort of cold weather and wet weather in the UK recently so so Richard sort of contacted me about sort trying to solve

    That so this is the update after the the initial video I showed you I’ll try and undo this and get the video done quickly cuz Richard is here and he wants to go home he’s just been very patient and let me doing the video so this is the storm

    Shield for the back of an R14 so we just zip that up there and at the moment we’re trying it out without the bottom part of the system we’re just using it with the clubhouse Generation 3 and the reason we got the club generation three

    Is that we’ve got the the two two lay yep two seats in there and then that allows you to have the the seat really far back here on the on the back with the clubhouse generation 2 you can’t have two yeps they’re basically too close together they will squeeze in but

    You’ll um you’ll end up kicking the kicking this um this seat with the front pedal there so um well the pedal should I say so just a quick overview so that’s so we’ve got the shield Storm Shield with two yep two yep uh two seats in

    There and then the um the generation 2 Clubhouse which is all fitted in nicely comes with all the nice fittings and stuff so just a real quick update video I’ll probably add it to the end of the video or stick it in somewhere just wanted to show you that while it’s in

    The shop all right Merry Christmas everyone and I’ll see you in some videos next year bye

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